
Who Really Masterminds Anti-Iran Sanctions?

December 12, 2013

There is no remission to Washington’s belligerence towards Iran and no deal seems to be an antidote to this venom of spite secreted out on the part of the US officials on a daily basis. In a tone not unfamiliar to Iranian ears, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on board the USS Ponce, just 120 miles off the coast of Iran once againreminded the servicemen that the “threat of US military force still exists even though the Obama administration is pursuing a six-month long diplomatic process with Iran to freeze its nuclear... Read article

Towards The Vindication of The Syrian Invasion

September 5, 2013

In a stern tone, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the West on Wednesday not to indulge any one-sided military action against Syria amid increasing fears that Washington is preparing to put this sinister idea into practical shape in cahoots with regional puppet regimes. In an interview with Channel One television, Putin clarified his stance on the issue, saying that only the “UN Security Council can give approval for the use of force against another state,” and warned against any such move which would be considered... Read article

US Cooks Up Nuclear Fairy Tale On Iran

January 25, 2013

In a 155-page report, four US nuclear experts have called upon the Obama administration to impose tougher economic sanctions against Iran and resort to overt operations through using warplanes and missiles on Iranian nuclear sites. Apart from the fact that morbid mindset of this nature only helps fan up chaos and serves as an impetus to widespread pandemonium in the region, any mention of any such policy let alone an adoption of it will gradually terminate in an endless array of military legitimizations. Co-authored by Mark... Read article

Syria Swings Between Hell And Dialogue

January 1, 2013

Admittedly, it is not hard to imagine how someone can predict a vision of hell in a country like Syria which has become a hornet’s nest of terrorism and that which is tumbling into further chaos and bloodshed. Lakhdar Brahimi, who represents the United Nations and the Arab League, has predicted as 100,000 people could be killed “in the next year as Syria moves toward Somalization and rule by warlords.” Apart from his foreboding tone, his remarks are testimony to a broader gamut of interference at the hands of those... Read article

West Setting Stage For Syria Invasion

August 5, 2012

The sudden resignation of UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan from the peace efforts circle in Syria, which evidently materialized under duress from the US government, has caused extreme joy for Washington officials, who now see this as a sign that the international community is ready accept that Syrian President Bashar Assad has to go and that the peace efforts would eventually reach a cul-de-sac. Likewise, the move has caused frustration in those who had pinned their hopes on the possible fruition of these efforts and those... Read article

Israel, US Bent On Brewing Iran Crisis

August 1, 2012

A report published on Sunday in Ha’aretz reveals that US National Security Adviser Tom Donilon has presented Washington’s contingency plans for a possible attack on Iran to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu once the nuclear negotiations reach an impasse. However, the report was immediately denied by a top Israeli official who spoke on condition of anonymity. He said, “Nothing in the article is correct. Donilon did not meet the prime minister for dinner, he did not meet him one-on-one, nor did he present... Read article

Elite Killers Kill At Large For Kidon, Mossad

July 14, 2012

A new book reveals that a department known as Kidon within the Mossad has dispatched assassins into Iran in order to murder the nuclear scientists, thereby stunting the country’s nuclear energy program. Authors Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman in their book Spies against Armageddon: Inside Israel’s Secret Wars state that the notorious spy agency has killed at least four Iranian nuclear scientists, including targeting them with operatives on motorcycles, an assassination technique used by the elite killers at Kidon. The... Read article

Israel Formulates Tripartite Plot To Destroy Syria

June 5, 2012

A politically incorrect wave of labyrinthine madness is casting its heavy shadow over Syria as the country is being surrounded left and right by Zionist plots thickening beyond control. The complicated situation in Syria is ever more obfuscated by myriad forces at work to destroy the friend of Iran and the foe of Israel. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad warned on Sunday that Syria has become the target of a imperialist foreign conspiracy and that the country is facing a real war waged from the outside. In an address to the... Read article

