
The Ron Paul Freedom March

July 16, 2008

I was privileged to be invited to speak at Congressman Ron Paul’s Freedom March this past Saturday on the Mall in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. In fact, I spoke immediately preceding Dr. Paul and helped introduce the ten-term congressman. I gauged the crowd to number in excess of five thousand people. All the participants I observed were very respectful, well mannered, and polite. The crowd was about as diverse an audience as I have ever spoken to. They came from all walks of life and from all points... Read article

Is This the Beginning of Colombia’s Leftward Shift?

July 15, 2008

It was a perfectly executed rescue mission and they pulled it off without a hitch. A small group of Colombian military-intelligence agents, posing as aid workers on a humanitarian mission, touched-down in the heart of rebel territory, gathered up Ingrid Betancourt and 14 other hostages, and whisked them away to safety while a small army of rifle-toting Marxist guerrillas looked on dumbfounded. The tale of the daring rescue by Colombia’s finest was immediately splashed across the front pages of newspapers around the... Read article

US “War on Terror” Destabilizing Afghanistan, Pakistan

July 13, 2008

US policies since the Soviet-Afghan war and continuing through the “war on terror” are a destabilizing influence on Afghanistan and Pakistan… Earlier this year, Jane’s Information Group ranked Afghanistan as one of the world’s most unstable countries, following the Palestinian territories and Somalia. Last month, Foreign Policy magazine ranked Afghanistan at number eight on its failed states index. Violence in Afghanistan has grown steadily over the years, so that it is now higher than an... Read article

Worse than McCain

July 12, 2008

Every four years, liberals and progressives are expected to set aside their beliefs and stand foursquare behind the Democratic Party candidate. This ritual is invariably performed in the name of party unity. It doesn’t matter if the candidate is a smooth-talking politician who’s willing to toss his Pastor of 20 years overboard for a few awkward comments, or whether he refuses to defend basic civil liberties like the 4th amendment’s right to privacy. All that matters is that there’s a big “D”... Read article

Booz, Allen & Hamilton, the Army’s Accomplice in Southeast Colorado

July 12, 2008

Booz Allen contracted with the Army for $500,000 to maneuver the ranchers out of their property rights. Skillful facilitators (provocateurs), despite their friendly demeanor, very likely use an advanced version of the deceptive Delphi Method, mind-games developed by the U.S. Air Force’s RAND Project, financed by the Ford Foundation. Project RAND became the “premier think tank” and “purveyor of American imperialism” and facilitated the Cold War façade. Their activities contributed to the exponential growth of the... Read article


July 12, 2008

One American Woman’s Story… Multiculturalism proves a deadly mix of racism, social incongruity, irreconcilable ethnic groups and the fabricated presumption that everybody loves everybody else. One glance into any cafeteria in the United States for a look at self-segregation illustrates the failure of ‘multiculturalism’. A single glance at the racial violence accelerating in our inner cities demonstrates our expanding quandary. In the most liberal city in America, Boulder, Colorado—rich, SUV-driving parents,... Read article

A Wicked Decision

July 12, 2008

Dooms the Coming Election… I have avoided writing about the coming election. Let me tell you why. America’s Christian leaders are still having a problem seeing beyond the end of their noses. At a July 1st Denver meeting, called by Liberty University law school dean Mathew Staver, 90 Evangelical Christian leaders heard Phyllis Schlafly say “The alternative is so bad we must support John McCain“. Concurring with this failed policy along with Staver and Schlafly were Gary Glenn, head of the Michigan American... Read article

Barack Obama and Equal Pay for Women

July 11, 2008

What do you call a man who sermonizes about the evils of paying women less than men but allows that very practice in his own office? While a certain unflattering noun would leap to the minds of most, we can now apply a proper one: Barack Obama. Although the Illinois senator has vowed to make pay equity between the sexes a priority in his administration, it has been revealed that he doesn’t practice what he preaches. Writes “On average, women working in Obama’s Senate office were paid at least $6,000... Read article

