
Rushdoony’s Religion

February 8, 2015 by Administrator · 1 Comment 

My wife and I have been making arrangements for our transition into Heaven. Funerals are expensive and urgent arrangements at the time of death are not only burdensome but inordinately expensive. A simple pine box buried in the family plot with a marker has burgeoned into charges for transportation, embalming, a casket, rental of space for grieving friends, etc. etc. Cost in the five figure range can quickly accrue.

The man that arrived at our home to fill out papers and arrange for death certificates mentioned that he had recently had a heart attack. He takes care of an invalid wife and was blest that the people from his church came into his home and helped him until he was again able to assume his responsibilities. His gratitude overflowed. He loves his church and even made overture’s about us joining.

The church he attends has grown from meeting in a strip mall to building a fine new church on property they own. Much of the growth results from human interactions. Today’s Christians seek fellowship and blessing. Churches that are able to create a congregation that cares for each other are successful. The mission of successful churches becomes a weekly service that blesses the congregation and teaches them to “love” one another.

”Love in practice is a harsh and terrible thing compared to love in dreams” Fyodor Dostoevsky.

R. J. Rushdoony writes that on many occasions well-meaning people have urged him to get involved with the scholarly world and do some critical analysis. They want to make his work more prestigious but his writings are designed for action, not analysis. The Christian religion has become an effete humanistic entertainment that seeks beneficial promises and personal blessing rather than actions that will change the world.

Theology is not considered exciting reading but for a Christian seeker Rushdoony’s writing provides a startling and exciting experience. There are passages that bring one to tears with truths set forth in plain an understandable language. Rushdoony was different because he wrote as though he was sitting at the elbow of God. His objective was to understand and to point to the error of those who do not.

In Rushdoony’s books God is firmly in control of His creation and seeks Christians who will obey His Law and advance His Kingdom. He was acutely aware of the perennial danger of humanism to the Church of Jesus Christ. He had no truck with those who divide Scripture by what they believe and what they reject. Scripture is the Word of God and all of it is for our benefit. Like the Bible, his emphasis was on obedience. But he was ever aware that he, too, is a sinner and must depend on the forgiveness God provided for His chosen people.

Statism is a bane to Godly life. When government grows like cancer and begins to delve into the intimate details of everyday life it usurps the throne of God and interferes with obedience by replacing His law with the mandates of men. Current would-be reforms are focused on changing our government. What we need to do is change ourselves. Our government will not obey God when we ourselves do not.

If want justice we must be just. If we want honesty we must honest. If we want morality we must be moral. And, if we want change we must be discerning, truthful and confrontational.

Rushdoony lamented the supercilious clergy. He saw clearly that obedience is the quest of the heart of God and though His law is written on the hearts of serious Christians sin requires the yardstick of His written Law.

Rushdoony believed that God would honor His promise to protect His people so he was not fatalistic in assessing our current situation. His trust was in the God of the Bible not in the evil actions of His creatures.

His writings disdain intellectualism and the practice of writing for the consumption of fellow theologians. He was practical, seeking to point the way for believers to act in ways that are pleasing to God and redemptive of society. Expository preaching was not enough. Preachers needed to point the way to actions that would energize their listeners to obedient behavior that would significantly advance the Gospel in the culture.

He writes, “Almost all evangelical and Reformed scholarly works are written with a non-existent modernist audience in mind; most are thus pathetic in their futility. They seek to “prove” not to declare.”

Rushdoony denounces attempts by scholars to divide man into parts, body, mind, and spirit or to the material and spiritual. He writes that Neoplatonism works to create dualism. “But in Neoplatonism, despite the presence of the two substances, one is superior, the spiritual. It is the higher realm. The higher realm for the scholars is the ideational. For the ‘practical’ men, and for the church members, it becomes the ‘spiritual,’ the charismatic, the emotional, the ‘heart’ realms of activities of ‘love.’ In both cases, the wholeness of God’s word, and its materiality, becomes lost.”

The Bible treats man as a single entity and attempts to divide him into segments creates “a non-Biblical materialistic religion”.

Modern culture refuses to believe what is not logical to the minds of men. They treat God like a mechanism that they must understand and manipulate. They fail to acknowledge that God’s ways are not our ways and that if we could encompass Him in our sinful minds He is no longer be our God but we His. This was the determining sin in God’s Garden and is the determining sin of modern man – seeking to be like God.

Rushdoony will have none of this. He supports believing first and understanding later while the theology of our time attempts the destructive procedure of attempting to understand in order to believe. He totally accepts the God of the Bible and acknowledges that there are things that he does not understand.

We are enjoined to love one another. But when the definition of love is maligned by a wishy-washy acceptance of humanity that fails to cite the source of love as the God of the Bible we do not glorify the actions of God but instead we glorify the actions of men.

Rushdoony’s religion is not popular in our day. Christians have been nurtured on a humanistic religion that only sees the Hand of God in delightful miracles. Obedience is so far from the understanding of American citizens that they quake when Muslims bring Sharia law into the United States and seek authority to obey its mandates.

The spirit that causes a visceral fear is of Sharia law blocks the ability to obey the God of the Bible. Adam and Eve disobeyed by seeking to be like God; Jesus obeyed by always doing the will of the Father. We are to emulate Jesus.

In setting themselves up as the arbiters of justice contemporary men and women sustain war, murder, confusion, and tyranny. Justice, freedom, and prosperity await the society that obeys the God of the Bible and His Commandments. Man was not created to govern himself.

What a pleasure to read R. J. Rushdoony!

“You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, no take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.” Deut. 4:2

“I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy in this book: if anyone adds to them, God shall add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part in the tree of life and the holy city, which is written in this book.” Rev. 22:18-19

Al Cronkrite is a writer living in Florida, reach him at:

Al Cronkrite is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

Condemn Islamic Terror and Shield Zionist Atrocities

January 20, 2015 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

Surviving in a world of offensive double standards comes easy for people who lost their moral compass. Most culturally deficient pawns have such limited intellectual capacities and ethical fortitude to apply the same critical standards to zealots, who practice and defend barbarism no matter where it is committed. The narration that masquerades as objective news reporting out of the mass media, acts as a gatekeeper to provide political cover for Zionist protection. If the eternal struggle between Muslims and Jews was the supreme existential conflict, why would Christians take sides, when the purported feud between cousins, drips blood no matter whose hand holds the sword?

Oh how dare equivocate between both pseudo religious cultures, when both are engulfed in political warfare as their primary tenant. If moral principle was the essence of either society, this obscene charade of state sponsored terrorism would be exposed for what it really represents. Now before the do-gooder Christians bask in their own moral superiority, your own secular humanism surrender does not bode well for your final judgment.

The point is that unholy religious and politically inspired violence against a perceived enemy to achieve an atmosphere of panic is simply wrong. When government special operations, globalist intelligence interests and elite NWO sociopaths plan, fund, recruit, direct and cover-up false flag attacks, designed to complete a global despotism; all citizens of exploited countries lose their rights and become duped into thinking insecurity stems from radical psychopaths. The collective mental health of most societies is in a crisis of terminal proportions.

Ponder the linkage of France’s lower house of parliament votes 339 to 151 in favor of symbolic motion to recognize statehood of Palestine and Netanyahu’s Chilling Threat To France Prior To The Charlie Hebdo Tragedy. Surely, a coincidence in what is widely seen as consistent with a pattern of a sponsored Mossad scenario, the Charlie Hebdo murders in Paris has the world primed for even more draconian measures that in fact, extinguishes genuine security.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s latest ruse to advance the victimhood claim is transparent.

The real reason Bibi wants French Jews to move to Israel reports “By calling on France’s Jews to move to Israel, Netanyahu is promoting a worldview in which there is no national conflict, no occupation and no Palestinian people. There are only Jews and radical Muslims.”

“The leader of a country that is constantly in a state of war, and that every few years actually goes to war, is imploring France’s Jews to leave their country in the wake of two terrorist attacks (one of which was not directed at a Jewish target), and move to Israel. Even if we ignore the downright chutzpah of his demand vis-a-vis the French government (try imagining a leader of a Western state calling on Israelis to immigrate to his country because of the security situation in Israel), no one doubts that French Jewish immigrants will be in much greater danger living in Israel. Perhaps our foreign minister would do well to update Netanyahu on the travel warnings issued fairly often for our country?”

The insecurity hysteria that infects Western countries from the Zionist bias media about a terrorist under every bed refuses to speak the truth. Honest reporting would require coverage of the following. The same old story, Israeli atrocities against Palestinians, but where in the controlled propaganda and fantasy viewpoint of corporatist political correctness, will such factual Zionist atrocities be reported and condemned?

Once upon a time fair play was a well established standard in international affairs. Even if it was often ignored in practice, the objective was seen as a condition that established moral authority. The reality is that governance of Israel maintains a hostility that sabotages any attempts for coexistence. EXAMPLES OF HATE SPEECH BY ISRAEL AGAINST PALESTINE illustrates the savage attitude that earns world enmity for the Zionist apartheid state. Watch the chilling documentary video,  which supports righteous outrage.

The boycott Israel movement may not have taken off to a level that its proponents hoped. Yet, such non violent opposition goes unnoticed with all the hype about terrorism. The Boycott Israel Campaign provides a list of companies and answered frequently asked questions about their efforts. If this cause gained traction, the screams would be deafening from media sentinels.

In order to maintain the storyline of extreme Islamophobia terrorism, it is necessary to eliminate any debate that analyzes the established policies that foster “Greater Israel” dominance in the Middle East. Just examine the Saudi Israeli alliance forged in blood.

“The attack on Gaza comes by Saudi Royal Appointment. This royal warrant is nothing less than an open secret in Israel, and both former and serving defense officials are relaxed when they talk about it.  Former Israeli defense minister Shaul Mofaz surprised the presenter on Channel 10 by saying Israel had to specify a role for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in the demilitarization of Hamas. Asked what he meant by that, he added that Saudi and Emirati funds should be used to rebuild Gaza after Hamas had been defanged.”

Reports: Saudis Looking for Alliance With Israel presents a chilling prospect for the beleaguered Palestinians.

“Given the successes of the radical Sunni Islamic State (formerly ISIS), the lingering threat of the Muslim Brotherhood (which birthed Hamas), and the rising Shiite power in Iran, Riyadh is seen as more keen than ever to complete that process so it can formerly align with Israel, and thereby gain the advantage of its military and economic might.

The only problem is that the Saudis want to solve that “minor conflict” by asking Israel to take severe security risks by surrendering strategic positions to a Palestinian populace that has sadly proved its unwillingness to eradicate the violent anti-Israel elements within.”

Well, there you have it. Those radical Palestinian elements are dedicated terrorists, while the Saudi’s benefactor funds their barbaric wahhabi client fanatics, who miraculously never have a map to locate Israel.

If you are not allowed to discuss who really is behind the ISIS band of cutthroats, fall back on a proven tactic of diversion. in a U.S. courtroom. “The victims allege that the Palestinian groups violated the US Anti-Terrorism Act by giving money and weapons — and employment — to terrorists in the attacks that occurred between 2001 and 2004.”

Do not hold your breath waiting for a similar suit against Saudi financiers must less about U.S. covert agencies supplying arms and coordination to their new best friend, ISIS hit squads.

In this obscene world of select memory, a terrorist is your friend if they are killing an enemy of Israel, especially if a high profile attack can garnish mass public opinion support to keep the phony “War of Terror” rolling along.

When it comes to actual non state sponsored terrorism, the number of definite instances can be disputed. The GTD Global Terrorism Database lists information on over 125,000 terrorist attacks. A search of Jewish Terrorists provides results of well over 100 instances. The JDL, Jewish Defense League is a leading “Perpetrator” with a long list of crimes within the United States. The savage legacy of Rabbi Meir Kahane has a long record of terrorism to use as inspiration.

Past Zionist-Jewish Terrorism – Some Historical Facts provides both Israeli Defense Force missions and the tactics used during the formatting years of the Zionist State. Such examples seldom get a whisper of notice much less coverage in the Newspeak media. The Jewish ownership and financial control of the establishment media allows for a self prophecy of inevitability if one believes the distortions, omissions and outright lies.

Imbalance in culpability that condemns terrorist with the same intensity and blame, no matter who is responsible for the violence, will never allow for a peaceful resolution to the mutual hate that propels the globe towards oblivion.

Pat Buchanan makes a profound point in the essay, To Die for Charlie Hebdo?

“As for the “glorification of terrorist acts,” Israel’s Menachem Begin, the ANC’s Nelson Mandela, and the PLO’s Yasser Arafat were all credibly charged with acts of terrorism in their liberation struggles.

And all three won the Nobel Prize for Peace.”

His observation is not that terrorists are rewarded by the World Community, but that the hypocrisy of the establishment fabrication that makes heroes out of thugs with blood stained hands goes with the political objectives to demonize your enemy,   while crowning the butchers.

Islamic bombers who eagerly evaporate themselves as long as they can kill others, is a sickness that no authentic religion could justify.  Governments that employ aerial bombing to obliterate entire neighborhoods, and have an official policy, that kills children; practices true terrorism.

If the Christian West is ever to regain its moral foundation, their governments must no long encourage continued terrorism because of their insane foreign policies. Abandoning the teaching of Jesus Christ, a Jew, and Son of God has allowed the apocalyptic demons to run wild. Looking for a rapprochement between Muslim and Jew will never be realized until the final carnage and tribulation is stopped with His Second Coming at the end of this satanic age.

Sartre is the publisher, editor, and writer for Breaking All The Rules. He can be reached at:

Sartre is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

The Prosperity Priestess And The Pied Pieper of IHOP

September 20, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

Well lookie here.  Joyce Meyer, popular women’s conference speaker; health and wealth author; radio & TV teacher (whew!) has been invited to speak at the that will be held this December.  The 4 day weekend supposedly draws 25,000 young adults.  Visit Onething and you will find that the conference is “a gathering of believers who are setting their hearts to live with passion for Jesus.”  Sounds like a conference most Christians would love to attend.  What sincere believer wouldn’t want to share his/her passion for Jesus?

Not so fast.  The group behind the event is none other than the (IHOP) an evangelical mission organization that has its home base in Kansas City. IHOP-KC’s founder, Mike Bickle, has ties to the aka ; Kingdom Now; Latter Rain; ; Manifest Sons of God – the name has been changed to protect the guilty.  Their aim is to transform society into the kingdom of God on earth.  How?  By controlling various aspects of society.

Before I fill you in on Meyer, you’ll need a bit of background on Bickle.  A couple of decades ago he was in a heretical group known as the ,

who brought grandiose claims that a “new breed” of super prophets were beginning to arrive on planet earth who would change the world forever. These so-called prophets were a group of men that coalesced around a church known as the Kansas City Fellowship, pastored by Mike Bickle, that attracted a following of other likeminded churches in that region. (H/T )

So it’s not surprising that this self-professed “prophet” has been under scrutiny for his false teaching.  Google his name and you’ll discover that he believes God speaks to him in an audible voice and claims that he’s been to heaven twice.

It’s important to note that last year Reformed pastor; author; conference speaker Francis Chan spoke at Onething where he declared “I love Mike Bickle.”  Chan took a lot of heat for agreeing to speak at the conference.  When friends and fans urged him to decline the invite, he admitted that he didn’t know much about Mike Bickle and IHOP so,

I kinda went on the Internet and started looking things up. 

Whatever he found caused him to fall in love:

I go, man, there’s a lot of great things going on [at IHOP]. And today was the first time I ever met Mike Bickle. And, I love that guy. I do. And Mike knows—we talked about this—you know, there’s people who told me not to hang out with him.

Like, you know, words like “creepy” came up. And yet, I get to know this guy and I’m going, “Man, I love his heart. And I just want to publicly say I love Mike Bickle. ()

As you can see, Chan professed his love for the sort of person Jesus referred to as a ravenous wolf. ()

What Francis Chan failed to turn up in his investigation is that Mike Bickle has led countless young people astray.  He’s a sort of a Pied Piper to those who journey to Kansas City from all over the globe to be a part of something “significant.” Once there, they stay for days, months…even years.  You’ll find them in the prayer room praying.  Prayer “led from a stage full of musicians and readers chanting repetitive phrasings of faith” goes on ‘round the clock.

The false prophet has filled the young sojourners’ heads with untruths such as “an elite end-time church defeats God’s enemies, and Jesus is ‘held in the heavens’ until it happens.” So they most “go forth and make ready.”

Apologist Matt Slick tells us that the major draw of IHOP is experience:

People often come to me citing their experience and go back again and again to experience “God” and the “Spirit” – [which is] no different than an emotional high.  This is analogous to mysticism, which is defined as “the pursuit of deeper or higher subjective religious experience,” and “that spiritual reality is perceived apart from the human intellect and natural senses.”

Slick goes on to say:

One of the highest criticisms would be IHOP’s insidious Gnosticism.  Gnosticism is derived from the Greek word gnosis, meaning “knowledge.”  The hallmark of Gnosticism is the idea of having “hidden knowledge” of the spiritual realm that is unavailable to others.  This knowledge comes via prophecies, visions, and dreams that God specifically gives to a certain privileged group of people  – in this case IHOP.  In fact, IHOP has their own “prophecy rooms” where one can receive “prophecies,” and they used to have a practice of mailing out recorded tapes, of which I was asked by my friend’s mother to translate! ()

One last comment about Francis Chan.  The name may not be familiar but he’s without question a popular speaker and author whose books sell like hot cakes.  Sadly, when it comes to the questionable goings on at IHOP, Chan has shown an astonishing lack of discernment. It goes without saying that: (1) He must change direction and move away from those who involve themselves with the .  (2)  He must spend more time researching the people he associates with.

More On Meyer

For decades Joyce Meyer has been called a false teacher.  Why?  Because she holds to /prosperity/health and wealth heresy.  She mixes error with good practical information for women, which is why she’s so popular.  There’s plenty of proof for those who wish to know the truth (see the links at the end), and still many women choose to believe that those who say she’s a false teacher are wrong.

Some of her fans know what’s going on at IHOP-KC, so she’s bound to get blow back both before and after her appearance at Onething.  People will wonder: If I know about Mike Bickle and IHOP, how could Joyce not know?  They may even conclude that it’s a sign that her ministry is about to align with the modern day “apostles and prophets” movement.

So why in heaven’s name is she hitching herself to a wagon loaded with theological garbage.  As I pointed out earlier, “prophet” Mike Bickle is heavily into the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).  That group’s theology is a load of garbage that should be hauled to the trash dump and burned.

But before I address the reasons Meyer has chosen to put her name on the marquee with Bickle’s, let’s follow the example set by the Bereans and compare her teaching to what Scripture says.

Truth Or Error, That Is The Question

One of the reasons Joyce Meyer is considered a false teacher is because she has taught that Jesus Christ atoned for our sins in hell:

The following quote is from her 1991 booklet, The Most Important Decision You Will Ever Make, she teaches a hallmark doctrine of Faith theology, namely, that Christ had to suffer in hell to atone for our sins and be born again:

“During that time He entered hell, where you and I deserved to go (legally) because of our sin…He paid the price there.…no plan was too extreme…Jesus paid on the cross and in hell….God rose up from His throne and said to demon powers tormenting the sinless Son of God, “Let Him go.” Then the resurrection power of Almighty God went through hell and filled Jesus…He was resurrected from the dead ¾ the first born-again man.” ()

What she said here is not the view traditional orthodox Christianity holds to.   The Bible says that Jesus atoned for our sins on the cross.  Listen to :

When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, ‘It is finished,’ and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

Orthodox Christianity teaches that Jesus’ shed blood was sufficient for the atonement of our sins. The moment Jesus uttered the words “It is finished” our sin debt was paid in full.

As to her teaching on prosperity and success, listen to :

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

So, does being prosperous mean Christians will be influential and financially secure?  According to one commentary:

Many people think that prosperity and success come from having power, influential personal contacts, and a relentless desire to get ahead.  But the strategy for gaining prosperity that God taught Joshua goes against such criteria.  He said that to succeed Joshua must (1) be strong and courageous because the task ahead would not be easy, (2) obey God’s law, and (3) constantly read and study the Book of the Law – God’s Word.  To be successful, follow God’s words to Joshua.  You may not succeed by the world’s standards, but you will be a success in God’s eyes – and his opinion lasts forever.

For all you scoffers – it’s an undeniable fact that Joyce Meyer is a prosperity preacher, thus she’s a false teacher, a ravenous wolf.

Lifestyle Of The Rich And Famous

It’s no secret that she has been criticized for many things but first and foremost for her “conspicuously prosperous lifestyle.”  The money her ministry rakes in doesn’t bother her fans in the least which is obvious as scores of them purchase her books, tune into her TV/radio shows, and flock to her conferences.  They say her message is “uplifting.”  For them doctrine isn’t important –hearing a positive message is what counts.  And Joyce is all about making her fans feel good.  She knows that they prefer a feel-good message over hearing the gospel.  I mean, isn’t Christianity all about feeling good?  Doesn’t becoming a believer mean we’ll be happy, healthy and wealthy?  God loves us, yes He does.  And because of His great love for His kids, He’s going to provide us with several homes—Joyce has several homes– and perhaps our own private jet so that we can fly all over the globe like she does.

Joyce Meyer’s prosperity preaching is right out of the (WoF) play book.  That a person can create his/her own reality is the fairy tale Christianity she teaches and with no apology.  So, it’s not helpful when a prominent Christian leader joins her on her TV show and instead of pointing out errors in her teaching he tells her (and the audience) that she’s a “.”

Well, nothing could be further from the truth, and Ravi Zacharias, who gave her the compliment, should have known better.  He of all people should know that she holds to WoF heresy.  The compliment he gave her made it clear that he was oblivious to the fact that he was sitting next to a heretic.  So, Ravi did for her what she’s doing for Mike Bickle, lending creditability when none is deserved.

Like Chan, if he would have done his homework before agreeing to the interview, it would have been patently obvious that he was going to be the guest of the Prosperity Priestess. It’s shocking that high-profile celebs such as Francis Chan and Ravi Zacharias don’t know who the wolves in the hen house are.  Moreover, how could men of their stature not be aware that the NAR and WoF movements are at best aberrant and at worst cults?

Cults? you say with steam coming out of your ears.  Let there be no doubt.  These movements are viewed by some as cults for the reason that they’re “false, unorthodox, extremist” sects of Christianity (). In a word:  counterfeit.

Now getting back the primary purpose for this article, why would Joyce Meyer agree to speak at a hugely controversial event with a notorious false teacher?  Perhaps it’s because the Prosperity Priestess and the Pied Piper hold the same unbiblical theology, thus they’re birds of a feather.  So it’s no big deal when they sit on a wire together.

Or perhaps it’s all about prosperity – hers!  After hearing Joyce’s “uplifting” message people will flock to the book table to purchase her merchandise.

But that’s speculation.  The point I want to drive home is this.  More and more professing Christians are uniting with wolves in sheep’s clothing.  Likewise, wolves and wolverines are joining forces with wolves from different wolf packs.  The pack is growing.  It’s getting stronger — and they’re cunning!  False teachers now play a major role in the Christian community.  As I mentioned above, in order to transform society into the kingdom of God on earth, wolves and wolverines must , such as entertainment; government; education; business/economy; media; and family — they’re heavily involved in pro-family organizations.

I’ll close with the words of a wise man, Pastor Ray Stedman:

So in this day of confusion, of uncertainty, which voice will you listen to?  The voices of the occult world around us? The false prophets who are telling visions which they claim to be coming from the voice of God? The secular voices which tell us that things are not the way the Bible says they are? Which voice will you listen to? Whom will you follow? What will be the guideline for your actions?

Research Mike Bickle:

–By John Park

Stand Up For The Truth wrote a piece entitled and shared the story of Arial, a young woman who was an IHOP intern.

—My Word Like Fire

–Apostasy Watch

—On Solid Rock Resources

Research Joyce Meyer:

…listen to Meyer preach the prosperity gospel.  Hank Hanegraaff plays the clip and responds.

