
California Public To Vote On GMO Label Act; Biotech Lies Begin

May 3, 2012

Stroller-pushing mothers delivered nearly a million signatures in Sacramento on Wednesday, for an initiative to put to populist vote The California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act. The ten-week signature drive collected nearly double the amount needed to put the R2K Act on the November 6, 2012 ballot. The state will take between five and seven weeks to validate the signatures, and then certify the results. Of the 555,236 needed, thousands of volunteers collected 971,126, just shy of the hoped-for million. “In... Read article

Poland’s Monsanto Action Lays 1000s of Dead Bees on Govt Steps

March 23, 2012

Ag Ministry begins process to ban MON810 On March 15, over 1,500 beekeepers and their allies marched thru the streets of Warsaw, depositing thousands of dead bees on the steps of the Ministry of Agriculture, in protest of genetically modified foods and their requisite pesticides which are killing bees, moths and other agriculturally-beneficial insects around the globe. Later that day the Minister of Agriculture, Marek Sawicki, announced plans to ban MON810, which has becomeineffective at deterring pests in the US. GM... Read article

Monsanto-FDA’s Michael Taylor to Keynote Food Safety Town Hall

March 12, 2012

An agtivist with chutzpa might want to perform a GMO label action at the Food Safety Summit where Monsanto-lobbyist-now-Obama’s-Food-Safety-Czar, Michael R. Taylor, plans to wax tyrannical at a Town Hall on April 19 in D.C. For a mere grand, you can attend the entire 3-day Food Safety Summit set for April 17-19 in Washington, D.C. There you’ll get to hear Taylor describe how federal and state regulators will manage the inspectional requirements of the boondoggle Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). As Deputy Commissioner... Read article

9/11 Foreknowledge Caught On Computers That Measure Global Mind

February 29, 2012

Fascinating research into a “global mind” picked up startling data in the days and hours before the 9/11 attacks, indicating widespread foreknowledge. The Global Consciousness Project (GCP) uses electromagnetically-shielded computers located throughout the world that generate random numbers. In its 13-year history, these computers show statistically significant deviations during global events that affect humans. What GCP found on 9/11 shows foreknowledge for nearly 16 hours before the first plane struck. This data lends... Read article

Giuliani on WTC7 Questions: Get a Haircut, Take a Shower

February 4, 2012

When confronted with questions about World Trade Center 7 at a speech on Thursday at the University of Florida, bald Rudy Giuliani told long-haired radio host Bob Tuskin, “You are too rude to be entitled to an answer. May I suggest a haircut and a shower?” Filmed by The Intel Hub, Tuskin was escorted from the auditorium. Another audience member began questioning the former New York City mayor’s honesty, to which he responded, “Oh, get lost,” reports The Alligator, calling him a “clown.” The Alligator, a... Read article

CDC Calls Morgellons’ Nanoworms a Delusion, Protects DARPA

February 3, 2012

Imagine having the mental prowess to be able to create living filaments heretofore unknown, that can reproduce themselves, some of which come with identifying letters embossed on them, and then to make them extrude from beneath your skin, all against your conscious will. Sound like science fiction? It’s not, says the US Centers for Disease Control. Despite having spent four years and $600,000, and using the world’s largest forensic database, the premier health agency reports it is unable to identify the source of the... Read article

EU Signs ACTA, Global Internet Censorship Treaty

February 3, 2012

On  Jan. 26, 2012, the European Union and 22 member states signed the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced. They have now joined the US and seven other nations that signed the treaty last October. This signing ceremony merely formalized the EU’s adoption of ACTA last month, during a completely unrelated meeting on agriculture and fisheries, reportsTechDirt. Though initiated by the US, Japan is the official depository of the treaty. Removal of the Three Strikes clause,... Read article

Walnuts for Prostate Cancer, Osteoporosis and CHD

February 2, 2012

Americans are being kept in the dark about a natural cure for prostate cancer and osteoporosis by none other than the US Food and Drug Administration. [Image] More scientific evidence confirms that walnuts have some amazing properties: not only did they reduce tumor size in mice, but they also lowered LDL, the “bad” kind of cholesterol that leads to heart disease, according to a new study published in the British Journal of Nutrition last week. “If additional research determines that walnuts have the same effect... Read article