Unholy Alliance Forming Against Syria

May 29, 2012

Syria is bracing for more political chaos as all antagonistic forces appear to have entered into an unholy alliance to bring the government to its knees by ingeniously choreographing massacres and attributing them to the Syrian government, thereby turning the country into fertile soil for US-led invasion. Deadly clashes broke out on Friday between Syrian forces and armed groups in the township of Houla in Homs and claimed the lives of 108 people including at least 32 children according to the head of the UN observer mission... Read article

Israel, US Divided Over Iran Nuclear Issue

May 28, 2012

While Iran and the world six powers wrapped up their talks on Thursday in an atmosphere apparently meant to resolve the nuclear issue, US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and top negotiator on Iran Wendy Sherman rushed to Tel Aviv to brief  Israeli officials on the new nuclear developments and “reaffirm our [US] unshakeable commitment to Israel’s security.” The report she delivered to Israeli National Security Adviser Yaakov Amidror and Foreign Ministry Director-General Rafi Barak however... Read article

Nuclear Israel: Image of Apocalyptic Horror

May 12, 2012

Imagine a world plunged in darkness and extreme cold with the sunlight screened off by a thick pall of dust cloud. Imagine a world flung back into chaos. This is an image conceived of a world abandoned to dereliction by doomsday weapons. According to Samson Option theory, Israel reserves the option to retaliate massively with nuclear weapons when its existence is gravely endangered by the military might of another country although the regime refuses to admit to the possession of a huge nuclear arsenal. As a first sign of... Read article

Who’s Behind Shia Massacre In Pakistan

May 10, 2012

Death is whimsical these days, manifesting itself in shapes most repellent to man: men posing with the mangled parts of dead bodies; men urinating on dead bodies; men cutting out the eyes of their brothers and killing them in the name of religion. A human tragedy of inconceivable magnitude is taking place in some parts of Pakistan which are being inexcusably and consciously ignored by Western media. Only in April 2012, more than 250 Shia Muslims were maimed and killed in broad daylight. Around 150 pairs of Shias’ eyes... Read article

Israel Under Intelligence Fire Over Iran

May 6, 2012

Producing from his pocket a sheet of paper which contained a biblical quote from the Prophet Zachariah, former Shin Bet chief said, “I will tell you things that might be harsh. I cannot trust Netanyahu and Barak at the wheel in confronting Iran. They are infected with messianic feelings over Iran,” thereby dealing a heavy blow to the Israeli regime. A rift the size of a potential coup is taking shape between the Israeli government and the military-intelligence men over Iran, a fact which threatens the ruling Israeli... Read article

Malvinas In Britain’s Imperialist Claws

February 4, 2012

The simmering tensions over the Malvinas Islands or Falkland Islands (off the coast of Argentina in the South Atlantic) as called by the British occupiers have become a matter of great concern as the UK decided to deploy destroyer HMS Dauntless to the islands. The British Royal Navy is planning to send the Type 45 destroyer HMS Dauntless, a state-of-the-art warship, to the region on her maiden mission in a few months, a move interpreted by some experts as a provocation of war. Also known as the Daring class, HMS Dauntless... Read article

Wahhabis Weave Web of Plot in Syria

November 19, 2011

In an unprecedented move, the Arab league decided to suspend Syria and call for sanctions on the country, an act which evidently reeks of the influence the West and others exercise on those who should be the main game players rather than being merely influenced by others. What a shame! It is not difficult to conjecture that the move is a prelude to a US-led military invasion of Syria in the style of the Libyan war and an eventual greater war in the region. It hardly needs saying that the Arab League would have acted with... Read article

US War Rhetoric: The Road to Sedition

November 16, 2011

Following the recent IAEA report released on Iran’s nuclear program which many observers found professionally faulty, Washington once again ratcheted up the ‘bomb, bomb Iran’ rhetoric. The rhetoric escalated even more in the US presidential debate on Saturday when some of the Republicans made it loud and clear that a war with Iran would be the ultimate solution to Iran’s nuclear program. “Totally. Absolutely without any doubt the Iranians if they develop a nuclear weapon … the whole region is... Read article
