
Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

March 14, 2010

Barack Obama CIAI recently had the pleasure of talking with Dr. James David Manning who has been ministering to the people of Harlem since 1981. He is now the Senior Pastor at ATLAH which stands for All the Land Anointed Holy, Manning’s inspired name for Harlem as of September 14, 1991.

Dr. Manning heads the Columbia Obama which is scheduled for May 14-19, 2010 at the ATLAH building at 38 West 123rd Street in ATLAH, New York, 10027. Unfortunately, the Department of Justice and the Supreme Court have failed in their duties to uphold the Constitution and address the legitimacy and other questionable issues surrounding the White House’s current resident. So, Dr. Manning, being a longtime resident of the Columbia University area, the school that Obama allegedly attended, began an intense investigation into Obama’s educational background and discovered some profound discrepancies.

According to Dr. Manning, Obama (born in 1961) enrolled at the very pricey Occidental College in Los Angeles, California in 1979 and was recruited there in 1980 by the CIA which has made it a practice since its inception to recruit college students. He was, by his own admission, a “C” student, a dope smoker and a member of the Marxist Club at Occidental, a co-educational liberal arts college. In 1981, Obama allegedly transferred from Occidental to Columbia University. It is atypical for a student to begin their education in one four-year school and then transfer to another school. Columbia University requires that incoming students pass certain academic requirements which Obama apparently lacked. However, Columbia had a foreign student program and the CIA has major connections and influence with Columbia and the nation’s other educational facilities.

The CIA needed Muslims or others who were fluent in Farsi and who could easily blend into the Muslim environment in the Middle East. The CIA persuaded Columbia University to extend their foreign student program to Obama, now a Columbia student, so that he might travel to Pakistan and enroll in the universities around Karachi in addition to the Patrice Lumumba School in Moscow. [1] The school, one of Russia’s most prestigious universities was founded on February 5, 1960 as The Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). It was renamed the Patrice Lumumba School on February 22, 1961. On February 5, 1992 the university re-adopted its former name. According to their web site, “The main aim was to give young people from Asia, Africa and Latin America, especially from poor families, an opportunity to get University education and to become highly qualified specialists. The students were admitted through non-governmental organizations, governmental establishments, and the USSR embassies and consulates.” [2]

Obama, as an undercover agent, was the lead agent in the arms and money supply for the CIA-trained Taliban Army against the Soviet Army war machine. His actions were integral to the Taliban’s success in their opposition to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Obama, it is publicly acknowledged, went to Pakistan in 1981. There is no way of knowing how often Obama traveled between Pakistan and Russia. According to Dr. Manning, Obama was an interpreter for the CIA during the war in Afghanistan. When Obama completed his CIA operations in the mid 1980s and returned to the U.S. he persuaded the State Department to maneuver his entrance into Harvard Law School; since the CIA, the U.S. president’s personal agency for black operations throughout the world, also has connections to federal and state politicians, they managed to arrange Obama’s entrance to yet another elite school in 1988.

Percy Ellis Sutton, a civil-rights activist and lawyer, was the Manhattan Borough President from 1966 to 1977. He was an intelligence officer with the Tuskegee Airmen, the name of a group of African American pilots who were part of the 332nd Fighter Group of the U.S. Army Air Forces during World War II. Sutton entered Harlem politics and became a leader of the Harlem Clubhouse, known as the “Gang of Four” which has controlled Democratic politics in Harlem for at least fifty years. His Clubhouse allies were New York City Mayor David Dinkins, U.S. Representative Charles Rangel, and New York Secretary of State Basil Paterson, father of the currently beleaguered David Paterson who replaced Spitzer as New York Governor in 2008. Percy Sutton wrote a letter to Harvard officials requesting that they admit Obama as a student after a hiatus of five years (from 1983 when he allegedly left Columbia to 1988).

