
Moving AIPAC Over with Facts, Founders and Activists

April 15, 2011 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

NetanyahuIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address a joint meeting of the U.S. Congress during his visit to Washington next month. He also is headline speaker for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee/AIPAC’s Annual Conference. Other confirmed speakers include:

John Boehner (R-OH) Speaker of the House, U.S. House of Representatives

Harry Reid (D-NV) Majority Leader, U.S. Senate

Robert Casey (D-PA) U.S. Senate

John Thune (R-SD) U.S. Senate

Eric Cantor (R-VA) Majority Leader, U.S. House of Representatives

Steny Hoyer (D-MD) Democratic Whip, U.S. House of Representatives

Jim Woolsey Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency

Martin Indyk Vice President for Foreign Policy, Brookings Institution; Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel

Dan Senor Adjunct Senior Fellow for Middle East Studies, Council on Foreign Relations

Paul Begala Democratic Political Analyst and CNN Contributor

Ralph Reed President, Century Strategies.

So far, over 100 organizations have already endorsed Move Over AIPAC, including CODEPINK: Women for PeaceGlobal Exchange, and the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation [See full list of endorsers] to coincide with the annual policy meeting of AIPAC in DC from May 21-24.

“AIPAC’s unrelenting support for the illegal policies of the Israeli government—separation walls, settlements, the siege of Gaza—in addition to its bellicose policies across the region, especially Iran, has been devastating for Palestinians and the Middle East, including Israel. It also harms our reputation around the world and squanders $3 billion a year subsidizing the powerful Israeli military when we need that money to rebuild the United States.

A Few Facts:

#1: Between the years 1949 and 2010, the United States granted $61.3 billion in military aid to Israel.

#2: A whopping $30 billion in U.S. military aid has been promised to Israel for the years 2009 to 2018.

#3: Approximately 500,000 Israeli settlers live within the occupied Palestinian territory in violation of international law.

#4: There are approximately four million Palestinians living under Israeli occupation in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza, according to 2007 census figures compiled by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics and reported in Ha’aretz.

#5: Between September 29, 2000 and August 31, 2010, 1,084 Israelis were killed by Palestinians, including 124 minors. During the same period, 6,408 Palestinians were killed by Israelis, including 1,315 minors. These statistics, reported by B’Tselem Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, reflect the extreme disparity in the capacity of the two parties to inflict trauma, loss, and death through acts of violence. Israel’s military dominance is largely a result of U.S. largesse through military aid, as well as access to sophisticated U.S.-designed military technology.

#6: Weapons purchased by Israel using U.S. military aid are used against civilians in violation of U.S. laws.” [1]

Further Background:

“Foreign Agents: The American Israel Public Affairs Committee from the 1963 Fulbright Hearings to the 2005 Espionage Scandal” exposes how US Middle East policy has been formulated and thrives due to the dearth of relevant reporting on AIPAC’s activities.

Author Grant F. Smith begins with Senator Fulbright’s on target questions to Jewish-Agency-funded US foreign agents who did not register with the Justice Department or disclose their true financing, funding flows and covert activities and illuminates how AIPAC: the American Israel Public Affairs Committee operates “within a murky nexus regulated by four important but seldom enforced US laws.” [2]

The lax enforcement of The Logan Act, The Foreign Agents Registration Act/FARA, the 1917 Espionage Act, Thompson Memorandum guidelines for prosecuting corporate crime coupled with the fear of being labeled anti-Semitic and a media who have failed at their commission to seek and report the truth have all colluded to exert an undue influence over Congress and thus; we the people of America to be “under the de facto influence of a powerful foreign interest.” [Ibid]

Smith documents how AIPAC-a constellation of individuals and organizations that make up the “Israel lobby” continue to actively steer USA foreign policy in a militant and pro-Israel only direction.

Senator Fulbright’s concerns over activities of unregistered foreign agents who worked to influence public opinion and policy resulted in the 1963 Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings to investigate the Jewish Agency and uncovered the “conduit” operation run by the American Zionist Council. In 1959, The American Zionist Council was renamed AIPAC.

