
Evolutionary Cosmologies: Religious Endeavor To Become Like God

November 23, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

Throughout the de-Christianized West and America neo-pagan and mystical pantheist evolutionary reasoning is taken for granted throughout the college curriculum, just as it is in all aspects of modern thought and experience.  It not only undergirds biological and earth sciences, but also Freudian and Jungian psychology, anthropology, law, sociology, politics, economics, the media, arts, medicine, and all other academic—and increasingly seminarian—disciplines as well. The West’s amoral transnational elite Gnostics, the “chosen” ones, are particularly enamored of evolutionary reasoning:

Western cultural elites have disregarded God for more than two centuries, but for a while the effects were mostly confined to their own circles. At first, they disregarded God. Then they deliberately desecrated Western tradition and lived in ways that would have spelled disaster if they had been followed more closely. But now in the early twenty-first century, their movement from disregard to desecration to decadence is going mainstream, and the United States is only the lead society among those close to the tipping point…. Soon, as the legalization and then normalization of polyamory, polygamy, pedophilia and incest follow the same logic as that of abortion and homosexuality, the socially destructive consequences of these trends will reverberate throughout society until social chaos is beyond recovery. We can only pray there will be a return to God and sanity before the terrible sentence is pronounced: “God has given them over” to the consequences of their own settled choices.”  (Renaissance: The Power of the Gospel However Dark the Times, Os Guinness, p. 20)

Evolution: what is it?

Evolution has always been a fundamentally spiritual concept.  In fact, some of the first thinkers to seriously explore the topic—the German Idealists of the early 19th century—were mystic philosophers who predated Darwin’s Origin of Species by at least a century.”  (A Brief History of Evolutionary Spirituality, Tom Huston)

Rene Guenon (1886-1951) concurs.  Guenon was a French metaphysician, writer, and editor who was largely responsible for laying the metaphysical groundwork for the Traditionalist or Perennialist school of thought in the early twentieth century.   In his brilliant critical analysis of Theosophy and Spiritism entitled, “The Spiritist Fallacy”  Guenon investigates and exposes the satanic esotericism working through various modern Western secret societies to pervert true religion—orthodox Christianity in particular— in order to ultimately turn the world over to Luciferian forces.

Guenon reveals that in early Theosophist and spiritist circles use of the word ‘progress’ or ‘progressivist’ preceded the use of the word ‘evolution.’ The roots of Theosophy, hence of evolution–the universal life force–stretch back to the ancient Upanishads of India in the East and in the West to ancient Babylon, Egypt and Greece.  In its modern version, progress, transformism, and/or evolution describes the progress (transmigration) of soul made possible by the life force as it inhabits in succession the bodies of different kinds of beings over the course of thousands or even millions and billions of years.

Eventually the word evolution became preferred, especially by empirical realists and materialists like Karl Marx because it had a more ‘scientific’ allure:

“This kind of ‘verbalism’…provides the illusion of thought for those incapable of really thinking…”  (ibid, p. 231)

Evolution is an ancient occult doctrine originating in ancient Babylonian Cabbala, Egyptian Hermetic magic and Mystery Religion traditions both East and West from the time of Babylon—the mother of all Mystery Religions—that entered Christendom during the Renaissance.  In “God and the Knowledge of Reality,” the Catholic philosopher and historian, Thomas Molnar (1921–2010), reveals that certain Christian theologians, mystics and scholars such as Emanuel Swedenborg had discovered Hermetic magic and occult Jewish Cabbala texts which they studied and translated resulting in Hermetic Cabbala. Then like Pico della Mirandola, they argued that Hermetic Cabbala— the divine occult science or Magic Way of reaching divine status and powers through initiation, evolution (progress), and ritual procedures is the best proof of the divinity of Christ. In other words said Molnar,

“… the time of the Renaissance the esoteric texts of the first centuries A.D. had acquired in scholarly and humanist circles an unparalleled prestige, confronting as equals the texts held sacred by the church. In Pico’s estimation, ‘nulla est scientia que nos magis certificet de divinitate Christ quam magia et Cabala’ (there is no science that would prove for us Christ’s divinity better than magic and the Cabala.)” (pp. 78-79)

That Hermetic magic and Babylonian Cabbala are ancient Mystery Religion traditions undergirded by evolution is affirmed by G. H. Pember in his classic work, “Earth’s Earliest Ages.”    In his impeccably researched book Pember thoroughly examines the role of fallen angels in connection with the occult science they taught to pre-flood generations and compares them to the explosion of spiritism (open intercourse with evil spirits), astrology, the Mysteries and other occult traditions sweeping over Christendom.

Pember writes that the Mysteries are no longer veiled in mystery but boldly presented by the powerful occult progressive brotherhood that emerged out of the Renaissance as the fruit of modern science, especially evolutionary philosophy, which the brotherhood assert was included in the instructions given,

“…to the initiates of the Hermetic, Orphic, Eleusinian, and Cabbalistic mysteries, and were familiar to Chaldean Magi, Egyptian Priests, Hindu Occultists, Essenes, Therapeutae Gnostics, and Theurgic Neo-Platonists.” (Pember, pp.243-244)

Today, evolutionary dynamics and science as the instrument of the will of sovereign man has so thoroughly replaced the personal Creator in the consciousness of vast numbers of secularized Westerners, both within and without the whole body of the Christian Church, that one of the leading evolution-worshippers of our day, Professor S.J. Gould, goes so far as to describe evolutionary biology as the story of mankind.  Evolution:

“….tells us where we came from, how we got here, and perhaps where we are going. Quite simply, it is science’s version of Roots, except it is the story of us all.”   (The Religious Nature of Evolution Theory and its Attack on Christianity, John G. Leslie and Charles K. Pallaghy, Ph.D., )

In fascinated affirmation, Theodosius Dobzhansky (1900-1975) , a prominent evolutionary biologist and progressive creationist, sees evolution as a light that illuminates all facts, a trajectory which all lines of thought must follow, for if man,

“…has arrived at his present state as a result of natural processes rather than a supernatural will, he can learn to control these processes…The concept of evolution, which is now basic to the life sciences, has provided new and in some ways revolutionary answers to questions men have been asking for centuries. The two most important of these are, ‘Why am I here, what is the purpose of human existence, and what is the nature of the world of life that surrounds us?”   (Dobzhansky, T., Ayala, F.J., Stebbins, G.L. and Valentine, J.W., Evolution, W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, 1977)

The most widely held evolutionary cosmology, or model of the universe’s beginning and development is the Big Bang theory.   According to this version of the “story of us all” the universe is thought to have ‘exploded’ from a ‘cosmic egg,’ sometimes called the ylem in a universe bounded by an edge.  The Encyclopedia Britannica notes that the big bang is a theory,

“…of the evolution of the universe.  Its’ essential feature is the emergence of the universe from a state of extremely high temperature and density—the so-called big bang that occurred at least 10,000,000,000 years ago…..”(Big Bang Model, The New Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th edition, 2:205, 1992)
The big bang is based on two assumptions:

The first is that Einstein’s general theory of relativity describes the gravitational attraction of all matter.  The second assumption, called the cosmological principle, states that the observer’s point of view of the universe depends neither on the direction in which he looks nor on his location.  This principle applies only to the large scale properties of the universe, but it does imply that the universe has no edge, so that the big bang occurred not at a particular point in space but rather throughout space at the same time.  These two assumptions make it possible to calculate the history of the cosmos after a certain epoch called the Planck time.  Scientists have yet to determine what prevailed before Planck time.”    (ibid)

Distinctions are in order here. While the first assumption qualifies as true science, the second assumption, sometimes misnamed the Copernican Principle, does not since it is completely metaphysical, or philosophical.  This is illustrated by Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) who discovered that distant objects appeared to have ‘red shifts’ approximately proportional to distance from earth. Hubble’s speculative interpretation of this discovery presented it as evidence of an expanding universe without a center and without an edge (unbounded) as opposed to Hugh Ross, the popularizer of progressive creationism whose own imaginative assumption pictures everything exploding from a central point in a universe bounded by an edge. (Refuting Compromise: A Biblical and Scientific Refutation of ‘Progressive Creationism’ as Popularized by Astronomer Hugh Ross, Jonathan Sarfati, Ph.D., F.M., p. 146-147)

Ross’s brand of evolutionary Christianity is wildly popular among certain Christians.  It was as a teenager that Ross decided the non-biblical big bang was a fact, thus it is the foundation stone of his twisted Scriptures—twisted because his big bang assumptions lead him to trip, stumble and fall down evolution’s downward-spiraling vortex blurring distinctions between humans and animals as he goes. (ibid)

The Big Bang is devoid of experimental proof, yet because the universe is definitely running down this fact surely points to some kind of beginning. This is apparently why some Christian leaders–theistic evolutionists and progressive creationists such as Pope Francis, Hugh Ross, Tim Keller and many others who feel we simply have to accept the evolutionists’ billions of years— have decided to accept the Big Bang theory. After all, the Big Bang requires a beginning, and they feel this fits with the Bible.  (Big Bang — The Bucks Stop There, Henry Morris, Ph.D., )

However, not only does the Big Bang—or any other evolutionary cosmology—- not fit into the Bible but it also turns the Creator, Jesus Christ, into a liar, for He said that Adam and Eve were there “from the beginning of the creation” (Mark 10: 6; Gen. 1: 26-27) rather than several billion years after the beginning of the creation as evolutionary speculators hold.

As the Nicene Creed affirms, Gods Word starts with the creation of absolutely everything visible and invisible ex nihilo in the space of six days.  In his “Literal interpretation of Genesis” Augustine of Hippo notes that when God brought material reality into existence, “then time began its flight.” That is, when God created material things (the visible), at the same time He created space and time (the invisible) as their context.  (Creator and Creature, Douglas F. Kelly, Table Talk: Biblical Dichotomies, p. 6)

“It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh (matter) is no help at all” John 6:63

The Triune God brought the angels into being sometime during that first creative week and as Thomas Aquinas, one of the most respected theologians of the medieval church affirms,

“Nothing entirely new was afterwards made by God, but all things subsequently made had in a sense been made before in the work of the six days.  Some things…had a previous experience materially, as the rib from the side of Adam out of which God formed Eve; whilst others existed not only in matter but also in their causes, as those individual creatures that are now generated existed in the first of their kind.”   (Summa Theologica, ibid, Sarfati, p. 120)

Evolutionary Cosmologies: Imaginative Assumptions

George Francis Rayner Ellis, a high-profile evolutionary cosmologist lets the cat out of the bag with his candid confession regarding the important role of imaginative assumptions with respect to the broad range of evolutionary models of the universe such as the Big Bang. Ellis admits:
“…I can construct…a spherically symmetrical universe with earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it based on observations.”   “You can only exclude it on philosophical grounds.  In my view there is absolutely nothing wrong in that.   What I want to bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in choosing our models.  A lot of cosmology tries to hide that.”  (ibid, Jonathan Sarfati)

In other words, the Authority and Revelation of God, particularly in His six day creation account is rejected a priori not on the grounds of observational science but on the philosophical assumptions of arrogant, defiant speculators whose imaginative evolutionary models are metaphysical projects pretending to be observational science.

Another unspoken Big Bang assumption is neo-pagan and mystical pantheist naturalism, which ought to ring alarm bells for faithful, orthodox Christians.   Naturalism posits that the universe and everything in it, including conscious life, is the result of entirely natural processes.  The Big Bang therefore, is a neo-pagan and occult pantheist evolutionary cosmology, an esoteric program from hell that rejects both the personal Creator and the supernatural dimension.  This position holds true despite the uninformed claims of speculators like Hugh Ross who claim that God created and ignited the Big Bang.

While Pope Francis, Tim Keller and many other liberal revisionists embrace and endorse Big Bang cosmology thirty-three leading evolutionary scientists expose its frauds and fallacies in ‘Open Letter to the Scientific Community’ published on the internet () and in New Scientist (Lerner, E., Bucking the big bang, New Scientist 182 (2448) 20, 22 May 2004).  According to these evolutionary scientists:

“Our ideas about the history of the universe are dominated by big bang theory. But its dominance rests more on funding decisions than on the scientific method, according to Eric Lerner, mathematician Michael Ibison of, and dozens of other scientists from around the world.” (Secular scientists blast the big bang: What now for naïve apologetics? Carl Wieland, )

The open letter includes statements such as:

  1. “The big bang…relies on a growing number of hypothetical entities, things that we have never observed—inflation, dark matter and dark energy are the most prominent examples. Without them, there would be a fatal contradiction between the observations made by astronomers and the predictions of the big bang theory.’
  1. “But the big bang theory can’t survive without these fudge factors. Without the hypothetical inflation field, the big bang does not predict the smooth, isotropic cosmic background radiation that is observed, because there would be no way for parts of the universe that are now more than a few degrees away in the sky to come to the same temperature and thus emit the same amount of microwave radiation. … Inflation requires a density 20 times larger than that implied by big bang nucleosynthesis, the theory’s explanation of the origin of the light elements.”
  1. “In no other field of physics would this continual recourse to new hypothetical objects be accepted as a way of bridging the gap between theory and observation. It would, at the least, raise serious questions about the validity of the underlying theory.”

4.”What is more, the big bang theory can boast of no quantitative predictions that have subsequently been validated by observation. The successes claimed by the theory’s supporters consist of its ability to retrospectively fit observations with a steadily increasing array of adjustable parameters, just as the old Earth-centred cosmology of Ptolemy needed layer upon layer of epicycles.” (ibid, Carl Wieland)

It’s amazing to see how many Christian leaders have not merely succumbed to the ‘big bang’ idea, but embrace it wholeheartedly.  Carl Wieland comments:

To hear their pronouncements, believers should welcome it as a major plank in our defense of the faith. ‘At last, we can use science to prove there’s a creator of the universe.’ However, the price of succumbing to the lure of secular acceptability, at least in physics and astronomy, has been heavy. We have long warned that adopting the big bang into Christian thought is like bringing the wooden horse within the walls of Troy.” 

The Big Bang model is not the only game in town.  Among other imaginative models there is the quasi-steady-state model of the big bang antagonist, the late Sir Fred Hoyle.  Then there is the ekpyrotic model positing that our universe is a four-dimensional membrane embedded in a five-dimensional ‘bulk’ space.  Its proponents admit:

Our proposal is based on unproven ideas in string theory and is brand new.” (ibid, Sarfati, p. 182)

Then there are the openly occult multiverse models proposing that our universe is not the only one but that space is filled with an infinite number of parallel universes.  Royal Astronomer Lord Martin Rees, who holds the honorary title of Astronomer Royal champions multiverse conceptions in the hope that in at least one or more of them living beings created themselves who are far more advanced than our own life-forms. Rees believes that if this is the case, then super-intelligent aliens might be capable of simulating in their brains or in a super-computer the complex history of our universe, meaning the universe we inhabit is a simulation lacking real substance and existing only as a mental construction in the minds of highly evolved aliens who seeded our world with life and travel through time in order to control man’s evolutionary progress. (Scientific Mythologies, James A. Herrick, p. 216)

The idea that the universe we inhabit exists only as a mental construction is very similar to Hinduism’s Brahman. Brahman is the Great Cosmic Spirit – the Ultimate One Substance (energy field, Void, Essence, prakriti matter) of material phenomena, meaning that the universe exists only as a mental construction in the mind of Brahman: brahma satyam jagan mithya, or “Brahman is real, the world is unreal.” ()

Rees proposal is also similar to the fanciful hypothesis presented by Olaf Stapledon, a scientist who has always kept one foot firmly planted in neo-pagan and occult pantheist science fiction accounts and imagines our universe to be an artifact of the Star Maker. Building off of Stapledons fantasy Carl Sagan suggests that we are“star folk” made of “star stuff.” (Herrick, pp. 216-217)

Replace Star Maker with Brahman and “star stuff” with sarvam khalvidam brahma, or “All is truly Brahman” () and we have ayam atma brahmam: “The Self is Brahman.” (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 4.4.5

In the caption of his book, “Just Six Numbers,” Rees reveals that the ancient occult basis of his proposition is the serpent biting its tail:

“The ouraboros. There are links between the microworld of particles, nuclei and atoms and the cosmos.” (Rees M., Just Six Numbers, P. 9)

The serpent-powered Ouroboros with its astral planes or multiverses is well-known around the world in its’ many ancient and modern occult traditions.

Evolutionary Cosmologies:  Abominations that Desolate

Like witless moths mesmerized by strange fire, from the Renaissance to our own time liberalized Christian theologians situated within the whole body of the Christian Church have been drawn irresistibly to evolution.   Followed by countless unwitting souls, they’ve been flying into an abomination that desolates and ejects them into a downward-spiraling vortex issuing into eternal hell unless they repent and turn back to the Truth, the Way, and the Life (John 14:6).

Evolutionary Cosmologies: The Significance

Today’s broad range of evolutionary cosmologies symbolize the deep religious desires of certain men, who in their rejection of our Lord Jesus Christ and physical resurrection, seek autonomous self-creation, transcendence and self-redemption, thus are incarnations,

“….of the ancient, deeply religious endeavor ‘to become like God’— infinitely wise, omnipotent, autonomous, and immortal.” (Mircea Eliade, “The Forge and the Crucible: The Origins and Structures of Alchemy,” Dr. Erdmann)

They endeavor to become like God but shall instead,

“…drink of the wine of the wrath of God and be tormented with fire and brimstone.” (Rev. 14:10)  And the devil who deceived them shall likewise be “thrown into the lake of burning sulfur…” (Rev. 20:10)

Linda Kimball writes on culture, politics, and worldview. Her articles are published nationally and internationally. Linda can be reached at:

Linda Kimball is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

Gloves Come Off In Lebanon

November 8, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

Sunni-Shia Bellum Sacrum Fault Lines Deepen…

Historically, the term “religious war” (Bellum Sacrum) was used to describe various European wars among Christian denominations spanning mainly the 16th to the 18th century such as the Seven Year’s War (1756-1763) which spread widely throughout Europe and on to North America, Central America, the also to the West African coast, India, and the Philippines. There were dozens of other intra-Christian religious wars the seeds of which began to sprout shortly after the death of Jesus Christ.

The Encyclopedia of Wars, by authors Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod, estimate that only 7% of the 1,783 wars they chronicled involve religion. Lebanon is one of these and is still mired in a cold war phase of its 15 year (1975-90) Civil War, from which Lebanon yet to recover. Religious differences are one of the major causes on Lebanon’s many problems today and it is within this context that the mushrooming intra-Muslim war between Sunni and Shia is spreading and intensifying. Sunni comprise approximately 90% percent of the followers of Islam and their increasingly vilified coreligionists, Shia Muslims, 10%. This month Lebanon’s Shia are commemorating Ashoura and the martyrdom of Imam Hussein Ibn Ali at the battle of Karbala in 680 under increased security with additional checkpoints manned by the Lebanese army and Hezbollah forces because Da’ish and al Nursa have announced their intent to target the Shia worshipers.

Many among Lebanon’s older Sunni and Shia generation, report that as youngsters they were not aware of Shia-Sunni antagonisms nor did they harbor animosity with their neighbors. Sometimes inter-marrying, sharing holidays and developing strong friendships with each other. “That is all changed now, perhaps until End Times” according to an employee at Beirut’s Dar al Fatwa in the mixed neighborhood of Aisha Bikar near the American University of Beirut.

The gentleman and his colleague elaborated:

“Everyone alive today in Lebanon and for many generations to come will have their family’s lives negatively affected by the rapidly spreading sectarian hostility. The Sunni-Shia hatred is poisonous—it’s the new political Ebola virus! Can it be eradicated? How can we stop it from engulfing the Middle East or has it already done so?” Another added, “And forget about the Christians! In a few years’ time there will probably not be enough of them left in the Middle East to matter.”

To this observer, the spiraling sectarian conflict between Sunni and Shia in Lebanon appears to be coming mainly from Sunni groups and militia who vent a laundry list of complaints against their fellow Muslims. Many but not all stemming from Hezbollah’s involvement in the civil war still raging across the anti-Lebanon mountain range to the east.

Members of the two Muslim sects have co-existed for centuries and share many fundamental beliefs and practices. But there are Sunni-Shia differences in doctrine, ritual, law, theology and religious organization and are based in part over a political dispute soon after the death of the Prophet Muhammad over who should lead the Muslim community. Sunni Muslims regard themselves as the orthodox and traditionalist branch of Islam and adhere to traditions and practices based on precedent or reports of the actions of the Prophet Muhammad and those close to him. Sunnis venerate all the prophets mentioned in the Koran, but particularly Muhammad as the final prophet. In early Islamic history the Shia were a political faction – literally “Shiat Ali” or the party of Ali and they claimed the right of Ali, the son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, and his descendants to lead the Islamic community.

In Sunni ruled countries, for hundreds of years Shias made up the poorest sections of society and today many view themselves as victims of discrimination and oppression as some extremist Sunni doctrines continue to preach hatred of Shia. Some argue that the Shia-Sunni Bellum Sacrum is more political than religious. If true, the mutually destructive conflict now intensifying in Lebanon would share much in common with other religious wars which were basically political conflicts justified in the name of religion. Iran which supports some Shia militias beyond its borders is in conflict with some Sunni countries, especially regional neighbors who support Sunni militia. Lebanon’s hemmed population-Sunni and Shia has been put in a difficult situation caught up also in spill-over from the Syrian civil war. Teheran’s policy of supporting Shia militias and parties beyond its borders is essentially matched by the Sunni Gulf states with Shia and Sunni leaders often seem to be in competition as the latter continue to strengthen their links to Sunni governments and movements abroad.

Lebanon is paying a big price. Lawmakers failed on 10/29/2014 for the fifteenth time to elect a new president over a lack of quorum at parliament they will “try again” on 11/19/2014 with likely the same result because those holding power want a deadlock. Only 54 members out the 128 in Parliament showed up, well short of a quorum. The others were instructed to boycott by their parties, including the pro-Hezbollah Change and Reform and Loyalty to the Resistance blocs of the March 8 alliance. Their motive, their opponents the pro-Saudi March 14 alliance claim are purely political. The latest failed session was also boycotted by Speaker Nabih Berri, the Shia leader of the pro- Bashar Assad, Amal militia with Berri insisting he is simply trying to encourage ‘dialogue”.

“It has never been this bad” explains the proprietor of a neighborhood grocery store, agreeing with ever more of his fellow countrymen, as now opening curses both sides in public.

A few brief examples from the past week illustrate the rapidly intensifying Sunni-Shia clash.

As the Hezbollah continues boycotting Parliamentary electoral sessions due to disagreements with the mainly Sunni March 14 camp over a compromise presidential candidate. Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea, himself a presidential candidate, this week accused Hezbollah of “blocking Parliament in to order to blackmail political blocs into electing, their puppet, Michel Aoun.” Aoun who is as anti-Palestinian as Geagea is, denies media speculation “ that the ongoing obstruction is no longer a political maneuver, but an attempt to target Lebanon’s political system,”
Hezbollah is also being accused of joining the Syrian war and sacrificing Lebanese young men while killing many innocent Syrians solely on orders from Tehran. According to one March 14th Member of Parliament, “No one believes, not even the Hezbollah leadership that Hezbollah is fighting in Syria to protect Lebanon whose people are paying a big price for their adventure. “ Sunni opponents of Shia Hezbollah, including the spokesman for the March 14th alliance claim that “terrorists” or the so-called ‘Takfiries” would never have come to Lebanon if Hezbollah had not invaded Syria and started killing Sunni.”

The largely Sunni families of the 27 captive troops and policemen being held for ransom by the al-Nursa front are blaming Hezbollah and the Shia leader of Lebanon’s Internal Security Force, (ISF) Major-General Abbas Ibrahim, for not acting seriously to negotiate their loved ones release from captivity for purely sectarian reasons. On 10/30/14 the families threatened again to escalate their protests and have been burning tires at the Riad al-Solh Square in downtown Beirut while their relatives captors, al-Nusra Front, in increasingly setting up sleeper cells and advocating for the Sunni community in Lebanon is also accusing the ISF director of not being serious are obtaining the release of Sunni captives.

Meanwhile, Notre Dame University – Louaize and Saint Joseph University decided this week to suspend student elections for the current academic year as sectarianism spreads. “The political and security situation in Lebanon, which could impact the campus, will not allow the students to practice their democratic role positively,” USJ board of members said in a statement. Religion is a factor in this conflict also according to campus security guards on the scene trying to maintain order.

The United Nations has warned again this week that foreign religiously motivated jihadists are swarming into the twin conflicts in Iraq and Syria on “an unprecedented scale and some with religious motives and from countries that had not previously contributed combatants to global terrorism”. More than 1,500 foreign fighters are streaming into Syria each month, a rate that has increased since US airstrikes against Da’ish (Isis) began last month (9/23/14). The trend line established over the past year would mean that the total number of foreign fighters in Syria exceeds 16,000, and the pace eclipses that of any comparable conflict in recent decades, including the 1980s war in Afghanistan. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights just announced that 560 people have been killed in airstrikes since they began. That group counted 32 civilian deaths, including six children and five women.

The Pentagon estimates that each of the more than 600 US airstrikes in Syria and Iraq costs the American taxpayer approximately $ 9 million which given the claimed “kill count” means each death costs roughly $ 1.4 million each, militiamen or civilians. The rate of jihadists arriving just in Syria, again according to the Pentagon, were 12,000 in July, and 7,000 in March. But other US government’s estimates for just Syria put the jihadist arrival figures at currently 1,500 each month with the numbers accelerating and increasing coming to Lebanon. There are higher estimates according to U.S. intelligence and counter-terrorism officials and the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights who rank “Democracy Success Story and Arab Spring Winner” Tunisia as the country contributing the most jihadists currently arriving in the Levant.

As noted above, many of the religiously motivated jihadists are coming to Lebanon, especially up north near Tripoli which has seen heavy fighting between Sunni and Shia backed militia. If one credits their social media, several want to fight Hezbollah which they often label the “Party of Satan” and “Iran’s militia.”

On 10/30/13 Saudi National Guard Minister Prince Mutaib bin Abdullah, directing his comments to the KSA’s arch foe Hezbollah’s Secretary-General Hassan Nassrallah proclaimed that “The parties embracing terrorism in the region have become well-known.” Within minutes Saudi media outlets open with commentary and statements like those currently appearing in Lebanese media outlets such as Naharnet: “Yes those supporting terrorism they are the same who killed Rafik el Hariri and the remaining M14 leaders. They are the same who refuse to abide by Lebanese justice and deliver the accused/witness for investigations, they are the same who in order to remain in power, decide to destroy their country and kill their people and allow a huge inflow of terrorist into their land to show a worse alternative.”

Sentiments shared by some in the Sunni community who, unlike during the years following the 2006 July war, and Hezbollah’s widely acknowledged success against the Zionist regime still occupying Palestine, are no longer reluctant to criticize openly Shia Muslims generally and Hezbollah specifically.

