
Just Flush Larry Craig: Lessons on the World of the NeoCons

August 31, 2007

Sen. Larry Craig’s behavior was certainly revolting. Grouping strangers for sexual favors in the men’s room, is, well, at best tacky. Thinking you can get away with it because you are a U. S. Senator makes you want to send all of them back to preschool. But thanks to Larry there are some things we can more clearly see, so let’s take a moment to thank him. That was long enough. Larry’s actions spoke more truly than any of his campaign speeches or Congressional opinings ever did. That hand under the... Read article

About That Patience, Mr. President

August 31, 2007

You know, the patience that you are asking the American people to provide while you continue to slog around in the quagmire called Iraq; while the “surge” creates conditions that will unite the Iraqi people. May I be so bold as to remind you that one of your campaign promises was to unite the American people? Seven years later, the United States is more divided than at any time since the infamous Civil War. And that is only problem one. How many more of our sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, husbands. wives,... Read article

Have remote, will travel

August 29, 2007

Imagine never having to see Bush & Iraq on TV every night I have a friend who is visiting Sweden this summer and I just got a letter from her. Wanna hear it? Nod your head “yes”. “Dear Jane,” my friend wrote, “I really like it here except that sometimes it gets really cold at night. For instance, last night I went to bed with a knit watch-cap, a hot water bottle, an Arctic-strength sleeping bag, a blanket, a comforter, a duvet, a throw rug, a flannel nightgown, a sweater, silk long-johns,... Read article

Framing Questions and Making Choices

August 28, 2007

The politicians, though they profess to ignore them, are greatly influenced by the national consensus polls. There have long been comments that the polls can say anything you want them to depending on the wording of the questions. It seems that may be all too true, because those questions do not include a real choice in the answer. Of course, everybody resents the amounts of Social Security contributions which are taken out of their paychecks before they get them and, of course, nobody really enjoys paying taxes. However,... Read article

Should Christians Comply with Gun Confiscation?

August 27, 2007

Jim Z. writes: “If the government put down a law tomorrow that said we had to turn in all privately owned fire arms, as Christians, should we obey that law? I am a Christian and I believe that we should obey that government edict because they are NOT asking me to disobey God’s word…what is your opinion on this?” I answered: I don’t know where you are in your knowledge of the Bible. However, if you rely on most churches anymore for your Bible education, I see how you would think this. However, the idea that... Read article

Video: The War on Democracy

August 23, 2007

‘The War on Democracy’ is John Pilger’s first major film for the cinema – in a career that has produced more than 55 television documentaries. Set in Latin America and the US, it explores the historic and current relationship of Washington with countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia and Chile. “The film tells a universal story,” says Pilger, “analyzing and revealing, through vivid testimony, the story of great power behind its venerable myths. It allows us to understand the true nature... Read article

Ah, Democracy, We Hardly Knew Ye…

August 23, 2007

“For in a democracy, every citizen, regardless of his interest in politics, ‘hold office'; everyone of us is in a position of responsibility; and, in the final analysis, the kind of government we get depends upon how we fulfill those responsibilities. We, the people, are the boss, and we will get the kind of political leadership, be it good or bad, that we demand and deserve.” ~~ John F. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage [p. 265] My friend Bernie says he’s not only tired of making excuses for Democrats,... Read article

The Path Towards War With Iran

August 22, 2007

Ramifications of the proposal to add Iran’s Revolutionary Guard to the list of terrorist organizations This month saw yet another escalation of the U.S. policy of isolating and pressuring Iran as the White House announced its intention to add Iran’s Revolutionary Guard to the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations. There is something to be learned from this about the nature of U.S. foreign policy if we care to examine the implications; and the ramifications of such a decision could be quite... Read article


August 20, 2007

The fate of Richmond shipyard’s Black Rosie-the-Riveters the week after WW II ended Recently I went on a tour of the wonderful new “Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front National Historical Park” in Richmond, California. This place is great! “We are trying to gather up America’s memories of the war effort on the home front and save them all here for future generations to have access to,” said a park ranger as we drove around the National Park Service’s newest creation. Sure,... Read article

Video: The War for Oil

August 19, 2007

The advocates of war insist it’s not about oil. But global oil production is on the brink of terminal decline and when the West begins to run short of supplies – Iraq could be a lifeline. David Strahan (BBC Money Programme) – The War for Oil Loading...  Read More →

The Search For The Great Middle

August 16, 2007

The amusing aspect of this primary campaign for the 2008 president is watching the candidates groping their way in search for the “middle of the road”. Poor Hillary Clinton, while being reviled by the Republican protagonists as a “leftie Liberal”, keeps turning her wheels to the right as she navigates the fog in which American politicians are groping in order to find “the will of the people”. On the other hand, the Republicans have long ago left the road and are off four-wheeling in the... Read article

Bush’s Booming Economy: For The Rich

August 13, 2007

Sometimes I’m amazed at how much I know about the financial markets and the economy. I don’t understand any of it, but I know a lot of stuff, thanks to my friend and mentor, Richard Walrath, who’s been to the market more than once. He says when George Bush brags that the economy is booming, he’s probably right. The economy is exploding with a big boom, and Walrath says now we are engaged in a great battle to see how long this country can endure. The Fed just poured a bunch of money into the market,... Read article

Video: Rapture Ready: The Christians United for Israel Tour

August 13, 2007

Max Blumenthal’s latest takes us on a shocking and at times bizarre tour of right-wing Pastor John Hagee’s annual Washington-Israel Summit, blowing the cover off the Christian Zionist movement in the process. Starring Joe Lieberman, Tom DeLay, Pastor John Hagee, Ambassador Dore Gold and a host of rapture-ready evangelicals praying for Armageddon.  Read More →

Video: Occupation 101

August 13, 2007

Israeli historian Ilan Pappe describes the period around the declaration of Israel’s independence as one during which the indigenous Palestinian population was ethnically cleansed from the land when they were forced from their homes or fled in terror after hearing news of rapes and massacres at other villages. Today, the situation is not much better for the Palestinians under Israeli rule. “To make things so difficult for the Palestinians so that anyone who wants a normal life will leave.” Loading...  Read More →

The Tipping Point – Taking Back America

August 10, 2007

On this day, August 10, 2007, America is at a tipping point. We arrived here through a series of incidents and actions, many unintended.. Our tools for creating the world we know were law and institutions, tools we thought would provide stability and order. Instead we have violence and growing fear. Growing numbers of Americans now realize that those we trusted have used those tools to enrich themselves. The shock of understanding vies with an overarching sense of outrage. We are faced with the compelling need to change... Read article

Kevin Martin: Trolls of the Bush Administration – Making money by chopping you up for sale

August 7, 2007

Kevin Martin is a name you should get to know. He looks harmless, even as a troll. But he isn’t. He is going to cost you huge chunks of money and significant portions of your freedom. Kevin Martin is the Bush Troll presently overseeing the sale of stolen property at the Federal Communications Commission. Perhaps you are too young to remember when television was broadcast and came into your television through rabbit ears or an outdoor antenna and came only over the “FREE”airways. Starting in the 50s you... Read article

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