—Let Us Reason Ministries

—By Anton Bosch


—On Solid Rock Resources

Francis Chan:

—By Ken Silva

Marsha West is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

She can be reached at:

Who Is Intolerant Because Ashamed: Creationists or Evolutionary Theologians

June 22, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

It’s no longer easy to be a faithful Christian in America, says Dr. Robert P. George, chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.  Our culture increasingly condemns Christian beliefs as bigoted and hateful: 
“They despise us if we refuse to call good evil and evil good.” (American Christians Should Prepare to Be Despised, Official Tells National Prayer Breakfast, Rob Kerby,, May 15, 2014) 
The Princeton University professor and author told Washington, D.C.’s 10th annual National Catholic Prayer Breakfast that American culture no longer favors faithful Christians. For example, he asked attendees to consider, 
“….the derision that comes from being pro-life and pro-traditional marriage (they) threaten us with consequences if we refuse to call what is good, evil, and what is evil, good. They demand us to conform our thinking to their orthodoxy, or else say nothing at all…”  
Dr. George told the prayer breakfast: 
The intimidation to remain silent is insidious and growing…what American Christians are facing is the 21st century version of the question, ‘Am I ashamed of the Gospel?”   
If anything, some evolutionary theologians and their gullible Christian flocks, both evolutionary theist and progressive creationist, are at least as hostile if not more so toward faithful defenders of the miracle of Special Creation than are their evolutionary atheist and occult pantheist counterparts: Luciferians, god-men, goddesses, shaman, Satanists, witches, necromancers, and astrologers. 
The usual diatribe thrown against altogether despised creationists goes something like this:  
Since Darwin introduced the theory of evolution some Christians have been uncomfortable with the idea that all species (i.e., reptiles, birds, bugs, dogs, apes, humans) share a common ancestry moving from primordial matter to creeping things, crawling things, swimming things, knuckle-dragging things to man under the direction of the God of evolution.   Thus the Earth was not created instantaneously as St. Augustine held or created in six days as most early Church Fathers affirmed. Nor was Adam created by the One God in three Persons as a living soul embodied in flesh, fully person, fully man right from the beginning.   Adam and Eve, if they even existed were emergent products of evolution, their closest relative soulless hominids.  Thus the events described in Genesis are not meant to convey the miraculous creation ex nihilo but the scientific ‘reality’ that the universe has an impotent creator that made and ignited a Cosmic Egg (Big Bang) which generated matter and energy. Then after billions of years of God-directed evolution eventuating in the suffering and death of millions of life-forms (God’s fault, btw) man inexplicably fell from grace even though God is the guilty party, the real cause of death and suffering.  
According to this counter-intuitive Gnostic-laced tale of nonsense, evolutionary science, not God’s Revelation, is a reality in nature explainable by reason and empirical observation and faithful Christians who deny this are in denial of reality.  Faithful Christians who actually affirm the Revelation of God and Special Creation are guilty of defending the backwards, anti-scientific, anti-evolution ‘fundamentalist’ interpretation of the book of Genesis thus are not only a cause of embarrassment to fashionably-correct, scientifically enlightened Christians, but are also guilty of harming Christianity. (Creationism Harms Christianity, 
However, it isn’t faithful Christians who are ‘embarrassments’ but rather intellectually arrogant evolution-obsessed theologians.  These wolves in sheep clothing mesmerize and persuade susceptible Christian sheep to uncritically accept dangerous esoteric ideas like evolution.
 With respect to Darwin’s theory, Darwin is not its’ inventor. He received the idea from his nature-worshipping pagan grandfather Erasmus Darwin, an important name in European Masonic anti-Christian Church organizations engaged in destructive revolutionary activism. Erasmus mentored his grandson Charles: 
Dr. Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802) was the first man in England to suggest those ideas which were later to be embodied in the Darwinian theory by his grandson, Charles Darwin (1809-1882) who wrote in 1859 Origin of Species.” (Scarlet and the Beast, Vol. II, John Daniel, p. 34) 
According to anthropologist Henry Fairfield Osborn, longtime director of the American Museum of Natural History, ancient pagans are the inventers of modern evolutionism. In the introduction to his history of evolutionism Osborn wrote:
 “When I began the search for anticipations of the evolutionary theory….I was led back to the Greek natural philosophers and I was astonished to find how many of the pronounced and basic features of the Darwinian theory were anticipated even as far back as the seventh century B.C.” (Osborn, From the Greeks to Darwin, p. xi) 
By its’ nature evolutionism belongs to the category of naturalism (all that exists is nature or cosmos), making it antithetical, or in fierce opposition to the infinite Triune God, the supernatural dimension and special creation.  The personal Triune God is outside of His creation—the natural dimension of space, time, matter and energy—thus He is not subject to the laws of science: 
“….science has no satisfactory answer to the question of the origin of life on the earth. Perhaps the appearance of life on the earth is a miracle. Scientists are reluctant to accept that view, but their choices are limited: either life was created on the earth by the will of a being outside the grasp of scientific understanding, or it evolved on our planet spontaneously, through chemical reactions occurring in nonliving matter lying on the surface of the planet. The first theory places the question of the origin of life beyond the reach of scientific inquiry. It is a statement of faith in the power of a Supreme Being not subject to the laws of science. The second theory is also an act of faith. The act of faith consists in assuming that the scientific view of the origin of life is correct, without having concrete evidence to support that belief.” (Until the Sun Dies, Robert Jastrow, Ph.D. Theoretical Physics, pp. 62-63, 1977) 
Only by conceptually murdering the supernatural Triune God and replacing Him with a ‘god’ within the natural dimension (naturalism), thus subject to scientific inquiry, can intellectually arrogant theologians presume to speak for god, claiming that he made and exploded a Cosmic Egg and directs evolutionary transformism together with the rest of their twisted theology dressed in Christian clothing.
 As an idea evolution is like an onion consisting of multitudinous layers of esoteric meaning.  Darwin’s theory occupies two or three layers. The many other layers already existed prior to Erasmus going back to the Renaissance and before that to ancient Chaldea and India thence to ancient Greece and Rome where evolution is always and everywhere connected to reincarnation and spiritual evolution (transformism).    
On ancient pagan conceptions of reincarnation and spiritual evolution early Church Father Gregory of Nyssa said: 
“[I]f one should search carefully, he will find that their doctrine is of necessity brought down to this. They tell us that one of their sages said that he, being one and the same person, was born a man, and afterward assumed the form of a woman, and flew about with the birds, and grew as a bush, and obtained the life of an aquatic creature—and he who said these things of himself did not, so far as I can judge, go far from the truth, for such doctrines as this—of saying that one should pass through many changes—are really fitting for the chatter of frogs or jackdaws or the stupidity of fishes or the insensibility of trees” (The Making of Man 28:3; A.D. 379).  
Evolution appeared in Christendom during the Renaissance when certain Christian theologians, mystics and scholars such as Emanuel Swedenborg had discovered Chaldean astrology, Hermetic magic, occult Jewish Kabbalah, Eastern mystical traditions and the ancient ways of ‘going within’ (contacting spirits).  All of this was accompanied by conceptions of reincarnation and spiritual evolution.  They studied these ancient occult traditions which they translated resulting in Hermetic Kabbalah. Then like Pico della Mirandola, they argued that occult hermetic science – the divine technology or Magic Way of reaching divine status and powers through ritual procedures and spiritual evolution is the best proof of the divinity of Christ.  (God and the Knowledge of Reality, Thomas Molnar, pp. 78-79) 
Father Richard John Neuhaus pulls all of these occult traditions together in his analysis of modern evolutionary scientism as a revitalization of ancient spiritual traditions closely connected to elemental spirits. In his book, “American Babylon,” Neuhaus argues that astrological elemental spirits (powers and principalities) have been recast as, 
“…evolutionary dynamics, life forces, or laws of nature.” Though described as laws rather than spirits, these elemental “forces”…. work their inexorable ways in cold indifference to reason, to will, to love, and to hope. In short, it is suggested that the elemental spirits are in charge and that human freedom is a delusion.” (p. 226)
 Despite that modern evolutionary theologians validate their esoteric projects as empirical or observational science in reality observational science is their enemy.   For instance, evolutionary theology alleges that hominids are supposed to be our ancestors, the so-called transitional life-forms linking modern humans to the common ancestor of all life.    
However, the hominid claim has fallen flat on its’ face, said Carl Wieland. In “Making Sense of Apeman Claims,” Wieland reports that a consistent pattern has emerged in direct opposition to the evolutionary story.  Over the decades, each new fossil find has been falling quite naturally into one of only three major groups.    And two of these, Neanderthal and Homo erectus turn out to be strikingly similar, in fact, Neanderthals are “clearly human descendants of Adam.” (Creation, Vol. 36, No. 3, 2014, p. 38)
 Although the third category generates the most excitement among evolution-worshippers it turns out to be an extinct non-human primate group, anatomically not between apes and humans.    
Sequencing of Neanderthal DNA clearly shows interbreeding with modern populations, particularly those from Eastern Europe, meaning that Neanderthals are not a separate species, despite evolutionary claims that they split off from the human lineage 500,000 years ago.  This evidence is a major blow to evolutionary theist and “progressive” or “old-earth creationist notions.” (p. 38). 
It is because evolutionary ‘old-earth’ theologians reject what God said in favor of what man said, their starting point is fallible secular dating, hence they, 
“….must regard Neanderthals as pre-Adamic soulless nonhumans despite all the archaeological evidences of their humanity.   But DNA now makes this completely dead in the water, having children together means they must be the same created kind.”  (pp. 38-39) 
Among the scientifically affirmed finds showing that Neanderthals were human are: 
1. Stone tools and specialized bone tools for leatherworking. 
2. The controlled use of fire, including heating birch bark peelings to make special pitch to haft wooden shafts onto stone tools. 
3.  Perfectly balanced, finely crafted wooden hunting javelins. 
4. Jewelry 
5. Evidence of body decorations and cosmetics. 
6. Burying their dead with ornaments. 
7. Cooking utensils and the use of herbs in food. 
8. Symbolic thinking 
9. High-tech ‘superglue’ 
10. A complex structure built 1 mile underground where no daylight penetrates suggests the technology and know-how to transport sustained fire as a source of light that far down. 
11. Evidence of dwellings made of timber draped with animal skins 
12.  Recent detailed analysis of hyoid bone (associated with the voice box) indicates they could speak, as does recent genetic evidence.  (ibid, Wieland) 
“For he spoke and they were made: he commanded and they were created.” Psalm 33:9  
Either the infinite personal One God in three Persons spoke or He did not. If He did, then Jesus is God in the flesh, the Creator and Living Word (John 1: 1-5) the Light that came into the world (John 3: 1-9) who perfectly fulfills all prophecy from the antediluvian world to the post-flood world: 
And he said: I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Moses hid his face: for he durst not look at God.”     Exodus 3:6 
If the One God in three Persons spoke then what He revealed to Moses with respect to the miracle of creation is thesis (True Truth), making evolution antithesis (the lie).  The faith of the Christian Church and of the average Christian has had, and still has, its foundation as much in the literal and historic elements of Genesis, the book of beginnings revealed ‘mouth to mouth’ by the Angel to Moses, as in that of the person and deity of Jesus Christ.  
The Return of an Ancient Heresy  
The primary tactic employed by defiant, intellectually proud theologians eager to accommodate Scripture and the Church to modern science and pagan evolutionary thinking is predictable. It is the argument that evolution is entirely compatible with the Bible when Genesis, especially the first three chapters, is viewed in its entirety in a non-literal, non-historical context. This is not a heresy unique to modern times. The early Church Fathers dealt with this heresy as well, counting it among the heretical tendencies of apostate Jewish Cabbalists, Origenists and Gnostic pagans such as Simon Magus. 
Fourth-century Fathers such as John Chrysostom, Basil the Great and Ephraim the Syrian, all of whom wrote commentaries on Genesis, specifically warned against treating Genesis as an unhistorical myth or allegory. John Chrysostom strongly warned against paying heed to these heretics, 
“…let us stop up our hearing against them, and let us believe the Divine Scripture, and following what is written in it, let us strive to preserve in our souls sound dogmas.” (Genesis, Creation, and Early Man, Fr. Seraphim Rose, p. 31)
 As St. Cyril of Alexandria wrote, higher theological, spiritual meaning is founded upon humble, simple faith in the literal and historic elements of Genesis as Revealed by God and one cannot apprehend rightly the Scriptures without believing in the historical reality of the events and people they describe. (ibid, Seraphim Rose, p. 40) 
In agreement, Vishal Mangalwadi (1949- ), founder-president of BOMI/Revelation Movement observes that the Revelation of God is the only available foundation for truth, freedom and faith in God’s gift of reason.  But Western theologians and intellectuals have closed their minds to Revelation, hence Truth, reason and Special Creation.  Because “intelligent” Americans no longer believe in “True Truth” (Francis Schaeffer) they invent stories and use empty god words as substitutes for the infinite, personal Triune God.  Thus Gospel Truth is now ‘Gospel Story’ and history a series of unfolding stories such as the physical science story (Big Bang) which may or may not include the use of a god-word; the biological science story (evolutionary transformism), the climate science story (global warming or change), and the social science story (gay marriage): 
Doing science” increasingly means peddling politically correct dogma – that is, stories that have evolved into myths. No one really knows if there was only one Big Bang or other bigger bangs as well; whether we live in a universe or multi-verse; whether life evolved on this planet or came from outer space . . . but if you want a tenured position in a university, and if you want your research projects funded, you have to toe politically correct storyline – champion dogma.”  (How Did the West’s ‘Rational Animal’ Become Incapable of Using Reason? Mangalwadi) 
The abandonment of God’s Revelation in favor of story-telling   
Christendom and Protestant America did not emerge from the darkness of story-telling and god-words but arose to illustrious heights on the awe-inspiring wings of the Revelation of God, hence the Genesis account of creation ex nihilo, the uniquely Christian definition of man as a person because created in the spiritual image of the infinite One God in three Persons, God’s unchanging Moral Law and the Biblical view of man’s sinful condition. Their subsequent fall was traced by Richard Weaver in his book, “Ideas Have Consequences” (1945). 
Weaver writes that 14th century Western man had made an “evil decision” to abandon his belief in the transcendent Triune God, His Revelation and unchanging universals, thus the position that “there is a source of truth higher than and independent of man…” The consequence of this ‘evil decision’ is a still unfolding catastrophe reaching fullness in our own time: 
The denial of everything transcending experience means inevitably…the denial of truth. With the denial of objective truth there is no escape from the relativism of ‘man is the measure of all things.” (The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America, George H. Nash, pp. 32-33) 
The substance of ‘man is the measure of all things’ is idolatry.  The beginning of idolatry is pride (narcissism), which together with selfishness demonstrates preference for one’s self instead of the Triune God, His Revelation (hence ‘True Truth’) and neighbor (and unwanted, inconvenient human life, i.e., babies).  Just as no violation of the Law can occur without one first being an idolater, envy/covetousness and murder are its’ final results, for where ‘self’ is primary then ‘self’ deserves everything it can get, no matter the cost to other people.   
The fall of the West and America is due to the idolatry of darkened souls turned by choice toward evil.  From the antediluvians to our own age, the truth as to this evil said Athanasius, 
“….is that it originates, and resides, in the perverted choice of the darkened soul” which, “materialized by forgetting God” and engrossed in lower things, “makes them into gods,” and thereby “descends into a hopeless depth of delusion and superstition,” whereby “they ceased to think that anything existed beyond what is seen, or that anything was good save things temporal and bodily; so turning away and forgetting that she was in the image of the good God, she no longer… sees God the Word after whose likeness she is made; but having departed from herself, imagines and feigns what is not (and then) advancing further in evil, they came to celebrate as gods the elements and the principles of which bodies are composed….“(Against the Heathen, New Advent) 
Having descended into delusion and superstition darkened souls imagined that “all that exists” is the natural dimension, meaning the universe of matter, animated powers, forces, and deterministic laws, all of which they celebrated and attributed miraculous powers to just as modern evolution worshippers do, whether secular or theological: 
There is an energy in the world, a spark, an electricity that everything is plugged into. The Greeks called it zoe, the mystics call it ‘Spirit,’ and Obi-Wan called it ‘the Force’…..This energy, spark, and electricity that pulses through all of creation sustains it, fuels it, and keeps it growing. Growing, evolving, reproducing…” (Love Wins, Rob Bell, pgs. 144-145) 
Evolutionary scientism is not observational science in search of how things really work in this world but rather a disastrous occult science tradition whose taproot stretches back to Babylon and before that the pre-flood world.   The ‘Christian’ teachers and defenders of this demonic heresy are guilty of leading unwitting sheep astray, possibly to their doom, and of besmirching and defaming faithful defenders of special creation as backwards, anti-science, anti-evolution destroyers of the faith.   However, in reality creationists are the defenders of thesis (True Truth) against the damnable incursion of antithesis (occultism) into the good news, the Gospel of Christ. 
 In this light, what are vicious attacks against Special Creation as well as those against the sanctity of human life, and traditional one man one woman marriage but evil wills offended by and resentful of Higher Authority, True Truth, ‘other’ (unwanted, inconvenient human life) and moral restrictions and limitations? 
For whoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father’s, and of the holy angels.”    Luke 9:26 
Who are the intolerant ones, the highly offended because ashamed of our Lord and his words?  Who are the selfish, intellectually arrogant story-tellers whose embarrassing doctrine of change (evolution) is “really fitting for the chatter of frogs or jackdaws or the stupidity of fishes or the insensibility of trees”‘?   
Hint:  Not Creationists or any of the faithful. 

Linda Kimball writes on culture, politics, and worldview. Her articles are published nationally and internationally. Linda can be reached at:

Linda Kimball is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

A Wasteful, Growing, Fear-Mongering Beast

June 21, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

What The DHS Is Building Is Indeed A Beast…

One of the great concerns of our Founding Fathers was a large standing army on American soil. James Madison spoke for all of America’s founders when he said, “A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty.” I wonder what Madison and the rest of our founders would have to say about the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

John Whitehead, the president of The Rutherford Institute, recently wrote a trenchant summary of the DHS. He began by saying, “If the United States is a police state, then the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is its national police force, with all the brutality, ineptitude and corruption such a role implies. In fact, although the DHS’ governmental bureaucracy may at times appear to be inept and bungling, it is ruthlessly efficient when it comes to building what the Founders feared most–a standing army on American soil.”

Whitehead observes that the DHS employs over 240,000 full time workers and has an annual budget of $61 billion. Sub-agencies of the DHS include the Coast Guard, Customs and Border Protection, Secret Service, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Whitehead states, “In the 12 years since it was established to ‘prevent terrorist attacks within the United States,’ the DHS has grown from a post-9/11 knee-jerk reaction to a leviathan with tentacles in every aspect of American life. With good reason, a bipartisan bill to provide greater oversight and accountability into the DHS’ purchasing process has been making its way through Congress.

“A better plan would be to abolish the DHS altogether. In making the case for shutting down the de facto national police agency, analyst Charles Kenny offers the following six reasons: one, the agency lacks leadership; two, terrorism is far less of a threat than it is made out to be; three, the FBI has actually stopped more alleged terrorist attacks than DHS; four, the agency wastes exorbitant amounts of money with little to show for it; five, ‘An overweight DHS gets a free pass to infringe civil liberties without a shred of economic justification’; and six, the agency is just plain bloated.”

In addition to Kenny’s reasons for shutting down the DHS, Whitehead adds the following indictments:

“Militarizing police and SWAT teams. The DHS routinely hands out six-figure grants to enable local municipalities to purchase military-style vehicles, as well as a veritable war chest of weaponry, ranging from tactical vests, bomb-disarming robots, assault weapons and combat uniforms. This rise in military equipment purchases funded by the DHS has, according to analysts Andrew Becker and G.W. Schulz, ‘paralleled an apparent increase in local SWAT teams.’ The end result? An explosive growth in the use of SWAT teams for otherwise routine police matters, an increased tendency on the part of police to shoot first and ask questions later, and an overall mindset within police forces that they are at war–and the citizenry are the enemy combatants.

“Stockpiling ammunition. DHS, along with other government agencies, has been stockpiling an alarming amount of ammunition in recent years, which only adds to the discomfort of those already leery of the government. As of 2013, DHS had 260 million rounds of ammo in stock, which averages out to between 1,300 to 1,600 rounds per officer. The US Army, in contrast, has roughly 350 rounds per soldier. DHS has since requisitioned more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammo, ‘enough,’ concludes Forbes magazine, ‘to sustain a hot war for 20+ years.’

“Distributing license plate readers. DHS has already distributed more than $50 million in grants to enable local police agencies to acquire license plate readers, which rely on mobile cameras to photograph and identify cars, match them against a national database, and track their movements. Relying on private contractors to maintain a license plate database allows the DHS and its affiliates to access millions of records without much in the way of oversight.

“Contracting to build detention camps. In 2006, DHS awarded a $385 million contract to a Halliburton subsidiary to build detention centers on American soil. Although the government and Halliburton were not forthcoming about where or when these domestic detention centers would be built, they rationalized the need for them in case of ‘an emergency influx of immigrants, or to support the rapid development of new programs’ in the event of other emergencies such as ‘natural disasters.’ Viewed in conjunction with the NDAA provision allowing the military to arrest and indefinitely detain anyone, including American citizens, it would seem the building blocks are already in place for such an eventuality.

“Tracking cell-phones with Stingray devices. Distributed to local police agencies as a result of grants from the DHS, these Stingray devices enable police to track individuals’ cell phones–and their owners–without a court warrant or court order. The amount of information conveyed by these devices about one’s activities, whereabouts and interactions is considerable. As one attorney explained: ‘Because we carry our cellphones with us virtually everywhere we go, stingrays can paint a precise picture of where we are and who we spend time with, including our location in a lover’s house, in a psychologist’s office or at a political protest.’

“Carrying out military drills and lockdowns in American cities. Each year, DHS funds military-style training drills in cities across the country. These Urban Shield exercises, elaborately staged with their own set of professionally trained Crisis Actors playing the parts of shooters, bystanders and victims, fool law enforcement officials, students, teachers, bystanders and the media into thinking it’s a real crisis.

“Using the TSA as an advance guard. The TSA now searches a variety of government and private databases, including things like car registrations and employment information, in order to track travelers’ before they ever get near an airport. Other information collected includes ‘tax identification number, past travel itineraries, property records, physical characteristics, and law enforcement or intelligence information.’

“Conducting virtual strip searches with full-body scanners. Under the direction of the TSA, American travelers have been subjected to all manner of searches ranging from whole-body scanners and enhanced patdowns at airports to bag searches in train stations. In response to public outrage over what amounted to a virtual strip search, the TSA has begun replacing the scanners with equally costly yet less detailed models. The old scanners will be used by prisons for now.

“Carrying out soft target checkpoints. VIPR task forces, comprised of federal air marshals, surface transportation security inspectors, transportation security officers, behavior detection officers and explosive detection canine teams have laid the groundwork for the government’s effort to secure so-called ‘soft’ targets such as malls, stadiums, bridges, etc. Some security experts predict that checkpoints and screening stations will eventually be established at all soft targets, such as department stores, restaurants, and schools. DHS’ Operation Shield, a program which seeks to check up on security protocols around the country with unannounced visits, conducted a surprise security exercise at the Social Security Administration building in Leesburg, Fla., when they subjected people who went to pick up their checks to random ID checks by federal agents armed with semi-automatic weapons.

“Directing government workers to spy on Americans. Terrorism Liaison Officers are firefighters, police officers, and even corporate employees who have received training to spy on and report back to government entities on the day-to-day activities of their fellow citizens. These individuals are authorized to report ‘suspicious activity’ which can include such innocuous activities as taking pictures with no apparent aesthetic value, making measurements and drawings, taking notes, conversing in code, espousing radical beliefs, and buying items in bulk.

“Conducting widespread spying networks using fusion centers. Data collecting agencies spread throughout the country, aided by the National Security Agency, fusions centers–of which there are at least 78 scattered around the U.S.–constantly monitor our communications, collecting and cataloguing everything from our internet activity and web searches to text messages, phone calls and emails. This data is then fed to government agencies, which are now interconnected: the CIA to the FBI, the FBI to local police. Despite a budget estimated to be somewhere between $289 million and $1.4 billion, these fusion centers have proven to be exercises in incompetence, often producing irrelevant, useless or inappropriate intelligence, while spending millions of dollars on ‘flat-screen televisions, sport utility vehicles, hidden cameras and other gadgets.’”

On a personal note, I can testify to Whitehead’s warning regarding fusion centers. When I ran as the Constitution Party’s candidate for President back in 2008, DHS fusion centers funneled warnings to the State of Missouri law enforcement agencies to be on the look-out for people sporting bumper stickers with my name, Ron Paul’s name, and Bob Barr’s (the Libertarian Party candidate for President that same year) name. People with these bumper stickers were said to be “potential dangerous militia members,” “extremists,” etc.

