
Bono speaks out against torture – and gets censored

September 30, 2007

On September 27th, here in Philadelphia, the Liberty Medal for 2007 was awarded to Bono and his organization DATA (Debt AIDS Trade Africa), for their work in fighting AIDS and poverty in Africa. Each year, the National Constitution Center awards the Liberty Medal to a person or persons for outstanding work in advancing the cause of liberty around the world. While Bono’s entire acceptance speech was quite good, I was particularly moved when he spoke out against the use of torture. He said, “You do not have to... Read article

Video: Burma’s Secret War

September 28, 2007

Evan Williams goes undercover to investigate the mass ethnic cleansing, forced labour and vicious clamping down of political opposition by a military dictatorship supported by Unocal (Chevron) and TOTAL Oil. Channel 4 Dispatches – Burma’s Secret War Loading...  Read More →

Alcoholism in Africa

September 27, 2007

You know it’s a problem here when even I start looking good! The African village where I have been staying recently has surprised me in a whole bunch of ways. For instance, who’d have thought that I would have gone all the way to rural Africa only to get hooked on prime-time TV! At 8 pm every week night, there I am — on the couch, getting ready to watch “Generations”. Will Dineo try to kill Kenneth? Will Karabo get to adopt Sezwe? And what about Ntombe’s father? I can’t WAIT... Read article

Video: A High-Risk Barrel

September 27, 2007

What are the problems posed by dwindling oil supplies? What are the oil companies doing as oil becomes harder to find? Features Colin Campbell. Emmanuel Amara (SUNSET Presse) – A High-Risk Barrel Loading...  Read More →

Of Hamster Wheels and Men

September 26, 2007

It is evident that the US or Israel is going to launch an unprovoked attack on Iran in the near future, just as it did against Iraq and countless other defenseless nations within recent memory. As a result, untold numbers of innocent people will die and huge sums of money will change hands. Both the U.S. and Israel will consolidate their power in the Middle East and injustice and death will follow in their wake. Bush’s co-conspirators in Congress are standing down, leaving little doubt as to whom they serve. As always,... Read article

Blackstone, China, and the end of the world as we know it: Get Ready

September 22, 2007

America is now poised for an event that has happened elsewhere in the world but never, for living Americans, here on US soil. That event is a hyperinflation that will destroy our savings, milking Americans dry. Those who planned this event have been in charge of the monetary system, and in charge of every branch of government. While occupying those positions of trust they have profited mightily. Now, many of those who believed their were ‘insiders’ will face a reality that confronts them with the fact that they,... Read article

Video: Alive in Baghdad – Iraq

September 22, 2007

Baghdad Hospital Children’s Ward In war and peace children are always amongst the most vulnerable of communities. Iraq has been no exception. In this episode, Alive in Baghdad takes you to the children’s ward of Baghdad Hospital, to make visible the plight of some very sick children, stricken with cancer by the presence of Depleted Uranium munitions, left over from the last to US wars in Iraq. Visit each Monday for new videos about life in Iraq!  Read More →

The Power Elite Playbook, Viet Nam, a Prototype

September 18, 2007

Part Two From October 1944 to May 1945, Hanoi and the surrounding area suffered a horrific famine that resulted in the starvation deaths of nearly two million people, out of a population of about ten million. There were many reasons for the famine, the first and foremost was war! Remember, the Japanese invaded and occupied Viet Nam beginning in 1941. The Americans were bombing Japanese occupiers as well as crucial infrastructure, like roads. This “collateral” damage affected the transportation of rice from the south... Read article

Another Clinton Sellout

September 18, 2007

So Hillary finally presented us with her “health plan”. Whoopee! That will fix everything. Right? Wait a minute, isn’t that what Romney did in Massachusetts? Isn’t that the same pattern set by George Bush’s Medicare Part D? We must, by law, buy insurance from the already-money-bloated insurance industry while still being obligated to pay deductibles and co-payments that will further burst our shrinking budgets? Does that make sense? Those who are suffering from lack of medical care because they... Read article

The Third Force

September 17, 2007

This is right the time to sit up and pay attention to the new rising culture hero, Arcadi Gaydamak, an Israeli Ross Perot. He has guts and he has good will and compassion. True, Third Force candidates are rather unpredictable, but the mainstream candidates are a sure thing – worthless. With him, Jerusalem can become a model for One State: but much depends on the Palestinian Jerusalemites. In order to cut energy costs, the government turned out the light at the end of tunnel, say the Israelis. Déjà-vu descended on the... Read article

Lucas Mangope: One of South Africa’s living legends

September 17, 2007

Do I do my best thinking when I’m in pain? Apparently so. I woke up this morning with the sudden realization that a) my tooth was still hurting and that b) I live only half a mile away from one of the most important men in recent South African history this side of Nelson Mandela! What a chance to meet a true mover-and-shaker! Let’s see if I can pull it off. When I first got to South Africa, I saw a video about the last days of the Apartheid regime and it mentioned Lucas Mangope, the president of a so-called... Read article

Defending Foxman, or Cool it, Armenians

September 15, 2007

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Abe Foxman, the head of the Jewish-Masonic thought police misnamed ADL, easily one of the most repulsive men in American public life, is not as good as a clock, but he can be right once in a while; and this time is now. The US Congress, this modern areopagus of saints and sages, the highest moral authority of our planet, is about to condemn the Turks for massacring Armenians almost a century ago. 1915 was a long time ago, and the American legislators probably do not know where... Read article


September 12, 2007

The world’s largest refugee camp — with a little help from the G-20… A friend of mine just got back from touring the Kimberly diamond mines. “Don’t waste your money,” she said. “It’s not like the old days when you could actually go down into the Big Hole and stand toe-to-toe with the miners. Now you just go up on an observation platform, view a roomful of photographs, visit a small replica of a section of the mine and watch a video.” Thanks. You just saved me a 14-hour... Read article

How The Rockefeller Republicans Raped America

September 10, 2007

Part One: William F. Buckley, Jr. “When in 1951 I was inducted into the CIA as a deep cover agent, the procedures for disguising my affiliation and my work were unsmilingly comprehensive. It was three months before I was formally permitted to inform my wife what the real reason was for going to Mexico City to live. If, a year later, I had been apprehended, dosed with sodium pentothal, and forced to give out the names of everyone I knew in the CIA, I could have come up with exactly one name, that of my immediate boss (E.... Read article

Gonzo Boogie — Easy as ABC

September 10, 2007

Speculation is swirling about who will replace Attorney General Alberto Gonzales — everyone from Utah’s Senator Orrin Hatch to former Solicitor General and Clinton stalker Theodore Olsen. Until last week, the name most bandied about was Secretary of Homeland Security and USA PATRIOT Act co-author Michael Chertoff. You’d think selecting Chertoff in light of the New Orleans debacle would be a stupid thing to do since Chertoff’s continued ideological mishandling of the Katrina disaster borders on the... Read article

The Power Elite Playbook, Promoting War

September 9, 2007

Part One Ever since Lincoln’s “Civil War,” America has been “transformed from a limited, constitutional government to a highly centralized welfare-warfare state.” War is allegedly initiated for “national security” reasons – “newspeak” for resource seizure and/or control by multinational corporations/banks through their financial grip on governments. What! You think the United States would not participate in or condone plunder? The government plunders your pocket for interest payments (AKA income tax)... Read article

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