God, Heaven, Hell & Demons: Do They Exist?
August 31, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment

Rev. Robert Barron was chagrined, but not entirely surprised when he read Woody Allen’s recent ruminations on ultimate things. To state it bluntly, said Rev. Barron, Woody could not be any bleaker in regard to the issue of meaning in the universe. We live, he said,
“… in a godless and purposeless world. The earth came into existence through mere chance and one day it, along with every work of art and cultural accomplishment, will be incinerated. The universe as a whole will expand and cool until there is nothing left but the void. Every hundred years or so, he continued, a coterie of human beings will be “flushed away” and another will replace it until it is similarly eliminated. So why does he bother making films — roughly one every year? Well, he explained, in order to distract us from the awful truth about the meaninglessness of everything, we need diversions, and this is the service that artists provide.” (Woody Allen’s Bleak Vision, , Aug. 12, 2014)
Like millions of other evolutionary humanists in rebellion against our Heavenly Father, Woody Allen is a nihilist—a non-person. The source of his nihilism is the belief that our Heavenly Father is dead and there is no Absolute Truth, that all truth is relative. According to Eugene (Fr. Seraphim) Rose, nihilism is the basic philosophy of the 20th century:
“It has become, in our time, so widespread and pervasive, has entered so thoroughly and so deeply into the minds and hearts of all men living today, that there is no longer any ‘front’ on which it may be fought.” The heart of this philosophy, he said, was “expressed most clearly by Nietzsche and by a character of Dostoyevsky in the phrase: ‘God is dead, therefore man becomes God and everything is possible.” (Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age, )
Rev. Richard Wurmbrand (1909 –2001), a Romanian Christian minister of Jewish descent possesses penetrating insight into nihilism because it was his own philosophy for many years. But after fourteen years of physical and mental torment in a man-made hell on earth operated by soulless psychopaths, this courageous pastor emerged with an unquenchable love for Jesus Christ and his fellow man. According to Wurmbrand, nihilism freezes and hardens the souls of its’ dehumanized believers:
“You freeze when you think of yourself as only a complicated product of chemical reactions….You cannot see stars (or your soul) through the microscope or microbes through the telescope. Men who cannot think rightly come to the conclusion that God does not exist because they cannot find Him through the senses, which are functions of life in the realm of matter. Senses are not the right means to see God.” (The Answer to the Atheist’s Handbook, Wurmbrand, p. 105)
The common denominators of Allen’s particular form of nihilism as well as those of militant secularism and its’ theological and New Age Eastern oriented counterparts are the denial of the supernatural Triune God and creation ex nihilo, the fall (original sin), man as person because created in the spiritual image of the One God in three Persons, Moral Law, immutable Truth, Jesus Christ God enfleshed, His death and Resurrection, heaven and hell.
Within the secular framework there is also denial of angels and demons, especially of Lucifer as the fallen angel Satan. Other common denominators are the embrace of the idea of either pre-existing or spontaneously generated evolving matter and energy and mankind collectively dehumanized and reduced to aspects of the evolving universe. All of these myths are validated by scientism—the instrument of fallen man’s will.
Whether matter and energy are held to be eternally existing or spontaneously generated (Cosmic Egg/Big Bang) matters not since the common point of departure for all worldviews grounded in matter and energy is metaphysical nihilism,
“… This position has been held by philosophers such as Parmenides, Buddha, Advaita Vedantins, and perhaps Kant (according to some interpretations of his transcendental idealism). Blob theory can also be considered very closely aligned with mereological nihilism (there are no parts and wholes). Obviously if metaphysical nihilism is correct, empirical reality is an illusion.” (What is Metaphysical Nihilism? OpenTopia.com)
Concerned creationists have long pointed out that evolutionary scientism is at the heart of the spiritual and moral crisis facing modern man. A booklet titled The Surrender to Secularism (Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation, 1967) written by Most Rev. Cuthbert O’Gara, former bishop of Yuanling, China, provides a powerful testimony to this truth. Rev. O’Gara relates the following:
“When the Communist troops over-ran my diocese they were followed in short order by the propaganda corps—the civilian branch of the Red Forces—an organization…more fanatical, then the People’s Army of Liberation itself. The entire population, city and countryside, was immediately organized into distinctive categories (and) forced to attend the seminar specified for his or her proper category and there (forced to submit) to the official Communist line. Now what…was the first lesson given to the indoctrinees? The first, the fundamental, lesson…was man’s descent from the ape—Darwinism! Darwinism negates God, the human soul, the after-life. Into this vacuum Communism enters as the be-all and end-all of the intellectual slavery it has created. In the Red prison in which I was held, the slogan, ‘Bring your mind over to us and all your troubles will end,’ was hammered into the minds of the prisoners with brutal and numbing monotony. Nothing but a groveling holocaust of the human person can satiate the lust for dominance of Peking’s Red Regime.” (Article 12: The Quintessential Evolutionist, )
All forms of the evolutionary scientism dominating our modern societies, from the Neo-Darwinism force-fed to our children to militant forms of secularism, occult New Age evolutionary pantheism and their evolutionary theological counterparts, all are variations of metaphysical nihilism demanding a holocaust of the human person:
“It matters little whether we are dealing with Communism, Socialism, Nazism, abortion, the whole secular culture of perversity and death, the exclusion of God from public education, the crisis within the Church, or a whole host of other individual and social agendas – all are intimately related, and have as a powerful causative factor, belief in Darwinian Evolution.” (ibid)
Within the Western civilized world, including America, the idea that everything in the universe reduces to matter and energy is found for example, in the thinking of global NWO socialists, America’s progressive ruling class, the evolutionary ‘Christianity’ of Michael Dowd, the Hindu-pantheism of Teilhard de Chardin, the integral evolutionism of Ken Wilber, the dialectical materialism of Karl Marx, and the 20th century’s murderous dictators, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Hitler, Mao and Pol Pot.
In his article, “Leftism a Radical Faith,” Bruce Riggs notes that much of the political history of the extended twentieth century is that of massive extinctions of citizenries by their dictatorial governments:
“Take the engineered mass starvations, torture chambers, firing squads, and gulags of Lenin and Stalin; Nazi gas chambers; Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge killing fields; the genocides of Mao’s “Great Leap Forward”; and the tyrannical North Korean Sung dynasty, and one will find that over one hundred million people
have been slaughtered.” (American Thinker, Jan. 1, 2014)
In one way or another, these dictatorial governments systematically dehumanized and murdered millions to create an imagined earthly Eden, said Riggs, and this is clearly irrational. In this sense, leftist ideology is an atheist religion with the look of a religious inquisition. Klaus Fischer puts it this way:
“[T]otalitarianism represents the twentieth-century version of traditional religiosity; it is in many ways the secular equivalent of the religious life. Unless this crucial point is captured, the quintessential nature of totalitarianism will elude us.” (ibid)
This “totalitarian religiosity” is grounded in metaphysical nihilism and the dehumanization and reduction of mankind to aspects of the evolving universe on a par with slugs, weeds, and apes. This evil religion continues today as a “scientific,” secular, politico-centric faith,
“….disdainful of theistic beliefs and contemptuous of those who subscribe to them. It is a faith that, in its historical manifestations, has birthed the murderous tyrannies of the extended twentieth century — tyrannies that have marched under left-wing banners of Marxism, Communism, and National Socialism, or, more generally and descriptively, Coercive Collectivism.” (ibid, Riggs)
As it was for murderous 20th century dictators, so it is for todays’ individual evolutionists that metaphysical nihilism and dehumanization of ‘others’ is liberating, at least during younger years when death is not yet a blip on the radar. This is because for the uncreated, liberated autonomous ‘self’ who is the measure of all things and whose life no longer has any ultimate meaning or purpose there is no valid reason why he personally should not do as he wants to do, or why his debauched, even murderous friends should not do what they want to do. But the nihilism, egotism, lying, perverse license, and sadistic pleasure attained through psychological domination and manipulation of dehumanized ‘dupes’ and their children, all of which nihilists rejoice in during their younger years becomes an unbearable source of despair, horror, night terrors, dread, and thoughts of murder and suicide with the advent of old age and the approach of death.
God, Heaven, Hell, Souls and Demons: Do They Exist?
At issue for evolutionary humanists is the existence of the supernatural God of Revelation, the Heavenly Creator who spoke everything into existence ex nihilo. Does He exist and did He reveal Himself to men or not? Rebellious evolutionists say no, all that exists is the natural dimension of matter and energy in continuous motion measured by time that may or may not involve the working of a god invented and controlled by man.
However, existence within the natural dimension of space and time is not the only form of existence. Timeless is the supernatural realm (third heaven) of the eternally existing, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Holy God of Revelation.
There are three heavens. The first is the immediate sky, or earth’s atmosphere. (Genesis 2:19; 7:3, 23; Psalms 8:8; Deuteronomy 11:17) The second is the starry heavens or outer space. (Deuteronomy 17:3; Jeremiah 8:2; Matthew 24:29). The third heaven is outside of time and space, meaning the first and second heavens, thus outside the reach of man’s science. The timeless heaven is where God and the holy angels and spirits of righteous men in possession of eternal life dwell and to which Paul was taken. (Deuteronomy 10:14; 1 Kings 8:27; Psalms 115:16; 148:4; 2 Cor.12:2)
Furthermore, all people who have had out-of-body experiences by way of near-death or drugs, astral plane travels, or through shamanism for example, can testify to the existence of their own souls as well as of the timeless abode of demons and fallen angels, the “spirits of wickedness under the heavens” (Eph. 6:12) and their chief, “the prince of the powers of the air.” (Eph. 2:2) According to the Apostle Paul, fallen angels thrown down from the third heaven are dispersed in a multitude throughout the first heaven. It is with this timeless abode of fallen angels and demons that shamans interact and to which astral plane travelers from the time of Nimrod to our own have been visiting. According to Francis Huxley and Jeremy Narby:
“Western observers began participating in shamanistic sessions involving hallucinogenic plants, (and) found, to their astonishment, that they could have experiences similar to those described by shamans.” ‘Life’ magazine popularized shamanism in a 1957 story, “In Mexico, American banker Gordon Wasson ate psilocybin mushrooms in a session conducted by (a) shaman.” Wasson described to ‘Life’s’ readers his experience of “flying out of his body.” Narby and Huxley report that “hundreds of thousands of people read Wasson’s account, and many followed his example.” (Modern Shamanism: Spirit Contact & Spiritual Progress, James Herrick, p. 17, from “On Global Wizardry, edited by Peter Jones)
When the soul comes out of its’ body, as happened to the Satanist William Schnoebelen, it is immediately within the timeless realm of evil spirits. According to early Church Fathers, if the soul is that of a faithful believer it will be met by one of Gods’ Holy Angels and escorted to the third heaven. If not, as was the case with Schnoebelen, it will meet with deceiving, malignant spirits.
William Schnoebelen was a great hardboiled sinner whose damnable transgressions included Satanism and receiving the mark of Satan during an out of body experience. His autobiography, Lucifer Dethroned, is a gripping and horrifying account of his descent into the darkest, most frightening side of the occult, magick, spell-casting, vampirism, astral travel and Satanism and his subsequent restoration through grace and the love of Jesus Christ.
Bill was a demonically-empowered Druidic high priest, high-order Mason, ordained spiritist minister and Satanist who frequently “went out of his body” into the timeless realm for various reasons. As he tells it, one night he was “yanked” out of his body and drawn up through the paths of the Tree of Life toward the zone of Binah or Saturn. His terrifying journey took him to a vast, obsidian trapezoidal shaped temple called the Cathedral of Pain situated in the midst of swirling stars. The inside walls were clear glass,
“…holding back a transparent green fluid. Floating within the fluid…were hundreds of naked (horribly mutilated) human bodies. They were all dead, most with expressions of exquisite terror etched in a rictus on their frozen faces.” Then a pillar of light struck an “obsidian throne,” a sacrificial altar, and out of the light “appeared a huge being…robed in white…” Mighty wings swept his shoulders. At one moment the winged being was an incredibly handsome man, the next a “bull” and the next a “woman.” Chanting began in Latin: “Ave Satanas, Rege Satanas (Hail Satan, Satan Rules)” Then the terrifying being reached out his left hand “and placed it on my forehead….I felt a claw tear into my brow (and) insert itself into my brain like a white-hot poker..” Then a voice spoke: “Now you are mine forever.” (p. 157-159)
Schnoebelen was forced to return to the Cathedral of Pain a few more times before turning to Jesus Christ for salvation. One night he finally got down on his knees and confessed,
“…to the Lord that I was indeed a sinner—perhaps the chiefest of sinners (but) I repented (Luke 15:5) and confessed that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead so that I might have eternal life (Romans 10: 9-10). I asked Jesus to save me from my sins (Romans 10: 13), and to be the absolute Lord of my life (Romans 12: 1-2)” Jesus Christ forgave me and set me “free from unbelievable darkness and evil...” Jesus Christ liberated his demonically oppressed soul.”(p. 315)
All people, including ‘scientifically enlightened’ evolutionary nihilists live in a mysterious world of which we see in part, and that only darkly, because we are imprisoned in the jail of our senses. But as Schnoebelen, shamanists and practicing occultists such as Carl Jung know, there are all about us and even here on earth powerful, intelligent beings that move so fast we cannot not see them, who emit rays outside the spectrum of our vision and communicate among themselves on a wavelength beyond what man can hear and apprehend, thus they can observe us, inflate our most disordered passions and influence our dreams and thoughts for good or bad. They can also, by way of telepathy or automatic writing, transmit through someone like Nietzsche or Carl Jung teachings from the demonic realm.
According to the highly celebrated Jung, Philemon, a winged, horned demon, supervised and inspired the writing of the “Seven Sermons to the Dead.” Jung described the occasion like this:
“The whole house was….crammed full of spirits. They were packed deep right up to the door, and the air was so thick I could hardly breathe…Then it began to flow out of me, and in the course of three evenings the thing (Septem Sermones ad Mortuos) was written.” (Jung relates how his soul departed into the timeless realm)…the mystical land of the dead (and) soon after the…..’dead’ appeared to me and the result was the Septem Sermones.” (To Hell and Back, Maurice S. Rawlings, M.D., p.143)
Spirits can, and do, influence the minds of proud evolutionary humanists who then trumpet the nihilistic ideas dropped into their minds as their own brilliant ideas and do the work of devils by leading astray millions of people with their damnable soul-destroying teachings.
Evolutionary seculars and their theological and occult New Age counterparts commit grievous sins and live as if they will never die. But the God of Revelation, heaven, hell, angels and demons exist, and even now, without their knowledge, rebellious nihilists are being prepared to receive the mark of Satan on their foreheads unless they repent. Before it’s too late, let them learn from the despairing words of other adversaries of Jesus Christ:
“I am suffering the pangs of the damned.” Talleyrand (ibid, Wurmbrand, p. 158
“Give me laudanum that I may not think of eternity.” Mirabeau
“I am abandoned by God and man. I shall go to hell. Oh Christ, oh Jesus Christ!” Voltaire
“What blood, what murders, what evil counsels have I followed. I am lost, I see it well.” Charles IX, King of France
“I would give worlds, if I had them, if the Age of Reason (an anti-Christian book) had never been published. Oh, Lord, help me. Christ, help me. Stay with me. It is hell to be left alone.” Thomas Paine
“…I had a feeling that life was ebbing from me. I felt powerful sensations of dread (then suddenly everything) turned a glowing red. I saw twisted faces grimacing as they stared down at me (I tried to defend myself but) could no longer shut out the frightful truth: beyond the faces dominating this fiery world were faces of the damned. I had a feeling of despair….the sensation of horror was so great it choked me. Obviously I was in Hell itself (and then suddenly) the black silhouette of a human figure began to draw near…a woman…with lipless mouth and in her eyes an expression that sent icy shudders down my back. She stretched out her arms…and pulled me by an irresistible force (into) a world filled with….sounds of lamentation….I asked the figure…who she was. A voice answered: “I am death.” (German actor Curt Jürgen’s, To Hell and Back, pp. 76-77)
Nihilists are lost and spiritually blind— to the reality of the timeless realms, but especially to the third heaven of our Heavenly Father. So too are they are blind to the reality of their own frozen souls and to the existence of devils all around them for their foolish hearts are darkened (Rom. 1:21) and their thoughts evil (Gn. 6:5). They are ignorant, guilty, and corrupt. They have exchanged God’s Revelation for scientism and His Truth and Way for a lie (Rom. 1:25), and their darkened minds are wholly blind to the saving Light of Christ that shines into the hearts of the faithful. (John 8:12)
From his own experience, Eugene Rose believed that a nihilist cannot come to Christ fully until he is first aware of how far he and his society have fallen away from Him, that is, until he has first faced the Nihilism in himself:
“The Nihilism of our age exists in all,” he wrote, “and those who do not, with the aid of God, choose to combat it in the name of the fullness of Being of the living God, are swallowed up in it already. We have been brought to the edge of the abyss of nothingness and, whether we recognize its nature or not, we will, through affinity for the ever-present nothingness within us, be engulfed in it beyond all hope of redemption-unless we cling in full and certain faith (which doubting, does not doubt) to Christ, without Whom we are truly nothing.” (Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age, )
“This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.” “For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.… (John 3:19-20)
For all who repent of their sins, combat their nihilism with the aid of God and unite with the faithful who persevere in the Way of Christ, death is merely a doorway to eternal physical life, first in the third heaven for a while, then in a physical Paradise—the earth and heavens renewed and remade in unimaginably wondrous ways. But for the stubborn, dehumanized nihilist who prefers darkness to Light the approach of old age and death are accompanied by increasing afflictions of the mind—despair, depression, nightmares, inexplicable feelings of dread and horror—because beyond the grave lies only eternal remorse in utter darkness.
Linda Kimball writes on culture, politics, and worldview. Her articles are published nationally and internationally. Linda can be reached at:
Linda Kimball is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice
Nihilism: The West’s Evil Religion of Idolatry, Lies and Hate
July 27, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment

“The Christian religion is the religion of our country. From it are derived our prevalent notions of the character of God, the great moral governor of the universe. On its doctrines are founded the peculiarities of our free institutions.” (William McGuffey, d. May 4, 1873, professor at the University of Virginia, president of Ohio University, and author of McGuffey’s Readers; )
Andre Comte-Sponville, one of France’s preeminent atheist philosophers agrees. In his New York Times bestseller, “The Little Book of Atheist Spirituality,” Sponville observes that even though Western and American civilization has become nonreligious it is nevertheless profoundly rooted in transcendent Biblical morality and traditions. That overt and implied atheism has all but supplanted Biblical beliefs pleases yet simultaneously frightens Sponville as he clearly sees that if Western civilization entirely ceases to be Christian it will fall into something like a refined nihilism. And if we believe that nothing remains,
“….we might as well throw in the towel at once. We would have nothing left to oppose to either fanaticism from without or to nihilism from within—and, contrary to what many people seem to think, nihilism is the primary danger. We would belong to a dead civilization, or at least a dying one….Wealth has never sufficed to make a civilization, poverty, even less so. Civilizations require culture, imagination, enthusiasm and creativity, and none of these things come without courage, work and effort.” Without these necessities, “Good night…the Western world has decided to replace faith with somnolence.” (pp. 28-29)
Sponville admits that in his younger years he had believed in the supernatural God of Revelation and been raised a Christian. Up till around the age of eighteen his faith was powerful. But then he embraced evolutionary scientism and fell away, and this falling away said Sponville, was liberating because for the liberated autonomous ‘self’ whose life no longer has any ultimate meaning or purpose there is no valid reason why he personally should not do as he wants to do, or why his friends should not live in the way that they find most advantageous to themselves.