The “Hanoi Hilton” Revisited

July 11, 2008

John McCain used to be a prisoner of war in North Vietnam and, according to the 1973 U.S. News and World Report version of his experiences there, he was held in “a small area of Hoala Prison which was built by the French in 1945. It was known as the ‘Hanoi Hilton’ to Americans.” And, ironically, approximately 35 years later there really IS a Hilton hotel in Hanoi — only this one is actually owned and run by the real Hilton hotel chain. I bet you that even Paris Hilton goes there now —... Read article

Lukewarm Churches Mirror Society

July 11, 2008

Over the last century, American Christian Churches have metamorphosed from standing out and being different from the surrounding society-culture to blending a little bit of this and little bit of that taken from present-day cultural mores, instead of God’s Word to man. The recent comprehensive Pew Forum U.S. Religious Landscape Survey ( demonstrated some surprising, if not astounding, statistics. That is, if the survey is accurate and asked the right questions. Survey statistics might give... Read article

Anxiety in America

July 10, 2008

Citizens Ponder Their Fate… In a New York Times June 29th op-ed, “Anxious in America”, Thomas Friedman mulled over America’s accelerating dilemmas in Iraq, national debt and who might become the next president. Either choice scares the daylights out of Americans on both sides. Neither candidate understands average citizens’ dilemmas in their jobs, communities or schools. Neither addresses what happens in the trenches of America. Thus, most Americans vote against the other guy instead of ‘for’ a presidential... Read article

A Few Words from the FARC

July 10, 2008

It was a perfectly executed rescue mission and they pulled it off without a hitch. A small group of Colombian military-intelligence agents, posing as aid workers on a humanitarian mission, touched-down in the heart of rebel territory, gathered up Ingrid Betancourt and 14 other hostages, and whisked them away to safety while a small army of rifle-toting Marxist guerrillas looked on dumbfounded. Whew. What a shocker. One of the American contractors who was freed in the mission even boasted to NPR that it was “the greatest... Read article

Today’s Christians: No Hope In God’s Way

July 10, 2008

I ask the indulgence of my non-churched readers, as this column is specifically designed to challenge the hearts and minds of professing believers. The Old Testament prophet Jeremiah faced a generation that is very similar to the one we face today, I am afraid. Political and corporate leaders had given themselves over to corruption and duplicity. The fundamental underpinnings that founded and supported the nation were being dismantled. And the spiritual leaders seemed to be powerless to do anything about it. Accordingly,... Read article

Heemeyer Rides Again

July 8, 2008

This is a human interest story. It could have happened anywhere, but it happened in Jerusalem. Yes, we have Jews and Arabs here, but this is a story about men and women. It would make a good subject for a film, or for a novel, as it includes romantic love, beautiful young lovers separated by prejudice, severe and unjust punishment meted out in the name of law and order – and untimely death. A few days ago, a young Jerusalemite got aboard his Caterpillar tractor, ran amok on the main street, hitting buses and cars and... Read article

Bush’s Blood-Orgy in Somalia

July 8, 2008

They Are Slaughtering Somalis Like Goats… “Land is not our priority. Our priority is the people’s peace, dignity and liberty. It is the people that are important to us.” Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, Head of the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) While George Bush was busy railing at Zimbabwe’s President, Robert Mugabe at the G-8 summit in Toyako, Japan; his Ethiopian proxy-army in Somalia was grinding out more carnage on the streets of Mogadishu. More than 40 civilians have been killed in the last 48 hours.... Read article

The Trial of George Bush for Treason in your County

July 6, 2008

On this 4th of July weekend, remember the Revolution, Read the Declaration of Independence. Consider the world that confronted those now dead. Then charge George Bush with Treason and Murder. We were once free and we can be so again. We have the tools, if we will use them. Restoring the Constitution is a need that is long past the band aids of opeds and education. To keep it from dying Americans must use it to restore the government, taking control into their own hands. That will be a battle in itself, but it can be done.... Read article

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