
Amidst A Religious War In Europe Or Is It Just Another False Flag Operation?

January 10, 2015

The massacre in France was a devastating crime against freedom and the right to laugh. But was it really executed by a bunch of lunatic irrational Muslims who to decided to kill mercilessly because their prophet was mocked? French people should be asking what led members of their society to commit such cold blood murders against their fellow citizens. France should ask itself why it has been dropping bombs on Muslims. Who enthusiastically advocated these ‘interventionist’ wars? What was the role of Bernard-Henri Lévy, the... Read article

ISIS, Scotland, And The Politics of Mimicry

September 21, 2014

Is the fact that half of the Scots want to split from Britain and the news that hundreds of young Muslim Brits are fighting with Jihadi militant groups in Syria connected? Of course they are. These two social phenomena are intrinsically linked, yet in the intellectual desert in which we live, no one dares to address the subject. The boundaries of our curiosity are limited by our deference to political correctness and Zionist sensitivities. From a political perspective, Jihadi enthusiasm amongst young Western Muslims is... Read article

On Kosher Statistics

May 18, 2014

The Jewish ADL (Anti-Defamation League) revealed this week that more than ‘one in four adults’ are ‘anti-Semitic.’ Of some 53,100 adults in 102 countries and territories around the world surveyed for the ADL Global 100: An Index of Anti-Semitism, 26% were found to be ‘deeply infected’ with ‘anti-Semitic attitudes’. Personally, I find both the ADL and its polls quite amusing. Can you think of another people on this planet who would spend so much time and energy measuring how much they are loved or hated?... Read article

The Banality of The Guardian of Judea

March 20, 2014

The once well-respected Guardian has been reduced in recent years into a lame Zionist mouthpiece – a light Jewish Chronicle for Gentiles consumption. Last week, the paper launched an attack on Martin Heidegger, the 20th century’s most influential philosopher. “Heidegger’s ‘black notebooks’ reveal antisemitism at core of his philosophy” the paper’s headline read.  But what does that mean? Was Heidegger really a Jew hater? Did he oppose people for being ethnically or ‘racially’ Jewish... Read article

The Un-Controlled Opposition

February 5, 2014

If you really want to understand the world we are living in, you better stick with the Zionist media. The Jerusalem Post will provide you with the names of the Jews who own the planet. The British Jewish Chronicle will teach you about arch pedophile Jimmy Seville’s ties with Israel.  Haaretz will even let me speak about all those topics The Guardian (Of Zion) is there to shamelessly suppress. Yesterday I came across a text by Dave Rich, a Hasbara mouthpiece operating within the UK ultra-Zionist Community Security... Read article

The Rabbi And The Congressman

January 18, 2014

Ynet reports in the last few days that an FBI investigation into Republican Congressman Michael Grimm’s campaign finances ties him to Israeli Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto through donations of more than half a million dollars, and has also led to suspicions of senior Israeli police officers accepting bribes from Pinto. The affair came to light due to an FBI wiretap agreed to by Pinto as part of a settlement with the bureau, after Pinto filed a blackmail complaint resulting the rabbi having to testify against Grimm,... Read article

We Better Move On…

January 18, 2014

“I’ve gotten some of my best light from bridges I’ve burned.”– Don Henley What does it take, in an era dominated by progressive identity politics, to be accepted as a fully qualified member of the Left? Jane is a London lawyer who identifies politically ‘as a woman,’ and marches enthusiastically for human rights. Can she join? I think the answer is yes, she can. George is a medical doctor who happens also to be a black man and identifies as ‘Black middle class.’ Can he subscribe to... Read article

Not So Happy Christmas For Israeli Stooge MacShane

December 24, 2013

Shameless former Labour MP Denis MacShane, who infamously operated for more than a decade as the kosher police within the British parliament was thrown into jail today. MacShane has been put behind bars for six months for expenses fraud after admitting to submitting 19 fake receipts amounting to £12,900. Mr Justice Sweeney said at court today that MacShane had “deliberately created misleading and deceptive invoices” with the “considerable” dishonesty involved. MacShane, 65, was a Labour MP for 18... Read article