But the lies, amoralism and perverse license, the nihilism Sponville rejoices in becomes an unbearable source of horror and dread when reproduced in millions of souls. Sponville is right to fear the spread of nihilism, for when multiplied by millions it means there is no longer an ultimate, transcendent source of unchanging truth and moral law independent of sinful men, and as Sponville knows, therefore dreads, the lie is the father of violence:
“(The lie) is the word, act, sign of cunning or silence which makes use of wiles to deceive (all who seek) truth….the attitude of the liar, who full of subtlety, audacity and at times cruel cynicism, misleads his neighbor into the quick sands of falsity. The use of the lie reveals the liar as a person of evil intentions. He who tells lies as a way of getting ahead lacks a love of truth (he or she is) a self-centered dissimulator, cunningly manipulating his fellowmen for his own evil purposes.” (The Roots of Violence, Rev. Vincent P. Miceli, S.J., p.29)
Nihilism is the satanically inverted philosophy of violence, lies and license of America’s president, his cabinet, and the amoral progressive ruling class of which they are members. It is also the philosophy of the Marquis de Sade, Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Marx and the Sophist Callicles in Plato’s ‘Georgias’ who declares:
“The fact is this: luxury and licentiousness and liberty, if they have the support of force, are virtue and happiness and the rest of these embellishments-—the unnatural covenants of mankind-—are all mere stuff and nonsense.” (Making Gay Okay, Reilly, pp. 31-32)
In other words, with a consensus of lies backed by force and the threat of violence, the Revelation of God, the Christian Church, virtue, true truth, marriage, gender, your children, your humanity, your wealth, your home, your business, and your Constitutional rights become whatever agents of violence and the mobs in back of them want them to be or not to be from one moment to the next.
What nihilism has already led to in England, said Nate Steuer of Jeremiah Cry Ministries, are buildings that once served as churches that are now museums, stores and even nightclubs, a strong belief in evolution and a strong homosexual-rights movement:
“They don’t want to hear the gospel. The gospel is pressed down,’ and the homosexual-rights movement is so rooted in England that Christians are afraid to go ‘into the streets and preach,’ fearing what the LBGT community will do.” (“Fate of Christianity in UK not too far from U.S., warns evangelist,” Chris Woodward, OneNewsNow.com, July 8, 2014)
Evolutionary scientism is a form of nihilism leading in practice to dehumanization, demoralization, reckless irresponsibility and genocide. It is a sham science said G.K. Chesterton. It is a license by which the stupidest,
“…or wickedest action is supposed to become reasonable or respectable, not by having found a reason in scientific fact, but merely by having found any sort of excuse in scientific language.” The program and attitude of scientism is a “serpent….as slippery as an eel,” a “demon…as elusive as an elf,” an “evil and elusive creature.” (The Restitution of Man: C.S. Lewis and the Case against Scientism, Michael D. Aeschliman, p. 43)
Evolutionary scientism has amply demonstrated itself as a virulently anti-human, catastrophically destructive, demonically murderous worldview. In just the first eighty-seven years of the twentieth century, violent spirits who love evil and devouring words and breathe out slaughter and death brutally exterminated between 100-170 million un-evolved ‘subhuman’ men, women, and children in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.
In the Soviet Union, the Triune God-and-human hating nihilist of violence, Vladimir Lenin, exulted that,
“Darwin put an end to the belief that the animal and vegetable species bear no relation to oneanother (and) that they were created by God, and hence immutable.” (Fatal Fruit, Tom DeRosa, p. 9)
In other words, the ‘death’ of the God of Revelation allows unfettered violence against millions of people because they are no longer the immutable image-bearers of the Triune God but rather expendable products of evolution on a par with slime, weeds, slugs and rocks. Empowered by evolutionary scientism, Lenin exercised godlike power over life and death. He saw himself as, “the master of the knowledge of the evolution of social species.”
Fueled by hate, contempt and murderous rage it was Lenin who “decided who should disappear by virtue of having been condemned to the dustbin of history.” From the moment Lenin made the “scientific” decision that the bourgeoisie represented a stage of humanity that evolution had surpassed, “its liquidation as a class and the liquidation of the individuals who actually or supposedly belonged to it could be justified.” (The Black Book of Communism, p. 752)
In Nazi Germany evolutionary scientism resulted in gas chambers, ovens, and the liquidation of eleven million “useless eaters” and other undesirables.
Alain Brossat draws the following conclusions about the two regimes of nihilism, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, and the ties that bind them:
“The ‘liquidation’ of the Muscovite executioners, a close relative of the ‘treatment’ carried out by Nazi assassins, is a linguistic microcosm of an irreparable mental and cultural catastrophe that was in full view on the Soviet Stage. The value of human life collapsed, and thinking in categories replaced ethical thought…In the discourse and practice of the Nazi exterminators, the animalization of Other…was closely linked to the ideology of race. It was conceived in the implacably hierarchical racial terms of “subhumans” and “supermen”…but in Moscow in 1937, what mattered…was the total animalization of the Other, so that a policy under which absolutely anything was possible could come into practice.” (Black Book of Communism, p. 751)
As in England, evolutionary scientism has replaced the God of Revelation, thus with the animalization of Americans millions of unborn humans have already been aborted, growing numbers of unwanted adults euthanized and late-term unborn babies cruelly dismembered.
Writing in, “New York Abortion Bill Allows Shooting Babies Through the Heart With Poison to Kill Them” Steven Ertelt reports that New York is already the abortion/murder capital of the United States, with practically no oversight of the industry. Throughout the second trimester, developing babies can be completely dismembered,
“… even when they can feel pain (by) pulling the baby out piece by piece until the mother’s uterus is empty. After the abortion, the abortionist must reassemble the child’s body to ensure nothing has been left inside the child’s mother.” (LifeNews.com | 5/20/14 6:28 PM)
What nihilists now demand for late-term abortions that will be legalized in New York by the abortion-expanding Women’s Equality Act, is the murder of babies,
“… by sliding a needle filled with a chemical agent, such as digoxin, into the beating heart, before being delivered.”
Then there is Wisconsin-based abortionist Dennis Christensen and his partner Bernard Smith who have performed 85,000 to 95,000 abortions in a 40 year period:
“So I see it as a calling, I guess,” Christensen said. “But I’ve been called, I’ve served and now I’d like to call someone else.” (Abortionist Who’s Killed 95,000 Babies in Abortions: “I See It as a Calling” Steven Ertelt, LifeNews.com, 7/7/14)
Something “called him” to murder 95,000 babies, but it wasn’t the Holy God of Revelation.
When for millions of nihilists the God of Revelation does not exist and life has no higher, fixed meaning or purpose with neither hope of an afterlife nor any accountability to their Maker for their actions here in this world, then men no longer have reason and purpose for being good, thus are free to be evil. They are at liberty to invoke meaningless law and perverted justice to destroy freedom, dismember babies, and force disordered appetites upon men, women, and children. They are free to accuse the good man of evil, to enslave other people and deprive them of life-sustaining electricity, gas, and water. With this freedom they vandalize and plunder the property and wealth of others and throw our borders open to floods of illegals, rapists, drug-lords, terrorists, pedophiles, murderers and other sinister individuals.
Nihilists can freely lie so as to “normalize” whatever wicked fantasies and schemes they desire, such as global warming/cooling/change, redistributive justice, common core, ‘gay’ equality and Decadence Festivals:
“The Southern Decadence Festival is one of our nation’s most notorious celebrations of sodomy, public sex acts, prostitution, drunkenness, and worse, but is by no means the only such festival….decadence festivals are held over and across post-Christian America and Western Europe as well as in Canada, Hong Kong, Australia, Thailand, Brazil, Belarus, Ireland, Japan, Scotland, China, S. Africa, India and Taipei.” (Sex slaves, sexual anarchy and decadence festivals: ominous signs of something really rotten,” L. Kimball, Renew America, Oct. 25, 2012)
A society of nihilists is a welcome mat to human predators of every stripe from drug lords, ISIS, and the Muslim Brotherhood to flesh-peddlers and the world’s criminal elite: the occult Luciferian New World Order super-wealthy criminal consortium and their merciless leftwing and rightwing allies. This cohort of sinister nihilists believe in nothing, know only hate, contempt, violence, greed and egotism and share a foundational hatred of the Tri-Personal God of Revelation, faithful Christians and Jews and traditional Christian grounded Western and American civilization.
In the impeccably documented book, “Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie,” Bruce Walker describes the super-wealthy consortium and their like-minded allies as Sinisterists, making political labels like Far Right (Nazis/Fascists), liberals and Far Left (Progressives, Bolsheviks, Marxists, Communists) and even like-minded Radical Muslims the same thing.
What unite all Sinisterists are their hatreds:
“They hate Christians…Jews…America (and) Israel. They hate truth. They hate the very idea of truth. They hate the idea of humans as unique and special in the universe. They hate the idea of a great moral purpose unfolding in our lives. Sinisterism is a bundle of connected hatreds. For the sake of their hatreds, Sinisterists lust for power.”(preface)
Because Sinisterists hate the idea of man as God’s spiritual image-bearer they have ‘killed’ the Triune God and forced nihilistic Darwinism upon us because it reduces mankind to less than nothing. They also invent words and sound-bite phrases such as heterosexist, homophobe, global change and nonexistent categories of mankind such as “racial species” and “emerging genders” that imprison thought. Following are some other examples:
1. Multiculturalism: the stealthy destruction of America’s traditional Christian based culture by insidious elevation of pagan and pantheist cultures and belief systems in the name of politically correct tolerance, pluralism and inclusion.
2.’Gay rights/’gay’ marriage: rebellion against and negation of the two created sexes, procreation, and the idea of normal.
3. Political correctness, speech codes, sensitivity training, and hate crime laws: psychic-cages for the minds of traditional-values Americans.
4. Perverse sex education: As was the case in the Soviet Union, its ultimate purpose is the subversion and perversion of our youth—the awakening of the Devil, as Karl Marx’s comrade Bakunin admitted.
5. Critical theory: the mindless vomiting out of destructive criticism upon everything good, true, excellent, normal, and traditional.
6. Global change, Agenda 21, Green Movement, redistributive justice: the evisceration of our standard of living and individual liberties in order to ‘save the planet’ — in other words, penury, misery, death and slavery on behalf of Gaia.
7. Sustainability: Extreme population control calling for the annihilation of billions of people to achieve spiritual communism.
8. Religious pluralism: the erasure of faithful Judaism, Christian theism and America’s founding Christian-based worldview by way of elevating Wicca, animism, Islam, New Age occult spirituality, Gnostic paganism, Buddhism, shamanism, goddess worship, Luciferian Masonry and atheism in the name of politically correct tolerance and inclusion.
In order to destroy rational thinking, nihilists use words and phrases (i.e., change, “make love not war,” “we are Trayvon” “evolution is an established fact of science”) to create images rather than ideas and then concentrate on endless repetition of the same word-pictures,
“…to create a hypnotic effect to defend an otherwise hopeless case. Sinisterists use the same words over and over again.” (p.12)
Nihilism’s black heart is the worship of lies, particularly the Big Lie of evolution. ‘Elite’ transnational Robert Muller, father of Common Core Curriculum and former Assistant Secretary-General of the UN and former Chancellor of the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica speaks of the fate that will befall all politically incorrect thinkers, especially anti-evolutionists:
“…all those who hold contrary beliefs” to politically correct thought favored for the “next phase of evolution” will “disappear.” A hellish fate awaits all who resist political and spiritual globalization, “…those who criticize the UN are anti-evolutionary, blind, self-serving people. Their souls will be parked in a special corral of the universe for having been retarding forces, true aberrations in the evolution and ascent of humanity.” (False Dawn, Lee Penn, p. 133)
With malice aforethought, sinister nihilists have dumbed-down Westerners and Americans by infiltrating our education institutions and even our seminaries with nihilist philosophies, propaganda and schemes such as evolutionary scientism, perverse sex education, so-called ‘higher Biblical criticism,’ critical theory, multiculturalism and revised history.
As evolutionary scientism and the relativity of truth are fatal doctrines– types of nihilism that deny objective truth and reality— they result in the rapid disintegration of critical thinking, faith in God, respect and manners resulting in a twisted, inverted society dominated by moral imbeciles—narcissistic despots, thugs, human parasites and bizarre polymorphously perverse beings— at every level of government and society who know how they feel and what they covet and are thus entitled to but can’t think straight, can’t spell, and don’t know right from wrong.
It should be obvious by now, said Walker, that the relations of people in American and Western society are growing coarser,
“…..more dishonest….shallower….lonelier…more desperate for the narcotics of power, applause and fear as we perceive ourselves moving closer to the status of gods and goddesses. If we choose, as individuals, that idolatry, then we are doomed. All the dystopian nightmares of Orwell, Bradbury, Huxley and others will become real all too soon….we will (either) surrender to thugs governing enslaved nations or embittered terrorists.” (p. 252)
Our so-called “scientifically enlightened” age is an age of nihilism. Ecstatic with the voluptuous delight of destruction which rolls humans into satanic depths; nihilists keep pushing society to the brink of social chaos and suicide:
“The Modern Liberal will invariably (and) inevitably side with evil over good, wrong over right and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success. When I say the Modern Liberal is morally and intellectually retarded at the level of the five-year old child, it is not hyperbole: its diagnosis.” (Evan Sayet, The Kindergarten of Evil,)
Nihilism is lawlessness, idolatry, violence, perversion, fear, terrors of mind, and horrors of conscience and loss of true freedom since the despair of nihilism ends in man’s slavery to his dark side, death and damnation.
In his poem “The Second Coming,” Yeats reveals the murderous delight of de Sade’s, Nietzsche’s, Marx’s, and Callicles modern offspring:
“Things fall apart; the center cannot hold
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned
The best lack all conviction, while the worst are
Full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.”
If Western and American nihilists continue to set the God of Revelation aside in favor of “self” and what they really do know are lies and empty, shallow, meaningless evil, then a tyranny of evil will come upon us swiftly and terribly. But there is another path before us: the way of repentance, truth, decency and God’s Divine Truth. His eternally unchanging Truth will set us free. We should choose the path of Truth and goodness:
“On that choice hangs the fate of humanity. People will either embrace goodness or deny that goodness can exist and commit moral suicide (and) worship The Lie.” (ibid, Walker, p. 252)
People who choose the way of true truth will find the goodness and Light of God. As they follow the Way of Truth they will stumble sometimes, occasionally journey down blind alleys, and perhaps be on the wrong side of causes at times, but they,
“…will never lose hope or the help of other normal people and the Blessed Creator of the Universe.” (ibid, p. 233)
The narrow way leads ever up toward truth, light, beauty, goodness, courage, hope, peace and eternal physical life in an unimaginably beautiful Paradise. The other way is a broad highway spilling into a downward spiraling vortex marked by the despair of nihilism, the darkness of lies, the sulphuric stench of soul-destroying hate, and the horror of nothingness finally issuing into an eternity in outer darkness.
Linda Kimball writes on culture, politics, and worldview. Her articles are published nationally and internationally. Linda can be reached at:
Linda Kimball is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice
What Kind of God Do You Believe In?
March 15, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment

Large numbers of people today believe that modern secular science has proven the earth and cosmos to be billions of years old, and that every living thing, from fish to dogs, apes and humans, evolved from a single cell which itself is the result of chance combination of chemicals. Most believe that primordial matter resulted from the Big Bang. Certain high profile Christians like Hugh Ross and the influential Evangelical theologians and scholars who support him, teach that God is both the energizing force behind the Big Bang and the director of evolutionary process.
Against this way of thinking, the Word of God authoritatively teaches a six day historical creation, which today is vastly unpopular with and downright offensive to scientifically enlightened theologians and their followers.
The rejection of the literal six day creation is an aberration of modernism, meaning liberal (pantheist) Protestantism and its’ openly hostile ‘secular’ antitheist and atheist counterparts such as Marxist Communism and Secular Humanism.
Of the many early Church Fathers who wrote on Genesis, all but Augustine, who erred by teaching instantaneous creation, affirmed a literal, historic six day account of creation.
For instance, St. Cyril of Alexandria argued that higher theological, spiritual meaning is founded upon humble, simple faith in the literal and historic meaning of Genesis and one cannot apprehend rightly the Scriptures without believing in the historical reality of the events and people they describe. (Genesis, Creation, and Early Man, Fr. Seraphim Rose, p. 40)
In the integral worldview teachings of the Fathers, neither the literal nor historical meaning of the Revelations of the pre-incarnate Jesus, the Angel who spoke to Moses, can be regarded as expendable. There are at least four critically important reasons why. First, to wrest and distort Genesis so as to conform it to Big Bang and other secular scientific assumptions is to contradict and usurp the authority of God, ultimately deny the deity of Jesus Christ; twist, distort, add to and subtract from the entire Bible and finally, to imperil the salvation of believers.
It’s important that we understand that the Church Fathers weren’t primitive, unscientific goat-herders as dishonest modernists have made them out to be, but rather highly intelligent, well-educated men. Many came from backgrounds of evolutionary pantheism, occultism and pagan animism thus were intimately familiar with much of what passes for contemporary secular science such as Big Bang and Steady State theories (evolutionary cosmogonies), inflationary models, vast ages, chance, the universal life force (serpent power, Zoë, evolution) and much more, even though by other designations.
Long before Darwin, Greek nature philosophers (600–100BC) were teaching primitive evolutionary conceptions, abiogenesis, chance, determinism, natural selection, transmigration, reincarnation and vast ages together with many other modern assumptions.
The fragments of Anaximander’s (c. 610–546 BC) evolutionary speculations show he taught that ‘humans originally resembled another type of animal, namely fish’ while Democritus (c.460–370BC) taught that primitive people began to speak with ‘confused’ and ‘unintelligible’ sounds but ‘gradually they articulated words.’ (Evolution: An Ancient Pagan Idea, Paul James Griffith, )
The Greek Atomist Epicurus (341–270BC), the father of contemporary materialism and many of its’ secular scientific assumptions, taught there was no need of a God or gods, for the Universe came about by a chance movement of atoms. (ibid)
Darwinism affirms the claim made by Epicurus that living beings created themselves, while modern evolutionary biology affirms Anaximander’s claim that humans evolved from lower order life-forms.
With respect to old earth or vast ages, Plato and many other Greek philosophers taught that the present universe came about millions of years ago. Writing in the fourth century AD, Lactantius said:
“Plato and many others of the philosophers, since they were ignorant of the origin of all things, and of that primal period at which the world was made, said that many thousands of ages had passed since this beautiful arrangement of the world was completed … .“ (ibid)
After the Greeks, the Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder (AD23–79) said we are so subject to chance,
“….that Chance herself takes the place of God; she proves that God is uncertain.” (ibid)
Greek and Roman philosophers received these ideas from ancient Sumerians (Babylonians), Egyptians and Hindus whose Mysteries, nature philosophies and evolutionary cosmogonies extended back centuries before Greek and Roman civilization. For example, one Hindu belief was that Brahman (the Void or Universe) spontaneously generated itself (the modern theory of abiogenesis) as something like a seed or singularity (Cosmic Egg or Big Bang) about 4.3 billion years ago and then evolved under its’ own power by which it expanded and formed all that exists:
“These Hindus believed in an eternal Universe that had cycles of rebirth, destruction and dormancy, known as ‘kalpas’, rather like oscillating big bang theories. We also read in the Hindu Bhagavad Gita that the god Krishna says, ‘I am the source from which all creatures evolve.” (ibid, Griffith)
In India the doctrines of evolution/reincarnation/karma were thoroughly established from ancient times. They were expounded first in the Upanishads (c. 1000 BC – AD 4), the philosophical-mystical texts held to be the essence of the Vedas.
Representing the young earth view and resurrection of the dead (Acts 17: 16-34) the Apostle Paul contended against the Greek Epicureans (materialists) and Stoics (pantheists), representatives of Cosmic Egg theories (Big Bang), vast ages (old earth view), universal life force (evolution), void, atoms, animism (i.e. Karl Marx’s animated ‘divine thinking’ matter), fate, determinism, and reabsorption after death.
Speaking to the nature sages, Paul said “this is what I’m going to proclaim to you,”
“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth… he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill. In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.”
When Greek sages heard about the resurrection of the dead, many of them sneered due to their belief that the body is a rotting tomb within which their souls were trapped. Since they believed that the fall consisted of an inexplicable plunge from being as one with the impersonal One Substance, then salvation was reabsorption of soul into the One Substance, therefore the idea of bodily resurrection was repulsive. In “Adversus nationes” (2:37) Arnobius complains,
“If souls were of the Lord’s race…They would never come to these terrestrial places (and) inhabit opaque bodies and (be) mixed with humors and blood, in receptacles of excrement, in vases of urine.” (The Pagan Temptation, Thomas Molnar, p. 27)
The framework behind the way of thinking which Paul contended against is naturalism, the ancient idea that living beings make themselves. Naturalism is like a leopard, meaning its’ spots cannot be changed even by defiant Scriptural retrofitters like Teilhard de Chardin, Leonard Sweet, Hugh Ross and other natural science and evolution compromisers.
