
The Dream Ticket

June 29, 2008

McCain and Soros: The Most Dangerous Man in America, Bankrolled By the Most Evil Man in the World… “While the natural instincts of democracy lead the people to banish distinguished men from power,” Tocqueville wrote in Democracy in America, “an instinct no less powerful leads distinguished men to shun careers in politics, in which it is so very difficult to remain entirely true to oneself or to advance without self-abasement.” Some 170 years and 36 presidents later, the choice presented to the American people... Read article

The Business of Child Stealing in Florida

June 29, 2008

Under 5 years, blond, blue-eyed – $6,000.00. a top of the line product… We are going to take you behind the lies into the ugly truth that is destroying families for profit every day, in every community across America. You won’t want to believe it but when you see their faces, hear their voices, you will understand why this is happening and what it means to your own life, even if you don’t have children. The same system that views children as commodities to be sold also has plans for you. There is... Read article

The Washington Post on Habeas Corpus

June 28, 2008

Last week, an article in the Washington Post explained how decisions of the Bush administration with regard to detention policies have been overturned by the Supreme Court. The tone of the article is interesting. It’s title is “White House Dismissed Legal Advice On Detainees”.(1) The “advice” in question came from lawyers who “repeatedly warned the White House that it was risking judicial scrutiny of its detention policies in Guantanamo Bay if it did not pursue a more pragmatic legal... Read article

Our Troubled Nation

June 28, 2008

We Lack a Strategic Energy Policy… President George Bush, Senate majority leader Harry Reid, House leader Nancy Pelosi, and the remainder of our U.S. Congress stumble and bumble into the future without a clue or a concept of a “National Strategic Energy Policy.” That’s why we suffer $4.16 a gallon for gas. That’s why diesel hit $4.69 last week! That’s the reason for natural gas prices shooting through the roof! That’s why electricity costs grow like weeds in a junk yard! And fellow Americans: winter lurks... Read article

Buried in the Back Yard

June 28, 2008

Dig anywhere in Iraq & find wall-to-wall weapons caches? Anyone who has ever read anything I’ve written since George W. Bush stole the presidential election in 2000 will know that when it comes to writing about Bush, Cheney and the neocons, nothing is sacred. I’ve lampooned them, criticized them, exposed them for the crooks and liars that they are, demanded that they be put in jail IMMEDIATELY and made jokes at their expense. However, I’ve always had the utmost respect for the American military and... Read article

A taboo that will kill America’s future!

June 27, 2008

Every week, I carry my recycling to the curb in Westminster, Colorado. At the same time, I look out over the city bristling with light rail, RTD, bicycles and everyone pretending to move with ‘green’ actions. Denver’s good citizens recycle and care about our environment just like me! Wrong! Only 30 percent of Coloradans recycle. Peter Coors made sure of that by his successful efforts to kill our bottle, can and plastic recycling laws, not once, but twice! But no matter how much progress we make on ‘green’... Read article

Elections, Capitalism, and Democracy

June 26, 2008

Because so many of the people on the political left fear that John McCain will become the next president, they have allowed themselves to see the very moderate democratic candidate, Barach Obama, as a desirable alternative to the decidedly ghoulish McCain, rather than supporting a genuine progressive like Dennis Kucinich, Cynthia McKinney, or Ralph Nader. They thus perceive Obama to be far more progressive than he really is. Such comparisons lead us down a dichotomous pathway that assures a continuous drift to the right. Each... Read article

The War on Boys

June 26, 2008

Where Feminists and Men’s Rights Activists Go Wrong… One problem with one-issue activists, it seems, is that they often view matters from only one dimension. This has always been one of the characteristics of feminists. Men get blame for being history’s conquerors and killers, for instance, but no credit for being its innovators and healers. We will hear about how women “create life” while men only destroy it, but forgotten are the fruits of men’s labors. Were it not for male medical advances... Read article

Promoting the Wrong Solutions Instead of Changing the Paradigm Toward a Sustainable Future

