
Who Owns The Nukes If Wall Street Owns The Government?

September 6, 2014

Maybe it’s Time to Take Back the Government… Paul Craig Roberts is not a fool. Nor is he a card-carrying Communist. His conservative credentials at least once were impeccable – a senior researcher at the Hoover Institute, Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal, one of the economists responsible for President Reagan’s supply-side economics, and Reagan’s Assistant Treasury Secretary for economic policy, working for development of the tax policies that were central to everything that followed in the... Read article

What Fools We Are!

July 16, 2013

The Economist’s Question on Obama’s Promise of Open Government, “Is it naive to think Mr Obama really believed this stuff?” YES… The Economist “Secret government: America against democracy” is a compelling and scary analysis of secret government in America – a nation that has become a caricature of the open government President Obama promised when he came to office. There is nothing new about broken campaign promises. Obama, however, has taken that many steps farther. He offered... Read article

A Story For Patriots’ Day

April 22, 2012

This is a story about Patriots’ Day, April 19, and Patriot Day, September 11, and is about better days in the United States, when a man could be known and elected President even with truly “gallant, generous, manly, and disinterested actions” lurking in his past.  It is also a story about Paul Revere. Listen  my children and you shall hear Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere On the Eighteenth of April in Seventy-five. Hardly a man is now alive Who remembers that famous day and year.”1 And so it... Read article

A Greeting for 2012: Looking Back at Durban and “Occupying” Ourselves

January 2, 2012

This is the time for New Year’s resolutions. Notwithstanding occasional gains like President Obama’s promise to delay approval of the Keystone XLpipeline, a promise now whittled down to 60 days by his signature on recent legislation, we are losing the fight against global warming decisively, and with it, losing – the homelands of a number of the world’s nations, – the productivity and reliability of global agriculture, and – likely more of the world’s biodiversity, and faster,... Read article

The Limits to Growth and the Growth of Despair

May 7, 2011

Economic growth is bad for the economy.  Or more acccurately stated, it is bad for individuals, good for the managers of large corporate and govenmental institutions and large NGOs.  They’re sociopaths in my opinion.  I know, that’s pretty glib, and it’s a matter for another day.  But I’m going to claim the right to be glib, just this once. It’s hard to go against the current of the large corporations, large governments, large NGOs, so when environmentalists, what’s left of us, get... Read article

The War – Did We Sacrifice a Million Lives and a $Trillion Cash Just to Hand Our Jobs to China? Part Four

February 13, 2011

While the Tea Partiers and the liberals squabble over important domestic issues, America’s corporate and military titans, at the expense of America’s workers and taxpayers and with the blessing of Congress and the President, are creating China’s economic miracle. The military, at a cost of over $1 trillion, has paved the way for China to acquire and the U.S. to lose access to vast mineral and petroleum resources. The oil industry, with U.S. government assistance, is building a safe haven in East Asia from the imminent... Read article

The War – Did We Sacrifice a Million Lives and a $Trillion Cash Just to Hand Our Jobs to China? Part Three

February 6, 2011

While the Tea Partiers and the liberals squabble over important domestic issues, America’s corporate and military titans, at the expense of America’s workers and taxpayers and with the blessing of Congress and the President, are creating China’s economic miracle. The military, at a cost of over $1 trillion, has paved the way for China to acquire and the U.S. to lose access to vast mineral and petroleum resources. The oil industry, with U.S. government assistance, is building a safe haven in East Asia from the imminent... Read article

The War – Did We Sacrifice a Million Lives and a $Trillion Cash Just to Hand Our Jobs to China? Part Two

February 2, 2011

While the Tea Partiers and the liberals squabble over important domestic issues, America’s corporate and military titans, at the expense of America’s workers and taxpayers and with the blessing of Congress and the President, are creating China’s economic miracle. The military, at a cost of over $1 trillion, has paved the way for China to acquire and the U.S. to lose access to vast mineral and petroleum resources. The oil industry, with U.S. government assistance, is building a safe haven in East Asia from the imminent... Read article

The War – Did We Sacrifice a Million Lives and a $Trillion Cash Just to Hand Our Jobs to China? Part One

January 31, 2011

While the Tea Partiers and the liberals squabble over important domestic issues, America’s corporate and military titans, at the expense of America’s workers and taxpayers and with the blessing of Congress and the President, are creating China’s economic miracle. The military, at a cost of over $1 trillion, has paved the way for China to acquire and the U.S. to lose access to vast mineral and petroleum resources. The oil industry, with U.S. government assistance, is building a safe haven in East Asia from the imminent... Read article