As Solomon said, there is nothing new under the sun. What once was will be again. In this light, when Peter prophesied about the “scoffers” in “the last days” who claim that“everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation” (2 Peter 3:4) he is speaking of this generation of God-haters and theological compromisers, who being wise in their own wisdom, willingly reject the Authority of God and six day special creation in preference of ancient ways of thinking revised and revamped for our own age.
The real issue behind objections to literal six day special creation is what kind of God progressive creationists and evolutionary theists believe in and peddle to unsuspecting believers. This is a question that needs to be addressed because by espousing Big Bang and old earth views theological compromisers have elevated naturalism in the guise of secular science and evolution above the Word and Authority of God resulting in an upside-down exegesis
Their inverted creation account is in the claim of a six day creation that occurred at the end of billions of years of evolutionary process. Logically, this means that billions of creatures lived and died long before man arrived on the scene, making the Word (John 1:1), our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the cause of death and suffering rather than the fall of Adam. By making the fossil record the measure of a sequence of long ages, God becomes the cause of death and suffering because the history of life appears to be a record of ineptitude, extinctions and constant brutality for billions of years. In the words of the atheist astronomer and evolution promoter Carl Sagan (1934-1996), if God,
“….is omnipotent and omniscient, why didn’t he start the universe out in the first place so it would come out the way he wants? Why is he constantly repairing and complaining? No, there’s one thing the Bible makes clear: The biblical God is a sloppy manufacturer. He’s not good at design, he’s not good at execution. He’d be out of business if there was any competition.” (Refuting Compromise, Jonathan Sarfati, Ph.D., F.M., p. 220)
The Big Bang, old earth view also leads to a philosophy of moral relativism because if men were once something else, a genderless blob of matter and then later on lizards and even later still some kind of ape-like creature, then not only are we going to become something else–maybe divine supermen, god-men, super robots or cosmic beings—but nothing can be said about transgender, ‘gay,’ and lesbianism since all life forms ascended from a genderless blob of matter generated by the inexplicable explosion of a Cosmic Egg which may or may not involve a stumbling God shaped and molded by theologians who require Him to ignite the Big Bang.
With regard to soul/spirit, if life arose from chemicals and then billions of years later man evolved from lower life-forms, then his rational nature, his soul, differs not qualitatively but only quantitatively from the beasts. Like beasts, man is not a person but a creature of the earth. Like them he has no spirit—free will, higher mental faculties, and conscience. He is a fleshy androgynous robot or hominid whose brain is organized by the genome and the genome shaped by natural selection.
Dr. Sarfati argues that denial of the literal and historic meaning of Genesis (young earth view) is foundationally the result of ‘imposing outside ideas upon the Bible.‘ Thus, it has‘baneful consequences which don’t just stop with Genesis,’ but adversely affect many areas. The atheist Frank Zindler enthusiastically agrees:
“The most devastating thing that biology did to Christianity was the discovery of biological evolution. Now that we know that Adam and Eve never were real people the central myth of Christianity is destroyed. If there never was an Adam and Eve, there never was an original sin. If there never was an original sin there is no need of salvation. If there is no need of salvation there is no need of a savior. And I submit that puts Jesus…into the ranks of the unemployed. I think evolution absolutely is the death knell of Christianity.” (“Atheism vs. Christianity,” 1996, Lita Cosner, , June 13, 2013)
The faith of the Christian Church and of the average Christian has had its foundation as much in the literal and historic meaning of Genesis as in that of the person and deity of Jesus Christ. Belief in a six day creation period about 6,000 years ago has been the authoritative teaching of the Church for most of its history and is essential for consistency in doctrine and apologetics. Only with a firm, unshakable foundation in Genesis are Christians able to stand strong in their faith.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God…” “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1: 1-2, 14
“Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” “And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.” John 8:58 & 17:5
If God is really Who He said He is, if He is the God Who revealed Himself to man through Jesus Christ (Messiah), then He can call everything into existence in six literal days (Gen. 1), bring about a virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23), be both God and man (Gen. 3:15; Isaiah 7:14; Zechariah 12:10 & 13:7; 1 Chron. 17:1014), remove the curse due to Adam’s fall (Gen 5:21-29), resurrect Himself from the dead and ascend unto Heaven (1 Pet. 1:3; Romans 1:4; Matthew 27:53) because for the Word Who became flesh, all of these things are very simple matters.
So what kind of God do you believe in? The limited, bumbling God of death and suffering, the incompetent ‘sloppy manufacturer’ peddled by evolutionary theists and progressive creationists or the all-powerful personal loving God Who called everything into existence in six literal days? The first one is an untrustworthy deity that cannot save you. The second one is the God of eternal life. Only He can resurrect the faithful unto eternal physical life in a physical paradise.
What will paradise be like? C.S. Lewis describes paradise as a place of matter, of weight and mass, and the blessed inhabitants in their resurrected bodies are the beautiful “bright solid people.” N.T. Wright explains,
“…there will be a new mode of physicality, which stands in relation to our present body as our present body does to a ghost….a Christian in the present life is a mere shadow of his or her future self, the self that person will be when the body that God has waiting in his heavenly storeroom is brought out…and put on…over the self that will still exist after bodily death.” (Eternal Perspectives, Randy Alcorn, p. 154-155)
Linda Kimball writes on culture, politics, and worldview. Her articles are published nationally and internationally. Linda can be reached at:
Linda Kimball is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice
Pussy Riot – The Secret History
August 23, 2012 by Administrator · Leave a Comment
Universally admired, Pussy Riot (or PR for short) have been promoted as superstars. But what are they? A rock or punk group they are not. A British journalist marvelled: they produce no music, no song, no painting, nada, rien, nothing. How can they be described as “artists”? This was a severe test for their supporters, but they passed it with flying honours: that famous lover-of-art, the US State Department, paid for their first ever single being produced by The Guardian out of some images and sounds.
We are able to stomach obscenity and blasphemy; I am great admirer of Notre Dame de Fleurs by Jean Genet, who combined both. However the PR never wrote, composed or painted anything of value at all. Chris Randolph defended them in Counterpunch by comparing them with “the controversial Yegor Letov”. What a misleading comparison! Letov wrote poetry, full of obscenity but it still was poetry, while the PR have nothing but Public Relations.
Hell-bent on publicity, but artistically challenged, three young women from Russia decided well, it sounds like a limerick. They stole a frozen chicken from a supermarket and used it as dildo; filmed the act, called it “art” and placed it on the web. (It is still there) Their other artistic achievements were an in a museum and a crude presentation of an erect prick.
Even in these dubious pieces of art their role was that of technical staff: the glory went to a Russian-Israeli artist Plucer-Sarno of Mevasseret Zion, who claimed the idea, design and copyright for himself and collected a major Russian prize. The future PR members got nothing and were described by Plucer as “ambitious provincials on the make”, or worse.
Lately they have tried to ride a bandwagon of political struggle. That was another flop. They poured a flood of obscene words on Putin – in Red Square, in subway (underground) stations – with zero effect. They weren’t arrested, they weren’t fined, just chased away as a nuisance. And they did not attract attention of people. It is important to remember that Putin is an avowed enemy of Russian oligarchs, owners of the major bulk of Russian media and providers of the Moscow literati, so they print on daily basis so much of anti-Putin invectives, that it’s lost its shock value. You can’t invent a new diatribe against Putin it has been already said and published. And Putin practically never interfered with the freedom of the press.
My foreign journalist friends are usually amazed by unanimity and ferocity of anti-Putin campaign in Russian media. It can be compared with the attacks on G W Bush in the liberal papers in the US, but in the US, there are many conservative papers that supported Bush. Putin has practically no support in the mainstream media, all of it owned by media barons. A valuable exception is TV, but it is expressly apolitical and provides mainly low-brow entertainment, also presented by anti-Putin activists like Mlle Xenia Sobtchak. So PR failed profoundly to wake up the beast.
Eventually the young viragos were mobilised for an attack on the Church. By that time they were willing to do anything for their bit of publicity. And the anti-Church campaign started a few months ago, quite suddenly as if by command. The Russian Church had 20 years of peace, recovering after the Communist period, and it was surprised by ferocity of the attack.
Though this subject calls for longer exposition, let us be brief. After collapse of the USSR, the Church remained the only important spiritual pro-solidarity force in Russian life. The Yeltsin and Putin administrations were as materialist as the communists; they preached and practiced social Darwinism of neo-Liberal kind. The Church offered something beside the elusive riches on earth. Russians who lost the glue of solidarity previously provided by Communists eagerly flocked to the alternative provided by the Church.
The government and the oligarchs treated the Church well, as the Church had a strong anti-Communist tendency, and the haves were still afraid of the Reds leading the have-nots. The Church flourished, many beautiful cathedrals were rebuilt, many monasteries came back after decades of decay. The newly empowered church became a cohesive force in Russia.
As it became strong, the Church began to speak for the poor and dispossessed; the reformed Communists led by the Church-going Gennadi Zuganov, discovered a way to speak to the believers. A known economist and thinker, Michael Khazin, predicted that the future belongs to a new paradigm of Red Christianity, something along the lines of Roger Garaudy’s early thought. The Red Christian project is a threat to the elites and a hope for the world, he wrote. Besides, the Russian church took a very Russian and anti-globalist position.
This probably hastened the attack, but it was just a question of time, when the global anti-Christian forces would step forward and attack the Russian Church like they attacked the Western Church. As Russia entered the WTO and adopted Western mores, it had to adopt secularization. And indeed the Russian Church was attacked by forces that do not want Russia to be cohesive: the oligarchs, big business, the media lords, the pro-Western intelligentsia of Moscow, and Western interests which naturally prefer Russia divided against itself.
This offensive against the Church began with some minor issues: media was all agog about Patriarch’s expensive watch, a present from the then President Medvedev. Anti-religious fervour went high among liberal opposition that demonstrated against Putin before the elections and needed a new horse to flog. A leading anti-Putin activist Viktor Shenderovich said he would understand if the Russian Orthodox priests were slain like they were in 1920s. Yet another visible figure among the liberal protesters, Igor Eidman, called to “exterminate the vermin”- the Russian Church in rudest biological terms.
The alleged organiser of the PR, Marat Gelman, a Russian Jewish art collector, has been connected with previous anti-Christian art actions which involved icon-smashing, imitation churches of enemas. His and PR problem was that it was difficult to provoke reaction of the Church. The PR made two attempts to provoke public indignation in the second cathedral of Moscow, the older Elochovsky Cathedral; both times they were expelled but not arrested. The third time, they tried harder; they went to St Savior Cathedral that was demolished by Lazar Kaganovich in 1930s and rebuilt in 1990s; they added more blasphemy of the most obscene kind, and still they were allowed to leave in peace. Police tried their best to avoid arresting the viragos, but they had no choice after the PR uploaded a video of their appearance in the cathedrals with an obscene soundtrack.
During the trial, the defence and the accused did their worst to antagonize the judge by threatening her with the wrath of the United States (sic!) and by defiantly voicing anti-Christian hate speeches. The judge had no choice but to find the accused guilty of hate crime (hooliganism with religious hate as the motive). The prosecution did not charge the accused with a more serious hate crime “with intent to cause religious strife”, though it could probably made stick. (It would call for a stiffer sentence; swastika-drawers charged with intent to cause strife receive five years of jail).
Two years’ sentence is quite in line with prevailing European practice. For much milder anti-Jewish hate talk, European countries customarily sentence offenders to two-to-five years of prison for the first offence. The Russians applied hate crime laws to offenders against Christian faith, and this is probably a Russian novelty. The Russians proved that they care for Christ as much as the French care for Auschwitz, and this shocked the Europeans who apparently thought ‘hate laws’ may be applied only to protect Jews and gays. The Western governments call for more freedom for the anti-Christian Russians, while denying it for holocaust revisionists in their midst.
The anti-Putin opposition flocked to support the PR. A radical charismatic opposition leader, the poet Eduard Limonov wrote that the opposition made a mistake supporting the PR, as they antagonise the masses; the chasm between the masses and the opposition grows. But his voice was crying in the wilderness, and the rest of the opposition happily embraced the PR cause, trying to turn it into a weapon against Putin. The Western media and governments also used it to attack Putin. The Guardian editorial called on Putin to resign. Putin called for clemency to the PR, and the government was embarrassed by the affair. But they were left with no choice: the invisible organisers behind PR wanted to have the viragos in jail, and so they did.
Commercially, they hit jackpot. With support of Madonna and the State Department, they are likely to leave the jail ready for the world tour and photo ops at the White House. They registered their name as a trade mark and began to issue franchises. And their competitors, the Femen group (whose art is showing off their boobs in unusual places) tried to beat the PR by chopping down a large wooden cross installed in memory of Stalin’s victims. Now sky is the limit.
In August, vacation season, when there is not much hard news and the newspaper readers are at the seashore or countryside, the PR trial provided much needed entertainment for man and beast. Hopefully it will drop from the agenda with the end of the silly season, but do not bet on it.
A native of Novosibirsk, Siberia, a grandson of a professor of mathematics and a descendant of a Rabbi from Tiberias, Palestine, he studied at the prestigious School of the Academy of Sciences, and read Math and Law at Novosibirsk University. In 1969, he moved to Israel, served as paratrooper in the army and fought in the 1973 war.
After his military service he resumed his study of Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, but abandoned the legal profession in pursuit of a career as a journalist and writer. He got his first taste of journalism with Israel Radio, and later went freelance. His varied assignments included covering Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia in the last stages of the war in South East Asia.
In 1975, Shamir joined the BBC and moved to London. In 1977-79 he wrote for the Israeli daily Maariv and other papers from Japan. While in Tokyo, he wrote Travels with My Son, his first book, and translated a number of Japanese classics.
Email at:
Israel Shamir is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice
Nihilism: Why America and the West are Committing Suicide
February 19, 2012 by Administrator · 1 Comment
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Genesis 1:27, KJB
For fifteen hundred years, Christendom and then later Protestant America, had followed St. Augustine (AD 354-430) in affirming that as all men are the spiritual image-bearers of the transcendent Triune God then it logically follows that each person is a trinity of being– of soul, spirit, and body:
“The essence of the human is not the body, but the soul. It is the soul alone that God made in his own image and the soul that he loves….For the sake of the soul…the Son of God came into the world….” (Incomplete Work on Matthew, Homily 25, Ancient Christian Devotional, Oden and Crosby, p. 153)
In Biblical thought, the body is inert matter organized and vitalized by the soul. A human life is a soul which informs inert matter, thus a body without a soul is no more than a disorganized mass of cells that would quickly deconstruct, said Pastor Louis Pernot in a sermon delivered at the Temple de l’Etoile in Paris. (“Body, Mind, and Soul,” Nov. 28, 2010)
The noblest part of the soul is spirit (the heart). Spirit is immortal and self-aware. It can will and think and is freely responsible for what it thinks, wills, and does.
Spirit is the unique property that distinguishes soul from matter. In Biblical thought, spirit allows man to spiritually transcend the natural dimension in order to access the supernatural dimension, thereby allowing him to enter into a personal relationship with the Spirit of God. Through this relationship, man’s conscience is cleansed over time, thus enabling him to more perfectly orient the manner of his existence in this world in preparation for eternity.
In Christian thought, a person is a spirit and personality is the total individuality of the spirit. Without spirit there is no person.
Pastor Pernot notes that the key to individual liberty in the temporal sphere is man’s spiritual liberty contrasted against a genetically programmed animal-like orientation. Animals do not have spirits, which are linked to intelligence, imagination, sensitivity, self-consciousness, reflection and the capacity for truth and moral goodness.
A person is uniquely free because he can spiritually transcend matter to access the supernatural dimension as Paul affirms:
“Now the Lord is Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Cor. 3:17)
Man is God’s spiritual image-bearer, and, said the brilliant French economist, statesman, and author Frederic Bastiat, this is the gift from God which includes the physical, intellectual and moral life:
“He has provided us with a collection of marvelous faculties. And He has put us in the midst of a variety of natural resources. By application of our faculties to these natural resources we convert them into products, and use them. Life, faculties, production—in other words, individuality, liberty, property—this is man (and) these three gifts from God precede all human legislation, and are superior to it. Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (How Evil Works, David Kupelian, p. 8)
Vishal Mangalwadi, India’s foremost Christian scholar observes that the unique concept of man as God’s spiritual image-bearer gave birth to the “belief in the unique dignity of human beings,” and this is,
”…the force that created Western civilization, where citizens do not exist for the state but the state exists for the individuals. Even kings, presidents, prime ministers, and army generals cannot be allowed to trample upon an individual and his or her rights.” (Truth and Transformation: A Manifesto for Ailing Nations, pp. 12-13)
Death of the Western and American Soul
Jesus to Buddha, “….you took God away from them (and) your espousal of an absence of self is the most unique and fearsome claim you made…You turned from Hinduism because it said there was an essential self, which they called the atman.” (The Lotus and the Cross: Jesus Talks with Buddha, Ravi Zacharias, pp.59, 67)
Of all Christian doctrines the most difficult to understand is that of creatio ex nihilo (creation out of nothing). This doctrine is the complete opposite of ancient and modern evolutionary cosmogonies affirming that the universe and even the gods, emerged or evolved out of a pre-existing substance such as primordial matter or the watery chaos, which begs the question of where the substances came from.
The Triune God’s miraculous creation has its’ foundation in the fact that He spoke all things into existence from nothing. Early Church Father Irenaeus comments,
“God, in the exercise of his will and pleasure, formed all things…out of what did not previously exist.”
But if there is no Triune God, then it logically follows that there is no source for life, consciousness, soul, spirit and will, or for human dignity, worth, liberty, and property. Without God the Father unalienable (God-given) rights are meaningless. If man is not God’s spiritual image-bearer, then he is less than nothing, a conclusion Buddha reached long before Jesus Christ walked this earth:
“Six centuries before Jesus Christ, the Buddha already knew that if God does not exist, then the human self cannot exist either……Therefore, he deconstructed the Hindu idea of the soul. When one starts peeling the onion skin of one’s psyche, he discovers that there is no solid core at the center of one’s being. Your sense of self is an illusion. Reality is nonself (anatman). You don’t exist. Liberation, the Buddha taught, is realizing the unreality of your existence.” (The Book That Made Your World: How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization, Vishal Mangalwadi, p. 6)
Teaching Monstrous Lies About God
The great Oriental scholar Max Muller observed that monotheism preceded the polytheism and monism of the Veda. It was Buddha who took the God of monotheism away. Buddha craved God-like power to reinterpret the order of being— to deconstruct and reinterpret the soul. Taking power not only requires the murder of God but the teaching of lies.
Telling lies is wrong. But telling lies about God is a monstrous crime with eternal consequences.
Centuries later, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Darwin, Freud, and Nietzsche, among others, followed in Buddha’s footsteps. God was taken away, man’s soul deconstructed and lies taught as truth. Eric Voegelin comments:
“….the order of being (was) obliterated (and reinterpreted) as essentially under man’s control.” Taking control “requires the decapitation of being — the murder of God.” (Eric Voegelin, “Science, Politics and Gnosticism,” p. xv)
In place of man as God’s spiritual image-bearer, the New Man was beast-man, qualitatively no different from a rat, pig, or ape.
Nihilism, or non-belief in one’s own soul, is the logical assumption if the transcendent God does not exist. Nihilism is spiritual, moral, and intellectual suicide, yet for the last two hundred years, Enlightenment atheist humanists—-rationalists, materialists, positivists and their modern naturalist counterparts such as occult New Agers and Trans-humanists—-have been moving the West and America closer and closer to Buddha’s denial of the soul.
