
Turkish False Flags And The Invasion That Almost Was

June 7, 2014

Turkey seems fond of so-called ‘false flag’ operations.  In 1955, for example, the Turkish government covertly bombed its own consulate in Thessaloniki, Greece and blamed it on Greeks.  The following day, Turkey stage-managed massive anti-Greek riots in Istanbul that killed over a dozen Christians and caused hundreds of millions in damage. Fast forward to March 2014.   A leaked audiotape caught Turkish officials plotting to stage ‘false flag’ military attacks on their own territory and blame them on Syrians.  ... Read article

The ADL’s Deceit Helps Sink A Judgeship

March 26, 2014

After two fair and lengthy hearings, the eight elected members of the Massachusetts Governor’s Council, in a 4-4 tie vote on March 5, refused to confirm attorney Joseph Berman to be a Superior Court judge.  It was a defeat for Governor Deval Patrick, who had nominated Mr. Berman.  But the Council took its responsibilities seriously and rendered a well-considered judgment. Councilors voiced many concerns about the nominee.  Foremost was a lack of truthfulness. Berman, under oath, was asked three times whether he had... Read article

The Myth of Turkish Secularism

December 16, 2013

Turkey is a secular state.   So claim its government and nearly all mainstream Western media.  They are mistaken. In civilized, democratic countries, secularism means not only a respectful separation between church and state but also freedom of religion.  As we shall demonstrate, Turkish policies have long been the antithesis of secularism. The Turkish government massively supports and funds Islam – specifically Sunni Islam – inside the country.  Turkey simultaneously represses religions such as Alevism, and... Read article
