
Hey Harkavy!

October 28, 2005

Remember the “Hey, Mikey” TV commercial with two brothers refusing to eat Quaker Oats’ new Life cereal until their little brother, Mikey, who supposedly “hates everything” tried it first? Well, I’m not saying I get up every morning and yell, “Hey, Harkavy!” to see what’s really happening in the news without all the commercial spin — but I’m not saying I don’t either… Either way, there’s no better place to start your morning than with the... Read article

Justice, What Justice

October 26, 2005

Power Elite It is somewhat satisfying to see the Bush crime syndicate face the hand of justice, although the probability of any of the pale-faced characters serving real hard time for high-crimes is not very good. Presidential pardons for the blood-soaked clowns that are indicted by federal prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald in the Valerie Plame case is most definitely in the making, for that is what crooked politicians in a fixed system do in the United States. This perverse political culture in America is disappointing... Read article

Video: U.S. Soldiers Burning Taliban Bodies

October 25, 2005

The video is a Dutch NOVA television version. This Australian report shows the burning of the bodies of two Taliban fighters killed the night before, filmed by two Australian ‘embedded’ cameramen. The Pentagon has ordered an inquiry into the incident.  Read More →

Expanded Investigation

October 22, 2005

Federal prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald has expanded his investigation into the prewar intelligence used by the Bush administration to push the United States into war against a 4th rate country that did not have the capabilities to defend itself, let alone have the capabilities to attack the United States. As reported in this space long before the illegal invasion of Iraq, the reasons given by the Bush administration for aggressive war was “cooked up” by a cabal of well-placed neoconsevatives within the DoD and the... Read article

Smilin’ Tom DeLay

October 22, 2005

He was damned if he’d do a perp walk for some local prosecutor, so former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) turned himself in to a different county and foiled the paparazzi–leaving it entirely up to the photoshoppers to place the event in context. He’s a slippery one, this Tom DeLay. Nobody’s smiled for a mug shot since Vanilla Ice. Does he think due process is funny? Or is he smiling simply because he knows he’ll triumph over this petty political trick? DeLay is accused of illegally channeling... Read article

“Sympathy for Karl Rove”

October 20, 2005

There is a special place in my heart for Karl Rove, and I’m not being ironic. We’ve had similar career experiences. Maybe I think of him often because I see him so clearly. He’s everywhere. Even when he’s most invisible, he leaps out at me. Sometimes it’s a fragment of speech, or the name of a program, or in the things people say and don’t say. Who could be against The Clean Air Act? And what true patriot would deliberately slash our cherished Bill of Rights were it not named The Patriot... Read article

Video: Deadline Iraq – Uncensored Stories of the War

October 17, 2005

These are the stories that weren’t told by the media during the Iraq war. CBC News goes straight to the source, to journalists, camera operators and photographers from news organizations around the world, who reveal the lethal risks they faced, as well as the untold horrors they witnessed. Loading... You may need to update / download Free Real Player to view this video. CBC Deadline Iraq  Read More →

Is Earth sick of us?

October 13, 2005

Planet Earth is acting up, trying to shake us off, reacting as any living organism might to a bad skin problem. It’s tried washing us away with tsunamis and floods, it’s hauled out hurricanes, chewed off its own coastlines, and yesterday in Guatemala made a mudslide that buried thousands in minutes. And it’s only warming up: it will keep on getting hotter; in fact, even if we completely stopped burning all fossil fuels from this day forward, it’s already too late. The old lady’s got a fever... Read article

Muck and Mier

October 11, 2005

They say the GOP could split right down the middle, that the Christian Right is rising out of its pews, incensed that Bush would squander their last best shot at reversing the legality of abortion by nominating to the bench one of his own staffers, whose chief features are gender and likeability. The Christians had the idea he’d nominate somebody from their own talent pool, maybe an actual judge, somebody with tremendous eyebrows and a kindly nature, slow of tongue, low of ink, with a past and future as unreadable... Read article

Why is ANTARCTICA the only continent whose residents are not furious with the Bush bureaucracy?

October 10, 2005

Since the New Orleans tragedy, there has been a new phenomenon taking place in my inbox. The number of e-mails that I have been receiving lately — regarding how corrupt, inept, inefficient and/or greedy the administration in Washington is — has increased by at least 500%. Only these e-mails are all referring to the CLINTON administration. Like a little kid who cannot bear to face up to the possibility that his abusive father is to blame for making his life miserable, many Americans are also unable to face... Read article

Drowning With The Authoritarians

October 9, 2005

Mind Numb One thing we know and understand about authoritarians is that their solution for every problem that develops in a society will be a military one. The Bush administration’s response to the dangers of a Bird Flu outbreak in the United States would be “quarantines” enforced by the U.S. Military where entire regions of the United States would be subjected to martial law. This is a somewhat perplexing political reality in America today; President Bush and his administration are increasingly relying... Read article

Video: Fallujah

October 4, 2005

The video documents the American destruction of the city of Fallujah. Click play to view Loading... You may need to update / download Free Real Player to view this video. Producer: Deep Dish TV  Read More →

Video: Specter Gunship Doing It’s Thing Over Afghanistan

October 2, 2005

AC-130 Specter Gunship doing it’s thing over Afghanistan. An explicitly detailed accounting of an American AC-130 Specter Gunship, operational attack on Islamic beligerants, apparently in Afghanistan, post 911. The footage is captured via a thermal imagery spotting camera, and records in very relatively good detail the massive assault on a pre-identified enemy position. This footage appeared available on various Internet sites in 2002-2003. This version is 5.8mb in .wmv format; reasonably good resolution for thermal... Read article

New Court Emerges

October 2, 2005

He’s just been sworn in to a lifetime appointment as Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, yet no one, not even the President, has a clue about where John Roberts stands on any issue, which means his hearings were a complete success. Supreme Court confirmation hearings are awkward by nature, mainly because Senators enjoy using their C-Span minutes to their best advantage and amusement. First they want to thank everybody by name. Then they want to tell an unrelated story tied to an unrelated point. This... Read article
