
Audio: Club Class: Skull & Bones

January 30, 2005

BBC Radio 4 – Club Class Radio series looking into secret organisations. Skull & Bones Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. AudioPlayer.embed("audioplayer_1", {soundFile:""});  Read More →

Audio: Club Class: The Bilderberg Group

January 30, 2005

BBC Radio 4 – Club Class Radio series looking into secret organisations. The Bilderberg Group Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. AudioPlayer.embed("audioplayer_2", {soundFile:""});  Read More →

Audio: Michel Chossudovsky – 911: The Broad Picture

January 29, 2005

Lecture given at the International Citizen’s Inquiry in Toronto 2004. Chossudovsky (professor of economics, University of Ottawa) reasserts the ‘facts’ surrounding 911, exposes the fabricated terror alerts issued by the US govt and shows how Al-Qaida are an important US intelligence asset and have been since 1979 Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. AudioPlayer.embed("audioplayer_3",... Read article

Made In The USA: The Devil’s Own

January 22, 2005

When the devil comes knocking on your door, he will be coming as a shining light, as a savior, the right man for the job. He is going to look like one of us; he will talk just like you and me. He will be pious and compassionate, and he will find out what you like and make damn sure you get some. When you let him inside the door, he will seem as a kind and gentle man, a fatherly figure, someone that has your interests and well-being at heart. He will say all the right things at the right time; make sure you feel nice and... Read article

Fear Factor

January 19, 2005

Why Americans are cowards & Iraqis are not The other day, I was overwhelmed with terror. A huge pit bull came charging right at me, fangs on Code Red and foaming at the mouth. Every other thought and/or emotion immediately vacated my mind and all that was left to dominate my brain was complete and absolute FEAR! I wasn’t thinking about ANYTHING else except how to save myself. When one is in the throes of fear, all rational thought is liquidated. Trust me on that one. And you can also trust that Republicans are... Read article

Video: The ISN’s video, “Soldier of the Future.”

January 8, 2005

The ISN’s video, “Soldier of the Future.” MIT’s Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies released a 12-minute video profiling its mission and research program. The video includes three research vignettes that illustrate how three specific ISN projects might help the Soldier of the future.  Read More →

Video: When I Came Home: Homeless Vets Part 1

January 7, 2005

Homeless vets, from Vietnam to Iraq Director’s note: When I Came Home is a documentary which follows the lives and struggles of several homeless veterans, including those who have recently returned home from the war in Iraq. The film examines the factors which led over 150,000 Vietnam veterans from the battlefield to the street and asks the question: Will what happened to Vietnam veterans happen to a new generation of soldiers? The film also focuses on the veteran-led movement which is fighting to end this national... Read article

Video: When I Came Home: Homeless Vets Part 2

January 7, 2005

Homeless vets, from Vietnam to Iraq Director’s note: When I Came Home is a documentary which follows the lives and struggles of several homeless veterans, including those who have recently returned home from the war in Iraq. The film examines the factors which led over 150,000 Vietnam veterans from the battlefield to the street and asks the question: Will what happened to Vietnam veterans happen to a new generation of soldiers? The film also focuses on the veteran-led movement which is fighting to end this national... Read article

Video: Purple Hearts

January 7, 2005

A photo series that the New York-based Nina Berman made of wounded Iraq veterans led to the making of this documentary. She also wrote the book ‘Purple Hearts, Back from Iraq’, in which soldiers tell their stories. Documentary filmmaker Roel van Broekhoven crossed the United States to visit the people portrayed in Berman’s photos. Here is a link too a video for Berman’s photos. In detail, they recount what happened on the day they got injured; how they arrived back home, blind or legless; how... Read article

Video: Shocking and Awful: Globalization at Gunpoint: The Economics of Occupation

January 7, 2005

The military occupation of Iraq has enabled the U.S. to enforce privatization of the Iraqi economy, in effect, selling off Iraq’s assets to foreign investors. A look at the challenges to privatization. Loading... You may need to update / download Free Real Player to view this video. Producer: Deep Dish TV  Read More →

Imagine if Bush — instead of Eisenhower — had supervised D-Day

January 7, 2005

I’m laughing so hard as I write this, I don’t even know where to start! I’m sorry but it IS funny. Can you even BEGIN to imagine Dubya ever replacing Ike? First, let’s go back to before World War II even started (This part is NOT funny): Like Rumsfeld selling missiles to Saddam Hussein, Bush would have kept Hitler supplied with American-made WMDs for over a decade before even Dunkirk. Like when North Korea BROADCAST far and wide that it had nuclear capabilities and knew how to use them but Bush invaded... Read article

A Connecticut Yankee at the Crawford Ranch

January 2, 2005

Carpetbagging as an art form In The Last Juror, a John Grisham novel, the hero moves to a small town in Mississippi and soon discovers that “it takes at least three generations to be accepted in Ford County. Regardless of money or breeding, one cannot simply move there and be trusted: A dark cloud of suspicion hangs over any newcomer and I was no exception.” So? Where is the “dark cloud of suspicion” hanging over George Bush? This self-styled “Bubba” was born in Connecticut, went to prep... Read article