Beginning with Kant, soul was separated from body. Man was a machine. Soul hovered somewhere in the vicinity. This did not go far enough for Enlightenment nature philosophers however. Lester Crocker explains:
“There existed in the eighteenth century a widespread desire to equate the moral with the physical world…” What was desired above all was “total integration of man in nature, with refusal of any transcendence, even though it was admitted that (being God’s image-bearer) gave him certain special abilities and ways of thinking. The important thing, as La Mettrie, d’Holbach and others made clear, is that he is submitted to the same laws; everything is response to need—mechanically… like a tree or a machine. Man merely carries out natural forces—without any freedom whatsoever—in all he does, whether he loves or hates, helps or hurts, gives life or takes it.” (Monsters from the Id, E. Michael Jones, pp. 5, 7)
Nietzsche declared the death of the Triune God and reinterpreted soul as an aspect of body, but it was Marxist materialists who attempted to scientifically re-engineer human beings after the fashion of Buddha’s programmatic nihilism said Mangalwadi.
After seizing control of Russia, they utilized mind-conditioning techniques such as propaganda and re-education with emphasis on Darwinism as well as mind-altering drugs, electro-shock therapy, terror and other brutal measures to,
“…liquidate all expressions of individual identity in favor of an impersonal collective, communal consciousness.” (The Book that Made Your World, p. 74)
With B.F. Skinners’ behaviorism there is neither God nor soul. Human beings are chemicals turned into psychochemical machines determined by environment, chemistry, chance, and cultural conditioning.
With Richard Dawkins nihilism, metaphysical “thinking” memes plant thoughts in the grey matter of psychochemical organisms that are fatalistically determined by DNA.
Cognitive scientist Daniel Dennett, one of the Four Horsemen of Atheism, claims there really is no you, that soul, spirit and will are illusions caused by chemical interactions in the brain while his partner in nihilism, naturalist Tom Wolfe proclaims,
“Sorry, but your soul just died.” (The Spiritual Brain: A Neuroscientist’s Case for the Existence of the Soul, Beauregard and O’Leary, p. 4)
After World War II reaction set in against the eclipse of the unseen dimension by materialist and positivist simplifiers. Seeing the writing on the wall, Mortimer J. Adler, the guiding hand behind The Encyclopedia Britannica predicted that belief in the unseen dimension would soon be considered orthodox science. (The Seduction of Christianity, Hunt and McMahon, p. 107)
Sure enough, scientism, evolution, theosophy, spiritism, Vedanta monism and shamanism mingled, giving rise to occult science. Whereas the metaphysical program of materialist scientism outwardly denies anything nonphysical and supposedly confines itself to physical laws, occult scientism deals with spiritual laws and metaphysical forces believed to govern the physical. Building off of Darwin’s materialist theory of evolution, Teilhard’s spiritual theory teaches that after millions of years of evolution an impersonal god has emerged from matter. Whereas Christianity had de-divinized nature, Teilhard’s theory trumpets its’ re-divinization. The stage was set for the return of the gods and goddesses.
Buddha’s Nihilism Comes to America
In no Western thinker has Buddha’s nihilist doctrine been more clearly expressed than in Nietzsche’s ecstatic utterance, “God is dead.” God is dead in the hearts of modern Westerners:
“…and it is as true of the atheists and Satanists who rejoice in the fact, as it is of the unsophisticated multitudes….Man has lost faith in God and in the Divine Truth that once sustained him; the apostasy to worldliness that has characterized the modern age since its beginning becomes, in Nietzsche, conscious of itself and finds words to express itself. God is dead…” (Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age, Eugene Rose, p. 60)
Prior to the turn of the century, God was already dead in the hearts of America’s ‘elite’ progressives, and upon the arrival of Swami Vivekananda at the Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893 the ‘elites’ eagerly embraced him:
“He was immediately lionized by high society in Boston and New York. Philosophers at Harvard were mightily impressed. Many wealthy high society types and intellectuals reverted to the Buddhist idea that self is an illusion. They constituted a ‘… hard core of disciples who supported him and his grandiose dream: the evangelizing of the Western world by….Vedantic (monistic) Hinduism.” (Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future, Fr. Seraphim Rose, p. 21)
Vedanta Societies were established in America and Europe for the purpose of injecting Vedantic ideas into the bloodstream of the West and America. Among those who helped disseminate Vedanta monism were Aldous Huxley, Christopher Isherwood, Somerset Maugham, and Teilhard de Chardin.
The Sixties witnessed a whole series of Indian gurus make their mark on the student generation. Popular culture was introduced to any number of nature- beliefs, from Vedanta monism, Zen Buddhism, pantheism, panentheism, reincarnation and karma to belief in a vague immanent ‘force,’ World Soul, Gaia (Mother Earth) and Teilhard de Chardin’s Omega Point:
“…..de Chardin believed that humanity could achieve a form of Godhood or a high level of spirituality called the Omega Point. This was an evolutionary process that everyone could attain through discipline and dedication to the path of enlightenment.” (Reflections of the Omega Point, Frank Tipler, )
The exciting new spirituality discouraged belief in the Biblical God and promised followers that by dedication to the path of enlightenment they would attain godhood through the merging of their souls with the cosmic universe. Through guided imagery, Tantric sex, kundalini yoga, hypnosis, possibility-thinking, dream-work, past-life regression, mind-altering drugs, rhythmic music, and spiritistic practices such as channeling, initiates could be raised to new levels of consciousness, develop psychic powers, release their souls from their bodies through astral projection and merge their consciousness with the void.
In his article, “Confronting Neo-Paganism in the Culture and the Church” Dr. Peter Jones reports that many of the architects of the new spirituality,
“…. such as Aldous Huxley, Joseph Campbell, and Huston Smith were converts of Vedanta …..Contemporary architects… call themselves ‘Cultural Creative’s,’ ‘Progressives,’ ‘Evolutionaries,’ ‘Integral Spiritualists,’ ‘Interspiritualists’ or ‘Transtraditional Spiritualists.’ It is doubtless true to say that the key New Age leaders and their present disciples all claim some form of Vedantic enlightenment.” (truthexchange, Apr. 12, 2011)
It is already the case that for increasing numbers of contemporary believers the death of God has made it impossible for them to affirm the existence of the human self thus they actively seek the annihilation of their souls through drugs, Tantric sex, yoga, and meditation. As with Buddha and contemporary Hindu gurus some initiates are trying to merge their individual consciousness with the void.
Perverted Christianity
Jesus to Buddha: “Wherever the worship of the living God has been perverted, it has always been the result of a departure from my Word….when my people cast aside the Word, the absolute is lost. Pollution in worship is the result.” (The Lotus and the Cross, pp. 74, 77)
Perpetuating the lies of his predecessors, spiritual evolutionist and Vedanta prophet Ken Wilber, a Mahayana Buddhist from a Christian background, teaches “integral spirituality.” A popular author whose teachings have been avidly studied by world leaders, politicians (i.e. Bill Clinton and Al Gore), scholars, writers, artists, musicians, spiritual teachers and pop culture icons, Wilber combines evolution with the world’s nature religions, morals, and Eastern and Western philosophy so as to establish a universal spirituality.
A panentheist, Wilber imagines that the entire universe is God evolving from matter through billions of years toward de Chardin’s ‘Omega Point.’ Having evolved from primordial soup beast-man now evolves toward total god-consciousness, and in this way, the imaginary god is in process of becoming while evolution becomes conscious of itself.
A form of Christianized-Vedanta monism is already here, said Dr. Peter Jones:
“Evolutionary Christianity” is producing the longed-for and much-prophesied synthesis, namely, the union of science and spirituality…. Evolutionary Christianity is a variant of Wilber’s ‘Theory of Everything’, a worldview of (Vedanta monism) that claims to explain everything through the notion of human evolution into a non-dual divine. Michael Dowd, the ex-Evangelical now evangelist for evolution (agrees) with Bishop’s Spong’s post-theistic Christianity (and) declares supernatural other-worldly religion will die out for a post-metaphysical natural religion.”
Jones adds that Evolutionary Christianity is an online gathering place for:
“….evangelical theistic evolutionists, ‘progressive’ Emergent Christian leaders, radical post-theistic Christian liberals, Christian non-dual mystics, pro-homosexual ministers, radical religious feminists, and recognized evolutionary scientists. Some are deeply influenced by Pierre Teillard de Chardin, and pagan “geologians” such as Thomas Berry and Brian Swimme.”
Emergent Church Pastor Rob Bell for example, enthusiastically endorses Ken Wilber and claims to be reinventing Christianity as an Eastern religion while evangelical leader Leonard Sweet uses quantum physics to ‘scientifically’ prove that God is ‘in’ everything. Not surprisingly, Sweet cites Teilhard de Chardin as “20thcentury Christianity’s major voice.” (Normalizing Necromancy: Tempting the Church to Talk with the Dead, Worldview Weekend, 1/23/12)
Nihilism underlies all permutations of the ‘new’ spirituality, whether Evolutionary Christianity, Hinduism, Gnosticism, Mythology, Jungian Depth Psychology, the Perennial Philosophy, Interfaith, Trans-humanism, Wicca, Scientology, Goddess worship, or the spiritual ‘gay’ agenda, for there is no form of the new spirituality that is not naturalistic. All are equally God-less; none have a source for life, consciousness, and soul, hence all are merely different expressions of nihilism.
Welcome to the Theater of the Absurd
For over two hundred years, nihilist philosophies have been working their way through our culture, embedding themselves, often unconsciously, within our psyches. This means that not only is the way we see ourselves and America colored by nihilism, but to the degree that our minds have been polluted are we immobilized by apathy, the spiritual emptiness that says in reaction to our peculiarly twisted, degraded culture, “Why bother?’
The strangely twisted atmosphere of our age is the “death of God” made tangible and it is Nietzsche who describes our meaningless, disordered, ugly, atonal, brutal, upside-down climate of nothingness:
“We have killed him (God), you and I! …But how have we done it? How were we able to drink up the sea? Who gave us the sponge to wipe away the whole horizon? What did we do when we loosened this earth from its sun? Whither does it now move? Whither do we move? …Do we not dash on unceasingly? Backwards, sideways, forwards, in all directions? Is there still an above and below? Do we not stray…through infinite nothingness? Does not empty space breathe upon us? …Does not night come on continually, darker and darker?” (Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age, Eugene Rose, p. 108)
Such is the theater of the absurd in which there is neither up nor down, male nor female, right nor wrong, true nor false, normal nor abnormal because the living God is dead, and while America and the West drift aimlessly in “infinite nothingness” nihilism progressively dissolves the foundation of soul, mind, worth, morality, family, and individual liberty.
America and the West are swirling ever downward in a spiraling vortex issuing into a void of outer darkness…..hell.
Choose Life that You May Live
As the new spirituality forcefully sweeps over and across America it effects a counter-conversion of souls. This means that in turning away from the Triune God comes the reversal of conversion in which the soul ceases to live from the spirit and begins to live with the life of the body. The disordered passions thereby revived absorb the life of the person who spiritually dies resulting in the natural man of 2 Tim. 3:3. (St. Tikhon, Works II, as quoted in Political Apocalypse: A Study of Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor, Ellis Sandoz, p. 120)
“….. I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life…” Deuteronomy 30:19-20
The Second Person of the Holy Trinity, the Word become Flesh, Jesus Christ the Physician came to heal the spiritually sick. But whoever rejects the Physician and his own soul, whether through indifference or outright denial, rejects His prescription, hence destroys him or herself.
Destruction however, does not mean annihilation of the soul. The soul though immortal, said St. Augustine, nevertheless suffers a kind of death when the living God forsakes it:
“…in that penal and everlasting punishment….the soul is…said to die because it does not live in connection with God (meaning that) though man does not cease to feel, yet because this feeling is neither sweet… nor wholesome (but) painfully penal, it is (called) death rather than life.” (St. Augustine’s City of God, Chapter 2, Of that Death Which Can Affect an Immortal Soul, and of that to Which the Body is Subject)
Linda Kimball writes on culture, politics, and worldview. Her articles are published nationally and internationally. Linda can be reached at:
Linda Kimball is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice
A Poison Cake
January 16, 2012 by Administrator · Leave a Comment
[Book Review by Israel Shamir of Melanie Phillips’ The World Turned Upside Down]
British columnist Melanie Phillips has discovered Captain Hook’s and used it to prepare her recent book: it is a tempting green, but it’s dangerous to eat. Many pages can be swallowed with no ill effect, but once the reader has succumbed to Phillips’ message of spiritual comfort, the sheer poison of her conclusions sets in. The worst part is that this venom is targeted at our best and brightest, in other words, you and me.
Phillips opposes the things we oppose, and she presents our viewpoints very nicely. She rejects New Age, pagan cults, and Madonna’s “Cabbala”; she dislikes mass immigration and regrets the decline of the Church; she defends Catholics who oppose pro-homosexual schooling and adoption policies. She is against vilifying men in the name of protecting women as in the case of Julian Assange. She has baked us a cake that we can really enjoy; it’s just that the icing has been contaminated with the strychnine of Jewish Supremacy. Remember that this same Melanie Phillips was such an inspiration for the mad Norwegian murderer Breivik, who enthused about her and quoted her at length. It is not the fault of a writer, to be sure, when a fan goes off the deep end. But the poison of Breivik’s obsessive Judeophilia, the very thing that attracted him to Phillips, has been layered into her book. If you must read it, take it carefully, in small bites, as a fish nibbles away the tasty worm from the deadly steel hook.
Phillips starts with a reasonable assumption: people should be allowed to have their own opinions and speak their minds even if their traditional outlooks do not conform to post-modern ideas. As long as Phillips calls for greater tolerance for traditions that run afoul of the new hegemony, we will applaud her. Like any great liberal, she empathises with the sorrowful fates of these new dissidents: people who do not believe in Global Warming or Darwinism, who resist the charms of homosexuality, and the silent majority who still trust in God. She does not say they are right, just that they should not be persecuted.
Phillips deals well with arguments concerning Darwin, the man, and his bastard stepchildren, the modern Darwinists. She points out that Darwinism has become a new religion divorced from reason, whose adepts are as fanatic as they come. “The belief that Creation was false did not derive from Darwinism. Darwinism derived from the belief that Creation is false”. Darwinism is not proven, she reminds us; it is a theory that new evidence seems to disprove. She is no creationist; her heart lies withIntelligent Design (ID), a theory that appeals to many believers and doubters alike. The proponents of ID understand how unlikely it is that advanced forms of life developed on this world by pure happenstance. They employ Sherlock Holmes’ famous dictum and accept the improbable truth of an intelligent designer, whether it be our traditional concept of God or something more fashionable – like an extra-terrestrial. ID reaches across the walls that have divided modernists from the beliefs of their ancestors. Phillips points out that scientists have been sacked and their books refused publication because they had the temerity to support ID, or, increasingly, because they rejected Global Warming.
Phillips explains that Global Warming is not a certain fact but a passing fad of a theory, already disproved by many experiments, but notes that even if it were universally accepted it still would not justify the ferocious onslaught against skeptics. However, while Phillips approves of dissidents and deniers of Evolution and Climate Change, her largesse stops well short of offering the same treatment to Holocaust dissidents and deniers. She is as merciless to Holocaust doubters as Dawkins is to Evolution doubters. Phillips will not defend the scientists who deny that HIV causes AIDS. The people who doubt the official version of 9-11 will find no comfort in this book. Phillips ducks the charge of hypocrisy by labelling these theories “conspiratorial”; she refuses conspiracy “nuts” the indulgent attitude she demands for the causes she prefers. And yet Melanie Phillips is quite a denier in her own right. She denies that Bush and Blair once justified the Iraq war by invoking Saddam Hussein’s WMD (though we all remember it); she denies that Israel murdered Muhammad al Durra (though we all saw it); finally, she even denies the very existence of the Israel Lobby in the US (though we all feel its presence). For her, Walt and Mearsheimer’s sober book is nothing more than a “modern version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion”.
In the false dichotomy between science and faith, Phillips maintains that faith is conducive to science. “The universe is orderly”, she quotes, for it was created by God, and therefore it can be explored and its laws summarised. Excellent, we say! She has found a bedrock Logos, a definitive principle that we can apply in every circumstance. Not quite: Jewish particularism is still the tiresome exception to the rule. “It is not religion in general but the Hebrew [sic!] Bible in particular that gave rise to Western science”. She raises science up to God, and then hands it over to the Hebrews, essentially privatising the Holy Book. Why does she single out the Hebrew Tanakh? Why not the Greek Septuagint, or the LatinVulgata? Why not the entire King James Version? Because, explains Phillips, there is a perfect marriage of religion and reason in Judaism. She is apparently completely unaware that the Jews had no idea of science before it came to them through their host nations. Likewise, Jewish ideological and theological advances were as a rule borrowed from their Christian and Muslim neighbours, whether we speak of the rationalist Maimonides or the mystical Cabbalists. In the 15th century, Jewish scientist Abraham Zacuto described how the Jews had picked up their scientific knowledge from the Gentiles. Phillips is too quick to trade history for ideology.
Phillips then confronts the current situation in England. She does not like what she sees: the subversion of the Church of England, the mass immigrations, the drop in educational standards, the unravelling of culture, the waves of divorces and abortions. Who is going to disagree with that? England is certainly in dire straits. Neoliberal policies have undermined the toughest folk on earth: the hard-working, prudent, obedient, stiff-lipped and red-faced Brits; the people who once managed India, once burned down the White House and once stood up to Hitler’s fury. The British backbone, the Yorkshire miners and Sheffield steel workers, has been broken by their Golders Green grocer-at-large, a.k.a. the Iron Lady. Thatcher shuttered UK industries and turned the Isles into a Tortuga-like pirate’s paradise, a place for financiers to relax, unwind and plan their raids. England has become home base to al Fayed and Abramovich and to the millions of immigrants imported to service them.
England has become the most godless society in the world. Buses emblazoned with There’s probably no God cruise London. In the Globe theatre, medieval British plays are still staged (The Mysteries, purported to be a revival of Tony Harrison’s 1977 production) but eerily different: today’s versions are overtly anti-Christian. The Holy Virgin is now represented as a young coloured tart in a short dress. Instead of the Jewish high priest and his coterie, the antagonists are now Christian priests in full dress. Not a single voice of protest has sounded in England. But you can be sure that if director Deborah Bruce had left the rabbis in their traditional places, we’d never have heard the end of it.
For me, it’s a sign of the total victory of the Jewish spirit, a spirit that was extolled by Milton Friedman and rejected by Karl Marx: the spirit of financial capitalism. The Jews have won all their battles: they promoted immigration, supported Thatcher, stood next to Friedman, denied Christ and dismantled the welfare state. The results for the vast majority were awful, as they are every time Jews win. But Melanie Phillips prefers to not assign blame. For her, these common observations are nothing more than ad hominem attacks against Jewry: “The precepts of Judaism, the Hebrew Bible and the Jewish people are the underlying target in the uproar over social, cultural and moral issues, manmade global warming, Darwinism, the Iraq War, and of course Israel”. Her chutzpah does not stop there; she claims that the “bedrock values of Western civilisation rest upon and are deeply intertwined with the teachings and fate of the Jewish people”.
Any little bird will see a tsunami as a personal disaster while dismissing destroyed cities as collateral damage. This is how Phillips sees the world: “Although in the war between materialism and religion the frontline casualty has been Christianity, the real target has been the faith of the Hebrew Bible”. This incredibly myopic statement lays bare her essential philosophy. Phillips is morbidly Judeocentric and narcissistic, both prominent Jewish qualities. If tomorrow’s headline in the Times screams “NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST: TWO BILLION PEOPLE KILLED”, she would fire off a quick letter to the editor objecting to the use of the H-word, for “how can you compare!”
For her, the Jews are always right. If they have a fault, it is that they are too kind, too good and too eager to please. While Phillips makes it clear that Jews are suffering along with the rest of us, she does not seem to understand that many of these Jews actively (and publicly) worked to bring the UK and the US to ruin. Why did they do it? They did it because they did not understand that they would also suffer as society unravels. They thought, as in the Jewish joke, everywhere will be Saturday but the rabbis will remain in a perennial Friday. A came out on top; the rest pay the price for their vocal support of their brethren.
