
Make Love Not War

October 27, 2002

Liberal Mumbo Jumbo Sunday morning coming down in Tulsa Oklahoma, its raining, cold and dreary outside, a lazy time for me. I’m sipping some hot coffee, surfing the net, reading on current events, low and behold I stumble onto some news reports concerning the protester rally in Washington on Saturday October 26 against President Bush’s upcoming invasion of Iraq. My first impression was good it’s about time, but that was quickly ruined when the leading characters in this rally turned out to be the Hollywood... Read article

Diplomatic Coup By North Korea

October 22, 2002

Come On Baby! Give Me Your Best Shot! What do you call the condition where the neighborhood bully after years of bulling his favorite victim suddenly is one day confronted by his victim with audacity, arrogance, and new found determination who finally calls his bluff? A shocking – perplexing – conundrum? This is sort of what has happened to the United States and the Bush government concerning the disquieting admission by North Korea that it is pursuing a surreptitious nuclear program and according to the pencil... Read article

Neocons: Brood of Vipers

October 20, 2002

I See Red Everywhere So Give Me The Facts For the past few weeks I’ve been reading articles by so called conservative writers about how those that are against this perpetual war on evil are essentially leftist, i.e. – liberal, socialist, communist, etc… blah blah. They erroneously call themselves conservative, which they are not in the true sense of the word. These individuals are part of the mysterious Babylonian deception of latter days in which they hate everything they perceive as leftist oriented,... Read article