Despite a five-year absence from the rigors of college activity he was accepted at Harvard where he excelled and on February 5, 1990, was elected president of the venerable celebrated Harvard Law Review, the highest student position at Harvard Law School, a term that lasts for one year. [3] After graduation he could have worked in any leading law firm except that he lacked the proper citizenship qualifications which would have come to light during the interview and normal background checks pursued by major law firms. Moreover, his academic deficiencies at Occidental College would have disqualified him from the top law firms. Furthermore, he was a CIA operative in the Middle East during the time that he was supposed to be attending Columbia University. So despite his Harvard achievements, Obama became a Saul Alinsky-style community organizer in South Chicago which alleviated the necessity of providing a legitimate background check. [4]

In 1990, Obama accepted a job with Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, a law firm which represented civil rights cases but also represented Rezmar Corp. owned by Chicago slumlord, Tony Rezko. The law firm helped Rezmar Corp. get more than $43 million in government funding. As early as 1995, Rezko started contributing to Obama for his political aspirations. In 2003, Rezko was a fundraiser for Obama’s Senatorial campaign as part of a group that raised over $14 million. In 2006, Rezko was found guilty of sixteen out of twenty-four charges filed against him.

Barack Obama had been employed for a short summer stint as an associate with Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP, the same law firm that Harvard graduate Michelle Robinson worked for from 1988 to 1991. She became his trainer and supervisor and, as such, may have handled any background information. Michelle Robinson, through the efforts of Valerie Jarrett, then-deputy chief of staff for Mayor Richard Daley, became an assistant to the mayor. Robinson later became an “economic development coordinator.” Obama married the politically connected Michelle Robinson in October 1992 in the Trinity United Church of Christ. This gave him citizenship and credibility. [5] In 1993, according to the Records at the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois, Michelle Obama, as an attorney, was “voluntarily inactive and not authorized to practice law” per her request. After she gave up her law license, Michelle Obama worked for the University of Chicago Medical Center where she received a very generous annual salary of $317,000. [6]

Dr. Manning, an African American, has called Obama a “good House Negro” and a “long-legged Mack daddy,” and an “emissary of the devil.” When Dr. Manning gave an interview on Fox News, he said, “We also have to talk about his character.” Dr. Manning has also questioned Obama’s eligibility to serve as U.S. President due to the fact that Obama has not complied with numerous requests by to reveal his birth records. In fact, Obama has spent thousands of dollars in an attempt to conceal those records. Dr. Manning, using information from hired investigators declares that Obama never attended Columbia University. He asserts the following:

1) “Columbia University will not divulge whether the “alleged” diploma issued was in the name of Barry Soetoro or Barack Hussein Obama. No public record exists regarding the diploma.”

2) “Obama alleges he attended Columbia in 1982, 1983. But, the investigators have been UNABLE to turn up a single shred of written documentation for the years 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984 that show where Obama appeared on a school roster, register, faculty memo, bulletin board, school awards, dean’s list; where Obama’s name appeared in a yearbook, club record, fraternity record, extra curricular activity member roster, student newspaper, student radio or TV activity; where Obama appeared in any records as a worker, employee, laborer in or about Columbia University; where Obama enrolled in any sports activity or program.”

3) “As a graduating senior in 1983 he does not appear in any Political Science (his major) or Graduating Class yearbook or invitation records.”

4) “There is absolutely no documentation of any kind to show Obama attended, lived, worked or played at Columbia University during the investigated 4 years.”

5) “Interviewed professors, college employees, students (who were at Columbia during the years in question) have failed to turn up a single person that can remember Obama. This is irrefutable evidence. Think about your own situation if Obama had attended your college? A “now-famous” person went to your school? Many would be able to say, “Of course I remember.” At Columbia, not a single person has been able to say he or she remembers Obama.” [7]