Within eight years, the Council received over a half a million “from the Jewish Agency to create a favorable opinion in this country for Israeli government policies. The Senate investigation closed down the conduit, but the extensive propaganda activities still go on…[and] by 1998, “US aid to Israel exceeded $3 billion a year, the highest amount of US aid given to any country.” [3]

“AIPAC’s illegal tactics harm America…[and] corporate crime inflicts far more damage on society than all street crime combined…Harvard economist Thomas Stauffer estimated the total cost of [the] prolonged conflict in the Middle East at $3 trillion [in 2002 USA dollars and he] lays a good deal of the blame for this at the doorstep of AIPAC.” [4]

Smith also illuminates how money laundering of over 50 billion US dollars to “charitable” organizations and massive covert activities has enabled the ongoing building of the illegal apartheid Israeli settlements which have expropriated legally owned Palestinian land. Today, a quarter of a million Jewish settlers, most all of which have no historical tie to the Holy Land, have created facts on the ground to disable a viable contiguous Palestinian state.

Every American politician is aware of Israel’s clandestine nuclear weapons development, stockpile, and launch capabilities, but due to the influence of AIPAC “it is business as usual in Washington: criminal wrongdoing continues to corrupt America’s core values, rule of law, and Middle East policy, as the Israel lobby’s cross-hairs shift almost completely to Iran.” [5]

In 1976, the Symington Amendment was adopted to fortify and extend the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. It prohibited US assistance to any country trafficking in nuclear enrichment equipment or technology outside of international safeguards.

The world learned about Israel’s secret underground nuclear weapons facility in 1986 due to Mordechai Vanunu’s photographic evidence, but the American government ignores this elephant in the world and has refused to insist Israel allow international inspection of their nuclear facilities which are older than Japan’s reactors and share the same technology.

Beginning in the 1990’s and even more so after 9/11, US politicians blind allegiance to Israel has been furthered by the claim that both states are threatened by Arab terrorist groups and rogue states bent on acquiring weapons of mass destruction.

Many Americans see Israel as an ally and Iran and Syria as our mutual enemies. The “war on terror” has become a tactic to infuse fear while it ignores that much of the anger in the Arab world is in response to Israel’s 40+ years of military occupation of Palestine and the concrete wall and electrified fence built on legally owned Palestinian property which is “financed with U.S. aid at a cost of $1.5 million per mile. The Israeli wall prevents residents from receiving health care and emergency medical services. In other areas, the barrier separates farmers from their olive groves which have been their families’ sole livelihood for generations.” [6]

William Fulbright warned, “The age of warrior kings and of warrior presidents has passed. The nuclear age calls for a different kind of leadership….a leadership of intellect, judgment, tolerance and rationality, a leadership committed to human values, to world peace, and to the improvement of the human condition. The attributes upon which we must draw are the human attributes of compassion and common sense, of intellect and creative imagination, and of empathy and understanding between cultures.”

Yet, America’s ‘leaders’ continue to cower and pander to an “illegal foreign lobby that has long flouted US law and suborned the national interest as a foreign agent.” [7]

On George Washington’s birth date, his Farewell Address has been read aloud in Congress ever since 1896:

“Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all…and passionate attachments for others should be excluded; and that, in place of them, just and amicable feelings towards all should be cultivated. The nation which indulges towards another a habitual hatred or a habitual fondness is in some degree a slave…a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former in the quarrels and wars of the latter, without adequate justification.”

Move Over AIPAC moves that spirit back into the halls of Congress on Lobby Day, 24 May 2011.
2. Grant F. Smith, Foreign Agents: The American Israel Public Affairs Committee from the 1963 Fulbright Hearings to the 2005 Espionage Scandal, Page 15. Published 2007 by the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy, Washington D.C.
3.    Page 20, 22
4.    Page 149-150
5.   Page 155
6. Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Page 43, Jan/Feb. 2007
7. Grant F. Smith, Page 168

Eileen Fleming is a regular columnist for

Eileen Fleming, Founder of
A Feature Correspondent for
Author of “Keep Hope Alive” and “Memoirs of a Nice Irish American ‘Girl’s’ Life in Occupied Territory”
Producer “30 Minutes with Vanunu” and “13 Minutes with Vanunu”

Hate America? Count Me Out!

September 12, 2009 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

founding fathersOn this 8th anniversary of the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, it behooves me to comment on the spirit of hatred that seems to motivate many people in and out of our great land. That the supporters and disciples of Vladimir Lenin, Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, Mao Tse-tung, and Adolf Hitler would hate America is understandable. Communism, socialism, and fascism are diametrically opposed to everything the United States was founded upon. Therefore, it is not surprising that people who espouse the tenets of these “isms” would exude hatred for America–at least for the America of our forebears. What is most disconcerting, however, is the number of people within our country (and I don’t mean illegal aliens) who harbor hatred in their hearts for our beloved land.