Where this all ends is anyone’s guess but a ceasefire in the Syrian conflict, even limited area by area as Washington, Tehran and Moscow are discussing would perhaps help—or, as various analysts and some serious scholars postulate, the latest Sunni-Shia manifestation of Bellum Sacrum may take a long time to control if not resolve. Tens of years or centuries they advise only time will tell.

Dr. Franklin Lamb is Director, Americans Concerned for Middle East Peace, Beirut-Washington DC, Board Member of The Sabra Shatila Foundation, and a volunteer with the Palestine Civil Rights Campaign, Lebanon. He is the author of and is doing research in Lebanon for his next book. He can be reached at

Dr. Franklin Lamb is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

Ted Cruz Another Israeli Mouthpiece

September 16, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

Presidential wannabe politicians seldom will champion an American First foreign policy, but are eager to stand behind a Pro-Zionist agenda, even at the expense of our own essential national interest. The mess that engulfs the Middle East is only getting worse. Throughout all the past administrations and swings in the post World War II cast of enemies, Israel is never mentioned by the establishment as a force that undermines American national security. The axiom that Zionism is an unquestioned ally and friend of the United States, goes unchallenged. Any honest evaluation of world affairs must concede that the political class accepts this illusion as fact. If this was not true, why does nothing ever improve in the regional caldron of eternal conflict?

Israel is a country based upon apartheid animus. The claim that it is a practicing democracy is preposterous with the exclusion of displaced Palestinians from the political process. Zionism is a political ideology and any assertions that it is a religion, totally ignores the policy-making nature of the Israeli government. Judaism historically, based upon a religious adherence to the tenants of the Old Testament, is not universally homogeneous. The differences in the Torah and the Talmud are contentions among some Jews since antiquity. Not all Israelis are professing religious believers. Jews are people. A false assertion, that interchangeably substitutes a population for the identity of the State of Israel, is a fatal error. If Jews, bonded together by a tribal lineage was true, the universe of converts would be most limited.

However, in a world, that advances a culture of guilt and adoration to a tribe of self-appointed “Chosen” that proclaims their superiority race, has deadly consequences for the rest of the globe. Practicing the Mosaic Jewish religion is not the problem. Adhering to the Khazars version of Talmudic Pharisaism is the conundrum.

Unless a distinctive separation from the Israeli state is made regarding the different communities of Orthodox Hebrew Semites, Jewish Babylonian zealots, secular Zionists and Kabbalah Satanic Worshipers, understanding the proper and necessary boundaries for a valid foreign policy towards Israel is impossible.

Democrat and Republican politicians have a habit of taking a vow of allegiance to Israel. Virtually all career-oriented aspirants take the pledge. Heretofore, few prostrate themselves so publically by displaying their own ignorance, as Senator Ted Cruz. Wearing his badge of courage, in the asinine hope that deranged Evangelical Zionists will rally enough support for his election, he largely closes the door on rational voters.

The Daily Caller reports, Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference.

“Christians have no greater ally than Israel.”

“Those who hate Israel hate America,” he continued, as the boos and calls for him to leave the stage got louder.

“If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews,” he said. “Then I will not stand with you.”

Watch a video segment address, at .

What motivates such statements and assertions by Cruz? According to a post on the Daily Paul Liberty Forum, Ted Cruz is a hardcore Zionist and aligns himself with interests that are destroying America.

“Zionism is any enemy to the United States of America. We have subjugated our economic and military sovereignty to Israel, and the Israelis have taken advantage for far too long. We should not be engaged in wars for Israel and the U.S. and Israeli Zionists who were responsible for 9-11 must be brought to justice. AIPAC should NOT be ruling America and have her politicians in their back pockets. The banking system must be overhauled and rid of Zionist influence. The United States has become Israel’s whore and it must stop.

Zionism and its belief system has enormous control over our media, banking, and political systems and has masses of Americans snowed under. We must stop this and awaken to its effects.

It causes us to be involved in never ending war that is of no benefit to the U.S., it causes us to be fed a false version of reality such that the policies and the money keep flowing in Israel’s favor, and it causes the American people to be placed in the role of debt slaves under our masters in Israel.”

The Cruz fan club may marvel at his Tea Party advocacy, but the underlying question is whether Christian-Zionists, in this grass root movement, are just as clueless as the Senator is when it comes to a ridiculous support for an antagonistic regime, who threatens nuclear annihilation on any foe that challenges their greater Israel expansion.

Coming to the defense of Cruz is a dependable Glenn “Judas Goat” Beck and his Blaze, Listen to the Last Thing Ted Cruz Tells Audience Before He’s Booed Off Stage at Middle Eastern Christians Event. This article also cites another NeoCon exponent of Zionism, the Washington Free Beacon.

“As the Washington Free Beacon reported, “the roster of speakers includes some of the Assad regime’s most vocal Christian supporters, as well as religious leaders allied with the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah.”A Cruz spokesperson said the Texas senator decided to headline the event despite some of the associated individuals “because he wants to take every opportunity to highlight this crisis, the unspeakable persecution of Christians.”

So what was the reaction from the organizers of the sponsoring conference? Mideast Christian Conference Organizers Never Told Cruz That Israel Was Off Limits, quotes:

“Joseph Cella, a senior adviser to In Defense of Christians, confirmed there were no specific instructions for speakers, including Cruz, to shy away from Israel.”We gave him the following guideline: The theme to stick to is religious freedom and human dignity,” Cella told The Daily Signal. “There were really no guidelines beyond that. We anticipated he would focus on the theme and stick to it.”

When asked if Cruz deviated from that message, Cella said:

We didn’t expect the speech to delve into the matters of relationships of Jewish, Muslim and Christian brothers and sisters over the years. That was certainly a surprise as well as the reaction.

There is newly intense pressure for push back against Israeli mouthpiece politicians. In the Political Vel Craft article, Zionist Ted Cruz Praises Rothschild’s “State” Of Israel: Gets Booed Off Stage At D.C. Conference, the following appears.

“As we keep saying, Gaza has changed Israel’s image in American politics: the grassroots are appalled by Israel’s carnage and they’re going to be more and more of a force in American elections, countering the [Rothschild] Israel lobby. Last month [Rothschild Czar] Bernie Sanders stood by Israel at a Vermont Town Hall meeting and got heckled so angrily by his own leftwing base that he threatened to call the police. “Bullshit!” someone shouted when he said that Israel has a right to defend itself.

Well the rightwing grassroots are conscious too. Texas [Rothschild Proxy] Senator Ted Cruz got booed off a Washington stage last night after a Christian audience railed at him for praising Israel for defending Christians (when it’s undermining Christian life in the occupied territories).”

Those mostly ignored facts and dirty little inconsistencies have a way of popping up to spoil the Zionist luv fests.

Lastly, the incendiary essay Ted Cruz: Christian Dominionism’s Manchurian Candidate, lives up to their name. However, the Emperor author makes a valid point, even if he fails to understand what it is.

“When Keith Ellison ran for Congress he was incessantly attacked by the Islamophobia industry. For years he was assaulted by hostile Conservative organizations and lobbyists as a “stealth Jihadist.” His victories were viewed as a sign of “creeping Islamization.”To this very day the fact that he is in Congress is still a sore point that produces all sorts of vitriolic hatred on the Right.Ironically, the Christian fundamentalists who rant and rave about the phantasm of Muslim fundamentalist takeover of the USA are only projecting their own (hidden) inner desires. It is the Christian Dominionists who have a theology of covertly taking the levers of power and tilting the USA towards theocracy.”

The theocracy that really underpins American political life is not an immerging Islamic Sharia law movement or even the Christian gospel of Jesus Christ. Woefully, what permeates every stratum of politics is an unholy devotion to the temple of Baal. The country of Israel betrays YHVH with their heretical worldview of pre-eminence. America has blasphemed against the Prince of Peace. The United States cannot be a Good Shepherd by following the dictates of Israel. And Yahweh is not a Zionist.

Ted Cruz needs a lesson in religion from .

Texe Marrs in the account, Senator Ted Cruz an Israeli Lackey, sums up the situation nicely. “In the first month after winning the election, Cruz flew to Israel twice to get instructions from his new masters.”

The future restoration of America is impossible, unless and until, the blind obedience to the Israel lobby is broken for the last time. Genuine conservative populists will never support any candidate that subjugates national interests under the approved direction of Zionists. Ted Cruz is one of many, who deserve to be booed.

Sartre is the publisher, editor, and writer for Breaking All The Rules. He can be reached at:

Sartre is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

NWO Enforcer: NATO Threatens WW III

September 6, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

The New World Order has been in place for centuries. Is it not time to start calling the NWO by another name? A descriptive term that encapsulates the essence of the beast would be a Nefarious Warrior Organism. Such a phrase strips away the ridiculous notion that there is any order in the malevolent organization of the parasitic global structure, based upon perpetual and permanent warfare. This depiction more closely resembles reality, even if the master mass media refuses to acknowledge How the World Really Works. Discard any condemnation that criticism of the established order rests upon conspiratorial fantasy or pre-medieval prejudices. Explaining away or ignoring basic human nature in a “PC” culture ultimately requires the adoption of a depraved Totalitarian Collectivism system.

Students of world affairs are not strangers to the practice of lies and deception. One of the grand daddies of the Nefarious Warrior Organism, and infamous war criminal, Henry Kissinger has a new book, World Order. An excerpt published in the Wall Street Journal, Henry Kissinger on the Assembly of a New World Order, spews the same poppycock that underpins the destructive policies and practices that has the world ripe for an apocalyptic conflict, needed to rescue the banksters of international finance from their derivative Ponzi scheme.

“Libya is in civil war, fundamentalist armies are building a self-declared caliphate across Syria and Iraq and Afghanistan’s young democracy is on the verge of paralysis. To these troubles are added a resurgence of tensions with Russia and a relationship with China divided between pledges of cooperation and public recrimination. The concept of order that has underpinned the modern era is in crisis.

The international order thus faces a paradox: Its prosperity is dependent on the success of globalization, but the process produces a political reaction that often works counter to its aspirations.”

How convenient to disregard the fact that incessant conflicts are direct results of policy maker schemes in Washington, London, Israel and the global sanctuaries and redoubts where the Mattoids reside. Policy objectives, invariably implemented with force, coercion and military carnage is the real reason why the NATO enforcement machine was not disbanded with the ending of the Cold War.

Over a decade ago the essay, NATO a Dinosaur Overdue for Extinction stated that national sovereignty of individual states was never an objective after the collapse of the Soviet Empire. Quite to the contrary, NATO’s expansion to accept the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland (1999), Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia (2004), and Albania and Croatia (2009) as members illustrates that the purpose of NATO clearly has a focus on becoming the global police force for the NWO.

“If the breakdown in NATO is destined to avail an opportunity to curtail the Yankee Hyperpower, the alternative need not be the formation of another suspect alliance. It is not unpatriotic to advocate the wisdom in an America First policy. NATO doesn’t secure or advance our country, but only provides the military command and enforcement that imposes the will of global masters. Resistance and opposition against an independent EU rapid defense force, comes not from the nations of Europe, but from the elites that control the mechanisms of global power. NATO is one of their tools. Alliances are one of their methods. And suppression of viable self determination is their cherished goal.”

Seasoned observers of the backstabbing game of international intrigue must love the way that The State Department’s New World Order Agenda rears its ugly head with NeoCons running U.S. foreign policy.

“That esteem champion of national sovereignty, Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, is hardly a protector of the duly elected Ukrainian government. Actively working to depose that regime for one acceptable to the EU/NATO system claims such actions as legal and sound policy, for the good of the Ukrainians. When Toby Gati, the former White House senior director for Russia, defended Nuland, the futility of a joint cooperative strategy exposes the reality of blowback to the EU.”

In order to understand the true nature of the psychopathic motives and vicious tactics that threaten a global conflagration, examine Victoria Nuland’s family ties: The Permanent Government in action. Kevin MacDonald dares reveals the family tree structure of the NeoCon clan of subversive fifth column infiltrators within our own government.

“Ethnic networking and ties cemented by marriage are on display in the flap over Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland’s phone conversation with Geoffrey Pyatt, U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine. As VDARE’s Steve Sailer puts it, Nuland is a member of a talented, energetic [Jewish] family that is part of the Permanent Government of the United States.”

The expected result of such treachery is that the IMF and EU Capture of Ukraine becomes the spark that ignites a fuse set to explode into an intended Ukrainian civil war.

“It should be obvious that the recent putsch and regime change in the Ukraine inspired and backed by the U.S. shadow government, benefits the international banksters. For the average EU resident, only further economic displacement and diminished prospects can be expected from any inclusion of Ukraine into the EU dictatorial structure.”

Of course, the actual target, slated for removal is Vladimir Putin Nemesis of the New World Order. Russian defiance of the Nefarious Warrior Organism cannot stand.

“The context for any serious discussion on foreign affairs must start with the admission that the New World Order is the dominant controller of political power, especially in western countries. The NeoCon/NeoLib cabal dictates worldwide compliance. Nations conform to the financial supremacy of banksters, administered by handpicked political stooges. Global governance is the end game destined for all states. Individual nations slated for extinction are doomed as long as the NWO advances their worldwide imperium.”

The terror of descending into an abyss that triggers a nuclear World War III is actually a ruse. Such a holocaust will not happen by chance. Only when the transcendent Satanist elites have all their prey in the sights of their directed fallout, will the button be pushed.

China is certainly part of the NWO gang of comrades. The prospect for their involvement seems more likely than Russian recklessness. Ready for World War III with China?, has that old black magic of Kissinger come alive with the designated strategy intended to defeat America.

“China does not want an apocalyptic war with the United States. They are content to wage economic and financial warfare. Notwithstanding the trade dependency that the globalist cabal originated by the Nixon-Kissinger tools with the Red Communists, the authoritarian People’s Republic of China, are winning the financial battle.”

NATO’s belligerent and bellicose deployments around Russia are part of a plan to isolate, marginalize and shatter the economy and influence of Putin in the region. Neutering the Russian Bear facilitates the spread of central banking direction over the natural resources and across the time zones of this dissident former commie.

Since all obedient Marxists sing the song of the Internationale as they report to the gnomes of the Bank of International Settlement, do not be duped into thinking that NATO is a force for stability and legitimate defense. Involvements from Afghanistan to Kosovo or Iraq to Libya, demonstrates there are no short list deployments. The tentacles of drone assaults have nonconforming regimes posed for eventual collateral damage. As the Nefarious Warrior Organism metastasizes, the cancer becomes terminal. Actually blowing up the planet risks the destruction of property. Just the risk of universal annihilation serves the extortionist better, by maintaining a campaign of everlasting fear. NATO becomes the strong-arm enforcer, wheeling brass knuckle punches, when tribute payments become late.

Killing hundreds of millions if not billions is far more efficient using germ warfare in a mutation of a designer pandemic. NATO’s intimidation best functions as a warning of potential incursion than an actual skirmish on a battlefield. The next arms race is to advance electronic countermeasures to protect the flow of debt collection. The NWO can encircle the few remaining enclaves of freedom, but rebel states confined to benign reservations, cannot expect much better.

Dread that World War III is on the horizon is most useful to the elites that play the puppeteer game of diversion and slide of hand. As independent countries fall into the cauldron of globalism stew, the only morsel that remains of the sweet taste of liberty resides in the memory recesses of the past.

The masters of global chaos, served well with the life work of Henry Kissinger and Zibigneiw Brzezinski, prosper on the suffering of the rest of humanity. Such megalomaniacs see the military-industrial-security complex as a continuum of a scorched earth campaign of Attila the Hun. Destruction and carnage reign, since the only empire that exists is the one that keeps the NWO elites in control.

America is long dead and the echoes of the past only serve as remembrance of the purported rendering of the NATO’s motto – ANIMUS IN CONSULENDO LIBER. Somehow, the translation, “Man’s mind ranges unrestrained in counsel”, seems only to apply inside the dementia of the Nefarious Warrior Organism.

Sartre is the publisher, editor, and writer for Breaking All The Rules. He can be reached at:

Sartre is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

God, Heaven, Hell & Demons: Do They Exist?

August 31, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

Rev. Robert Barron was chagrined, but not entirely surprised when he read Woody Allen’s recent ruminations on ultimate things. To state it bluntly, said Rev. Barron, Woody could not be any bleaker in regard to the issue of meaning in the universe. We live, he said,

“… in a godless and purposeless world. The earth came into existence through mere chance and one day it, along with every work of art and cultural accomplishment, will be incinerated. The universe as a whole will expand and cool until there is nothing left but the void. Every hundred years or so, he continued, a coterie of human beings will be “flushed away” and another will replace it until it is similarly eliminated. So why does he bother making films — roughly one every year? Well, he explained, in order to distract us from the awful truth about the meaninglessness of everything, we need diversions, and this is the service that artists provide.”  (Woody Allen’s Bleak Vision, , Aug. 12, 2014)

Like millions of other evolutionary humanists in rebellion against our Heavenly Father, Woody Allen is a nihilist—a non-person.  The source of his nihilism is the belief that our Heavenly Father is dead and there is no Absolute Truth, that all truth is relative.  According to Eugene (Fr. Seraphim) Rose, nihilism is the basic philosophy of the 20th century:

“It has become, in our time, so widespread and pervasive, has entered so thoroughly and so deeply into the minds and hearts of all men living today, that there is no longer any ‘front’ on which it may be fought.” The heart of this philosophy, he said, was “expressed most clearly by Nietzsche and by a character of Dostoyevsky in the phrase: ‘God is dead, therefore man becomes God and everything is possible.”  (Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age, )

Rev. Richard Wurmbrand (1909 –2001), a Romanian Christian minister of Jewish descent possesses penetrating insight into nihilism because it was his own philosophy for many years.  But after fourteen years of physical and mental torment in a man-made hell on earth operated by soulless psychopaths, this courageous pastor emerged with an unquenchable love for Jesus Christ and his fellow man.   According to Wurmbrand, nihilism freezes and hardens the souls of its’ dehumanized believers:

You freeze when you think of yourself as only a complicated product of chemical reactions….You cannot see stars (or your soul) through the microscope or microbes through the telescope.  Men who cannot think rightly come to the conclusion that God does not exist because they cannot find Him through the senses, which are functions of life in the realm of matter.  Senses are not the right means to see God.” (The Answer to the Atheist’s Handbook, Wurmbrand, p. 105)

The common denominators of Allen’s particular form of nihilism as well as those of militant secularism and its’ theological and New Age Eastern oriented counterparts are the denial of the supernatural Triune God and creation ex nihilo, the fall (original sin), man as person because created in the spiritual image of the One God in three Persons, Moral Law, immutable Truth, Jesus Christ God enfleshed, His death and Resurrection, heaven and hell.

Within the secular framework there is also denial of angels and demons, especially of Lucifer as the fallen angel Satan.  Other common denominators are the embrace of the idea of either pre-existing or spontaneously generated evolving matter and energy and mankind collectively dehumanized and reduced to aspects of the evolving universe.   All of these myths are validated by scientism—the instrument of fallen man’s will.

Whether matter and energy are held to be eternally existing or spontaneously generated (Cosmic Egg/Big Bang) matters not since the common point of departure for all worldviews grounded in matter and energy is metaphysical nihilism,

“… This position has been held by philosophers such as Parmenides, Buddha, Advaita Vedantins, and perhaps Kant (according to some interpretations of his transcendental idealism). Blob theory can also be considered very closely aligned with mereological nihilism (there are no parts and wholes). Obviously if metaphysical nihilism is correct, empirical reality is an illusion.” (What is Metaphysical Nihilism?

Concerned creationists have long pointed out that evolutionary scientism is at the heart of the spiritual and moral crisis facing modern man.  A booklet titled The Surrender to Secularism (Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation, 1967) written by Most Rev. Cuthbert O’Gara, former bishop of Yuanling, China, provides a powerful testimony to this truth.  Rev. O’Gara relates the following:

When the Communist troops over-ran my diocese they were followed in short order by the propaganda corps—the civilian branch of the Red Forces—an organization…more fanatical, then the People’s Army of Liberation itself.  The entire population, city and countryside, was immediately organized into distinctive categories (and) forced to attend the seminar specified for his or her proper category and there (forced to submit) to the official Communist line.   Now what…was the first lesson given to the indoctrinees?  The first, the fundamental, lesson…was man’s descent from the ape—Darwinism!   Darwinism negates God, the human soul, the after-life.  Into this vacuum Communism enters as the be-all and end-all of the intellectual slavery it has created.  In the Red prison in which I was held, the slogan, ‘Bring your mind over to us and all your troubles will end,’ was hammered into the minds of the prisoners with brutal and numbing monotony.  Nothing but a groveling holocaust of the human person can satiate the lust for dominance of Peking’s Red Regime.”  (Article 12: The Quintessential Evolutionist, )

All forms of the evolutionary scientism dominating our modern societies, from the Neo-Darwinism force-fed to our children to militant forms of secularism, occult New Age evolutionary pantheism and their evolutionary theological counterparts, all are variations of metaphysical nihilism demanding a holocaust of the human person:

“It matters little whether we are dealing with Communism, Socialism, Nazism, abortion, the whole secular culture of perversity and death, the exclusion of God from public education, the crisis within the Church, or a whole host of other individual and social agendas – all are intimately related, and have as a powerful causative factor, belief in Darwinian Evolution.” (ibid)

Within the Western civilized world, including America, the idea that everything in the universe reduces to matter and energy is found for example, in the thinking of global NWO socialists, America’s progressive ruling class, the evolutionary ‘Christianity’ of Michael Dowd, the Hindu-pantheism of Teilhard de Chardin, the integral evolutionism of Ken Wilber, the dialectical materialism of Karl Marx, and the 20th century’s murderous dictators, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Hitler, Mao and Pol Pot.

In his article, “Leftism a Radical Faith,” Bruce Riggs notes that much of the political history of the extended twentieth century is that of massive extinctions of citizenries by their dictatorial governments:

Take the engineered mass starvations, torture chambers, firing squads, and gulags of Lenin and Stalin; Nazi gas chambers; Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge killing fields; the genocides of Mao’s “Great Leap Forward”; and the tyrannical North Korean Sung dynasty, and one will find that over one hundred million people
have been slaughtered.” (American Thinker, Jan. 1, 2014)

In one way or another, these dictatorial governments systematically dehumanized and murdered millions to create an imagined earthly Eden, said Riggs, and this is clearly irrational.  In this sense, leftist ideology is an atheist religion with the look of a religious inquisition. Klaus Fischer puts it this way:

“[T]otalitarianism represents the twentieth-century version of traditional religiosity; it is in many ways the secular equivalent of the religious life. Unless this crucial point is captured, the quintessential nature of totalitarianism will elude us.” (ibid)

This “totalitarian religiosity” is grounded in metaphysical nihilism and the dehumanization and reduction of mankind to aspects of the evolving universe on a par with slugs, weeds, and apes.  This evil religion continues today as a “scientific,” secular, politico-centric faith,

“….disdainful of theistic beliefs and contemptuous of those who subscribe to them.  It is a faith that, in its historical manifestations, has birthed the murderous tyrannies of the extended twentieth century — tyrannies that have marched under left-wing banners of Marxism, Communism, and National Socialism, or, more generally and descriptively, Coercive Collectivism.” (ibid, Riggs)

As it was for murderous 20th century dictators, so it is for todays’ individual evolutionists that metaphysical nihilism and dehumanization of ‘others’ is liberating, at least during younger years when death is not yet a blip on the radar.  This is  because for the uncreated, liberated autonomous ‘self’ who is the measure of all things and whose life no longer has any ultimate meaning or purpose there is no valid reason why he personally should not do as he wants to do, or why his debauched, even murderous friends should not do what they want to do.  But the nihilism, egotism, lying, perverse license, and sadistic pleasure attained through psychological domination and manipulation of dehumanized ‘dupes’ and their children, all of which nihilists rejoice in during their younger years becomes an unbearable source of  despair, horror, night terrors, dread, and thoughts of murder and suicide with the advent of old age and the approach of death.

God, Heaven, Hell, Souls and Demons:  Do They Exist?

At issue for evolutionary humanists is the existence of the supernatural God of Revelation, the Heavenly Creator who spoke everything into existence ex nihilo.   Does He exist and did He reveal Himself to men or not?    Rebellious evolutionists say no, all that exists is the natural dimension of matter and energy in continuous motion measured by time that may or may not involve the working of a god invented and controlled by man.

However, existence within the natural dimension of space and time is not the only form of existence.  Timeless is the supernatural realm (third heaven) of the eternally existing, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Holy God of Revelation.

There are three heavens.  The first is the immediate sky, or earth’s atmosphere. (Genesis 2:19; 7:3, 23; Psalms 8:8; Deuteronomy 11:17)  The second is the starry heavens or outer space. (Deuteronomy 17:3; Jeremiah 8:2; Matthew 24:29).  The third heaven is outside of time and space, meaning the first and second heavens, thus outside the reach of man’s science.  The timeless heaven is where God and the holy angels and spirits of righteous men in possession of eternal life dwell and to which Paul was taken. (Deuteronomy 10:14; 1 Kings 8:27; Psalms 115:16; 148:4; 2 Cor.12:2)

Furthermore, all people who have had out-of-body experiences by way of near-death or drugs, astral plane travels, or through shamanism for example, can testify to the existence of their own souls as well as of the timeless abode of demons and fallen angels, the “spirits of wickedness under the heavens” (Eph. 6:12) and their chief, “the prince of the powers of the air.” (Eph. 2:2) According to the Apostle Paul, fallen angels thrown down from the third heaven are dispersed in a multitude throughout the first heaven.  It is with this timeless abode of fallen angels and demons that shamans interact and to which astral plane travelers from the time of Nimrod to our own have been visiting. According to Francis Huxley and Jeremy Narby:

Western observers began participating in shamanistic sessions involving hallucinogenic plants, (and) found, to their astonishment, that they could have experiences similar to those described by shamans.”   ‘Life’ magazine popularized shamanism in a 1957 story, “In Mexico, American banker Gordon Wasson ate psilocybin mushrooms in a session conducted by (a) shaman.”   Wasson described to ‘Life’s’ readers his experience of “flying out of his body.”  Narby and Huxley report that “hundreds of thousands of people read Wasson’s account, and many followed his example.”  (Modern Shamanism: Spirit Contact & Spiritual Progress, James Herrick, p. 17, from “On Global Wizardry, edited by Peter Jones)

When the soul comes out of its’ body, as happened to the Satanist William Schnoebelen, it is immediately within the timeless realm of evil spirits.  According to early Church Fathers, if the soul is that of a faithful believer it will be met by one of Gods’ Holy Angels and escorted to the third heaven.   If not, as was the case with Schnoebelen, it will meet with deceiving, malignant spirits.

William Schnoebelen was a great hardboiled sinner whose damnable transgressions included Satanism and receiving the mark of Satan during an out of body experience.  His autobiography, Lucifer Dethroned, is a gripping and horrifying account of his descent into the darkest, most frightening side of the occult, magick, spell-casting, vampirism, astral travel and Satanism and his subsequent restoration through grace and the love of Jesus Christ.