Obama’s background would have been relatively insignificant if he hadn’t been chosen as a presidential candidate by the bankers. But, with funding from George Soros and other international bankers who wish to establish global governance, he ran for office. Obviously there would be records that revealed some very personal details of his life. Passport records are particularly revealing. John O. Brennan, Obama’s top terrorism and intelligence adviser is the owner of The Analysis Corp., the firm that was cited in March 2008 for penetrating the files of presidential candidates Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and John McCain in the State Department’s passport office. Investigators maintain that the target of this illegal activity was Obama’s passport file for the sole purpose of cleansing the records of information that would jeopardize Obama’s candidacy. The breach of the passport records of the other candidates was to create confusion. Brennan was, at the time, an unpaid advisor working with Obama’s campaign. Passport files include an applicant’s name, gender, social security number, date and place of birth, and passport number. Additional information may include birth certificates, naturalization certificates, or oaths of allegiance for U.S.-born persons who adopted the citizenship of a foreign country as minors. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee oversees the State Department. Joseph Biden, now Obama’s Vice President, was the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at the time of the breach. [8]

The State Department passport records were scrubbed to erase any mention of Obama’s CIA activities and his personal information. The State Department employee, Lt. Quarle Harris, Jr. who had access and apparently scrubbed the records, was killed. [9] Harris decided to cooperate with the FBI who was investigating the break-in. His body was discovered in his parked car; he had been shot in the head, execution style. [10] The Indonesian passport, issued in the name of Barry Soetoro, was used to travel to Pakistan to assist the Afghan Mujahideen during the U.S. buildup.[11]

The CIA is not an intelligence-gathering agency. The Truman Administration authorized “psychological warfare” by the newly established National Security Council in NSC 4-A of December 1947 which allowed covert operations during peacetime. This document made the CIA Director responsible for psychological warfare and placed it under the exclusive direction of the Executive Branch. The CIA has unvouchered funds which allow the agency to operate without exposure or Congressional oversight. [12]

With pressure from the Departments of State and Defense, a new NSC directive, NSC 10/2 was issued on June 18, 1948. This new directive stipulated that the CIA could conduct “covert” and “psychological” operations both of which were sponsored by the U.S. Government against foreign states or groups. However, these activities should be “planned and executed in such a way as to provide plausible deniability if revealed. Approved CIA clandestine activities, according to the directive, include “propaganda; economic warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance movements, guerrillas and refugee liberation groups, and support of indigenous anti-Communist elements in threatened countries of the free world. Such operations should not include armed conflict by recognized military forces, espionage, counter-espionage, and cover and deception for military operations.” [13]

During the 2008 presidential change-promising campaign Obama avoided detailed questions about his alleged years at Columbia by saying that he was very anti-social and totally uninvolved with the academic community. Further, he claimed that he lived off campus. For someone who loves the limelight and never misses an opportunity to engage in rhetoric, it is an enigma that he would isolate himself from typical college activities unless, of course, that is simply justification to account for his absence during the time that he was supposed to be attending Columbia. Okay, if Obama was a CIA operative who, with political connections, super funding and media puffing, made it to the White House – is he still a CIA operative bent on destroying what is left of the economy of the U.S.? The CIA was established by Harry Truman, a 33rd Degree Freemason, to implement global governance. Freemasonry is a front group for the satanical organization, the Illuminati whose objectives are world governance.

In mid February 2010, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs alerted the reporters who regularly cover the White House that certain questions were forbidden including Obama’s job with CIA front company, Business International Corporation (BIC), following his attendance at Columbia University; Obama’s school records while he attended Occidental College in Los Angeles from 1979 to 1981, and his records at Columbia. [14] Wayne Madsen states that his Kabul sources claim that President Obama has maintained a personal correspondence with a private military company (PMC) whose senior personnel includes numerous Afghan Mujahideen-Soviet war veterans who fought with the late Northern Alliance commander Ahmad Shah Massoud who became Afghanistan’s Defense Minister in 1992 and was assassinated on September 9, 2001, allegedly by al-Qaeda agents. The firm is also involved in counter-insurgency operations in Colombia, where Obama is building seven new military bases, and in Iraq.