Phillips dedicates a few chapters to the Middle East. She adores the Jewish state, hates Palestinians and Muslims in general. She quotes the same sources Breivik did in his Manifesto and comes to his same conclusions. If you have read Frontline Magazine, you are familiar with this kind of screed. When Phillips opposes modern materialism you might take her for a nice churchy lady from the Home Counties, but when she touches on Islam and Jews she turns into a screaming fury.
Her hatred of Palestinians (why can’t they just go away?) helps us understand her vision of Christianity. Philips is not against Christianity per se (or she would write for a different audience); she imagines for us a thoroughly Judaised, subdued Christianity-for-Goyim, a lower-tier entry-level faith for non-Jews. Adherents of Melanie Phillips’ Christianity-Lite will daily ask the Lord that He permit them to better serve the Jews. She denies Replacement Theology (Supersessionism), even though this is at the root of Christian dogma. She is shocked that Christians consider themselves to be the True Israel. What about the Jews, she shrills. Educated Christians understand that modern-day Jews have no valid claim on the title Israel (the Chosen People of God); they are false pretenders. The title belongs now and forever to the Christian Church [for more, see ].
The most striking thing in Melanie Phillips’ book is her obsession with the extended Jewish Nation: for her, the absolute centrality of the Jews in this world is a given. She exactly mirrors the atheist (though still Jew-obsessed) thinkers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries that wanted to reform the Jews. Neither seem to understand that for Christians, there is no Jewish Question that needs to be solved, nor should we put them on a pedestal. For us, Jews are not central. They are a powerful faction that generally supports society’s anti-Christian tendencies, without being its centre. Phillips proves beyond a doubt that when Jews start cooking with Christianity, the result is pure poison.
A native of Novosibirsk, Siberia, a grandson of a professor of mathematics and a descendant of a Rabbi from Tiberias, Palestine, he studied at the prestigious School of the Academy of Sciences, and read Math and Law at Novosibirsk University. In 1969, he moved to Israel, served as paratrooper in the army and fought in the 1973 war.
After his military service he resumed his study of Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, but abandoned the legal profession in pursuit of a career as a journalist and writer. He got his first taste of journalism with Israel Radio, and later went freelance. His varied assignments included covering Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia in the last stages of the war in South East Asia.
In 1975, Shamir joined the BBC and moved to London. In 1977-79 he wrote for the Israeli daily Maariv and other papers from Japan. While in Tokyo, he wrote Travels with My Son, his first book, and translated a number of Japanese classics.
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Israel Shamir is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice
Calling Evil By Its Name
April 9, 2011 by Administrator · 1 Comment
In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, James Taranto describes the growing bloodlust of the progressive left:
” America’s liberal left is preoccupied with salacious fantasies of political violence. These take two forms: dreams of leftist insurrection, and nightmares of reactionary bloodshed.”
Taranto goes on to report that a sympathetic mainstream media suppresses and/or whitewashes the former type of fantasy while treating the latter as if it reflects reality. (The Politics of Bloodlust, The Wall Street Journal, Jan. 27, 2011)
There are five things we must understand about the West’s Progressive Liberal “elite” if we are to make sense of their obvious imbecility, depravity and evil fantasies:
First, they are malignant narcissists who worship themselves as gods . As gods they deny their own proclivity for evil. The delusional self-conception they hold of themselves is of faultlessness and/or moral purity as befits gods. In short, Progressive “elites” are haters of God the Father. They are:
“…lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient…ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God…” 2 Tim. 3:2
Second, God the Father Almighty is dead in their hearts….as dead as their love of truth… and as dead as their individual consciences, or nearly so. When these materialized souls speak of a god, it is a dead god—a god of forces. And when they profess themselves to be speakers of truth they lie, for their words have no fixed meaning.
Third, progressivism is neo-pagan monism. Monism is held in common by materialism, pantheism, and spiritualism and dates back to pagan antiquity and was or is taught by all non-biblical thought systems from Buddhism to Epicureanism, Gnosticism and today’s New Age Cosmic Humanism.
Monism teaches that all that exists is “one self-creating, self-sufficient substance” which may be impersonal, unknowing divine spirit or Christ-consciousness (pantheism) or spiritless substance (materialism). Within this framework, all things are merely diverse parts of the one-substance.
Monism’s greatest appeal lies in the fact that it conceptually erases the vast fixed-gulf between the supernatural God the Father Almighty and the natural dimension and man. In other words, Monism imaginatively dissolves the supernatural personal Creator into the natural dimension, thereby bringing heaven to earth and allowing man to divinize himself. Rousas Rushdoony explains:
“… much… is known of the concept of divine kingship, the king as god, and the god as king, as the divine-human link between heaven and earth. The god-king represented man on a higher (evolved, naturally selected) scale, man ascended, and the worship of such a god….was the assertion of the continuity of heaven and earth. It was the belief that all being was one being (materialist-pantheist monism), and the god therefore was an ascended man on that scale of being. The power manifested in the political order was thus a manifestation or apprehension and seizure of divine power (through the conceptual murder of God). It represented the triumph of a man (i.e., Hegel, Marx, Darwin, Freud, Lenin and Hitler) and of his people (i.e., Bolsheviks, Marxists, National Socialists).” (Rise of the Modern Moloch State—Global Spiritual Communism, emphasis added)
Fourth, Progressive “elites” are envy-bitten hypocrites who project their own wickedness onto others, that is, onto scapegoats who they daily crucify…psychologically abuse. The abuse takes many forms:
Character assassination, baseless charges of hate, bigotry, fascism, and insanity. Malignant backbiting, merciless ridicule, and malicious accusations aimed at producing a false sense of guilt that can be manipulated for the empowerment of the envious.
These and other evil tactics have been systematized by the evil as mind-control, brainwashing techniques, and psycho politics and utilized today to manipulate unsuspecting Americans.
Fifth, Progressive “elites” are nihilists. Their souls are materialized (turned inward), thus they are prisoners of their own cosmically-inflated egos, out-of-control envy, lusts, perversions, greed, gluttony, and wrath as well as of afflictions of the mind—paranoia, fear of the void, anxiety dreams, evil fantasies, and peculiar ideas.
Believing in nothing higher than “self,” they therefore know only envy, greed, hatred, vengeance, and violence. Their consciences are depraved and their reason has degenerated into sophistry. They are revolutionaries of the void.
The Evil as Gods
“Pride is the beginning of all sin…for it was (pride) that overthrew the devil, from whom arose the origin of sin, and who, through…envy, overturned (man)…For the serpent, seeking a way to enter…sought the door of pride, when he declared, “You shall be as gods.” That is why it is written, “Pride is the beginning of all sin,” and “The beginning of the pride of man is to fall away from God.” (“On Nature and Grace 29:33,” Augustine)
While most Americans pray to God the Father Almighty Who created all men in His spiritual image, Americas’ Progressive god-men:
“…prays to themselves as saviors of the planet and as shapers of mankind in their own image,” observes Angelo M. Codevilla in his insightful essay, “The Ruling Class: How They Corrupted America and What We Can Do About It.” (p. xix)
As gods, the hypocritical Ruling Class naturally think Americans are completely unfit to run their own lives, yet morality and common sense are anathema to them. Calling our attention to the amorality and hypocrisy of the Ruling Class, Codevilla notes that since any:
“standard of right and wrong (is) beyond the Ruling Class’….self-conception, its greatest concern has been to denigrate the American people’s devotion to God, because the Ruling Class accepts no standard it cannot control.” (ibid, p. xx)
To preserve its’ delusional self-conception as gods, the Ruling Class stealthily replaced God the Father with Darwinism (materialist monism), the Bible with scientism, orthodox priests with pseudo- priests of science such as the babbling sophist Richard Dawkins, and the First Commandment with “Thou shall worship no other God but the Ruling Class.”
The Evil as Sophists
Though the evil view themselves as faultless, in reality their conscience is depraved, and a depraved conscience is the most destructive force in political, social, economic, and cultural life. This is because though the intellect remains intact, reason is warped and peculiarly inverted, thus useless for pursuit of the good, the just and the true. In short, guided by a depraved conscience, reason is used in pursuit of the preservation of self-image at any cost. This is sophistry.
In a penetrating analysis of sophistry, J. Budziszewski observes that the sophists’ view of reality is paradoxical because it ultimately denies reality. Sophists are shock troopers of evil says Budziszewski, and according to their satanically-inverted view of reality:
“Man is the measure of all things, but man has no fixed nature. Man measures all things by his words, but words have no fixed meanings. Language is not an instrument for finding truth, but for changing it. Those who can master it, master all. It is a good creed for rogues, and commends itself to tyrants in every age.” (What We Can’t Not Know, Budziszewski, p. 167)
Evil Sophistry as Religion
Sophistry is the religion of the depraved Ruling Class. Sophistry says autonomous man is a free-thinker, thus the maker of his own truth and morality even though sophistry denies the reality of both truth and morality. It says depraved man can unmake and then remake himself. Thus man is free to divinize himself as in days of old. Males can be females and females can now be males, or they can be androgynous, that is, transgender.
Sophistry’s’ favorite Scripture is “judge not.” The only judgment is the judgment against moral judgment. The only sin is the idea that sin exists. The only truth is the idea that truth does not exist. Evil is the idea that evil exists. The greatest evil of all however, is to dissent against the Ruling Class.
Sophists are braggarts who love to boast of their reason, yet reason is actually escape from reason. By way of unreason, brazenly arrogant sophists claim that God is dead and evolutionary theory is absolutely true, but sophistry says that words have no fixed meaning. There is no truth in sophistry. Therefore, God is not dead but rather evolutionary theory is, for as it must begin with the spontaneous generation of something from nothing, then Darwinism is also nothing. This means that Godless evolutionary theory is as meaningless as spontaneous generation and the much-vaunted reason of sophists.
Sophistry is all the rage in contemporary America, even though it prefers longer, more intellectual sounding names to dupe the gullible. Thus for example, it calls itself postmodernism, epistemological relativism, antifoundationalism, pragmatism, situational ethics, sensitivity training, pluralism, multiculturalism, interfaith, evolutionary humanism, transhumanism, positivism, rationalism, and progressivism.
The Evil , Envy, and Scapegoating
“(Envy) aims, at least in terms of one’s wishes, at destroying others’ good fortune.” (German philosopher Immanuel Kant, cited in “Truths About Socialism,” Coral Ridge Ministries, p.65)
“(Envy is) the great leveler…it is a destroyer—rather than have anyone happier than itself, it will see us all miserable together.” (Dorothy Sayers, ibid, p. 66)
“(Envy is one of the) ‘cold-blooded’ deadly sins….the cruelest of all.’ ‘When I say that Marxism is based on envy, I mean that the glorious revolution of the proletariat…was really a promise to put a final end to all conditions that make for envy.” (Joseph Epstein, former editor of The American Scholar, ibid. p. 66)
The envious always scapegoat the object of their envy, and scapegoating is a predominant characteristic of the evil, says M. Scott Peck in his book, “The People of the Lie.” This is because the evil need victims to sacrifice to their malignant narcissism, which in turn allows them to ignore the humanity of their victims as well. In contemporary America, the chief scapegoats are for example, the Tea Party, orthodox Christians and faithful Jews, Sarah Palin, straight white males, the middle class, and the America of the founding generation, which the Progressive “elite” in company with Islamists, view as an empire of evil.
One facet of evil writes Peck:
“…..is the use of power to destroy the spiritual growth of others for the purpose of defending and preserving the integrity of our own sick selves. In short, it is scapegoating (the evil) sacrifice others to preserve their self-image of perfection.” (pp. 73, 119)
As evil is a parasite on good, then collectively speaking, the Ruling Class is an evil-parasite living off of and cannibalizing the good who are in Codevillas’ words, the Country Class. In the main, the Country Class are, ” Americans (who) pray to the personal Creator who created all men in His spiritual image.”
In order to destroy the vertical spiritual growth of its’ victims, the envious teach children to accept Darwinism because it conceptually erases the image of God from them while simultaneously reducing them to soulless bodies. In this way, their spiritual growth…and salvation.. are aborted.
Another means to the same end is through demoralizing and perverting Americas’ youth by way of sex-education, an evil tactic brought into America by the malignant Frankfurt School at the invitation of John Dewey, father of progressive education aka the dumbing-down of Americans.
For adults in the workforce and military there is sensitivity training. Its’ purpose says Budziszewski is to desensitize us to abomination. Through sensitivity training we are, “touched by abomination. But nothing happened. We were touched again. Again nothing happened. By the five-hundredth touch, we stopped flinching (for we had become) the sort of people who endured the abominable touch.” (What We Can’t Not Know, p. 173)
Murder by Envy
In the long bloody history of scapegoating, the first stage of the assault has always been psychological, or murder of spirit. With acquisition of total power, as when Marxist Communists seized control of Russia, the last stage is always physical murder. Scapegoats are physically crucified in a bid to “put a final end to all conditions that make for envy.” Marxist Communists physically crucified 60,000,000 men, women, and children.
Ominously, the evil here in the West have already managed to pass hate crime laws against their scapegoated victims.
Item: For a catalogue of evil subversion tactics, including Laventi Beria’s’ “How to Degrade the West,” click here: http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/viewSubCategory.asp?id=524
The Evil as Liars
” (A) reaction that the evil frequently engender in us is confusion. Describing an encounter with an evil person, one woman wrote, it was ‘as if I’d suddenly lost my ability to think’….This reaction is quite appropriate,” observes M. Scott Peck. “Lies confuse. The evil are ‘the people of the lie,’ deceiving others as they also build layer upon layer of self-deception….one of the characteristics of evil is its desire to confuse.” (People of the Lie, p. 179)
In contemporary America, the evil have a virtual choke-hold on the levers of power and influence within academia, certain corporations, the media, entertainment, arts, music, Hollywood, the Supreme Court, lower courts, seminaries, and Congress, for example.
The Ruling Class are scientists, professors, politicians, jurists, journalists, screen writers, musicians, and church leaders. As a result, confusion, apostasy, anger, finger-pointing, demonization of scapegoats, lawlessness, hedonism, apologetics for evil, and a growing bloodlust now describe post-Christian American society.
Evils’ Pretense of Love
Though the evil intensely desire to appear good, their goodness is mere pretense. This too is why they are “the people of the lie,” says M. Scott Peck. The evil are masters of disguise, and because they are it is:
“….seldom possible to pinpoint the maliciousness of evil. The disguise is usually impenetrable. …Naturally since it is chosen to hide its opposite, the pretense chosen by the evil is most commonly the pretense of love.” (ibid, pp. 74, 104, 106)
The Ruling Class’ pretense of love finds expression in a variety of ways, such as concern for trees, spotted owls, and wolves. There’s pseudo-compassion for the civil rights of terrorists, imposers of Sharia, misunderstood cop-killers, pedophiles, pederasts and home-invaders. There are crocodile tears for mass-murderers, social security for illegal’s, and the right of perverts to pervert our children. All of this pseudo-love always comes at the expense of decent, law-abiding Americans and is in fact an exercise of coercive political power fueled by envy and utter contempt.
On behalf of social justice, peace, and brotherhood, the evil hold out the promise that communism and/or socialism is the great shining hope of man, the promised land….a heaven on earth. Yet in a brief moment of truth, the father of the communist manifesto—the Big Liar Karl Marx– confessed:
“Words I teach all mixed up into a devilish muddle. Thus, anyone may think just what he chooses to think.” (Karl Marx in his poem “On Hegel,” cited in “Marx & Satan,” Richard Wurmbrand, p. 21)
Communism is the apotheosis of God-haters translated into enticing economic and political terms.
Evil is Lust for Power
“(Evil is)…the imposition of one’s will upon others by overt or covert coercion….in order to avoid…spiritual growth…Because their willfulness is so extraordinary—and always accompanied by a lust for power—I suspect the evil are more likely than most to politically aggrandize themselves…There is a remarkable power in the manner in which they attempt to control others.” (People of the Lie, p. 78)
When the U.S. Supreme Court declared that,
“At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of life,” it was both imposing its’ depraved will on the American people and expressing the sophist charter, notes Budziszewski. (What We Can’t Not Know, p. 168)
In other words, the U.S. Supreme Court in effect legalized the Original Lie.
The Evil Hate the Light
To a greater or lesser degree, all mentally healthy people submit their will to the demands of their own conscience. They seek what is true, real, and good rather than what they wish was true. Not so the evil. The evil absolutely refuse to submit their will to the demands of their own conscience. They choose instead to live in a dark fantasy world where terrible-willed “self” reigns supreme, hence they hate the Light of Truth:
“The evil hate the light—the light of goodness that shows them up, the light of scrutiny that exposes them, the light of truth that penetrates their deception.” (People of the Lie, p. 179)
The evil absolutely refuse to tolerate the sense of their own sinfulness, says Peck. Yet it is precisely our sense of personal sin that keeps our sin from getting out of hand:
“It is quite painful at times, but it is a very great blessing because it is our one and only safeguard against our own proclivity for evil.” (ibid, pp. 71-72)
The sins of the Ruling Class know no bounds, thus through psychological abuse, sophistry, and scapegoating, they are victimizing all decent, law-abiding Americans, causing them to be fearful of speaking truth to lies and exercising moral judgment lest they be ridiculed and accused of sin. As a result, the Light of Truth has been all but overcome by darkness. In spiritually dark America, psychologically abused Americans tunnel through dank mire like moles, always seeking but never finding, for they can no longer see the Light of Truth.
An ancient malign will energizes Progressive “god-men,” and through them great suffering and evil has been done to Americans and America. The evil have compassed us about with lies, confusion, and treachery. They have rewarded our good with evil. They have sacrificed our well-being to enact their narcissistic fantasies. In short, the evil have created a sick, twisted society that mirrors their own sick, twisted selves. And because they cannot stand the sight of their distorted mirror image (American society) they are giving America away, bit by bit, to the U.N.
Calling Evil By Its’ Name
“They hate me without a cause….they that would destroy me, are mine enemies falsely, (and being powerful)…. I restored that which I took not.” Psalm 69:4
In other words, the envious projected their own badness, that is their sins, onto the intended victim, the innocent man. Then they crucified him for possessing what they coveted. Having found him guilty of their own wickedness, the evil seized his goods and redistributed them to others…for the “common good” of course.
To come to terms with evil is perhaps one of the most painful and difficult tasks a human being can face, said Peck. Most fail and remain its’ victims. But those who succeed in developing the necessary searing spiritual discernment are those who can call evil by its’ name.
This requires that Americans “wake up” and “discern” that the evil have been projecting their own badness onto them (the scapegoats). The evil have also elevated sophistry to the level of truth, but there is no truth in it. All of this being the case, in contemporary satanically-inverted America the envious have made it a sin to worship God the Father. It is a sin to be a straight white male and a sin to refuse to be touched by abomination. It is a sin to defend your own home and to want to keep your own earnings. It is a sin to defend standards of decency, the life of the unborn, one-man/one-woman marriage, Americas’ borders, and the right to self-defense.
In short, everything good, true, right, straight, life-affirming and decent is now evil while everything depraved, unjust, bent, false, malignant and death-dealing is good. To defend the former is to be guilty of sin while to defend the latter is to be morally-pure.
No matter how difficult and painful we find the task, we must nevertheless develop the searing vision that will allow us to throw off the onerous burden of false-guilt laid upon us by evil scapegoaters. The evil must be made to bear personal responsibility for their own badness…including the sin of scapegoating.
If we fail in these tasks, then devilishly-hot needles of false-guilt will force us to both continue treating sophistry and evil fantasies as though they reflect political and cultural reality and to masochistically submit ourselves and our children to evils’ unrelenting hate, spite, malice, and abuse.
Though just a “little person” of no consequence in the eyes of the evil, Samwise Gamgee nevertheless possessed the courage and searing vision required to call evil by its’ name. Speaking of Gollum, he said:
“There’s not but lies in him, Mr. Frodo. It’s the ring (power) he wants.” (Lord of the Rings)
If we are to prevail against evil, we must be as Samwise, and not fear to call evil by its’ name.