Bill was a demonically-empowered Druidic high priest, high-order Mason, ordained spiritist minister and Satanist who frequently “went out of his body” into the timeless realm for various reasons.  As he tells it, one night he was “yanked” out of his body and drawn up through the paths of the Tree of Life toward the zone of Binah or Saturn.  His terrifying journey took him to a vast, obsidian trapezoidal shaped temple called the Cathedral of Pain situated in the midst of swirling stars. The inside walls were clear glass,

“…holding back a transparent green fluid.  Floating within the fluid…were hundreds of naked (horribly mutilated) human bodies.  They were all dead, most with expressions of exquisite terror etched in a rictus on their frozen faces.”  Then a pillar of light struck an “obsidian throne,” a sacrificial altar, and out of the light “appeared a huge being…robed in white…”  Mighty wings swept his shoulders.  At one moment the winged being was an incredibly handsome man, the next a “bull” and the next a “woman.” Chanting began in Latin: “Ave Satanas, Rege Satanas (Hail Satan, Satan Rules)”  Then the terrifying being reached out his left hand “and placed it on my forehead….I felt a claw tear into my brow (and) insert itself into my brain like a white-hot poker..”  Then a voice spoke: “Now you are mine forever.”    (p. 157-159)

Schnoebelen was forced to return to the Cathedral of Pain a few more times before turning to Jesus Christ for salvation.  One night he finally got down on his knees and confessed,

“…to the Lord that I was indeed a sinner—perhaps the chiefest of sinners (but) I repented (Luke 15:5) and confessed that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead so that I might have eternal life (Romans 10: 9-10).  I asked Jesus to save me from my sins (Romans 10: 13), and to be the absolute Lord of my life (Romans 12: 1-2)”    Jesus Christ forgave me and set me “free from unbelievable darkness and evil...”   Jesus Christ liberated his demonically oppressed soul.”(p. 315)

All people, including ‘scientifically enlightened’ evolutionary nihilists live in a mysterious world of which we see in part, and that only darkly, because we are imprisoned in the jail of our senses.  But as Schnoebelen, shamanists and practicing occultists such as Carl Jung know, there are all about us and even here on earth powerful, intelligent beings that move so fast we cannot not see them, who emit rays outside the spectrum of our vision and communicate among themselves on a wavelength beyond what man can hear and apprehend, thus they can observe us, inflate our most disordered passions and influence our dreams and thoughts for good or bad.  They can also, by way of telepathy or automatic writing, transmit through someone like Nietzsche or Carl Jung teachings from the demonic realm.

According to the highly celebrated Jung, Philemon, a winged, horned demon, supervised and inspired the writing of the “Seven Sermons to the Dead.”  Jung described the occasion like this:

The whole house was….crammed full of spirits.   They were packed deep right up to the door, and the air was so thick I could hardly breathe…Then it began to flow out of me, and in the course of three evenings the thing (Septem Sermones ad Mortuos) was written.” (Jung relates how his soul departed into the timeless realm)…the mystical land of the dead (and) soon after the…..’dead’ appeared to me and the result was the Septem Sermones.”   (To Hell and Back, Maurice S. Rawlings, M.D., p.143)

Spirits can, and do, influence the minds of proud evolutionary humanists who then trumpet the nihilistic ideas dropped into their minds as their own brilliant ideas and do the work of devils by leading astray millions of people with their damnable soul-destroying teachings.

Evolutionary seculars and their theological and occult New Age counterparts commit grievous sins and live as if they will never die. But the God of Revelation, heaven, hell, angels and demons exist, and even now, without their knowledge, rebellious nihilists are being prepared to receive the mark of Satan on their foreheads unless they repent.   Before it’s too late, let them learn from the despairing words of other adversaries of Jesus Christ:

“I am suffering the pangs of the damned.”  Talleyrand (ibid, Wurmbrand, p. 158

“Give me laudanum that I may not think of eternity.”  Mirabeau

I am abandoned by God and man.  I shall go to hell.  Oh Christ, oh Jesus Christ!” Voltaire

What blood, what murders, what evil counsels have I followed.  I am lost, I see it well.” Charles IX, King of France

“I would give worlds, if I had them, if the Age of Reason (an anti-Christian book) had never been published.  Oh, Lord, help me. Christ, help me.  Stay with me.  It is hell to be left alone.” Thomas Paine

“…I had a feeling that life was ebbing from me.  I felt powerful sensations of dread (then suddenly everything) turned a glowing red.   I saw twisted faces grimacing as they stared down at me (I tried to defend myself but) could no longer shut out the frightful truth: beyond the faces dominating this fiery world were faces of the damned.  I had a feeling of despair….the sensation of horror was so great it choked me.  Obviously I was in Hell itself (and then suddenly) the black silhouette of a human figure began to draw near…a woman…with lipless mouth and in her eyes an expression that sent icy shudders down my back.  She stretched out her arms…and pulled me by an irresistible force (into) a world filled with….sounds of lamentation….I asked the figure…who she was.  A voice answered: “I am death.”  (German actor Curt Jürgen’s, To Hell and Back, pp. 76-77)

Nihilists are lost and spiritually blind— to the reality of the timeless realms, but especially to the third heaven of our Heavenly Father.  So too are they are blind to the reality of their own frozen souls and to the existence of devils all around them for their foolish hearts are darkened (Rom. 1:21) and their thoughts evil (Gn. 6:5).  They are ignorant, guilty, and corrupt.  They have exchanged God’s Revelation for scientism and His Truth and Way for a lie (Rom. 1:25), and their darkened minds are wholly blind to the saving Light of Christ that shines into the hearts of the faithful. (John 8:12)

From his own experience, Eugene Rose believed that a nihilist cannot come to Christ fully until he is first aware of how far he and his society have fallen away from Him, that is, until he has first faced the Nihilism in himself:

The Nihilism of our age exists in all,” he wrote, “and those who do not, with the aid of God, choose to combat it in the name of the fullness of Being of the living God, are swallowed up in it already. We have been brought to the edge of the abyss of nothingness and, whether we recognize its nature or not, we will, through affinity for the ever-present nothingness within us, be engulfed in it beyond all hope of redemption-unless we cling in full and certain faith (which doubting, does not doubt) to Christ, without Whom we are truly nothing.”  (Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age, )

This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.”  “For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.… (John 3:19-20)

For all who repent of their sins, combat their nihilism with the aid of God and unite with the faithful who persevere in the Way of Christ, death is merely a doorway to eternal physical life, first in the third heaven for a while, then in a physical Paradise—the earth and heavens renewed and remade in unimaginably wondrous ways.   But for the stubborn, dehumanized nihilist who prefers darkness to Light the approach of old age and death are accompanied by increasing afflictions of the mind—despair, depression, nightmares, inexplicable feelings of dread and horror—because beyond the grave lies only eternal remorse in utter darkness.

Linda Kimball writes on culture, politics, and worldview. Her articles are published nationally and internationally. Linda can be reached at:

Linda Kimball is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

The Cause and Consequences of World War I

July 29, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

With the centurial commemoration of the , the Timeline of World War I provides a chronological list of facts and occurrences. Contrast such details with a wholly inadequate and sanitized version of the Top 5 Causes of World War 1:

1. Mutual Defense Alliances

2. Imperialism

3. Militarism

4. Nationalism

5. Immediate Cause: Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

None of these simplistic categories or labels has any veritable bearing on the underlying political, social, economic and evil forces that conspired to drive Western Civilizations into a self-induced suicidal slaughter. The true history of World War I is rooted in the permanent struggle against satanic powers that seek the destruction of Christendom, the financial enslavement of humanity and the death of gentile society.

Understand the real history of The Rothschild 1901 – 1919: The secret creators of World War 1.

“In this war, the German Rothschild’s loan money to the Germans, the British Rothschilds loan money to the British, and the French Rothschilds loan money to the French. Furthermore, the Rothschilds have control of the three European news agencies, Wolff (est. 1849) in Germany, Reuters (est. 1851) in England, and Havas (est. 1835) in France. The Rothschilds use Wolff to manipulate the German people into a fervor for war. From around this time, the Rothschilds are rarely reported in the media, because they own the media.”


The video, , explains in the most fundamental manner, The Role of the Jews in WWI summarized by Benjamin H. Freedman. “The Balfour Declaration was merely Great Britain’s promise to pay the Zionists what they had agreed upon as a consideration for getting the United States into the war.”

Now read the essay, The Money Masters: How International Bankers Gained Control of America, for the account of America betrayal.

“In America, J.P. Morgan was the sales agent for war materials to both the British and the French.

In fact, six months into the war, Morgan became the largest consumer on earth, spending $10 million a day.

Other Rothschild allies in the United States made out as well from the war. President Wilson appointed Bernard Baruch to head the War Industries Board. According to historian James Perloff, both Baruch and the Rockefellers profited by some $200 million during the war.”

The more that things change the further they remain the same. The essay, International Bankers and WW I references, the book, A Century of War by William Engdahl.

“By 1920, Morgan partner Thomas W. Lamont noted with obvious satisfaction that, as a result of four years of war and global devastation, ‘the national debts of the world have increased by $210,000,000,000 or about 475% in the last six years, and as a natural consequence, the variety of government bonds and the number of investors in them have been greatly multiplied.’ These results have made themselves manifest in all the investment markets of the world but nowhere, perhaps, in greater measure than in the United States.”

“It may be noted that in 1913 the US government budget was a mere $714,000,000 (714 million dollars) while the Rockefeller empire was worth 950 million dollars in 1913. The Rockefeller and Morgan empires were built through financing by the Rothschild banking family.”


Such financial manipulation deserves an honest evaluation, as Brother Nathaniel offers, in his summary of the Benjamin H. Freedman viewpoint in the article, Jews Blackmailed Wilson Into WW I.

“Not a shot had been fired on German soil yet Germany was offering England peace terms. They offered England a negotiated peace on what the lawyers call a status quo ante basis, which means: “Let’s call the war off and let everything be as it was before the war started.”

England, in the summer of 1916, was considering Germany’s peace terms. They had no choice. It was either accepting this negotiated peace that Germany was offering them or going on with the war and being totally defeated.

While that was going on, the Zionists in Germany, led by the Jew, Chaim Weitzman, who later became the 1st President of Israel, went to the British War Cabinet and said: “Don’t capitulate to Germany. You can win this war if the United States comes in as your ally. We can arrange this. But in return, you must promise us Palestine once the tide turns in your favor.”

In this war, 115,516 American soldiers were killed and 202,002 were maimed for life.

That is what the Anti-Christian Jews of the world conspired to achieve in their crooked diplomatic underworld.”

Harsh words, but what was the actual outcome? Mujahid Kamran in the essay, International bankers and WW I, provides an insight into the true reason behind waging World War I.

“Historian Alan Brugar has pointed out that for every soldier who died in battle, the international bankers made a profit of $10,000 dollars! It was the bankers who manipulated the horrific World War I. This bloodletting was not just to make profits – this was also carried out to exhaust countries by bleeding them and enhance the control of bankers over governments with the objective of setting up the New World Order (NWO).”

“The penetration of the banking families into the power fabric of nations can be gauged from the astonishing fact that during WWI German intelligence was headed by the banker Max Warburg, brother of a naturalized US citizen Paul Warburg. Paul Warburg authored the diabolical Federal Reserve scheme. The Warburg’s were among the owners of the Federal Reserve. Both represented their respective “countries” in the “delegations” that met at the “peace” negotiations at Versailles after WWI in which Germany was ripped off completely.”

Remember that after World War I, Henry Ford published the Dearborn Independent and accounts on The Jewish Hand in the World War.

“As Henry Ford saw it, “Mr. Wilson, while President, was very close to the Jews. His administration, as everyone knows, was predominantly Jewish.”22 Wilson seems to have been the first president to have the full backing of the Jewish Lobby, including multiple major financial donors. And he was the first to fully reward their support.”

Today, such writings often criticized as anti-Semitic, present a viewpoint that is acknowledged by the Jewish Writer, Oscar Levy, The World Significance of the Russian Revolution; The International Jew, Vol. III, 1921, p. 184-87. The site, The Evil of Zionism Exposed by Jews, quotes Mr. Levy.

“There is scarcely an event in modern history that cannot be traced to the Jews. Take the Great War (World War I)…the Jews have made this war! … We (Jews) who have posed as the saviors of the world…we Jews, today, are nothing else but the world’s seducers, its destroyer’s, its incendiaries, its executioners … We have finally succeeded in landing you into a new hell.”

Henry Makow Ph.D. comments on the Webster Tarpley version of history (EVIL DEMIURGE OF THE TRIPLE ENTENTE AND WORLD WAR I) in the essay, Illuminati Bankers Instigated World War One, by saying that Dr. Tarpley “eschews mention of Jewish bankers in favor of euphemisms like “Venetians.” Therefore it is unusual for him to state bluntly that King Edward VII was in the pay of the Rothschilds and was responsible for World War One.”


In a “TC” environment, the modern genteelism, international finance has even more dire consequences facing the world today. The T. Hunt Tooley account, Merchants of Death Revisited: Armaments, Bankers, and the First World War references Professor Carroll Quigley and his books, Tragedy and Hope (1966) and The Anglo-American Establishment (written in 1949).

“In these works, Quigley described explicitly a kind of secret, benevolent “network consisting of international bankers and connected elites in business, education, the media, and government which had existed since the nineteenth century:

The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.

In Quigley’s telling, the role of this elite and its banking connections in World War I was that of financing the “Anglo-American” cause against the Central Powers, whose victory might have threatened what he viewed as the existing Anglo-American Pax Romana.”

Contrast these with the banksters inspired and executed system of the pre World War I reality as described by David A, Stockman in If Only The U.S. Had Stayed Out Of World War I. “Between 1870 and 1914, there was a 45-year span of rising living standards, stable prices, massive capital investment and prolific technological progress. In terms of overall progress, these four-plus decades have never been equaled — either before or since.”A century ago, the term Jew had negative connotations associated with a long history as shylock moneychangers. In the present day, polite and accepted conversation pressures discourse to strike the idiom from the vocabulary. Purging future history from the scourge of debt created finance requires the courage of Henry Ford to strip international finance from its economic dominance and political power. Any ethnic, religious or tribal identity that bears the responsibility of inciting anti-Christian demise is the avowed enemy of all humanity.

International banksters thrive on war. World War I proved that no political regime is immune from satanic belligerence. The last century is an anthology of fabricated conflicts designed to foster Quigley’s NWO financial and coercive control vision. The Rothschild Dynasty vastly extends beyond family and tribe, as it is a matrix for the eradication of the sacred tenants and sanctity of individual life that is a bedrock principle of Western Civilization.

World War I was not about national disputes, but was a planned destruction of Christendom. This defining struggle gave rise to the temple of Totalitarian Collectivism. The only GREAT WAR is the battle to defeat the demon forces that want to impose a Luciferian rule upon the planet. Wars kill citizens, while usury destroys societies.Few people know, much less, understand the essential lesson of World War I. The entire last century needs interpreting and evaluation through the lenses of the eternal struggle. Ignorance is bliss for most people, but faulty history is much more dangerous.

Sartre is the publisher, editor, and writer for Breaking All The Rules. He can be reached at:

Sartre is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

Nihilism: The West’s Evil Religion of Idolatry, Lies and Hate

July 27, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

The Christian religion is the religion of our country. From it are derived our prevalent notions of the character of God, the great moral governor of the universe. On its doctrines are founded the peculiarities of our free institutions.” (William McGuffey, d. May 4, 1873, professor at the University of Virginia, president of Ohio University, and author of McGuffey’s Readers; )

Andre Comte-Sponville, one of France’s preeminent atheist philosophers agrees.  In his New York Times bestseller, “The Little Book of Atheist Spirituality,” Sponville observes that even though Western and American civilization has become nonreligious it is nevertheless profoundly rooted in transcendent Biblical morality and traditions.   That overt and implied atheism has all but supplanted Biblical beliefs pleases yet simultaneously frightens Sponville as he clearly sees that if Western civilization entirely ceases to be Christian it will fall into something like a refined nihilism.  And if we believe that nothing remains,

“….we might as well throw in the towel at once.   We would have nothing left to oppose to either fanaticism from without or to nihilism from within—and, contrary to what many people seem to think, nihilism is the primary danger.  We would belong to a dead civilization, or at least a dying one….Wealth has never sufficed to make a civilization, poverty, even less so.  Civilizations require culture, imagination, enthusiasm and creativity, and none of these things come without courage, work and effort.”    Without these necessities, “Good night…the Western world has decided to replace faith with somnolence.” (pp. 28-29)

Sponville admits that in his younger years he had believed in the supernatural God of Revelation and been raised a Christian.  Up till around the age of eighteen his faith was powerful. But then he embraced evolutionary scientism and fell away, and this falling away said Sponville, was liberating because for the liberated autonomous ‘self’ whose life no longer has any ultimate meaning or purpose there is no valid reason why he personally should not do as he wants to do, or why his friends should not live in the way that they find most advantageous to themselves.

But the lies, amoralism and perverse license, the nihilism Sponville rejoices in becomes an unbearable source of horror and dread when reproduced in millions of souls.  Sponville is right to fear the spread of nihilism, for when multiplied by millions it means there is no longer an ultimate, transcendent source of unchanging truth and moral law independent of sinful men, and as Sponville knows, therefore dreads, the lie is the father of violence:

“(The lie) is the word, act, sign of cunning or silence which makes use of wiles to deceive (all who seek) truth….the attitude of the liar, who full of subtlety, audacity and at times cruel cynicism, misleads his neighbor into the quick sands of falsity.  The use of the lie reveals the liar as a person of evil intentions.  He who tells lies as a way of getting ahead lacks a love of truth (he or she is) a self-centered dissimulator, cunningly manipulating his fellowmen for his own evil purposes.”   (The Roots of Violence, Rev. Vincent P. Miceli, S.J., p.29)

Nihilism is the satanically inverted philosophy of violence, lies and license of America’s president, his cabinet, and the amoral progressive ruling class of which they are members.  It is also the philosophy of the Marquis de Sade, Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Marx and the Sophist Callicles in Plato’s ‘Georgias’ who declares:

The fact is this: luxury and licentiousness and liberty, if they have the support of force, are virtue and happiness and the rest of these embellishments-—the unnatural covenants of mankind-—are all mere stuff and nonsense.” (Making Gay Okay, Reilly, pp. 31-32)

In other words, with a consensus of lies backed by force and the threat of violence, the Revelation of God, the Christian Church, virtue, true truth, marriage, gender, your children, your humanity, your wealth, your home, your business, and your Constitutional rights become whatever agents of violence and the mobs in back of them want them to be or not to be from one moment to the next.

What nihilism has already led to in England, said Nate Steuer of Jeremiah Cry Ministries, are buildings that once served as churches that are now museums, stores and even nightclubs, a strong belief in evolution and a strong homosexual-rights movement:

They don’t want to hear the gospel. The gospel is pressed down,’ and the homosexual-rights movement is so rooted in England that Christians are afraid to go ‘into the streets and preach,’ fearing what the LBGT community will do.”  (“Fate of Christianity in UK not too far from U.S., warns evangelist,” Chris Woodward,, July 8, 2014)

Evolutionary scientism is a form of nihilism leading in practice to dehumanization, demoralization, reckless irresponsibility and genocide.   It is a sham science said G.K. Chesterton.  It is a license by which the stupidest,

“…or wickedest action is supposed to become reasonable or respectable, not by having found a reason in scientific fact, but merely by having found any sort of excuse in scientific language.”  The program and attitude of scientism is a “serpent….as slippery as an eel,” a “demon…as elusive as an elf,” an “evil and elusive creature.”   (The Restitution of Man: C.S. Lewis and the Case against Scientism, Michael D. Aeschliman, p. 43)

Evolutionary scientism has amply demonstrated itself as a virulently anti-human, catastrophically destructive, demonically murderous worldview. In just the first eighty-seven years of the twentieth century, violent spirits who love evil and devouring words and breathe out slaughter and death brutally exterminated between 100-170 million un-evolved ‘subhuman’ men, women, and children in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

In the Soviet Union, the Triune God-and-human hating nihilist of violence, Vladimir Lenin, exulted that,

Darwin put an end to the belief that the animal and vegetable species bear no relation to oneanother (and) that they were created by God, and hence immutable.” (Fatal Fruit, Tom DeRosa, p. 9)

In other words, the ‘death’ of the God of Revelation allows unfettered violence against millions of people because they are no longer the immutable image-bearers of the Triune God but rather expendable products of evolution on a par with slime, weeds, slugs and rocks.  Empowered by evolutionary scientism, Lenin exercised godlike power over life and death. He saw himself as, “the master of the knowledge of the evolution of social species.” 

Fueled by hate, contempt and murderous rage it was Lenin who “decided who should disappear by virtue of having been condemned to the dustbin of history.” From the moment Lenin made the “scientific” decision that the bourgeoisie represented a stage of humanity that evolution had surpassed, “its liquidation as a class and the liquidation of the individuals who actually or supposedly belonged to it could be justified.” (The Black Book of Communism, p. 752)

In Nazi Germany evolutionary scientism resulted in gas chambers, ovens, and the liquidation of eleven million “useless eaters” and other undesirables.

Alain Brossat draws the following conclusions about the two regimes of nihilism, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, and the ties that bind them:

The ‘liquidation’ of the Muscovite executioners, a close relative of the ‘treatment’ carried out by Nazi assassins, is a linguistic microcosm of an irreparable mental and cultural catastrophe that was in full view on the Soviet Stage. The value of human life collapsed, and thinking in categories replaced ethical thought…In the discourse and practice of the Nazi exterminators, the animalization of Other…was closely linked to the ideology of race. It was conceived in the implacably hierarchical racial terms of “subhumans” and “supermen”…but in Moscow in 1937, what mattered…was the total animalization of the Other, so that a policy under which absolutely anything was possible could come into practice.” (Black Book of Communism, p. 751)

As in England, evolutionary scientism has replaced the God of Revelation, thus with the animalization of Americans millions of unborn humans have already been aborted, growing numbers of unwanted adults euthanized and late-term unborn babies cruelly dismembered.

Writing in, “New York Abortion Bill Allows Shooting Babies Through the Heart With Poison to Kill Them” Steven Ertelt reports that New York is already the abortion/murder capital of the United States, with practically no oversight of the industry.   Throughout the second trimester, developing babies can be completely dismembered,

“… even when they can feel pain (by) pulling the baby out piece by piece until the mother’s uterus is empty. After the abortion, the abortionist must reassemble the child’s body to ensure nothing has been left inside the child’s mother.” ( | 5/20/14 6:28 PM)

What nihilists now demand for late-term abortions that will be legalized in New York by the abortion-expanding Women’s Equality Act, is the murder of babies,

“… by sliding a needle filled with a chemical agent, such as digoxin, into the beating heart, before being delivered.”

Then there is Wisconsin-based abortionist Dennis Christensen and his partner Bernard Smith who have performed 85,000 to 95,000 abortions in a 40 year period:

So I see it as a calling, I guess,” Christensen said. “But I’ve been called, I’ve served and now I’d like to call someone else.”  (Abortionist Who’s Killed 95,000 Babies in Abortions: “I See It as a Calling” Steven Ertelt,, 7/7/14)

Something “called him” to murder 95,000 babies, but it wasn’t the Holy God of Revelation.

When for millions of nihilists the God of Revelation does not exist and life has no higher, fixed meaning or purpose with neither hope of an afterlife nor any accountability to their Maker for their actions here in this world, then men no longer have reason and purpose for being good, thus are free to be evil.  They are at liberty to invoke meaningless law and perverted justice to destroy freedom, dismember babies, and force disordered appetites upon men, women, and children.  They are free to accuse the good man of evil, to enslave other people and deprive them of life-sustaining electricity, gas, and water.  With this freedom they vandalize and plunder the property and wealth of others and throw our borders open to floods of illegals, rapists, drug-lords, terrorists, pedophiles, murderers and other sinister individuals.

Nihilists can freely lie so as to “normalize” whatever wicked fantasies and schemes they desire, such as global warming/cooling/change, redistributive justice, common core, ‘gay’ equality and Decadence Festivals:

The Southern Decadence Festival is one of our nation’s most notorious celebrations of sodomy, public sex acts, prostitution, drunkenness, and worse, but is by no means the only such festival….decadence festivals are held over and across post-Christian America and Western Europe as well as in Canada, Hong Kong, Australia, Thailand, Brazil, Belarus, Ireland, Japan, Scotland, China, S. Africa, India and Taipei.” (Sex slaves, sexual anarchy and decadence festivals: ominous signs of something really rotten,” L. Kimball, Renew America, Oct. 25, 2012)

A society of nihilists is a welcome mat to human predators of every stripe from drug lords, ISIS, and the Muslim Brotherhood to flesh-peddlers and the world’s criminal elite: the occult Luciferian New World Order super-wealthy criminal consortium and their merciless leftwing and rightwing allies.   This cohort of sinister nihilists believe in nothing, know only hate, contempt, violence, greed and egotism and share a foundational hatred of the Tri-Personal God of Revelation, faithful Christians and Jews and  traditional Christian grounded Western and American civilization.

In the impeccably documented book, “Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie,” Bruce Walker describes the super-wealthy consortium and their like-minded allies as Sinisterists, making political labels like Far Right (Nazis/Fascists), liberals and Far Left (Progressives, Bolsheviks, Marxists, Communists) and even like-minded Radical Muslims the same thing.

What unite all Sinisterists are their hatreds:

They hate Christians…Jews…America (and) Israel.  They hate truth.  They hate the very idea of truth.  They hate the idea of humans as unique and special in the universe.  They hate the idea of a great moral purpose unfolding in our lives.  Sinisterism is a bundle of connected hatreds.  For the sake of their hatreds, Sinisterists lust for power.”(preface)

Because Sinisterists hate the idea of man as God’s spiritual image-bearer they have ‘killed’ the Triune God and forced nihilistic Darwinism upon us because it reduces mankind to less than nothing.  They also invent words and sound-bite phrases such as heterosexist, homophobe, global change and nonexistent categories of mankind such as “racial species” and “emerging genders” that imprison thought.   Following are some other examples:

1. Multiculturalism: the stealthy destruction of America’s traditional Christian based culture by insidious elevation of pagan and pantheist cultures and belief systems in the name of politically correct tolerance, pluralism and inclusion.

2.’Gay rights/’gay’ marriage: rebellion against and negation of the two created sexes, procreation, and the idea of normal.

3. Political correctness, speech codes, sensitivity training, and hate crime laws:  psychic-cages for the minds of traditional-values Americans.

4. Perverse sex education: As was the case in the Soviet Union, its ultimate purpose is the subversion and perversion of our youth—the awakening of the Devil, as Karl Marx’s comrade Bakunin admitted.

5. Critical theory: the mindless vomiting out of destructive criticism upon everything good, true, excellent, normal, and traditional.