Henry Kissinger said, “Conflicts across the globe and an international respect for Barack Obama have created the perfect setting for establishment of ‘a New World Order.” [15] Allegedly, the upper echelon of Freemasonry were infiltrated long ago the Satanic Illuminati whose objective is world dominance through one-world governance. There are claims that Barack Obama is a 32nd degree Prince Hall Freemason. Certainly, Prince Hall Freemasons, Jesse Jackson and Charles Rangel, supported his presidency. [16] Whether he is a Freemason or not, he might indeed be the chosen vessel of the New World Order proponents unless the citizens call a halt to the scheme. However, there is no doubt that he is a Zionist asset and, that despite his campaign promises, intends to pursue the same Neo-Con policies in the Middle East as the previous administration, as evidenced by his the 2008 AIPAC Policy Conference where he was introduced by his friend, Lee Rosenberg, a fellow Chicago resident. [17]

Dr. Manning hopes that thousands of people will support this effort, one that will benefit every single American.

[1] CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up, a You Tube video that features the Honorable James David Manning who is leading the efforts in the Obama Columbia Treason Trial,

[2] Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, PFUR History,

[3] First Black Elected to Head Harvard’s Law Review by Fox Butterfield, The New York Times, February 6, 1990

[4] CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up, a You Tube video that features the Honorable James David Manning who is leading the efforts in the Obama Columbia Treason Trial,
[5] CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up, a You Tube video that features the Honorable James David Manning who is leading the efforts in the Obama Columbia Treason Trial,

[6] What happened to Michelle Obama’s law license?, First lady’s legal career on ‘court ordered inactive status’ by Chelsea Schilling, World Net Daily, August 4, 2009,

[7] Investigators declare, “Obama never attended Columbia University,” February 8, 2010,

[8] Obama’s Intelligence Adviser Involved in Security Breach, Newsmax, January 12, 2009,

[9] CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up, a You Tube video that features the Honorable James David Manning who is leading the efforts in the Obama Columbia Treason Trial,
[10] Key Witness in Passport Fraud Case Fatally Shot, The Washington Times,

[11] WH Press Corps Forbidden to Ask Certain Questions by Wayne Madsen of the Wayne Madsen Report, The Rock Creek Press, February 17, 2010,

[12] Note on U.S. Covert Actions, U.S. State Department,

[13] Note on U.S. Covert Actions, U.S. State Department,

[14] WH Press Corps Forbidden to Ask Certain Questions by Wayne Madsen of the Wayne Madsen Report, The Rock Creek Press, February 17, 2010,

[15] Kissinger: Obama primed to create ‘New World Order’, Policy Guru Says Global Upheaval Presents ‘Great Opportunity’ by Drew Zahn, World Net Daily, January 06, 2009

[16] Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Michigan, Prince Hall Affiliation, Notable Prince Hall Masons,

[17] Barack Obama’s Speech to AIPAC’s Policy Conference,

Deanna Spingola has been a quilt designer and is the author of two books. She has traveled extensively teaching and lecturing on her unique methods. She has always been an avid reader of non-fiction works designed to educate rather than entertain. She is active in family history research and lectures on that topic. Currently she is the director of the local Family History Center. She has a great interest in politics and the direction of current government policies, particularly as they relate to the Constitution. Her website is at:

Deanna Spingola is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

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  • ellid

    I strongly suggest that the author of this piece seek psychiatric assistance as soon as possible before she snaps and causes harm to herself or others.

    • gäst

      Why not adress the claims instead of attacking the messenger.

  • ellid

    I strongly suggest that the author of this piece seek psychiatric assistance as soon as possible before she snaps and causes harm to herself or others.

  • Tom

    And the Sheeple protest…lol

  • Tom

    And the Sheeple protest…lol

  • Tad

    I guess doing some kind of research is better than sitting around watching soap operas, but research on wild-assed conspiracies based on articles from sources like Newsmax is not exactly the stuff of scholars. But I guess there is no shortage of retarded people to convince, so all I can say is, You go, girl! But the psychiatric assistance suggestion is a good idea to have in your back pocket. That’s definitely going to come in handy sooner than you think.