When word of this blatant violation of fundamental liberties publicly surfaced, tens of thousands of outraged Americans inundated the political offices within the State of Missouri. Ron, Bob, and I sent a letter to the governor and MIAC officer in charge demanding an apology and that the statements be removed from Missouri law enforcement memos. Public pressure was so massive that it didn’t take long for Missouri officials to apologize to us and remove the libelous statements. However, if you think this kind of conduct is not continuing, you are very mistaken.

I have had several liberty-minded law enforcement officers (in several states) personally show me interoffice memos and computer reports depicting me (and several other liberty-minded public figures) as “extremists,” “radicals,” “hate-group leaders,” etc. Virtually, every such memo or report is being distributed to local police departments and sheriff’s offices via DHS fusion centers–in concert with the ultra-liberal Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

Whitehead continues:

“Carrying out Constitution-free border control searches. On orders from the DHS, the government’s efforts along the border have become little more than an exercise in police state power, ranging from aggressive checkpoints to the widespread use of drone technology, often used against American citizens traveling within the country. Border patrol operations occur within 100 miles of an international crossing, putting some 200 million Americans within the bounds of aggressive border patrol searches and seizures, as well as increasingly expansive drone surveillance. With 71 checkpoints found along the southwest border of the United States alone, suspicionless search and seizures on the border are rampant. Border patrol agents also search the personal electronic devices of people crossing the border without a warrant.

“Funding city-wide surveillance cameras. As Charlie Savage reports for the Boston Globe, the DHS has funneled ‘millions of dollars to local governments nationwide for purchasing high-tech video camera networks, accelerating the rise of a “surveillance society” in which the sense of freedom that stems from being anonymous in public will be lost.’ These camera systems, installed on city streets, in parks and transit systems, operating in conjunction with sophisticated computer systems that boast intelligent video analytics, digital biometric identification, military-pedigree software for analyzing and predicting crime and facial recognition software, create a vast surveillance network that can target millions of innocent individuals.

“Utilizing drones and other spybots. The DHS has been at the forefront of funding and deploying surveillance robots and drones for land, sea and air, including robots that resemble fish and tunnel-bots that can travel underground. Despite repeated concerns over the danger surveillance drones used domestically pose to Americans’ privacy rights, the DHS has continued to expand its fleet of Predator drones, which come equipped with video cameras, infrared cameras, heat sensors, and radar. DHS also loans its drones out to local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies for a variety of tasks, although the agency refuses to divulge any details as to how, why and in what capacity these drones are being used by police. Incredibly, the DHS has also been handing out millions of dollars in grants to local police agencies to ‘accelerate the adoption’ of drones in their localities.”

Whitehead concludes by saying, “It’s not difficult to see why the DHS has been described as a ‘wasteful, growing, fear-mongering beast.’ If it is a beast, however, it is a beast that is accelerating our nation’s transformation into a police state through its establishment of a standing army, a.k.a. national police force.”

See John Whitehead’s report here:

When the British government employed such tactics (in their own way, given the lack of technology in the mid-1700s), the pulpits of Colonial America thundered forth the call of liberty. Presbyterians, Baptists, Congregationalists, Separatists, Anglicans: it didn’t matter. Pastors from across the denominational spectrum boldly and courageously implored their congregants to resist these tyrannical tactics. And resist they did!

So, what are our pastors and churches doing today in the face of this burgeoning police state? For the most part, they are sitting back mute and dumb. If they are not absolutely apathetic to the rise of this beast, they are actually assisting it. Through the egregiously unbiblical interpretation of Romans 13, whereby pastors are telling their adherents to submit to evil government, or through the fear of losing their precious 501c3 tax-exempt status, pastors are deliberately leading their churches as sheep to the slaughter.

And make no mistake about it: what the DHS is building is indeed a BEAST. And prophecy buffs should be well-acquainted with that word. Does not the Scripture warn us that there are “many” anti-Christs in the world? Is not the word “beast” and “anti-Christ” synonymous? They absolutely are. Prophecy students are also well aware of the fact that the prophetic “beast” is as much a system as it is a person. Without a doubt, this beastly system is being constructed before our very eyes.

Interestingly enough, this beast was created by the professing Christian president, G.W. Bush. Is that why Christian pastors are so complacent? Are they truly that gullible? A “conservative” Republican creates the beast, and a “liberal” Democrat feeds it. Both are equally culpable.

These pastors can talk about following Jesus all they want; they can cry crocodile tears when they sing Amazing Grace all they want; they can preach about Heaven all they want; and they can talk about being “born again” all they want. But if they are not warning their people about this growing beast, and if they are not emphatically imploring their people to resist this beast, they are helping to feed their sheep to the wolves.

Dear Christian friends, get out of these churches! As nice as the pastor seems to be, as sincere as he seems to be, as doctrinally-sound as he appears to be, by his refusal to resist this growing police state he is helping to put the chains of slavery around the necks of your children and grandchildren. He is facilitating the rise of a very dangerous and hungry beast in our land.

Real men of God throughout history have been noted by their courage to resist the evil beasts that have attempted to devour God’s people. From Gideon and Samson to Martin Luther and Huldrych Zwingli, and from Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Niemoller to Jonas Clark and James Caldwell, these men of God were indefatigable and heroic champions of liberty.

The “standing military force” and “overgrown Executive” are here! Now, where are the patriot pulpits to resist them?

Chuck Baldwin is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

You can reach him at:
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Does The Bible Really Say We’re Not To Judge?

May 12, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

Some professing Christians become infuriated when a “watchblogger” has the chutzpah to report on a false teacher by name, as if naming names is unbiblical.  High-profile leaders and bloggers who mention heretics by name are often accused of demonizing or judging them.

For example, when I expose  latest effort to unite with , , , , and when I examine his  and his penchant for (he often uses it as a tool to cover his own ideas with a pretense of divine authority), complaints come pouring in by the truck load.  Many of his defenders write to set me straight on what Scripture says about “judging him.”  Others scold me for not giving him credit for all the good he has done, as if doing good deeds, meeting felt needs and ignoring doctrine and creeds is biblical.

Invariably someone will cite  :

If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.

And then they’ll ask if I’ve gone privately to Rick Warren to correct him.  My response is “Of course not!”  Why?  For the reason that Christian celebrities like Rick Warren are generally not accessible.  Many are, in fact, akin to Hollywood celebs.  No doubt some of them rationalize that their popularity affords them certain privileges, one of which is to choose not to have a dialogue with those of us who write anything negative about them.

Yet the Bible says that those who are in sin (false teaching is sin) must be admonished.  In  the Apostle John calls out Diotrephes and promises to publicly correct him upon his return. In  Paul stands up to the highly esteemed Apostle Peter!   He even got in Peter’s face for fearing false teachers. What resulted from Peter’s “fear of man”?:

And the rest of the Jews acted hypocritically along with him, so that even Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy.  But when I saw that their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas before them all, ‘If you, though a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you force the Gentiles to live like Jews?’ (bold added)

In context the Matthew 18 passages (above) addresses the ways in which the leadership must go about disciplining a brother or sister in their church who has fallen into sin.  It also provides the proper steps to take before excommunicating someone who refuses to repent.  First, we are to go to him in private and if he refuses to repent we are to go a second time taking with us two or more witnesses.  If he still refuses to repent, the pastor must go before the church and proclaim his sin.  Ouch!

It’s essential that elders are involved in the process.

Likewise, the passages in Matthew 18 don’t apply to doctrinal issues nor do they apply to Christians who have put their work before the world.  A person’s willingness to do so makes them fair game for anyone who wishes to scrutinize and even criticize his or her work.   Consequently, Christians who can’t stand the heat should get out of the kitchen.

But I’m drifting from my point.

When believers make a judgment, we’re not to judge self-righteously.  Moreover, we’re not to judge a person’s heart or motives.  Those who do are sinning.

Because I name names I’m often accused of being judgmental.  All I can do is respond with Scripture:

The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one. ‘For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?’  But we have the mind of Christ.()

What?  You mean the true believer has the mind of Christ?  Yes!  This is a difficult concept to grasp to be sure, so I’ll point you to Matthew Henry’s commentary:

The apostles were not guided by worldly principles. They had the revelation of these things from the Spirit of God, and the saving impression of them from the same Spirit. These things they declared in plain, simple language, taught by the Holy Spirit, totally different from the affected oratory or enticing words of man’s wisdom. The natural man, the wise man of the world, receives not the things of the Spirit of God. The pride of carnal reasoning is really as much opposed to spirituality, as the basest sensuality. The sanctified mind discerns the real beauties of holiness, but the power of discerning and judging about common and natural things is not lost. But the carnal man is a stranger to the principles, and pleasures, and actings of the Divine life. The spiritual man only, is the person to whom God gives the knowledge of his will. … And the apostles were enabled by his Spirit to make known his mind. In the Holy Scriptures, the mind of Christ, and the mind of God in Christ, are fully made known to us. It is the great privilege of Christians, that they have the mind of Christ revealed to them by his Spirit. They experience his sanctifying power in their hearts, and bring forth good fruits in their lives. (bold added — )

In short, it is the spiritual man () who possesses the mind of Christ and has received the knowledge of His will which is laid out for us in Scripture.  Therefore, the believer who is truly walking with the Lord— –has the authority to judge words and actions — especially when the teaching is unbiblical.

How do we know when someone’s teaching is unbiblical?  That’s easy!  Test his teaching against the Word of God and if it doesn’t line up with what’s in the Bible, then what’s being taught is not from God! And if what’s being taught is not from God it’s from another source – the !

Bible teacher and expositor John MacArthur cautions:

It should be noted that [Matthew 7:1-5] has erroneously been used to suggest that believers should never evaluate or criticize anyone for anything. Our day hates absolutes, especially theological and moral absolutes, and such simplistic interpretation provides a convenient escape from confrontation. Members of modern society, including many professing Christians, tend to resist dogmatism and strong convictions about right and wrong. Many people prefer to speak of all-inclusive love, compromise, ecumenism, and unity. To the modern religious person those are the only “doctrines” worth defending, and they are the doctrines to which every conflicting doctrine must be sacrificed.  ()

In my experience, many professing Christians stubbornly stick to their position that those who expose the unbiblical teaching of Christian celebs are unfairly judging them so they play the card: “Judge not, that you be not judged” followed by a resounding rebuke from verse 5: “You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye?”

Christians who fail to grasp the notion that those who are Spirit-filled have the mind of Christ is mind boggling.  Only believers can make this claim — no one else can.  And that includes Miss Spirituality herself, !  Why?  Since Oprah is unregenerate she cannot possible understand spiritual truth because her !

God’s ways and His Word make little sense to the unsaved.  Listen to what Paul says:

The natural person [unregenerate] does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.” ()

There is no other place we can learn about the things of the Spirit of God except in the Bible.  Moreover, the Bible’s the final authority in all matters of faith.  In  we’re told that “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.”  And   says “For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.”  Although every page of Scripture is , a growing number of Christians choose to reject hard to understand Bible stories and doctrines.  Two examples that come to mind are the  in Genesis chapters 1 & 2 and our Lord’s teaching that  is a place of fire, demons and everlasting torment.  Some readers will be surprised to learn that Christ preached more on hell than all the other persons in the Bible put together!

It’s unbelievable how many professing Christians don’t study their bibles.  They may attend church regularly but because they’re biblically illiterate they have no clue if the pastor’s teaching God’s truth or outright heresy.  In many cases they wouldn’t know biblical truth if it walked up and bit them on the nose!

I regularly hear from Christians whose heart’s desire is to attend a healthy well-balanced church where they can be confident that they’re receiving good solid biblical teaching.  They’ve searched high and low to find a gospel teaching church near their home but there are none.  And they’re discouraged.  The sad fact is that only a handful of ministers still preach the true .  My advice is always the same: “Don’t give up searching!”  But this is a subject for a whole other article so I’ll move on.

As if we didn’t have enough to deal with in the visible Church, a large number of ministers and so-called Bible teachers in churches and on the airwaves are selling a false gospel to consumers. Front and center is the /name-it-and-claim-it/prosperity charlatans such as , , , , ,  and , to name a few.

Be on the alert for the  (NAR) a heretical movement that holds to the view that God is restoring the lost offices of church governance such as the prophets and apostles.  “Super Apostle”  is the head of the NAR and there’s a swarm of so-called apostles and prophets worldwide.  The wolves and wolverines in this movement believe they possess the same gifts as the Old Testament prophets and the New Testament apostles.  (Learn more about the NAR by visiting my .)

Other celebs to be wary of are , , , , , .

Again, we’re not to judge a person’s heart or motives, but we can certainly judge the fruit they produce!  Jesus himself said:

Every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits. ()

Believers who read and study their bibles are far less likely to blindly follow false teachers.  But it’s not out of the realm of possibility for mature believers who cease being  to have the wool pulled over their eyes.  For this very reason John warned:

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. ().

Marsha West is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

She can be reached at:

You Are The Enemy

February 10, 2014 by Administrator · 2 Comments 

There is now a New American War.  It is inside America. It is called the “War on Terror”. The enemy is YOU!

It is a staged, Phony War that has been created by the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS).

This New War on Terror has an enemy. That enemy is the American People, You and Me.

Every Military Force needs an enemy. Without an ongoing or perpetual war, the War profiteers quickly go bankrupt.

In order to keep their profit stream going from war, war-profiteers need to create successive new wars or a significant threat of impending war.

Creating pretexts for these much needed wars is very hard work and quite expensive too. But war is a business, a very big business, and war-profiteers need to invest big money to make even more in return.

Members of Congress must be bought, and top Generals and Admirals of the Military High Command too.

This costs a great deal of hard cold cash, but that’s okay because the IZCS gets all it needs from fat US foreign aid to Israel, fat contracts with Israeli Defense providers, and fat donations from those wealthy zionist businessmen that the IZCS manipulates, guilts or shakes down.

At this point, a select group of 70,000 K-Street Lobbyists go to work distributing funds to get elected officials on Board. The several select Generals and Admirals are handled more covertly.

If this is not enough revenue to pay off the necessary officials, the IZCS gets the rest directly from its private Central Banksters who can create all the money they want digitally, anytime they want, and give it to tribal brothers or anyone else, anytime they want.

Of course the key thing here is a significant portion of these fat revenues are kicked back to the corrupt, bought and owned members of Congress who voted for them, and to select top Generals and Admirals of the High Military Command who support the IZCS intended proxy wars by America on their behalf.

Under President Obama’s Administration, for whatever reasons, the High Military Command has not been willing to take payoffs and favors and has not been blackmail-able by the IZCS.

[Note: this is a long article and one option is to read the caps first and then any areas you are interested in if you have time]

Here is the new game in the so-called American Defense Industry.  It is a stateside game and it involves magically transforming any and all innocent, Constitutional, law-abiding citizens into Domestic Dissenters, aka “Domestic Terrorists” or something close enough to declare war on “Potential Domestic Dissenters, aka “Potential Domestic Terrorists”. This is an occult, alchemical symbolic processing of the American people (aka “we the people”) into an defined domestic enemy that can be waged war against on many fronts–phone and email tapping, massive spying and infiltration of all domestic groupings, even neighborhood coffee parties or local church charities–you name it, everything.

This new redefinition of normal law-abiding Americans into “Enemies of the State” and its internal security apparatus as a threat to national security IS a magical conversion or transformation of the normal American Society, mainstream law abiding America, into a huge domestic national security market. This is all an horrendous BIG LIE.

Actually the real situation is just the opposite–it is the USG and specifically the Fusion Centers and the Department of Homeland Security run by perverts and enemies of “we the people” that are the real risk to the true and actual national security of America the republic and to all honest, law abiding, Constitutional Americans. And the USG and DHS and Fusion Center officials are nothing less than world class criminals committing both High Treason and Sedition against America the Republic. The USG has been hijacked and is being run by those who have turned everything upside down.

This redefinition of course involves placing cameras and microphones on almost every street corner in the light-poles and pulsed beam psychotronic generators in many street lamps, turned on full power during rush hour to sedate and subdue the populace in order to keep the masses in line.

Some say that the new Chairman of the JCS, General Martin Dempsey, is a breath of fresh air, a real American Patriot who honors his Oath to defend the US Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.

So far, General Dempsey has resisted major efforts to coerce him to support and engage in any new major American Mideast Air and Ground invasion (another American proxy war for Israel).

And many believe that our new Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel is another America-firster who takes his oath to defend the US Constitution seriously also.

JCS Chairman Dempsey’s independence and commitment to America on this matter has elevated him to the status of a “rock star” in the view of many who appreciate his steadfastness, and he is regarded as a true America-firster.

Some experts view JCS Chairman Dempsey’s integrity and commitment to America the Republic as a major turning point, signaling the realization by the High Military Command that the 9/11 attacks were an inside-job, a false-flag attack run by the IZCS with the help of several Traitors within the USAF, JCS, and NORAD.

And that it also signals a shocking realization, for the first time, that most of the Institutions of the USG have been deeply hijacked by the IZCS and their Cutouts have included the Bush Cabal which is now struggling to maintain a thin hold on power.(1)

Obviously, Chairman Dempsey’s and Defense Secretary Hagel’s steadfast resistance to being manipulated by the IZCS into fighting another major Mideast ground and Air proxy war for Israel appears to be driving the IZCS to desperation.  So far these America-firsters are holding fast against any and all IZCS manipulations and pressure and doing an excellent job staying on course.

The IZCS knows that unless it gets another American proxy war in the Mideast for Israel, they are finished.  They also know that if the American masses ever start finding out that 9/11 was planned and controlled by those owned by the IZCS, they are done too.

Actually the 9/11 attacks of the IZCS were in a sense a going-for-broke gamble of everything they have against the House (America the Republic). There is a very strong new American Populism which is emerging rapidly as a spontaneous by-product of the world-wide Internet and the Alternative news it carries, which provides truth to the masses for the first time.

Top insiders know all the names of who did the 9/11 inside-job false-flag attacks and are are ready to testify if an independent prosecutor is assigned and a special Grand Jury is called, and appropriate  immunity agreements are offered for “coming clean”. At least one, Steve Pieczenik, MD, Ph.D., (former Assistant Secretary of State and father of many deep cover black ops, and also the main character in many Tom Clancy books) has already gone public and named names and has said he is willing to testify in a Federal Court as to who did it.(2) Obviously Dr. Pieczenik is another great American Hero.

Some top insiders close to to the High Command have suggested that America is so deeply hijacked by the IZCS that it will take some years of the actions of high officials like JCS Chairman General Dempsey and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to turn the tide and neutralize the rampant influence peddling of the IZCS over almost every member of Congress and many officials in the Department of Justice and the Alphabets.

Certainly the Department of Homeland Security is now recognized as a major IZCS beach-head inside America and part of a long term plan to establish a foreign controlled IZCS neo-Bolshevik military force inside America to Tyrannize, wage war against, and eventually serially mass murder most Americans.

This is why some top insiders refer to DHS as the New American Gestapo or Stasi.  Some see it now morphing into a New Red Cheka mass-murder machine for dispensing Bolshevik-style Red Terror and mass-murder to Americans.

The Cold War was a great boon to the defense Industry even though it never went hot anywhere but Korea and Vietnam, which were limited to prevent an all out nuclear exchange.

The first Iraq War (aka the Gulf War) under Bush1 resulted from covert trickery using Kuwaiti cross drilling, which was reported to Saddam Hussein by April Glaspie, who convinced him that the USG wouldn’t care if he invaded Kuwait to stop the theft of his oil from his main oil field. The second Mideast war was an Invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan to get even with the alleged perps who supposedly did the 9/11 attacks, but actually never were involved at all.

President Obama is now unwilling to deploy American troops in any major new American land war or massive air bombardment campaign in the Mideast. Nor is the current US Military High Command willing to allow it at this time. In order to appease the so-called Defense Industry and their lobbyists, he has apparently deployed numerous teams of “special operators” and mercenaries but these have been fighting terrorists supported by America, a self-defeating exercise.

He has also continued to deploy drones with air-to-ground missiles to mass murder numerous innocent women, children and non-combatants. All these Mideast and African wars are illegal, unConstitutional, undeclared and unprovoked.  They have been sold to the American People and the Congress based on the BIG LIE that they are preemptive strikes necessary to prevent any more 9/11 attacks.

The need for preemptive strikes to prevent terrorist attacks inside America is an obvious lie for numerous reasons. Anyone who examines all the available evidence on 9/11, including the BBC live TV announcement by Jane Standley that WTC7 fell to the ground 20 minutes before it happened (due to top MI-6 control officers forgetting about American Daylight savings time (too much personal coke use perhaps?).(3)

In addition, if DHS’s main concern is spying on normal Americans who dissent and crushing them because DHS believes they are “domestic terrorists or “potential Domestic terrorists” or “lone wolf” spontaneously emerging domestic terrorists, this obviates any lies about the need for preemptive foreign attacks. The reason?  Because DHS now claims that the emergence of these ordinary lone wolf domestic terrorists inside America is a spontaneous phenomenon, as well as a completely independent problem that has nothing to do with foreign terrorists in the Mideast.

And beside DHS allows open borders, “sanctuary cities” where illegals can not be checked for legal immigration status, given traffic tickets for minor violations, and must be granted drivers licenses and social security cards without any proof of residency. Plus, thousands of Mideast Immigrants are allowed in to America when there is already a shortage of jobs, and the Muslim Brotherhood is invited into the White House to meet with President Obama.(4)

It is obvious that as the major American Defense Contractors who are either owned or controlled by the IZCS have realized that American Mideast war efforts are waning and have worked hard to create their phony War on Terror, first in foreign countries and now in America.

They have worked hard to generate massive public fear in reaction to the 9/11 attacks in order to engender public support and vast expenditures of taxpayer dollars for a large national security market and internal security apparatus, like the Fusion Centers and its specialized assassination teams disguised as corporate or political protection squads, the DHS and the TSA with its Vipr Teams.

This phony, staged War on Terror has been very craftily engineered to be an unending war that will assure perpetual war profits for Defense Contractors and a perpetual supply of artificially created enemies inside America to feed that war. How is this possible you might ask?

This new War on Terror has been socially engineered to provide a continual stream of degradations and provocations against the average American, provoking many in a never-ending stream to resist, and causing them to be labeled dissenters.

Once they have been labeled dissenters they are put on a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Main Core Terror Watch List, which top insiders know is a targeted assassination list for later eradication of all Freedom-loving Americans who want to restore the American Constitutional Republic.

At present the Main Core list has over ten million Americans on it, and it is growing every day with thousands of new additions. Get a ticket for a driving offense or any arrest (even if later proven innocent) and it is highly likely you will be placed on this Main Core Terror Watch and Assassination list.

If you have a prior drug arrest many years ago or any arrest, it is likely you have already been placed on this list. If a USG web troll or fusion Center Officer comes across any patriotic postings or anything they consider subversive like the East German Stasi, that poster will likely be placed on this list.

Over time these provocations are designed to result in a continuing stream of America dissenters that want to take their Republic back from the zionist hijackers and will meet DHS tyranny and force with the like. Any and all Dissenters are now being defined as “Enemies of the State”.

And anyone who wants to restore the American Republic will also be defined as a “Domestic Terrorist”. DHS is a terrorist group, hand assembled by American/Israeli dual citizen Traitors and is designed to tyrannize, capture and eventually be deployed against Americans to serially mass murder them.  This is why they have been called the New American Gestapo of the Neo-Bolshevik Red Cheka Terror Machine.

If you were a Ron Paul supporter or a Libertarian, you are likely on the Main Core list. If NSA routine scans of any and all of your digital emissions and have picked up enough key trigger words, then you have perhaps already been placed on the List. After all, Marcus Wolfe the former head of the East German Stasi, a vicious torturer and murder of innocent Germans, was hired as a USG consultant to set up DHS two years before he died.(5)

Note the recent admission by US Supreme Court judge Antonin Scalia that it is without question that the Prison Camps now being built by the USG will eventually be used just like they were in WW2 when innocent Japanese Citizens were wrongly captured, completely asset stripped and placed in USG Prison Camps. (6)

President Eisenhower was an insider placed in position by the Rockefellers early in his Military career and eventually propelled into the Presidency by them. But even Ike started being bothered by strong pangs of Patriotism and became alarmed at the undue influence of the Military Industrial complex over Congress. In his final public speech as President, he delivered a warning to Americans.

Ike never imagined that the Israelis would serve as the chief action agent for the City of London zionists and would eventually hijack, buy off, bribe, compromise or honey-trap almost every single member of Congress and also use their vast Central Bankster and manipulated donor funds to hijack almost all American defense and Intel contractors and American communication companies, many of which have been moved to Israel or have been located there in the first place.

