
We Are Not Nearly as Free as We Think We Are

June 30, 2007

In America, we enjoy a measure of freedom. However, We are not nearly as free as we think we are. Millions of Americans are willing to relinquish what is left of their liberty. I have said it countless times and I will say it again: GW Bush is not Adolph Hitler. Neither Al Gore nor John Kerry would have been Joe Stalin. We can vote. We can speak. We can write our congressmen. I can write this without fear of doing time in a forced labor camp on the North Slope of Alaska. We can worship the God of the Bible or we can... Read article

Why the 4th of July is Still Worth Celebrating

June 30, 2007

My family has been celebrating the 4th of July with a reading of the Declaration of Independence for a long time now. I am descended from many families; all of them include individuals who participated in the American Revolution. My application to the Daughters of the American Revolution used Benjamin Pillsbury, who served at Valley Forge. The stories you hear about Valley Forge were designed to keep people away from the training camp being run that winter. General Washington was getting some professional pointers from Baron... Read article

Nuclear Power

June 30, 2007

Will the last one to leave please turn out the lights… Good grief! I’ve only been on my new high-fiber diet for the last two months and already I’ve lost almost 12 pounds! I weigh less now than I did in high school. My pants sag like I was some juvenile delinquent. The top of my underwear shows. This diet seems to be awfully effective. But maybe it’s not the diet that is causing me to lose weight. Maybe I’m losing weight because I’ve got cancer — or AIDS. Maybe I’m... Read article

Video: Fourth World War

June 29, 2007

Shot on the frontlines of struggles spanning five continents – where the mainstream media cannot go – The Fourth World War is the untold human story of men and women who resist being annihilated in the current global conflict. Click Play To View Loading... Fourth World War Producer: Big Noise Films Length: 76m 2s  Read More →

Chronic Pain Sufferers

June 28, 2007

The Feds’ Victims In Fake “War on Drugs” The United States’ “drug czar” has quite an extensive web site online, all of it sounding as if the feds really have a handle on reducing drug usage by minors, illegal use by everyone else. It’s nicely organized, written by a pro at making the work of this control-arm of our “gubbamint” seem acceptable, even successful. The problem is that the accomplishments are overstated (if you have a phone and know people who have teens in... Read article

An Open Letter to Devy Kidd

June 28, 2007

by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster and Bruce Barton Definition of crazy: Anyone who believes a newly registered Republican has a snowballs chance in hell of being offered a slot as a Delegate or Alternate to the 2008 GOP National Convention. As with the military, time in grade as well as proficiency of service to the party (along with a little political suck) is what gets you into the Convention: Nothing else. It’s a small club where it matters and those already in place know each other and each other’s positions well.... Read article

The Ultimate Hostile Take-Over

June 25, 2007

America, a goose that was ripe for the plucking…. Remember back in the 1980s when those Wall Street dudes in slick new suits whom we politely called “corporate raiders” would look around for companies with the fattest pension plans and the most assets and say to themselves, “Hummm. We got a hot one here. This goose is ripe for the plucking!” And what happened next? The company that was currently in their cross-hairs would go on the chopping block and be gutted and royally screwed. Back... Read article

Video: Google Spider Goats

June 24, 2007

Google Spider Goats is an interactive, informative documentary/compilation that goes from the fraud that is known as the Federal Reserve to World Trade Center 7 in less than 50 minutes. A great film for waking up new audiences to how the United States of America’s citizens are being subjected to massive deception. The film has been made for both new naive audiences with small attention spans, and truth deniers. Click Play To View  Read More →

Video: Israel’s Wild West

June 24, 2007

On the West Bank, where a quarter-of-a-million Israelis live cheek-by-jowl with over two million Palestinians, ideologically driven Israeli settlers are exploiting political weaknesses to take back settlements the Israeli government expelled them from only two years before. Loading...  Read More →

Iowa’s Ed Failor, Jr. Pimps for the NeoCons: June 20th, Try-Outs for Corporate Presidential Candidates

June 23, 2007

Edward D. Failor, Jr., Executive Vice President of Iowans for Tax Relief, and those working with him on the Presidential Forum to take place on June 30th are feverishly ignoring Congressman Ron Paul, the breakout Presidential candidate who is now in undisputed control of the Internet. They obviously fear Paul’s participation in the otherwise lackluster line up of candidates to appear at their forum, put on by Iowans for Tax Relief and the Iowa Christian Alliance. Like so many defective Ken Dolls the other candidates... Read article

Naming Dr. Paul

June 23, 2007

This is not a fanzine, I’m not a teenage girl. Enough about Ron Paul. Let me tell you what I hate about Ron Paul. If you call him by his last name, people automatically assume Paul McCartney. So you’re forced to call him Ron Paul, a vowel and a consonant from Rupaul. Other than that, I like everything about Ron Paul. His teeth need cleaning. That’s bad. Mouthwash and chewing gum can take care of that. On the other hand, it’s charming; dirty teeth reflect modesty. “Reflect” is the wrong... Read article

Ron Excluded Again!

June 20, 2007

Why is Iowa shutting out Ron Paul from a forum on tax reform among Republican candidates? As Dr. Paul would say, “That’s a good question.” Is it illogical to assume that one of the nation’s foremost scholars on the subject would be included in such an important debate? Who the hell wants to hear what Mitt Romney, Sam Brownback, Mike Huckabee, Tommy Thompson and Tom Tancredo have to say about it? Besides their mothers. Ron sent me a letter yesterday, which I’ve included in full, below. Read it,... Read article

Want to know how difficult it is to get embedded in Iraq? Here’s the story…

June 18, 2007

What kinds of hoops does one have to jump through in order to get an embed in Iraq? If you would like to know, here are some interesting insights into the embed process. And right now, I’m under severe time constraints to try to get re-embedded in Iraq ASAP, which leaves me without the usual options to play bureaucratic games that I usually have. My window of time for this assignment is severely limited by my commitment to be in Africa by mid-July. So. In order to fit this embed in, I’ve got to leave for... Read article

In the Absence of Reason

June 17, 2007

Former vice president Al Gore has published a new book called, “The Assault on Reason.”� I have not read the book, but the title, like Gore’s documentary film title about global warming, “An Inconvenient Truth”�, is compelling. I have never been a supporter of Gore’s Plutocratic politics, but the titles he has chosen for some of his projects are excellent. The reason I find the title of Gore’s latest book so compelling is that I have had extensive encounters with the assault... Read article

Rule of Law In Iraq

June 17, 2007

My address to the Berkeley-Albany Bar Association I am delighted to be here today. During the course of my 15 minutes of fame upon returning from being an embedded reporter in Iraq, I have been asked to speak by NBC, ABC, NPR, CBS, the BBC and even Fox News. That was no big deal. But when the BABA asked me to speak? I was really excited and pleased. Thank you for having me here today. Once you have been to Iraq, you see that country very differently. You not only sympathize with the poor Iraqi schmucks over there... Read article

Video: Kidnapped To Order

June 16, 2007

Dispatches exposes a new phase in America’s dirty war on al Qaida: the rendition and detention of women and children. Last year, President Bush confirmed the existence of a CIA secret detention program but he refused to give details and said it was over. Dispatches reveals new evidence confirming fiercely-denied reports that many of the CIA captives were held and interrogated in Europe. Those prisons may now be closed but the programme is by no means over, it’s just changed. A new front has opened up in the Horn... Read article

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