6. Global change, Agenda 21, Green Movement, redistributive justice: the evisceration of our standard of living and individual liberties in order to ‘save the planet’ — in other words, penury, misery, death and slavery on behalf of Gaia.

7. Sustainability: Extreme population control calling for the annihilation of billions of people to achieve spiritual communism.

8. Religious pluralism: the erasure of faithful Judaism, Christian theism and America’s founding Christian-based worldview by way of elevating Wicca, animism, Islam, New Age occult spirituality, Gnostic paganism, Buddhism,  shamanism, goddess worship, Luciferian Masonry and atheism in the name of politically correct tolerance and inclusion.

In order to destroy rational thinking, nihilists use words and phrases (i.e., change, “make love not war,” “we are Trayvon” “evolution is an established fact of science”) to create images rather than ideas and then concentrate on endless repetition of the same word-pictures,

“…to create a hypnotic effect to defend an otherwise hopeless case.  Sinisterists use the same words over and over again.”   (p.12)

Nihilism’s black heart is the worship of lies, particularly the Big Lie of evolution.   ‘Elite’ transnational Robert Muller, father of Common Core Curriculum and former Assistant Secretary-General of the UN and former Chancellor of the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica speaks of the fate that will befall all politically incorrect thinkers, especially anti-evolutionists:

“…all those who hold contrary beliefs” to politically correct thought favored for the “next  phase of evolution” will “disappear.”  A hellish fate awaits all who resist political and spiritual globalization, “…those who criticize the UN are anti-evolutionary, blind, self-serving people.  Their souls will be parked in a special corral of the universe for having been retarding forces, true aberrations in the evolution and ascent of humanity.”  (False Dawn, Lee Penn, p. 133)

With malice aforethought, sinister nihilists have dumbed-down Westerners and Americans by infiltrating our education institutions and even our seminaries with nihilist philosophies, propaganda and schemes such as evolutionary scientism, perverse sex education, so-called ‘higher Biblical criticism,’ critical theory, multiculturalism and revised history.

As evolutionary scientism and the relativity of truth are fatal doctrines– types of nihilism that deny objective truth and reality— they result in the rapid disintegration of critical thinking, faith in God, respect and manners resulting in a twisted, inverted society dominated by moral imbeciles—narcissistic despots, thugs, human parasites and bizarre polymorphously perverse beings— at every level of government and society who know how they feel and what they covet and are thus entitled to but can’t think straight, can’t spell, and don’t know right from wrong.

It should be obvious by now, said Walker, that the relations of people in American and Western society are growing coarser,

“…..more dishonest….shallower….lonelier…more desperate for the narcotics of power, applause and fear as we perceive ourselves moving closer to the status of gods and goddesses.  If we choose, as individuals, that idolatry, then we are doomed.  All the dystopian nightmares of Orwell, Bradbury, Huxley and others will become real all too soon….we will (either) surrender to thugs governing enslaved nations or embittered terrorists.” (p. 252)

Our so-called “scientifically enlightened” age is an age of nihilism.  Ecstatic with the voluptuous delight of destruction which rolls humans into satanic depths; nihilists keep pushing society to the brink of social chaos and suicide:

The Modern Liberal will invariably (and) inevitably side with evil over good, wrong over right and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success. When I say the Modern Liberal is morally and intellectually retarded at the level of the five-year old child, it is not hyperbole: its diagnosis.” (Evan Sayet, The Kindergarten of Evil,)

Nihilism is lawlessness, idolatry, violence, perversion, fear, terrors of mind, and horrors of conscience and loss of true freedom since the despair of nihilism ends in man’s slavery to his dark side, death and damnation.

In his poem “The Second Coming,” Yeats reveals the murderous delight of de Sade’s, Nietzsche’s, Marx’s, and Callicles modern offspring:

Things fall apart; the center cannot hold
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned
The best lack all conviction, while the worst are
Full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand; 
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.”

If Western and American nihilists continue to set the God of Revelation aside in favor of “self” and what they really do know are lies and empty, shallow, meaningless evil, then a tyranny of evil will come upon us swiftly and terribly.  But there is another path before us: the way of repentance, truth, decency and God’s Divine Truth.  His eternally unchanging Truth will set us free. We should choose the path of Truth and goodness:

On that choice hangs the fate of humanity. People will either embrace goodness or deny that goodness can exist and commit moral suicide (and) worship The Lie.”   (ibid, Walker, p. 252)

People who choose the way of true truth will find the goodness and Light of God.  As they follow the Way of Truth they will stumble sometimes, occasionally journey down blind alleys, and perhaps be on the wrong side of causes at times, but they,

“…will never lose hope or the help of other normal people and the Blessed Creator of the Universe.” (ibid, p. 233)

The narrow way leads ever up toward truth, light, beauty, goodness, courage, hope, peace and eternal physical life in an unimaginably beautiful Paradise.   The other way is a broad highway spilling into a downward spiraling vortex marked by the despair of nihilism, the darkness of lies, the sulphuric stench of soul-destroying hate, and the horror of nothingness finally issuing into an eternity in outer darkness.

Linda Kimball writes on culture, politics, and worldview. Her articles are published nationally and internationally. Linda can be reached at:

Linda Kimball is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

The Death of Independence

July 5, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

July 4th has been the national birth date since the inception of the country. Americans want to celebrate past glories because there are few reasons to believe that the current government or society is worthy of rejoicing. Deifying the Founding Fathers and their wisdom usually is rooted upon the construction of a constitution based on separations of powers and shared authorities with individual states. Lost in this commemoration is the concept of true and lasting independence.

After a heated ratification process, Rhode Island on May 29, 1790, became the last of the 13th original colonies to approve constitutional central authority dominance. The years between 1787 and 1790 witnessed a betrayal of the American Revolution with that confirmation. In government schools, students taught that the Articles of Confederation was a failure, began their indoctrination into the cult of jingoist Federal Government Nationalism.  Like most history, the version that becomes fact is the one written by the victor.

The undeniable reality of writing a constitution that provided exclusive powers over state governments creates a supreme national government, while destroying any effective restrictions upon the inevitable accumulation of absolute power. Bill of Right protections and the concept of “Federalism” are mere hollow promises when special esquire privileged “bar association” lawyers purport to possess the predominant right to determine and judge what the common law means.

The inevitability of a decent into despotism, built into the structure of Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the U.S. Constitution, commonly referred to as the Supremacy Clause, has proven true.  It establishes that the federal constitution and federal law generally, take precedence over state laws, and even state constitutions.

Insatiable appetites and lust for power marks the ascendency of legislative, bureaucratic and judicial careers throughout the three branches of central government. Incrementalism and deception has evolved into open defiance and unfettered arrogance. The political class pretends that partisan parties actually offer loyal opposition, when both are camouflaged versions of the same vermin.  As likely that cockroaches will inherit the earth, it is more certain that parasitic politicians steal the hopes and dreams of citizens, while destroying any chance for the common-man to have a future worth living.

That is the actual political system, which exists and so many ignorant citizens revere. Facing the truth is so horrible, that most citizens refuse to deal with reality, and go to extraordinary lengths to maintain their cognitive dissident illusions. Even with the imminent collapse of society staring frightfully before the targets for social and economic elimination, the sheeple cling to their blindness and stupidity.

How may unnecessary and futile wars need waging before the eternal wisdom of George Washington’s non-interventionism becomes our enduring policy and entangling alliances avoided, as capsulated in his Farewell Address? For this country to endure a genuine Republic, needs to be established and the imperial empire must cease to exist.

Independence means exactly the intent of the concept – the exercise of self-government, and sovereignty, over a territory. The Disunited States of America is no longer a functioning society, much less a legitimate authority. Substituting governance for self-determination is not the same as championing a Democracy. The mob is no lawful or righteous replacement for individual inherent autonomy. Yet the establishment tyrants continue to sell their neo-feudalism as a cradle to grave paradise to a gullible public.

Assuredly, to partake in the rape of our crumbling institutions, the invading barbarian hordes cross an open border, while our self-anointed national leaders ignore the vast public sentiment that cries out for territorial integrity. National survival has no place in the globalist ordained North American Union. So much for American Independence . . . as the country is systematically destroyed.

Be that as it may, the alternative of secession from a decaying union is deemed as the ultimate sin against the ruling elites. Even a causal mention, of the War of Northern Aggression, gets the Statists in the District of Criminals in a panic, since the sovereign citizen is the most feared “terrorist” on the planet.

Without the effective ability to leave a dysfunctional, prohibitive and illegal authority, the quest of creating a social structure based upon liberty is impossible. Waging war for independence is the essence of the struggle that produced victory over European dynasty domination. Today, the ability to combat armed revolution is unrealistic. The forces of globalism rule over America and the beggary of politicians to sustain their careers is only surpassed by their evil deeds enacted by legislation, regulation or executive orders.

The Reign of Terror that permeates all levels of governance is the greatest achievement of international finance that commands governments and holds subjects in bondage. The eradication of national sovereignty is a central objective for all regimes, but especially for America.The retention of that imperfect Bill of Right codification is an existential peril for the forces imposing their global gulag on the throngs of all humanity. How then can an independent civilization survive when the immense elements of the prevailing establishment work their entire lives to destroy the principles and canons of individual natural law?

A tranquilized fog has sapped life’s vital aptitude and innate abilities from most people. Yes, those “Precious Bodily Fluids” sucked from your body, as the media indoctrinates their ecumenical propaganda and the Satanic “PC” culture, seeks to destroy your soul.

Looking to the average guy on the block for responsible citizenship is one windmill that has no breeze to turn much less a gale force that could tip the balance of power. The death of independence is a tragic certainty as long as men and women of good will escape from facing up to their responsibility to confront the established order of ruling psychopaths. The consequence for inaction is that the sociopath society will expand the zombification of the public into a digenetic playhouse of horrors.

Facts confuse most people, so the simple bliss of oblivion is the most preferable state of mind. For the defenders of the coercive governing and absurd system, look no further than the mirror in your personal hell to see the face of evil.

Human nature is acting out its most vial offenses that have an end game of planetary extinction. As the Luciferian elites want to party with Aleister Crowley, the “community of nations” leaders, conduct administrative séances among their advisors on how to ratchet up the next stage of totalitarian authoritarianism.

What was the American Revolution all about if not to live in a social order where free persons could exercise their faith and live decent lives? The Meaning of Independence Day essay, and the article, Independence Day for Whom?, along with the column, End of Independence Day offers a sound and sober assessment on this essential topic.

Where can there be any rational optimism as the public picnics with family, relatives and friends on the 4th of July? Relaxation and distractions from the difficult burdens of daily life is a luxury that this country can no long afford. In order for Independence Day to attain any semblance of meaning, gatherings need to abandon the social niceties and start acting like “Sons of Liberty”.

If you are unwilling to take your own life seriously, at what point and what will it take to grow a set of gonads? All politics is local may better be stated that all politics starts with your local jurisdiction. The governmental system responds to pressure. Without the weight of civic force opposition, the “so called” officials will simply continue their extortion crime racket.

Patriots of 1776 confronted the Loyalists of the Crown. Today’s Tories defend the establishment and target Tea Party supporters as traitors. By only the utmost twist of absurdity and deceit could any honest civil libertarian condone the oppressive practices of the corrupt governance that has replaced “government of the people, by the people, for the people”.  When Abraham Lincoln uttered those fateful words, the “politically correct” world praised his vision. How few actually understand that the foremost betrayer of original intend behind the Republic, shattered the very motivation for the American Revolution.

Well, just look at the tyrannical oligarchy that developed out of Lincoln’s precious union. Any governmental body that strays from the Jeffersonian principles in the Declaration of Independence is a traitor to our traditions and heritage.

Boycott commercial relations and companies that pledge their allegiance to the imperial empire.  Vow to engage in civil disobedience at every opportunity to challenge and overload the dictatorial agencies that constantly act as if they were above the law. Express your free speech First Amendment rights in every venue that provides the opportunity. Rebel against arbitrary and illicit governmental fiats and challenge any violation of basic and universal protections. Encourage a culture of dissent and individualism. Practice sedition when despotism becomes the operative governmental conduct.

When the State relinquishes any moral claim and acts as a tyrant, the only virtuous course of conduct is to refuse consent of compliance. Righteousness and honor is more important than living in fear from governmental reprisals. Achieving and adhering to American independence is the prime purpose of any government jurisdiction and is the only way to earn the fidelity of citizens. As circumstances now exist, the death of independence is at our doorstep.

Sartre is the publisher, editor, and writer for Breaking All The Rules. He can be reached at:

Sartre is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

Who Is Intolerant Because Ashamed: Creationists or Evolutionary Theologians

June 22, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

It’s no longer easy to be a faithful Christian in America, says Dr. Robert P. George, chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.  Our culture increasingly condemns Christian beliefs as bigoted and hateful: 
“They despise us if we refuse to call good evil and evil good.” (American Christians Should Prepare to Be Despised, Official Tells National Prayer Breakfast, Rob Kerby,, May 15, 2014) 
The Princeton University professor and author told Washington, D.C.’s 10th annual National Catholic Prayer Breakfast that American culture no longer favors faithful Christians. For example, he asked attendees to consider, 
“….the derision that comes from being pro-life and pro-traditional marriage (they) threaten us with consequences if we refuse to call what is good, evil, and what is evil, good. They demand us to conform our thinking to their orthodoxy, or else say nothing at all…”  
Dr. George told the prayer breakfast: 
The intimidation to remain silent is insidious and growing…what American Christians are facing is the 21st century version of the question, ‘Am I ashamed of the Gospel?”   
If anything, some evolutionary theologians and their gullible Christian flocks, both evolutionary theist and progressive creationist, are at least as hostile if not more so toward faithful defenders of the miracle of Special Creation than are their evolutionary atheist and occult pantheist counterparts: Luciferians, god-men, goddesses, shaman, Satanists, witches, necromancers, and astrologers. 
The usual diatribe thrown against altogether despised creationists goes something like this:  
Since Darwin introduced the theory of evolution some Christians have been uncomfortable with the idea that all species (i.e., reptiles, birds, bugs, dogs, apes, humans) share a common ancestry moving from primordial matter to creeping things, crawling things, swimming things, knuckle-dragging things to man under the direction of the God of evolution.   Thus the Earth was not created instantaneously as St. Augustine held or created in six days as most early Church Fathers affirmed. Nor was Adam created by the One God in three Persons as a living soul embodied in flesh, fully person, fully man right from the beginning.   Adam and Eve, if they even existed were emergent products of evolution, their closest relative soulless hominids.  Thus the events described in Genesis are not meant to convey the miraculous creation ex nihilo but the scientific ‘reality’ that the universe has an impotent creator that made and ignited a Cosmic Egg (Big Bang) which generated matter and energy. Then after billions of years of God-directed evolution eventuating in the suffering and death of millions of life-forms (God’s fault, btw) man inexplicably fell from grace even though God is the guilty party, the real cause of death and suffering.  
According to this counter-intuitive Gnostic-laced tale of nonsense, evolutionary science, not God’s Revelation, is a reality in nature explainable by reason and empirical observation and faithful Christians who deny this are in denial of reality.  Faithful Christians who actually affirm the Revelation of God and Special Creation are guilty of defending the backwards, anti-scientific, anti-evolution ‘fundamentalist’ interpretation of the book of Genesis thus are not only a cause of embarrassment to fashionably-correct, scientifically enlightened Christians, but are also guilty of harming Christianity. (Creationism Harms Christianity, 
However, it isn’t faithful Christians who are ‘embarrassments’ but rather intellectually arrogant evolution-obsessed theologians.  These wolves in sheep clothing mesmerize and persuade susceptible Christian sheep to uncritically accept dangerous esoteric ideas like evolution.
 With respect to Darwin’s theory, Darwin is not its’ inventor. He received the idea from his nature-worshipping pagan grandfather Erasmus Darwin, an important name in European Masonic anti-Christian Church organizations engaged in destructive revolutionary activism. Erasmus mentored his grandson Charles: 
Dr. Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802) was the first man in England to suggest those ideas which were later to be embodied in the Darwinian theory by his grandson, Charles Darwin (1809-1882) who wrote in 1859 Origin of Species.” (Scarlet and the Beast, Vol. II, John Daniel, p. 34) 
According to anthropologist Henry Fairfield Osborn, longtime director of the American Museum of Natural History, ancient pagans are the inventers of modern evolutionism. In the introduction to his history of evolutionism Osborn wrote:
 “When I began the search for anticipations of the evolutionary theory….I was led back to the Greek natural philosophers and I was astonished to find how many of the pronounced and basic features of the Darwinian theory were anticipated even as far back as the seventh century B.C.” (Osborn, From the Greeks to Darwin, p. xi) 
By its’ nature evolutionism belongs to the category of naturalism (all that exists is nature or cosmos), making it antithetical, or in fierce opposition to the infinite Triune God, the supernatural dimension and special creation.  The personal Triune God is outside of His creation—the natural dimension of space, time, matter and energy—thus He is not subject to the laws of science: 
“….science has no satisfactory answer to the question of the origin of life on the earth. Perhaps the appearance of life on the earth is a miracle. Scientists are reluctant to accept that view, but their choices are limited: either life was created on the earth by the will of a being outside the grasp of scientific understanding, or it evolved on our planet spontaneously, through chemical reactions occurring in nonliving matter lying on the surface of the planet. The first theory places the question of the origin of life beyond the reach of scientific inquiry. It is a statement of faith in the power of a Supreme Being not subject to the laws of science. The second theory is also an act of faith. The act of faith consists in assuming that the scientific view of the origin of life is correct, without having concrete evidence to support that belief.” (Until the Sun Dies, Robert Jastrow, Ph.D. Theoretical Physics, pp. 62-63, 1977) 
Only by conceptually murdering the supernatural Triune God and replacing Him with a ‘god’ within the natural dimension (naturalism), thus subject to scientific inquiry, can intellectually arrogant theologians presume to speak for god, claiming that he made and exploded a Cosmic Egg and directs evolutionary transformism together with the rest of their twisted theology dressed in Christian clothing.
 As an idea evolution is like an onion consisting of multitudinous layers of esoteric meaning.  Darwin’s theory occupies two or three layers. The many other layers already existed prior to Erasmus going back to the Renaissance and before that to ancient Chaldea and India thence to ancient Greece and Rome where evolution is always and everywhere connected to reincarnation and spiritual evolution (transformism).    
On ancient pagan conceptions of reincarnation and spiritual evolution early Church Father Gregory of Nyssa said: 
“[I]f one should search carefully, he will find that their doctrine is of necessity brought down to this. They tell us that one of their sages said that he, being one and the same person, was born a man, and afterward assumed the form of a woman, and flew about with the birds, and grew as a bush, and obtained the life of an aquatic creature—and he who said these things of himself did not, so far as I can judge, go far from the truth, for such doctrines as this—of saying that one should pass through many changes—are really fitting for the chatter of frogs or jackdaws or the stupidity of fishes or the insensibility of trees” (The Making of Man 28:3; A.D. 379).  
Evolution appeared in Christendom during the Renaissance when certain Christian theologians, mystics and scholars such as Emanuel Swedenborg had discovered Chaldean astrology, Hermetic magic, occult Jewish Kabbalah, Eastern mystical traditions and the ancient ways of ‘going within’ (contacting spirits).  All of this was accompanied by conceptions of reincarnation and spiritual evolution.  They studied these ancient occult traditions which they translated resulting in Hermetic Kabbalah. Then like Pico della Mirandola, they argued that occult hermetic science – the divine technology or Magic Way of reaching divine status and powers through ritual procedures and spiritual evolution is the best proof of the divinity of Christ.  (God and the Knowledge of Reality, Thomas Molnar, pp. 78-79) 
Father Richard John Neuhaus pulls all of these occult traditions together in his analysis of modern evolutionary scientism as a revitalization of ancient spiritual traditions closely connected to elemental spirits. In his book, “American Babylon,” Neuhaus argues that astrological elemental spirits (powers and principalities) have been recast as, 
“…evolutionary dynamics, life forces, or laws of nature.” Though described as laws rather than spirits, these elemental “forces”…. work their inexorable ways in cold indifference to reason, to will, to love, and to hope. In short, it is suggested that the elemental spirits are in charge and that human freedom is a delusion.” (p. 226)
 Despite that modern evolutionary theologians validate their esoteric projects as empirical or observational science in reality observational science is their enemy.   For instance, evolutionary theology alleges that hominids are supposed to be our ancestors, the so-called transitional life-forms linking modern humans to the common ancestor of all life.    
However, the hominid claim has fallen flat on its’ face, said Carl Wieland. In “Making Sense of Apeman Claims,” Wieland reports that a consistent pattern has emerged in direct opposition to the evolutionary story.  Over the decades, each new fossil find has been falling quite naturally into one of only three major groups.    And two of these, Neanderthal and Homo erectus turn out to be strikingly similar, in fact, Neanderthals are “clearly human descendants of Adam.” (Creation, Vol. 36, No. 3, 2014, p. 38)
 Although the third category generates the most excitement among evolution-worshippers it turns out to be an extinct non-human primate group, anatomically not between apes and humans.    
Sequencing of Neanderthal DNA clearly shows interbreeding with modern populations, particularly those from Eastern Europe, meaning that Neanderthals are not a separate species, despite evolutionary claims that they split off from the human lineage 500,000 years ago.  This evidence is a major blow to evolutionary theist and “progressive” or “old-earth creationist notions.” (p. 38). 
It is because evolutionary ‘old-earth’ theologians reject what God said in favor of what man said, their starting point is fallible secular dating, hence they, 
“….must regard Neanderthals as pre-Adamic soulless nonhumans despite all the archaeological evidences of their humanity.   But DNA now makes this completely dead in the water, having children together means they must be the same created kind.”  (pp. 38-39) 
Among the scientifically affirmed finds showing that Neanderthals were human are: 
1. Stone tools and specialized bone tools for leatherworking. 
2. The controlled use of fire, including heating birch bark peelings to make special pitch to haft wooden shafts onto stone tools. 
3.  Perfectly balanced, finely crafted wooden hunting javelins. 
4. Jewelry 
5. Evidence of body decorations and cosmetics. 
6. Burying their dead with ornaments. 
7. Cooking utensils and the use of herbs in food. 
8. Symbolic thinking 
9. High-tech ‘superglue’ 
10. A complex structure built 1 mile underground where no daylight penetrates suggests the technology and know-how to transport sustained fire as a source of light that far down. 
11. Evidence of dwellings made of timber draped with animal skins 
12.  Recent detailed analysis of hyoid bone (associated with the voice box) indicates they could speak, as does recent genetic evidence.  (ibid, Wieland) 
“For he spoke and they were made: he commanded and they were created.” Psalm 33:9  
Either the infinite personal One God in three Persons spoke or He did not. If He did, then Jesus is God in the flesh, the Creator and Living Word (John 1: 1-5) the Light that came into the world (John 3: 1-9) who perfectly fulfills all prophecy from the antediluvian world to the post-flood world: 
And he said: I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Moses hid his face: for he durst not look at God.”     Exodus 3:6 
If the One God in three Persons spoke then what He revealed to Moses with respect to the miracle of creation is thesis (True Truth), making evolution antithesis (the lie).  The faith of the Christian Church and of the average Christian has had, and still has, its foundation as much in the literal and historic elements of Genesis, the book of beginnings revealed ‘mouth to mouth’ by the Angel to Moses, as in that of the person and deity of Jesus Christ.  
The Return of an Ancient Heresy  
The primary tactic employed by defiant, intellectually proud theologians eager to accommodate Scripture and the Church to modern science and pagan evolutionary thinking is predictable. It is the argument that evolution is entirely compatible with the Bible when Genesis, especially the first three chapters, is viewed in its entirety in a non-literal, non-historical context. This is not a heresy unique to modern times. The early Church Fathers dealt with this heresy as well, counting it among the heretical tendencies of apostate Jewish Cabbalists, Origenists and Gnostic pagans such as Simon Magus. 
Fourth-century Fathers such as John Chrysostom, Basil the Great and Ephraim the Syrian, all of whom wrote commentaries on Genesis, specifically warned against treating Genesis as an unhistorical myth or allegory. John Chrysostom strongly warned against paying heed to these heretics, 
“…let us stop up our hearing against them, and let us believe the Divine Scripture, and following what is written in it, let us strive to preserve in our souls sound dogmas.” (Genesis, Creation, and Early Man, Fr. Seraphim Rose, p. 31)
 As St. Cyril of Alexandria wrote, higher theological, spiritual meaning is founded upon humble, simple faith in the literal and historic elements of Genesis as Revealed by God and one cannot apprehend rightly the Scriptures without believing in the historical reality of the events and people they describe. (ibid, Seraphim Rose, p. 40) 
In agreement, Vishal Mangalwadi (1949- ), founder-president of BOMI/Revelation Movement observes that the Revelation of God is the only available foundation for truth, freedom and faith in God’s gift of reason.  But Western theologians and intellectuals have closed their minds to Revelation, hence Truth, reason and Special Creation.  Because “intelligent” Americans no longer believe in “True Truth” (Francis Schaeffer) they invent stories and use empty god words as substitutes for the infinite, personal Triune God.  Thus Gospel Truth is now ‘Gospel Story’ and history a series of unfolding stories such as the physical science story (Big Bang) which may or may not include the use of a god-word; the biological science story (evolutionary transformism), the climate science story (global warming or change), and the social science story (gay marriage): 
Doing science” increasingly means peddling politically correct dogma – that is, stories that have evolved into myths. No one really knows if there was only one Big Bang or other bigger bangs as well; whether we live in a universe or multi-verse; whether life evolved on this planet or came from outer space . . . but if you want a tenured position in a university, and if you want your research projects funded, you have to toe politically correct storyline – champion dogma.”  (How Did the West’s ‘Rational Animal’ Become Incapable of Using Reason? Mangalwadi) 
The abandonment of God’s Revelation in favor of story-telling   
Christendom and Protestant America did not emerge from the darkness of story-telling and god-words but arose to illustrious heights on the awe-inspiring wings of the Revelation of God, hence the Genesis account of creation ex nihilo, the uniquely Christian definition of man as a person because created in the spiritual image of the infinite One God in three Persons, God’s unchanging Moral Law and the Biblical view of man’s sinful condition. Their subsequent fall was traced by Richard Weaver in his book, “Ideas Have Consequences” (1945). 
Weaver writes that 14th century Western man had made an “evil decision” to abandon his belief in the transcendent Triune God, His Revelation and unchanging universals, thus the position that “there is a source of truth higher than and independent of man…” The consequence of this ‘evil decision’ is a still unfolding catastrophe reaching fullness in our own time: 
The denial of everything transcending experience means inevitably…the denial of truth. With the denial of objective truth there is no escape from the relativism of ‘man is the measure of all things.” (The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America, George H. Nash, pp. 32-33) 
The substance of ‘man is the measure of all things’ is idolatry.  The beginning of idolatry is pride (narcissism), which together with selfishness demonstrates preference for one’s self instead of the Triune God, His Revelation (hence ‘True Truth’) and neighbor (and unwanted, inconvenient human life, i.e., babies).  Just as no violation of the Law can occur without one first being an idolater, envy/covetousness and murder are its’ final results, for where ‘self’ is primary then ‘self’ deserves everything it can get, no matter the cost to other people.   
The fall of the West and America is due to the idolatry of darkened souls turned by choice toward evil.  From the antediluvians to our own age, the truth as to this evil said Athanasius, 
“….is that it originates, and resides, in the perverted choice of the darkened soul” which, “materialized by forgetting God” and engrossed in lower things, “makes them into gods,” and thereby “descends into a hopeless depth of delusion and superstition,” whereby “they ceased to think that anything existed beyond what is seen, or that anything was good save things temporal and bodily; so turning away and forgetting that she was in the image of the good God, she no longer… sees God the Word after whose likeness she is made; but having departed from herself, imagines and feigns what is not (and then) advancing further in evil, they came to celebrate as gods the elements and the principles of which bodies are composed….“(Against the Heathen, New Advent) 
Having descended into delusion and superstition darkened souls imagined that “all that exists” is the natural dimension, meaning the universe of matter, animated powers, forces, and deterministic laws, all of which they celebrated and attributed miraculous powers to just as modern evolution worshippers do, whether secular or theological: 
There is an energy in the world, a spark, an electricity that everything is plugged into. The Greeks called it zoe, the mystics call it ‘Spirit,’ and Obi-Wan called it ‘the Force’…..This energy, spark, and electricity that pulses through all of creation sustains it, fuels it, and keeps it growing. Growing, evolving, reproducing…” (Love Wins, Rob Bell, pgs. 144-145) 
Evolutionary scientism is not observational science in search of how things really work in this world but rather a disastrous occult science tradition whose taproot stretches back to Babylon and before that the pre-flood world.   The ‘Christian’ teachers and defenders of this demonic heresy are guilty of leading unwitting sheep astray, possibly to their doom, and of besmirching and defaming faithful defenders of special creation as backwards, anti-science, anti-evolution destroyers of the faith.   However, in reality creationists are the defenders of thesis (True Truth) against the damnable incursion of antithesis (occultism) into the good news, the Gospel of Christ. 
 In this light, what are vicious attacks against Special Creation as well as those against the sanctity of human life, and traditional one man one woman marriage but evil wills offended by and resentful of Higher Authority, True Truth, ‘other’ (unwanted, inconvenient human life) and moral restrictions and limitations? 
For whoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father’s, and of the holy angels.”    Luke 9:26 
Who are the intolerant ones, the highly offended because ashamed of our Lord and his words?  Who are the selfish, intellectually arrogant story-tellers whose embarrassing doctrine of change (evolution) is “really fitting for the chatter of frogs or jackdaws or the stupidity of fishes or the insensibility of trees”‘?   
Hint:  Not Creationists or any of the faithful. 

