
United States of America: Kidnapped and Robbed of Its Wealth

February 15, 2015

The United States of America is no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave. It was never a Christian nation but it was infused with the burning coals of what had once been a raging fire – the coals have gone out. First it was Japan; they made huge dents in the electronics and automobile industries and helped destroy the unions that were responsible for the vast middle class. Japanese manufacturers became wealthy by producing products cheaper and pegging the price just below domestic prices but at... Read article

Rushdoony’s Religion

February 8, 2015

My wife and I have been making arrangements for our transition into Heaven. Funerals are expensive and urgent arrangements at the time of death are not only burdensome but inordinately expensive. A simple pine box buried in the family plot with a marker has burgeoned into charges for transportation, embalming, a casket, rental of space for grieving friends, etc. etc. Cost in the five figure range can quickly accrue. The man that arrived at our home to fill out papers and arrange for death certificates mentioned that... Read article

Defusing Power Through Decentralization

February 1, 2015

Centralization is dehumanizing the world!  As the frightening specter of global governance looms like a dark cloud over the scant freedom our world has enjoyed the status of the individual and his options are under siege. Recent decades have seen giant corporations gobble each other up reducing competition and eroding the diversity consumers formerly enjoyed.  Decision makers are remote from the public making any kind of complaint extremely difficult.  Retail business no longer considers the individual important. ... Read article

The Babel State And The Bramble Men

January 11, 2015

War, Murder, And Needless Civil Strife… Ancient warfare was more decisive than modern warfare.  Conquering armies marched into the areas to be conquered and subdued resistance.  Once an area was conquered governments were set up and it was impossible to amass a competing army; the land was occupied by the victorious force. Modern warfare is different, it seeks to control not necessarily to occupy.  For every soldier killed in today’s battles about nine civilians die. National rulers are supported by the people;... Read article

Hitting The Thumb Will Not Cure Cancer

January 3, 2015

It Only Increases The Pain… Recently my email brought me a message from a local Doctor friend who has been an exemplary example of what an activist for righteousness should be.  He has been inventive and hard working for several decades with a particular emphasis on our educational system. The headline of the email reads, “Do You Want to Make a Difference?”, “If so, Here’s How to Impact” the judicial system, educational system, abortion, law enforcement, and the 2nd Amendment. He suggests Jury Nullification... Read article

Legally Illegal

December 21, 2014

Cancerous Humanistic Law… The confusion that comes from attempting to manage a nation (or the world) without the immutable justice that is provided by God’s Law is plainly apparent in the United States of America! Dishonesty, fraud, and immoral self-concern are rampant throughout our society.  Politicians are elected by making promises they know they cannot keep and a conniving and unreliable press and media purposely misinform the public. Private property is no longer safe from unscrupulous policemen and avaricious... Read article

Mystery, Fear, And Confusion

December 14, 2014

The Product of The American Government… I have vowed not to watch programs on TV Channels that select the majority of their participants from two particular racial minorities. C-Span has been guilty of that distortion and I have purposely neglected it as a result.  However, I like Brian Lamb’s interviews when he is not stuck with the anointed races.  Recently he interviewed James Risen , a New York Times writer and the author of a couple of investigative books... Read article

There Are Four Sides To The Ferguson Mess

December 6, 2014

Press, Cops, Blacks, Whites… FIRST, it is a difficult job to be a policeman in the USA.  The scourge of racial diversity has created tensions and patterns of behavior that can quickly become violent and the loss of a solid moral fiber has further tangled the job. As the social structure of our nation deteriorates policemen are faced with a citizenry that often defies their authority and efforts to react to confrontations with conciliation no longer bring a peaceful solution. Youth gangs in Inner-city neighborhoods... Read article

The New Slavery

November 27, 2014

You Are The Slave… Recently I received a book about the history of Islam.  It is written in inviting prose and covers in detail the saga that unfolded through history from the time of the birth of Ishmael and Isaac.  On the cover is the bust of a soldier armed with a rifle on a background tinted in blood red.  The Tile of the book is “The Blood of the Moon” written by Dr. George Grant and published in 1991.  It is a great read.  I recommend it. Grant contends that Islam is a religion that cannot be stamped... Read article

Lies and Liars

November 11, 2014

Both Good Guys and Bad Guys… During my four score and five years I have witnessed a series of boggy men created by our elite masters that have horrified the population, allowed the deterioration of our freedom, and destroyed our Constitution. The terrifying phantoms they trotted out were often contrived and bogus. Communism filled the bill for several decades; then the Russian atomic threat became so real that many citizens constructed shelters. Recently the Muslims have been used to create mainstream fear and... Read article

The Enemy Within

November 2, 2014

Sabotage… It was several decades ago when I began to understand that there were powerful forces loose in the world bent on destroying the United States of America.  It happened when our markets were thrown open to foreign goods and our domestic industry was forced into a contrived world market. I was working for a company that provided fabricated steel products to American manufacturers.  When our markets were opened the U. S. companies that supplied our raw material began to shut down their operations being unable... Read article

It’s Religion, Stupid

October 18, 2014

Their Law Against His Law… Much of the thought about the roles of Church and State assumes that those who reject God function in a religious void. What if a religious void does not exist? What if every human being centers faith in something making everyone religious? What if the distinction isn’t to believe in God or not to believe in God but which god? What if when a government refuses to submit to the Creator of the Universe it simple takes His place and becomes the de facto deity? If the Creator of the Universe... Read article

The Power Barons: Humanism’s Deities

October 12, 2014

A recent study by Harvard Business School found that United States corporate executives make over 300 times as much as the average worker.  Based on a $30,000 annual worker income and a 40 hour week the CEO gets $4326.00 an hour while the worker gets $14.42. In the mid-thirties during the depth of a serious depression executives at General Motors were making 200 times as much as their workers. It was this disparity that helped set the stage for a power shift from the corporate moguls to John L .Lewis  and his CIO (Congress... Read article

Justice Is Immutable: Tyranny Is Elastic

September 28, 2014

As our society bounces down ward, flowing this way now and that way a little later, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly what is happening until it has already overwhelmed us. Almost everyone now knows that football stars Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson are guilty of violence within their families; a video shows Rice knocking his wife unconscious and dragging her out of an elevator.  Pictures of Adrian Peterson’s ten year of son with red switch welts on his back and legs have been widely circulated.  Both are being disciplined... Read article

We Failed The History Test

September 16, 2014

Depression Approaches… In 1932, the third year of the Great Depression, 25 thousand homeless and destitute WWI veterans and their families camped around Washington, DC urging the government of President Herbert Hoover to make an immediate payment of about $500 which had been authorized by the Adjusted Compensation Act of 1924 but was not due until 1945.  Socialism had no yet grown roots and when these veterans lost their jobs they quickly fell into severe circumstances.  They called themselves the Bonus Expeditionary... Read article

Happy Workers of The Future

August 31, 2014

Life In 500 Square Feet… One Hundred and Twenty Thousand results to a Google search on “city is more competitive”.  The oligarchs who currently control our world intend to herd people in cities where inter-city  contests will keep everyone producing at a high level. Read how this is already being implemented in China. More and more of the land is falling under government control and hundreds of thousands of homes have been repossessed.  American citizens own fewer homes and less land.  If this scenario is... Read article

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