To be sure, one can count me in with those who hate the manner in which the international banking cartel has wormed its way into the inner workings of our federal government. I hate the condescending, elitist attitudes of many in higher education. I hate the way globalists–such as David Rockefeller and his ilk–have been able to use the federal government to promote and safeguard their own private financial and political agendas. I hate the way secularists in public education and private organizations–such as the ACLU, People For the American Way, the Anti Defamation League, etc.–have been able to strip our culture of its Christian heritage. I hate the way politicians from both parties in Washington, D.C., ignore and trample the U.S. Constitution. I hate the way professing Christians and “conservatives” turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the warmongering, police-state mentality of many within the national Republican Party. I hate the way Nancy Pelosi and her gaggle of liberal Democrats use their power to promote socialism in America. I hate the liberal bias of the mainstream news media. I hate the so-called “political correctness” that permeates the philosophy of virtually every major organization in America these days. I hate the attempts by liberals and “do-gooders” of all stripes to take away my right to keep and bear arms. And, yes, I hate the way America’s foreign policy has been manipulated by foreign lobbyists, socialists within the United Nations, and international business interests.

With all of that said, however, if you hate America, count me out!

If Canaan was the Promised Land for Old Testament Israel, America was an earthly Promised Land for Christians and lovers of liberty. In the Providence of God, America was established by the right people, at the right time, and for the right purpose. With all its shortcomings, the U.S. Constitution–along with the Bill of Rights–is the greatest governing document ever devised by man. And the Declaration of Independence is the greatest birth certificate a nation ever had.

In fact, without the freedom and liberty protected by a 200-year history of constitutional government, all those anti-America, anti-Constitution, and anti-Founding Fathers critics out there could not even exist! As God gives the atheist the breath he uses to blaspheme his Creator, so, too, the Constitution protects the right of America-haters to foment their delirium.

I do find it demonstrably hypocritical, however, for these 21st Century preachers to condemn America’s Founding Fathers as being disobedient to Romans 13, only to turn around and celebrate Independence Day–and even conduct patriotic services in their churches. Even more egregious is the way these same preachers who condemn the 13 colonies in their fight for independence against the British Crown so quickly take up the war cry for military aggression all over the world. Obviously, inconsistency is one of the most consistent trademarks of Pharisaism.

The problem today is not that America is intrinsically bad. The principles of religious liberty, State sovereignty, Natural Law, self-government, and federalism are as righteous and good today as they were in 1776. The problem today is that the American people have lost touch with these principles and have allowed those who deny these principles to gain ascendancy within our land. The problem is, the America that was created 233 years ago is being supplanted with new doctrines and ideas. In fact, the doctrines and ideas prevalent today are really nothing new: they are the same antiquated doctrines of centralism and collectivism from which the 13 Colonies broke free so long ago.

So, I say it proudly and loudly: I love the America our Founding Fathers bequeathed to us. I love our republican form of government. I love America’s Christian heritage. I love the principles of federalism and constitutional government. I love the Declaration of Independence. I love the Bill of Rights. I love what our flag represents: a united federation of states. I love the examples of sacrifices made at Bunker Hill, Lexington Green, and Concord Bridge. I love the resolve and dedication of the colonial patriot-preachers known as the Black Regiment [1]. I love the combined wisdom, courage, and commitment to liberty demonstrated by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, James Otis, Joseph Warren, James Madison, John Jay, et al.

My criticisms and condemnations are reserved for those who would remove America from her roots, who would strip her of her principles, and who would destroy the fabric of her foundation. Don’t think for one minute that because I loathe those who are trying to merge America into an international New World Order or are working to dismantle constitutional government or are attempting to turn America into a socialist state, that I am in league with those who, in their hearts, hate America. I claim no brotherhood with them, for they hate what I love.