Linda Kimball writes on culture, politics, and worldview. Her articles are published nationally and internationally. Linda can be reached at:

Linda Kimball is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

Claims of EU Royals Killing Children At Hunting Parties

June 21, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

This is one in a series of articles taken from eyewitness testimony before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. Five international judges are examining evidence of child rape, torture, murder and kidnapping allegedly done by global elite members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. Regular Ninth Circle child sacrifices were said to take place in the catacombs of Catholic Cathedrals, the Vatican, on private estates and groves and government military bases in Belgium, Holland, Spain, Australia, Ireland, France, England and the US. At least 34 child mass grave sites were identified in Ireland, Spain and Canada – and refused excavation by the respective governments, Crown of England and Catholic Church. Named as present in Ninth Circle activities were Pope Francis, former Pope Ratzinger;Anglican, United Church of Canada and Catholic Church officials including Cardinals; members of European royalty including Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip; officials of the Canadian, Australian, UK and US military and governments including the USA’s CIA, plus prominent government ministers, judges, politicians and businessmen from the US, Belgium, Holland, Canada, Australia, France, Ireland and the UK.

Teens were drugged, stripped naked, raped, hunted down in the woods and killed by European royals according to this week’s latest eyewitness to testify before the. The woman was the fourth eyewitness to give accounts about these human hunting parties of the global elite Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. A former member of the Netherlands criminal drug syndicate known as Octopus testified that victims were obtained for these human hunting parties from juvenile detention centers in Belgium and Holland.

“In 2004 I was an involuntary witness to torture, rape and murder sessions of drugged children performed for a group of high ranked people of the Netherlands” stated a woman. “I was taken to a hunting party in Belgium close to Brussels where I saw two boys and a girl ages 14 to 16, hunted and killed by global elites. The human hunting party was heavily guarded by the Netherlands Royal Guards. I was told that King Albert of Belgium was present.”

Four eyewitnesses confirmed that as children and youths they were forced to attend human hunting parties where they and other children were raped, with some killed, and deceased boy’s penises were cut off. Allegedly there was a Dutch countryside palace where boys’ penises were displayed like trophies on a wall. Some hunting parties were hosted on the grounds of Belgium Queen Beatrix’s Palace.

Dutch therapist  claimed that as a four year-old she was forced to witness murders of children that involved former Pope Ratzinger, a Dutch Catholic Cardinal, plus the father of Netherlands Belgium Queen Beatrix and Bilderberger Founder, Dutch Crown Prince Alfrink Bernhard. “I saw the former Pope Joseph Ratzinger murder a little girl″ another witness confirmed. “It was at a French chateau in the fall of 1987. It was ugly, horrible and didn’t happen just once. Ratzinger and Bernhard were some of the more prominent men who took part.”

In Ireland, Spain and Canada 34 child mass grave sites were discovered and appeared linked to Ninth Circle activities. The largest was the Mohawk Indian Residential School in Brantford Ontario where child remains were identified in 2008 before the Catholic Church, Canadian government and English Crown shut down the dig by professional archeologists. The 2013 ICLCJ Court had found Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip guilty for the Oct. 10 1964 disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic residential school in Kamloops British Columbia. In the first two weeks of the 2014 court witnesses identified Dutch and Belgian royal participants in the rape and killing of Mohawk children and newborns. Named were Bernhard and King Hendrick, consort to Queen Wilhelmina of Holland.

Alleged to be present during the human hunting parties were the late Prince Johan Friso and his wife Mabel Wisse Smit, former ministers, the top man of the Dutch army, the under secretary of the Raad Van State in the Netherlands, the Vice-Roy next to Queen Beatrix and other global business and political leaders including some from the US. “Surely the present King Willem Alexander and King Filip and their wives know about this abuse and murder of children” said one eyewitness.”They do nothing about it and likely are the ones to stop investigations and prosecutions.”

In January 2014 the brother of the king of Holland Prince Johan Friso passed away in a coma after these three Dutch-language websites shown here reached the internet. The websites revealed that Friso was at the human hunting and killing parties.”The story came on the internet after years of trying to move the policy and justice department in the Netherlands to act against the criminals,” an eyewitness said. “Nobody did anything to stop these criminals, probably because Queen Beatrix and King Albert likely interfered with the investigations.”

Human hunting parties were said to take place on the grounds of Belgium Queen Beatrix’s Palace in the Netherlands. Two witnesses have named former Pope Joseph Ratzinger and Queen Beatrix’s father the deceased Prince Alfrink Bernhard, as being present at child sacrifices. Both were said to be Nazi sympathizers.

The ICLCJ Court received a collection of Jesuit archival records about a child sacrificial cult known as the Knights of Darkness. In 1933 the Knights were established by the Catholic Jesuits and Nazi Waffen S.S. Division. The records showed Ratzinger was identified as a member of the Knights while working as an S.S. Chaplain’s assistant at the Ravensbruck Concentration Camp in Germany. The records also stated that Ratzinger participated in child sacrificial rites using kidnapped children from the camps or political prisoners.

Another court document called the Magisterial Privilege indicated child sacrifice was a regular occurrence at the Vatican. At the tender age of 12 “Svali” of San Diego County California claimed she was brought to catacombs beneath the Vatican to witness the sacrifice of a three year-old drugged boy.  her interviewer said that 24 years prior a “Maria” told him she witnessed another satanic child sacrifice rite in the same Vatican Catacombs.

Last week an Irish police investigator reported to the ICLCJ Court that the close to 800 babies buried in a Catholic Nun’s septic tank were dismembered, decapitated and in bits and pieces – signs that they could have been murdered in Satanic child sacrifice rites. In the last two months the ICLCJ Court has heard these heart-wrenching testimonies about the rape, torture and murder of children as recently as 2010 by Catholic leaders, European royal family members and other global elites. Murder sites of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult were said to be in the catacombs of Catholic Cathedrals including the Vatican and on private estates, military establishments and groves in Belgium, Holland, Spain, Australia, France, England and the US.

The ICLCJ Court has been overwhelmed with newly discovered evidence and a number of new witnesses coming forward to testify about Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult activities. They have uncovered Ninth Circle Satanic Cult member possible involvement in international child sacrifice, kidnapping, exploitation and drug rings. The five international judges and 27 jury members were expected to remain in session for at least a year due to the complexity of the cases.

Amnesty has been offered to citizens or employees of the Vatican, Crown of England, churches or governments willing to give sworn testimony or evidence that leads to the prosecution of these global elites suspected of committing crimes. Rewards up to 10,000 euros or around 13,660 dollars was available through the ICLCJ court.

The ICLCJ Court had over 450 Common Law Peace Officers in 13 countries, with 51 local chartered groups operating. Local organizing funds were available for common law groups that applied through the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State. To contact officers of the court or ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett, email or call: , , , , (Canada), or (USA)

About the Author

Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, retired, author of “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities” ( is a retired therapist, Public Speaker, Activist and investigative journalist whose articles on international child exploitation rings have been cited on over 3,000 websites. The ex-Supervisor, Alberta Mental Health and Director Provo Family Counseling Center is the CEO of Child Abuse Recovery and Speakers Bureau ( If you have news tips about child abuse issues please email Judy . You are invited to sign our petition to Congress for an investigation of the CIA mind control of children by clicking here.


The Fateful Triangle: Russia, Ukraine And The Jews

June 16, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

The erotic reliefs of Hindu temples with their gravity-defying and anatomy-challenging positions have found a new modern competitor in the Ukrainian crisis. Each party wants to get the Jews on their side, while claiming that the other side is anti-Jewish and a Jewish puppet at once. This impossible, Kama-Sutraesque position is the result of extremely confusing alliances: the Kiev regime lists devout Jews and fiery antisemites among its mainstays. The leading figures of the regime (including the president-elect) are of Jewish origin; strongman and chief financier Mr. Igor (Benya) Kolomoysky is a prominent Jewish public figure, the builder of many synagogues and a supporter of Israel. The most derring-do and pro-active force of the regime, the ultra-nationalists of the Svoboda party and the Right Sector, admire Hitler and his Ukrainian Quisling, Stepan Bandera, “liberators of Ukraine from the Judeo-Muscovite yoke”. Jews are ambivalent, and the sides are ambivalent about them, and a most entertaining intrigue has been hatched.

The Russians tried to pull Israel and American Jews to their side, with little success. President Putin condemned the antisemitism of the Svoboda party; he mentioned the desecration of the Odessa Jewish cemetery in his important talk. The Russians re-vitalised the World War Two narrative, fully identifying the Kiev regime with the Bandera gangs and the Nazi enemy. Still, this rhetoric is not taken seriously by Jews who refuse to feel threatened by cuddly Kolomoysky. “These Nazis are not against Jews, they are against Russians, so it is not a Jewish problem”, they say.

The Kiev regime mirrored the Russian attitude, if not Russia’s tactics. Being rather short of facts to brandish, they faked a leaflet from Donetsk rebels to local Jews calling upon them to register and pay a special poll tax “for the Jews support the Kiev regime”. This rude and improbable hoax was immediately and convincingly disproved, but not before it was used by, no less, Barak Obama and John Kerry. The American Jewish newspaper of record, The Forward, obfuscated the issue by saying that Russians and Ukrainians are antisemites by birth and their denials are to be taken with a grain of salt. This mud-slinging was effective – the hoax has made the front pages, while its debunking was published on the back pages.

The Russians had the facts on their side, and the West knew that: the US refused entry to Oleg Tyagnibok and other Svoboda leaders (now members of Kiev government) because of their antisemitism as recently as in 2013. But Russian appeals to Jewish and American sensitivities failed to make an impact. They know when to feign indignation and when to hush. Pro-Hitler commemorations are frequent in Estonia, Latvia, Croatia, and cause no lifting of a censorious brow, for these countries are solidly anti-Russian. In March of this year, the Obama administration’s special envoy on anti-Semitism, Ira Forman, flatly denied everything and said to the Forward that Putin’s assertions of Svoboda’s antisemitism “were not credible”. The US wants to decide who is an antisemite and who is not; like Hermann Goering wanted to decide who is a Jew and who is not in the Luftwaffe. In the Ukrainian crisis, the Jews remain divided, and follow their countries’ preferences.

Israel is neutral

Recently Prime Minister Netanyahu called President Putin. Putin is always available for and always courteous to Netanyahu, as opposed to President Obama, who shows signs of irritation. (Admittedly Obama has to listen to Netanyahu much more often and for hours.) Netanyahu apologised that he wouldn’t be able to come to St Petersburg for Israeli Culture Week; instead, old reliable Shimon Peres, Israel’s President, will make the trip. He apologised for leaking the news of this visit cancellation to the media, as well.

This is quite typical for the Israeli PM: at first, he asks for an invitation, Russia extends it, then he cancels his visit and leaks it to the press, thus earning brownie points with the Americans. He did it at the Sochi Olympic games, and now again, in St Petersburg. This is his way of expressing Israeli neutrality.

Israel is explicitly neutral in the Ukrainian crisis. Israelis walked out and did not vote on the UN GA Crimea resolution at all, annoying its American sponsors. The Israelis had a flimsy excuse: their Foreign Office was on strike. The Americans weren’t satisfied with this explanation. Strike or not, vote you must!

We learned from our Israeli colleagues the details of the Putin-Netanyahu phone conversation, which elaborated the reasons for Israeli neutrality. Israel is worried that as an asymmetric response to the US sanctions, Russia would deliver its potent air defence systems to Iran and Syria. Iran and Russia had signed a weapons supply contract a few years ago, Iran duly paid; then the shipment was suspended. Iran went to court demanding a massive compensation for the breach of contract. Likewise, the Syrians were supposed to get the S-300 surface-to-air missile system, able to protect its skies from Israeli raids. The deliveries commenced; PM Netanyahu beseeched Putin to put it on hold. Initially Putin objected, stressing the defensive nature of the system. Netanyahu told the Russian president that the S-300 would allow the Syrians to cover the whole North of Israel, at least all the way to Haifa, rendering important airfields unusable and endangering civil aviation as well. Putin agreed to stop the deliveries.

Vladimir Putin is friendly to Israel. He promised he would not allow the destruction of Israel; he promised to save its population if the situation should become truly dangerous. During the recent visit of PM Netanyahu to Moscow, Putin was not carried away by Netanyahu and Liberman’s hints of possible Israeli re-alliance with Moscow instead of Washington. He told the Israelis that their ties with the US are too strong for such a re-alliance being conceivable. Putin said that Russia is satisfied with the present level of friendship and does not demand that Tel Aviv weaken its ties with Washington. Putin visited Israel a few times, he received the Israeli PM in Kremlin. The Israeli ambassador Mme Golender sees Putin more often than do her American or French counterparts.

This friendly attitude has a down-to-earth reason: Putin is not fluent in English or French, while Mme Ambassador speaks Russian to him, eliminating the bothersome need of an interpreter. A deeper reason is Putin’s background: a scion of liberal elites, brought up in St Petersburg, schooled by ultra-liberal Mayor Sobchack, anointed by Boris Yeltsin, Putin is naturally friendly to Jews and to Israel. This friendly attitude annoyed some Russian ultra-patriots, who excitedly circulated his photo taken in the obligatory kippahnear the Wailing Wall. They also counted and recounted the names of Jewish oligarchs in Moscow.

True, some of them – Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Hodorkovsky – had to flee their Russian homeland, but the Russian president is surely not the Jewish-tycoons-Nemesis and the-new-Hitler he is sometimes made out to be. Abramovich and Friedman, to name just two, retain his trust and access. Putin does not mind any oligarch (Jewish or Gentile) – as long as he stays out of politics.

Putin is also friendly with Jewish intellectuals and gentlemen-of-the-media, even if they are outright hostile to him. Masha Gessen, Jewish Lesbian Putin-hater and magazine editor; Alexey Venediktov, Jewish chief editor of Echo Moskvy, a popular liberal medium that attacks Putin every day; many others enjoy access to Putin, – while no Russian nationalist including Dr Alexander Dugin can boast of having met with the president privately.

Putin’s affability does not turn him into a bountiful source for every Jewish initiative. He stopped S-300 deliveries to Iran, but rejected all Israeli overtures asking him to ditch Iran, or Syria, or Hamas. In the course of their last phone conversation, Netanyahu claimed the Israelis discovered proofs of Iranian nukes. Putin politely expressed his doubts and re-addressed him to IAEA. He agreed to receive the Israeli “experts” with their proofs in Moscow, but nothing came of it. Russia’s support for Palestine is unwavering, – there is a Palestinian embassy in Moscow, too.

Putin supported building of a spacious Jewish museum in Moscow and personally contributed to its budget – but Russian street advertising proclaims the Resurrection of Christ, Eastertide, and His Nativity at Christmas. No “season’s greetings”, but open affirmation of Christianity. Russia is not like the US or EU, where external signs of Christian faith are forbidden, Easter and Christmas can’t be mentioned and whatever Jews request must be done immediately. Western Jews are annoyed (so their organisations claim) by public displays of Christian faith, but Russian Jews do not mind; moreover, they intermarry, convert and enter the Church in previously unheard of numbers. They are not strongly pro-Israeli, those that were already left for Israel.

So the Jews of Russia are not an influential factor to the Russian President. Putin will do what is right according to the Christian faith, and what is good for Russia, as he understands it — and he can’t be convinced to give up really important points. Other considerations – such as friendship with Israel – would normally take a much lower place in his priorities. However, in the midst of the Ukrainian crisis, as the Russians are worried by sanctions and by threats of isolation, they try to pull Jews to their side. This makes them increasingly susceptible to Israeli manipulation, whether state-authorised or a private venture.

Last week, Israeli military historian Martin van Creveld visited Moscow. In 2003, he famously threatened Europe with nuclear destruction (the “Samson Option”), saying “Israel has the capability to take the world down with us, and that will happen before Israel goes under”. Now he has explained to Russians Israel’s new policy: While the US enters the period of its decline, Israel must diversify and hedge its bets by drawing close to Moscow, Beijing and Delhi, he wrote in Izvestia daily. Perhaps, but without going too far. A flirt – yes, switching sides – not yet.

Israel prefers to stick to its neutrality. This is easy, as the Israeli populace (excepting its Russians) is not interested in Russian/Ukrainian affairs, does not know the difference between Russia and the Ukraine and is rather unfriendly to Russians/Ukrainians. This goes for both the Left and Right; the Israeli Left is even more pro-American than the Israeli Right. As for Russian Israelis, they are equally divided between supporters of Russia and supporters of Kiev regime. While observing niceties towards Russia, Israel does not intend to side with Moscow. The Jewish oligarchs of Ukraine – Kolomoysky, Pinchuk, Rabinovich – are integrated within the Kiev regime, and they support Israeli right-wing on a large scale. Israeli businessmen are invested in the Ukraine, and the oligarchs are invested in Israel. Kolomoysky controls YuzhMash, the famed missile construction complex in Dnepropetrovsk, and holds the secrets of the Satan ballistic missile, the most powerful Russian strategic weapon. He allegedly intends to share these secrets with the Israelis. If Israel were to side with Moscow regarding Ukraine, the breach with Washington would be unavoidable, and Israel does not intend to provoke it.

Some marginal Israeli right-wingers support Russia; they claim that they represent Israeli public opinion and government. They try to collect on their promises before they deliver. However, this is not an ordinary scam: they are trying to turn Russia into a supporter of right-wing Zionism.

Consider Russian-Israeli far right activist Avigdor Eskin. He impossibly claims that the Israeli government has already decided to jump from the US train to join the Russian one, that Israeli commandos are on their way to fight for the Russians in Donetsk, that Israeli authorities intend to strip Mr Kolomoysky of his Israeli citizenship. Naturally, all that is a load of bunkum, but Russians swallow it hook, line and sinker.

Avigdor Eskin is a colourful personality: a convert to Jewish faith (his mother is not Jewish), an observant Jew, an ex-Kahanist who was arrested in Israel for an alleged attempt to desecrate Al Aqsa mosque and a Muslim cemetery, and who served two or three years in Israeli jail; he styles himself a “Rabbi” and wears a full beard. After serving his time in jail, he moved to Russia and built a network of Israel supporters among the Russian far right. His message is “Israel is a true friend of Russia, while Muslims are Russia’s enemies”. He also adds that Israeli settlers are anti-American and pro-Russian. (If you believe that, the tooth fairy is the next step.)

Recently he claimed that the Aliya Battalion of “experienced Israeli commandos and sharpshooters” came to warring Donbass to fight on the Russian side against the Kiev regime troops. The Aliya Battalion is a battalion in the sense Salvation Army is an army. This is an Israeli NGO, established by Russian Israelis of far-right Zionist persuasion and of some Russian military background. It is not a part of Israeli Army. For a short while, the NGO provided guards for Jewish settlements in Gaza and the West Bank, but the settlements stopped using them as they were extremely unreliable. They boasted of murdering Palestinian civilians, of torturing and killing children, but this was just a sick sadist and racist fantasy, people say. Afterwards, the Battalion leaders turned its name into a profitable scam, roaming American Jewish communities and collecting donations for their supposedly secret activities. As this scam was exposed by Israeli TV (RTVI network; it is available on the ), they had disappeared from the public eye. Now Avigdor Eskin resurrected the old scam, and made a lot of headlines in the Russian media.

Eskin found a soulmate in prominent Russian media man Vladimir Solovyev. The Solovyev is of partly Jewish origin, lived abroad, then returned to Russia; he runs an important political show Sunday Eveningon Russian TV. The Saker (a well-known blogger) described him as follows: “This show is hosted by a famous personality, Vladimir Solovyev, who is a very interesting guy. Solovyev is a Jew, and he is not shy about reminding his audience about it, who was even elected as a member of the Russian Jewish Congress. He is also a Russian patriot, and he is an outspoken supporter of Putin and his policies. His position on the Ukraine is simple: he as a Jew and as a Russian has zero tolerance for Ukrainian nationalism, neo-Nazism or Banderism. He is a determined and total enemy of the new Kiev regime.”

It is possible Solovyev is going through some personal identity crisis: from celebrating his Russian roots, he moved to proclaiming his Jewish origin. Alternatively, it is possible (and more likely) that the Russian decision-makers want to pull Jews on their side, and Solovyev is acting with US Jews in mind. Stalin did it, so Putin could repeat the trick. In 1942, as Nazi onslaught threatened Russia, Stalin had sent some Russian Jews to the US, to speak Yiddish to Jewish communities and lobby for the USSR. The American Jewish community surely carries some clout… Now Solovyev and others are trying to influence Jews abroad; or at least to show to their superiors they are trying.

The price Eskin extracts for his fantasy stories is high. In Solovyev’s prime time programme, he called for the destruction of al Aqsa mosque and for the building of the Jewish temple on its place. He called Palestinians “the people of Antichrist”. Even in Israel such statements can’t be voiced on public TV. In confused Moscow, Eskin was feted and given a place in another important political programme, that of Arcady Mamontov. Who is conning whom: is Eskin conning his Russian hosts, or are his media hosts using him to con their superiors, or are their superiors trying to con the Russian people? Or is Israel hedging its bets? Who knows?

Ukrainian Jews beg to differ

Jews came to the Ukraine a thousand years ago, perhaps from Khazaria. This is not a homogeneous community; rather, they represent several communities. A lot of them emigrated to Israel; even more moved to Russia. They speak Russian and usually do not speak Ukrainian, though they picked up the vernacular over last twenty years. Normally, they wouldn’t care about Ukraine’s independence, as Jews  traditionally side with the strong, be it Poles under Polish rule, with Russians under Moscow rule, or with Germans under Vienna or Berlin. Now many of them have decided to side with the US or EU. One of the reasons why so many people of Jewish origin do well is that the ruling ethnic groups trust the Jews and rely upon their loyalty to the powerful and lack of compassion for their Gentile neighbours.

Another reason is the vague definitions. For last three or four generations, Jews have intermarried freely; children of these mixed marriages are often considered ‘Jews’. These are the ‘Jews’ to the present regime; often they have only one Jewish grandparent.

Ukraine, following its independence in 1991, moved into the Western sphere of influence, but Eastern Ukraine (Novorossia) retained its Russian character and links. Jews did well in both parts. Mr Kolomoysky is a prominent member of the Jewish community, and a mainstay of the Kiev regime.  He is a ruthless businessman, famous for his raiding of others’properties and for his Mafia connections. Rumours connect him with many killings of business adversaries.

On the other side, in Kharkov, the Mayor and the district Governor (nicknamed Dopah and Gepah) are Jewish, and they can be considered pro-Russian. It was thought that Kharkov would become the centre of rising Novorossia; president Yanukovich fled to Kharkov hoping to find allies and supporters. But Dopa and Gepa disabused him, so he continued his flight all the way to the Russian city of Rostov. Their decision to remain loyal to Kiev did not work well for them: one was shot, and the second one has been imprisoned and his attempt to run for president thwarted.

Kharkov is also home to Mr. Hodos, a wealthy and prominent Jew who fought most valiantly against Habad, the Jewish spiritual movement of which Mr Kolomoysky is a prominent member. The Jews of Novorossia apparently support the general pro-Russian trend, though there are exceptions. Practically all Ukrainian Jews have relatives in Russia, and had Russian education.

Israel has a strong network of agents in the Ukraine. They snatched a Palestinian engineer and flew him to an Israeli dungeon, and that could not be done without support of Ukrainian security services. However, the stories of Israeli soldiers fighting in Ukraine are somewhat exaggerated: these are individuals of dual citizenship who act at their own will, not a state representatives.

US Jews are divided

US Jews are divided on the Ukraine, as they were divided on Palestine. Friends of Palestine, people with a strong anti-imperialist record and sound knowledge of East European history – Noam Chomsky and Stephen F. Cohen — recognised and renounced the US attempt to sustain their hegemony by keeping brazen Russia down. A subset of people, Gilad Atzmon aptly called AZZ (anti-zionist zionists), Trots and other faux-Leftist shills for NATO like Louis Proyect – called for American intervention and brayed for Russian blood.

The notorious Israel Lobby is strictly anti-Russian. The State Dept. official Victoria (“Fuck EU”) Nuland personally directed the Kiev coup; she handpicked the government and the president of the new American colony on the Dnieper River. Her husband, Robert Kagan, is a founder of FPI, the successor of infamous PNAC, the extremist Zionist think tank which promoted wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and pushed for a war with Iran. Now they attack Russia, but they do not forget about their support for Israel.

