
Video: Banking with Hitler

March 7, 2006

Timewatch for BBC – Banking with Hitler The US Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, began investigating Nazi finances 60 years ago and found Allied banks, including many British and American high street names, who continued to do business with Hitler’s Germany throughout the war. Loading... You may need to update / download Free Real Player to view this video. It seems that US senator Prescott Bush, George W. Bush’s grandfather also had extensive financial ties to Hitler and the Nazi Party. George... Read article

Audio: Robert Fisk paints a Middle East in crisis

March 6, 2006

Robert Fisk says that in his three decades of reporting from the Middle East for British newspapers, he’s never seen it more dangerous, and that he’s certain another major crisis, possibly even another September 11th, is coming. Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. AudioPlayer.embed("audioplayer_1", {soundFile:""}); Transcript The... Read article

Video: Total Information Awareness Inside the NSA

March 5, 2006

More than two years ago Congress halted plans for a controversial plan called Total Information Awareness to create the world’s largest surveillance database to track your phone calls, purchases, Internet usage, reading material, banking transactions. The National Journal has now revealed the program has quietly continued inside the National Security Agency (NSA). Democracy Now! – 02/27/06 You may need to update / download Free Real Player to view this video. In 2003, lawmakers voted to shut down Total... Read article

Video: Stealing Your Freedom

March 5, 2006

Peter Hitchens takes a look at how the recent avalanche of security legislation has affected the civil liberties of ordinary people in Britain. The result, Hitchens explains, is that we are sleepwalking into a Big Brother state. Dispatches – Stealing Your Freedom. You may need to update / download Free Real Player to view this video.  Read More →

Business as Usual

March 4, 2006

The United States government has always provided numerous enemies to engender fear in the masses. It is the usual assortment of minor to major patsies and scapegoats: communism, Osama, Islamic Fascists, terrorism. Enemies may be defined as individuals or groups that deprive others of life and liberty by military force, stealth manipulation or by the usurpation of power. Given this definition, the most formidable of all our adversaries is none other than our own government. For decades government officials have usurped power... Read article

Leaving Earth

March 3, 2006

Like flies on a window, man is driven to escape: seeing a sea, he needs to sail it; a sky, he’s got to fly. His greatest drive is neither sex nor sustenance but curiosity — this insatiable need to know. The heavens taught him time, the stars navigation, the rest was divvied between science and religion, and in terribly short order man burst into outer space and began searching other planets, almost within a single tic mark on the scrolling timeline of species. Consider now the convergence of two unlikely events:... Read article

America the Pitiful

March 3, 2006

Calling our form of government a democratic republic does not make it so. We are what we do. By now it should be abundantly clear that most Americans are incapable of recognizing real democracy — because they have never been subjected to one. Perhaps no culture on earth is more materialistic or delusional than ours’. Compared to much of the world, America’s behavior is tragically pathological. We react to planetary warming by driving metal gas guzzling monstrosities, rather than enacting conservation measures.... Read article

Sinning By Silence

March 3, 2006

How Churches Aid and Abet Tyranny I did not go to church last Sunday. It is not that I have stopped going to church. It is not that my church has suddenly become a “synagogue of Satan.” Nor have I turned my back on God. I am just so frustrated with what goes on in churches that I decided to take last Sunday off. My decision not to attend church was prompted by an e-mail a friend sent me a few days before. The subject line read “How to handle the DaVinci Code movie.” The body of the e-mail urged Christians... Read article

Video: How the US Learned to Love the Bomb

March 2, 2006

How do you feel about a nuclear weapon that could be launched from the back of a jeep? The slightly bizarre idea of ‘user-friendly’ nuclear weapons. On the whole score of proliferation we’re always hearing plenty about the dangers posed by the Irans and North Koreas of this world but, as we’re about to see, while all that has been going on the US itself has been quietly beavering away on a program aimed at completely upgrading its nuclear arsenal, including the development of tactical weapons –... Read article

Video: Shows Bush warned before Katrina

March 1, 2006

President George W Bush was warned a day before Hurricane Katrina struck that the storm could swamp New Orleans, it was claimed last night. Leaked video footage and transcripts of top-level briefings in the six days before the storm showed federal officials telling Mr Bush the storm could breach levees and overwhelm rescuers. He did not ask a single question in the final briefing on Aug 29 last year, the day before Katrina made landfall. But he told officials in Louisiana: “We are fully prepared”. The footage,... Read article

Shining Light into the Abyss

March 1, 2006

If one is to understand the apparently incongruent actions of the U.S. government it is imperative to view events in the proper context. Too many of us are muddled in trying to explain U.S. policy from the perspective that we are a democratic republic undivided by socioeconomic class. This is not surprising. After all, this is what we were taught from earliest childhood; and the belief has been reinforced all the way to the grave. However, the absurdity of this assertion should be obvious to any student of history. The hypocrisy... Read article

Drug Smuggling Made Easy

March 1, 2006

Why GWB wants to sell America’s ports to his friends? Profits from the heroin trade are astronomical. Those of us who work for a living just to keep on top of paying the rent can’t even grasp the amount of money involved. It’s a lot. In 2004, Prof. Michel Chossudovsky of the University of Ottawa stated that, “The Afghan trade in opiates constitutes a large share of the worldwide annual turnover of narcotics, which was estimated by the United Nations to be of the order of $400-500 billion.”... Read article

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