[1] To read my column regarding the Black Regiment that is published exclusively in the current edition of The New American magazine, go here:

Chuck Baldwin is a regular columnist for

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Sarah Palin: An Innocent Abroad

September 10, 2008 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

Sarah PalinAt Christmas a couple of years ago I was given a daily planner called The Worst Case Scenario Survival Calendar. It gives you advice on how to deal with seriously dire emergencies, like free-falling from 10,000 feet with a parachute that wouldn’t open, facing shark attack far from shore, being bitten by a cobra with no antidote on hand, or evading a roaring grizzly in the wilderness. The advice was tongue-in-cheek serious: based on real-life situations and special forces’ manuals, each daily snippet told you how to improve your chances of survival perhaps a hundredfold—from one-in-ten-thousand, say, to one-in-a-hundred. The booklet was fun: you don’t really believe that you’ll ever be in need of such advice, but you read on nevertheless, tickled with vivid images of horrors that happen to “others.”

The forthcoming general election is a Worst-Case Scenario Survival situation and it is happening to us. November 4 calls for the Guide approach. Let me come to the point and speak plainly.

When we look at this season’s four key names—Obama, McCain, Biden, Palin—we know what three of them signify.

Let us start with Senator Obama, that perpetually self-inventing Kenyan-Hawaiian nobody who came from who-knows-where. He may be an American citizen after all, but his disdain for the still-real and historic America is on full display even when it is wrapped in smilingly patronizing condescension for its majority population. The purpose of his presidency would be to re-educate that population in the spirit of self-loathing – his cult-like following among many white yuppies gives him great hope – and to neutralize the incorrigible segment by whatever means the postmodern theurapeutic state has on offer. Abroad, we’d have the “Concert of Democracies” led by Washington deciding whom to bomb, with Zbigniew Brzezinski pulling the strings. Under Obama, America’s overall odds, at home and abroad, would be no better than those of a Dresden firefighter on February 13, 1945.

Joe Biden is the archetypical Homo Beltveicus. He’d be Pol Pot’s running mate if that served Joe Biden’s quest for power, money, and then some more of the same. He proves that in Washington we have the best Congress and the worst hair pluggers money can buy. An interventionist to boot, Biden enthusiastically supported Clinton’s bombing campaign against the Serbs in 1999, which prompted John McCain to declare three weeks into the war, “We need Joe Biden for secretary of state.” When Tim Russert asked, “Is that an offer by President McCain?” McCain replied: “Absolutely!” Almost a decade later he is on the same page with McCain on supporting Kosovo’s independence and in his visceral Russophobia, as evidenced by his recent trip to Tbilisi.

In case of a Democratic victory Biden’s chances of succeeding Obama would be no better than one-in-fifty, however – not that it would matter much one way or another. Barring a Dallas-like scenario that Hillary Clinton wished him in the primaries’ final days, Obama is good for another quarter-century of CV building and self-reinvention before finally making the Hajj.

John McCain is an unstable ignoramus who has never seen a war he wouldn’t gladly escalate. He is also obtuse, unendearingly eccentric, and morally challenged. (Let us not waste time dwelling on those traits; the evidence is ample and available to the curious.) If elected he would invent new missions and embark on new cakewalks, because he cannot do otherwise and because he’d be surrounded by foreign lobbyists (Scheunemann) and McCain clones (Lieberman) who reflect and support his mindset. He is an authentically dangerous man. His only saving grace, and the reason to vote for him under the Worst Scenario rules, is his age.

Mortality tables used by the life insurance industry and by the Social Security Administration indicate that average life expectancy for a 72-year-old man is at best about 11 years. That figure declines to about one half of that, however, when we factor in two significant variables: (1) four cancer scares, including melanoma (plus a long history of early and middle age smoking); and (2) a choleric personality (as per Hippocrates), which is dangerous when coupled with the pressures of a top office.

The probability of McCain dying before the end of the first term is a little over 20 percent before those variables are factored in, but they jump to somewhere between 33 and 40 percent when they are taken into consideration. Furthermore, the actuarial morbidity tables may significantly increase the odds of Veep Palin becoming President following the onset of an incapacitating condition that would force McCain to resign.

That leaves us with the probability of one-third or better that President Sarah Palin would be sworn in before the expiry of McCain’s first term. What would she do? I don’t know, but I am pretty certain that her foreign policies would not be any worse than those proposed by the three men. The Washingtonian “foreign policy community” would try to manipulate her, of course, but she is a tough nut to crack. Over the past few years she readily confronted an Old Boys’ Network and defeated Frank Murkowski, the sitting Republican governor, in the 2006 Republican gubernatorial primary. Before that she resigned a State sinecure, protesting the “lack of ethics” of fellow Republican members, and went on to destroy the political careers of Randy Ruedrich, GOP State Chairman, and Gregg Renkes, a former Alaska Attorney General.

