
Peak Oil and the End of Empire

January 6, 2006

Peak oil is most likely a term most readers have not heard before. That is about to change. The concept is slowly making its way onto the mainstream stage. It is intruding into the fringes of the public conscience and soon it may occupy the greater part. When that time comes, as it inevitably will, and probably sooner than you think, the world as we know it will end. Oil is the lifeblood not only of the U.S. economy—especially its terrible military capability—it is in a very literal sense what drives the global economy.... Read article

The Army of Good Americans

January 5, 2006

Marching Forward Festering in our midst like a toxic cloud of pollution the army of good Americans exists, living and working among us, inhabiting our neighborhoods and cities, co-existing peacefully with us, though perceiving an utterly different conception of reality than the rest of us. Their numbers, though dwindling more every day with the almost weekly revelations of corporatist lies built upon corporatist lies and government deceptions meshed with corporate criminality, remain high, thanks to those unable to escape... Read article

Warfare, the Road to Globalization – Part 3

January 5, 2006

Regarding secret societies and clandestine groups: “The most powerful clique in these groups has one objective in common: they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the U.S. They want to end national boundaries and racial and ethnic loyalties supposedly to increase business and ensure world peace. What they strive for would inevitably lead to dictatorship and loss of freedoms by the people. The CFR was founded for “the purpose of promoting disarmament and submergence of... Read article

Rethinking the War on Terror

January 4, 2006

People always take things too far. It’s why empires fall: they grow until they topple. Our worst ideas are preserved because great thinkers and poor clutch their own opinions like clubs and turn our human race into a race to be God. But the race is long and littered with the fallen, and just beyond the finish line is the stairwell, ever writhing, alive with undead ideas spawning more. Flying jets into skyscrapers is a bad idea, rotten, and the same goes for wearing a bomb under your clothes and blowing yourself up... Read article

Terrorists in High Places

January 3, 2006

America’s Shadow Government Wars are not waged by those who have to fight them. Those who fight wars know too well their terrible costs. Wars are waged by those who profit from them with minimal or no risk to themselves. War is big business and it is immensely profitable for a select few who are insulated from the effects of war’s environmental impacts and social costs. War never serves the interest of working class people. They are the result of menacing forces of greed and power masquerading as benevolent government,... Read article

The Marks on Saddam H.

January 2, 2006

Battered and bruised, broken but unbowed, Saddam Hussein returned to court bearing a striking resemblance to Tony Orlando after a week off for the holidays and bad behavior. The mother of all trials is a mess, but it’s no circus as some have called it, but a series of sideshows on a turntable starring freaks behind curtains with alien voices that speak the unspeakable. Saddam and seven others are on trial for ordering the deaths of 148 people. Witnesses described how their victims were tortured and killed, some by... Read article

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