Consider a young American gender activist and journalist, James Kirchick. He entered the Neocon network by shilling for the Lobby. He pink-washed Israel (“Israel as the best friend of gays on earth, while the Palestinians are homophobes who deserve to be bombed”). After doing the Israeli stint, he moved on to fighting Russia. He worked for the CIA-owned and US Congress-funded Radio Free Europe; stage-managed the sensational Liz Wahl’s on-air resignation from the RT and protested alleged mistreatment of gays in Russia. His dirty tricks were revealed by Max Blumenthal, a Jewish American journalist, a known anti-Zionist (working together with a Palestinian Rania Khalek).

While Israel is neutral re Ukraine, Israeli friends in EU and US are hostile to Russia and supportive of American hegemony, while friends of Palestine stand for Russia’s challenge to the Empire. The French Zionist media philosopher Bernard Henri Levy is an example of the former, while Michel Chossudovsky of Global Research is a representative of the latter. Leading critical (“anti-Zionist”) websites Counterpunch, Antiwar, Global Research sympathise with Russia, while pro-Israeli sites are hostile to Russia.

Zionists are nasty and vicious enemies, but they make even worse friends. Edward N. Luttwak is friendly to Russia; he called upon the US to make up with Russia. Strategic union of Russia and America is necessary, he says. Who cares about Ukraine? And here is his pitch line: Russia should fight China for the US benefit. Another Zionist friend, Tony Blair, also calls for peace with Russia – so Russia can fight the Muslim world for Israel. Quite similar to Eskin who offers his pathetic support to Russia in order to neutralise her positive influence and defence of Palestine.

The bottom line: Israel remains neutral for its own reasons. While Jews as individuals differ on Ukraine, there is a correlation with their stand on Palestine and on Syria. Enemies of Putin in Russia, Ukraine, Europe and US do support Israel and are hostile to Palestine, to Syria of Bashar, to Venezuela of Chavez. And the most dangerous lot are those who support Israel and Russia, as they are surely plotting some mischief.

A native of Novosibirsk, Siberia, a grandson of a professor of mathematics and a descendant of a Rabbi from Tiberias, Palestine, he studied at the prestigious School of the Academy of Sciences, and read Math and Law at Novosibirsk University. In 1969, he moved to Israel, served as paratrooper in the army and fought in the 1973 war.

After his military service he resumed his study of Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, but abandoned the legal profession in pursuit of a career as a journalist and writer. He got his first taste of journalism with Israel Radio, and later went freelance. His varied assignments included covering Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia in the last stages of the war in South East Asia.

In 1975, Shamir joined the BBC and moved to London. In 1977-79 he wrote for the Israeli daily Maariv and other papers from Japan. While in Tokyo, he wrote Travels with My Son, his first book, and translated a number of Japanese classics.

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Israel Shamir is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

The Evolving Universe of Matter & Energy: America’s Rising Worldview of Evil Spirits

June 7, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

After two mystical encounters with the evil spirit Zarathustra, the dark prophet Nietzsche announced the “death of the Christian God.” Dubbing himself the Antichrist, Nietzsche proclaimed:

The greatest recent event — that ‘God is dead,’ that the belief in the Christian God has ceased to be believable — is even now beginning to cast its first shadows over Europe; however, few really understood ” what has really happened here, “and what must collapse now that this belief has been undermined — all that was built upon it, leaned on it, grew into it; for example, our whole European morality.” (False Dawn, Lee Penn, p. 433)

From the beginning of Christ’s earthly ministry, there were those who received Him but many more, like Nietzsche, who would not, and so it will be until the end.   The former are those who admit and humbly confess their sinful condition while the latter, being full of stubborn pride, covetousness, and envy will not.

Not even the mighty miracle of creation ex nihilo as described in John’s Gospel and Christ’s own bodily resurrection (Luke 16:31) can persuade those who choose not to believe.

This willful unbelief in Christ had been prophesied long before.  In support of this John cites Isaiah 53:1-3,

He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.”

In order to be received, one must be acceptable.  Christ is rejected by proud, rebellious, sinless men along with His offer of salvation because He is not acceptable to them.  Thus their final word to Him is the cross.

At the root of the rejection of Jesus Christ God incarnate is the rebellious assertion that man has not been created by Him.  He is a free spirit neither dependent upon Him for his life nor created in His spiritual image but rather a conscious product of evolution.  He is a man-god who can choose either to murder God or to invent sock-puppet deities to do his bidding, for he is the master of science, evolution, matter, energy, time, and being who through his own knowledge and powers will save himself, or so he foolishly believes.  In reality, an inner blinding prevents him from ‘seeing’ that his liberty does not lead to greater freedom but to slavery because willful rejection of his Creator means he becomes Satan’s infernal tool.

I am become a monstrous machine of annihilation…”  Ritual of Destruction, the Satanic Bible, Anton LeVey

The ritual ‘murder’ of the Christian God led to the collapse of far more than just European morality.  Consider the following:

In Christian thought, a person is a spirit and personality is the total individuality of the spirit. Without spirit there is no person.  The term ‘person’ originated in Christian theologies developmental struggle to comprehend the nature and experience of the Christian God, the transcendent, personal Triune God:

The derivative concept of human personhood is a gift of the Christian faith to culture…” (Stephen P. Stratton, Chapter 14, p. 247, The Self, Paul Vitz & Susan M. Felch, Editors)

Whether the Founders were individually Christian or not, there was among them a strong Christian consensus that finds some of its greatest spiritual and moral expression in the scholarly works of Samuel Rutherford in “Lex Rex” (1644) and in the writings of the 18th century jurist William Blackstone.

Rutherford reasoned that since all people are sinners, then no sinner—whether President, Att. General, Senator, ‘gay,’ pastor, cop, jurist, perverse sex-educator, abortionist, evolutionary biologist, or Supreme Court Justice for example—is superior to any other sinner. No sinner is above the law but rather subject to the law without exception.  All must recognize that they are sinners under the unchanging transcendent Law of God.

Blackstone greatly influenced early American understanding of the Christian God, the Bible, Law and nature. He taught that since the eternally unchanging Triune God is the omnipotent Creator who works and governs the affairs of men then all law should be consistent with His Revelation in the Bible. No law should be passed that is contrary to the higher law of God.

Furthermore, as all men are created spiritual equals in the eyes of God, then life, property, worth, dignity and other unalienable rights are conferred upon each human person at conception.   For example, the unalienable right to life is because all people are God’s spiritual image bearers while freedom of religion and speech are the temporal property of a person’s God-given spiritual property of conscience and reason.

In “Property,” published in The National Gazette on March 29, 1792, James Madison outlines the meaning of a person’s God-given spiritual property, some of its’ temporal rights and the meaning and intent of just government as opposed to unjust government:

He has a property….in his religious opinions, and in the profession and practice dictated by them.”  “He has a property…in his opinions and the free communication of them.”  “He has an equal property in the free use of his faculties and free choice of the objects on which to employ them.” “He has property very dear to him in the safety and liberty of his person.”  (The Heritage Foundation)

Property is,

“….a man’s land, or merchandize, or money (and) as a man is said to have a right to his property, he may be equally said to have a property in his rights. Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties or his possessions.” 

Just government is instituted to protect property of every sort:

This being the end of government, that alone is a just government, which impartially secures to every man, whatever is his own.” (Samuel Rutherford, )

The Constitution therefore, recognizes the divine nature of man’s creation, that man is a person endowed by his personal Creator with spiritual property, a divine right to life and liberty, and the means of acquiring and possessing property. Hence our Republic recognizes Law is unchangeable because the Creator (John 1:1) is the unchanging Lawgiver Who is the same today as yesterday and for all eternity:

It is sufficiently obvious, that persons and property are the two great subjects on which Governments are to act; and that the rights of persons, and the rights of property, are the objects, for the protection of which Government was instituted. These rights cannot well be separated.” (James Madison, Speech at the Virginia Convention, December 2, 1829)

Vishal Mangalwadi, India’s foremost Christian scholar affirms that the Christian gift of personhood gave birth to the “belief in the unique dignity of human beings,” and this is,

“…the force that created Western civilization, where citizens do not exist for the state but the state exists for the individuals. Even kings, presidents, prime ministers, and army generals cannot be allowed to trample upon an individual and his or her rights.” (Truth and Transformation: A Manifesto for Ailing Nations, pp. 12-13)

 Death of the Christian God: Catastrophic Consequences

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” John 3:19

Once the citadel of the Light that came into the world, modern Western Europe and America are roiling seas of darkness punctuated here and there by shrinking islands of light because evil-minded men love darkness rather than Light. Thus the perversely twisted, upside-down, lawless atmosphere of our age is the “death of the Christian God” made tangible.

When people fall away from the knowledge of God and transgress against His commandments, these actions effectively turn them back to their natural state. This means that in forsaking God, the fount of living waters, they have become cracked cisterns that hold no water. (Jer. 2:13) In other words, the death of the Christian God logically means the death of spirit (person), hence also spiritual and temporal property, and by extension the collapse of Western civilization and America’s Constitutional Republic— “if the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”  Psalm 11:3
The methodology of the ‘murder’ of Christ the Creator (John 1:1) requires that the miracle of six day creation (Genesis account) together with Adam and Eve and their fall be de-historicized and reduced to myth and fable (annihilated), a project already underway by the time of Descartes and fulfilled with infernal ‘higher criticism.’

In her book “Total Truth,” Nancy Pearcy, a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute, writes that one of the great ironies of history is that the enduring impact of Descartes philosophy has been precisely the opposite of what he had intended. Descartes had intended the defense of the human soul/spirit over and against the dehumanizing mechanistic and materialistic conception of the universe. Instead, soul/spirit was reduced to a shadowy substance totally irrelevant to the material realm known by natural science. The immortal soul/spirit became a kind of ghost only tenuously connected to the physical body.

After the success of Newtonian physics natural science began to take on the trappings of religion. Epistemologically, science began to be viewed as the way to true understanding, and by extension, true progress. Nature itself took on the guise of an impersonal, mystical entity described as a cosmic machine governed by deterministic energies working through natural laws as strictly as the gears of a clock. Though soul/ spirit are crucial for reason, conscience, morality, belief, faith, prayer, theorizing, science, math and religion, there was no room for them in the cosmic machine.

The mechanistic conception gave rise to evil ‘isms’–rationalism, positivism, skepticism, relativism, and scientific materialism (atheism), which granted the sovereign reason of sinful man and naturalistic science an epistemological monopoly on so-called “real” knowledge, facts and truth while trivializing everything else to faith, personal belief and social constructs.  The devilish consequences of this have been horrendous, for whereas the creation of universal moral law was traditionally the function of the Triune God, now this function is arrogated to the individual human will, making the “reason” of sinners into God and science into a dictatorship of the knowable.

“…men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” John 3:19

With “reason” sitting on the throne of the Christian God, heaven was shut-down and the physical world of the senses elevated to the supreme reality. The six day Genesis account was de-historicized and replaced with imaginative evolutionary cosmologies claiming vast ages of time.  As supernatural Christian theism declined, immutable truth, moral law and sin disappeared under the onslaught of evil “isms” and apostate Protestant Liberalism (pantheism) in tandem with reductionist evolutionary biology, which became the most prestigious way to study the depersonalized human organism. With knowledge limited to the sensory realm, Jesus Christ the Word Incarnate was “murdered,” meaning reduced by evil men to an immanent mystical evolutionary force (Christ consciousness) while man’s soul/spirit was lost in an endless cycle of reductionism and determinism. Man, the person created in the spiritual likeness of the One God in three Persons would be lost.  In his place would stand the subhuman hominid, a conscious product of evolution, the god of forces.

Today, the ‘god’ evolution has so thoroughly replaced the living Word (John 1:1) and Special Creation in the consciousness of vast numbers of scientifically endarkened men and women within and without the whole body of the Christian Church that one of the leading evolution-worshippers of our day, Professor S.J. Gould, describes scientism and evolution as the story of mankind that tells us,

“….where we came from, how we got here, and perhaps where we are going. Quite simply, it is science’s version of Roots, except it is the story of us all.”   (The Religious Nature of Evolution Theory and its Attack on Christianity, John G. Leslie and Charles K. Pallaghy, Ph.D, )

In glowing affirmation, Theodosius Dobzhansky (1900-1975) , a prominent evolutionary biologist and progressive creationist sees the ‘god’ evolution as a light that illuminates all facts, a trajectory which all lines of thought must follow, for if man,

“…has arrived at his present state as a result of natural processes rather than a supernatural will, he can learn to control these processes…The concept of evolution, which is now basic to the life sciences, has provided new and in some ways revolutionary answers to questions men have been asking for centuries. The two most important of these are, ‘Why am I here, what is the purpose of human existence, and what is the nature of the world of life that surrounds us?”   (Dobzhansky, T., Ayala, F.J., Stebbins, G.L. and Valentine, J.W., Evolution, W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, 1977)

Triumph of Scientism and the ‘god’ Evolution

At its founding and for about 150 years after America was the world’s beacon of freedom and hope because it was founded on the true Light of unchanging truths such as,

all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. . .”

Now however, an endarkened generation of law makers, politicians, entertainers, professors, seminarians and high school graduates no longer believe that anyone knows ‘the’ truth or even if whether males are meant to be males or females too. For them, anyone who claims to know the truth is a bigoted fundamentalist because they know there was never a fall from God’s good creation but rather an evolutionary ascent moving from primordial matter to creeping things, crawling things, knuckle-dragging things to man. They know with certainty that human beings were never created but evolved. And as the ‘god’ evolution endows nothing—not soul/spirit, personhood, unalienable rights and the freedom to exercise them—then our Constitution is as meaningless as Xmas and Special Creation.

The real source of this evil and madness is a godless left-right confederacy of nihilists described by Professor Angelo Codevilla as America’s Ruling Class.  In “The Ruling Class: How They Corrupted America and What We Can Do About It,”  Codevilla, emeritus professor of international relations at Boston University, argues that America’s real war is between Americans who still worship the supernatural Triune God and a class of evolutionary humanists who dominate both political parties, academe, Hollywood, science and media.  They preach from pulpits, run big business, our economy and the country’s major institutions and imagine themselves entitled to reshape an America that they regard as composed of un-evolved subhuman hominids.

The Ruling Class affirm that scientism and evolution trump the Revelation of God, and as they are the evolved products of the ‘god’ evolution they are science’s authoritative enlightened priests and god-men who pray to themselves,

“… as saviors of the planet and as shapers of mankind in their own image..” (The Ruling Class: How They Corrupted America and What We Can Do About It, p. xix)
After more than eighty years of nearly unopposed evolutionary evangelization in the schools, media, seminaries, academia and elsewhere the Ruling Class is finally at liberty to declare that evolution is “mind,”

….enlarging its domain up the chain of species.”  The god evolution is the “universe…a mind that oversees, orchestrates, and gives order and structure to all things.”   (Algeny, Jeremy Rifkin, 1983, p. 188)

Now that scientism and evolution reign supreme, Satan’s infernal machines, such as the demonized Rifkin,  no longer feel like guests,

”….. in someone else’s home and therefore obliged to make our behavior conform with a set of pre-existing cosmic rules. It is our creation now. We make the rules. We establish the parameters of reality. We create the world, and because we do, we no longer feel beholden to outside forces. We no longer have to justify our behavior, for we are now the architects of the universe. We are responsible to nothing outside ourselves for we are the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever.” (ibid)

According to Robert Muller, the father of World Core Curriculum, now that evolution is “mind” highly evolved men are free to spiritually evolve into higher and higher forms, to become one with the ‘divine:’

Once again, but this time on a universal scale, humankind is seeking no less than its reunion with the ‘divine,’ its transcendence into ever higher forms of life.  Hindus call our earth Brahma, or God, for they rightly see no difference between our earth and the divine.  This ancient simple truth is slowly dawning again upon humanity.  Its full flowering will be the real, great new story of humanity as we are about to enter our cosmic age…” (New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality, Robert Muller, father of Core Curriculum, 1984, p. 84)

“…..the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.”  1 John 5:19    “Therefore take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness.”  Luke 11:35

From the post-flood world of ancient Babylon to our own, the majority of the world’s people have lived under the tyranny of powers, principalities and various determinisms—karma, reincarnation, evolution, fates, furies, chance, cause, doom, natural selection, and genes. They believed that all events in the real world were predestined and controlled by unseen forces of the cosmos that the apostle Paul described as the elemental spirits of the universe.

When Jesus Christ God incarnate demonstrated His absolute control over the elements (Luke 8:24) the tyranny of determinism was cast down and utterly broken.  In the fourth century Gregory of Nazianzen suggested that at the very moment when the Magi came to worship the child of Mary and Joseph, it was then that the tyranny of determinism was broken:

“From that moment onward, the cosmos has orbited around the newborn king…Christ is the logos—the word and the reason by whom all exists and to whom all is ordered.” (American Babylon, Neuhaus, p. 226)
Determinism crept into the West when evil spirits entered into the heart of Christendom during the Renaissance.   They came quietly, first to certain theologians who rejected Jesus Christ in favor of Hermetic magic, Babylonian Kabala, Eastern mysticism, reincarnation, evolution, karma and other occult traditions and determinisms, and then openly with the brazen claim that laws of matter and evolution ultimately govern the world and man.

With penetrating insight, Father Richard John Neuhaus connects modern evolutionary scientism to its’ ancient spiritual foundations in astrology. In his book, “American Babylon,” Neuhaus argues that astrological elemental spirits have been recast as,

“…evolutionary dynamics, life forces, or laws of nature.”  Though described as laws rather than spirits, these elemental “forces”…. work their inexorable ways in cold indifference to reason, to will, to love, and to hope. In short, it is suggested that the elemental spirits are in charge and that human freedom is a delusion.“(p. 226)

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”  Colossians 2:8

According to Pastor Larry DeBruyn, the word “rudiments” (Greek, stoicheion) relates to the universe of matter and energy and is variously,

“…. translated “elemental powers” (NAB), “elementary principles” (NASB), “basic principles” (NIV, NKJV), “evil powers” (NLT), and “elemental spirits” (ESV, NRSV). Translations indicate that stoicheion’s meaning diverges between “principles” and “powers,” between the “physical elements” constitutive of the cosmos or universe, or the “spiritual powers” that inhabit it. In 2 Peter 3:10, the first sense—that is, the “elements” which “shall melt with fervent heat”—is evident, while in Galatians 4:3 and 9, the other sense—that is, “world forces” which once “held in bondage” the Galatian believers—is evident.” (The Supreme Supremacy of the Lord Jesus Christ,)

The Worldview of Evil Spirits

“….we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”  Eph. 6:12

During the 1970s Satanism and possession became front page news in America.  It was during this time that the eminent theologian Malachi Martin, a former Jesuit professor at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome published his shattering book on demon oppression and possession.
Martin’s “Hostage to the Devilthe Possession and Exorcism of Five Contemporary Americans,” presents five cases of actual possession that express important aspects of the worldview of evil spirits which allow us to not only identify these elements but discern their devastating effects within the whole body of the Christian church, the minds of millions of Americans and by extension, our nation.

The worldview of evil powers always takes the form of nature worship, or celebration of created things such as matter and energy as opposed to worship of the living, personal Creator Who created everything. Thus in support of the idea that living beings created themselves it is virulently anti-supernatural and Genesis account creation ex nihilo in favor of one dimensional naturalism and evolutionary cosmologies.

In one case, an evil spirit’s evolutionary cosmology teaching the self-created “universe of matter” and human life was disclosed wherein,

“…men, women, animals, plants, cities, oceans (are) interconnected.  There is really no difference between one thing and anything else….land, ocean, animals, humans, plants are one living organism clad in the shell of breathable atmosphere.  Psychic forces bind it all together….It is a self-creating, self-protecting, self-developing thing…..Earth as mother, as womb, as god, as tomb, as a whole unity protected by its own shell and its own strength (is) all there is.” (p. 395)

From the Big Bang (exploding cosmic egg) which supposedly created matter and energy in the demon’s description of the universe as “self-creating” to inflationary in the description of the universe as a “self-developing thing” to Gaia as “Earth as self-protecting mother” the possessing demon’s evolutionary cosmology is very similar to occult New Age spirituality.

Another important case involved David, a Catholic priest who became obsessed with the evolutionary scientism of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.  Teilhard’s destructive influence is widespread today within transnational Trans-humanist circles, the U.N., the Catholic Church, and increasingly within the Protestant Church.

In “Teilhard de Chardin: Trojan Horse of Vatican II/Heretic Extraordinaire,” Dr. J. P. Hubert wonders whether based on Teilhard’s admission of a mystical encounter if his evolutionary science was satanically inspired.  Teilhard describes his strange encounter:

The man was walking in the desert…when the Thing swooped down on him.  Then, suddenly, a breath of scorching air passed across his forehead, broke through the barrier of his closed eyelids; an irresistible rapture took possession of him….mightily refashioning the enfeebled fibres of his being.  And at the same time the anguish of some superhuman peril oppressed him, a confused feeling that the force which had swept down upon him was equivocal, turbid, the combined essence of all evil and goodness.  You called me: here I am grown weary of abstractions, of attenuations, of the wordiness of social life, you wanted to pit yourself against Reality entire and untamed.  I was waiting for you in order to be made holy.  And now I am established on you for life, or for death….He who has once seen me can never forget me: he must either damn himself with me or save me with himself.  O you who are divine and mighty, what is your name? Speak.”

Hubert concludes that Teilhardism is,

“…no doubt of Satanic origin—a true “religion of man,” if ever there was one.”

America’s Unfolding Spiritual Catastrophe

For over eighty-five years, America has been incrementally conquered by the same madness-inducing demon of hatred and violence that earlier took over Russia, China, Germany, and Italy.

This demon is mainly embodied within America’s “scientifically endarkened” Ruling Class which is deeply oppressed and possessed by elemental spirits and the delusion that the true enemy of America is always on the Right.  Having rejected the biblical God and the religious heritage of our civilization, they embrace instead an ancient order of beliefs of which Communism and Socialism are logical expressions.  A new world order is what they seek, but in order that it can emerge, the still remaining remnants of America’s Christian-based culture must be completely destroyed.
What this means is that the spiritual catastrophe that unfolded in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany is unfolding on America’s stage.

Can this catastrophe be averted?

Repentance: The Only Way Back

Returning to David, prior to his obsession with Teilhardism he was destined to become a professor of anthropology at a Catholic university.  But under the influence of Teilhardism, he came to see that the Genesis account of creation ex nihilo, Adam and Eve as the first man and woman and parents of all mankind who fell and passed on Original Sin to all human beings were utterly contrary to modern scientific thinking and evolution.

Therefore David taught anthropology from a modern “evolutionary science” perspective, even going so far as to exclude traditional presentations of doctrines about creation ex nihilo and Original Sin.  But after introducing Teilhardism to his students, doubts arose when he observed the breathtaking transformative effects of this teaching upon Jonathan, one of his students, a priest who now insisted that all the sacraments are “…no more than expressions of man’s natural unity with the world around him.” 

David’s eyes were suddenly opened and he saw clearly for the first time that Teilhardism exalted man as an animal and pictured,

God as no more than the very bowels of earth and sky and the spatial distances of the universe with all its expanding galaxies.” (Martin, p. 107)

Meanwhile, Jonathan left the church and quickly founded his own cult among wealthy Manhattan families.  He preached that the universe and all people were evolving as ‘one’ in a naturally occurring mystical union which he called “Abba Father.” (p. 127)

Martin writes that Jonathan had come under the dominion of an evil spirit and David was called in to exorcise him.  However, the demon possessing Jonathan ridiculed David, saying they both believed the same things, therefore if Jonathan needed exorcism David needed it more.

Reeling in shock, David was led to an agony of soul-searching over the course of many weeks during which he re-examined and finally repented of the intellectual arrogance that led him to embrace Teilhardism and the “higher criticism” of Scriptures that reduced the Revealed Word to myth, allegory and delusion and the death of Jesus to an insignificant event of the evolutionary past rather than,

“…an ever present source of personal forgiveness and unshakable hope for any future.” (p. 149)

According to Martin, the evil spirit who had nearly succeeded in killing David’s faith now taunted him that to return to faith would entail slavery of mind and will.   But when a repentant David deliberately rejected the demon’s taunts,

“…a great and breathtaking dimension full of relief….flooded his mind and will and imagination….And when he now looked at the world of nature around him…and heard the song of a mockingbird nearby, he received it no longer as he had while a Teilhardian evolutionist, as ‘intimations of molecules endlessly regrouping,’ but rather ‘of endless life for each person, and of love without a shadow.” (pp. 163, 165)

Speaking through Nietzsche, Zarathustra had declared the death of the Christian God on behalf of all willful unbelievers, but now for David, “He’s alive and I’m forgiven!”   His faith in God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and Scripture restored, David was ready to exorcise the evil spirit who possessed Jonathan.  He did so,

“…in the name of God who created him (Jonathan) and you (evil spirit), and of Jesus of Nazareth who saved him!  You will depart and get back to the uncleanness and agony you chose.” (p. 169)

Linda Kimball writes on culture, politics, and worldview. Her articles are published nationally and internationally. Linda can be reached at:

Linda Kimball is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

Absolution In A Sophomoric Society

June 7, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

In a post-modernism age the most assertive and self-proclaimed worshipers in the supremacy of science, have no room for a belief in God. These arrogant elites treat anyone, who profess that a true understanding of science does not contradict the presence of the almighty, with condescending distain for refusing to accept that God is dead. The transhumanist insistence that they will emerge as supreme beings is the pivotal sacrilege that underpins the social culture and political chaos that leads to the ultimate destruction of the species. Extinction of the human race and the invention of an artificial deity, denies that the act of creation inherently is the prowess of the All Powerful.

Sophomoric intelligence based upon pretentious and conceited self-regard is actually immature and ill-informed sense of worth and understanding. The reason for the absurdity, which is the hallmark of societal dysfunction, stems from the malevolent masterminds NWO globalist plan and carried out by their technocrat minions.

The Most Secret Science by Archibald E Roberts examines the MATTOID SYNDROME in chapter twelve. “Irrational political decisions at policy-making levels force upon perceptive Americans the conclusion that an invisible government of men “unbridled by logic or understanding” has acquired ultimate power and influence in the United States. Furthermore, the image-building manipulations of these Mattoids favor the development of similar attitudes in others and give thousands—perhaps millions—of normally well-balanced persons the courage to overtly engage in absurd or infamous acts.”

Colonel Archibald E. Roberts championed his views several decades ago. Yet, his analysis has not lost any of the impact or importance as the 21th century unfolds. Essentially, the situation is a geometric progression as the delusion worsens.

Scientists once relied upon empirical evidence and followed the four steps of the scientific method.