Mrs. Palin’s alleged weaknesses are her strengths. Being an innocent abroad, in the dangerous world modelled on Hobbes and Darwin, is preferable to having “experience” in the obsessive attempt to tame and conquer that world. The Weekly Standard cabal and their ilk will be hard-pressed to make President Palin obey a bunch of Manhattanite intellectual pseuds, let alone to internalize their foreign policy schemes that are evil, stupid, and harmful to our troops’ safety: unlike any laptop bombardier, she has a son on his way to Iraq. I’d say that it is at least 50-50 President Palin would act as a foreign policy realist who’d refrain from new “missions,” “engagements” and “force projections.” That translates into cca 20 percent chance of America conducting a sane foreign policy, for the first time in decades, some time before 2012.

Most of our daily choices are morally ambiguous. The one based on The Worst Case Scenario Survival Calendar, which I am presenting herewith for our readers’ consideration, is no exception. In a fallen world the alternative is plague-on-all-their-houses quietism that suits the bad guys.

Dr. Srdja Trifkovic is a regular columnist for

Dr. Trifkovic is Foreign Affairs Editor of Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture, published by The Rockford Institute, and Director of the Institute’s Center for International Affairs. He has a BA (Hon) in international relations from the University of Sussex (UK), a BA in political science from the University of Zagreb (Croatia), and a PhD in history from the University of Southampton (UK).

The Devil’s Own

July 4, 2007 by Novakeo · Leave a Comment 

Neocon Justice

I have said many times in this space that there is no justice in this country when it comes to the American aristocracy. President Bush’s commutation of vice president’s former chief of staff Scooter Libby’s sentence is further evidence that the elites in the United States are above the law, and that we do indeed live in an authoritarian society where the privileged function as a criminal class especially when it pertains to the federal government.

Scooter Libby and the neocon cabal that is in control of the government and political system proved without a doubt that their “war on terrorism” and the proliferation of WMD to terror groups is nothing more than a convenient smokescreen for their criminal activities. Publicly exposing Valerie Plame a CIA operative whose function was to run an undercover network to track the proliferation of WMD to terrorist organizations, and then clearly obstructing the pursuit of justice in the following criminal investigation underscores the moral and intellectual corruption of the neocons.

I predicted that this would happen, that Scooter was not going to wind-up incarcerated, it was a simple prediction because the criminal class personified by the Bush and the Clinton clans, consistently prove that the “rule of law” and true justice is only for Joe six-pack and smokin Jill. A full Presidential pardon for Scooter is in the making, it is what criminals in high places do for each other.

The authoritarians are indeed in-charge, publicly speaking about the “rule of law” in these United States while at the same time trampling the so-called “rule of law” by initiating illegal wire-taps against its citizens. They talk about justice then create draconian legislation to subjugate further the common bottom-feeders with highly patriotic sounding laws like the PATRIOT Act.

The neocons incessantly talk about peace and security then initiate illegal wars of aggression and send off the simpletons to fight and die for their mendacity and glory meanwhile creating more authoritarian laws at home with the Military Commissions Act. The neocons’ fight for our freedom is in reality taking away our freedoms more fleetingly than any terror group can dream of; the terrorists could not care less about our so-called freedoms. The terrorists hating our freedoms is a decayed old cliché often used by the neocons and the ignorant as a justification for their policies, it is the American elite that in actuality hate our freedoms.

We live in a neocon world where up is down and down is up, where good is evil and evil is good, a world of virtual reality, where ideology trumps reality and politicians redecorate themselves according to the latest Gallup Poll.

The political system in the United States is rigged against all outsiders, with the help of the MSM, Americans are presented a fallacious choice between Democrats and Republicans, when in reality both political entities and the MSM have been bought and paid for by the global neocons and foreign lobbyists.

The Republic of the United States is dying a slow suicide; international bankers and the neocons are systematically destroying the constitutional Republic the founders fought and died for, they hold their true allegiances to a demonic ideology. Their “raison d’être” is a New World Order of global enslavement and they are the devil’s own.

