
King George and His Merry Men

July 18, 2002

Will War With Saddam Hussein Again According to the New York Times, America’s military has drawn up plans for an invasion of Iraq with up to 250,000 troops, with Special Forces incursions against possible missile sites deep inside Iraq. Though these missiles have no capability to hit American territory, they are perceived as a threat by our elites. A threat to Israel that is, which obviously becomes a threat to the United States according to them. This upcoming war with Iraq will be an unnecessary war based exclusively... Read article

America and Israel and the Wars of the Elites

July 8, 2002

Will President Bush’s recent speech concerning his two state solution for the Palestinians and Israel work? Very unlikely, one must ask what are the true motives and implications for such a plan. Will it lead to a direct American intervention or an American led international force in the disputed territories? Some are calling for an American trusteeship of a new Palestinian state based on erroneous and nonsensical American strategic interests to protect. Contrary to the public posturing by Bush, the last thing the... Read article