Originally his speech included the phrase Military, Industrial, Congressional Complex.  He took out “Congressional” after his political aides informed him that this could end up harming the Republican Party. When he referred to “Military” in the phrase “Military Industrial Complex”, he was actually thinking of the whole new peacetime defense Industry, which was driving the Military Industrial Complex and formation of a permanent armament industry.

Ike became concerned that this permanent armament industry could assert undue influence on the American political process and could hijack American society and harm its spiritual character.

Disarming the public is a key goal of the IZCS for everyone in America but them and their stooges at the DHS and the Alphabets or their militarized police now trained by the ADL.

Many Police Chiefs are taken to Israel on all-paid Anti-Terror training Junkets where they drink the Kool-aid and are subjected to some of the most sophisticated Psi powered and Psychotronic mind-kontrol ever deployed. In years past, many were given lavish gifts and provided personal escorts of their age and choice. Perhaps this practice continues?

Any Tyrannical Government must always get rid of we the people’s guns in order to be able to stay in power and concentrate it. A major goal of any tyranny, like what we have in IZCS-hijacked America now, is to gain maximum power by eliminating (as in serial mass-murdering) all political opponents and dissenters. Doubt this? Then check world history the last couple of hundred years.

The USG and DHS is now ramping up the militarization of the Police of American Cities and Suburbs under DOD Program 1033 under the ‘Transfer of Excess Military Property to Local Police Program”.

According to a video from ‘TheLipTV’, “Over the last decade, we have seen over 5,000 people killed by police in the United States,” when “4,489 soldiers have been killed since the beginning of the Iraq war. Since 9-11, you are 29-times more likely to be killed by a police officer than you are by a terrorist.”(7)

Most local urban and suburban police departments have been “militarized”, that is, received heavy armament including armored cars, MP5 and M-16 fully-automatic machine guns, grenades, grenade launchers and ballistic shields.

We the people are the new enemy of the militarized police. The police were set up to “protect and serve”, but their new mission is to wage war against “we the people” on behalf of the IZCS and the ADL.

Every military force must have a designated enemy. The common American is the new enemy of the now militarized police in their new war against Americans on behalf of the IZCS and the ADL.

Whether they realize it or not, the ADL has trained most police to view most Americans (we the people) as the enemy of the police and the Nation State. Ever attended a police training seminar put on by the ADL? Often they hide who really is running it. It’s the biggest bunch of twisted, sick paranoid crap one can ever imagine, and all designed to make police trigger-happy murderers of any citizen who questions their authority in any way or questions any detainment or arrest. Yes, ADL training is a crafty set of lies that produces trigger-happy cops who believe there is a domestic terrorist hiding behind every bush who want to murder them so the police cannot go home to their family at night.

This paranoid belief system will eventually produce this result as a self-fulfilling prophecy, as police tyranny and trigger-happy police continue to murder the innocent and use grossly excessive force for minor offenses. Almost all police abuse of the citizen is delivered “for your own safety”, when that is another big lie.  It is done for the arrogance and authority complex of the police officer–an artifact of over 25 years of ADL training for your local police, who have almost all sold out to the feds in order to get military weapons and gear.  All in return for signing over jurisdiction to DHS and the Feds.

Police are instructed to “charge up” anyone who questions them in any way, and any slight hesitation must be met with false charges of assault and/or battery towards the officer. Officers are told, an arrestee can beat the rap, but they cannot get out of the “ride” (i.e. the arrest and hassle of it.) They are taught that this deters deviance and crime, when actually it provokes the American people to hate police officers.

The new militarized police have one new main function.  It is to continually provoke law-abiding, honest citizens with acts of selfishness and tyranny in order to “role force” them to act out so that “punishment” can be delivered.  The goal, especially with inner urban kids is to make sure they are sold all the drugs they want, in order to dirty them up and get them into the system for life. Big prisons are a private business–a very big business–and quotas or guaranteed imprisonment rates are in place to reduce costs.

Since the IZCS is actually functioning as a neo-Bolshevik political block with East German Stasi and Nazi undertones, this reveals the actual goal of DHS–to serially mass-murder all American dissenters and political opponents. Doubt this?  Then consider the purchase of over 2 Billion 40 Caliber hollow-point rounds and 7,000 M-16 fully-automatic (real assault rifles, not the mere look-a-like AR-15) and thousands of armored vehicles and armored booths, raised spy-towers and grenade launchers.(8) Many of these armored vehicles have been given to local police who have Police Chiefs who are Traitors to America the Republic in exchange for complete submission to Federal Jurisdiction of DHS.

Some of these traitors are just stupid and overly impressed by Feds or DHS Spooks, others have been paid off in very large cash donations (hundreds of thousands of USD in military duffel bags, untraceable CIA drug profits. Some have been sexually compromised by Pedophile or Honey Traps and then blackmailed into submission. Some have succumbed after being threatened or having their families threatened. This is the lowest scum-bag manipulation (aka Humint) ever deployed, and it is everyday stock and trade for the IZCS, the world’s biggest sexual compromisers, and pedophile and sex-slave operators.

Lessons of History: Any serious study of History quickly shows that war is a vehicle for a nation’s leaders to maintain control over their nation-states. The infamous Iron Mountain Report gave an inside glimpse of how the super-elite criminal Psychopaths running America thought about the need for ongoing war or a suitable state crisis to unify the society and solidify their control over society.

Wars are craftily engineered by criminal super-elites who rule nation-states and their advisers. There are various, crafty ways for a nation’s leaders to covertly start wars. The well-established standby is to stage False-Flag attacks and then wage war on the nation state or entity that you have framed for the attack that you did.

Another way to create a terrorist with a long and successful track record is to capture abandoned children in Mideast Countries, provide for their daily needs, while mind-kontrolling them to become terrorists with psychotic suicidal delusions of revenge toward what has been identified to them as their religious enemy which needs destruction to please their god.

The British, the Israelis, and the Saudi are experts at this, and American Taxpayers have unknowingly provided a large portion of the funding for this. One trick well known among intel insiders is the practice of acts of terror against the nation of the mind-kontrolled children to create an enemy for them to later attack in revenge.

Lots of American Taxpayer dollars were covertly dispensed to create and finance terrorists for future Mideast wars. American Intel has spent a great deal of money paying others,  such as the Israelis, to do this. Otherwise, American Intel has not been very successful themselves.  Their only real success is their arming, funding and training of the Mexican Drug Cartels and the training and deployment of the disgusting mass-murdering death squads in Central and South America, who murdered over one hundred thousand innocent women, children and young men.(9)

The 9/11 attacks were an inside job by the USAF and the IZCS. The staged Gladio-style False-Flag attack was the choice selected for the attack on the Twin Towers in NYC and the Pentagon in Washington, DC, on 9-11-2001. This attack was done by the USAF, under the authority of a zionist-controlled Criminal Cabal inside the JCS and the Secret Shadow Government (SSG).(10)

The 9/11 attack was planned, set up and run by NeoCon top Policy-Makers, Israeli Intel and their stateside Sayanims, utilizing a small criminal cabal inside the USAF, NORAD and the JCS. These are facts that can no longer be disputed by any reasonable person who has examined all the available evidence.

And it is exceedingly clear to any reasonable person who examines the pre-announcement of WTC-7 destruction that the whole attack was pre-scripted in London and Israel, and that WTC-7 was wired in advance with conventional demolition charges.

Typically, it takes a considerable amount of time and labor to wire up a building, which suggests complete access at the security level.  This means that since it was a federalized building, with CIA and NYC Emergency Center occupants, building security had to be involved one way or another. And now that it has been proved that WTC-7 was wired up beforehand and demo’ed on 9-11, this means the Twin Towers had to have been pre-wired, too.

The War on Terror is obviously a Phony. But it has been the greatest boon to the American Defense Complex ever, with many times more net American Taxpayer dollars spent on this war than any other war in history, including WW2 or the Vietnam War.

Another way to establish a war is to create and fund so-called foreign terrorist groups. This is a costly exercise that take years and can involve as much work as fighting a war.  Yes, creating terrorist groups is very hard and expensive work.

But enemies for necessary wars can be created if you have the technological help of a nation that has hundreds of years experience in creating its own enemies. This nation is the City of London (Financial District), a separate nation state like the Vatican, located within England.

There is a reason England has been referred to as “Perfidious Albion” for centuries. They have been known for their ability to instigate chaos inside nations they want to control by their standard well-developed strategy of “Divide and Conquer”. They are experts at creating long term provocations between different nations that have competing economic interests.

They do this in order to establish a beach-head from which to control the removal of natural resources and accrued wealth.

Remember the Opium Wars (Boxer Rebellions) where England brought opiate addiction to China as a covert act of war in order to recover all the silver and gold paid to import Tea, spices and silk from China? This was low intensity (covert) warfare that twice led to a short hot war.

The creation of the nation state Israel was created to serve as a long term provocation for numerous Mideast perpetual wars. This is why the Balfour Declaration was made, why the Nazi sent the “low Jews” to the labor camps, while the “High Jews” were able to either emigrate elsewhere or become collaborators like George Soros.

This is why the City of London created the New Israel and took land away from the Palestinians to set up a nation of Khazarian Judaic converts (aka “fake Hebrews”), a racially paranoid group mind-kontrolled to believe the delusion that they were of ancient Abrahamic Hebrew Blood.

The IZCS believes in preemptive strikes against Goyim and their institutions. Judaics have also been mind-kontrolled by Zionists (many of whom are not Judaics at all) to believe that they must hijack the American political system to preemptively crush Christianity and American Goyim Culture.

And that if they didn’t succeed in this, they would be persecuted again, just like what they call the “holocaust”–translated from Old English as “a fiery sacrifice”.

This philosophy of striking first and eliminating the Goyim to prevent another “holocaust” from ever occurring” is a Bolshevik ideology based on the “End Justifies the Means”.

This paranoid strike-first obsession will produce push back and persecution eventually, thus serving as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Of course the Zionists who control Talmudic, Noahide Judaism know that the 6-million-dead figure is untrue, because this had appeared in the late 1800′s andearly 1900′s in Judaic literature long before the work camps of WW2.

New Genetics research exposes a vast, paranoid race-based delusion. Recent Johns Hopkins genetic research has shown conclusively that approximately 80% of the Palestinians are of Hebrew (Abrahamic) bloodlines, and approximately 90% of Judaic converts living in greater Israel are not of ancient Hebrew (Abrahamic) bloodlines. Thus, the world’s greatest anti-Semites appear to be Israelis who have stolen Palestinian land and continue to do so against all UN rulings and International Law.

The nation of Israel was set up as the private nation state and Tribal Intel front for the City of London Zionist private Central Banksters, to serve as a beach-head to control the production and distribution of Mideast oil. This delusion that the Khazarian Judaic converts were God’s Chosen People (ancient Hebrews from the Ten Tribes) was then en-cultured into these Judaics who were sent to Palestine and armed so they could use terrorism to expand their region of control.

Greater Israel has no real boundaries and is ever expedient, as Israeli militants keep taking land and murdering unarmed Palestinians.

A serious spell, a racial delusion of superiority has been cast on many Judaics no matter where they live, but especially so among those living in greater Israel, where the Luciferian Hex Flag flies. Whether true or not, the flag signifies the merger of demonic fallen angel Beast-Bloodlines from above, bred with Human female bloodlines below.

If we accept this Hex Flag at face value, does this mean that the top Zionists running the IZCS are perhaps alien/human hybrids, or at least claim to be in their own secret ceremonies that Stew Webb has exposed numerous times in articles and radio appearances over many years?

It is obvious that the IZCS has hijacked the US Department of State and the US Military Defense Complex as well as Congress. Listen to what Kay Griggs had to say about this.  She was married to a top USM officer and mind-kontrolled “wetboy” who became out of control and beat her and then tried to have her shut up. He and/or his controllers serious stalked and harassed Kay Griggs for years.

She went to live with Sarah McClendon for protection and was interviewed by Pastor Rick Strawcutter, which probably raised her profile so much that it saved her life.  Kay is another Great American Hero and is a courageous standup person, one of the best you could ever meet anytime, anyplace. If you get a chance, be sure and listen to her 8-hour video affidavit with Pastor Rick Strawcutter, who is another Great American Hero. You will be amazed and angered at who has been running the USG and the Military.(11)

Kay’s video affidavit is packed with insider secrets known only by top Intel insiders. How much do you want to know about what is really going on in the background? How much do you dare to pull the curtain back to expose the Wizard Of Oz (as in Ounce)? You will need a great deal of courage to handle what Kay Griggs reveals. By the way, a great deal of her testimony has been cross-corroborated by experts.  Any errors she makes are minor and not directly related to her main claims.

Two sides of the same coin: Of course those on the inside of the Ruling Cabal know that Nazi-ism and Zionism are two sides of the same coin and run by the City of London Central bank controllers. This entity is the Old Black Nobility (OBN), which prefers to stay in the background.

The IZCS controls Private Central Fiat, Fractional Reserve Banking: This reality that the IZCS owns and controls private Central Banking means that they have access to and can utilize Babylonian Money-Magick to make the money they need to control the USG officials and Congress from nothing.  This access provides vast sums of money in seemingly endless quantities.  Thus, they have access to all the cash they need to buy, own, compromise or blackmail almost every single Congressman/woman and Senator in America.

The serious down-side of this system of Babylonian Money-Magick is that it is based on fiat or fake-money with nothing but debt behind it. Actually this debt is imaginary, but has a stranglehold on most of the members of the societies it has hijacked. But it cannot go on without catastrophic readjustments, which will occur at some point.

A worldwide Web of Debt: The private Central Banksters in America have been so adept and successful at extracting wealth in America and all over the world, replacing it with debt, that nearly the whole world is now engulfed in extreme debt.

And this debt has now reached the point it cannot be paid off. This of course is the IZCS’s age-old plan which will result in massive chaos that engulfs the world and destroys all social systems, family systems, sex roles, and systems of government.

After this destruction of conventional society occurs, it is expected by the IZCS top leadership that a pure Luciferian NWO System will arise from the globalist framework they have put in place.  They expect this NWO System emerging from the ashes to be their Phoenix, like the legendary Phoenix of Greek and Roman mythology.

All this tidal wave of debt is phony and a big charade.  If all the people of the world unite, nationalize their monetary systems and declare all debt null and void, and if they assign all such debt directly to Central Banksters responsible for creating it, prosperity to “we the people” can return like it did to the Colonists who left England.

Babylonian Money-Magick has been used to create a debt based economy.  It does this by producing “onerous usury” and allows the easy transformation of “all the money created from nothing which is worth nothing at face value” into the vast amounts of ever-increasing wealth.  This wealth–fiat money–is covertly stripped from the common man these Banksters provide the money for and use as a means to extract real value and wealth from.

The Zionist IZCS vehicle used to gain control over almost every single member of Congress and to buy, compromise and control almost every top USG official and Judge, is the 70,000+ K Street Lobbyists, AIPAC and others who distribute the money to their marks, often through campaign contributions, cash to offshore accounts, and various other expensive luxury perks, such as ridiculously high honorariums for meaningless propaganda speeches.

And AIPAC, the ADL, the SPLC and the like are also zionist tools of espionage against America the Republic.

They should all be investigated by the FBI and fully prosecuted and convicted and sentenced for espionage by the Department of Justice. Note, espionage in many cases is a Capital Crime.

If the Rosenbergs were prosecuted, convicted and executed for their espionage against America, why should these IZCS Cutouts go free without identification and full prosecution?

These entities are really Intel fronts for espionage against America the Republic on behalf of the IZCS which includes the City of London zionist Central banksters, Israel, American NeoCons, and Israeli-American dual citizens who have betrayed America, putting Israel first over America.

Vast Funding for zionist Cutouts. These entities receive vast funding from the zionist Central Banksters and from the wealthy Judaic businessmen they shake-down or manipulate for large donations by playing on their paranoid tribal delusions.

These tribal delusions are that donations are necessary to prevent excessive antisemitism and future persecutions or “holocausts” by Goyims and Christians.

Many Judaics in America and elsewhere have been en-cultured with the false ideation that Nazi-ism was a Christian phenomena and Christians and Goyim must be destroyed.

This of course this is as far from the truth as possible because Hitler was a British Agent and Nazi-ism was created by the Tavistock Institute and the City of London Central Banksters and a counter-force to the Bolshevism they created and deployed in Russia in 1917.

What does the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS) run out of the City of London through its main Cutouts Israel and the hijacked USG attain? Obviously the IZCS’s unlimited funds and the fact it owns and/or controls almost every member of Congress and most USG officials and Judges, means that the ICS has been able to determine USG Policy.

It can do this because it owns and/or controls all USG top Policy-Makers, most of whom just happen to be outside of the visible USG and within the Secret Shadow Government (SSG).

Obviously the crimes of the IZCS and their espionage fronts like AIPAC, the ADL, SPLC and the like against the American Republic are far worse than the Rosenbergs.

Listed below are some of the IZCS crimes against America:

1. The NSA and all American Intel has been completely hijacked by the IZCS and all NSA intel data goes directly to Israeli Defense Contractors and Israeli communication Corporations that process all American phone calls and data transmissions. This means that the Five Eyes International Intel System is really a Six Eyes System controlled by Israeli Intel entities and proprietaries.

Thus, America has no real Intel, and Israeli Intel has control over all American politicians, judges and officials by use of this Intel for human compromise, blackmail and sophisticated mind-kontrol operations. Any time factions within American Intel agencies (there are 37 and growing) form opposition to the IZCS, this is readily discovered through Israeli Intel intercepts of NSA raw Intel and actions to neutralize such efforts are quickly deployed–whatever is required.

The conclusion here is that America no longer has any real Intel of its own–none at all–it is all compromised and hijacked by Israeli and City of London Cutouts and contractors.

2. Because the IZCS has hijacked all American Intel directly from NSA feeds, the IZCS has a long history of stealing American intellectual property and providing it to their corporations. The IZCS can also hijack American corporate bids and defeat them repeatedly until many companies go out of business.

3. The IZCS has compromised almost every single member of Congress, US Supreme Court Judges, most Federal, and almost every single USG official and American Intel Director.

4. The IZCS’s new DHS is a zionist terrorist front, a new Internal American Army that has been deployed against YOU as their NEW ENEMY. The IZCS has created and deployed DHS as the New American Stasi and a New American Neo-Bolshevik Red Cheka. It is controlled by an Israeli-American dual citizen who made millions of USD from selling unshielded X-ray machines to the TSA, which is creating numerous cancer clusters among TSA officers.

5. The principal goal of the IZCS in America is to deploy DHS to tyrannize and degrade Americans and then eventually to start a live “shoot to kill” war against ordinary Americans who organize to take their government back and restore the American Constitutional Republic. This tyranny by DHS is planned to culminate in serial mass-murder of up to 80% of Americans–one way or another.

6. The IZCS has set up and deployed AIPAC, the ADL, the SPLC and others to serve as agents of espionage inside America, to work to destroy its institution of government, dirty up Americans and to destroy the American Family, America’s language borders and culture and to destroy Christianity and Deism in general.

7. The IZCS has hijacked top factions in the CIA, DEA and other American Intel and uses them to traffick illegal narcotics and drugs into America to raise money for deep-cover covert ops.

8. The IZCS has compromised almost every major Urban and Suburban police Department, coercing them to sign secret transfer of jurisdiction agreements giving the Feds, DHS and the Fusion Centers complete jurisdiction in any matter they choose.  In return, they are bribed with “stolen” war materials, machine guns, rounds, armored cars and, even in some cases, grenade launchers.

9. The IZCS has stolen numerous loads of nuclear materials from US DOD contractors and refiners for their Dimona Plant and nuclear storage center.

10. The IZCS has used NSA-provided intel to murder hundreds of witnesses to their crimes and federal Whistleblowers. The rest that they don’t murder are watched and often become victims of targeted harassments, placed on DHS and Fusion Center “Terror Watch Lists”, “No-Fly” Lists and “No work lists”. Take the example of Ronald Reagan’s Secret Agent, the Great American Hero Lee Wanta who was instrumental in “bringing down” the Soviet Union. Lee Wanta has been wrongfully imprisoned, tortured, and endures ongoing harassment.

Or consider Mark Novitsky, another Great American Hero who refused to do wrong and coverup crimes while working for an NSA contractor. Both of these American Heroes have paid a terrible price for obeying the law and for putting the welfare of the American People first.

11. The IZCS has hijacked the America Monetary Production and Distribution System and transformed Americans into debt-slaves, drastically reduced the Middle Class and the standard of living, and done this by massive asset-stripping of American wealth and prosperity.

12. The IZCS has used its Cutouts to debase American culture, take the God of our Founding Fathers out of the schools and institutions where they had certain Bible verses and phrases etched in stone, destroy traditional male and female sex roles, destroy the family, promote sexual perversion, promote promiscuity and sexual irresponsibility and addiction, promote diversity and political correctness and illegal immigration and multi-culturalism.

13. The IZCS has completely compromised all of the Major Mass media, transforming it into a propaganda dispenser for the USG and the Central Banksters which are completely under their control. Thus the Major media is now the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM).

14. The IZCS has hijacked American seed companies and most major food processors and is in the process of deploying sophisticated GMO’s which will, over time, radically increase the death rate of Americans.

15. The IZCS has hijacked Big Pharma and Big medicine and has used it to deploy vaccines containing monkey viruses like SV40 and numerous harmful adjuvants like squalene and aluminum or formaldehyde, as well as so-called preservatives like ethyl mercury.

16. The IZCS has hijacked many large Insurance Companies and used them for its own designated purposes.

17. The IZCS has deployed contract aircraft through their hijacked intel groups like the CIA that are spraying toxic weather and eugenic substances in the atmosphere. They have also been able to covertly add these toxic substances to ordinary jet fuel.

Numerous samples of these substances have been collected by researchers and scientists who have had them analyzed.  What they found were toxic levels of nano-particulized aluminum, barium slats, Hemophilus Influenza, red blood cells, white blood cells, toxic molds, and other strange fiber like substances and compounds.

18. The IZCS has used its vast criminal networks and resources to launder its drug money by buying up large real estate entities and banks and is able to finance almost every new major corporate building with laundered drug money.

19. The IZCS has used a great deal of its money from illegal drug trafficking to build deep underground military bases (DUMBS). Some of these bases are claimed by top insiders to be joint ventures with alien entities and have special genetic labs involved in the development of alien ET/human hybrids.

20. The IZCS is the world’s top Mind-kontroller.  It has used hijacked American Intel and its defense contractors to develop and deploy advanced high technology for psychotronic, direct brain entrainment and sound-based subliminal mind-kontrol.

21. Israel used advanced mind-kontrol on those who accept its all-paid junkets. Visitors end up drinking their special Kool-aide and are hit with sophisticated psychotronics, becoming significantly mind-kontrolled to operate as functional zionists without even being aware of it.

22. The IZCS has created what they call the federal family. They have done this by creating Fusion Centers, the DHS, the TSA and numerous armed (previously unarmed) agencies like the Department of Education. Unduly large salaries and extremely liberal benefits have been provided, as well as a special anointing with authoritarian powers to kill with very little accountability if any, due to the War on Terror.

Many of these federal Family folks have been mind-kontrolled by shoulder-held constant on pulsed beam microwave radios and other highly advanced psychotronics, which increases their tendencies to tyrannize and become violent with the public and minimizes their ability to control violent impulses which may crop up.

23. The IZCS has militarized local police departments and many Sheriff’s departments. Their ADL provides most of the police training and drives a hard line against any public dissent, describing it as “domestic terrorism”. It controls what the Fusion Centers and DHS put out as war propaganda which labels the public as “Domestic Terrorists”.

Here is the first part of one of their confidential lists of Domestic Terrorists or Suspected Domestic Terrorists:  Catholics, Evangelical Christians, Veterans, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, Tax protestors, Gun owners…..These reports of course are pure ADL propaganda lies and complete smear jobs, all intended to provoke police and Federal Family officers to tyrannize and easily become violent with innocent ordinary Americans or anyone who decides to peacefully protest, an American Constitutional Right.

Remember that the operational goal of the top Policy-Makers who are tools of the IZCS is to provoke a full scale shooting war between ordinary Americans and their police and Federal family Members such as DHS.

