
Video: Panarama: The War Party

June 29, 2005

The video looks at the delusional hubris by leading neoconservatives shortly before and after they launched their war on Iraq. Loading... You may need to update / download Free Real Player to view this video.  Read More →

Video: 911: A Closer Look

June 29, 2005

This video raises some revealing questions about the attacks of September 11th. Why so many unanswered questions about Sept 11th, that the 911 Commission conveniently refused to pursue the answers too. Windows Media Player 7 or newer is required. Author: Eric Hufschmid  Read More →

Prozac Goes To War

June 28, 2005

Feeding our troops anti-depressants like they were Skittles or M&Ms (Author’s note: I first wrote this story in order to highlight one American soldier’s plight in Iraq — but then a friend e-mailed me another soldier’s story and my essay expanded. Now it has become more than just one individual American’s sad experience in Iraq. It has become a larger tale — of greed, exploitation and mis-use. Both of these stories — as well as the many other stories in the hundreds of soldiers’... Read article

Get Ready For The Whirlwind

June 25, 2005

“Political language . . . is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” George Orwell “For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” Hosea 8:7 Insurgents in Iraq are “hitting everything” they can. Drunk on power and deceived by chronic, pathological arrogance, the vice president says the insurgency is in its “last throes.” Of course, it depends what the meaning of “throes”... Read article


June 20, 2005

Like many American bloggers, I took a little time off from the whole subject of politics after the reelection of George Bush, and it’s been nice. Got some yard work done. Wrote about Paris and Jacko and Terri, and dolphins and honey and bird flu and crows and rabbits–ants–anything but politics, anything. But. I can’t make it go away. It jumps out. The remote’s between the cushions, but which couch? Today, I, like so many others in our time, have become acutely Iraqnaphobic. A phobia is a deviation... Read article

Reenacting the 1776 American Revolution

June 13, 2005

Won’t Congress be surprised! After Republican Congressman James Sensenbrenner had the outright nerve to shut down C-Span in the middle of a Judiciary Committee hearing this week, I’m EVEN MORE outraged than usual at the blatant trampling of our civil rights by the current corrupt “government” in Washington. It’s like being colonized by the British all over again. When will the Bush Republicans’ gluttony for sucking out America’s life-blood finally stop? How much is enough? The Bush/DeLay/Halliburton... Read article

Video: Shocking and Awful: National Insecurity

June 11, 2005

Is the U.S. government formenting fear to inflame racial and ethnic divisions? History repeats itself, as violence against immigrants and imprisonment without trial become routine. Loading... Producer: Deep Dish TV You may need to update / download Free Real Player to view this video.  Read More →

Crazy Zionist Christians

June 10, 2005

During my vacation, I had time to watch a little TV; normally I do not watch much television, mainly because it is mostly filled with junk and most of the time it is just plain boring. While channel surfing I stumbled onto TBN, the Christian – Trinity Broadcasting Network. Hal Lindsay was on the screen in a show called International Intelligence Briefing, which I realized quite quickly was an oxymoron, there is nothing intelligent about Hal Lindsay’s show. You want to see what a delusional Zionist Christian... Read article

Video: Just Who Is Our New Best Friend

June 10, 2005

Uzbekistan, key U.S. ally, plagued by torture You may need to update / download Free Real Player to view this video. By Sebastian Alison TASHKENT, June 18 (Reuters) – The police came late one evening in May. “They said my brother was in detention,” Karima Eshonova recalled. “They said he was seriously ill and we had to go.” So she and her elder brother made the long journey from their home outside the capital, Tashkent, to the town of Karshi, where her brother Orif was being held. The... Read article

Video: War makes beasts of men Part II

June 9, 2005

Video of an Arabic-speaking former soldier, Aidan Delgado, who faced abuse and attacks after filing for Conscientious Objector status. His compassionate and powerful talk includes detailed Geneva Convention violations and shockingly personal accounts of the inhumanity he witnessed and experienced. Part II Loading... Part I On the classic phenomenon of dehumanizing the enemy via language. Haji: “In English, or in army usage it has the exact same meaning or connotation as ‘gook’ or ‘charlie’... Read article

Video: War makes beasts of men Part I

June 9, 2005

Video of an Arabic-speaking former soldier, Aidan Delgado, who faced abuse and attacks after filing for Conscientious Objector status. His compassionate and powerful talk includes detailed Geneva Convention violations and shockingly personal accounts of the inhumanity he witnessed and experienced. Part I Loading... Part II On the classic phenomenon of dehumanizing the enemy via language. Haji: “In English, or in army usage it has the exact same meaning or connotation as ‘gook’ or ‘charlie’... Read article

Visa or Mastercard?

June 9, 2005

The New American Serfs “Wanna move to San Francisco?” Can’t. I got a mortgage tying me to Utah. “Wanna dump that job you hate?” Can’t. I got a Mastercard debt I gotta pay off. “Wanna get your kid into Harvard?” Can’t. I can’t afford the tuition. “Wanna devote your life to the teachings of Christ?” Can’t. I have to work off my student loan. “Wanna be happy? Wanna be free? Wanna stand on your own two feet and be an AMERICAN?”... Read article
