A Day of Reckoning for the USA
February 17, 2009
“The foundation of all Mental Illness is the unwillingness to experience legitimate suffering.” Carl Jung
Lately, I have been inordinately baffled. The combined government & media sources of the world tell the tale of whole countries sitting on the edge of fiscal insolvency; civil unrest now becoming commonplace; starvation & suicide deaths soaring; staggering rises in unemployment; food shortages; rising threats & escalating wars. In my country (USA), the stories are the same…maybe 46 of 50 States, 80% of US cities & 2 of 3 US banks are fiscally insolvent; likely 1 of 5 workers unemployed or working part-time (due to lack of suitable employment); home foreclosures up 80% in 2008 (worse yet expected in 2009); the rise in homelessness expected to soon use up available resources; up to 1 in 6 go to bed hungry; likely 40% of States discussing possible secession options & Federal Government committing to unconstitutional use of US troops to quell expected civil disobedience or to enforce US sovereignty over the States. In spite of all of this, the majority of my fellow citizens seem to believe that we will somehow just be okay; that we are somehow more honorable & moral than everyone else.
Reality would seem to indicate that this is simply not true; that genuine hope lies only in the compassionate truth that our old, corrupt system of leadership & lies must die in order for honest resolution to occur. A monstrous lie, which is our silence to injustice, violence & racism, now covers my country like a thick fog. Though the preponderance of evidence would show us to be ‘freemen who have chosen slavery’ (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn), our ‘absurd deafness’ (Henri Nouwen) thinks it prudent to overestimate our status & to overlook the fact that we have allowed our corrupt leaders to lead us into ‘purposeful, pre-planned recessions & wars, theft of the world’s wealth, selling of drugs & laundering of drug resources, repressing dissent (to avoid exposure), convincing the populace that we are moral & honorable, & committing genocide to maintain an illusion of control’ (Mike Ruppert, Jenna Orkin, Paul Craig Roberts, David M. Walker, Michel Chossudovsky, Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, John Pilger, Jonathan Cook, Stephen Lendman). Oh, that this were not true!
The Day of Reckoning for the USA is nigh at hand. Soon…our lights will go out, our economy will come to a screeching halt (when our oil supply is no longer able to be financed, due to the world losing confidence in us or no longer being willing to bow to our arrogance), chaos will become the law of our land & greater, mass death will be perpetrated on our citizenry. Soon…we will reap the due consequences of what we have allowed to be sown on our greater world.
The good news is that much of our coming calamity could likely be avoided. But it would necessitate complete honesty & integrity; admitting the truth (as it is), turning away from our blindness & evil, & becoming willing to make genuinely honest amends. Either way, the price tag seems to be the same. We can die or live, dependent on the Mercy of those we have offended…or…we can simply suffer the consequences of a terrible Day of Reckoning, with its guarantee of more destruction & death than any of us would like to see.
Norm Lowry is a guest columnist for Novakeo.com
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