  • Observation and description of a phenomenon or group of phenomena.
  • Formulation of a hypothesis to explain the phenomena. In physics, the hypothesis often takes the form of a causal mechanism or a mathematical relation.
  • Use of the hypothesis to predict the existence of other phenomena, or to predict quantitatively the results of new observations.
  • Performance of experimental tests of the predictions by several independent experimenters and properly performed experiments.

The current credibility of the academic community is suspect as government funding and peer pressure for career advancement demands conformity to promote specific political agendas. No area of science is more tainted than the study of global climate. In the New Report, IPCC Falsifying Climate Science, New Fraud Reports Exposed, CO2 illustrates the politicization of science and the betrayal of their own methodology standards.

Inexhaustible debate on the global warming hypothesis has developed bitter contention because conclusions much be tailored to advance the globalist hysteria that is seen as necessary to maintain the New World Disorder Psychology. Wacko environmentalists share an extreme similarity with their scientist gurus who mock divine intervention and profess that man has all the knowledge necessary to become masters of the universe.

“Secular Humanism, has become, the leading export of the ‘West’ to the rest of the world. The movers and shakers of public policy accept its values, cosmology, as Sigmund Freud views that reason rules, and that a rejection of God is acceptable. Religion is seen as a threat, and that life can be lived without delusions, especially the illusion of a religious belief. His theory of human nature and the culture of morality is founded upon the substitute of the super-ego, for the role of religion. As the source of morality and conscience, man is able to apply his reason to follow ethical behavior.”

In the end, all the HAARP manipulations and chemtrail spraying cannot and will not achieve domination over the planet. Relying on NASA to discover nirvana or trusting Japanese scientists to resolve a Fukushima nuclear winter is no better than following celebrity global warming advocates into the vast void of their own mental space.

However, the stakes become critical, when purported distinguished scientific institutes, fall into the trap of anti-intellectual conduct. The Prestigious Helmholtz Research Center Gutter-Dives…Promotes Sophomoric Attacks On Skeptics, Labelling Them “Deniers”

“It’s worrisome enough that the German government itself recently issued a brochure singling out, naming, and defaming German and American climate science skeptics. Today we have one of Germany’s most prestigious science associations actively backing adolescent-level attacks on skeptics who have decided not to take part in the collective climate hysteria.”

Seeking remission for fabricated crisis, like the newly renamed climate disruption, plays to the mental illness of fools who demand that saving the planet requires that they bury any semblance of religious belief and repentance. According to such enlighten cretins; absolution is not necessary, since acknowledging a creator would make their Frankenstein genetic engineering and eugenics experiments unholy.

Proponents of deceptive discourse would have you believe that sophomoric reasoning is rationalizing about what one understands poorly. It is often apologetics (starting with a conclusion) and masquerades as “critical thinking“. Sound good on the surface, but when you probe closely the real bias of the position becomes obvious.

“Science begins with hypotheses; apologetics begins with conclusions. Science performs experiments which can disconfirm hypotheses; apologetics employs rhetoric (conclusions can never be disconfirmed). Science discovers how the world works; Christian apologetics assures that the world conforms to the Bible (or to church doctrine). Apologetics is not a productive approach to discovering how the world works; science is not a productive method for making the world conform to the Bible.”

The last point divulges the basic disconnect. Belief in the Bible is an existential decision. Inquiry in the way the world operates is not reducible to merely running technological experimentation. Dismissing the significance and value of accepting faith in a revealed Creator is the usual determination to the scientific trained mind. Yet the objection to investigate the validity for acceptance of a divine plan for the salvation of souls permeates the man-centered culture of Modern Prometheus inquiry.


The function of science is to question, but the methods of science are not synonymous with scholarship. The burden of proof that an agnostic or atheistic conviction is a requirement for conducting good science is a research project that most universities will avoid. Nevertheless, membership of good standing into the scientific community undoubtedly rests upon this canon of doctrine.

It seems to be puerile to demand blindness to the universal evident, that the cosmos provides. Benjamin Cain critique of Stephen Hawking’s Scientific Atheism philosophy concludes it is absurdly anti-philosophical, so he is forced to pretend that his atheism is purely scientific.

“Here is Hawking’s stripped-down argument for God’s nonexistence: the universe was created in the Big Bang, which means that in its earliest stage the universe was infinitesimal and so the laws of quantum mechanics apply to its origin, and we know from those laws that quantum events can happen spontaneously without any cause; moreover, the Big Bang’s gravitational singularity was in effect a black hole and we know that in modern-day black holes time stops inside of them, which means there was no time before the Big Bang and thus no time for anyone to create the universe.”

Mr. Cain continues, “atheists presuppose a religion in their effort to unite naturalism with their typical liberal values: this religion is secular humanism, Scientism, positivism, or pragmatism. But when a religion is only presupposed rather than openly acknowledged, the religion is bound to be clumsy and lackluster, and that’s the case with Hawking’s atheistic argument.”

Taking the “Political Incorrect” cult of religion to the extreme, the example of Lawrence Torcello – assistant professor of philosophy at Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, writes in an essay at The Conversation that climate scientists who fail to communicate the correct message about “global warming” should face trial for “criminal negligence”. How advance civilization has become under the scientific inquisition.Absolution by compurgation testimony of your peers may become necessary for acquittal. Under the new standard of scientific rule, even the “PC” philosopher must adopt the dogma of the Galileo court. How radical the tables have turned now that we know that the earth is round and rotates around the sophomoric society.

One of the latest targets for political persecution happens to be Dinesh D’Souza. During a recent debate on the subject he argued that the two — science and religion — are fundamentally separate.

“The questions to which God is the answer are not scientific questions,” D’Souza said. Humans around the world want to know why the universe exists, the purpose of our existence and what will come afterward. Science doesn’t “have a clue” as to the answers to these questions, D’Souza said.

Looking to science for a discovery of salvation is irrational. Achieving Raymond Kurzweil’s singularity promise of immorality within the artificial intelligence of a new life form species sounds allot like Satan’s sin of pride.While religion has never rendered a redemptive society, faith in God provides the only hope in living in a world of the boundless inhumanity of man to his brother. When scientists dismiss the need for forgiveness, their culture of forging enhanced tiers of technology, usually translates into greater levels of human bondage. The real climate disruption comes out of the laboratories of weird science. Adversely altering the natural order of the universe is as simpleminded as you can get.

Sartre is the publisher, editor, and writer for Breaking All The Rules. He can be reached at:

Sartre is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

Glenn Beck Goes Off On “Religious People”

June 2, 2014 by Administrator · 4 Comments 

“The Doctrine and Covenants leaves no doubt about the Mormon teaching of exclusivity when it says the LDS Church is, ‘the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth, with which I, the Lord, am well pleased….’”

Glenn Beck recently threw a hissy fit on his daily radio program over “religious people [who] claim to be followers of Christ” getting upset that he was the featured convocation speaker at  (LU).  Beck accused those who were concerned over a cultist preaching a sermon of “absolutely smearing” LU.

Let’s cut to the chase.  Glenn Beck is a Mormon in good standing.  Mormonism is a theological cult.  Thus Beck’s not an authentic Christian — period.  That some Christians have the temerity to object to a cultist giving a sermon at a Christian university offended Mr. Beck, thus his rant.

In an earlier column I wrote Questioning with boldness: Which is it Glenn, are you a Mormon or a Christian? I provided an in depth examination of the .  So I’m not going to spend a lot of time re-examine it here.  However, to help you get a handle on what Mormons believe, the following is a snippet of Mormon Christianity from my column.  As you will see, what they believe isn’t even close to biblical Christianity:

LDS Christianity outright denies the Trinity which is an essential of biblical Christianity.  So LDS Christianity and orthodox Christianity do not believe in the same God.  Mormon Christianity teaches that there are many gods who are overseers of other planets.  The god of planet Earth, the one they call Elohim, was just a man with a body of flesh and bones who progressed to godhood and was rewarded with his own planet.  [Founder]Joseph Smith taught, “God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens. That is the great secret… [Y]ou have got to learn how to be Gods yourselves, and to be kings and priests to God, the same as all Gods have done before you…”

Brigham Young believed in a plurality of gods: “How many Gods there are, I do not know. But there never was a time when there were not Gods…” (Journal of Discourses 7:333).

Mormons believe that after death they will become gods and will be rewarded with their own planet.  Thereafter they will spend eternity with their many wives (polygamy) producing offspring to populate their planet.  Traditional Christianity says that God is not a man. (Numbers 23:19) Mormon Christianity teaches that man first existed as spirits in heaven.  Biblical Christianity says that the physical body comes before the spiritual. (1 Cor 15:46) 

And LDS Christianity teaches this humdinger: Jesus and Lucifer are spirit children of God, which makes them spirit brothers. 

Bible believing Christians will understand that historic orthodox Christianity does not hold to any of what Joseph Smith conjured up.  There is no way that Glenn Beck is unaware of Smith’s beliefs and background.  Later in my column I brought to light that,

…it was Joseph Smith and subsequent Mormon hierarchy that attacked Christianity.  The truth is Joseph Smith’s religion, which he made up out of whole cloth, is an abomination to God! 

It seems weird to me that Glenn Beck spends oodles of time gathering dirt on leftist radicals and that he digs deep to get the skinny on President Obama but has neglected to do some deep digging on …  Joseph Smith.  His church’s so-called prophet was a charlatan, a polygamist, an adulterer, and he was up to his eyeballs in the occult as was his father.  There’s plenty of evidence on the web for inquiring minds that want to know the truth about Mormonism’s founder.  ()

For reasons known only to him, Glenn Beck holds the LDS Church in high regard.  Consequently, he’s deluded.  Why do I say that?  To put it bluntly, Mormonism is a satanic cult.  (Those who wish to research the LDS are invited to visit my .)  LU knows this full well, yet Beck was invited to speak to its students.  As I mentioned above, Beck preached a sermon saturated with Mormon theology.  Moreover, he shared a valuable artifact — Joseph Smith’s pocket watch.

Liberty University Enlightens Us

Following is LU’s explanation, in part, for their decision:

We have explained over the decades repeatedly that convocation is an opportunity for students to hear from people of all faiths and from all walks of life.  Liberty has also made it clear repeatedly that it does not endorse any statements made by any convocation speaker.

So far so good.

By contrast, our faculty are all required to profess Liberty’s statement of faith and to affirm our doctrinal statement.  Our students are all required to take many credit hours of theology and Bible courses, regardless of their major.  Our students have no question about what Liberty’s doctrinal statement is.  It is posted publicly for all to see. Our doctrinal statement is our public statement on Mormonism.  It is the same statement that Liberty was founded upon and it will never change.

College is about learning.  How can you defend what you believe if you don’t understand what others believe? 

Good point.

I believe our students are stronger in their faith because of our convocation speaker series and the wide diversity of views that they have been privileged to hear in person over the last few decades.

By the way, many conservative evangelical leaders who are closer to Beck than me have told me that they believe Beck has had a born again experience recently.

Hold it right there!  The “Glenn Beck is saved” rumor has been circulating for several years thanks largely to Wall Builders Founder , “American evangelicals’ favorite historian.”  If it’s true, then why is Beck keeping the good news from his friends and fans?  Moreover, if he truly is  then why hasn’t he cut all ties to the LDS Church and joined a church where the true gospel of Christ is preached?

LU’s explanation continues:

I do not know his heart but our audience knows that he was speaking only for himself and expressing his personal opinions and beliefs, not those of Liberty University or even of Mormonism generally. As Jerry Falwell, Sr., our founder, often used to say about speakers at Liberty who had different views than him, Liberty students are smart enough to eat the fish and spit out the bones! I believe that’s as true today as it was in his day.

Are we to assume every student is mature in their faith and has spiritual discernment?  Are we to assume that every student who attends a Christian university has been born again and thus saved? Did it not occur to Jerry Falwell, Jr. that some of the students who ate the fish Glenn Beck dished up could have choked on the bones?!

Now, don’t get me wrong. Liberty University has the right to invite whoever they wish to speak to its students.  But lately they seem to have an affinity for Mormons, as Glenn Beck has spoken at the university twice.  In 2010 he delivered the commencement address and received an honorary doctorate degree.  Likewise, Mormon Mitt Romney gave the commencement speech in 2012.

A Martyr?

Is it true that Joseph Smith died a martyr, as Glenn Beck declared to LU’s students?  Not so fast, Glenn!  The factual account of what led to Smith’s death reveal that he and his brother Hyrum were charged with treason and conspiracy by Illinois authorities whereby they were arrested and imprisoned in a minimum security cell in the Carthage city jail. According to The Martyrdom of Joseph Smith by Eric Johnson:

He and his brother Hyrum Smith were murdered on June 27, 1844, by an armed mob, an event that has prompted Mormons to classify them as martyrs. It has caused others, however, to raise the question whether someone who dies in a gun battle fighting against his enemies can be considered to be a martyr. A close examination of the term reveals that one must meet specific requirements to be considered a martyr, which involve, for example, the reasons why one is put to death and the way one faces such a death. An investigation of the reasons why Smith was murdered and the actions he took to avoid this fate inevitably makes it difficult to maintain that Smith was “like a lamb led to the slaughter.” ()

Johnson offers several reasons why he believes it is not accurate to classify Smith a martyr which you’ll find in his essay under the heading: THE FALLACY OF DEEMING SMITH A MARTYR.

Glenn’s Rant

To spare you from having to read Beck’s ridiculous rant, I’ll post a few quotes from a piece by Erica Ritz:

This is why your churches are dwindling. … You think you’re standing for something, when indeed, you’re standing for hate and bigotry. I think Jesus was hanging out with prostitutes and sinners, wasn’t he? You won’t even listen to a man who says … ‘I challenge you to know your faith, not my faith, your faith so well that you’re willing to die for it. Stand with one another.’ That frightens you so much? If it does, you might want to consider that you’re on the wrong side.

Let’s see.  “Prophet” Joseph Smith said that “Christianity had become apostate, and all of their creeds were corrupt, and all of their followers were deceived.” Therefore, it fell to Smith not to “reform” the Christian church, but to “restore” it.”

And anyone who rejects Mormon heresy is “standing for hate and bigotry.”


I look at every single lover of light and truth as my ally, my friend, my brother. … I look at everyone who is my enemy as my brother. I don’t care what you say; I don’t care what you think your belief is; I don’t care what your lifestyle is — you’re not going to change me. And I invite you to join me, join others of multiple faiths — never asking anyone to change their faith — asking you to strengthen your faith, whatever it is. ()

Beck is oblivious to the fact that his truth is NOT biblical Truth.  On the contrary, what he’s “preaching” to anyone who’s willing to listen, and to a captive audience at LU by the way, is .  This New Age Mormon who professes Christ vociferously urges his followers to join together with other religious faiths and sing We Are the World.  If Michael Jackson were alive today, he’d be proud of Glenn.


Glenn claims he’s read the Bible several times.  Perhaps he has.  However, he must have skipped over Paul’s teaching in :

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial?  Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever?  What agreement has the temple of God with idols?  For we are the temple of the living God.

Unbelievers are in darkness.  For this reason believers are not to unite with them in any sort of spiritual enterprise.  And those who are in darkness, the unsaved, are not our brothers and sisters.  Thus, we are commanded to share the gospel of Christ with them.  ()

One last quote from Glenn Beck’s hero, Joseph Smith where we learn a bit more of his bizarre and unbiblical understanding of God, which, by his own admission is the view of God Glenn holds as he is, after all, a professing Mormon:

I say, if you were to see him [God] to-day, you would see him like a man in form–like yourselves, in all the person, image, and very form as a man . . . it is necessary that we should understand the character and being of God, and how he came to be so; for I am going to tell you how God came to be God. We have imagined and supposed that God was God from all eternity,  I will refute that idea, and will take away and do away the veil, so that you may see . . . and that he was once a man like us; yea, that God himself the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth the same as Jesus Christ himself did.  ()

Now a bit of wise counsel from Erin Benziger in What If ‘My God’ Is Bigger than ‘Your God’? :

It is sinful pride that leads men into idolatry as they create imaginary gods that suit their own personal needs. It is the same sinful pride that prevents men from bowing low before the True God. It is this pride that refuses to acknowledge one’s own inability to offer anything truly “good” and refuses to acknowledge his own sinfulness. Yet it is God Who can, by wonderful, amazing grace, break a man of this pride and bring him to his knees in humility. It is God Who can bring the most stubborn, prideful man to a place of repentance and faith in the Savior, Jesus Christ. May we pray this day and every day that God would use us to proclaim the truth of His Gospel to such men, and may we pray that His Spirit would stir and work within those men to bring them to repentant, saving faith and knowledge of His Son. ()


—On Solid Resources

—On Solid Rock Resources

Glenn Beck’s “pure personal truth,” , —Marsha West

Marsha West is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

She can be reached at:

Showdown In Ukraine: Putin vs. Comrade Wolf

May 22, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

“Comrade Wolf knows who to eat, and he eats without listening to anyone.” – Russian President Vladimir Putin referring to the United States…

The Ukraine crisis has its roots in a policy that dates back nearly 20 years. The origins of the policy can be traced to a 1997 article in Foreign Policy magazine by Zbigniew Brzezinski, titled “A Geostrategy for Eurasia.” The article makes the case that the United States needs to forcefully establish itself in Central Asia in order to maintain its position as the world’s only superpower. While many readers may be familiar with Brzezinski’s thinking on these matters, they might not know what he has to say about Russia, which is particularly illuminating given that the recent uptick in violence has less to do with Ukraine than it does with Washington’s proxy-war on Russia. Here’s what Brzezinski says:

“Russia’s longer-term role in Eurasia will depend largely on its self-definition…Russia’s first priority should be to modernize itself rather than to engage in a futile effort to regain its status as a global power. Given the country’s size and diversity, a decentralized political system and free-market economics would be most likely to unleash the creative potential of the Russian people and Russia’s vast natural resources. A loosely confederated Russia — composed of a European Russia, a Siberian Republic, and a Far Eastern Republic — would also find it easier to cultivate closer economic relations with its neighbors. Each of the confederated entitles would be able to tap its local creative potential, stifled for centuries by Moscow’s heavy bureaucratic hand. In turn, a decentralized Russia would be less susceptible to imperial mobilization.” Zbigniew Brzezinski, A Geostrategy for Eurasia, Foreign Affairs, 76:5, September/October 1997.

So is this the goal of US policy, to create “A loosely confederated Russia” whose economy can be subsumed into America’s market-based system?

Notice how easily Brzezinski chops Russia into smaller, bite-size statelets that pose no threat to US imperial expansion. Brzezinski undoubtedly envisions a Russia that will sell its vast resources in petrodollars and recycle them into US Treasuries further enriching the corrupt rent-skimmers in Washington and Wall Street. He foresees a Russia that will abdicate its historic role in the world and have no say-so in shaping global policy. He imagines a compliant Russia that will help facilitate US imperial ambitions in Asia, even to the point where it will pay to police its own people on behalf of US oligarchs, weapons manufacturers, oil magnates, and 1 percenters. Here’s the paragraph in Brzezinski’s piece that sums up Washington’s objectives in Ukraine, Russia and beyond. It is fittingly headlined with the following words in bold print:


“Defining the substance and institutionalizing the form of a trans-Eurasian security system could become the major architectural initiative of the next century. The core of the new transcontinental security framework could be a standing committee composed of the major Eurasian powers, with America, Europe, China, Japan, a confederated Russia, and India collectively addressing critical issues for Eurasia’s stability. The emergence of such a transcontinental system could gradually relieve America of some of its burdens, while perpetuating beyond a generation its decisive role as Eurasia’s arbitrator. Geostrategic success in that venture would be a fitting legacy to America’s role as the first and only global superpower.” Zbigniew Brzezinski, “A Geostrategy for Eurasia,” Foreign Affairs

Translation: The United States will police the world, dispatch troublemakers, and eliminate potential threats wherever it finds them. It will impose its neoliberal dogma (Austerity, privatization, structural adjustment, anti labor reforms, etc) across-the-board and on all participants. Also, minor partners–”Europe, China, Japan, a confederated Russia, and India”–will be expected to provide security for their own people at their own expense in order to “relieve America of some of its burdens.”

Nice, eh? So you even have to pay for your own jailers.

And what is “Transcontinental Security” anyway? Isn’t it just a fancy way of saying “one world government”?

Indeed, it is. It’s the very same thing. Here’s more from Brzezinski:

“Failure to widen NATO…would shatter the concept of an expanding Europe… Worse, it could reignite dormant Russian political aspirations in Central Europe.”

This is an oddly convoluted statement. In the first sentence, Brzezinski supports the idea of an “expanding Europe”, and then in the next breath, he worries that Russia might want to do the same thing. It’s another case of the pot calling the kettle black.

What’s clear, is that –in Brzezinski’s mind– EU and NATO expansion will help Washington achieve its hegemonic aspirations. That’s all that matters. Here’s what he says:

“Europe is America’s essential geopolitical bridgehead in Eurasia…A wider Europe and an enlarged NATO will serve the short-term and longer-term interests of U.S. policy… A politically defined Europe is also essential to Russia’s assimilation into a system of global cooperation.”

“Bridgehead”? In other words, Europe is just a means to an end. But what would that “end” be?

Global domination. Isn’t that what he’s talking about?

Of course, it is.

What makes the Ukrainian crisis so hard to understand, is that the media conceals the policy behind the impenetrable fog of daily events. Once the fog lifts though, it’s easy to see who’s causing all the trouble. It’s the party that’s calling the shots from abroad, the good old US of A.

Putin doesn’t want this war and neither do most Ukrainians. The whole thing was conjured up by Uncle Sam and his minions to stop the flow of Russian gas to Europe, to push NATO further eastward, and to break the Russian Federation into little pieces. That’s what it’s really all about. And these madmen are willing to raze Ukraine to the ground and kill every living organism within a 3,000 mile radius of Kiev to get their way. After all, isn’t that what they did in Iraq? They sure did. And did I mention that, according to this week’s Wall Street Journal, “Iraq’s Oil Output Surged to Highest Level in Over 30 Years” with all the usual suspects raking in hefty profits.

The point is, if they’d did it in Iraq, they’ll do it in Ukraine too. Because what Washington cares about is constituents not carnage. Carnage they can handle.

Brzezinski is not the only one supporting the current policy either. There’s also fellow traveler, Hillary Clinton. In fact, it was Secretary of State Clinton who first used the term “pivot” in a 2011 article in Foreign Policy Magazine titled “America’s Pacific Century”. Clinton’s op-ed described a “rebalancing” plan that would open up new markets to US corporations and Wall Street, control the flow of vital resources, and “forge a broad-based military presence” across the continent. Here’s an excerpt from the text of Clinton’s seminal speech:

“The future of politics will be decided in Asia, not Afghanistan or Iraq, and the United States will be right at the center of the action.

As the war in Iraq winds down and America begins to withdraw its forces from Afghanistan, the United States stands at a pivot point. Over the last 10 years, we have allocated immense resources to those two theaters. In the next 10 years, we need to be smart and systematic about where we invest time and energy, so that we put ourselves in the best position to sustain our leadership, secure our interests, and advance our values. One of the most important tasks of American statecraft over the next decade will therefore be to lock in a substantially increased investment — diplomatic, economic, strategic, and otherwise — in the Asia-Pacific region…

Harnessing Asia’s growth and dynamism is central to American economic and strategic interests and a key priority for President Obama. Open markets in Asia provide the United States with unprecedented opportunities for investment, trade, and access to cutting-edge technology…..American firms (need) to tap into the vast and growing consumer base of Asia…The region already generates more than half of global output and nearly half of global trade. As we strive to meet President Obama’s goal of doubling exports by 2015, we are looking for opportunities to do even more business in Asia…

…as I talk with business leaders across our own nation, I hear how important it is for the United States to expand our exports and our investment opportunities in Asia’s dynamic markets.” (“America’s Pacific Century”, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton”, Foreign Policy Magazine, 2011)

“Harnessing Asia’s growth and dynamism is central to American economic and strategic interests and a key priority for President Obama”?

Does that sound like someone who wants to cultivate a mutually-beneficial relationship with their trading partners or someone who wants to move in, take over and run the show?

Washington’s plan to shift its attention from the Middle East to Asia is all about money. Clinton even says so herself. She says, “The region generates more than half of global output and nearly half of global trade…Asia’s markets … provide the United States with unprecedented opportunities for investment, trade, and…a vast and growing consumer base.”

Money, money, money. The upside-profit potential is limitless which is why Madame Clinton wants to plant Old Glory right in “the center of the action”, so US corporations can rake in the dough without fear of reprisal.

Brzezinski says the same thing in his magnum opus “The Grand Chessboard” Here’s an excerpt:

“A power that dominates Eurasia would control two of the world’s three most advanced and economically productive regions. A mere glance at the map also suggests that control over Eurasia would almost automatically entail Africa’s subordination, rendering the Western Hemisphere and Oceania (Australia) geopolitically peripheral to the world’s central continent. About 75 per cent of the world’s people live in Eurasia, and most of the world’s physical wealth is there as well, both in its enterprises and underneath its soil. Eurasia accounts for about three-fourths of the world’s known energy resources.” (Zbigniew Brzezinski, “The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And It’s Geostrategic Imperatives”, page 31)

Get the picture? It’s a gold rush! Having successfully looted every last farthing from the battered US middle class and left the economy in a ghastly shambles, Brzezinski, Clinton and Co. are headed for greener pastures in Central Asia, home of the world’s largest oil producing nation, boundless reserves in the Caspian Basin, and zillions of voracious consumers who’ll need everything from I Pads to leisure wear, all graciously provided by US-owned corporations. Cha-ching!

So don’t get tripped up on the daily events in Ukraine. This isn’t a clash between pro-government forces and anti-government activists. This is the next big phase of Washington’s plan to conquer the world, a plan that will inevitably pit Moscow against the amassed military power of the United States of America. This is David vs. Goliath, Mother Russia vs. the Great Satan, Vladie Putin vs. Comrade Wolf.

Ukraine is just Round 1.

Mike Whitney is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

Mike Whitney lives in Washington state. He can be reached at:

Standard Procedure

May 20, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

Origin of the Master Model

The master plan for world domination we see playing out today was first proposed to the US at the end of World War I. However, there were no takers. People were too war weary. However, when the plan was again proposed at the end of World War II, it was accepted. Consequently, World War II quietly transitioned into the secret “war” to set up what has become known as the “new world order” — an absolute dictatorship over the entire planet.

The United States set up the School of the Americas to train future dictators and terrorists who would be sent out into the world to destroy sovereign nations and place them under US domination by installing puppet governments obedient to the United States. Many conquests were made quietly using clever economic tricks [2]. However, leaders who refused to submit quietly would see their entire country reduced to rubble and the land rendered unlivable by uranium dust scattered by US bombs. The message was clear: Submit to the United States or face total destruction.

A social model based upon the assumption that cleverness and power automatically convey the right to take anything desired from those who are less adept and unable to resist is not a sustainable model for harmonious social interactions. However, this is the chosen model. The mantra for this model, “A man’s true worth is measured by the amount of other peoples’ happiness that he can possess and destroy” [1], is essentially a call for a class war between the greedy elite and the innocent masses of the world who simply desire a peaceful existence.


