
Audio: “Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic”

February 28, 2007

In his new book, Nemesis – The Last Days of the American Republic. CIA analyst, distinguished scholar, and best-selling author Chalmers Johnson argues that US military and economic overreach may actually lead to the nation’s collapse as a constitutional republic. It’s the last volume in his Blowback trilogy, following the best-selling “Blowback” and “The Sorrows of Empire.” In those two, Johnson argued American clandestine and military activity has led to un-intended, but direct... Read article

Video: Flying the Flag (Arming the World)

February 27, 2007

John Pilger and David Munro look behind the political rhetoric and discover the world of international arms dealing. Won a Bronze Apple in … all » the category of ‘Domestic and International Concerns’, National Educational Film & Video Festival, Oakland, California. Click play to view Loading...  Read More →

American Plutocracy and the war on Workers

February 26, 2007

During the height of chattel slavery in America, the plantation owners did not allow their slaves to be educated. An educated slave, they knew, was a dangerous slave who posed a threat to the status quo. Knowledge is power in the hands of an oppressed people. The ruling clique has always found mass ignorance to their benefit. An ignorant public, they know, is an easily deceived and easily controlled citizenry created to do the bidding of Plutocratic rulers. Thus we have the commercial media, the church, and the public education... Read article

The Peril of Doing Nothing

February 26, 2007

After November’s election, the people were feeling optimistic, having elected a Democratic majority in the House and more than an even balance in the Senate. Speaker Pelosi announced her “first 100 hours” strategy and we were ready to watch the reform take place. However, the euphoria was short-lived as the House passed first one “non-binding resolution” only to have it squelched by the Republican bloc in the Senate. The Democrats, unlike the Dixie Chicks, are still convinced that they need... Read article

Hazard pay: Comparing a stateside CEO’s job description with a Marine’s in Iraq

February 26, 2007

Let’s review the obvious once again. George Bush’s spectacular boondoggle — artfully known as The War on Iraq — has gone on longer than World War II, has cost MORE than World War II and is totally disorganized, unplanned, and unfair. And, even more important, Bush is losing this war. Eisenhower never did that. Of course there are Bush’s glaringly obvious mistakes such as losing 363 tons of $100 bills, killing 665,000 Iraqi citizens in cold blood, getting caught red-handed with forged... Read article

Video: The PentaCon: Eyewitnesses Speak, Conspiracy Revealed

February 25, 2007

Citizen Investigation Team presents this explosive documentary regarding the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon revealing quadruple corroborated testimony proving the plane flew on the north side of the CITGO station making it impossible to have toppled the light poles and damage the building as outlined in the ASCE report. Visit for more details. Loading...  Read More →

The Terrorist Threat Is Grossly Overblown

February 23, 2007

In response to a recent piece I wrote regarding the decline and fall of the American Empire, CL writes: “Commentators keep complaining about our ‘empire’. I don’t pay too much attention to the word empire, but rather watch what is actually happening. I think it’s very appropriate we fight vigorously against Islam today just as we did the evil that came from Germany and Japan in the past. There is really no difference in these expressions of evil — different names I guess, but that’s about all.” I... Read article

Why I Can’t Vote For Hillary

February 22, 2007

As a life-long feminist, it would be the fulfillment of all my dreams to have a woman as President of the United States in my lifetime. However, I find that the position is too important to waste my precious vote in such an endeavor if it were not the right person for the job. I am not convinced that Hillary Rodham Clinton is that person and, for the good of my beloved country, I cannot vote for her, and I will be happy to tell you why. In 1992, I had become disillusioned with what the Republican Party had become under the... Read article

Show down in Crawford, Texas: When the Truth Triumphed

February 22, 2007

W. Leon Smith was a believer. When he started his newspaper The Lone Star Iconoclast in Crawford in 2000 he believed that George Bush would be an asset to the community and the country. Time and events have changed that. When Bush was inaugurated in 2001, America had a budget surplus. But by September of 2004, Americans faced the worst budget deficit in history, were mired in war, seeing its sons and daughters returned home maimed or in coffins, and facing a rapidly deteriorating economy. With his co-editors, Smith sat down... Read article

Video: Fiat Empire – A Closer Look at the Federal Reserve

February 22, 2007

FIAT EMPIRE – Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution Find out why some feel the Federal Reserve System is a “bunch of … all » organized crooks” and others feel some of its practices “are in violation of the U.S. Constitution.” Discover why experts agree the Fed is a banking cartel that benefits mainly bankers, their clients in need of easy money and a Congress that would rather increase the Gross National Debt than seek funding from its constituents. This important documentary... Read article

Courting the Supremes

February 19, 2007

Justice Roberts’ big chance to go down in history one way or the other… I attended a big fancy dinner last night — one of those lavish affairs at the local country club where everyone is wearing a suit — except for me. And they served salmon! And baby potatoes with wine sauce. And raspberries with crème brûlée! But I digress. What was the occasion? One of our most prominent and respected judges was retiring and all the best legal minds in the area were there to send him off. And me too. ... Read article

Video: Big Brother is watching you

February 19, 2007

Your email and conversation is monitored 9 Minute Video Click Play To View  Read More →

A Tour of the Bush Library: BushLand

February 18, 2007

With a budget of half a billion dollars and little need to provide space for the perusal of documents the Bush Center has decided on a novel approach to ensure that the work of the Bush Junior Presidency takes its well-earned place in history while also guaranteeing that the public understands the President as a man and policy innovator. Also on the agenda; just a little bit of profit to offset those hefty salaries paid out to Karl Rove and other long time loyalists. The facility, in partnership with Disney, will provide... Read article

Video: The Last Oil Shock

February 16, 2007

First shown in November 2000, this programme meets the scientists who believe that we are at the beginning of the long term decline in conventional oil production BBC – The Last Oil Shock You may need to update / download Free Real Player to view this video.  Read More →

The US Propaganda Campaign Against Iran

February 15, 2007

The US government has stepped up its rhetoric against Iran this week with a presentation held in Baghdad designed to support the claim that, as worded by President Bush last month, “Iran is providing material support for attacks on American troops.”[1] US officials said that weapons were being smuggled into Iraq by an elite unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard known as the Quds Force on orders “coming from the highest levels of the Iranian government.”[2] But, as the Washington Post observed, “The officials... Read article

Desperation in Pine Ridge

February 15, 2007

I am a 27 yr. old Oglala Lakota woman, originally from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. I was fortunate enough to have been adopted by a stable, Christian family who had my best interests at heart. Most children from Pine Ridge are not so blessed. Pine Ridge is situated in the southwest corner of South Dakota, and is the eighth largest reservation in the United States. The unemployment rate is 85% and 97% of the population are living below the federal poverty level. The infant mortality rate is five times the United States... Read article

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