Related Essays:
Cultural Marxism
Rise of the Modern Moloch State: Global Spiritual Communism
The Original Lie: Basis of America’s Ruling Class Barbarians
The Unrestrained Depravity of Man: Totalitarianism in a Nutshell
Darwinism: Devilish Gnostic Myth Dressed Up As Science
Linda Kimball writes on culture, politics, and worldview. Her articles are published nationally and internationally. Linda can be reached at:
Linda Kimball is a regular columnist for Novakeo.com
Rise of the Modern Moloch State
February 19, 2011 by Administrator · Leave a Comment
Global Spiritual Communism…
From the time of this nation’s founding on through to the current era, the majority of Americans saw God as the Ultimate Authority, the Bible as their ultimate guidebook, and the Old and New Testament moral law as their highest principles.
In a commentary entitled, “Conservatives Begin to See the Light,” Joseph Farah describes the ultimate principle—the ground of being– on which our nation was founded:
“That we are created in the image of God and are accountable to Him. Without that recognition, we are virtually incapable of self-government, which requires us to be able to distinguish right from wrong, as defined by God. God has created certain institutions for His purposes and for our benefit. Among these is marriage, the family and government. But any government that exceeds its limited authority or attempts to usurp the authority of God is unworthy of its power. Real conservatives believe in the tenets of the Declaration of Independence which explains that our rights descend from God—and that they come with responsibility as well.” (source: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=263177)
In other words, God the Father created all things Ex Nihilo (special creation). He is God, fallen man is not God. He is the Ultimate Authority, fallible power-hungry man is not. God is the Author of unchanging Universal Moral Law, corruptible man is not. He created two sexes, male and female. He did not create “gays,” lesbians, and transsexuals anymore than He created narcissists, braggarts, adulterers, liars, thieves, murderers and usurpers of His throne. Ultimately, all of these compulsions and vices are the out-workings of fallen man’s perennial abuse of free will.
Because the transcendent, personal Creator is the ground of being of all men, in other words of man’s mind (i.e., conscience and ability to reason) and soul, He is therefore the ground of being of our unalienable rights. Unalienable means, “from God, not from man.” For instance, we are guaranteed freedom of conscience because all men do in fact have a conscience.
In short, the ground of being and/or the ultimate overarching principle on which America’s Constitutional Republic is founded is, “In the beginning God created…” It is not imaginary spontaneous generation of something from nothing in tandem with godless evolutionary conceptions as scientistic materialist-monists, atheists in general, occult New Age pantheist-monists and even some misguided Christians maintain.
Together, belief in the Biblical Creator and Christianity is the “glue” that has held America together—authoritatively, morally, nationally, culturally, and economically– since this nation’s founding.
Throughout history, no society–especially the most advanced—has existed without belief in the true God or gods. And where the people have lost faith in or otherwise willfully rejected their deity, the fate of that society has been death, generally at the hands of invading conquerors.
We cannot understand what has gone so terribly wrong in America until we see its’ social dissolution in this light, for by and large, contemporary Americans have turned their backs on God the Father.
In the hearts of such people, God is dead. As a result, without the Divine “glue” to hold us together as a people, a culture, and a nation, America is coming undone.
America’s downward-spiraling social disintegration is clearly seen by the fact that increasing numbers of Americans are doing whatever they want to do so long as they can get away with it. Pathological lying has swept “honesty-is-the-best-policy” under the rug, lawlessness has all but overcome the Rule of Law, while amorality and sexual anarchy enforced by tolerance are today’s “new” commandments. In this climate of mindless license, cosmically-inflated egoism, covetousness, and hedonism, the Constitution has been transformed into a magic lantern. When rubbed just so the evil genie grants the “rights” and “privileges” desired by covetous, power-hungry, hedonistic narcissists. Hence this latest outrage:
“Lawmakers in the state of California are proposing a law that would require schools to portray lesbians, homosexuals, transsexuals and those who have chosen other alternative sexual lifestyles as positive role models to children in all public schools there.” http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=262485#ixzz1DoqwYh00
Social Disintegration
Sociologist Robert Nisbet defines social disintegration:
“…social disintegration is really nothing more than the spectacle of a rising number of individuals playing fast and loose with other individuals in relationships of trust and responsibility.” (Whistleblower, America’s Gay Obsession, pp. 18, 38, 39)
In other words, in an amoral hedonistic society such as America has become, we can no longer trust the people we need to trust. And now, as the “gay” newspaper, the Washington Blade triumphantly reports, high-profile conservatives:
“have taken the leadership role in achieving marriage equality.” (ibid)
From Elizabeth Hasselbeck to solicitor general Ted Olsen, high profile conservatives are jumping onto the “gay” war-wagon. S.E. Cupp, a young conservative Daily Caller columnist and frequent Fox News pundit goes so far as to say,
“Conservatism and gay rights are actually natural allies…” (ibid)
However, support for sexual anarchy is Libertarianism, observed Kevin McCullough. In his article, “Disrespectful Libertarians Hijack CPAC Poll—and Its Mission,” he says true Conservatives are not the same thing as Libertarians:
“The truth is libertarians are the worst form of political affiliation in the nation. Combining the desire of economic greed, with the amoral desire to promote any behavior regardless of its cost to our culture is a stark departure from the intent of the Founding Fathers.” ” It is the libertarian in attendance that produced the free pornographic calendar passed out to attendees in 2010. It is the libertarians in attendance who openly promote the inclusion of groups like GOProud, largely as an attempt to silence groups who would speak in strong support of traditional moral values. It is the libertarian in attendance who slandered President George Bush, by claiming his appreciation for the Constitution was best summed up as a “damn piece of paper.” It is the libertarian in attendance that proclaimed the war to prevent terrorists from regathering strength and coming after our homeland as “illegal.” And it is the libertarian in attendance that eschewed, booed, cajoled and screamed “war criminal” to Vice President Dick Cheney, a man who served his country with commitment and still attempts to help the world understand the threat of the radical Islamic element devising plans to eliminate us and our allies.” (http://www.patriotactionnetwork.com/forum/topic/show?id=2600775:Topic:3207785&xgs=1&xg_source=msg_share_topic)
Satanic Black Wing Over America
Speaking through his character the Madman, the dark prophet Nietzsche announced the “death of God.” Dubbing himself the Antichrist, Nietzsche proclaimed:
“The greatest recent event—that ‘God is dead,’ that the belief in the Christian God has ceased to be believable—is even now beginning to cast its first shadows over Europe; however, few really understood ” what has really happened here, “and what must collapse now that this belief has been undermined—all that was built upon it, leaned on it, grew into it; for example, our whole European morality.” (False Dawn, Lee Penn, p. 433)
Like a vast ebon wing, the “death of God” overshadows America with an impenetrable shroud of practical atheism, irrational hostility and outright hatred toward Christians, Christian symbols, traditions, and holidays, as well as the America of the Founders, for in the words of Nietzsche, all of this “must collapse now that this belief has been undermined.” Wittingly or unwittingly, high profile conservatives are aiding and abetting the collapse of America.
By rejecting God, increasing numbers of Americans have themselves become in essence, little gods. In practical terms, this means that America is no longer a monotheistic society but a polytheistic one in much the same way that India is with its’ millions of gods and goddesses. And each little god and his cult followers (special rights groups) demand their “rights” according to what they most covet. Will-to-power, or might-makes-right has become the way of life here.
In this light, Obama is but a little god-man who has managed to crawl atop the writhing anthill comprised of untold numbers of other god-men, goddesses and their respective cults. From atop the anthill, the victorious Obama and other like-minded god-men force their will and way upon the rest. Likewise, gods and goddesses whose wicked fantasy is a sexually-perverted “anything goes” utopia are forcing their abominable lusts upon the rest of us simply because they too can get away with doing so.
America will eventually collapse, and out of its ashes will arise a global Moloch state.
Revival of the Moloch State
“While relatively little is known of Moloch, much more is known of the concept of divine kingship, the king as god, and the god as king, as the divine-human link between heaven and earth. The god-king represented man on a higher (evolved, naturally selected) scale, man ascended, and the worship of such a god, i.e., of such a Baal, was the assertion of the continuity of heaven and earth. It was the belief that all being was one being (materialist-pantheist monism), and the god therefore was an ascended man on that scale of being. The power manifested in the political order was thus a manifestation or apprehension and seizure of divine power (through the conceptual murder of God). It represented the triumph of a man (i.e., Hegel, Marx, Darwin, Freud, Lenin and Hitler) and of his people (i.e., Bolsheviks, Marxists and National Socialists). Moloch worship was thus a political religion (i.e., Marxism, Progressivism, Fascism, occult New Age)….Moloch worship was thus state worship. The state was the true and ultimate order, and religion was a department of the state. The state claimed total jurisdiction over man (necessitating mind-control, re-education, concentration camps, brainwashing); it was therefore entitled to total sacrifice.” (Rousas Rushdoony cited in “The Antichrist,” by Vincent P. Miceli, S.J., pp. 246, 247; emphasis added)
When the true God is banished from man’s society, into the resulting vacuum rush new gods, peculiar ideas, the dehumanization of mankind, strange practices and staggering cruelty.
Having accepted their own godhood, countless numbers of contemporary Americans are now rushing headlong into the occult, that is, Wicca, Satanism, goddess worship, transcendental meditation, channeling, and ghost-hunting for example. These spiritist activities bring about a revival of the politics of ancient paganism. This means the development of a divine totalitarian state based on a Hermetic-theology of “as above, so below,” that is, on the denial of the Creator-creature distinction.
“Ye can be as God…”
“The Moloch state simply represents the supreme effort of man to command the future, to predestine the world, and to be as God. Lesser efforts, divination, spirit-questing, magic and witchcraft are equally anathema to God. All represent efforts to have the future on other than God’s terms, to have a future apart from and in defiance of God. They are assertions that the world is not of God but of brute factuality, and that man can somehow master the world and the future by going directly to the raw materials thereof.” (ibid)
Human Sacrifice
The pagan theocratic state freely took the lives of its children–and adults for that matter–as sacrifices to the god of the state, Moloch for instance: http://www.pantheon.org/articles/m/moloch.html
The Soviet Union was a totalitarian secularized-pagan state. Its so-called “scientific socialism” was grounded in evolutionary materialist-monism. In pursuit of its’ “heaven on earth,” the Soviet State murdered over 60,000,000 men, women, and children.
Fyodor Dostoevsky foresaw the eventual failure of the Soviet Union and predicted that the devilish rebels against God would be forced to turn to the Devil and his minions if they were to finally realize their dream of a global Tower of Babel.
The Green Tower of Babel
Still under construction worldwide but complete in New York City there exists an occult temple complex consisting of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, the Temple of Understanding, the UN and in particular its’ pyramid-shaped meditation room, and Lucis Trust, originally named Lucifer Publishing, repository of the “Ageless Wisdom Teachings,” or revelations from spirits.
Note: Edith Kermit Roosevelt attended the 1962 grand opening of the first Temple of Understanding. Read her eye-opening report here: http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/NewAge/Washington_Cult.htm
Green is the symbolic color of the temple complex. Green is the color of the “new” occult pagan spirituality which describes itself in secular terms as the green-eco movement. Its worldwide utopian project is green spiritual communism. It hails Lucifer as the first free-thinker and liberator of mankind. Its’ deity is Isis, the Goddess of a Thousand Names. As Goddess Earth Mother, she is Gaia. Accompanied by her feminized “gay” priest-shamans, she is Cybele, the androgynous male/female with both beard and breasts. As the Egyptian goddess of witchcraft and magic, Isis has many “feminist” lesbian-witches in her contemporary retinue.
As the modern world increasingly succumbs to the seductive power of occult spirituality, a global totalitarian pagan state is arising. As it is the ultimate counter-tradition, it will demand nothing less than the counter-conversion of every soul, thereby claiming total possession of and jurisdiction over every man—mind, body, and soul— in a state directed by demons, or Transcended Masters as powerful New Age insiders describe them.
Researchers say that somewhere between 100,000,000-200,000,000 men, women, and children were murdered by Communists and Fascists during the 20th century. The Goddess Earth Mother will demand human sacrifice as well.
Fast-Forward to the Past
Long ago, Paul observed that there are only two sources for all religions. He said either man will worship and serve the transcendent, living, all-knowing Creator of creation or he will worship and serve nonliving, irrational creation and its forces.
Demonstrating that there is “nothing new under the sun, what once was will be again,” the “death of God” movement put moderns on a fast-track to the past. In the name of enlightenment, naturalism, free-thought, the “death of God,” progress, scientism, evolution, and autonomous reason, modern men have not moved forward to something new and better, rather they have regressed to revamped versions of the nature-based religions of the pre-Christian past. As a result, the situation of contemporary Christianity will increasingly resemble that of the early Christians of the first century. In his novel, “The Final Conclave” Malachi Martin captures a moment in the cruel history of the Roman persecution of Christians:
“Simon Peter at last sees it all as Jesus saw it all from the beginning. Even then, Simon sees it from a topsy-turvy angle. He and some two thousand other Christians have been tied to crosses stuck upside down on the grassy embankment around the Imperial Gardens on Vatican Hill. They have been daubed with pitch. Tonight they are to be living, screaming, dying torches. Emperor Nero, his lovely concubine Poppaea, and their guests will have light to eat by and sights to joke about. Each Christian will die in the classic sign of Satan—the upside-down cross.” (cited in “Capturing the Pagan Mind, Peter Jones, p. ix)
Related Reading:
Occult Pagan Revival Signals Death of America and the West
The Original Lie: Basis For America’s Ruling Class Barbarians
Darwinism: Devilish Gnostic Myth Dressed Up As Science
Evolutionism: The Dying West’s Science of Magic and Madness
Linda Kimball writes on worldview, culture and politics and is published both nationally and internationally.
Linda Kimball is a guest columnist for Veracity voice
Occult Pagan Revival Signals Death of America and the West
February 3, 2011 by Administrator · 3 Comments
More than eighty years ago, America began moving away from its’ founding Biblical-based worldview to what President Calvin Coolidge identified as “pagan materialism.” Fearing for the future of our Constitutional Republic he said in a speech delivered on the 150th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, July 5, 1926:
“Democracy is Christ’s government in church and state,” said Coolidge as he quoted John Wise (1710). “Here was the doctrine of equality, popular sovereignty, and the substance of the theory of inalienable rights….When we take all these circumstances into consideration, it is but natural that the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence should open with a reference to Nature’s God and should close…with an appeal to the Supreme Judge of the world and an assertion of a firm reliance on Divine Providence…In its main feature the Declaration of Independence is a great spiritual document. Equality, liberty, popular sovereignty, the rights of man—these are not elements which we can see and touch. They are ideals. They have their source and roots in the religious convictions. They belong to the unseen world. ” (Backfired: A Nation Born for Religious Tolerance No Longer Tolerates Religion, William J. Federer, pp. 270-271)
The “pagan materialism” Coolidge warned against is evolutionary materialist scientism, also known as Secular Humanism. Materialism is neither new nor scientific. In the main, it is ancient Epicurean Atomism revamped and dressed up as modern science. Materialism teaches that all that exists is merely material or energy which is impersonal, totally neutral to any moral system or any interest in man as man. In this view, there is no basis for law, and no basis for man as unique and important.
Materialism is of the world view of monism which teaches that all that exists is “one self-creating, self-sufficient substance” which may be divine spirit (pantheism) or spiritless substance (materialism).
Monism is held in common by materialism, pantheism, and spiritualism and dates back to pagan antiquity and was or is taught by all non-biblical thought systems from Buddhism to Epicureanism, Gnosticism and today’s New Age Cosmic Humanism.
Monism teaches that all things, including mankind, are merely diverse parts of the one-substance. God is acceptable to this monistic frame of mind only if He is not something outside of and superior to the one-substance but one with it. In other words, God must be dispersed throughout the whole substance.
In his book, “Utopia: The Perennial Heresy,” Thomas Molnar explains that evolution, whether Darwinian or a spiritual conception such as Teilhard’s idea, serves as an imaginary mechanism of perfection for both man and the one-substance:
“Through evolution the world substance becomes progressively pure, homogenous and perfect until the terminal point is reached…” (p.235) At that point, there is either a perfected non-spiritual substance (materialism) or a perfectly spiritualized substance (pantheism). For utopians this means a heaven on earth ruled by perfected god-men.
In that materialism excludes the transcendent Creator, angels, demons, heaven, and hell it must also explain away man’s God-given individual spiritual endowments –soul, mind, free will, and conscience– attributes defined by the Founders as self-evident truths, for it is self-evidently true that all men think, choose, and feel guilt. In short, in denying the existence of God the Father and man’s supernaturally endowed attributes, materialist scientism abolishes our unalienable rights, thereby making worthless both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
It was for this reason that Coolidge warned against pagan materialism:
“Unless the faith of the American in these religious (Biblical) convictions is to endure, the principles of our Declaration will perish. We cannot continue to enjoy the result if we neglect and abandon the cause.” (ibid, p. 265; emphasis added)
Despite the valiant efforts of Pres. Coolidge and many other men of integrity to edify Americans, the consensus in contemporary America and the western world is no longer Biblical but pagan, that is, Cosmic Humanism (Eastern/Gnostic occult New Age) and Secular Humanism (materialist scientism).
In practical terms, this means that through the goetia (black magic) of Darwinian transformism “we the people” have been speculatively reduced to aggregates of matter, subsumed into the “one substance” and now have solidarity (oneness) with apes, rocks, trees, fish, tumblebugs, pond scum, and dirt. Individual salvation has become collective salvation, individual rights are now group rights, male-female created distinctions have been melted down into androgyny, and monogamous marriage has become a sexual free-for-all.
Law, foreign affairs, taxation, politics, immigration, morality and all other important decisions are now decided by a small group of “elites,” many of whom are New Age spiritists led by spirit guides and Transcended Masters, and what they decide at any given moment is supposedly for the common good of society. These all-powerful individuals are America’s Ruling Class, and in back of them, the U.N., NGOs, and other powerful global organizations.
The Return to Paganism
C.S. Lewis observed in The Abolition of Man (1947) that Cosmic and Secular Humanism appeared in Western history in the heart of Christendom during the Renaissance. The Renaissance reawakened a magic view of the world closely connected with pagan Gnostic sectarianism, Eastern pantheism as well as alchemical-scientism. Along with Eastern pantheism came spiritual evolution, reincarnation, karma and occultism, which means that evolutionary conceptions existed long before Darwin.
Early on Lewis understood that Cosmic and Secular Humanism were merely two sides of the same revival of pagan monism. Thus he argued, Cosmic and Secular Humanism are not enemies in principle but rather cooperating philosophies united against the transcendent Creator, Christianity and Christian-based civilization.
Brooks Alexander also identifies both Cosmic and Secular Humanism as the two sides of pagan monism. And because they are from the same root they tend to cross-pollinate and:
“mingle, producing a brood of offspring that exhibits the genetic heritage of its parents in a confused and confusing array. Soon it becomes impossible to say whether a given movement, trend or school of thought is a secular impulse that has absorbed Eastern/occult values, or an Eastern/occult teaching that has dressed itself in secular language.” (The Rise of Cosmic Humanism: What is Religion?” Brooks Alexander, SCP Journal, 1981-82, p. 2)
“Ye Can Be As Gods”
The powerfully seductive Big Lie underlies both Cosmic and Secular Humanism. This thought is expressed openly in the teachings of Swami Vivekananda and Dr. Beverly Galyean, leading exponent of occult New Age confluent education:
“The Buddhists and the Jains do not depend on God; but the whole force of their religion is directed to the great central truth in every religion: to evolve a God out of man.” (Inspired Talks, Ramakrishna Vivekananda Center, 1958, p. 218)
“Once we begin to see that we are all God, that we have the attributes of God, then, I think the whole purpose of human life is to reown the Godlikeness within us…So my whole view is very much based on that idea.” (Galyean quoted by Francis Adeney, Educators Look East, Radix 12, No. 3, Nov-Dec. 1980, p. 21)
This same idea expressed in secular terms such as self-realization and self-actualization (a term coined by Abraham Maslow) underlies many contemporary psychotherapies.
In carefully couched terms, the “Humanist Manifesto” (1973) also declares autonomous man’s godhood:
“We affirm that moral values derive their source from human experience. Ethics is autonomous and situational…life has meaning because we create and develop our futures.”
The conclusion of both Cosmic and Secular Humanism is the same: human beings can be as God and invent their own “ten commandments.”