The United States looks at the rest of the world as a “resource”. If a country has something — oil, gold, minerals, etc. — that the US covets, it believes it has the right to take those things by whatever means necessary. In many cases the coveted resource is human slave labor. Let’s look at some representative examples:

Guatemala: The Banana Wars

With the cooperation of the dictator, United Fruit Company (US) owned almost half of the country and used the locals as slaves to harvest its Chiquita brand bananas. However, during the period from 1945-1954 new leaders made changes. They helped the poor and set up social security and health care. Then they took land away from United Fruit and gave it to the local people. United fruit complained to the CIA that its business interests were being interfered with by the “communist” government. Any government which shows kindness to the poor and weak is called communist by the US. The US attacked Guatemala — killed the elected leaders and many thousands of citizens — and established a puppet dictatorship which would obey the will of United Fruit. The people were returned to a state of slavery. The CIA trained death squads to make sure the people were crushed into submission.

Strip Mining in Africa [4]

In Africa, the International Monetary Fund — a puppet of the US — destroys a country with strip mining. The original country was self sustaining. People were able to grow lots of food and hunt animals. However, once the land was ruined by US corporations, it was unusable to plant crops and the native animals died. The people had to buy food from other countries with money loaned to them by the IMF which they could never hope to repay. Therefore, a once free and self supporting people were made debt slaves of the IMF. Once all the natural resources have been stolen, the corporations will simply pack up and leave the indigenous people to starve and die.

Countries Used as Trash Dumps [5]

Used computers and associated items are dumped in poor countries where starving barefoot children sift through the mess of hazardous waste and broken obsolete glass computer monitors hoping to find something they can sell to get enough money to stay alive another day. Property stickers show the waste is mainly from the US government and various US state governments.

Corruption of Trusted Sources

Reporters and News Organizations

The masses are conditioned to believe news they receive from establishment sources. In the earlier times, this assumption was often correct. It was considered so important by the founding fathers that freedom of the press was enshrined in the US constitution. However, times have changed.

Walter Cronkite was known as the “trusted voice”. No one knew he was also the official announcer at the secret Bohemian Grove meetings. The leaders of the world’s news organizations also attend this event. That is why, even though the meetings began over one hundred years ago, until recently no one knew this group even existed. President George W. Bush may have set a new record for bribing journalists to allow their trusted name to be used as the author of material actually written by government propaganda experts. Apparently, everyone has a price and the government, of course, has no problem when it comes to money.

When Ronald Reagan reportedly ordered the death of investigative reporter Jessica Savitch [6], the message to independent journalists was clear: Go against the official party line an you’re done!

Today, dedicated journalists face mysterious deaths and strange single car accidents but a few survive long enough to give us a glimpse of truths we would otherwise never know. They are true heroes.


Churches are everywhere. Unfortunately, legitimate Spiritual teachers are not. People look at churches either as harmless or with some sort of conditioned hypnotic respect. Churches send out “missionaries”. However, the “mission” of these missionaries may not be so clear. If you wanted to infiltrate a foreign country, these people would be an ideal asset.

Churches are not Spiritual centers. At best, all they want is your money. At worst, they are Satanic and you are in severe Spiritual danger if you come under their influence and control.

The Catholic Church has been a trusted asset of the US intelligence community for quite some time. Significant information obtained by priests during confessions is routinely passed on to the government.

This agreement predates the internet by many years. Because the church has branches in almost every country, it has great potential for covert activities. For example, if you need to get an operative who is in danger out of a country, they can go to a Catholic church for “confession”. Once the door is closed, they can exit through a secret passage, be disguised in robes and spirited safely out of the country. Church secrecy is at least on a par with US secrecy. Also, the Catholic church and the US shadow government share the same Satanic value system and engage in child rape and ritual killings.

Doctors and the Medical Industry

Medicine in the United States is an industry. It is no longer a profession. Its corporate model puts profit above all else. If some patients accidentally benefit they are the lucky ones.

The medical community has a rigid hierarchical structure and effective mechanisms for enforcing secrecy. Essentially, its model closely resembles the military chain of command structure. This makes it a perfect partner for the government in the area of secret human experiments.

For example, when the government was doing radiation experiments on humans, a doctor or someone dressed as a doctor would just walk up to unsuspecting patients and inject them with radioactive material. They were then secretly followed for years to see what would happen. Eventually, some of those who survived were told the truth. Most people used in the MK Ultra and subsequent secret projects were never notified.

Hospitals are set up to protect themselves. Staff may appear to be dedicated, smiling people who truly care about you. However, they are basically prostitutes who are being nice because you are worth money to them. When they make mistakes they have a “loss prevention” department staffed by clever lawyers who are trained to protect the financial interests of the hospital by denying everything and fabricating believable coverups. They are trained to do whatever is necessary. The staff will all agree to support whatever lies are needed. They know their job and their financial future depends upon maintaining strict secrecy.

The only people who receive legitimate medical care are the select elite cleared to accesstop secret medicine. These people always get excellent care because the doctors work for the shadow government and mistakes on their part are simply not tolerated.


Countries which have the resources to sustain an intelligence community generally try to get operatives (spies) into other countries so they can directly observe activities. When real people gather intelligence, this is called human intelligence or HUMINT. The US, of course, does this too. However, you may not be aware of the extent to which the US also infiltrates itself. The central government really does not trust anyone.

Essentially all local police departments, state offices and state governors have a covert federal agent working close by pretending to be just another employee. Also, every US neighborhood has an informer who reports to the federal government. Large corporations, which tend to behave like “mini governments”, need to be infiltrated and kept under observation. Colleges and universities are also monitored.

Here is how this spy network operates: The NSA likes to recruit young kids right out of college. When they are hired and sworn to secrecy they still do not know what their assignment will be. They must agree to do this assignment without first being told what it is.

Some agents, like John Perkins [2], are assigned to work in other countries. However, others are assigned to work inside the US. Their assignment could be to go to some state and apply to join the local police department. They would pretend to be just a regular person looking for a job. They would take the necessary training and spend their life as a local policeman so they could directly observe other local police from the inside and report to the NSA. Since they are actually an employee of the NSA, presumably they get to keep both salaries and, eventually, both retirements. All significant local police forces in the US are infiltrated this way.

Additionally, some agents will be assigned to get a job on the state governor’s staff as well as in major local state agencies. A CIA or NSA agent is always on the staff at major colleges and universities. The same goes for major corporations.

Senior level agents are allowed to have special TV receivers in their homes linked to the secret government TV network. This way everyone stays on the same page. The channels on this network actually broadcast the truth. TV channels available to ordinary people contain only government approved propaganda mixed with “bread and circuses” presentations to make sure the sheeple stay asleep and content.


The US government is involved in illegal activities internationally and domestically. If it performed these activities overtly in the name of the United States, there would be serious consequences under both international and local laws. To avoid this situation, the US government operates thousands of “front organizations” which appear to be private but are actually shadow operatives of the US.

For example, John Perkins [2] explained that he was recruited, hired and trained by the NSA. He was an NSA agent. However, for his cover as an economic hit man, he “officially” worked for a “private” company called Charles T. Main. This company was a government front to shield the US because the activities the NSA trained Perkins to do were illegal.

This is standard operating procedure for the US as well as other countries and many corporations. It shields them from legal recourse by providing deniability for the crimes they actually direct and commit.

Generally, when the US wants to influence other sovereign countries, it creates harmless looking NGO’s which appear to be independent but are actually fronts for covert activities.

Domestically, colleges and universities — especially those with associated medical schools and hospitals — are great places to conceal a variety of covert projects such as the MK Ultra series of human experiments which, reportedly, continue today using new cover names. The US also likes to create non-profit corporations which exist only to provide classified services to the United States. A good example would be the Institutes for Defense Analysis (IDA). The US, reportedly, is its only client.


Mass media “programming” is actually programming you. It has developed into a subtle form of mind control. Before radio and television, special interests recognized that motion pictures could be used to alter public opinion in their favor. Perhaps, for example, you wanted to attack labor unions. When radio and later television came along providing access to national and international audiences, the temptation to exploit these technologies became irresistible. Originally, the US government recognized this and set up fairness rules to prevent monopolies from taking over the broadcast media and blocking opposing viewpoints. All this ended, unfortunately, when Ronald Regan canceled all the fairness regulations. Today, a handful of powerful corporations own and control essentially all content delivered by radio and television.

Television is the main vehicle for mass indoctrination. It is said that people watching TV actually fall into a light hypnotic trance. The “entertainment” you see on TV does not “just happen to be there”. It is very carefully planned and timed to attract and influence targeted audiences. It is said that if some event were to somehow shut down all television broadcasts the government would experience a severe crisis because it would lose control over the minds of the masses.

TV creates sort of a “hive mind” among the masses and keeps everyone coordinated and tuned into the official party line. Without this, people would have no choice but to start thinking for themselves and forming independent opinions. Clearly, this would be a disaster.

The radio broadcast of “War of the Worlds” and the later movie “The Day the Earth Stood Still” are said to be CIA psychological experiments to judge how the general public would react to some type of ET contact.

Today, broadcasting is not just a one way event. Because people react to events and use social media to express these reactions, the effect of specific propaganda can be analyzed in real time. Since the government now intercepts all electronic communications, it is able to see general opinions and then tweak algorithms to maximize the desired effect of propaganda. This ability makes TV a two-way communications system although most people, of course, do not realize this and have no concept of the level of sophistication these technologies have reached.

Information Theory

Information Theory is the name of a relatively new branch of science which became popular in the 1960′s. It covers a broad range of technologies. Basically, it is the science of the flow of information and how that flow can be selectively controlled so that information flows only in desired pathways. As you may have already guessed, governments love this sort of stuff.


ECM stands for Electronic Counter Measures. In general, these are techniques to disable other electronic devices. Basically, it is electronic warfare. When the secret service is active in an area, for example, they will selectively jam all radio frequencies except for the specific frequencies they are using so that no one else can communicate.

World leaders, who are generally terrified of “threats” materializing from practically anywhere, like to travel with ECM generators running just in case “someone” from “somewhere” was trying to target them for “some reason”. Basically, they are paranoid whack jobs.

People familiar with aviation tell the story of how Tony Blair, while traveling to or near a commercial airport, reportedly caused a commercial jet to crash because all the ECM garbage he was transmitting jammed the plane’s navigation system. Of course, the British government would never admit this.

Secure Communication With Submarines

Since submarines were invented, communicating with them has been a problem because conventional radio waves will not travel underwater. Therefore, early submarines had to get close enough to the surface to put up some kind of antenna in the air to send or receive radio messages. Obviously, this could pose a problem if you did not wish to be discovered and located. After all, the motivation to create submarines in the first place was the feeling that they would be able to move about the planet secretly. However, newer technologies now make this impossible.

To solve the problem of reliable secure communication without the need to surface, scientists learned that sea water was essentially transparent to a special type of Argon laser. To set up the current communications network, it was decided to use several satellites with each satellite sending only part of an encrypted communication signal. The complete signal could only be received at a specific point underwater where all the laser beams intersected. Intercepting only one or two beams would prove useless. This communications system is considered to be impossible to intercept.

Quantum Entanglement

Returning to the submarine issue for a moment, before modern communications were perfected, there was a search for some reliable method to send a signal to a submerged submarine that could not be detected. This was considered necessary in a war situation to secretly transmit an attack command. What they originally did was to locate a couple of people who could communicate telepathically. One would be at the command base and the other on the submarine. Doing a bit more research, it was determined that this type of communication is instantaneous and somehow operated outside of time. Radio waves travel at the speed of light.

Quantum entanglement is a process which uses technology to send and receive signals outside of space-time. Now, why would you possibly want to do this? Well, if you had a base or a colony on a planet in some other solar system light years away, you would not want to wait years for messages to be received. Following this thread — and adding some basic common sense — why would you want to dedicate resources to search for habitable planets in distant solar systems when you had already “proven” it would be impossible to ever get there? Could it just be that someone is not coming clean with whole story?

The Separation Barrier

This is a model of the separation barrier which insulates the ruling class from the slave class. It is essentially “intellectual apartheid”. The question is, why is it there. It takes considerable effort, money and manpower to maintain this artificial barrier. What is the reasoning behind not having a level playing field for everyone? Why does this idea absolutely terrify the elite? What are they afraid of?

The Pirate Story

This is a summary of a story told years ago on a radio broadcast most likely by Paul Harvey:

Ordinary people were afraid. The Earth was flat so they dare not venture far from home. Periodically, a pirate ship would come. They did not know how it got there or from where it came. It brought treasures they had never seen. The Chief Pirate would encourage the young men to study and specialize in specific skills. He wanted them to become educated but only in one narrow area. The Chief Pirate knew the world was not flat and how to navigate to other lands. However, this knowledge was never discussed. This “top secret” knowledge or the “big picture of the known world” would only be given to the Chief Pirate’s son who would inherit his title and someday become the Chief Pirate.

This story is about the origin of the concept we call compartmentalization — the process of controlling the slave masses by only allowing them to know specific bits of the truth while the leaders are allowed to know total truth.




Leaders can only maintain their status if there are slaves. Otherwise, everyone would be equal and operate on a level playing field. This means “leaders” would have to pull their own weight like everyone else. Clearly, this would be intolerable. Leaders love beautiful and exotic things but don’t want to do the work needed to create these things. They probably could not even plant a garden much less build the various “ivory towers” where they like to live surrounded by servants. If left on their own they would very likely starve. This is why it is so important to create and maintain the complex separation barrier.

Why don’t people who live above the separation barrier ever “come down” and talk to the people below the barrier? Well, other than the obvious fact that they would likely be killed or jailed for espionage or treason, there is another, simpler, reason.

Would you like to spend your days sitting in an open field with kindergarten kids looking for four leaf clovers? Probably not. You have progressed beyond that. The slaves below the separation barrier cannot even imagine the world of those who live above the barrier. In fact, the elite do not even consider the slaves human. They call them “disposable biological units”. The United Nations prefers the slang term “the herd”. Slaves can be easily bred in quantities needed and programmed to do desired tasks. Then, they can be easily disposed of when no longer useful. That’s how they look at you. So, why would they want to make friends with you?

The Mars Example

There is an interesting event playing out today that you may have noticed. This concerns the recruitment and selection of people to be sent to Mars. There are simulation projects where volunteers are locked away to imitate the long voyage to Mars. They are being told that this is a one way trip and they can never hope to return to Earth.

What you are witnessing is the selection process for the “seed people” who will be used to breed the future slave class on Mars. In a situation similar to the period when most believed the Earth was flat and you would fall off if you tried to go to sea, these people are convinced that the only way to get to mars is to ride a rocket on a perilous journey taking years. Because they truly believe this, when they get to Mars, they will teach this crap to their kids along with other misconceptions like it is impossible to go faster than the speed of light and other associated obsolete scientific principles. They will have no
desire to ever return to Earth or go anywhere else because they truly believe it is not possible. They will be contented slaves.

Of course the truth is that there are already secret colonies on Mars. It is not that hard to get there using antigravity and other secret propulsion methods and it is quite likely possible to simply walk through some kind of wormhole device and come out on Mars.

However, the slaves will never know this. Just as it is done on Earth, there will be an artificial separation barrier. The insiders will know the truth and will be physically hidden from the slaves. There will be secret police and other methods — the same as are used on Earth — to make sure no slave ever escapes from the “information prison”. Business as usual will continue.

Reinforcement of Ignorance

Governments and their oligarchs love to keep their subjects in a cloud of ignorance. Back in the days when people believed the Earth was flat, the inner circle ruling class knew it was round. Maintaining the deception was convenient because it kept the slaves from developing any desire to travel far from home.

Nothing has changed all that much today. Consider, for example, all the fuss over the missing MH370 plane. You are being played for a sucker. It is impossible for that plane to have “disappeared”.

The US DoD spy satellite system reportedly consists of ten constellations of satellites. Each constellation has over seven thousand satellites. They see and record everything that happens on this planet. The floor of the oceans can be seen just as clearly as the land areas. The resolution of the system is better than one square millimeter. Also, everything is recorded so you can go back in time and play past images.

This is a picture of a common electric lamp. Take this lamp and throw it in the ocean — any ocean anywhere on this planet. The spy satellite system will locate it, give you the coordinates and give you a photo at least as good as the one above. That is the capability of the system. So, clearly, it is impossible not to know the location of something as large as a Boeing 777 plane. All the TV publicity is a choreographed play. You are being scammed and you need to wake up and realize this fact.

Murders and Assassinations

To ensure a strong empire, dissent must be crushed. The United States trains assassins and carries out both domestic and foreign murders and assassinations on a regular basis. You may be familiar with the classic movie scenes where a black limousine with tinted windows drives by a target with thugs shooting machine guns. Although this would accomplish the task, it is a bit too obvious in a country that advertises itself to be a free, civilized democracy. Someone might catch on and begin to doubt the party line. Consequently, these things must be done quietly.

Inside the US, murders are reportedly carried out by a group known as “FBI Division Five”. Other agencies likely have the responsibility for foreign assassinations. However, the basic techniques used would be similar.

Typically, an agent would wake up every day and connect to the top secret internet to see who he was assigned to kill that day. There would be several options. If it was important to eliminate the target immediately, a fast acting chemical agent would be selected which, for example, would cause the target to die within a few hours of a “natural” heart attack.

However, if time was not critical and the government just wanted the target out of the way, you might want to select one of the cancer causing agents such as those likely used to eliminate Hugo Chavez and Senator Ted Kennedy.

There is also a third possibility. This involves character assassination instead of actual murder. Consider, for example, a person who has gained a lot of public recognition talking about, say, free energy. If you simply kill the person, there could be blowback and talk that he was silenced by the government. In such cases, it is easier to use a chemical agent designed not to kill but, rather, to cause states of mental confusion resulting in obviously strange behavior. This would be coordinated with the government controlled mainstream press to make sure everyone became convinced the person was a nut and would therefore ignore anything said without regard to the truth or validity of the message.

Once the appropriate chemical has been selected, you need to load it into the secret delivery system and locate your target. To find your target you will connect to the top secret internet and pinpoint the location of the target through their cell phone. You can also activate all the cameras and microphones in electronic gadgets connected to the internet associated with the target in case you wish to look around the target’s home and hear in real time what is taking place.

Of course, this will not help you locate the target when it is time to actually do the hit. So, you need to get the top secret profile data which will show any predictable habits of the target. Everyone is constantly tracked through their cell phones and profiles are logged and stored. In this case, the profile shows that the target has a favorite restaurant and goes there for lunch every day around 11:30. Now, you know exactly what to do. You go to the restaurant, hang out until you see your target, and get in line behind the target. Now, all you need to do is slightly bump into the target to deliver the chemical. Generally, the targets never even notice.

This mission is now complete. If it is early enough, you can check back in to the top secret system to see who you are supposed to kill next. Just another day. Just a routine job.


Money is an imaginary force. It is used to motivate and control slaves. Real forces effect all life forms. However, only people respond to money. The only reason they do is because they have been artificially programmed to do so.

Money can be created in unlimited quantities by those adept in the use of this force. The physical world is finite, however the world of imagination is not. There is no limit to the quantity of money that can be imagined into existence. Money can also be imagined out of existence.

Let’s assume that one day the entire financial system simply disappeared. If you lived in a rural area and had a nice veggie garden, some friendly chickens, collection facilities for rain water and a few photocells for electricity, you would not notice this. The veggies would continue to grow. Rain would periodically fall. The chickens would lay eggs as usual. The sun would continue to shine. However, if you lived in a city environment, you would be devastated.

Before money, people lived in small hunter-gatherer groups. The concept of ownership did not exist. People worked and survived as a group. Men and women were equal. Everyone contributed to the community. Resources were shared equally. The concept of “mine” and “yours” did not exist. Women generally became pregnant only once about every three years although there was no birth control. Later, when the concept of money entered the consciousness, women were seen as having less value because men were paid for work but women were not paid to raise and care for kids. Society has changed, however, the downgraded status of women has not.

Money systems have always been manipulated by clever people. When gold was used as money, people learned they could dilute pure gold with silver or maybe even lead to come up with something that looked like pure gold and had the correct weight but was a fraud. A king suspected he was being scammed but had no way to prove it. He called on the great minds of the time for help. This led to what is known as the Archimedes’ principle which is better known today as “specific gravity”. This principle made it possible to compare a sample known to be pure gold to a questionable sample and prove the unknown sample was not pure gold. Likely, some clever crook lost his head once this test became known.

There is a general belief that gold is the ultimate reference for all money. However, secrets concerning the exact quantity of gold make this a perilous assumption. Reportedly, the United States stole a tremendous quantity of physical gold from Japan towards the end of World War II. This gold exists off the books. To make matters worse, Japan was not all that concerned. Japan had been using gold bars as ballast on its ships because they were compact and heavy. They thought nothing of throwing the bars overboard as necessary. Japan used platinum as a money reference and the US never got that. This should make one rethink all the hype about the value of gold. It may be a lot more plentiful than we have been led to believe. Also, the secret off the books stashes of gold would allow its relative value to be manipulated at will just like other commodity markets.

The Financial Axis of Evil [3]

This is the model of the financial axis of evil which rules this planet. It consists of three main branches as shown above. Collectively, they are known as “The Empire of the City”. Briefly, here is how this system operates:

The London financial district is in London, Washington D.C. is in the United States and the Vatican is in Italy. However, these three places are not part of the countries where they exist. They are independent “city states” and have their own laws and constitution. They are, effectively, “mini countries” inside of other countries and fly their own flags. The city state of London is a private corporation and pays no taxes to actual London or to Britain. The city state of London is the master power center and is controlled by the Rothschild family which considers itself to be the legal owner of this planet. The Vatican is the largest private land owner in the world and the first true multinational corporation with installations (churches) and secret agents (The Knights of Malta) everywhere. They control through the power of fear of the unknown and practice black magic. Washington D.C. relies upon brute military force. All three closely cooperate combining their specialties of financial trickery, witchcraft and military might. Of course, all three worship Satan as their Master.


Slavery is alive and well throughout the world. The US constitution prohibits slavery, however, most americans live in slave-like conditions.

It is said that it will take the average college student until age fifty to pay back their student loan.

The constitutional amendment prohibiting slavery addressed the concept of physically owning another person. However, it did not address the issue of holding another person in bondage as a debt slave. It also did not consider the concept of private for profit prisons who force inmates to work as slaves. These systems exist today and are perfectly legal.

Actually, a recent report from prestigious Princeton University has reclassified the US government as an oligarchy — a country run by and for the rich elite. Former US President Carter has stated that the United States “no longer has a functioning democracy”. So much for the Founding Father’s dream. Speaking of dreams, check out the free you tube video titled “The American Dream”.

Other forms of slavery are illegal but still flourish. Sex slaves are always in demand. Traffickers are sometimes caught but you need to realize that your leaders use sex slaves and also routinely abuse young girls and boys. Sometimes they are also killed during occult rituals. No one ever talks about this and these people are never punished. This has been the normal way of life for Satan worshipers for many years and nothing has changed or is likely to ever change in the future. Stanley Kubrick’s last movie, Eyes Wide Shut, covers this subject. Some believe this intense dramatization of how the elite really live may have cost him his life.

People still have some rights left in the United States but other countries are a different story. Qatar is doing construction for the World Cup. The event is not scheduled until the year 2022, however they have already killed 1200 slaves [7] by working them to death. People are lured from poor countries with the promise of jobs and money. When they arrive, their passports are confiscated and they are forced to work until they literally drop dead. If the World Cup is actually held in Qatar in 2022, there will be glamorous TV coverage and no one will remember or care about all the dead slaves. The show must go on.

Qatar, incidentally, sponsors Al Jazeera TV network.

Adaptation Techniques

The status quo of today will never change because the people who created it will never die. Because of top secret medicine, when men like Henry Kissinger, who heads the Bilderberg Group’s steering committee, get too feeble to function, they will simply go to one of the secret locations and use the temporal reversal device to regress back to about twenty years old. Their memories will be unaffected. Then they will get new identities and continue on. This process can be repeated indefinitely.

Because you can never change the status quo, your best hope for a lifetime of reasonable quality is to find clever ways to live in this world with as much independence as possible.

One method of adaptation is autonomous and semi-autonomous communities. If the community is registered as a religious institution it is automatically shielded from most government interference by the US constitution. It pays no taxes and can pretty much write its own rules by simply calling whatever it wants to do “religious doctrine”. Many small semi-autonomous groups exist where people who share a common set of values find ways to quietly live out their lives pretty much on their own terms. The government does not seem interested in bothering these smaller groups as long as they live peacefully and are not doing anything that the government perceives to be a threat.

The Amish people are a good example of an autonomous group. You would probably not want to live as they do, however, before you completely dismiss them, you may want to look at some definite advantages in their chosen lifestyle.

Remember, these are the people who reject technology. They just might have made the correct choice. Technology, at first, seemed like a good idea. However, now that people are addicted to technology they are also enslaved by technology. Everything they do is monitored and recorded by the government. Privacy no longer exists. It did not have to be this way.

Technology, in itself, is not evil. However, it can be quite evil if you live under a government run by sociopathic control freaks which, unfortunately, you do. In the Amish world, electronic surveillance does not exist because electronic devices do not exist. The constant propaganda from TV has no effect on people who do not have TV. A horse does not report its position to a GPS satellite and is not controlled by a computer.

Also, the people are generally healthy and do not suffer from many diseases common to the mainstream population. They are not being poisoned by fluorinated water or additives found in processed food because they don’t use these things. Also, they get lots of physical exercise.

Without totally withdrawing from the world, there are some positive steps you can take. By now you know never to drink fluorinated water or use any personal product containing fluoride such as many brands of toothpaste. To minimize harmful food additives, look for Kosher food which is marked with either the encircled “K” or “U” (Ultra Kosher). These foods have less or no harmful additives. The Jewish community is very protective of its people and the Mossad is widely considered to be the best intelligence service in the world. Therefore, they would have the inside scoop on everything including food and do not want to see their people harmed.

Whatever you decide to do, you definitely do not want to be part of so called mainstream society. These people are doomed. They are sheep (sheeple) slowly walking to the slaughter house. Don’t go there!

references and credits

[1] DVD “The American Ruling Class”. ASIN: B001HM2CE2.

[2] John Perkins. Book: Confessions of an Econemic Hit Man; DVD (free on you tube): “Apology of an Economic Hit Man”; RT interviews.

[3] See the free you tube videos titled “The Red Shield”.

[4] DVD: “The Wages of Debt”, RT Intl. Also available for purchase.

[5] DVD “Terra Blight”, RT Intl. Also available for purchase.

[6] Interview with John Judge of Veterans Against Military Psychiatry.

[7] Also search using the phrase “qatar slaves world cup”.

© 2014 W C Vetsch. All rights reserved.

Source: Walter C. Vetsch  | | War Is Crime

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