
Faulty Intelligence

October 2, 2006

As Congressmen and Senators, having felt the outrage of the American public at the conduct of the War of Choice, are pursuing the opportunity to keep their well-paying jobs in the upcoming election, more and more of them are announcing that they regret having voted to go to war. Their alibi is that they were the victims of faulty intelligence which caused them to misunderstand the situation. However, upon examination, it would appear that the pertinent intelligence which was faulty just may have been their own! If little... Read article

The Secret Life of Howie Rich and Ed Crane

October 2, 2006

Howie Rich is now famous; the very, very long time lynch pin of the Crane Machine was featured last Friday on the PBS news program NOW. He was not happy about the publicity. Those ancient libertarian folks among us who remember the very old days know that it was Howie Rich who, with Edward H. Crane, III, took the LP from a movement that spontaneously organized itself across the country to a top down organization that limited information flow to a “need to know” basis. Local activism was sharply discouraged. This was... Read article

Four ethnic “Survivors”: An interview with four Oakland teen prostitutes

October 2, 2006

I’m currently reading William Manchester’s history of European medieval times entitled, “A World Lit Only by Fire”. Trust me. Our ancestors were a barbaric lot. Even compared to our current wars and corruption and decadence, the human race has evolved A LOT since the Dark Ages. According to Manchester, there was A LOT of killing going on back then — and A LOT of sex. According to Manchester, murder was an everyday affair — yet only perhaps one in a hundred killers were caught.... Read article

Escalating Terrorism

October 1, 2006

U.S. policy and the Israel-Hezbollah war U.S. intelligence analysts, in a recent National Intelligence Estimate, have once again reiterated that “The war in Iraq has become a primary recruitment vehicle for violent Islamic extremists, motivating a new generation of potential terrorists around the world whose numbers may be increasing faster than the United States and its allies can reduce the threat”—the predicted result of the invasion.[1] It is difficult to ignore the conclusion that, rhetoric aside, fighting... Read article

Fool’s Goal

October 1, 2006

I will seize the opportunity to achieve big goals.”~~George W. Bush My friend Bernie says a lot of folks have George Bush figured all wrong. “Sure he lies,” Bernie said, “every time he opens his mouth. But — think about it. Even when Bush is lying he ends up telling us what he’s gonna do. He can’t help himself — he just blurts it out. But by the time we understand what he’s saying — he’s already made a stinkin’ mess and moved on to the next one.” Bernie... Read article

Credit where credit is due: Monetary survival in middle-class America

October 1, 2006

I’ve never used credit. Not once in my entire life. I always pay cash. Last winter, I was required to have my credit rating checked with regard to a job I was applying for. “Uh, Ms. Stillwater,” said the human resources guy, “there’s something wrong here. You have NO credit rating.” That is a good thing, right? Apparently not. Apparently it’s better to have BAD credit than NO credit. People with bad credit at least play the game. “Ms. Stillwater,” said... Read article

Video: Attack On Iran Inevitable – Nuke Use In White House Plan

October 1, 2006

Air Force Colonel Sam Gardiner (ret.) says U.S. forces will assassinate Iran’s leadership Retired Air Force Colonel Sam Gardiner on the probability of air strikes on Iran and the likely consequences 09/30/06 INN World Report – Runtime 17 Minutes I.N.N. World Report is an independent, viewer supported, non-profit TV and web news service – “The News the Networks Won’t Tell You.” – Please visit the INN web site to find out where I.N.N. broadcasts in your area, watch our webcasts.... Read article

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