  • Tad

    I guess doing some kind of research is better than sitting around watching soap operas, but research on wild-assed conspiracies based on articles from sources like Newsmax is not exactly the stuff of scholars. But I guess there is no shortage of retarded people to convince, so all I can say is, You go, girl! But the psychiatric assistance suggestion is a good idea to have in your back pocket. That’s definitely going to come in handy sooner than you think.

  • Tom

    Yup, retarded people that still believe the Twin towers were brought straight down by planes and that Saddam had WMD’s. The only people that seriously need psychiatric assistance are those sheep that believe that politics and international intrigue is not conspiratorial.

  • Tom

    Yup, retarded people that still believe the Twin towers were brought straight down by planes and that Saddam had WMD’s. The only people that seriously need psychiatric assistance are those sheep that believe that politics and international intrigue is not conspiratorial.

  • Lubosewell


    • shelly

      Because its very dirty at the top of our chain of command, there are way to many wholes in Mr. Presidents life story and those who don’t see at least that much are blind fools who will be just as guilty as those in charge when shtf here at home. Our country is under attack from the inside and ohh how clever they are. Those who do not know history are bound to repeat it and many fools in this country better start digging before its to late for us all!! One year ago people denied that he was a communist, now they just say so what? What’s wrong with communism? Well Ill tell you, its never what they sell the public and gun confiscation and genocide always follow! If that alone is not enough to wake you up you are a hopeless useless mess and a lamb ready for slaughter! This man has been trained to destroy our great nation from day one, look around you, people are hurting right in front of your face. How long can he blame Bush? How long and what will it take for our men and woman here at home to snap out of tv land and wake TF up! We are in for a rough ride ahead, this mans training does fall right in line with CIA mind control and training, that can only be denied by fools who still believe 9/11 was done by Arabs with box cutters, 1 mad man shot up a movie theatre and lets not forget the latest with Sandy hook and yes I’m going there because if you know history you will know that it has been also done in the UK and USSR right before gun confiscation they to shot up a bunch of kids at school, grabbed the guns from the public and boy oh boy in USSR case committed Genocide right after, remember Stalin? Well that’s what they did to grab guns, same shyt! as is happening here! They are all in bed together and that’s why nobody is stopping them, they each play there part in this pre genocide here in America, wake up people!!!!

  • Sicilianbear

    As far out as this sounds, all the facts are noted and evidence abounds. the guy is a snake, he does lie, he does cover up, and one can only wonder. Now why did his grandmother die the night before his election, now she would haveknown where he was born?

    • Anonymous

      Obama visited her just before she died…. Interesting??????

    • Mformoso14

      I have seen a video with his gma saying  that he was born in Kenya, I heard it with my own ears, wish I could post the link but it was a while ago on you tube

  • Joe the Plumber

    It takes a right-wing paranoid nut to invent this…this is pure projection of one’s darkest trash onto another person. You need fresh air, a low-carb diet and lots of rest…good luck in recovery, may you get better before you totally self-destruct.

    • uwho

      Drink your kool-aid and bury your head, you are of no use to anyone.  You are what they call a “useless idiot”

  • Lingolina

    This “article” is nonsense.

    If you believe this, then you are in a desperate need of a dose of reality.

    go outside and make a friend, talk about the weather, feel the sun on your shoulders, eventually you’ll realize all that BS that you been chewing over… is silly putty.

  • Xtian

    Ignoring this information is sheer ignorance. Get over it, he is an evil and corrupt man. As was Bush, and many, many before him.

  • Anonymous

    I don’t see what the big deal is now.. Don’t get me wrong, I do not trust politicians, don’t believe in them and Obama is no different. Besides, his actions speak volumes compared to whatever smooth talk comes out of his mouth. BUT, all of a sudden flipping out over an allegation that the guy is or was a CIA operative is a waste of time. Poppy Bush was HEAD of the CIA and nobody bothered to say anything about that. There is definitely tons of things about Obama that we don’t know about, but this is a waste of time. So he’s a CIA operative, so what do we do about it? Let’s focus on waking more people up and trying to boycott the bankers and politicians and take whatever is left of the country back one step at a time..