June 25, 2008

Don’t you hate it when you read about stupid politicians promoting dumb ideas that continue dim-witted thinking that ends up with $4.00 a gallon gas? The same kind of thinking equals $5.00 a gallon gas in a short amount of time. Our president and Congress remain obscenely irresponsible to America! They knew about this crisis decades ago. Car manufacturers knew oil reserves depleted as humanity sucked and burned 85 million barrels of oil daily for decades. Yet, they killed the electric cars, they stifled economy cars;... Read article

“BAM! BAM! BAM!” said the false prophet

June 25, 2008

Faith evangelist Todd Bentley has drawn hundreds of thousands to his Florida Healing Revival to “soak in the glory and spread the fire.” Before you pack up the car or purchase an airline ticket and head to Lakeland Florida, here’s a word of warning: Christians who play with fire will get burned. All the controversy over the Lakeland Outpouring is causing deep division within the Church. Some Christians believe Bentley is bringing a long overdue revival. They argue that since people are getting healed it’s a move... Read article

Gas-Pump Gouging – Just Don’t Blame The Saudis

June 25, 2008

I’ve seen this bad movie before. It’s the Enron movie, which hit the West Coast power-markets like a bomb because the federal government was asleep at the switch. Now it’s happening again with oil prices.” Rep. Jay Inslee D-WA There is no oil shortage, not yet at least. That doesn’t mean we’re not quickly sliding towards Peak Oil. We probably are, but that has nothing to do with today’s gas prices. The reason oil has skyrocketed to nearly $140 per barrel is because of speculation;... Read article

A Socialist by Any Other Name

June 24, 2008

One of the consequences of being right in an age of lies is that it brands you as a radical. Remember that being an extremist doesn’t mean you’re wrong, but simply that your views deviate greatly from those of the mainstream. If you say that 2+2=4 in a land where everyone else insists it’s 5, you’ll be labeled a radical. The same is true if you assert that a certain society of men is full of wolves when everyone else believes they’re sheep. Now, for years I’ve been telling people that... Read article

Our Troubled Country

June 24, 2008

Trashing America by Endless Immigration… The more America imports millions of illegal alien migrants from the third world as well as legal immigrants from ancient cultures, the more the third world manifests itself within the United States. California features in excess of four million illegal aliens as well as millions of immigrants arriving from third world countries. The predominant aspect of those cultures allows careless and endless tossing of trash anywhere at anytime. Across America today, by adding 2.1 million... Read article

The Game is Over – There Won’t Be a Rebound

June 23, 2008

Asset-price Inflation is Giving Way to Debt Deflation… Interview with Michael Hudson Mike Whitney: Fed chairman Bernanke has been on a spree lately, delivering three speeches in the last two weeks. Every chance he gets, he talks tough about the strong dollar and “holding the line” against inflation. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson even said that “intervention” in the currency markets was still an option. Is all of this jawboning just saber rattling to keep the dollar from plummeting, or... Read article

Video: The Petro-Dollar War

June 22, 2008

The first thing the US did when it invaded and took over Iraq was reverse Saddam Hussein’s recent policy of demanding Euros in payment for his countries oil. Some think that’s what the war was all about and that Iran’s insistence on receiving Euros for its oil is the real reason that country has been targeted. Dollars? Euros? What’s the difference? The difference is this…if you are the dominant currency, you can support your lifestyle and war machine by printing more when you run out. Take that... Read article

Agenda-Driven Response

June 22, 2008

Weather to Help or NOT… Unfortunately, despite the government’s responsibility to protect citizen’s rights, it is blatantly obvious that the government is following an alternative, deliberately destructive agenda including: rural cleansing of the resource-producing population, economic destabilization, runaway inflation, unrestrained immigration, illegal surveillance, the NAU, deteriorating infrastructure, ethnic disparity, de-population through war, disease, toxicity, and chemtrails; selective response to “natural”... Read article

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