Conclusion:  The IZCS has hijacked America and has deployed numerous weapons against it now culminating in a phony, staged War on Terror, and if you are an American or live in America, one way or another YOU will soon become THEIR NEW ENEMY. Yes, from here on out if you live in America, you are the designated enemy in this new War On Terror.

If you are a member of the federal family, it is suggested that you read and study up on the Night of the Longknives (Operation Hummingbird) and the various purges under Lenin, Stalin and Mao. Maybe you should reconsider the oath you took to UPHOLD the US Constitution from ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC.

Now for some good news about all this.  Despite how bleak this all seems it is far from hopeless and American are beginning to wake up in mass. This is due to the worldwide Internet and the massive dissemination and diffusion of the alternative news.  Once facts are published they sink into the hearts of “we the people” with a certain resonance that makes them take hold.

It’s almost instinctive how truth sticks like glue in people hearts and minds and spreads like wildfire all around the Earth. At least 1% of the American population has woken up. Some estimates are 11%. Proof of this is the massive first time gun buyers, the massive sales of high powered handguns, rifles and 12 gauge shotguns and massive ammo sales.

Guns and ammo have literally been flying off the shelves the last several years and there have been serious ammo shortages due to the massive DHS and USG stockpiling of 40 Caliber Hollow Pints and M-16 ammo rounds.

Once 12% of the population wakes up a critical mass turning point will spontaneously occur and through various very strange mass societal changes will occurs and new very powerful, unstoppable populism will emerge and the IZCS will be driven out.

If they are stupid enough to take us into a live shooting war, Internal Civil War with mass killing, the public will suffer great losses but the Federal Family will split and it and the IZCS and any of their forces will be defeated.

All wars are always won by what is in the hearts and minds.  In America the American Spirit lives and is getting stronger every day. Soon the foreign filth and their Cutouts run by the Kingpins from City of London and Israel, the perps that have hijacked America, the IZCS, will be completely exposed, stopped, or routed out, one way or another.

And there is good evidence that many retired Intel Cowboys have gone back to work to bring the IZCS Beast down and destroy its grip on American Intel and private Central Banking. Some of the covert operators have long records of success and can create and use numerous different identities.

Many of these Intel Cowboys can use make up and make their own credentials to impersonate officers, draw military and USG paychecks from multiple sources, all at the same time and hack into any computer system anywhere in the USG or American Intel, anywhere anytime. Most of them just did not realize that the IZCS has taken control because of unlimited money provided by zionist Central Banksters and Judaic supporters.

And the best news of all is that more than a few seasoned Intel Cowboys that served the Bush Cabal at its center as well as the IZCS, have now woken up, pulled away from the Bush cabal and are targeting the IZCS with deep cover covert ops that would make your hair stand on end if you were allowed to know.

Some of these Intel Cowboys have now admitted that they were kept so narrowly compartmented that they did not realize the whole picture until the Internet and the numerous Federal Whistle-blowers coming forward and spilling the beans. the simple fact is this, the worldwide Internet and the alternative news it provides spreads truth like a wildfire that cannot be put out even with the application of military force.

The Internet is the New Gutenberg Press, the Achilles Heel of the IZCS.  The Internet will turn out to be the greatest trick in history played on the IZCS by the young men at Drapa.  They sold the Internet to the IZCS and its SSG promising the greatest spying and surveillance system imaginable.  Yes the IZCS got much of what was promised but also a very big hidden surprise which assures their complete exposure and destruction, piece by piece. And this disassembling of the IZCS is already well under way.

The IZCS is now in its death throes and is like a rabid, cornered dog.  That makes it very dangerous for the next year or two until it is completely defanged which is coming. If they use the Samson option which they have been threatening numerous nation-states with (they already used it on japan with the nukes planted in the sea bed and in the security camera on site because Japanese turned against them).

New factions within the Military High Command and the USN have already taken note and are working carefully in the background to defang Dimona by utilizing secret satellite activated back-doors in various hardware circuits.

During the height of the bush Cabal (Bush1) those Intel Cowboys that did know were arrested and jailed on trumped up charges to discredit any possible testimony before Congress or in the courts. Now that many have been informed of what really happened on 9-11-01, they are hopping mad that America has been hijacked and the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, and the Rule of Law has been suppressed and ignored by this world’s largest criminal cabal.

The IZCS attacks on America on 9-11-01 have proved to have been a “going for broke” attempt to build a expanded Israeli in greatest intended form. We now know that it was the greatest and final reckless mistake of Israel so far. Even far worse than Israel’s False-Flag attack on the USS Liberty in their attempt to draw America into a Mideast War at the time which even President Johnson, their crypto Judaic stooge refused.

And now many Americans have finally been informed that the Murrah Building attack as well as the first NYC Twin Towers attack using a 55 drum of cyanide stolen from Louis Champon’s Natural Cherrie Flavoring Plant in Boca Raton, Florida, financed by Dr. Ishan Barbouti, the IZCS Cutout that has died at least three times and always come back to life.

As few know, only the top NeoCons 911 Planners, Dr. Barbouti rose again and came back to life to assist with many of the 9/11 attacks subplots which were designed to provide numerous false leads. A few of the most Patriotic Intel Cowboys who have “traveled” very close to the very “top of the pyramid” now believe that Israel provided the anti-matter positron micro-nukes which were installed in the Twin Towers elevators approximately every ten floors.

Most retired Intel Cowboys had previously thought Israel was a supportive Intel partner but didn’t realize that Israel murdered 135 Americans on the Liberty ship as a False-Flag attack and also murdered another 3,000 humans being in NYC and at the Pentagon on 911, assisted by Traitors within the USAF, NORAD and the JCS.

Now that these Intel Cowboys know the truth, they have woken up and back at work serving America’s true “National Security”. I don’t know exactly what they will do but I would expect some very, very crafty covert moves to expose, drive the IZCS out of America or demo it irreparably if necessary.




(3) Jane Standley BBC announcer, 








(11) Part 1: 

Part 2: 

Part 3: 

Part 4: 

Note: Kay Grigg’s video affidavit has numerous other backup versions.  Some have more than four parts and some additional material lost due to editing.

Source: Preston James | Veterans Today

What Is A Blood Moon?

February 4, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

Want to know the dates for the Blood Moons and total lunar eclipses in 2014 and 2015? You’ve come to the right place…

We have been receiving a number of inquiries about some upcoming Blood Moons in the years 2014 and 2015. And we want to say, first of all, that the Blood Moons most people are asking about are not part of astronomy. Instead, their origin is religious, at least according to Christian pastor John Hagee, who wrote a 2013 book about Blood Moons. More about that below. Still, since they’re moons, and since people are asking us, we wanted to reply.

Follow the links below to learn more about Blood Moons.

View larger. | Hunter's Moon collage from EarthSky Facebook friend Kausor Khan in Hyberabad, India. Click here to expand this image
View larger. | Hunter’s Moon collage from EarthSky Facebook friend Kausor Khan in Hyberabad, India. Notice that she choose reddish moons to depict the Hunter’s Moon. That’s because many people see the Hunter’s Moon low in the sky, and moons seen low in the sky appear reddish. In 2013, the Hunter’s Moon – sometimes called the Blood Moon – came in mid-October.


Why is a Hunter’s Moon linked in people’s minds with a red moon? First of all, in autumn, the angle of the ecliptic – or sun and moon’s path – makes a narrow angle with the horizon. Image via

Secondly, the narrow angle of the ecliptic means the moon rises noticeably farther north on the horizon, from one night to the next. So, every autumn, there is no long period of darkness between sunset and moonrise. Around the time of full moon, many people see the moon low in the sky, around the time of twilight. At that time, the moon often looks reddish. Image via

Blood Moons in astronomy. In astronomical lore, all the full moons have names. The names typically coincide with months of the year, or seasons.

One of the most famous moon names isthe Hunter’s Moon. It is the the full moonimmediately following the Harvest Moon, which is the full moon occurring most closely to the autumnal equinox.

The Hunter’s Moon, in skylore, is also sometimes called the Blood Moon. Why? Probably because it’s a characteristic of these autumn full moons that they appear nearly full – and rise soon after sunset – for several evenings in a row. Many people see them when they are low in the sky, shortly after they’ve risen, at which time there’s more atmosphere between you and the moon than when the moon is overhead. When you see the moon low in the sky, the extra air between you and the moon makes the moon look reddish. Voila. Blood moon.

Dates for the Northern Hemisphere’s Harvest and Hunter’s Moons in 2014 and 2015:

Harvest Moon: September 9
Autumn Equinox: September 23
Hunter’s (Blood) Moon: October 8

Autumn Equinox: September 23
Harvest Moon: September 28
Hunter’s (Blood) Moon: October 27

This book, published in 2013, is apparently what launched all the questions to our astronomy website about Blood Moons. We confess. We haven't read it.

This book, published in 2013, is apparently what launched all the questions to our astronomy website about Blood Moons. We confess. We haven’t read it.

Blood Moons in Biblical prophecy. We’re not experts on prophecy of any kind. But we’ll tell you what we know about the new definition for Blood Moon that has caused so many questions recently.

From what we’ve been able to gather, two Christian pastors, Mark Blitz and John Hagee, use the termBlood Moon to apply to the full moons of the upcoming tetrad – four successive total lunar eclipses, with no partial lunar eclipses in between, each of which is separated from the other by six lunar months (six full moons) – in 2014 and 2015. John Hagee appears to have popularized the term in his 2013 book .

Mark Blitz and John Hagee speak of a lunar tetrad as representing a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. After all, the moon is supposed to turn blood red before the end times, isn’t it? As described in Joel 2:31 (Common English Bible):

The sun will be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood before the great and dreadful day of the LORD comes.

That description, by the way, describes both a total solar eclipse and total lunar eclipse. Sun turned to darkness = moon directly between the Earth and sun in a total solar eclipse. Moon turned to blood = Earth directly between the sun and moon, Earth’s shadow falling on the moon in a total lunar eclipse.

This is what a total eclipse looks like. This is the total eclipse of October 27, 2004 via Fred Espenak of NASA, otherwise known as Mr. Eclipse. Visit Fred's page here.

This is what a total eclipse looks like. This is the total eclipse of October 27, 2004 via Fred Espenak of NASA. Visit Fred’s page here. We astronomy writers often describe a totally eclipsed moon as appearing ‘blood red.’ Here’s why the moon turns red during a total eclipse.

We astronomy writers often describe total lunar eclipses as appearing blood red. Why red? They appear reddish because sunlight from all of Earth’s sunrises and sunsets is scattered by the Earth’s atmosphere and falls on the surface of the eclipsed moon. In years where volcanic activity is pronounced, however, a total lunar eclipse may appear more brownish or gray in color. Read more here: Why does the moon look red during a total lunar eclipse?

Dates of Biblical prophecy Blood Moons in 2014 and 2015. These are the dates for the upcomingtetrad – four successive total lunar eclipses – in these years.

Total lunar eclipse: April 15
Total lunar eclipse: October 8

Total lunar eclipse: April 4
Total lunar eclipse: September 28

There are a total of 8 tetrads in the 21st century (2001 to 2100). But proponents of this Biblical prophecy regard the upcoming tetrad as especially significant because it coincides with two important Jewish holidays: Passover and Tabernacles.

The April 2014 and April 2015 total lunar eclipses align with the feast of Passover. The October 2014 and September 2015 total lunar eclipses align with the feast of Tabernacles.

The Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar. In any year, it’s inevitable that a full moon should fall on or near the feasts of Passover (15 Nissan) and Tabernacles (15 Tishri). Nissan and Tishri are the first and seventh months of the Jewish calendar, respectively.

It is somewhat ironic that three of these four lunar eclipses are not visible – even in part – from Israel. The only eclipse that can be seen at all from Israel is the tail end of the September 28, 2015 eclipse, which may be observable for a short while before sunrise.

How common is a tetrad of total lunar eclipses? Depending upon the century in which you live, alunar tetrad (four consecutive total lunar eclipses, spaced at six lunar months apart from one another) may happen fairly frequently – or not at all.

For instance, in our 21st century (2001-2100), there are a total 8 tetrads, but in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, there were none at all. If we include all the centuries from the 1st century (AD 1-100) through the 21st century (2001-2100), inclusive, there are a total of 62 tetrads. The last one occurred in 2003-2004, and the next one after the 2014-2015 tetrad will happen in 2032-2033.

However, if we want to know which tetrads specifically fell on the Jewish feasts of Passover and Tabernacles, there appear to be a total of 8 in these 21 centuries:

1. 162-163 C.E. (Common Era)
2. 795-796 C.E.
3. 842-843 C.E.
4. 860-861 C.E.
5. 1493-1494 C.E.
6. 1949-1950 C.E.
7. 1967-1968 C.E.
8. 2014-2015 C.E.

Why is the term Blood Moon being used to mean a full moon of a lunar tetrad? We can’t really tell you why more and more people are using the term Blood Moon to describe the four full moons of alunar tetrad. We don’t know why, exactly.

Here’s the definition of a lunar tetrad, again: four successive total lunar eclipses, with no partial eclipses in between, each of which is separated from the other by six lunar months (six full moons). There’s no obvious reason why Blood Moon should be associated with this term.

To the best of our knowledge, however, the use of the term Blood Moon to describe a lunar tetrad is of recent origin. It might have originated with John Hagee’s 2013 book.

We’re still not sure whether Blood Moon pertains to the full moon of any tetrad, or specifically to a tetrad that coincides with the feasts of Passover and Tabernacles.

Either way, I suspect the nouveau definition of Blood Moon will gain traction as we approach the tetrad, the four total lunar eclipses of 2014 and 2015.

Bottom line: The term Blood Moon in astronomy in sometimes used as another name for the Hunter’s Moon. The term Blood Moon in Biblical prophecy appears to have been popularized by two Christian pastors, Mark Blitz and John Hagee. They use the term Blood Moon to apply to the full moons of the upcoming tetrad – four successive total lunar eclipses, with no partial lunar eclipses in between, each of which is separated from the other by six lunar months (six full moons) – in 2014 and 2015. Astronomers will not be using the term Blood Moon to describe these four upcoming lunar eclipses.


The Long History of Zionism In Canada

January 10, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

Canada’s Conservative government is trying to convince Canadian Jews to support its right-wing imperialistic worldview.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently spoke to the annual Toronto gala of the Jewish National Fund, which has a long history of dispossessing Palestinians and discriminating against non-Jews.

Echoing the words of Theodor Herzl, a founder of political Zionism, Harper told the 4,000 attendees that Israel is a “light of freedom and democracy in what is otherwise a region of darkness.”

Shortly before this event the Minister for Employment and Social Development Jason Kenney spoke at the launch of the Canadian chapter of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). Established by a former colonel in the Israeli military, MEMRI selectively (mis)translates stories from Arab and Iranian media in a bid to advance expansionist Israeli interests.

Kenney told the audience assembled at Montreal’s Shaar Hashomayim Synagogue that MEMRI is “a peaceful weapon of truth-telling in a civilizational conflict in which we are all engaged.”

The comments from Harper and Kenney certainly play well with those in the Jewish community committed to Israeli and Western imperialism, but they also spur that sentiment. Most people respect power and when leading politicians say a country is involved in a “civilizational conflict” against “a region of darkness” it tends to shape opinion.

Few Canadian Jews — or others among the target audience for that matter — realize that Harper and Kenney don’t take this “clash of civilizations” talk literally (if they did they wouldn’t be deepening political ties with a number of Middle Eastern monarchies and selling billions of dollars in weaponry to the region’s “darkest” regime, Saudi Arabia.)

While the Harper government’s pro-Israel comments are particularly extreme, they are far from unique in Canadian history. For more than a century non-Jewish Canadians have promoted a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Similar to Europe, Zionism’s roots in Canada are Christian, not Jewish. Early Canadian support for Zionism was based on the more literal readings of the Bible that flowed out of the Protestant Reformation.

They were also tied to this country’s status as a dominion of the British Empire, which in the latter half of the nineteenth century began to see Zionism as a potential vehicle to strengthen its geostrategic position in the region.

At the time of confederation, Canada’s preeminent Christian Zionist was Henry Wentworth Monk. To buy Palestine from the Ottoman Empire in 1875, Monk began the Palestine Restoration Fund.

Unsuccessful, seven years later he took out an ad in the Jewish World proposing a “Bank of Israel” to finance Jewish resettlement. Irving Abella’s book A Coat of Many Colours: Two Centuries of Jewish Life in Canada describes Monk as “an eccentric but respected businessman” who took up a campaign in Canada and England to raise funds for buying land in Palestine during the 1870s and 1880s.

“In 1881 Monk even proposed setting up a Jewish National Fund,” Abella writes. “He issued manifestoes, wrote long articles, spoke to assorted meetings and lobbied extensively in England and Canada to realize his dream.”

Monk called for the British Empire to establish a “dominion of Israel” similar to the dominion of Canada. In the 1978 book Canada and Palestine, Zachariah Kay notes: “Monk believed that Palestine was the logical center of the British Empire, and could help form a confederation of the English-speaking world.”

Monk was not alone in Canada. Citing a mix of Christian and pro-British rationale, leading Canadian politicians repeatedly expressed support for Zionism. In 1907, two cabinet ministers attended the Federation of Zionist Societies of Canada convention, telling delegates that Zionism had the support of the government, according to Kay’s book.

Kay’s book also states that Arthur Meighen, then solicitor-general and later prime minister, proclaimed in November 1915: “I think I can speak for those of the Christian faith when I express the wish that God speed the day when the land of your forefathers shall be yours again. This task I hope will be performed by that champion of liberty the world over — the British Empire.”

The 1917 Balfour Declaration, which declared British support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, boosted support for Zionism in this country. In the years thereafter, Canadian politicians of various stripes repeatedly urged Jews (and others) to support Zionism.

During a July 1922 speech to the Zionist Federation of Canada, the anti-Semitic Prime Minister Mackenzie King “was effusive with praise for Zionism,” explains David Bercuson in Canada and the Birth of Israel. King told participants their aspirations were “in consonance” with the greatest ideals of the “Englishman.”

A dozen years later, Prime Minister R.B. Bennett told a coast to-coast radio broadcast for the launch of the United Palestine Appeal fund drive that the Balfour Declaration and the British conquest of Palestine represented the beginning of the fulfillment of biblical prophecies.

According to a 1962 book by Canadian Zionist Bernard Figler, Bennett said, “When the promises of God, speaking through his prophets, are that the home will be restored in the homeland of their forefathers…Scriptural prophecy is being fulfilled. The restoration of Zion has begun.”

Jewish Zionism must be understood from within the political climate in which it operated. And Canada’s political culture clearly fostered Zionist ideals.

British imperialism, Christian Zionism and nationalist ideology were all part of this country’s political fabric. Additionally, in the early 1900s most Canadians did not find it odd that Europeans would take a “backward” people’s land, which is what settlers did to the indigenous population here.

A number of books about Canada’s Jewish community discuss how elite Canadian Jews, especially after the 1917 Balfour Declaration, were more active Zionists than their US counterparts. In Canada’s Jews: A People’s Journey, Gerald Tulchinsky explains: “The First World War accentuated differences between Canadian and American Jewry. For example, loyalty to Britain’s cause provided Zionists with opportunities to identify their purposes with Britain’s imperial mission.”

When British General Edmund Allenby led a campaign in late 1917 to take Palestine from the Ottomans as many as 400 Canadians (about half recruited specifically for the task) fought in Allenby’s Jewish Legion. Sometimes beleaguered Jewish communities were praised by the media for taking up England’s cause to conquer Palestine.

Since Israel’s creation in 1948 different Canadian governments have expressed varying degrees of support. But overall, the laudatory public declarations have continued.

After a long career of support for Zionism as external minister and prime minister, Lester Pearson referred to that country as “an outpost, if you will, of the West in the Middle East.”

External Affairs Minister Don Jamieson echoed this sentiment in an October 1977 speech. “Israel is an increasingly valuable ally of the West and Jews and non-Jews alike should see to it that Israel remains … an ally of the Western world,” Jamieson said. “We in Canada must see to it that when Israel is making such tremendous sacrifices, we should stand ready to help Israel with oil and material assistance.”

Yes, the current government is more aggressive in its public declarations than any before it and this has helped drive the establishment Jewish community to an even more hardline position.

To the Conservatives’ delight, two years ago the ninety-year old Canadian Jewish Congress was disbanded by its wealthy donors in favor of an even more Israel-focused Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs. Similarly, the Conservatives’ strong ties to Christian Zionism has prodded the Zionist lobby group B’nai Brith to deepen its ties with Canada Christian College and the prominent right-wing evangelist Charles McVety.

At the same time, the anti-racist sectors of Canada’s Jewish community have made major strides in recent years. Groups such as Independent Jewish Voices, Not In Our Name, Jewish Voice for Peace, the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Women in Solidarity with Palestine and Jews for a Just Peace, have undercut the notion that all Canadian Jews support Israeli policy or Zionism. But these groups are unlikely to become dominant voices within the Jewish community until there is a shift in Canada’s political culture.

Canadian Zionism has long been part of the religious and political establishment. In every community there are those who take the side of the rich and powerful.

Source: Global Research

Predictions for 2014

December 30, 2013 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

The Legend of “Nostradamus, Jr.” continues…

Most predictions about the future are risky attempts at guessing. If one is fortunate, they come across a clairvoyant, who has a long established record of forecasting political prospects. In the long tradition of prognostication, by the one and only, Nostradamus, Jr., William B. Kaliher presents his 2014 prophecy. The yearly feature on the EtherZone site produced a loyal following of eager future deprived junkies. Taking pleasure in continuing this esteem exercise in sarcasm, Stuck on Stupid offers commentary on a sample of these mystic omens, which can be found on “Nostradamus, Jr.” Kaliher’s Annual Top 101 Predictions for 2014

10. A new danger this year will be Progressive heads unexpectedly exploding. Study of the syndrome will reveal after mistakenly reading a reputable publication, damaged and unused synapses in Progressives will heal sufficiently to realize even after six years imitating a president, Obama’s resume and accomplishments still don’t measure up to superwoman Sarah Palin.

Such an admission that NeoCon Palin has more accomplishments means there is an antidote to government school brainwashing.

14. Communist Mijail Gorbachov will be recognized as more enlightened than Abraham Lincoln for allowing bullied states to secede.

The realization of self-determination impacts Europe, while still unknown in the Disunited States of Amerika.

18. The original Birthers, the Hillary Clinton camp, will feed more information to their front man Donald Trump to find the grave of the real Barry Bin Hussein Obama who was born dead.

When the CIA creates one of their own Manchurian Candidate’s they better use MI6 to forge the documents.

20. Quivering Chris “Fatty” Matthews, will admit the Obama administration is the most corrupt in American history, but insist Obama is so sexy it’s no wonder the media overlooked his failures.

MSNBC casting couch requires an interview with Bill Gates and a test of how far the Feeling and Thrill Goes up the Leg.

23. Facing questioning on her failures concerning the Benghazi disgrace America’s favorite crone, H. Rodham Clinton, will harken back to her infamous Selma days, and employ her “colored voice” in an effort to claim the Senators questioning her are racist.

When under attack the best defense is a rally of all the Boyz n da Hood.

25. Newt Gingrich will change parties and be re-elected to the House as a Congressman from New Jersey.

Closet DeomcoRATS strip off their GOP garb and get down to their real roots.

27. Eric Holder’s, of Fast & Furious shame, next false flag operation in Mexico will involve sending the drug cartels 15,000 automatic rifles as well as an undetermined amount of anti-personnel and anti-tank weaponry.

Preparing for the final invasion of the borders requires the deployment of the heavy infantry.

39. Progressives and their lackeys will fail to understand why Conservatives find it hilarious the anti-corporate Occupy Wall Street operation was underwritten by corporate offices on Wall Street.

The grunts that camp out to protest the international bankers are collecting their sustenance from debit cards.

44. Illegal alien and famed American clown, Barack Hussein Obama, will handle the Iranian nuclear crisis by sending Chicago Community Organizers, commanded by dingle-berry-eating Janeane Garofalo, to pow-wow with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

The Chicago outfit will make a deal that they can’t refuse. Just ship some of the same nuke fuel that previously went to Israel.

45. When Hillary Clinton finally sobers up and recovers from her, (ha-ha-hee-hee-hee), concussion to testify concerning the Benghazi disgrace, she will claim the failure was because her security man, Craig Livingston, of Filegate fame, wasn’t on the job.

The queen of mean never gets dirty when a Mr. Clean crew is on duty. In this case, they were in rehab.