Thyroid Cancer, Fracking and Nuclear Power

January 27, 2012

Thyroid cancer cases have more than doubled since 1997 in the U.S., while deadly industrial practices that contaminate groundwater with radiation and other carcinogens are also rising. New information released by the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) estimates that 56,460 people will develop thyroid cancer in 2012 and 1,780 will die from it. That’s up from 16,000 thyroid cancer cases in 1997 – a whopping 253% increase in fifteen years, while the US population went up only 18%. From 1980 to 1996, thyroid cancer... Read article

PIPA Vote Stalled While US Censorship Still Grows

January 27, 2012

After the world’s most massive online protest on Jan. 18 against two internet censorship bills, which generated over 7 million petition signatures, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid postponed the PIPA vote set for the 24th, so that lawmakers could rework the bill. On January 18, from 8 am to 8 pm Eastern (-5 GMT), some of the most popular websites on the planet blackened their pages in protest of PIPA, or PROTECT IP Act, (S. 968: Protect Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property), and... Read article

FDA Sued Over Lack of Nanotech Oversight, Labels

January 9, 2012

The first ever lawsuit concerning risks of nanotechnology was filed in federal court last month when several groups jointly sued the US Food and Drug Administration for its lack of response to a 2006 petition demanding that products with nanomaterials be labeled and their affects tested for safety. [Image] Led by the International Center for Technology Assessment (ICTA), plaintiffs also include Friends of the Earth, Food and Water Watch, the Center for Environmental Health, the ETC Group, and the Institute for Agricultural... Read article

Frito-Lay sued for labeling its GMO-filled snacks as “All Natural”

December 22, 2011

Less than a year after Frito-Lay announced plans to make half their products without “any artificial or synthetic ingredients,” the $13 billion company was sued last week in federal court for fraudulently marketing the snacks that contain genetically modified ingredients. Somehow, “artificial” and “synthetic” doesn’t include “genetically modified” in Frito’s mind. In its April 2011 “Seed-to-Shelf” disclosure campaign, Frito-Lay promised to inform consumers about each individual snack’s ingredients,... Read article

Stocking Stuffers For Foodies (5-Book Review)

December 16, 2011

Need a last minute gift for your beloved locavore? Several books would make excellent holiday gifts, so this review covers a few of them on the environment, as it relates to local food sovereignty, food security and palate delight. There’s even one for kids, which starts the set: Avatars of Gaia: Escape from Hazard Hollow Professor Heart (self-published: 2009, 210 pp.) Website: Charlotte Purin of Los Angeles decided one of the best ways to save Mother Earth is to get kids involved. So she wrote Avatars... Read article

Suffolk Co. NY To Hear Proposal To Ban Chemtrails

November 25, 2011

On Dec. 6, New York’s Suffolk County government will hold a public hearing on a proposal to ban aerial spraying of aluminum oxide, barium, sulfur, and other salts into the air over the county without first filing an Environmental Impact Statement with and receiving approval from the county’s Department of Health Services, Division of Environmental Quality. Exempted from the proposed ban are aerosol spraying operations for agriculture, and for lyme disease, Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), West Nile virus (WNV), and... Read article

The Feds Knew: 50 years of Fracking-Induced Earthquakes

November 25, 2011

Washington’s Blog posted some info last August confirming that the US federal government has long known of the link between fracking and earthquakes, as well as the link between deep well fluids contaminating shallow drinking wells. As more info keeps coming out, this collection should serve as a handy resource for those confronting (or occupying) well sites or state regulatory agencies. At a recent oil & gas conference, frackers urged colleagues to engage in psyops to con Americans into accepting carcinogenic drinking... Read article

“Stage Two” of the BP Gulf of Mexico Environmental Disaster

October 31, 2011

Since BP’s catastrophic Macondo Blowout in the Gulf of Mexico last year, the Obama Administration has granted nearly 300 new drilling permits [1] and shirked plans to plug 3,600 of more than 28,000 abandoned wells, which pose significant threats to the severely damaged sea. Among those granted new permits for drilling in the Gulf, on Friday Obama granted BP permission to explore for oil in the Gulf, allowing it to bid on new leases that will be sold at auction in December. Reports Dow Jones: “The upcoming lease sale,... Read article

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