
Occupy The War Contractors /Profiteers

May 16, 2012

As America begins to awaken and take to the streets, let us remember the happily profitable WAR contractors/Profiteers who are scattered across the country. Over decades past, and still, they have received billions for designing, building, and transporting the weapons of war which have destroyed other nations and are now being deployed here at home against us. They are directly responsible for sound cannons, droids, and other weapons now aimed at ordinary Americans as well as people around the world. War is being made... Read article

The Greedville – Manchester Conspiracy

May 4, 2012

Another piece of the New World Order puzzle is emerging to public sight. Now, Rumor Mill Readers can understand why RMN is being attacked on what would seem, at first glance, to be a personal issue. Until now I did not see the connections and understand the overall game plan. Now, it is clear why refusing to engage will not work. For the New World Order nothing is personal. It is all business as usual. In 2002 NWO operatives were assigned to began an operation, intended to destroy my daughter and myself using the ‘nuts... Read article

Stalking Michael Jackson – Psychopath In Action

April 23, 2012

From movie stars to us ordinary folk, everyone is at risk from those without conscience. Michael Jackson stood trial for a crime. He was found to be innocent, but the cost exacted on Jackson’s career and on him emotionally, financially, and physically, was enormous. Jackson was an unusual man, uniquely talented, whose art changed the world. He was victimized by those without conscience who saw his vulnerabilities and were determined to victimize him. As bad as it was, it could have been worse. You have heard about... Read article

The Anti-Christ Is Among Us

April 5, 2012

Our Survival Depends On Learning To Recognize Him… Today we are witnessing the complete breakdown of our institutions. This is true in finance, banking, and government. The bald fact confronts us at the gas pump and in the supermarket. It is true in education, where we pay heavily to ensure our children learn only to find, instead, they are being propagandized and their presence in schools used to assert control over how they are raised. War has become our continual condition. Young people are enticed and coerced into... Read article

Mitt Romney Desperate To Hide Truth

January 15, 2012

ROME, Ohio - Two speeches made to different groups of supporters last Tuesday evening may change the world. The remarks were given by the winning and second place candidates vying to be the GOP nominee for president at two locations in New Hampshire minutes after the polls closed. Between these two, enunciated in word, delivery and the reaction of supporters, the watcher could see, in sharp relief, demarcation lines revealing ideas and values which define an America reaching for the future. If you have not watched the links... Read article

Occupy The Defense Contractors

November 19, 2011

As America begins to awaken and take to the streets let us remember the happily profitable defense contractors who are scattered across the country. Over decades past, and up until today, they have received billions for designing, building, and transporting the weapons of war which have destroyed other nations and are now being deployed here at home against us. Do you feel safer because a river of weapons is being produced from the money you sweat to make? Some of these weapons, for instance the Sound Cannon, also known... Read article

Family Law Judge, Clay M. Smith, Orders Arrest of Battered Woman

September 25, 2011

For crime of refusing to turn son over to abuser… Cypress, CA – Family Law Judge Clay M. Smith today ordered the arrest of Kimberly Bunn-Smith, a single mother raising a small son for refusing to turn the boy over to the man who, she says, battered her and tried to force her to abort when she was four months pregnant. Bunn-Smith has been resident in a shelter for battered women as she fought to retain custody against the orders of Smith, who, according to her and friends, routinely refused to examine the evidence... Read article

Stealing Truth: The John Fund Back Story (updated)

August 11, 2011

If the media had followed the clear rules they had written for themselves, would we now be on the express down elevator to a meltdown of global proportions? Likely not. We would have problems, but we would have seen them more clearly. We needed the truth. We did not get it, for perhaps as many reasons as there are individuals in journalism. The first problem was that journalists so blithely ignored the standards of their profession. The Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) has established a code of ethics. The tenets... Read article