46. Liberal/Progressive/Democrats will be so embarrassed over being played for fools and buying snake oil salesman Albert “Carbon Footprint” Gore’s “man-made Global Warming” farce; he will no longer feel safe in England.

Brits will disclose that Gore is the programmer of the NSA information leak that exposed the global warming hockey stick.

48. It will be revealed Chucky “Sanctimonious” Schumer, Democrat, N.Y., suffered bouts of depression because 193 fellow Progressives beat him for television face time to decry the second amendment before the blood dried after the Connecticut school shootings.

Schumer’s press agent gets him a booking on the spin off the biggest loser for “POLS”.

51. Chinese diplomats will defend North Korea and the sanity of former leader and world class golfer, Kim Jong Il and his son Kim Jong-un, explaining, “With Obama in office the Jong’s aren’t the craziest leaders around. They’re actually reasonable and stable in comparison.”

Jong addresses the UN and condemns Obama for crimes against humanity.

61. Obama will confuse opponents about the tax money his thirty-plus czars take from the poor via the public trough by naming Mijail Gorbachov as the first non-Marxist in the group.

Twitter posts the first news that an IPO is ready from the bankrupt TARP interests to refloat their operations.

65. Satan’s more evil son,108 year-old Nazi George Soros, will be given command of both Obama’s first armed FEMA brown-shirt graduates and their armored personnel detachment.

The neo-Stasi brigade infiltrates resisting neighborhood to enforce DNA collection.

71. Democrat Party fact-falsification operation, Snopes, will deny the media quit covering Darfur, homelessness, Club Gitmo and environmental problems after Mr. Obama’s election.

Politico and the Huffington Post win pulitzer prizes for blaming Bush for ongoing Obama decisions.

72. Caring Liberals, (are there any other kind?) will band together to discover what evil is preventing tax escape artist Warren Buffet, from voluntarily and patriotically paying more taxes.

Buffet announces that Berkshire Hathaway invested into underwriting the next cycle of Democrat candidates.

80. Progressives will quit their war on Christmas when new birth questions force Obama sycophants to claim Barry was born in a manger.

Valerie Jarrett heads up the acquisitions of the CTN, TBN and the TCT networks to facilitate an orderly transition into the Church of Obama.

87. The DNC will give a special award of merit to John Boehner for his work in passing Democrat legislation.

Boehner get a CNN gig now that Gingrich joined the Democratic Party.

92. By June over half the American population will think Vladimir Putin cares more about American democracy than the administration.

Inquiries begin to see if a foreign born can become U.S. President.

95. Joe Biden will refer to the Prez using the “N” word and fellow liberals will justify his racist remark by claiming Biden has grown in office.

Obama claims he has matured as a white in office and is now under attack by his former brothers.

96. Some liberal Democrats will be removed from management positions in the Republican National Committee.

The GOP big tent collapses as a failure.

100. Barry Obama will set new records funding Green companies, including Alaskan Palm Orchards, Ltd., Arizona Cactus From South Georgia Swampland, Inc., Sliced & Diced Rare Birds of Yet-More Wind Propellers, Corp., owned by friends and political allies.

Obama reaches out to Gore to fund his retirement and provide the ex-VP with protection.

This list was selected as the tame examples. If you are daring, read the entire 101 items. A serious analysis and critical review of politics is mostly ignored by the general public. The popular culture is made up of people who cannot learn, of fools who repeat their mistakes time and again, and persons who constantly screw up.

The art in satire varies with the source and even more with the audience. Mr. Kaliher’s perspective may seem twisted to an apologist for the establishment. It might seem downright hostile to the statist, who places trust in government. However, the continual absurdity, year after year, just grows.

Both in the irony of the illustrations and in the intensity of the deranged circumstances, what comes out of the political class of illusionists, is even more frightening. Truth is stranger than fiction. Yet the refusal to admit the con game that is played on citizens is the primary reason that it never ends.

Accepting a corrupt system as normal or inevitable is defeatist to the core. Each generation of public officials move closer to act as irrelevant puppets and lap dog administers for the dictates of perverted elites. Is there humor in this act or is it beyond the abilities of the system to provide a correcting mechanism to reverse the unwavering descent into the ridiculous.

So what are the reasonable expectations for 2014? Will the Republicans take the Senate? Will an amnesty immigration bill pass? Or will the administration find a magic medicine to cure Obamacare? The score card usually misses the final outcome of the game.

When drawn together, all the Nostradamus, Jr. Predictions for the last ten years, the picture seems far more enlightening than entertaining. The sorry state of affairs, when considered as a continual trend towards a loss in quality of life, is the only conclusion possible. Only a lazy meathead refuses to face the facts and adjust behavior when the seer speaks.

Sartre is the publisher, editor, and writer for Breaking All The Rules. He can be reached at:

Sartre is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

Get Off The Sinking Ship

December 6, 2013 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

This column dated November 21, 2013, created a firestorm of outrage and venom from hundreds of pastors and Christians. It was a rude awakening for me, for sure. I have long maintained that the vast majority of today’s pastors and church members are smugly content in abject apathy and indifference. However, after the vehement reaction to the above-mentioned column, I can now state dogmatically that the problem is actually much, much worse than I realized. Today’s churchmen are not merely content to not being involved; they are absolutely committed to not being involved. It goes much deeper than apathy; it is apostasy.

See my November 21 column here:

This Pastor Proves My Point

My email inbox and mailbox filled with vitriolic rebukes from pastors and Christians. I was called just about every dirty name in the book and relegated to the depths of the damned–and those were the mild ones. At the heart of these feelings of contempt is the rejection of Natural Law. It’s not only that today’s pastors and Christians have not been taught the Biblical principles of Natural Law and, therefore, don’t understand it; today’s churchmen have developed a willful and stubborn conviction against Natural Law.

I will even go so far as to say that the majority of our pastors and church leaders today are monarchists at heart. The lack of instruction and understanding of the Biblical principles of Natural Law have created a generation of churchmen who are more than willing to submit to the unnatural laws of tyranny and oppression. Until two weeks ago, I didn’t truly comprehend the depth of this volitional slavery.

The statements being made by today’s pastors and Christians are so nonsensical and asinine that it is extremely difficult to believe that any person, much less pastors and Christians, could even utter them. Here are just a few examples of what pastors have said:

“If federal agents or troops came to my house and put my wife on the kitchen table and raped her, Romans 13 tells me I could not interfere.”

“If government forces came to my home intent on harming my wife and children, I would not resist; I would simply tell my family to run.”

“America’s Founding Fathers were rebels against God. They had no right to fight a war for independence. Subjection to a king, even a tyrannical one, is God’s Will.”

“Anyone who resists civil government is going to hell.”

“There is no such thing as natural law, and anyone who promotes it is of the devil.”

Dear reader, trust me: the comments above are reflective of the majority of pastors and Christians I have heard from over the past couple of weeks. Truly did Jesus say, “Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?” (Luke 6:39 KJV) That is exactly what is happening in America today: the blind are leading the blind into the ditch of tyranny and oppression.

Last Sunday, I delivered a message entitled, “Biblical Evidence For Natural Law.” I invite readers to watch the archived video of that message here:

Listen to the Scripture: “For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another.” (Romans 2:14, 15 KJV)

The great theologians and Bible scholars of yesteryear all understood the Biblical teaching of Natural Law. Here are a few samples of some of church history’s greatest Bible commentators on this passage in Romans 2.

Albert Barnes: “The expression means clearly by the light of conscience and reason, and whatever other helps they may have without revelation. It denotes simply, in that state which is without the revealed will of God. In that condition they had many helps of tradition, conscience, reason, and the observation of the dealings of divine Providence, so that to a considerable extent they knew what was right and what was wrong.”

John Wesley: “The Ten Commandments being only the substance of the law of nature.”

Adam Clarke: “Do, without this Divine revelation, through that light which God imparts to every man, the things contained in the law–act according to justice, mercy, temperance and truth, the practice of which the revealed law so powerfully enjoins; these are a law unto themselves.”

John Gill: “The matter and substance of the moral law of Moses agrees with the law and light of nature…which they have by nature and use, and which natural reason dictates to them.”

Matthew Henry: “They had that which directed them what to do by the light of nature: by the force and tendency of their natural notions and dictates they apprehended a clear and vast difference between good and evil. They did by nature the things contained in the law. They had a sense of justice and equity, honour and purity, love and charity; the light of nature taught obedience to parents, pity to the miserable, conservation of public peace and order, forbade murder, stealing, lying, perjury, etc. Thus they were a law unto themselves.”

Think about it: man did not have the written, revealed laws of God for some 2,500 years of recorded history. Yet, they did have the Law of God “written in their hearts,” or Natural Law.

Sir William Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England were, without a doubt, among the most influential writings upon America’s founders. In his commentaries (second section), Blackstone said, “Man, considered as a creature, must necessarily be subject to the laws of his creator, for he is entirely a dependent being. A being, independent of any other, has no rule to pursue, but such as he prescribes to himself; but a state of dependence will inevitably oblige the inferior to take the will of him, on whom he depends, as the rule of his conduct: not indeed in every particular, but in all those points wherein his dependence consists. This principle therefore has more or less extent and effect, in proportion as the superiority of the one and the dependence of the other is greater or less, absolute or limited. And consequently, as man depends absolutely upon his maker for every thing, it is necessary that he should in all points conform to his maker’s will.

“This will of his maker is called the law of nature. For as God, when he created matter, and endued it with a principle of mobility, established certain rules for the perpetual direction of that motion; so, when he created man, and endued him with freewill to conduct himself in all parts of life, he laid down certain immutable laws of human nature, whereby that freewill is in some degree regulated and restrained, and gave him also the faculty of reason to discover the purport of those laws.”

In that same second section of his commentaries, Blackstone further said, “This law of nature, being coeval with mankind and dictated by God himself, is of course superior in obligation to any other–It is binding over all the globe in all countries, and at all times; no human laws are of any validity, if contrary to this: and such of them as are valid derive all their force, and all their authority, mediately or immediately, from this original.”


Before Biblical Law said, “Thou shalt not kill,” Natural Law said, “Thou shalt not kill.” Before Biblical Law said, “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” Natural Law said, “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Before Biblical Law said, “Thou shalt not bear false witness,” Natural Law said, “Thou shalt not bear false witness.” Before Biblical Law said, “Thou shalt not steal,” Natural Law said, “Thou shalt not steal.” How is it, and since when is it, that pastors and Christians do not understand this?

Natural Law, by its very definition, demands procreation, protection, provision, and prohibition. From the very act of Creation, Adam and Eve were given in their hearts (by God) the desire to procreate. Does anyone deny that those who produce children have a right and duty to protect and provide for their children? Does not all of nature have an innate desire to produce young then protect and provide for the young that they produced? The bird and the beast build a nest or den for its young; it catches or hunts food for its young; and it uses every means in its power to drive away predators from its young.

How, in the name of God, can today’s pastors and church leaders say they would not protect their own families from harm? How can they treat so flippantly the duty and responsibility to provide safety and security for home and community? Does a badge give a person the right to act like a predator? You mean to tell me that God would have us bring our children up in the “fear and admonition of the Lord” only then to sit back and do nothing while human beasts with badges devour and enslave them? What nonsense! What rubbish!

Beyond that, prohibition is as intrinsic to Natural Law as is procreation, protection, and provision. In the beginning, Adam and Eve were given great authority over the entire natural kingdom–yet, they were also given jurisdictional prohibition: they were not allowed to eat of the Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil. Even in that state of perfect innocence, when Adam was the absolute master of all that God had created on earth, he had limited jurisdiction. And when Adam violated that jurisdictional prohibition, there were consequences that had to be paid. And that was the pattern for all human authority.

There is only one Sovereign: the Creator-God. All human authority, be it vocational, familial, ecclesiastical, or political, is limited and jurisdictional. Anytime human authority oversteps its jurisdictional borders, Natural Law (God’s Law “written in our hearts”) demands resistance. And the amount and type of resistance is commensurate to the amount and type of usurpation.

When the “kings of the nations” seized property not belonging to them and kidnapped some of Abram’s family, he did not quote Romans 13 and sit complacent. He gathered his armed servants (who were already trained in the art of war) and pursued the oppressors. He put together a military strategy and attacked the predators and destroyed them. Not only that, when he returned, he was blessed by Melchizedek, who was “the priest of the most high God.” (Genesis 14)

Hebrews 7 says Melchizedek was a type of Jesus Christ. Many Bible scholars believe that Melchizedek was actually a Christophany, meaning a pre-Bethlehem appearance of Christ. Think of it: Christ Himself (or a priest who is clearly a type of Christ) blessed Abram after he attacked and destroyed the usurpers who had transgressed their jurisdictional authority. And exactly where was it written that Abram should do this thing? It was written in his heart. Again, the resistance was commensurate to the transgression.

And those who say that violent resistance to tyrannical government is unbiblical and sinful should tear the entire Book of Judges out of their Bibles. Where in the Mosaic Law were the laws of insurrection recorded? They weren’t. Yet, for a period of over 300 years, champion after champion felt the call of God in his heart to resist with violence the tyrants who were subjugating his country. Furthermore, Hebrews 11 places men such as Gideon, Barak, Samson, and Jephthah in the great “Hall of Faith.” And, remember, Romans 15:4 says that the Old Testament was written “for our learning.”

Western Civilization is rooted in Natural Law. Scholars in and out of the Church have historically accepted the Natural Law principles of the rights and duties of procreation, protection, provision, and prohibition as being “self-evident.” In his book, “Political Obligations,” University of Virginia political science professor George Klosko wrote, “[I]t is generally held that obedience to government is not unconditional. Though we have significant moral requirements to obey, these can be overridden by countervailing factors. For instance, a government that becomes tyrannical can lose its right to be obeyed, while obligations to obey specific laws that are unjust can also be not binding.” (George Klosko, Political Obligations, Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford, 2005, 11)

Klosko’s philosophy matches the philosophy of the vast majority of Christian and non-Christian scholars including Sir Edward Coke, Hugo Grotius, Samuel von Pufendorf, Emerich de Vattel, Samuel Rutherford, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Hobbes, and Thomas Aquinas (to name a few).

Compare the Natural Law teaching of history’s great scholars (many, if not most, of whom were Christians) to the teaching of so many of today’s pastors and church leaders. The differences are stark. The great preachers, theologians, and scholars of history produced a thirst for both God and freedom and gave birth to the greatest free land the world has ever known. And what are today’s pacifist preachers producing? An apathy and indifference that has brought our country to the brink of a modern-day Dark Ages. Everything that America’s colonial pastors such as John Leland, John Witherspoon, John Peter Muhlenberg, James Caldwell, and Jonas Clark fought so bravely to bequeath to us is being surrendered by the cowardice and apostasy of the modern pulpit.

As I said, after reading the voluminous pieces of correspondence touting absolute submission to the state, I am convinced that a majority of pastors and church leaders today are monarchists at heart. Accordingly, so many of America’s pastors today are not shepherds; they are slaves. They have repudiated the faith of our fathers; they have repudiated the inspiration and sacrifice of thousands of years of history; they have repudiated sound scholarship and reason; they have repudiated the values and virtues that protect everything that is sacred; and they have repudiated the Biblical Natural Law principles of liberty and justice.

Ichabod is written over the establishment church.

I am further convinced that the only way liberty and justice can be restored to America is for Christians to get out of these idolatrous government churches and form tens of thousands of independent, non-affiliated, non-establishment churches and home-churches. It must happen; it’s going to happen!

I pray that God will use whatever time I have left on this earth to be part of the prophecy that famed Bible teacher A. W. Tozer uttered before his death in 1963. Tozer said:

“I hear Jesus saying…Matthew 23:37, 38, ‘O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to her, how often would I have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you would not! Behold, your house is left to you desolate.’

“As the Church now stands, the man who sees this condition of worldly evangelicalism is written off as somewhat fanatical. But the day is coming when the house will be left desolate and there will not be a man of God among them. I would like to live long enough to watch this develop and see how things turn out. I would like to live to see the time when the man and women of God–holy, separated and spiritually enlightened–walk out of the evangelical church and form a group of their own; when they get off the sinking ship and let her go down in the brackish and worldliness and form a new ark to ride out the storm.”

I agree with Tozer. Get off the sinking ship, folks. Form a new ark to ride out the storm. Pastors and churches that have repudiated Biblical Natural Law principles–including the duty of self-defense–should themselves be repudiated.

Chuck Baldwin is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

You can reach him at:
Please visit Chuck’s web site at:

The Devil’s New World Religion

November 2, 2013 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

With over 500 pages and 1,200 footnotes, Ted Flynn’s book, “Hope of the Wicked: the Master Plan to Rule the World,” details many of the agendas of the global ‘elite’ community.  With several thousand quotes it uses the words of prime ministers, secretaries of treasury, secretaries of state, philanthropists and global business leaders to describe their NWO vision and their plans to bring it about as well as the convergence, on a global basis, of multinational corporations, foundations and the political and sociological instruments that would form a one-world government designed to bring about a New World Order.

Flynn writes that there is a confluence of events pointing to major changes that for many years have been coming to the world and they appear to be coming toward us more quickly now. Flynn argues that an 1846 heavenly apparition, a prophecy delivered by the Blessed Virgin Mary to two peasant children and approved by the Catholic Church is a stark and terrible summary of the major changes that have been coming to the world in general but the West and America in particular:

All the civil governments will have one and the same plan, which will be to abolish and do away with every religious principle, to make way for materialism, atheism, spiritualism and vice of all kinds….The mountains and all Nature will tremble in terror, for the disorders and crimes of men have pierced the vault of the heavens…The righteous will suffer greatly.  Their prayers, their penances and their tears will rise up to Heaven and all of God’s people will beg for forgiveness and mercy…And then Jesus Christ, in an act of His justice and His great mercy will command His Angels to have all His enemies put to death….and the persecutors of the Church of Jesus Christ and all those given over to sin will perish…”  (p. 445)

In another apparition approved by the Church, the Blessed Virgin Mary warned of the “annihilation of nations.” (ibid, p. 445) 

Materialism, Atheism, Communism, & Annihilation of Nations and People

Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), a 19th century German political philosopher figures prominently in Karl Marx’s life.  Beginning in 1844, Engels and Marx, a God-hating materialist, collaborated closely in the foundation of modern Communism.  By 1848 they had produced The Communist Manifesto and similar works.

The tragedy of Engels is that before joining forces with Marx he had been a faithful Christian.  After meeting Marx for the first time he described him as a monster subjected to devils.  Marx does not,

“…walk or run, he jumps on his heels full of anger…He stretches his arms far away in the air; the wicked fist is clenched, he rages without ceasing, as if ten thousand devils had caught him by the hair.”  (Marx & Satan, Richard Wurmbrand, p. 36)

Engels was very well aware of the dangers of entangling himself with devilish sons of perdition like Marx.  In his book, “Schelling, Philosopher in Christ,” he warns that a devilish spirit has entered into a great part of mankind in the heart of Christendom and now there are only two kinds of men, Christians and anti-Christians:

Since the terrible French Revolution, an entirely new, devilish spirit has entered into a great part of mankind, and godlessness lifts its daring head in such an unashamed and subtle manner that you would think the prophecies of Scripture are fulfilled (Matthew 24:11)..And St. Paul says in II Thes. 2:3: That man of sin shall be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is God, or that is worshipped…The coming of the Wicked is after the working of Satan….(therefore we must have)  nothing to do any more with indifference or coldness toward the Lord (for as of now) we have only…Christians and anti-Christians….We see the false prophets among us…They travel throughout Germany and wish to intrude everywhere; they teach their Satanic teachings in the market-places and bear the flag of the Devil from one town to another, seducing the poor youth, in order to throw them in the deepest abyss of hell and death.” (ibid, p. 40)

The devilish fleshy spirit responsible for converting Engels to godless Communism was Moses Hess, the same man who had previously converted Marx. After meeting Engels in Cologne Hess wrote:

He parted from me as an overzealous Communist.  This is how I produce ravages…” (ibid, p. 43)

The spiritual counter-conversion of Engels was striking and hideous.  Like Marx, he no longer cared about the destruction of millions of people on behalf of the Revolution. 

A bloodless Marx writes of the coming genocide of millions of men, women, and children:

“A silent, unavoidable revolution is taking place in society, a revolution that cares as little about the human lives it destroys as an earthquake cares about the houses it ravages.  Classes and races…too weak to dominate the new conditions of existence will be defeated.” (ibid, p. 42)

In a similar vein, a cold-hearted Engels speaks of the coming annihilation of millions of Christians, Jews, and other peoples and nations:

The next world war will make whole reactionary peoples disappear from the face of the earth.  This, too, is progress.  Obviously this cannot be fulfilled without crushing some delicate national flower.   But without violence and without pitilessness nothing can be obtained in history.”  (p. 43) 

The Revolution

The Revolution is a movement of spirit having its taproot and energy in the devil, the spirit of hate, murder, atheism, apostasy, and ‘this world only’ naturalism, materialism, pantheism, and spiritualism.   The Revolution is war against the supernatural Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, which in the words of Marx’s anarchist comrade Bakunin, are the “cursed and fatal principle of authority.”

The sentiment of the Revolution is satanic pride:

“….which spurns subjection to any master whatever, whether of divine or human origin.” (Bakunin, Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age, Fr. Seraphim Rose, p. 63)

The nature of the Revolution is the antithesis of authentic Christian faith. Whereas Christian faith is joy, patience, love, truth, humbleness, perseverance, submission in all things to the Will of God and blessed eternal life in Paradise (earth perfected), the Satanic counterfeit is full of hatred, rebelliousness, burning envy and covetousness against man and God, ingratitude, mockery, doubts, lies, revulsion, blasphemy, thoughts of murder and eternal life in Hell.

Fueled by monstrously inflated pride and dissatisfaction with self, the world, society, and God the Father Almighty, it devotes its’ infernal energy toward “change,” or as Marx put it, toward the wholesale destruction of the Christian-based Old Order and the establishment of a religiously pantheist, totalitarian world order because:

“The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed.” (Karl Marx, Marx and Satan, p. 59)  

The New World Religion  

 “(The UN is) a weird and diabolical convergence of New Age mysticism, pantheism, aboriginal animism, Communism, socialism, Luciferian occultism, apostate Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism.”   (The New World Religion: Teaching God’s Children to Worship ‘Divine Nature.’ William Jasper, 2002)

The Revolution, of which the U.N., Lucis Trust (formerly Lucifer Publishing), the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, the Temple of Understanding and Baca Grande (Colorado based New Age Vatican City) are integral components, intends the complete overturning of Biblical moral and spiritual values enjoyed by Western and American civilization for over a thousand years.  As part of this goal, the Bible must be reinterpreted in terms of evolutionary pantheism, man must be fundamentally remade by eradication of every vestige of Imago Dei from his inner being, and Christian leadership reduced to a non-factor.  Flynn writes that this has largely been accomplished,

“…by placing their own leaders in place where they exert tremendous influence.  Much of this program of revolution was confirmed by Franklin D. Roosevelt in his book, ‘Our Way’ (which) summed up, the spiritual and immoral goals of world revolution (and how they) are being achieved, and nowhere more so than in the United States.” (Flynn, p. 361)

Primary goals are:

a. Destruction of the Christian-based foundation of Western and American civilization;

b. Dissolution of legal government;

c. Destruction of sovereignty and patriotism;

d. Demoralizing, atheitizing and bringing the people of the United States into slavery via liberated sin nature and penury via graduated income taxes, property taxes, inheritance taxes, sales taxes, a massive welfare state and now socialized healthcare;

e. The abolition of God-given right to life via reproductive rights (abortion) and euthanasia and of private property via onerous building codes, zoning regulations and restrictions and by taxing property out of existence and targeting inheritance with bigger and bigger taxes;

f. Destruction of the traditional monogamous family unit via divorce, co-habitation, alternative lifestyles, abortion, pornography, hedonism and homosexuality

Before the top-down spiritually pantheist world order dominated by an occult ‘elite’ can come into existence, there must be a politically correct philosophy of ‘new’ thought and a philosophy of pantheist-based natural religion and natural science to usher in the coming political, social, legal and educational aspects of the new order since New Age evolutionary pantheism is a politically communist, ecologically ‘sustainable,’ sexually androgynous way of living.