Another key point at which Cosmic and Secular Humanism intersect is evolution. Secular Humanism adopted the Gnostic myth of biological (Darwinian) evolution as an explanation both for the origin and development of life as well as for the perfecting of the one substance and mankind. Cosmic Humanism springboards off of Darwinism into imaginary spiritual conceptions such as Teilhard de Chardins’ idea. The apostate French Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) taught that God emerges from matter. According to him, this evolution of God from the world results in evolution becoming “conscious of itself” and ultimately, in the transformation of all matter into “Christ consciousness” or “pure spirit.” He called this final stage the “Omega Point” or “the cosmic Christ.”
New Age techniques to get in touch with the “Christ consciousness” include physical exercises, special diets (especially vegetarianism), biofeedback, chanting, psychodrama, consciousness-raising strategies, hypnosis and self-hypnosis, centering, body disciplines and therapies such as hatha yoga and aikido as well as sensitivity groups and encounter groups, Zen, Tibetan Buddhism and transcendental meditation and yoga. Former guru Rabindranath R. Maharaj, now a committed follower of Jesus Christ, describes his former transcendental meditation ritual and its’ terrifying consequences:
“Nothing was more important than our daily transcendental meditation, the heart of Yoga, which Krishna advocated as the surest way to eternal Bliss. But it could also be dangerous. Frightening psychic experiences awaited the…meditator, similar to a bad trip on drugs. Demons described in the Vedas had been known to take possession of some Yogis. Kundalini power, said to be coiled like a serpent at the base of the spine, could produce ecstatic experiences when released in deep meditation–or…it could do great mental and bodily harm. The line between ecstasy and horror was very fine…During daily meditation I began to have visions of psychedelic colors, to hear unearthly music, and to visit exotic planets where the gods conversed with me, encouraging me to attain even higher states of consciousness. Sometimes in my trance I encountered the same horrible demonic creatures…depicted by the images in Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto, and other religious temples. It was a frightful experience, but the Brahmacharya explained that it was normal and urged me to pursue the quest for Self Realization. At times I experienced a sense of mystical unity with the universe. I was the universe, Lord of all, omnipotent, omnipresent. My instructors were excited at this. I was obviously a chosen vessel, destined for early success in the search for union with Brahman. The Forces that had guided my father were now guiding me.” (Death of a Guru, Rabindranath R. Maharaj, pp. 56-57)
Dying Materialism Opens Door To Occult Forces
“Unless we are mistaken…the twentieth century…is to witness a gigantic conflict of spirits…More serious and fiercer than ever before, the conflict is between the old and the new worldview.” Herman Bavinck, Christian theologian, 1901
Materialist scientism has always been utterly repugnant to more spiritually sensitive people. With its’ nihilism, mindless mechanistic universe, reductionism, moral anarchy and irrationalism, it has generated its own crisis of credibility. However, as a universal alchemical-solvent that has broken down the West’s Biblical-based worldview, it has served to throw wide the door to equally irrational but far more dangerous occult New Age Cosmic Humanism, which as a spiritual force began to emerge in the United States around 1965.
By the mid-1980s, a bright “new” spirituality began to seductively beckon demoralized, restless, narcissistic, consumerist Westerners. Promising personal “spiritual” power, peace, unending pleasure, and oneness with the Divine, it enticingly whispers, “you can become god.”
In Marilyn Ferguson’s book, “The Aquarian Conspiracy,” she identifies the “new” spirituality as New Age and says that this movement of spirit is poised to radically transform our culture. Western society is at a pivotal point, said Ferguson in reference to what she called the “Emergent Culture” of New Age.
Ferguson called it the Aquarian Conspiracy for two reasons. First, astrology foretells the end of the Age of Pisces (the fish). Astrologically the fish symbolizes the Christian Age, which is finally giving way to the New Age of Aquarius. Second, she calls it a conspiracy in recognition of a spiritually-cohesive, vast interlocking-network of individuals, grassroots initiatives, and thousands upon thousands of formal New Age organizations at every level of society, from the lowest level to the highest global corridors of political, spiritual, and economic power that link this movement both nationally and internationally.
As occult spirituality moved with great speed and force over and across post-Christian America, mainstream media took note and reported:
“Neopaganism Growing Quickly: Numbers Roughly Double Every 18 Months in United States, Canada, and Europe.” Denver Post, June 26, 2008 (How Evil Works: Understanding and Overcoming the Destructive Forces that are Transforming America, David Kupelian, p. 115)
“Sorcery Sells, and the Young are Buying” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, June 10, 2007 (ibid)
“Wicca is Believed to be One of the Fastest-Growing Religions Among High School and College Students” National Public Radio, May 13, 2004 (ibid)
In his book, “America’s Schools: The Battleground for Freedom,” Allen Quist warns:
“New Age religion is now aggressively being taught in our nation’s public schools.” A model curriculum has been developed that “is clearly centered on pantheism.” “Much of what passes for environmental education and multiculturalism is really indoctrination in pantheistic/New Age theology. The ACLU and other similar organizations have no objections to (pantheistic indoctrination). It is only Christianity that these organizations object to.” (p. 51)
Tom DeWeese, President of the American Policy Center, has also been following the rise of occult pagan spirituality. In a work entitled, “Teachers, Preachers and Greens: The Unholy Alliance to Transform America,” DeWeese reveals the existence of a well-funded yet covert effort to paganize American society through an assault on schools and churches. He reveals that the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City is the home of the enormously influential Gaia Institute as well as the Temple of Understanding— a politically influential U.N. Non-Governmental Organization. DeWeese describes a pagan “church service” at St. John the Divine:
“As the congregation sit in their church pews in the great Cathedral of St. John, the Divine in New York City, the priest stands at the alter, ready to receive a procession of animals for the annual Feast of Saint Francis blessing. Down the aisle comes a procession of elephants, camels, donkeys, monkeys and birds. These are followed by members of the congregation carrying bowls of compost and worms. Next, to the sounds of music, come acrobats and jugglers. In the pulpit, former Vice President Al Gore delivers a sermon, saying, “God is not separate from the Earth.” (http://www.federalobserver.com/2010/11/14/teachers-preachers-and-greens-the-unholy-alliance-to-transform-america/)
Men Have Souls …and Demons Exist
Today anthropologists, scientific psychiatrists, and other professionals from the counseling and medical field take very seriously the fact that something frightening and unexplainable by Western science is going on here in America and throughout the West. In their search for answers they are jettisoning as useless materialist explanations. A “new” consensus is emerging: Men have souls and demons exist:
“…we need to understand a number of different concepts in order to comprehend the worldwide phenomenon of possession and exorcism. On the psychological level, we have come to know the notion underlying all possession, namely, that the body is a shell, inhabited by a soul, and that this shell may on occasion be surrendered to an intrusive alien entity. ” (How about Demons? Possession and Exorcism in the Modern World, Felicitas Goodman. IndianaUpress:1988)
“Dr Frank Lake in a talk on the demonic recalled the occasion when ‘Hans Rudi Weber was giving a talk on Christ’s Victory over the Demonic Powers to this large gathering of psychiatrists and theologians. It was quite amusing to see how uncomfortable the theologians were at this strange exhibition of what I think they regarded as Medievalism from a distinguished member of their own theological group. It was as if they were apologizing to the scientific psychiatrists present that a theologian had returned to the era of demons and evil possession. By contrast the psychiatrists were in fact leaning forward eagerly recognizing that the collective demonic is something with which they are continually dealing. As they said afterwards, ‘Why didn’t some theologian tell us about this before? We know what he’s talking about, we live with it.'” (But Deliver us From Evil: An Introduction to the Demonic Dimension in Pastoral Care, John Richards, London, Dartman, Longman and Todd,1974)
Possession takes two forms, communal and individual:
“…central possession is communal, strongly institutionalized, and ritualistically induced, but peripheral possession is more normally individual and spontaneous.” (Demonic Possession: A Medical, Historical, Anthropological, and Theological Symposium, John Warwick Montgomery (ed.), Bethany,1976)
“In later life, Jung admitted that he was open to the ideas that all these metapsychic phenomena could be explained better by the theory of spirits ….in the long run (he said) I have to admit that the spirit hypothesis yields better results in practice than any other.” (The New Age Movement and the Biblical Worldview: Conflict and Dialogue, John P. Newport, Eerdmans,1998)
Dr. Carl Raschke also notes with alarm America’s downward spiral into the madness of occult spirituality. He points out that the decadence, pornography, mass murders, criminality, the ‘new religions,’ and Satanism in American culture have certain social and spiritual ties that bind them together, revealing that they are part of a similar spiritual genus. In “Satanism and the Devolution of the ‘New Religions,'” Raschke notes that Satanism is so widespread today that there are even U.S. military personnel who are members of secretive Satanist groups.
Raschke concludes that the “upsurge of Satanist practices…must be interpreted not as some kind of odd wrinkle…but as a culminating phase of the “New Age” movement…The Satanist mindset is not “religion” in the regular sense of the word, but a mystification of the most corrupt secular passions and values…Satanism is but the spiritual Frankenstein created by a social order that has attempted to sustain itself without God.” (Satanism and Witchcraft: The Occult and the West–Part 6, Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon)
“All the gods of the pagans are demons” Psalm 96:5
New Age Cosmic Humanism has infused and spiritualized secular materialism, transforming it into an agency for the transmission of ultimate values and revelations from the unseen realm….from powers and principalities. As a result, in the space of a few short decades, occult pagan spirituality has made profound inroads. Its upsurge manifests itself in the form of everything from UFO channeling cults, ghost-hunting, necromancy, goddess worship, shamanism, light-bearers, spirit guides, transcendental meditation, labyrinth walking, yoga, Wicca, revitalized Norse paganism, the annual Burning Man Festival (now televised) and the proliferation of Satanic cults.
From England to Australia, from New Zealand to South America, Canada and the United States, occult New Age spirituality is quickly becoming the West’s dominant orthodoxy.
The End of the West?
Evolutionary conceptions, monism, empiricism, reductionism, determinism, positivism, materialism, pantheism, socialism, and the ‘new religions,’ in the words of Calvin Coolidge, are not “elements which we can see and touch,” but religious convictions, aspirations, ideals, and ideas in the minds of men. As the great apocalyptic prophet Fyodor Dostoevsky clearly understood, they are a madness-inducing “fire in the minds of men” that comes from the “unseen world.”
This being the case, political fixes and Republicans in control will not cure what ails America because Americans by and large, are spiritually diseased. This means that our primary battle is spiritual, for we are not “contending against flesh and blood, but against the (evil spirits)….against spiritual wickedness in the high places.” (Eph. 6:12)
Occult spirituality always surfaces at the end of a civilization. It heralded the end of Babylon, Rome and the Aztec civilization. It came at the end of the medieval world and now it has come at the end of the post-Christian West…” a social order that has attempted to sustain itself without God.”
During Rome’s darkest, most evil hours, early Christians—thousands of whom were cut in half, used as human torches, and crucified upside-down—nevertheless successfully forced occult forces underground, thus allowing for Christendom and later on America to arise.
America is the West’s last best hope. But do contemporary Christians and like-minded Americans possess the undying faith, unfaltering courage, love of Truth, rock-solid conviction, perseverance and will to engage this spiritual war?
Additional Sources:
Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future, Fr. Seraphim Rose
Spirit Wars: Pagan Revival in Christian America, Peter Jones
“…is there evidence for the existence of “spirits” and some “spiritual dimension”? http://christianthinktank.com/eyesopen.html
Linda Kimball writes on worldview, culture and politics and is published both nationally and internationally.
Linda Kimball is a guest columnist for Novakeo.com
The American Ark
September 12, 2010 by Administrator · Leave a Comment
Striving In Vain…
In an essay on Creationism Dr. R. J. Rushdoony affirmed the necessity of pre-determined order as a pre-requisite to scientific inquiry. Since logic cannot be applied to the chaos of Darwin’s Evolutionism the theory is dissonant. Many scientists claim to believe in Darwinism but the millions of years defy the scientific method. “Science thus wants a universe of law and of causality without God, but it would rather ascribe all the magnificent order to chaos rather than to God, because the scientists involved are fallen men, in rebellion against God and bent on suppressing their knowledge of Him.”
He goes on in his support of creationism to make this rather shocking (but true) statement. “St. James observes, ‘For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all’ (James 2:10). Similarly, anyone who denies the authority of Scripture at one point has denied it at all points. If we assert that we can set aside the six-day creation doctrine, we have asserted our supremacy over Scripture. Our mind and our convenience now have a higher authority than the Bible, so that we have denied its authority totally and asserted our authority instead.”
In an article entitled “A Christian Civil Order: Religion, Republicanism, and the American Founding” Dr. Roger Schultz, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Liberty University, puts forth the prevailing theory of the Christian nature of the Union and the Founders.
Dr. Schultz goes through the usual rendition of the Christian gestures of our Founders. He does allow that Thomas Jefferson did “not address his acceptance of evangelical or doctrinal truths of the Christian faith” but then quotes a Thanksgiving prayer Jefferson made in 1779 when he was Governor of Virginia leaving the impression that Jefferson may have been at least a pseudo-Christian. He did not mention that President Jefferson hated the Old Testament, did not believe in miracles but was impressed with Jesus as being meek and mild. He painstakingly cut out the passages from the New Testament that met his approval and constructed his own Bible. Read Revelation 22:19-21
He then relates that the colonists were diverse in their religious beliefs and had been victims of religious persecution in England. There is also a reminder of Ben Franklin’s prayer at the Constitutional Convention.
The events Dr. Schultz chronicles are probably all genuine but the tenor of his article tends to lead the reader to a pre-determined conclusion by failing to mention critical evidence that might refute his theory. I have written several times on this subject. This link provides an article that contains some of that evidence. It has additional links at the end.
There is no doubt that Christian principles were evident throughout the early years of our nation. Almost all of the immigrants were Christians of one variety or another. Nevertheless, the nation’s leaders had been influenced by the enlightenment and their support of Christianity for the people did not translate into personal belief in the Savior. It was unfortunate that religious persecution in England resulted in a decision to omit the majority religion of the nation from our founding document. That serious mistake has and is haunting us. In the late Eighteenth Century the nation was over 90 percent Christian. Wisdom would have dictated the acknowledgment of that fact in the Constitution. I believe that if the First Amendment had stated that the United States was a Christian nation, provided for freedom for diverse Christian religions, forbid congress from establishing a particular religion, and banned all foreign religions it would have better served the nation. In addition Article Six instead of baring a religious oath should have required a Christian oath in accord with the state constitutions.
The two articles by Dr. Rushdoony and Dr. Schultz are juxtaposed in the current issue of the Chalcedon publication “Faith for All of Life”. As I read them, one after the other, I was struck with the dichotomy between them. Dr. Rushdoony’s writings emphasize the exclusivity God requires. He asserts that the Bible must be approached as the unchanging Word of God and from the perspective of a student, not a judge. His key understanding that “Every law-system must maintain its existence by hostility to every other law-system and to alien religious foundations, or else it commits suicide” flies in the face of the loose and superficial treatment Dr. Schultz gives our founding.
Our nation has existed for over two hundred years in the afterglow of the sound Christian doctrines that were bequeathed to us by the Reformation. Now obedience to the Constitution is being proffered by many Christians as a panacea while the enemies of Christ are using the same document to ban the religion these Christians profess. No nation can expect to maintain the blessings of the One True God while supporting religious plurality and banning Christian oaths.
I realize, gentle reader, that this is not a popular subject. It has been met with two major reactions: One, silence; Two, invective. Reformed Christians are not known for their restraint and I have been severely chastised several times. Patriotism and animosity toward our perceived enemies are emotional issues making a calm assessment difficult.
Venerating our founders and cherishing our Constitution are foundational elements in maintaining pride and a perception of righteousness. Patriotism and pride go hand in hand. Unfortunately, the Bible denounces pride which goes before a fall. Our nation is on the precipice. We need to see ourselves as God and others see us and repent.
In “Morning Studies” Angela Wittman sent me an article by A. W. Pink which told of the defeat of Israel by the Philistines as recorded in the Fourth Chapter of First Samuel. Following their defeat Israel fetched the Ark of the Covenant from Shiloh as an instrument of victory. When they heard of it the Philistines were fearful but because they were fearful they fought harder and again defeated Israel. Pinks writes: “They were oblivious to the fact that the nation was ripe for judgment, and refused to consider that the defeat which had just been experienced was a call from the Lord unto humiliation, repentance and reformation. How absurd the expedient suggested. True, wonders had indeed happened in the past when the ark had gone before the people, but it had been by the Divine command the sacred coffer was in the vanguard, and not at the caprice of men. Tokens of the Lord’s power were granted at a time when the nation, generally speaking, was walking in obedience to Him, and not when He was being openly defied. Those things made all the difference.” America is like Israel, we are bringing out our Constitution like Israel brought out the ark. We have not yet realized that we are under judgment and dependence on the Constitution is part of the problem.
We are losing the battle for America because God has left us. He cannot bless the arrogance of empire or the attitude that we are the richest, most beautiful, most generous, and most righteous of nations. He seeks a humility that suffers long, is generous, does not envy, does not boast, and is not puffed up, walks in circumspection, is slow to anger, and delighted to hear the truth. He cannot bless us when we denigrate a people who worship and obey their god far better than we do – in spite, of the fact they worship a false god. God cannot bless our belligerence and our bombast. He seeks a broken and contrite heart that is teachable and ready to repent from our sins present and past. He seeks “humiliation, repentance, and reformation” which cannot come from a patriotic pride that glosses over or makes excuses for its sins. We have the order wrong; God must come first. He created the nations and their inhabitants.
The Christian church is the hub of our dilemma. We have “asserted our supremacy over Scripture” putting “our minds and our convenience” above the Word of God. It will do us no good to hate Muslims and denigrate Islam, efforts to elect different politicians will not stop our fall, sending armies to the Middle East will not protect us, guns and bravado will not stop the onslaught, neither Congressman Ron Paul nor his son will make a noticeable wave. Only God can save America and since He cannot bless the pride of patriotism we will falter till humility and repentance overtake us.
That is the truth, my friends. It is not a popular truth but God waits for us to hear.
Al Cronkrite is a writer living in Florida, reach him at:
Visit his website at:http://www.verigospel.com/
Al Cronkrite is a regular columnist for Novakeo.com
America’s All-Out Spiritual Battle, Part 2
April 14, 2010 by Administrator · Leave a Comment
My question to Christians who doubt the devil’s existence: Why would Jesus bother casting out demons if they don’t exist?
Why would Paul say in Romans 8:37-39 “…in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
According to the Bible, principalities and powers (demons) are under the power of Satan. (Mat. 12:24) Evil spirits have the ability to possess and control those who are unsaved. (Mat. 8:28-34) Evil spirits can cause sickness (Mat. 12:22); insanity (Luke 8:26-36); bodily injury (Mark 9:14-26); long term infirmities (Luke 13:11-13). Yes, Satan and his demons have been given certain powers, but as John MacArthur points out, “Satan is a servant of God and can only work within the perimeters that God defines…” (http://www.gty.org/AudioPlayer/Podcast/1277)
Here’s another questions for doubters: Why would the Son of God give the apostles power over evil spirits that are non existent?
According to the Bible the apostles were given the authority to cast out demons. (Mark 16:17,18; Luke 10:17; Acts 5:16; 8:7; 16:16-18; 19:12)
If fallen angels aren’t real, why would the account of the temptation of Jesus by Satan be included in the Gospels?
Listen to Mark 1:12-13:
And immediately the spirit driveth him into the wilderness. And he was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted of Satan; and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered unto him.
Now listen to Luke 4:2:
Being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward hungered.
Even the Son of God was fully prepared before He faced down the enemy…because His enemy was real!
Jesus is our ultimate authority on how we should deal with demons. In what ways did He respond to Satan’s temptation? He used the Word of God (the sword of the Spirit) as a weapon to fend off his fork-tongued foe.
Matthew 4:2-15:
And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred. And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple, And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.
Let that sink in for a moment…
Now that any misconception concerning what Jesus Christ believed about the forces of evil is cleared up, I’ll get back to my point. Paul reminded Timothy: “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons”(1 Timothy 4:1).
Demons can teach humans things? Wow. According to Paul demons are deceitful. Hmmm….I wonder if they teach lies to people?
