
Slick Willie has nothing on the Bush clan

May 29, 2004

I keep hearing from the Bush apologists that despite all the lies that we hear from the Bush administration concerning the Iraq war that Bush is better than Clinton was, like there is some kind of righteous moral force behind that argument. Granted, Bill Clinton is a war criminal, he lied about Kosovo, and the reasons leading up to that illegal bombing of a country engaged in fighting off Muslim terrorism that just happened to be sponsored by the United States and Britain. Again, ol’ Bill did lie about receiving oral... Read article

Video: The Whole Truth About The Iraq War

May 28, 2004

Exellent video by Robert Greenwald: The Whole Truth About The Iraq War. You will NEVER see this in the mainstream media. CIA and military analysts, diplomats, politicians, arms inspectors, and U.S. and British government officials reveal the truth about the Iraq invasion and the neocon policy of preemption. They expose the flagrant government policy of deception and propaganda the Bush administration presented to the American people to convince them of the necessity for an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation that did... Read article

Video: Breaking The Silence

May 18, 2004

A special report into the “war on terror” by journalist John Pilger. This is an outstanding expose on the so called war on terror. A must see, you will not get this kind of hard core journalism from the ‘prostitutes in print’ at Fox News or CNN. Windows Media Player 7 or newer is required.  Read More →

Civilization Myth & Kinetic Energy

May 17, 2004

The Untermenschen Naked armed aggression by the United States against Iraq, the Iraqis putting up resistance against their liberators, Iraqis being tortured by the modern day crusaders, Americans being decapitated, a classic case in what Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld classified as “kinetic energy” is taking place in Iraq, and getting ready to spread to other nations in the region. This action-reaction never-ending cycle of death and vengeance is the by-product of an idealistic mythology that has been festering... Read article

Video: Surfing the Apocalypse

May 13, 2004

S-11 Redux: (Channel) Surfing the Apocalypse It is a well-known and widely accepted fact that, during wartime, news companies and governmental representatives fuse their voices together into one univocal beam of support for the national military objective. And, while, for many, this is a vital aspect of institutional patriotism, it is also a very dangerous and troubling reality. For, if the news media have abandoned their responsibility to objectively inform the population, then our concept of a democracy (which is founded... Read article

Video: GNN’s Crack The CIA

May 13, 2004

Tracking the covert history of CIA drug smuggling from Nicaragua to Arkansas and South Central Los Angeles, GNN sheds light on the darkest secret of the Agency’s operational directorate. Cut to the ambient Hip Hop loops of DJ Trek-e, Crack The CIA features explosive footage of Mike Ruppert’s historical televised confrontation with CIA Director John Deutch. Director: Stephen Marshall Producer: Ian Inaba, Josh Shore Production Company: Guerrilla News Network  Read More →

Video: U.S. Military Vehicle Blown Up In Fallujah

May 13, 2004

U.S. Military Vehicle Blown Up In Fallujah by anti occupation forces.  Read More →

Video: The Bush Family Fortunes

May 12, 2004

The BBC and Greg Palast, Investigate the Bush family scandals. Loading...  Read More →

Video: Channel Zero – The Most Dangerous Game (Psychological Warfare)

May 12, 2004

The Most Dangerous Game traces the history of top-secret CIA mind control operation MK-ULTRA: from the covert importation of NAZI scientists at the end of WWII, to the illegal brainwashing experiments conducted on the patients of world famous psychiatric researcher, Dr. Ewen Cameron – cut to the pulsing hypnotica of Mitchell Akiyama. Director: Stephen Marshall Producer: Josh Shore, Paul Shore Production Company: Guerrilla News Network  Read More →

Video: 911 In Plane Site

May 12, 2004

The Power Hour Presents: 9/11 In Plane Site – “Shocking – Thought provoking – Raises serious questions about the government’s honesty in conducting the 9-11 investigation” “Absolutely awesome. This is the one September 11 video that everyone should see.” Did a plane hit the Pentagon? Photographic evidence suggests not Did explosives collapse the World Trade Center? Fire fighters tell the real story Were explosives aboard United Airlines Flight 175? Examination and video analysis... Read article

Tortured Epitaph

May 2, 2004

The Great Satan Strikes Again Throughout history, imperial nations maintained their power over their victims with brute force and intimidation. They employed gruesome terror tactics like massive retribution against rebellion by leveling towns and cities which always resulted in massive civilian casualties. They also used torture, and the threat of torture to gain information and to instill fear and trepidation among the natives, to humiliate and dehumanize the vanquished. So it is no different for the United States and... Read article