The Sycophantic Palestinian Solidarity Movement

December 18, 2013

In the Palestinian Solidarity Movement we really love celebrities – those famous, rather special people who write great books, play musical instruments (drums included) or even just think great thoughts. We like those people to stand up for Palestine and denounce ‘Zionism’, ‘Israeli Colonialism’ and ‘Apartheid.’ We love them – as long as they don’t say what they really think. Here’s the problem. Celebrities are often famous and successful because they’re clever and independent. Unlike our... Read article

Concealment & Truth In Palestine And Beyond

November 30, 2013

The following is the text of a talk I gave at the Seek, Speak and Spread Truth Conference in London last Saturday, 23 November, 2013. History, we are told, is an attempt to narrate the past. But in reality, more than often history has little to do with revealing the past. It is instead an orchestrated and institutional attempt to shove the shame deep under the carpet. Much Jewish history texts, for instance, are there to divert the attention from the peculiar and tragic fact that along their history, Jews have managed... Read article

Jewish Light Bulb Jokes

November 21, 2013

In the light of the darkness in Gaza, here is a collection of Jewish Light Bulb Jokes… Q: How many Orthodox Jews does it take to change a light bulb? A: What is a light bulb? Q: How many secular assimilated Jews does it take to change a light bulb? A: My grandmother, who lived in a Shtetl changed lightbulbs. Today, we get a Goy to do it. Q: How many Israelis does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: 26: 18 to surround the building,  6 to storm the room and kill the terrorists, one to forcibly expel the old bulb,... Read article

Goliath: Life And Loathing In Greater Israel

November 14, 2013

A Book Review… Max Blumenthal’s Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel is a good read: A personal journey of a young American righteous Jew who finds plenty of faults in other Jews in general and in The Jewish State in particular. Blumenthal is a very good writer, his flow is fantastic. His delivery is overwhelmingly juicy on the verge of gossipy. He doesn’t pretend to be objective, precise or accurate. In the Kindle version I couldn’t find a single reference for any of the many quotes in the book.... Read article

What Kind of Murderer Deliberately Leaves Fingerprints Behind?

November 12, 2013

Not many people doubt that Israel was behind  Arafat’s death, especially now, when it became immanently clear that it was radioactive Polonium 210 that was responsible for the late leader’s lethal symptoms. It has been already established that just a few countries could produce Polonium let alone deliver it to the besieged Arafat’s Headquarters in Ramallah. The Palestinian committee investigating the death of Yasser Arafat in 2004 confirmed today that Israel is actually the “only suspect” in this murder case. Yet,... Read article

Now’s The Time To Strip Israel of Its WMDs

September 27, 2013

The Israelis are not very impressed with Hassan Rouhani, the new Iranian president. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu ordered Israel’s delegation to boycott his appearance at the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday and later denounced Rouhani’s address there as “a cynical speech that was full of hypocrisy.” But Israel seems to be alone this time. Both the United States and other Western nations appeared to warmly welcome the new Iranian president at the UN. But did Rouhani present any radical change? Did he... Read article

British Jewry’s Golden Age

September 19, 2013

“Britain’s Jews fall in number but grow in self-confidence”  stated yesterday’sObserver headline. Ned Temko ex-editor of the rabid Zionist Jewish Chronicle  reviewed the state of the Jews in the Kingdom amid the opening of a new 50 million pounds Jewish cultural centre in West Hampstead. According to the Observer we are awaiting a “new departure for the Jews of Britain”. But don’t worry folks, this time it isn’t a new global war promoted by CFI (Conservative Friends of Israel) or advocated by Hasbara... Read article

How To Buy An American War

September 8, 2013 published a few days ago a summary of current Jewish Lobby pro war activity. Here are some of the highlights: “For our credibility, we have to do something,” said Morris Amitay, founder of the pro-Israel Washington Political Action Committee. “The pro-Israel community contributed $14.5 million to federal campaigns for the 2012 elections, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. That’s more than the $11.1 million in donations by the defense aerospace industry, one of the biggest and most... Read article

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