
Inside Job – Full Documentary Film

September 8, 2011

“It’s a powerhouse of a documentary that will leave you both thunderstruck and boiling with rage. This film lays out in exceptional, but always understandable detail the argument that the meltdown of 2008 was “not an accident”. Because of his personal and professional background, his intelligence and his inclinations, Ferguson is especially well-suited to creating knockout documentaries that cogently and carefully lay out all the particulars of a significant situation.” – Kenneth Turan,... Read article

Video: The American Dream

January 6, 2011

The AMERICAN DREAM is a 30 minute animated film that shows you how you’ve been scammed by the most basic elements of our government system. All of us Americans strive for the American Dream, and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away. Do you know how your money is created? Or how banking works? Why did housing prices skyrocket and then plunge? Do you really know what the Federal Reserve System is and how it affects you every single day? THE AMERICAN DREAM takes an entertaining but hard... Read article

Video: The Shock Doctrine

October 3, 2009

The Shock Doctrine is the latest documentary from acclaimed director Michael Winterbottom, co-directed by Mat Whitecross. Based on Naomi Klein’s bestselling book, The Shock Doctrine argues that America’s ‘free market’ policies have come to dominate the world through the exploitation of disaster-shocked people and countries. Both the film and the book argue that governments all over the world exploit natural disasters, economic crises and wars to push through radical free market policies. Klein calls... Read article

Video: This Economic Disaster

August 29, 2009

Video – Lecture By William K. Black William K. Black, the former litigation director of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board who investigated the Savings and Loan disaster of the 1980s, discusses the latest scandal in which a single bank, IndyMac, lost more money than was lost during the entire Savings and Loan crisis. He will examine the political failure behind this economic disaster, in which not only massive fraud has taken place, but a vast transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class continues as the federal... Read article

Video: The Great Geithner Coverup

April 12, 2009

Economist William K. Black of the University of Missouri appeared in an interview on PBS last week with Bill Moyers. He pulls no punches in spelling out who is really responsible for our current economic disaster, and why our own Treasury Secretary is leading the charge to keep the truth covered up.  Read More →

Video: US & Global Economy

April 5, 2009

Professor Rodney Shakespeare and Max Keiser expose the insanity of the agreement reached by world leaders at the G20 summit in London. Fighting fire with fire, the G20 will propose more loans to solve a global debt crisis, with money that has no value, adding even more interest in the process, increasing the risk of hyperinflation to occur in the future. The G20 also want the IMF to sell $6bn worth of its gold reserves which may burst the gold bubble. Loading...  Read More →

Video: Popular Blogger Summoned to White House

March 28, 2009

WorldNetDaily is reporting that Bob Basso, who has released videos urging Americans take their government back from corrupt politicians, was reportedly “summoned to the White House by President Obama to discuss the subject matter of the short films.” featured stories Popular Anti Stimulus Video Blogger Summoned to White House Obama featured stories Popular Anti Stimulus Video Blogger Summoned to White House In the video below, Basso, who portrays Thomas Paine, author of the “Common Sense” pamphlet that made the case... Read article