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  • JohnnieFavorite

    Damm this woman is all over the place. There is compelling evidence that Obama was/is a long term CIA project (intel assets going back 3 generations on his mother’s side). CIA serving of course the interest of the bankers and rulers. But this woman’s article serves only to obfuscate, makes ya kind of wonder what the agenda here really is.

    • Mformoso14

      Yes, his gpa was CIA, I don’t know why anyone would be so surprised to find out he is to? G.Bush was head of the CIA

  • Geoff Pace

    It has been two years since this article came out. IT is a moot point, now. Now that our epitaph has already been written. This totally fabricated Manchurian Candidate will now stop at nothing to get re-election. Nothing short of a bullet will stop this man’s mad dash to president for life. So, since that is not about to happen, we look forward with fear and trepidation to this Chavez-Castro-Amin-Duvalier figure to take over our once great Republic. God HELP us !

  • Joan


  • El Chupacabra

    This would make a great fiction novel … Like that Abe Lincoln vampire killer book. Anybody that looks at this twice and spends more than the time it takes to read it, is a profound idiot. But like I said … Good material for a novel.

    • Mformoso14

      You have a lot of research to do it seems, or are you unaware his grand father was CIA? That George Bush was head of the CIA (Public record)? This is no big surprise considering how many brain washed idiots are lurking the internet and streets here in America. In the age of info its a choice to be ignorant. Get yourself schooled before you offer up such idiotic comments Blood sucker!

  • Laura_Left

    Just a few of the obvious problems w/ this “history”: Obama never lived in Iran so it was extremely unlikely he knew “Farsi”.  He never lived in Afghanistan, so it is extremely unlikely he could have been a translator in that obscure language.  Visiting Pakistan once in 1981, as did many other curious, young global travelers indicates nothing.  Are there any sources at all for the claims that the CIA was behind Obama’s enrollment in Occidental or for the claim that he attended Russia’s “Patrice Lamumba School”?  Many students transfer from one 4-year college to a better one when they have improved their grades enough to qualify, without the CIA’s help.   Most students don’t do this, but it is not all that rare.  Sometimes they get accepted even if they have not taken all the better school’s prerequisite courses, especially if their first school doesn’t offer them.  They are then required to make up the missing courses and end up needing more credits than usual to graduate.  If the second school is Ivy League, often the transferring students feel the degree from it is worth the extra work.

    I am not Obama’s biggest booster, but this story smacks of revenge for Obama’s (reluctant) repudiation of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.  There is nothing solid in it to indicate it isn’t entirely made up.  Obama’s maternal grandfather was connected with the CIA, so I suppose he might have pulled strings to get financial help for Obama’s Occidental College expenses, until Obama raised his grades enough to qualify for a Columbia College scholarship, as his family was not well off financially after his mother’s divorce from Soetero.  It would be interesting only if there were even an iota of documentation for any of the allegations.  The language part is nonsensical.  I wish I knew if any of it is based on fact.

    • shelly

      There’s plenty to link the pieces together if you take the time to do some research, I have the past 2 years and I will tell you that this story is not far fetched at all. The official story and I mean the entire official story was invented, this is much closer to what I have learned as well. It is shocking but the truth always is crazier and harder to believe then the made up nice and neat version(s)

  • Aoaoalamoanahotel

    The author of this article deserves a Bibke Prize for fiction

  • Dontliknonsese

     If yo all saying is true then, the world has the smartest genius of all!!

  • john

    I have read all the info re the forged birth certs & the fake SSN’s as well as the fake service records and hidden past. There is definitely something going on and the above explanation is interesting. But when the author posts “However, there is no doubt that he is a Zionist asset..” I had t laugh. She is either crazy or an anti-semite. You would have to be to make such a nonsensical assertion. It is quite clear that BO has clear connections with the palestinain arab cause and is anti Israel. To suggest otherwise is clearly erroneous.

  • revivere