In her two books on New Age evolutionary pantheism, ‘The Hidden Rainbow,’ and ‘A Planned Deception,’ Constance Cumbey writes that these goals have largely been accomplished:

The New Age Movement is a religion complete with its own Bibles, prayers and mantras, Vatican City/Jerusalem equivalents, priests and gurus, born again experiences (they call it ‘rebirthing’), spiritual laws and commandments, psychics and prophets and nearly every other indicia of a religion.” (Flynn, p. 361)

According to Cumbey, the Plan for the new order includes the installation of a New Age messiah, implementation of a New Age totalitarian government and new world religion under Maitreya.  As well, there are plans to implement a universal identification system, universal credit system, universal tax, universal draft, and a world food and water authority that will control all of the world’s food and water supplies.  To ensure that all people worship the New Age messiah, authentic Christianity will be completely stamped out along with all faithful Christians.

Toward this end, the evil spirit energizing and directing the Revolution intends to fully possess the Christian faith and refashion it completely.  In furtherance of his goal, the devil has audaciously declared that the supernatural Holy God the Father Almighty has been isolated in His transcendence and is therefore dead, so though the notion of God is retained, the devil proposes a functionless God that perhaps serves to ignite the Big Bang and set evolution in motion.  

 According to the devil, the Revolution is now moving with great force and speed across America nearly unopposed and will not stop until every vestige of faith in the supernatural God has been obliterated in every heart. Every man, woman, and child will experience a counter-conversion—a Satanic Initiation in the words of New Age insider David Spangler—to a ‘new’ pantheist spiritualism dressed in Christian symbols and terminology, an anti-gospel preached by anti-saints from the void who will assure men of their salvation though they will find only the leering face of the devil.

Linda Kimball writes on culture, politics, and worldview. Her articles are published nationally and internationally. Linda can be reached at:

Linda Kimball is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

Is Secession’s Time Coming Again?

October 18, 2013 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

Pat Buchanan recently wrote an intriguing column titled, “Is Red State America Seceding?” His column clearly reveals that an independence/secession movement is spreading globally. Pat rightly observes that in just the last few years some 25 nations have broken free of mother countries and formed their own independent states. And, no, most of these separations did NOT require violent revolution. In addition, talk of secession is currently going on in at least six other regions of the world. And, as Buchanan correctly observes, the spirit of secession is very much alive and well in the United States.

Buchanan writes, “The five counties of western Maryland–Garrett, Allegany, Washington, Frederick and Carroll, which have more in common with West Virginia and wish to be rid of Baltimore and free of Annapolis, are talking secession.”

But people in Maryland are not the only ones talking secession. Buchanan continues to write, “Ten northern counties of Colorado are this November holding non-binding referenda to prepare a future secession from Denver and the creation of America’s 51st state.”

Furthermore, people in northern California are also talking secession. Again, to quote Pat Buchanan: “In California, which many have long believed should be split in two, the northern counties of Modoc and Siskiyou on the Oregon border are talking secession–and then union in a new state called Jefferson.”

Buchanan goes on to say, “Folks on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, bordered by Wisconsin and the Great Lakes, which is connected to lower Michigan by a bridge, have long dreamed of a separate state called Superior. The UP has little in common with Lansing and nothing with Detroit.

“While the folks in western Maryland, northern Colorado, northern California and on the Upper Peninsula might be described as red state secessionists, in Vermont the secessionists seem of the populist left. The Montpelier Manifesto of the Second Vermont Republic concludes:

“‘Citizens, lend your names to this manifesto and join in the honorable task of rejecting the immoral, corrupt, decaying, dying, failing American Empire and seeking its rapid and peaceful dissolution before it takes us all down with it.’”

Pat concludes his column saying, “This sort of intemperate language may be found in Thomas Jefferson’s indictment of George III. If America does not get its fiscal house in order, and another Great Recession hits or our elites dragoon us into another imperial war, we will likely hear more of such talk.”

See Pat Buchanan’s column here:

Buchanan’s analysis is right on the money. The spirit of independence is far from dead in the United States. In fact, the spirit of independence (otherwise known as the Spirit of ’76) has already begun driving people to separate from states and cities in which they have lived for most or all of their lives. The biggest recipient of these many thousands of freedom-minded people seems to be the Rocky Mountain States of America’s Northwest.

Faithful readers of this column know that my entire family, including five heads of households and some 18 family members, relocated to the Flathead Valley of Montana after having lived a lifetime–or the better part of a lifetime–in the southeastern United States. And during the last three years, I have witnessed scores of families also relocate to northwestern Montana from all over the country.

But it’s not just Chuck Baldwin’s move or the people from around the country who have decided to join us here in the Flathead Valley: thousands of people are relocating to what is now commonly referred to as “The American Redoubt.” This area includes Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, eastern Washington State, and eastern Oregon.

By the way, to read a compilation of articles as to why my family and I chose the Flathead Valley of Montana to which to relocate, peruse the material here:

Just recently, Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) did a television report on the growing numbers of people who are relocating to The American Redoubt. See the report here:

The mood all over America is one of intense uncertainty and uneasiness. More and more Americans are waking up to the reality that Washington, D.C., is hopelessly broken (financially and morally), and it’s only a matter of time before something catastrophic happens. They see the way America’s major cities are becoming more and more tyrannical and crime-infested.

In the major cities, public schools more and more resemble prisons; police departments more and more resemble the German Gestapo; local governments more and more try to make criminals out of honest gun owners and more and more attack the Christian values that were once revered in this country. Add any major disaster (natural or man-made) to these growing concerns and the prospect for a normal life in the big cities is practically zero. People are yearning to be more self-reliant, more independent, more secure, and, yes, more free. In fact, for a host of people today, the longing for liberty trumps the desire for wealth and pleasure. What used to attract people to big cities now repulses them. And they are more than willing to downscale their incomes and living standards in order to live simpler and breath freer.
In reality, secession is not a future event; it has already started. People all over America are separating from their homes and families, from their jobs and livelihoods, from their cities and states, and from their very way of life in order to find even a semblance of what America used to look like. This trend will not diminish anytime soon. In fact, I am convinced it has not yet begun to peak.

So, don’t despair my friends. The Spirit of ’76 is alive and well–and not just in America but in many regions around the world also. The smell of independence is in the air. It smells so sweet. Take a big whiff. Then prayerfully decide to what and to where that wind is leading you.

Pat Buchanan’s analysis of the modern independence movement just might be more of a prophecy than anything else.

I cannot help but think of the speech John Adams gave to the Continental Congress as it contemplated the Declaration of Independence. When one thinks of fiery speeches for independence, one normally thinks of Patrick Henry, Sam Adams, or James Otis. But John Adams’ speech to the Continental Congress ranks up there with the greatest of them. So, for all of my freedom-loving brothers and sisters in America and around the world who are already, in their own way, engaged in the independence movement, I conclude this column with the concluding words from that immortal speech:

“Sir, I know the uncertainty of human affairs, but I see, I see clearly, through this day’s business. You and I, indeed, may rue it. We may not live to the time when this Declaration shall be made good. We may die; die, colonists; die, slaves; die, it may be, ignominiously and on the scaffold. Be it so; be it so! If it be the pleasure of heaven that my country shall require the poor offering of my life, the victim shall be ready at the appointed hour of sacrifice, come when that hour may. But, while I do live, let me have a country, or at least, the hope of a country, and that a free country.

“But whatever may be our fate, be assured, be assured that this Declaration will stand. It may cost treasure, and it may cost blood, but it will stand, and it will richly compensate for both. Through the thick gloom of the present, I see the brightness of the future, as the sun in heaven. We shall make this a glorious, an immortal day. When we are in our graves, our children will honor it. They will celebrate it with thanksgiving, with festivity, with bonfires and illuminations. On its annual return, they will shed tears, copious, gushing tears, not of subjection and slavery, not of agony and distress, but of exultation, of gratitude and of joy.

“Sir, before God, I believe the hour is come. My judgment approves this measure, and my whole heart is in it. All that I have, and all that I am, and all that I hope, in this life, I am now ready here to stake upon it. And I leave off as I began, that, live or die, survive or perish, I am for the Declaration. It is my living sentiment, and by the blessing of God it shall be my dying sentiment, Independence now, and INDEPENDENCE FOREVER!”

Amen and Amen!

Chuck Baldwin is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

You can reach him at:
Please visit Chuck’s web site at:

Nihilism And Satanic Inversion

October 9, 2013 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

America’s ‘New’ Reality of Non-Self and Madness…

In the wake of the insurrection against the living, personal God of Revelation that began during the Renaissance eventuating in the proclamation of the death of God and cataclysmic eruptions of fire, brimstone and rivers of blood during the 20th century, ex-atheist Alexander Solzhenitsyn said the world had never before known,

“…godlessness as organized, militarized, and tenaciously malevolent as that practiced by Marxism. Within the philosophical system of Marx and Lenin, and at the heart of their psychology, hatred of God is the principal driving force, more fundamental than all their political and economic pretensions. Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to Communist policy; it is not a side effect, but the central pivot.” ()

In his analysis of Marxist Communism and its’ alter ego, scientific materialism, Frank Meyers, an early conservative intellectual concluded that Communism is the state form,

“….taken by a materialist faith determined to rule the world.”  Godless Communism is the “final synthesis of all heretical tendencies that have pervaded Western civilization for many centuries.”  It is materialist scientism of which, “Communism is the culminating hubris of the Promethean man who reaches out for the world and means to remake creation.  It is scientism gone political.” (The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America, George H. Nash, pp. 251-252)

Both scientific evolutionary materialism and its new age evolutionary pantheist counterpart belong to the family of ‘new’ pagan or modern naturalism.  Modern naturalism refers to a one-dimensional view of reality grounded in a monist pagan philosophy holding that only void, matter and evolutionary (developmental and change-making) energies exist.  Therefore void, matter and energy are the Ultimate One Substance of which the universe consists and with which all life is in continuity, thus “all is one” and “everything is perpetually evolving and ascending.”

The main difference between these two views resides in whether matter is thought to be physical (i.e., Greek Atomism) or spiritual (Hinduism). However, both views share in common the following:

  • Hatred of the supernatural God of Revelation and of man as His spiritual image-bearer
  • One dimensional views of reality
  • An inverted account of  origins and history lending itself to the notion that since there was no fall then Lucifer is not the devil and men are not sinful but rather evolving into gods
  • Scientific materialism or its’ New Age spiritual science counterpart
  • Evolutionary conceptions.  These serve two main functions. First, as a mechanical process of development and second, as a mechanism for purification of matter
  • The nihilism of Buddha
    Jesus Christ to Buddha,

“…you took God away (and) your espousal of an absence of self is the most unique and fearsome claim you made.” (The Lotus and the Cross: Jesus Talks with Buddha, Ravi Zacharias, pp. 59, 67)

Life is only with the living God of Revelation, the creator and upholder of the life and being (soul/spirit) of men.  But if He does not exist, it logically follows that there is no ultimate source for life, conscious being, meaning and purpose; or for the sanctity of human life, worth, dignity, individual liberty and personal property.  Without God the Father Almighty unalienable (God given) human rights are as meaningless as America’s founding documents have become in our Godless pagan society.

If man is not God’s spiritual image-bearer then he is less than nothing, a conclusion Buddha reached long before Jesus Christ God Incarnate walked this earth:

Six centuries before Jesus Christ, the Buddha already knew that if God does not exist, then the human self cannot exist either…Therefore, he deconstructed the Hindu idea of the soul.  When one starts peeling the onion skin of one’s psyche, he discovers that there is no solid core at the center of one’s being.”  Thus your sense of self becomes illusion, “Reality is nonself…You don’t exist. Liberation, the Buddha taught, is realizing the unreality of your existence.” (The Book that Made Your World: How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization, Vishal Mangalwadi, p. 6)

Naturalism: the Antithesis

Modern naturalism is in every way the antithesis of God’s Revelations and Christianity, the spiritual and moral foundation of Western civilization.   For fifteen hundred years, Christendom and then later Protestant America had affirmed the biblical view of total reality. In this historically unique view total reality consists of two interfacing, interactive halves: the seen (natural) and the unseen (supernatural).

According to this view, man faces both unseen and seen and interprets truth against these two interfacing halves of reality.  Thus Paul declares that as men live out their lives they are spectacles, “unto the world, and to angels and men.” (1 Cor. 4:9)

In opposition to modern naturalism’s one dimensional view, Paul affirms that total reality consists of two halves, hence this earth (the seen) is really a theater and men are actors on its stage observed not only by other men (the seen) but by the Spirit of God and angels (the unseen).

Though men cannot see the Spirit of God and very rarely see angels they can see, hear and interact with men.  The Spirit of God opens our eyes to understanding (Ps. 118: 34, 125, 144), tests our hearts, knows out secrets, motives, and thoughts (Psa. 17:3; 44:21; 139:1-4).

Both holy and unholy angels are all around us, watching, listening, helping and protecting if holy, if unholy then binding the disobedient to their power.   Just as the Lord of Hosts gives His Holy Spirit to those who love and obey Him, He can send evil spirits upon those who are rebellious, live in persistent sin, practice occult arts or men who in their pride, covetousness and envy reject and hate Him as was the case with Karl Marx and Nietzsche, the apostate Christian philosopher who proclaimed the death of God.  Unto these men the Lord of Hosts sent evil spirits just as He sent one to King Saul (1 Sam. 16:14).   The evil spirit influenced and disordered Saul’s thinking, afflicted him with obsessions and paranoia, befouled his conscience, and inflated his disordered passions thereby, “filling him with unrest, anger, fear and murderous intent.”  (Occult Bondage and Deliverance, Kurt E. Koch, p. 137)

Dr. Kurt Koch (1913-1987) was a highly respected German minister who pastored, counseled and delivered in excess of twenty thousand people suffering from demonic subjection. According to Koch, demonic subjection is an increasingly common occurrence in post-Christian Western and American society.  Most people have little or no clue that they are in fact demonically subjected while some people, such as Marx, Nietzsche, Hitler and Stalin seem to possess a limitless supply of demonic energy, especially when engaged in imposing their will over the wills of others.

There are many underlying causes of demonic subjection.  Koch delineates some of the leading ones common to apostatizing America:

If a person blatantly lives a life of sin and persistently resists the Spirit of God and remains completely unrepentant, or…carries the sin of murder or abortion on his conscience, or has committed perjury or practical incest, if he has cursed his fellow men or blasphemed against the cross or against Christ, the Holy Spirit, or God, then he will have laid himself open to the devil’s attacks.  Every curse is in fact a cry to the devil, and can…lead a person into bondage.” (Koch, p. 138)

“….God created man in his own image…..male and female created he them.” Gen. 1:27
According to the uniquely Christian view of total reality, the essence of the human is not the body and brain (the seen) but the unseen…the soul/spirit:

It is the soul alone that God made in his own image and the soul that he loves…For the sake of the soul…the Son of God came into the world…” (Incomplete Work on Matthew, Homily 25, Ancient Christian Devotional, Oden and Crosby, p. 153)

Building off of the view of man as embodied spirit, St. Augustine (AD 354-430) affirmed that as all men are the spiritual image bearers of the supernatural Triune God in three Persons, then it logically follows that each man is a person; a trinity of being comprised of soul/spirit (unseen), and body, brain (seen).

The citadel of the soul is spirit (heart).  Spirit is immortal and self-aware.  It can will and think and is responsible for what it wills, thinks, speaks, and acts on while in this world.

Spirit is the unique property that distinguishes soul from the material body in which it is fully embedded.  In Biblical thought, spirit allows man to spiritually transcend the natural dimension in order to access the third Heaven.  By way of prayer and petitions the spirit of man’s mind allows him to enter into a personal relationship with the Spirit of God.  Through this relationship, spirit is renewed over time, thus enabling man to more perfectly orient the manner of his thoughts, passions, words and actions in this world in preparation for eternity in Paradise.

In Christian thought, a person is a spirit (self) and personality is the total individuality of the spirit.  Without spirit there is no ‘self,’ hence no person.

The key to personal liberty in the natural or sensory half of reality is man’s spiritual liberty contrasted against a genetically pre-programmed animal-like orientation.  Animals have souls but not spirits, the basis of intelligence, sensitivity, imagination, self-consciousness, reflection back and forward into time, and the capacity for truth and moral goodness.

A person is uniquely free because he can spiritually transcend his material brain to access the Spirit of the Lord as Paul affirms:

Now the Lord is Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” (2 Cor. 3:17)

Vishal Mangalwadi, India’s foremost Christian intellectual observes that this historically unique concept of man as God’s spiritual image-bearer gave birth to the “belief in the unique dignity of human beings,” and this is the force,

“…that created Western civilization, where citizens do not exist for the state but the state exists for the individual.  Even kings, presidents, prime ministers, and army generals cannot be allowed to trample upon an individual and his or her rights.” (Truth and Transformation: A Manifesto for Ailing Nations, Mangalwadi, pp. 12-13)

One-Dimensional Godless Naturalism: the Reality of Non-Self

Modern naturalism, whether of materialist or pantheist permutation positing a non-existent immanent conception of deity (i.e. Omega, Gaia) is at bottom Godless, and said Ravi Zacharias,  absolutely nothing,

“… has a more direct bearing on the moral choices made by individuals or the purposes pursued by society than belief or disbelief in God.” Key issues of the day “whether it be…sexual orientation and practice, or life in the fetal stage, sooner or later filter down to whether there is a God, and if so, has he spoken?” (The Real Face of Atheism, Zacharias, p. 21)

In “The Gnostic Religion,” Hans Jonas provides a full-scale study of the heretical world of pre-Christian and Christian era pagan Gnostic nihilism together with its modern variants:  materialist and pantheist naturalism.

Jonas writes that while ancient Gnostic pagan man was thrown,

“…into an antagonistic, anti-divine, and therefore anti-human nature, modern man (is thrown) into an indifferent one.” (p. 338)

The ancient gnostic conception was still anthropomorphic despite the nihilism, hostility and demonic.  But its’ modern counterpart with its’ indifferent nature, its’ completely godless, soulless, anti-human, demonic nature, represents the “absolute vacuum, the really bottomless pit.”

At least the ancient Gnostic dualism, as fantastic as it was, was at least self-consistent, as there was the illusion of a source for ‘self’ (being).   Not so for its’ modern counterpart:

So radically has anthropomorphism been banned from….nature that even man must cease to be conceived anthropomorphically if he is just an accident of nature.  As the product of the indifferent, his being, too, must be indifferent.  Then the facing of his mortality would simply warrant the reaction, ‘Let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die.” (ibid, p. 339)

In conclusion:

“…modern nihilism (is) infinitely more radical and more desperate than gnostic nihilism ever could be for all its panic terror of the world and its defiant contempt of its laws.  That nature does not care, one way or the other, is the true abyss.  That only man cares, in his finitude facing nothing but death, alone with….the objective meaninglessness of his projected meanings, is a truly unprecedented situation.” (Jonas, p. 339)

In other words, the death of the living God of Revelation means there is neither source for life and ‘self’ (soul/spirit) nor for higher truth and morality, purpose, meaning, salvation and eternity.   For depersonalized man, the evolved ape or bag of chemicals, there is nothing—no heaven above, no hell below and no,

“…. vast mind behind the framing of the world; no transcending voice giving counsel to this world…no light at the end of the tunnel (hence only) the loneliness of existence in its most desolate form.”  (Zacharias, p. 27)

The determined assault against the living Holy God that began during the Renaissance gained speed and force with the materialist implications of Darwin’s neo-pagan theory.  The idea that humans evolved by chance and natural selection from non-life bearing chemicals lay the axe at the very foundation of the Genesis account of creation ex nihilo.  On the heels of Darwin’s theory Christianity came under forceful attack allowing a one-dimensional worldview draining into nihilism to be declared a scientifically supported reality.

Darwin’s “Origin of Species” was published in 1859 and instantly and uncritically accepted by people such as Karl Marx, T.H. Huxley, Herbert Spencer, Ernst Haeckel in Germany and large numbers of clergy more eager to be thought scientific and modern than to defend the faith once given.

For materialist and pantheist alike, Darwin’s theory was a wish come true and so became the center of their respective one-dimensional worldviews.

The demonized Karl Marx hated the God of Revelation and his exuberance for Darwin’s idea prompted him to consider dedicating his Das Kapital to Darwin, an honor which he declined.  Since Marx favored scientific materialism the rationale behind his invitation to Darwin was that he saw how Darwin’s materialist theory provided a scientific framework to support the economic infrastructure on which Marx could build his godless communist utopia.

Darwin’s materialist theory and Marxist materialist presuppositions (economic theory based on envy and hatred of God) together with Freud’s materialist-based analysis of religion and human sexuality threw faith in God and Christianity “over the wall of civilization,’ said Zacharias:

With such abusive attacks directed at religious belief coming from so many directions, it was left for someone to cast this creature called theism completely out, and exorcise the world of all such influence.  The one who did that was the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.” (p. 25)

By the time of Nietzsche, perceptive thinkers had already been expressing apprehension at the prospect of multitudes of unsuspecting Westerners who would eventually be cruelly exploited by anti-human haters of God.
With Nietzsche, dreadful apprehension deepened into certainty, for Nietzsche despised religion in general, but upon Christianity he poured his unbridled fury:

“I call Christianity the one great curse, the one enormous and innermost perversion, the one great instinct of 
revenge, for which no means are too venomous, too underhanded, too underground, and too petty.” (Nietzsche in “The Life of Nietzsche,” Faru Forster Nietzsche, 1921, p. 656)

However, rather than mindless infatuation for Darwin’s idea, Nietzsche (1844–1900) harshly criticized it:

What surprises me most when I survey the broad destinies of man is that I always see before me the opposite of that which Darwin and his school see or want to see today: selection in favor of the stronger, better-constituted, and the progress of the species. Precisely the opposite is palpable … I incline to the prejudice that the school of Darwin has been deluded everywhere…” (Nietzsche: The evolutionist who was anti-God and anti-Darwin, Russell Grigg, )

Nietzsche was not anti-evolution but rather had his own evolutionary conception which he called “the will to power.”

While Darwin received his idea from his pantheist grandfather Erasmus Darwin, Nietzsche’s conception was preceded by mystical ecstasy.  Nietzsche experienced two mystical encounters with the first one taking place in August, 1881.

Charles Andler writes that previous to his scientific reasoning, Nietzsche received revelations during mystical encounters just as Spinoza did.  Mystical ecstasy,

“…. preceded (Spinoza’s) system and his geometric form, thus, with Nietzsche mystical ecstasy preceded his scientific reasoning.” (Charles Andler cited by Henri De Lubac, “The Drama of Atheist Humanism,” p. 481)

According to Henri De Lubac, secret knowledge was revealed to Nietzsche that he was “….the first of men to know.’   The shock of it was sudden and profound.  Though no direct document relates his experience sure evidence is found in an agitated page of Ecce Homo where Nietzsche wrote:

Suddenly, with sureness, with indescribable delicacy, a thing makes itself seen, makes itself heard.  It shakes you, it overwhelms you right to your innermost depths.  You hear it…You let it fill you….A thought blazes forth like a flash of lightening…It imposes itself as a necessity…I never had to choose it.  It is an ecstasy….You are enraptured, taken outside of yourself…All of this…is accompanied by a tumultuous feeling of liberty, of independence, of divinity…There you have my experience of the inspiration.” (Lubac, p. 472)

In the months that followed he remained silent about the knowledge he received.  But in August of 1882 he discussed his experience with Lou Salome.  Salome writes that Nietzsche spoke of his encounter only in obscure words and with hushed voice.  Giving “every indication of the most profound horror” Nietzsche described the terrible and marvelous revelation he had received with two words: Eternal Return. (ibid, p. 473)

In the autumn of 1882 he experienced his second encounter which he described in the poem Sils Maria:

I was sitting and waiting, without waiting for anything/Beyond good and evil, tasting Light sometimes and sometimes shade/Absorbed by this brew…When suddenly…what was one became two, And Zarathustra passed before me…” (ibid, p. 475)

It was a vision without a doubt, precise and sudden:

“I could tell you the day and the hour….Zarathustra has fallen on me, he assaults me..”  (ibid)

Zarathustra was an evil spirit who confirmed to Nietzsche the ‘truth’ of the revelations already received, which included man’s evolution from worms:

You [mankind] have made your way from worm to human, and much in you is still worm. Once you were apes, and even now the human being is still more of an ape than any ape is.” (Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra, Zarathustra’s Prologue section 3, trans. by G. Parkes, Oxford University Press, New York, 2005, p. 11)

Henceforth, Nietzsche is an inspired prophet who knows for certain that the God of Revelation is dead, that man’s evolution from worms is absolutely true, and that he is Jesus Christ’s successor, the ‘new’ Christ.  Within ten days he drafted by way of automatic writing the whole first book of his prophecy.  He called his finished work Zarathustra, the new Bible of scientific evolutionary naturalism, and told the world to throw away all other books, for now you have my Zarathustra, “a new Holy Book.” 