Global Neocons

July 9, 2006 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

When you read or listen to a neocon, you must come to the conclusion that they are utterly hopeless, and infantile. Like a good liberal, emotional hyperbole is mainly what they use for intellectual debate, and they tend to back up their delusional arguments with historical revisionism. I have always said that neoconservatives are nothing more than self-hating liberals with a belligerent complex in megalomania.

That is why they left the Democratic Party in the sixties, the pot-smoking hippies in the Democratic Party were much too much wimpy and docile for the neocons. Neoconservatives like Anne Coulter unremittingly write about the “godless liberals,” only to reveal to the rest of us how godless the neocons really are. Coulter talks and acts like the typical liberal, playing the big political game in sensationalism all the way to the bank. Hypocrisy is her true asset

On a national level, neoconservatives, as a matter of ideology and strategy look for enemies to kill in the field of foreign policy, especially when there is no legitimate strategic interest for the United States to protect. The neocons are neoliberal-globalists that want to strategically and economically dominate the globe; they create confrontations, create an atmosphere of fear at home by manipulating the media, and insist that violence is the only viable course of action for national safety and survival. The most recent case in point is North Korea and its daring unsuccessful firing of a number of ballistic firecrackers.

The Pyongyang regime of Kim Jong-II has managed to get the neocons all flustered, and panicky. How dare the North Koreans fire off their Taepodong-2 missiles in an obvious act of a nation performing a sovereign act? Leave it to the modern day Romans to find danger in the actions of a sovereign nation exercising their sovereignty by firing off a number of worthless missiles. According to the neocons this blatant act of semi-aggression must not be tolerated, they currently are screaming for economic sanctions, which theoretically is an act of war

Never mind that after the cease-fire that ended the bloodletting in the Korean War, some 37,000 soldiers continue to be stationed there with no strategic vital interest. Why should American lives continue needlessly to be at risk in Korea? Let the Japanese, Chinese, and South Koreans deal with the crazies in the Hermit Kingdom, after all, it is in their backyard. The Korean War was a stupid war directed by a stupid President in America’s first official police action without legitimate congressional approval. Foolishly called the Truman Doctrine, the Korean War was fought without actually trying to win the war, setting the stage for the Viet Nam. Neocons are good at fighting unwinnable wars because they enjoy turning chaos into gold; they prosper greatly in their unending conflicts, Iraq being the latest glaring example.

What the North Korean show of impertinence has demonstrated is how much a failure the Bush administration is in international diplomacy. Saber rattling, and illegal invasions by the United States has had a counterproductive result in geo-strategic diplomacy. Nations have become weary at the constant bullying by the United States and are refusing to play the American game called the “war on terror.” Any resolution that the Bush administration is able to formulate in the UN Security Council, will most likely be void of any punitive substance against North Korea because the United States has lost all moral credibility.

That is why the “war on terror” and the Iraq War is a colossal bust; it is another failure in liberalism and not much more.

Conservatives need to take a good look at themselves and decide if they want to continue to support the Republican Party which has been hijacked by a select few. The neocons do not believe in the Constitution, they believe in wide-ranging power and not much more, and their agenda is global. The Republican Party has become a criminal enterprise that needs to be cleansed of all neo-conservatism and replaced by genuine conservatives that believe in legitimate conservative principles.

The conservative movement has always been an America First political movement that opposed foreign entanglements until the 1960s. Limited government, and minding one’s own business in foreign affairs is the true virtue for conservatives. The neocons have always believed in senseless foreign adventures and social engineering on a global scale.

The neoconservatives are fundamentally on the political left, presently working to establish a high surveillance police state with illegal wiretaps, and terrorist fear mongering while at the same time allowing an invasion by millions of illegal aliens from Mexico for cheap labor. This is unrestrained globalism, a criminal enterprise that is eliminating the middle class and diminishing the sovereignty of the United States which the global elites want.

Americans need to stop listening to the delusional culprits who engage in establishing chaos throughout the world so that the select few can make fortunes out of the death and destruction that they create. When the neocons from both tightly controlled political parties warn America about the national vital interest in confronting North Korea, Iran, or whoever may be the next evil entity, Americans need to understand that the only vital interest to protect for the power elite is corporate globalism pushed by the globalists in Washington DC.

The problem in Washington DC is not all the corruption, and criminality, the fundamental problem in the district of perversion and mendacity is that it is in the hands of globalists and foreign lobbyists. Americans protecting real American interests in Washington DC is a rare commodity these days.