The Divinity of Doubt

August 4, 2011

Sometimes a book carries impact beyond what the author intended. The Divinity of Doubt by Vincent Bugliosi is such a book. Overtly the book frames the acrimonious conflict between Evangelical Christianity as a set of unproven beliefs, each vulnerable to the bald facts of reality, and the parallel set of unproven beliefs comprising the ideas accepted by atheists. Bugliosi applies a single standard, the same one which has proven so devastating to carefully constructed theories over the past generation in his series of best... Read article

The Corporate Greedy – When Psychopaths Cooperate

August 1, 2011

While we are coming to recognize the acts of individual, lone psychopaths in crime, business, politics and our personal lives as the source of tremendous trauma, and the monetary costs, arguably in the trillions today, we have failed to grasp the full magnitude of the problem. As with all other segments of the population psychopaths run the spectrum of abilities and intelligent. According to Dr. Liane Leedom, a psychiatrist specializing in the study of the condition, at any time there are 20,000 psychopaths with IQs over... Read article

Craig Loves Ayn – A Love Story Gone Wrong

April 27, 2011

The film opening for Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged,” opened recently. My son, Arthur, said he wanted to see it, so we went. Dozens of people I know had waited for decades for this movie to make it to the theater. As reported, the characters were flat. Attempts to draw parallels between the predictions made by Rand in her book of 1958 to what we face today fail both badly and sadly. I was strongly reminded of a conversation I had, years ago, with my former husband about fantasies that don’t work. I would... Read article

Standing up for Real Free Markets

April 8, 2011

This will be ‘some weekend.’ From April 8th to 11th a conference will take place at the historic Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. Mount Washington was the site of the infamous 1944 event which launched the horrors which, we now realize, consumed every shred of wealth in the hands of the ‘lowest 90% or so of the population. None of us, the lowest 90%, were invited to attend, of course. Bretton Woods is the name of the 1944 conference which launched the World Bank, establishing a ‘new... Read article

Were National Parks the ‘One Good Thing?” Think again

January 27, 2011

Lose Your Illusions No. 1 Today we think of government and corporations as big and impersonal. But then, and now, the people who run things are relatively small in number, a club. The Club follows its own rules, rules from a book nearly a century old, which mandate two standards of behavior, kindness, honesty and concern for Club members, real people, and an entirely different set of rules for ordinary Americans. Normally members of the Club do not discuss the difference in standards. But one member of their club did so,... Read article

The Octopus, Promis, and their offspring, molding the future of America

October 7, 2010

Cheri Seymour lived the events in “The Last Circle,” not usual for a journalist. Her book, which extends and provides essential elements for understanding the murder of journalist, Danny Casolaro, the author of “The Octopus,” along with so many others, is frighteningly personal. Her life threatened, Seymour continued to dig for the facts after Danny was found dead in a Martinsburg, VA, hotel room on August 10, 1991. Seymour has spent over twenty years immersed in a world fractured by nightmares. Her experiences... Read article

Turtle Soup for Tony Hayward

July 2, 2010

Endangered Species of Turtles being burned alive (Well, perhaps not all of them.) If Tony Hayward really said what he and his ‘peers’ thought: Americans are so unsophisticated, they fail to see the big picture, becoming obsessed with minor issues. For instance, Kindra Arnesen, of Podunk Venice, Louisiana. Oh My Gosh, has she ever had to grapple with the complexities of multiple divisions, plunging stock prices, minor technical problems? No, all she thinks about is, “the people she cares about.” Really, as... Read article

Saving American Veterans and Saving American Money

June 11, 2010

Dr. Gay Larned Has a Solution… Santa Barbara, CA – Defense Secretary Robert Gates recently said in a speech that “health care costs are eating the Defense Department alive.” For returning active duty troops and veterans the problem goes way beyond considerations of the cost to the VA system. These veterans are returning but the war is coming with them in ways none of us imagined possible. An alarming percentage of America’s military are returning home with from Iraq and Afghanistan with... Read article

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