
“Man Overboard!”: Obama turns away from a drowning friend

April 30, 2008

Obama is “outraged”. After weeks of blistering attacks by the media, Barak Obama held a press conference yesterday and made it official; his friendship with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright is over, terminated, kaput. He would no longer associate with a man who believed that the United States of America could do horrible things to its people or that 9-11 might have been the result of US foreign policy. As Obama said, that’s just “outrageous”. Obama”s press conference: “I have spent... Read article

My Pastor Is Holier Than Yours

April 30, 2008

I am constantly amazed at the obscure details that politicians will dig up to cast aspersions upon the personal lives of their opponents in order to keep the people from looking at the issues. Lately we are being exposed to the “Preacher Scandal” where each candidate is expected to tell their pastor to just shut up! The good Rev. Wright is drawing fire, much of which is singeing Senator Barack Obama, because he is a prime example of what a black pastor is expected to be, an oratorical firebrand who inspires his... Read article

The Hard Truth about a Soft Science: Why Psychology Does More Harm Than Good

April 30, 2008

In his book The Future of an Illusion, Sigmund Freud said of religion and morality, “It would be an undoubted advantage if we were to leave God out altogether and admit the purely human origins of all the precepts and regulations of civilization.” In making this statement, Freud weighed in on one of life’s most important questions: What is the nature of right and wrong? Is it real, something existing apart from man, a reflection of Absolute Truth, of God’s will? Or is it, in accordance with the atheist model,... Read article

The New China: Wall-to-wall smog

April 30, 2008

You’ve heard of that old expression, “In vino veritas”? In wine there is truth. Well guess what? There is truth in jet-lag as well. When one has just flown in from northeastern China, been in the air for 24 hours, hauled luggage all over three different airports and gone without sleep for two days, all the polite facades and social niceties of life tend to quickly fall away. Here are some of the basic home truths that intense sleep-deprivation has allowed to sneak past the usual rational censors... Read article

The Jeremiah Wright You Won’t Hear on FOX News

April 29, 2008

Jeremiah Wright is 5′ 10 ” of tightly-packed explosives. He may be the best public speaker since Martin Luther King. He is bright, passionate, insightful and erudite. When he speaks; the sparks fly and the ground shakes. Yesterday, when Wright took the podium at the National Press Club, he knew he’d be taken to task no matter what he said. He knew that every word he uttered would be twisted by the media to make him look like a hate-monger, or worse, a racist. But Wright faced his critics with dignity... Read article

This Ain’t Immigration and These Ain’t Immigrants

April 29, 2008

The USA immigration laws only use the word “immigrant” when the foreign-national obeys our laws. Thousands of Americans suffer frustration daily as to the invasion of our country by millions of ILLEGAL aliens. While more than 20-30 million aliens roam around our country, with 10% seasoned criminal aliens, our politicians and debate moderators worry whether one or the other candidate wears a lapel pin. ABC’s Charles Gibson and George Stephanopoulos asked better questions than most of their peers –... Read article

Reverend Wright Delivers the Knockout Punch

April 28, 2008

“Yes, there have been death threats on both myself and on Pastor Moss. And bomb threats at the church.” Reverend Jeremiah Wright on the media’s incitement; “Bill Moyers Journal” PBS Reverend Jeremiah Wright appeared on PBS Bill Moyers Journal on Friday night and delivered a knockout punch to the bully-boys in the corporate media. It was an impressive performance that left the political assassins over at FOX News choking on their sausage-rolls. Wright showed that he is neither a fanatic nor... Read article

Video: What did Israel bomb in Syria?

April 28, 2008

The real story behind the September air strike has not been investigated. Pepe Escobar: Real News Video Report.  Read More →

When Will We Admit the Truth About Barack Obama?

April 28, 2008

If you interview someone for a job, you’ll expect him to tell you what you want to hear. There’ll be a façade, and his darker side will remain well-hidden. Now, let’s say a requirement for the job is that the applicant likes children, and he does his best Captain Kangaroo. But then you find out he has a job history of indifference to and perhaps even abuse of them and that, during unguarded moments, he has expressed disdain for them. What will you believe, what he tries to sell you or history and hair-down revelations?... Read article

Beyond Gettysburg: Consecrating the death of two Marines in Iraq, April 2008

April 27, 2008

Have you ever been inside of a jail? The electronic surveillance cameras watch you as your footsteps echo down the long cell-block hallway and the heavy metal door slides open at the end of it and you enter a sealed vestibule and it slides closed behind you. Then another steel door opens in front of you, you step through it and find yourself in “The Unit”. Iraq used to be like that — hardcore imprisonment. And then they had the Sunni Awakening in Anbar province and things got better. Living... Read article

The E.U.’s Double Game in the Balkans

April 26, 2008

In theory the European Union is horrified at the prospect of the Radical Party of Serbia (Srpska radikalna stranka, SRS) becoming not only the strongest party in the country’s parliament—which it already is—but also the majority partner in a new ruling coalition after the general election on May 11. In practice, the EU officials in Brussels and in Kosovo are acting as if this is the outcome they earnestly desire. The claim that it is possible for Serbia to continue her “process of European integrations,” regardless... Read article

You are hiring a President – Insist the one hired is sound of mind and body

April 25, 2008

When we apply for a job our prospective employer can insist on a drug test and other personal information. We supply it or do not expect to be hired. This all takes place before we get the job. Americans are now considering the frightening question of which of four remaining major presidential candidates to vote for in the coming election this November. So why is it that these candidates running for president have not provided us with full disclosure on their medical health? This should already have taken place, before... Read article

The Rise and Rise of Neocons

April 25, 2008

(Review of Stephen Sniegoski’s The Transparent Cabal) A much needed if scary book is about to be published by I.H.S. Press, the same people who published The Neoconned! Stephen Sniegoski follows the Rise and Rise of the Neocons, of the people who created Bin Laden, bombed Belgrade, gave you the Iraqi War and the Patriot Act; the people who boasted: “Creative destruction is our middle name”[1]. Sniegoski reveals the hidden origins of this warlike sect that hijacked the only superpower. Read this book because the Neocons... Read article

“We the People” Called to Pray

April 24, 2008

President Bush has issued a Proclamation declaring National Prayer Day on May 1, 2008. He included this year’s Prayer Theme taken from Psalm 28, “The Lord is my strength and my shield, my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.” This is the response of a man who knows God answers prayers. It is a cry from one who has asked God to “Hear my cry for mercy as I call to you for help, as I lift up my hands toward Your Most Holy Place.” It is a plea to God to deliver an individual or a people (nation) from “…those... Read article

Video: The American Freedom Agenda

April 22, 2008

Bush has a sneering contempt for the law. He says that on his say so alone he can identify anyone in the United States as creating a “significant risk of undermining reconstruction program in Iraq, or political reform by creating a risk that an act of violence might be committed.” And when he identifies you, he doesn’t inform you. But you are instantly subjected to a financial death penalty. All your assets are frozen; no one then can do any business with you. Chairman of the American freedom agenda Bruce... Read article

Should Christians Obey the Antichrist?

April 22, 2008

Even when he was at the height of his glory and fame and at the depth of his depravity, Elvis Presley was uneasy with being called the “King of Rock and Roll.” One more than one occasion, Elvis made the point that Jesus was the only King. If only all Christians were as sound as Elvis in their understanding about Who their King really is. I had never heard of Pastor Mark Jeske of Milwaukee until the other day. However, some clips from a sermon he preached – captured on YouTube – epitomize the very dangerous direction... Read article

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