It was Nietzsche, the ‘new’ Christ, who saw that the death of the personal God had already begun to cast its first dark shadows over Europe, and though,

“the event itself is far too great, too remote, too much beyond most people’s power of apprehension, for one to suppose that so much as the report of it could have reached them,” still its advent was certain, and it was men like Nietzsche, the ‘new’ Christ who were “the firstlings and premature children of the coming century,” the century of the “triumph of Nihilism.” (Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age, Eugene Rose, p. 44)

Nietzsche was the first apostate Christian to gaze fully upon man’s loss of faith and its terrifying consequences.  With no living God ‘up there’ to obstruct his vision, the nihilism he saw was agonizing.  As there was no longer any Light from God above, there was only darkness in the hermetically sealed world below.  The paralyzing darkness that overtook the mind of the ‘new’ Christ was spiritual.  It was not so much,

“….an exterior phenomenon crowding inward but rather an inner blinding that spread outward.” (Ravi Zacharias, p. 27)

This was precisely Nietzsche’s point.  With the death of the personal God of Revelation the darkness of objective meaninglessness would penetrate every avenue of thought and life, making life itself unbearable with the consequence of hedonism, abortion, euthanasia, sodomy, suicide, drugs, crime and murder becoming virtues.

Speaking through the writings of the ‘new’ Christ, Zarathustra went on to say that because God had died in the 19th century there would follow two terrible consequences beginning in the 20th century. (Romans 1:18)

First, the 20th century would become one of the most evil century’s in history, and second, a universal madness (Romans 1:21, 22) would break out and turn the once glorious W. Europe and America upside-down.

Though apostates and the apostatizing professed themselves wise, their cognitive thought processes would become darkened (vain) and with their conscience dead to sin they would become fools, meaning they would accept and publicly profess incredibly stupid conceptions of themselves (i.e., man is an evolved worm, ape or robot; man is evolving into god).

And I will give children to be their princes, and the effeminate shall rule over them.” Isaiah 3:4

In turning away from the Spirit of God and the truth He has given, ‘wise’ males will become effeminate cowards and females mannish.  They will be adolescent emotional-tyrants in adult-size bodies: sinister, greedy, spiteful, vindictive, treacherous, back-stabbing sophists.  They will celebrate Lucifer (the devil) and in their madness actively seek the way of Luciferian initiation because they will be spiritually blind in regard to total reality.  Like demons they will flee from the cross of Jesus but exalt the devil as the first free thinker, the genetic creator of man, the seething energy and angel of evolution.  Truth will be lies, evil will be good, unfaithfulness will be faith and the ‘wise’ will preach and blaspheme from pulpits, exercise political power, enact legislation, and wield broken law to plunder, punish, and ruin.

Zarathustra has been right on both counts.  First, apostatizing W. Europe and America, though dotted here and there by small islands of Light, decency and sanity, are becoming darkened, satanically inverted places ruled by the ‘wise,’ hence boiling over with madness, particularly Hollywood, academia, mainstream media and the highest, most powerful political offices in the land.   Second, Nietzsche was made to show the ‘wise’ what is in store for them by spending the last eleven years of his life insane.

Linda Kimball writes on culture, politics, and worldview. Her articles are published nationally and internationally. Linda can be reached at:

Linda Kimball is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

The Rapture Problem

October 4, 2013 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

In this column last week, I stated the salient reasons why pastors will not take a public stand on issues regarded as controversial or political. I believe every point I made are the real reasons pastors refuse to stand for much of anything–or even objectively study anything outside their comfort zone. To read this column, go to:

Why Pastors Won’t Take A Stand

To review, most pastors refuse to take a stand because:

1. They are success oriented and have an innate aversion to anything that is considered to be controversial. And, to them, there is nothing more controversial than politics.

2. They are afraid that if they take a controversial stand, they will lose members–and more importantly, tithes and offerings. Most churches are neck-deep in debt and are heavy-laden with staff and overhead. The thought of losing even a few giving families is enough intimidation to make sure that they do nothing to offend the people of the congregation. And since the pastor never addresses controversial issues or preaches “hard” sermons, his congregation is filled with people who harbor myriads of big-government, socialist ideas and would immediately bolt at any mention of Biblical Natural Law principles that ran counter to their leftist ideologies.

3. They have an erroneous interpretation of Romans 13 that civil government must be submitted to regardless of how evil or immoral its laws might be. This fallacious interpretation of Romans 13 (which is taught in practically every Christian school and college in America) has made them de facto slaves and worshippers of the state. As did Germany’s pastors and Christians in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, America’s pastors and Christians suffer from national “exceptionalism.” This fallacy leads them to believe that by serving the state, they are serving God. In their minds, one cannot be “right with God” if they are not totally submissive to the state.

4. The 501c3 non-profit corporation status of the Internal Revenue Code under which the vast majority of churches throughout America operate has intimidated pastors and church leaders to the point that they will do–or not do–almost anything to stay in the good graces of the IRS. To most pastors, this means staying absolutely as far away from political issues as possible–even if those issues were moral and spiritual in nature a long time before they were considered political.

5. Most pastors are ignorant of the Biblical Natural Law principles of liberty. In the same way that many attorneys are completely ignorant of constitutional government, pastors are completely ignorant of Biblical Natural Law principles. Attorneys are not taught constitutional principles in law school, and pastors are not taught Biblical Natural Law principles in Bible school.

But there is one more reason why many pastors will not take a stand that I did not address in the aforementioned column: their belief in a pre-tribulation rapture.

The word “rapture” does not appear in the Bible. The English word “rapture” is taken from the Latin word “rapere” and means to “catch away.” Theologically, it means that Christians will be caught away or taken to Heaven while they are still alive. There are several scriptural passages that Christians believe relate to this event, but the most cited is I Thessalonians 4:16, 17: “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up (Greek word “harpazo”) together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

Of course, Christians throughout the centuries have taught and believed a variety of nuances of eschatology. The various interpretations of The Second Coming of Christ are almost limitless. There are pre-tribulational, pre-millennialists; mid-tribulational, pre-millennialists; post-tribulational, pre-millennialists; partial-rapture, pre-tribulational, pre-millennialists; post-millennialists; pre-wrath, (almost) post-millennialists; amillennialists, etc. And to each of these interpretations there is a plethora of sub-divisions and schisms.

Christians have historically believed that they will be resurrected to be with Christ. However, that conviction–historically and by itself–did not prevent Christians from being engaged in whatever the political, social, or cultural battles of the time might have been. From the earliest days of Christianity, believers were politically and socially engaged in their communities and countries. During the Roman Empire, a baby was not protected by law until the father granted it official human status. Until then, babies could be legally killed or allowed to die. Christians by the thousands would go out into the streets at night and rescue babies that had been “thrown away” and left to die. During the Dark Ages, when the Bible was banned, Christians continued to widely copy and distribute the scriptures. Reformers such as Ulrich Zwingli died defending Switzerland’s Protestant Reformation on the battlefield. Colonial Christians (including pastors) in great numbers participated in America’s War for Independence. The great German theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, joined a Nazi resistance movement. Each of these Christian believers held their individual, respective views of the Lord’s coming and personal resurrection, but this did not keep them from being politically, socially, and culturally–and sometimes militarily–involved in their communities and countries.

However, with the broad acceptance of what has become known as Dispensationalism, many pastors and churches in America have almost totally removed themselves from political affairs. Except for voting (which is mostly kept private), pastors avoid politics like the plague. A few will talk in very broad and general terms about America “turning back to God,” etc., but what that means specifically is seldom addressed. And if pressed for an explanation, most pastors will piously say, “God has not called me to get involved in politics.” I’m not sure that God has called them to play golf either, but that doesn’t prevent a host of them from engaging regularly in that worldly activity.

Dispensationalism, as it is called today, was popularized by John Darby, C. I. Scofield, and Lewis Sperry Chafer. In more modern times, John Walvoord, J. Dwight Pentecost, Charles Ryrie, Tim LaHaye, and Hal Lindsey contributed immensely to Dispensationalism’s theological acceptance. The key element of Dispensationalism, as it relates to eschatology, is the doctrine of a pre-tribulation rapture of Christians. The idea is that the world is going to continue to get worse and worse until finally the Anti-Christ will arise as a global leader and will usher in seven years of “Great Tribulation,” wherein a sizeable portion of the world’s population will be destroyed. But before “The Great Tribulation” begins, Christian believers will be raptured into Heaven. Dispensationalists further believe that following the seven year Tribulation period, Christ will physically return to Jerusalem and establish a 1,000 year reign (called The Millennium) in which the Davidic Kingdom will be restored to Israel.

Now, let me state plainly that it is not my intention at this point to disparage the sincerity of faith and belief of the vast numbers of pastors and Christians who subscribe to Dispensationalism. Whether the pre-tribulation rapture is a correct Biblical interpretation or not is NOT the focus of this discussion. I find a sizeable number of pastors and Christians who subscribe to post-millennialism and other forms of eschatology to be just as disengaged from speaking out and engaging the political process as pre-tribulationists.

That being said, I believe it is an absolute fact that many pastors and Christians are using the doctrine of a pre-tribulation rapture to justify sitting back and doing nothing to actively resist evil and wickedness. In their minds, there is no need to be politically involved because everything is going to get worse anyway–but they are going to be raptured to Heaven before it all falls apart. I have actually had pastors say to me, “Chuck, by resisting evil government, you are fighting against God, because it is God’s will that government gets worse and worse so that Jesus can come back.”

The wretchedness of this kind of thinking should be obvious to any rational person. In the first place, how arrogant are these American Christians to think that they are so special that God would have to rapture them before any real tribulation began? Think of the millions of Christians in oppressed nations throughout history–and even today–who have already been, and continue to be, IN GREAT TRIBULATION. The tribulation of Christian martyrs throughout church history is legendary. Have they never read Foxe’s Book of Martyrs? Do they not know what has taken place in southern Sudan over the last 20 years? Have they not read the history of Christians in Mao’s China, Amin’s Uganda, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia, etc. Who do they think they are? Why should Christians in America be spared what Christians throughout the world have endured and are enduring? Even if their interpretation of a pre-tribulation rapture is correct, that doesn’t mean for one moment that Christians in America would not be called on to suffer great tribulation at the hands of a wicked and oppressive government–especially considering that the vast majority of pastors are doing almost nothing to resist our government from becoming wicked and oppressive. For the doctrine of a pre-tribulation rapture to be used as some kind of sit-back-and-do-nothing-because-a-divine-Seventh-Cavalry-is-coming-to-rescue-us attitude is the height of absurdity. Dare I say it borders on blasphemy?

Secondly, people who use the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine as an excuse to justify being disconnected from political involvement by saying things like, “Jesus is coming soon, so it doesn’t matter!” are demonstrating either acute cowardice or immeasurable ignorance.”

Christians throughout the millennia have looked for the return of Jesus. The doctrine of the Second Coming of Christ has been held sacred by Christians of every generation for over two thousand years. That Jesus is coming soon doesn’t stop us from going to school and getting an education; it doesn’t stop us from going to work every day to earn a living; it doesn’t stop us from planning our financial futures or saving for retirement; it doesn’t stop us from teaching and training our children; it doesn’t stop us from learning and exercising personal skills; it doesn’t stop us from locking our doors or buying expensive alarm systems to protect us from the bad guys; and it doesn’t stop these disconnected pastors from spending years trying to perfect their golf game. Neither should it stop us from preserving the liberties and freedoms of our nation.

I am reminded of the Old Testament king of Judah, Hezekiah. He was told by the prophet that God was going to judge his country with great oppression, but that it would not happen until after he expired, some 15 years later. Hearing that, Hezekiah said (paraphrase), “Oh goodie! At least it won’t happen while I’m alive.”

I ask you, what kind of father and grandfather would rather see his own children and grandchildren endure persecution and oppression than him do something in his lifetime to prevent it? What kind of uncaring, hard-hearted, pleasure-mad sorry-excuses-for-manhood are we that we would not want to sacrifice our own comfort, our own possessions, our own lives, in order to provide something better for our children and grandchildren?

These stand-for-nothing pastors do NOT know when Jesus is coming. And they do not know what kind of tribulation their children and grandchildren are going to endure at the hands of future tyrants and despots because they refused to do something that could have prevented it.

Our Christian forebears believed in the return of Christ and in personal resurrection. Whether they were pre-millennial, post-millennial, pre-tribulational, mid-tribulational, post-tribulational, etc., they didn’t allow their personal interpretation of Bible prophecy keep them from doing what was the right thing to do when it was in their power to do it. They were statesmen, leaders, and even warriors. They worked; they dug; they studied; they taught; they led; and they fought. And when needed, they risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.

Are we really more spiritual than were they? Are we really more studied? More intelligent? More dedicated? More sincere? More courageous? Or more Christ-like?

How dare this generation of spoiled, lazy, comfort-laden, cowardly, sheepish, success-motivated, passive pulpits sit in judgment on the Christian men and women of history who, regardless of their personal interpretation of eschatology, actively engaged in the social, cultural, and, yes, political affairs of their countries–and helped bequeath to us, their posterity, a free and independent land? How dare they use the doctrine of the rapture as an excuse to justify their own indifference? And more importantly, how dare Christians tolerate such cowardice and carnality?

Thirdly, Dispensationalists allow their interpretation of Bible prophecy relating to future Israel to obfuscate the divine principles of liberty as it relates to present America. Preachers such as John Hagee have twisted the scriptures to support almost unlimited wars of aggression against Middle Eastern countries in the name of befriending Israel. In reality, unconstitutional war, nation-building, foreign interventionism, etc., is no friend to Israel, the United States, or any other country.

America’s foreign policy is a global nightmare. It has made enemies where none existed. It has made it increasingly difficult for American missionaries to give the Gospel to people in foreign countries. In many countries, it has inflamed the persecution of Christians. It has greatly contributed to the economic bankruptcy of the United States. It has turned the affections of the world against us. It has turned many American Christians from peacemakers to warmongers. Under the rubric of the “war on terror,” America is being turned into a giant police state. In truth, the Warfare State that has been created in this country is not a blessing to Israel (or any other country), but a curse. But the Dispensationalists’ interpretation of prophecy tends to blind them to these maladies.

Yes, many pastors and Christians have a rapture problem. But the problem is not really the doctrine itself but the way it is misapplied. I know pastors of all theological and eschatological backgrounds who are actively engaged in the freedom fight; and I know pastors of all theological and eschatological backgrounds who are disengaged from the freedom fight. It’s up to the man. If men want to, they can hide behind anything. And when pastors choose to hide behind the rapture, it becomes a problem for all of us.

Chuck Baldwin is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

You can reach him at:
Please visit Chuck’s web site at:

Ear Tickling, Entertainment, And Irrelevant Exposition

July 12, 2013 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

At some point, one has to wonder why America’s churches are the largest block of irrelevant, impotent, and insignificant institutions in the entire country. And make no mistake about it: when it comes to influencing societal conditions, culture, and the political philosophy of the nation, for all intents and purposes, they ARE irrelevant, impotent, and insignificant.

Think about it: according to the latest available statistics, over 75% of America’s adults classify themselves as Christians. That’s over 159 million people. Over 43% of America’s adults attend the more than 300,000 churches regularly. That’s over 90 million people. Yes, both of these statistics are WAY DOWN from just a few years ago, but those statistics still represent a HUGE block of the American population. So why do these Christians and churches have so very little influence in America’s society, culture, and politics? Asking it bluntly, why is America going to hell in a handbasket with all of these churches dotting the landscape?

There is no mistaking the fact that from before the American Revolution, after the American Revolution, throughout the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries, and through the first half of the Twentieth Century, the American Church was a major voice and influence in virtually every facet and sphere of American society. However, with the exception of a temporary resurgence in the 1980s, the influence of the Church in the last half of the Twentieth Century and continuing now into the Twenty First Century is nada. Zilch.

For all intents and purposes, the activist arm of conservative churches, the Religious Right, Christian Coalition, Moral Majority, call it what you will, is clinically dead. It is not comatose; it is dead. When it comes to influencing the culture and politics of the nation, the modern Church is dead. Pastors are dead. Denominations are dead. Christian schools and universities are dead.

Think of it: 159 million Christians, 90 million churchgoers, and 300,000 churches cannot effectively influence even the smallest change of direction in America’s society, culture, and political philosophy. America is in a societal, economic, and political tailspin, and the Church sits irrelevant and impotent. And don’t forget: we are not talking about an enslaved, oppressed country such as communist China where millions of Christians are forced at gunpoint to submit to the machinations of the state.

While it is true that the underground church in China (the REAL church in China) is seeing great growth, without a revolution such as America experienced in the late 1700s, Chinese Christians will never be able to effect societal and political change in that country. And, of course, the communist government in China has all but guaranteed that such a revolution will not take place by completely disarming the citizenry.

In America, we are talking about a nation in which citizens (including Christians) are able to lobby, redress government, protest, rally, organize opposition, speak, vote, form PACs, march, petition, etc. Christians are as free to influence their societies and governments as are any other group of people in the United States. Furthermore, name the other group in this country that can boast 75% of the population who identify with it in name or 43% of the population who regularly attend its public meetings? What would the country look like if the ACLU could boast these numbers? Or the SPLC? Or labor unions?

Labor unions comprise only 11% of the adult workforce. The ACLU membership is reported to be about 500,000. And, of course, the people who belong to the SPLC could fit in a phone booth. By comparison, these groups comprise a miniscule percentage of the population as opposed to America’s churches, yet their influence is exponentially greater. So, what has happened?

The great Nineteenth Century revivalist and major contributor to America’s Second Great Awakening, Charles Finney, said this: “Christians must vote for honest men and take consistent ground in politics. God cannot sustain this free and blessed country, which we love and pray for, unless the Church will take right ground. Politics are a part of a religion in such a country as this, and Christians (and citizens) must do their duty to the country as a part of their duty to God. It seems sometimes as if the foundations of the nation are becoming rotten, and Christians seem to act as if they think God does not see what they do in politics.”

Finney also said, “If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discernment, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in Christianity, the pulpit is responsible for it. If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it.”

It is no hyperbole to say that, on the whole, the American Church has been mostly ineffective since immediately after World War II. The Church sat mute when God was expelled from America’s public life in the 1960s. It sat mute when the government gave license to the premeditated murder of preborn babies in the 1970s. And today it continues to sit mute in the face of a burgeoning police state. There seems to be virtually no abridgment of liberty, no national scandal, or no threat against our constitutional form of government egregious enough to warrant an outcry from America’s pastors and churches.

For the most part, today’s pastors are not prophets and watchmen; they are cheerleaders and CEOs. Our churches are not “the pillar and ground of the truth” (I Timothy 3:15 KJV); they are centers of social interaction, recreation, and feel-good indoctrination. Preachers are not reprovers, rebukers, and exhorters (II Timothy 4:2); they are ear-ticklers, entertainers, and expositors of irrelevance.

Let me ask you: what good does it do to teach the stories of Daniel and the lions’ den, and the three Hebrew children in the burning fiery furnace, and Esther, and John the Baptist, and Elijah, and Simon Peter saying, “We must obey God rather than men,” and Samson, and Gideon, etc., ad infinitum, if you are not going to apply those stories to the practical, day-to-day events we are experiencing now? What good does it do to preach expository messages on the Bible if one does not make those messages relevant to the times and circumstances in which we live? Yet, ear-tickling, entertainment, and irrelevant exposition seem to be what the modern church in America excels in. The result: ineffective, impotent, weak, unprepared, and sheepish Christians.

Yes, I know there are many churches and Christian ministries that are doing admirable work. We need homeless shelters, food banks, pregnancy resource centers, addiction ministries, etc. We most definitely need pastors and churches to preach the Gospel of Christ. We need missionary outreach. But we also need pastors and churches to teach the Biblical Natural Law principles of liberty and to prepare their congregations to guard and defend our freedom.

I tell you the truth: Christians in persecuted lands are not enamored with entertainment, recreation, and irrelevant Bible exposition. You don’t have to bring in some big-name rock band to entice them to fellowship. You don’t have to give their teenagers a big gymnasium. You don’t have to give their young adults coffee shops and espresso machines. You don’t have to shy away from criticisms of tyrannical government. And you certainly are not going to score any points with your fallacious “obey-the-government-no-matter-what” interpretation of Romans 13.

The time is soon coming in this country when it is going to “rain on the just and on the unjust.” (Matthew 5:45 KJV) Mark it down, Christian: when persecution and tribulation comes to America (and it has already begun), you and your family will NOT be exempt. When a jetliner falls out of the sky, everyone in it (Christian or not) goes down with the plane. And when a nation falls, everyone in it (Christian or not) goes down with the country.

The church was not created to teach Christian sugars how to recreate on a playground, but to teach Christian soldiers how to fight on a battlefield.

So many of our Christian brothers and sisters seem to be literally enslaved or addicted to some form of church formality. They need a certain music fix, or entertainment fix, or teaching fix, or liturgical fix, or a hundred other fixes. They demand a certain delivery, a certain style, or a certain personality. They intend to do nothing with what they hear, but it makes them feel good hearing it. The carnality, rancor, envy, and meanness inside the church is equal to, or superior to, that which is outside the church. Many Christian businessmen are just as greedy, just as dishonest, and just as duplicitous as businessmen professing no faith. Many deacons and church officers are just as untruthful and cowardly as anyone in the outside world.

What have all of these Sunday School lessons done for us? What have all of these pacifist expositional messages done for us? What have all of these gymnasiums, youth programs, self-esteem classes, and counseling centers done for us? Pastors and churches have been teaching all forms of Bible prophecy for decades. Generations of Christians have come and gone arguing over the nuances of Eschatology. What good has it done us? While we have been playing, partying, prancing, promoting, pouting, pontificating, patronizing, and philosophizing, a fire has been burning the foundations of our country; and we have not lifted a pail of water to help extinguish the inferno.

Truly did the Lord Jesus say, “Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.” (Matthew 5:13 KJV)

The word “savour” here means “saltiness.” Salt is a preservative that retards decay and ruination. God has sprinkled “salt” in the form of Christian people all over the country. We are here to be a preservative and protection against rot and ruin. But when Christians lose their saltiness, Jesus said, they are “good for nothing” and are destined to be “trodden under foot of men.” That is a word description of tyranny and oppression. Can anyone say Jackboot?

Unfortunately, many pastors and churches today are “good for nothing.” They have lost their saltiness; they no longer preserve and protect. And, ladies and gentlemen, the Jackboots have gotten out the shoe polish as we speak.

It doesn’t matter that America has 300,000 churches, 90 million people attending those churches, and 159 million people calling themselves Christians unless those churches and Christians are actively and tenaciously preserving and protecting the foundations and pillars upon which both the church and the country are built.

As God pruned Gideon’s army down from 32,000 to 300, so, too, God may need to prune the Church in America. Let the majority of churches rot on the vine; let them intoxicate themselves on the opiate of entertainment and feelgoodism; let the hirelings in the pulpit lust after ease and social acceptance; let the willfully blind bask in their ignorance; and let the sheepish servants in the sanctuary lick the hands of their oppressors.

Those who choose to fight with Gideon’s army, leave these fancy churches, which are nothing more than ornate tombs, and run to the sound of battle! Gideon’s captains are strategically placed all around the mountains. Join them! God has never needed a majority to prevail; He never will.

The great Christian patriot and “Father of the American Revolution,” Sam Adams, said, “It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the people’s minds.”

Let the majority of churches be irrelevant, impotent, and insignificant. Even now, God is raising up unconventional fellowships. A fire for liberty churches is ablaze in the hearts of millions of Americans. The establishment churches are dead; shake off the dust of your feet and move on. Already, we have over 700 patriot pastors and churches that appear on our Black Regiment web page. There may be one near you.

See the list of patriot pastors and churches here:

The Black Regiment

If you can’t find a patriot pastor near you, consider watching our service live at Liberty Fellowship each Sunday afternoon at approximately 2:30pm Mountain Time. Watch us here:

Live Stream

If you cannot watch the service live, you can watch my archived messages at:

Video Sermons

A majority of pastors, churches, and Christians may be irrelevant, impotent, and insignificant; but you and I don’t have to be. Already, God is resurrecting Gideon’s army. Will you join us?

Chuck Baldwin is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

You can reach him at:
Please visit Chuck’s web site at:

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