Of course they do!
These cunning spirits enlist men and women to pass on their lies and deceit! (The dumbest demon is a whole lot smarter than the most brilliant human. Even smarter than Barack and Hillary put together.)
According to the Bible a spiritual battle is raging. Humans are unaware of what’s taking place. We’re unable to see it because it’s in the invisible realm.
Who is behind taking God out of the public square? You guessed it.
Who is behind making Christianity irrelevant? None other.
To accomplish these goals satanic forces must control the minds of individuals in high places if they are to carryout their plans. One short example. Christians who refused to worship the Emperor Nero as God were dressed in tar jackets and put on stakes and then burned at night to light the streets. This is nothing short of diabolical.
If you want to avoid being taken in by “principalities and powers” read Ephesians 6:10-20
No doubt some readers are thinking, “I can’t buy into the idea of a war going on between angels and demons.” That’s fine. But please explain to me what is going on in this country. No one can deny that a culture war has been brewing for decades. Kids vs. Parents…Sexual deviancy vs. Virtue…Hollywood vs. Family values…Filth vs. Decency…Pro-death vs. Pro-life…Moral relativism vs. Absolute truth…Christian liberalism vs. Christian orthodoxy…Atheism vs. Theism…Evolution vs. Creation. If all of this weren’t bad enough, there’s another war brewing: Big government vs. Free enterprise.
Since the Marxist/socialist/progressive/statists have taken control, for the first time ever free market capitalism is losing ground in America – even though 70% of the American people think the free market is the best way to organize our economy. Worse, President “Hope and Change” is in the process of transforming us into an oppressive and tyrannical state! We the People are finally waking up to the fact that what’s in store for us is European-style socialism.
Wake up, America! Socialism is a godless system. Socialists want to take money from the “haves” and give it to the “have-nots.” This is redistribution of wealth!
Big Government is hell-bent on controlling our hard earned money and our lives. Big Government will tax Americans to death. Mark my words. A value added tax is coming. (http://tinyurl.com/y9y4ssk) Government bureaucrats will determine how the money is spent! Personally, I prefer to decide where my money goes especially when it comes to the arts, charities and anything to do with healthcare. This brings to mind abortion. American’s tax dollars will pay for killing womb-babies under ObamaCare. If tax-payer funded infanticide is not part of Satan’s diabolical plan, I don’t know what is.
So I ask you, how will a godless government that controls business and industry, banking, and our healthcare system–as well as the minds of the masses–benefit future generations? What will our country look like in 50 years if We the People don’t rise up and put a stop to the Obama administration’s Marxist/socialist agenda?
America, Canada, and Western European countries are dealing with political correctness on steroids! Woe to those of us who offend our fellow man’s sensibilities. Correction! Fellow person’s sensibilities.
Take for example “Merry Christmas.” The PC greeting is “happy holiday” so as not to offend those who are not Christians. “Spring break” has replaced Easter. The flavor of the month for retarded is “Developmentally impaired”…or is it mentally challenged…or developmentally challenged?
Just for the heck of it I visited dictionary.com to check the definition of “retarded.” It means the following:
“In childhood development sense, ‘mentally slow’ … To cause to move or proceed slowly; delay or impede …to be delayed … slowing down or hindering of progress; a delay. … Often Offensive Affected with mental retardation.”
Unless the word is used in a derogatory manner, which is unacceptable, referring to a person who has Down syndrome as mentally retarded is simply acknowledging that he/she is mentally slow. Why is that offensive or hurtful? Why do we need to come up with a new word or phrase every couple of years to take the place of perfectly good greetings, holidays, adjectives, etc.?
Ever notice how individuals who utter a PI word or phrase are attacked instead of given the benefit of the doubt? Critics will set aside a rational and brilliant argument and go all out to destroy the offending individual’s reputation and credibility! It matters not if it’s just a slip of the tongue, which it often is. The offender gets labeled a bigot, racist, homophobe, hateful or worse. From then on Joe Blow is known as the guy who said____ You fill in the blank. Both the Left and the Right are guilty of this, by the way.
The “politically correct police” pressure (bludgeon) people into conforming to social change. Paul Proctor points out that “It puts into practice any number of unbiblical behaviors, theories, religions and causes from promoting promiscuity, to homosexuality, to syncretism, to abortion rights, to euthanasia, to birth control, to stem cell research, to Darwinism, to faith-based initiatives, to ‘no child left behind,’ to global warming, to you name it…”
Progressive Christians embrace religious pluralism. For them each religion is equally valid and all religions lead to God. That’s weird. For over 2,000 years Christianity has taught that the only way to God is through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. (John 3:16) Progressives get away with this heresy by rejecting historic Christianity’s long-held traditions, doctrines and creeds. What these folks are striving for is a New Kind of Christianity. (http://tinyurl.com/y6orbqg)
Progressive Christians celebrate unscriptural practices and behavior all in the name of tolerance and unity. “Although disturbing,” says Don Closson, “we shouldn’t be surprised. Our culture has been moving away from a biblical view of truth and toward the acknowledgment of just one moral duty or virtue, that is–tolerance. This new absolute requires that we be tolerant of every possible faith assumption and moral system except, it seems, the traditional Christian view of God and salvation. It’s not that we have new information about the life of Jesus or the reason for His death. As a society we no longer want to hear about a God who is holy and requires satisfaction when His moral order is violated. This view applies the notion ‘I’m OK, you’re OK to God.’ Maybe if we tolerate Him, even with His outdated notions of holiness, He will tolerate us in our fallenness.” (http://tinyurl.com/yedybjx)
Many pastors in our postmodern, moral relativistic, anything goes, live and let live houses of worship are too cowardly to teach on what the scriptures say about heaven and hell. If all paths lead to heaven, as progressives believe, will unrepentant tyrants, mass murderers, serial rapists, pedophiles, prostitutes, drug dealers and animal abusers go to heaven? What about atheists and those who say they’d rather go to hell where their friends are? Will God-haters be in heaven too? Is Judas there?
No. Unrepentant sinners do not go to heaven for all eternity. If there’s one thing the Christian religion is not known for is its all-inclusiveness. It is exclusive. What irks people about Christianity is its claim to be the only truth. Christianity also says that the God of the Bible is the One true God and that all other Gods and all other religions are a counterfeit. The Apostle John made this point clear: “He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life” (1John 5:12). In other words, those who reject the notion that Jesus paid the penalty for the sins of man on the cross will remain permanently separated from the Father in heaven. “And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience” (Ephesians 2:1-2). Sin separates us from God, Christ reconciles us to Him.
Serious Christians please note: Religious pluralism is an oxymoron! If you haven’t picked up on this yet, diversity is not tolerant. In fact it’s glaringly hypocritical. Is it possible to have a personal God (Christianity) and an impersonal God (Islam) at the same time? No! Can a person “die once and after that face the judgment” (Christianity) and also be reincarnated (Hinduism)? No! These are two incompatible beliefs. Can Jesus Christ be the Son of God (Christianity) and a mere prophet (Islam)? Again, no! Either Jesus Christ is God incarnate and rules the universe as Christians believe, or He was just a man…and a crazy man at that!
What I’m talking about is “doublethink.” Doublethink means simultaneously believing in two contradictory ideas. For example: same difference, spendthrift, perfect idiot, and my personal favorite, Southern Baptist Buddhist. (Some say Al Gore coined this one.)
For the sake of diversity everything society once thought of as perverted behavior is now seen by many as normal and acceptable. And of course Christians are expected to go along with what everyone else is doing or be ridiculed. However, the Bible, which is the roadmap that shows how followers of Jesus must live their lives, says we are not to embrace the culture’s vile ways. We are called to be Christ-like – which means holy. Not perfect — no one is perfect. We’re not called to be cool, that’s for sure. If the Apostles lived today, would they get all pierced and tatted up and use foul language to reach the culture? Um…no. Being cool is not in God’s plan for our lives. He has called His people to be separate from the world, to be a “light in darkness.” Are you ready? We are called to be holy.
Are you a light in this dark world, brothers and sisters? Or are you making decisions that will snuff out your light?
Part 3 to come
Marsha West is a regular columnist for Novakeo.com
She can be reached at:
Neocons as Heirs of Social Darwinism
April 12, 2009 by Administrator · Leave a Comment
American social Darwinists have evolved throughout American history to adapt to the times, but the common thread that ties the historic manifestations of this phenomenon is class warfare and elitism of the wealthy classes against the poorer working/slave classes. Social Darwinists, in a perversion of Darwin’s “survival of the fittest,” historically have equated the ‘fittest’ with the rich elite of society supposedly being justified in its exploitation of the poor masses, first by slave holders, then by ‘robber barons’ and now by ‘globalists.’
The rich are regarded in social Darwinism as the legitimate determiners, guardians, and heirs of our national wealth and values; Conversely, in social Darwinism, first the colored races, then the immigrant and poor were equally held in disdain and despised as a dirty, uneducated, criminal class, of questionable loyalty to society and a burden on the good ‘proper citizens’ (translation: well heeled) society. Unfortunately, this primitivist and nativist oligarchic idea has been handed down from America’s early days of slavery and sweatshops, and has been used to justify racism and elitism.
It made use of religion to do its bidding, employing a pseudo-calvinist determinism introduced early in our history in the form of the Arminian heresy, a perversion of the doctrine of pre-destination, wherein wealth was supposed to be a sign of God’s blessing and favor, and poverty a sign of God’s curse and disfavor…
This heresy introduced into American Christianity has never been completely dismissed since the 1800’s. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, it was the immigrant and the anarchist who became synonymous with national dirtiness, unworthiness and treason. This was the ethos that culminated in the Herbert Hoover-strike-breaking-ethos of the early twentieth century Republican party.
Any review of political speeches and leadership policies demonstrates that wealth has continued to equal moral worth in America.
Its latest manifestation is the phenomenon of ‘neo-con’ Republicanism. Just as the Civil War era social Darwinist justified slavery in terms of the black man or woman being inferior and thus deserving of his or her slavery, the current neo-con reaganite republican believes in the ‘spread of democracy’ (a synonym for the hegemony of Wall Street). It is paying homage to the ‘fattest cat.’
Under Reagan, the ideas of morality became added on to this reverse-class-warfare view of economics. To the Arminian heresy, the Reagan republicans wedded the religious ideal of “God, country and so-called family values,” being a sort of anti-poor rejection of the socialist boogeyman of the ‘liberal democrat left’.
This new social Darwinism twisted the Bible’s teachings to suit its political agenda. The Reagan form of social Darwinism didn’t passively permit that one become rich; it demanded it as the price of representation in our government. Accumulation of wealth became a necessity in order to win elections, as well as a moral duty incumbent upon those who belonged to the power elite.
This requirement was underpinned by the Rockefeller-inspired Republican mythology that the poorest in America could become rich and do so honestly and quickly by mere hard work (despite massive evidence to the contrary seen in the masses of working poor with two jobs). Thus, according to today’s rigid right-wingers, there is no excuse for poverty, which they believe results only from one’s own shortcomings or those of someone else enabling the poor to be ‘bums’. It has become since the 2000 “election,” a sin even to sympathize with those who are poor, and it is tantamount to treason to oppose the current power-elite’s foreign military adventurism. The new code phrases are “tax and spend democrats,” “socialists” and ‘traitors, soft on terrorism’ and eager to helping the enemy and lack of “patriotism” (which in their thinking is whatever enriches the ruling elite).
The gospel of Republicanism morphed from Hooverism into the ‘Reagan Revolution’ and wedded unbridled greed with a cloak of religiosity. Right-wing social Darwinism has become a new religion of elitist economics wedded with politics, and then religion, dubbed ‘moral values. ’ Poverty, according to the neo-con-Reagan Republican, was and is best addressed by ‘market forces’ (laissez faire economics) and poverty is a moral stigma that is, in their view, a self-inflicted problem: a deserved punishment for one’s own “laziness and inferiority”. The neo-con therefore despises Democrats who don’t see things their way as ‘traitors’ and “socialists” or “communists”
In this view, those who advocate for the ‘have-nots,’ even would-be advocates among the pathetic, watered- down American “left” are pronounced guilty of formenting moral perversion and military weakness, lack of patriotism, high taxes and now, globally, of even enabling America’s enemies. Progressives’ suggested remedies to crony-capitalist social inequality are considered outright thievery from “legitimate business interests”.
The neo-con ‘god’ of right wing jingoism becomes the foot soldier for elitist accumulation of wealth, and is perpetuated by elections at home punctuated by resorting to voter fraud, buying elections and smearing dissenters, and abroad by use of invasion, violence and force. It is all based on cementing the current oligarchic social order wherein the wealthy are the only ones who can afford to, and thus deserve to, aspire to public office.
This is evolving toward a caste system in which the rich elite perpetuates its hold on absolute power and deifies itself as ‘worthy’ to rule and make policy. Worship of income status, a narrowly defined set of religious beliefs and global military adventurism are proof of the neo-con’s acceptance before God and his or her worth as a human being of ‘good’ moral fiber”. Right wing authoritarianism, classism and wedded pharisaic “Christianity” have become a national religion and staple of our “red states” whose primitive authoritarian social structure lends itself to serving neo-cons as a re-election machine and the staunch whitewashers of the social Darwinist ‘robber-baron’ mentality.
Add to the economics and religion of it a new global jingoism (the euphemism: ‘war on terror’ replaces the old, outmoded ‘anti-communism’). As a result, our country has been saddled with a new politico-economic-religious system wherein no dissent is tolerated. The poor, the immigrant, the young, the minority and the ‘liberal’ become the new pariahs, and have little or nothing allowed them in the way of a say in how and whether to cut the social safety net, send our young adults to war, and outsource jobs.
Opprobrium is heaped by the neo-cons on any who oppose the agenda of starving and overworking the poor, arrogating to the rich top 5 percent all decisions regarding national sovereignty and appropriation of tax money and low wage labor their primary mode of self-enrichment using public policy making to bleed off wealth from the public workers. This may seem like an oversimplification of this heartless philosophy, but it is not.
Saint Paul said in the Bible, “the love of money is the root of all evil;” and yet the love of money is at the very foundation of our country’s Social Darwinist ethos The latest manifestation of Social Darwinist “piety” has, been the the religio-political-economic Hoover-style deification of the rich classes is to add on globalism and advance Social Darwinism one more step: that of applying it to globalist economics and positing American economic and political hegemony over other countries by means of dressing it in… This is Reaganomics transferred abroad by neo-conservative jingoism, disguised as social engineering, euphemistically called “spreading Democracy”. However, in its essence, it is the same old justify the rich oppress the poor social Darwinism.
It is considered the greatest priority in American life, and in its service, ethics are allowed to be malleable, fluid and situational; constantly morphing to fit new political realities on the ground. In other words, it is OK for those who have the gold and make the rules to lie as they go along and threaten military intervention as the price of bucking those who try to implement it. The Bush supporter’s parlance says, “ we don’t merely consider it one’s moral duty to strive to become rich, but one must nationally adhere to Republican ideology, have a narrow set of moral beliefs and now tow the mark internationally and follow its agenda, or else be branded ‘treasonous’.”
Why is it surprising then, that not only are Americans hated around the world for being greedy, hypocritical, war mongers, but also that we are among the least generous when it comes not only to foreign aid abroad but to any consideration for the poor at home? Selfishness and exploiting someone else’s labor has become the national creed and the cornerstone of patriotism. Wealth has been the sign of ‘God’s favor’ and the seal of approval since America was founded as a corporate enterprise to make money for the British homeland.
From post-Civil War sweatshop labor to today’s outsourcing, cheap immigrant labor, exploitation of social division, use of foreign and domestic low paid labor, as well as the stripping of workers’ rights and protections bit by bit with piecemeal legislation, leads us to the real rationale behind the current Bush administration goal to privatize all government functions including the most successful social program in the U.S., Social Security. It is just another ruse to bust down and exploit poor people and deny them the safety-net that has been the basis of Europe’s civilization since the 19th Century, but which never caught on in the popular mind here.
Right wingers live and breathe to deny a living to poor people, who are considered a plague and a scourge and a bunch of ‘freeloaders’ (however corporate freeloaders and war mongers are honored). It is tantamount to the deification of the wealthy few who make the rules.
John Lorenz is a guest columnist for Novakeo.com
John Lorenz lives in the Pacific Northwest and is interested in current affairs.
Tolle’s ‘A New Earth,’ Darwin and Jesus
May 8, 2008 by Administrator · 6 Comments
Another “How To” phenomena has hit Planet Earth. Promoted by spiritual seeker Oprah Winfrey, Eckhart Tolle and his book, “A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose,” are attracting people around the world.
A friend bought me a copy of Tolle’s book, saying “Give it a chance — if you read the first two chapters and don’t like it, don’t read anymore.” From beginning to end, I recognized the language and the words used. As little red flags flooded my mind, I took notes.
I painfully finished the whole book in one day. Painfully? Yes. It brought back memories of a 30-year journey seeking “The Truth” in the wilderness of man’s enlightenment. Much of my life was spent on a wild- goose chase without an ending in sight.
What is Tolle saying? Nothing new.
He just added one new interpretation. He interweaves Darwin’s theory of evolution into the story of life with a “spiritual” twist. The way he expresses our spiritual seeking is that while on Earth, we can discover our life purpose through “awakening” to real “awareness” of the “Presence” (God Consciousness) within each of us.
Our Darwinian evolution will be “spiritual transcendence” from our physical forms ‘back’ to the universal God Consciousness by ridding ourselves of our controlling, interpretative “egos” which is the “I.” This “I” identifies with form and sets us up for “illusion” dominating our lives.
Two little problems with this interpretation. One, he claims the ego “…embodies the primordial error …. this is the ego.” Two, he never takes into account that Darwin’s own ‘ego’ interpretation of the origins of life and that man’s ego-effort to explain “how we got here” might be a pervasive “illusion.”
The persuasive language Tolle uses is a compilation of words drawn from man’s ideas and philosophies over thousands of years. The lingo is a mishmash intertwined throughout the book taken from: Eastern religions and reincarnation; pagan gods, psychology including existentialism and Maslow’s self-actualization theory; Science; mysticism; natural laws; and sprinkled with New (old) Age and Occult concepts; and many more.
It’s as if Tolle took bits and pieces of what he liked from all of them, pureed them in a blender, and poured out a fully formed Truth.
Tolle quotes Jesus Christ throughout his book to bolster his theory, the Truth — but in no way I’ve ever seen used. He manages to infer new meanings while quoting Jesus completely out of context.
For example, to back up his Truth, in chapter 3, The Core of Ego, Tolle states, “The Truth is inseparable from who you are. Yes, you are the Truth….The very Being that you are is Truth. Jesus tried to convey that when he said, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life’ (John 14:6a).”
Tolle continues: “These words uttered by Jesus are …one of the most powerful and direct pointers to the Truth, if understood correctly.” Of course Tolle is the only one who understands correctly.
Context, Context, Context! Tolle neglected to include the very next sentence Jesus spoke: “No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6b)
Postulating about our species’ creative use of the ego-mind to the “manifestation of form,” Tolle again quotes Jesus from Mark 11:24, “Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Shades of positive thinking!
This verse, in context, has to do with belief in Jesus Christ and walking in faith and obedience to the Will of God.
Tolle claims that we have nothing to look forward to except right “Now” and if a “new heaven and new earth” (from Revelation 21:1) are not arising in each of us right now, “…they’re just a thought and therefore not arising at all.”
Of course, if we don’t accept his theory — we’re just not ready. In the end, this book contains very little substance while utilizing truthful nuggets from all of mankind’s wisdom over the ages.
Been there, done that! I and many others have been brought to the Knowledge of the permanent Truth that cannot be watered down, though many have attempted to so. The Truth is all contained in one book called the Bible, God’s Word to mankind. There is only One who satisfies us so that we no longer have to seek what we are missing.
Jesus Christ and Christ Alone! He fills that void in each of us which can never be filled by anyone nor anything else.
Not my ego’s illusionary truth. It’s God’s Truth!
Bonnie Alba is a regular columnist for Novakeo.com
Bonnie Alba is an ‘Un’ Politically Correct writer and researcher. She has a regular column at www.renewamerica.us and publishes on other online publications.