
Collateral Damage and Kinetic Energy

August 12, 2003

Snuffed Lives To win a guerrilla war one needs to win the hearts and minds of the natives you are occupying, and one sure way to see the hand writing on the wall is to see American forces killing so many civilians on their raids, which in Vietnam was called search and destroy missions. This mainly is a problem of poor intelligence and discipline but the effects are that you turn the natives against your presence. A classic Vietnam style guerilla war has developed in Iraq and like Vietnam the reasons for the war was contrived... Read article

The Road To Armageddon

August 2, 2003

Sieg Heil Baby I’ve always found it somewhat impenetrable when confronted by neocons and their determination to bring the world to a final cataclysmic event between good and evil, that’s not the dense part, the pitifully thick part is when they invoke God into their discussion concerning His attribute’s and word in some sort of feeble way to justify their violent tendencies towards principalities that they regard as evil. They never use scripture to back up their views or policies, all they seem to say... Read article
