
Contradictions of Convenience

November 22, 2002

It’s incredulous how self-imposed politically correct motivations can enslave oneself to a perverse ideology and belief system that is in essence contradictory and dangerous. The Bush administration this past two weeks have presented to us a very deceptive and false premise that the religion of Islam is one of peace and that anyone who is warning Americans contrary are bigoted and intolerant, and as President Bush stated – “Islam, as practiced by the vast majority of people, is a peaceful religion, a religion... Read article

Political Christianity and America

November 21, 2002

A Lesson From History If history is to serve mankind in any positive way, we must collectively endeavor to learn from it, especially from past mistakes in socio-political behavior. There is a dangerous development within this countries political landscape concerning the convergence of interests between many in the Christian Right and the Bush government, specifically with Bush’s cabal of Israel first fanatics described as neocons or mainstream conservatives. This unholy alliance between Christian evangelical dispensationalists,... Read article
