
Buddha’s Nativity in Ladakh

August 31, 2008

Ladakh is a good place to get an understanding of the Tibetan problem, for Ladakh is also a part of Tibet; there is one important difference: we never hear any bad news from Ladakh, though their situation is quite similar. Israel Shamir looks at Tibet over the border: Long snake quickly moved down the mountain: hundreds of monks ran along a curving paved path from the monastery at the top to the broad polo grounds at the bottom, where the whole population of Leh had gathered to celebrate the Buddha’s Nativity. Powerful,... Read article

We Have Had Enough of False Prophets!

August 31, 2008

The Holy Spirit is on the move. He’s working in the minds and mouths of the false prophets. BAM! They’ve fallen and they can’t get up. On June 23rd God moved a mountain — figuratively speaking — and the Charismatic church has been in chaos ever since. That day several of the New Apostolic Reformation leaders met in Lakeland, Florida for Todd Bentley’s “apostolic alignment commissioning service.” What happened was mind-blowing. I’m not talking about miraculous signs and wonders. There... Read article

With Palin Ups Chances of Beating Obama

August 30, 2008

I applaud John McCain’s choice of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his vice president nominee. In many ways this choice was far more impressive than Barack Obama’s selection of Joe Biden. Better yet, the McCain selection will make the general election campaign far more interesting and competitive. I say this on the basis of looking at contradictions that the choices raised. Here we have Obama proclaiming endlessly that he was running against the politics of the past, but then he picks an extremely long term senator... Read article

Super Imperialism

August 30, 2008

Michael Hudson: “Greenspan saw his job as a cheerleader for people who were able to get rich fast; sort of like a pilot fish for sharks” Mike Whitney Interviews Michael Hudson 1 Mike Whitney: The United States current account deficit is roughly $700 billion. That is enough “borrowed” capital to pay the yearly $120 billion cost of the war in Iraq, the entire $450 billion Pentagon budget, and Bush’s tax cuts for the rich. Why does the rest of the world keep financing America’s militarism... Read article

Agents of Nuclear Black Market Were C.I.A. Assets

August 29, 2008

At the urging of the U.S., the Swiss government destroyed evidence relating to the Tinner family’s dealings with A.Q. Khan’s underground network of nuclear proliferation, while government sources acknowledge that the Tinners were paid informants for the C.I.A. The New York Times reported earlier this week that Pascal Couchepin, the president of Switzerland, publicly confirmed that his government had deliberately destroyed computer files and other documentation of dealings of the Tinners, a family of Swiss engineers... Read article

The Super Crisis No One Dare Speak – I.O.U.S.A.

August 29, 2008

It’s too bad that most Americans will not view I.O.U.S.A. (Watch Trailer: before they vote the next big spenders into office. They might understand the near-future Super Crisis looming over our heads threatening to drown our nation. It will affect our children, grandchildren and future generations. The self-explanatory documentary is a hard and fast roller-coaster ride without pause to catch one’s breath. The ride was so intense, we left the theater numb and shaky. It is the Super Crisis no one... Read article

Video: No End in Sight

August 28, 2008

Chronological look at the fiasco in Iraq, especially decisions made in the spring of 2003 – and the backgrounds of those making decisions – immediately following the overthrow of Saddam: no occupation plan, an inadequate team to run the country, insufficient troops to keep order, and three edicts from the White House announced by Bremmer when he took over: no provisional Iraqi government, de-Ba’athification, and disbanding the Iraqi armed services. The film has chapters (from History to Consequences), and... Read article

Georgia: The Score

August 28, 2008

Russia’s recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia makes it imperative to analyze the situation in the Caucasus dispassionately and comprehensively. The mainstream media (MSM) treatment of the crisis has been predictably monolithic, however — almost as biased (“bad Russia!”) as it was shallow. A more nuanced story does exist, but it is not readily available. We bring you a few samples of the commentary and analysis that you will not find in your Gannett paper or on your prime-time news channel. Let us start with... Read article

Ah the life of a Reporter

August 28, 2008

McCain tried to kill me & Obama doesn’t want me backstage… It’s hard being a reporter. You always gotta be coming up with hot stories. The highlight of my life as a journalist so far — aside from the time I missed getting blown up in the Iraqi parliament by mere minutes, the time the Red Army tried to arrest me in the middle of the Yalu River, the time I almost got trampled to death in Mecca and the time in Hebron when irate Israeli settlers threatened me with Kalashnikovs, etc —... Read article

Big Is Not Better

August 28, 2008

Centralization Abets Evil… Our world is quickly consolidating. Regional government is already in place in Europe and the trappings have been formulated for North America, Africa, Asia, and other parts of the world. When I was a lad my mother might have sent me to the local grocery store to buy some flour. I would ride down on my bicycle, park it in front of the store, enter and stand at the counter. Shortly a clerk would appear behind the counter and ask what I needed. Informed of the brand and size the clerk... Read article

Is the Presidency above Obama’s Pay Grade?

August 27, 2008

It’s interesting to hear the euphemisms bandied about in campaigns. After Barack Obama’s and John McCain’s appearance a week ago at Saddleback Church, for instance, the former’s ardent supporters were as effusive in their praise as ever. His stammering and copious “uhs” weren’t signs of a befuddled and muddled mind, but of “thoughtfulness” and “nuanced” thinking. Yeah, sure, and when President Bush occasionally invents a new word, we can chalk it up to creativity. The truth is that, sans teleprompter... Read article

The New Spartans

August 26, 2008

Dealing with the results of a militarized America… Here I am — once again stating the obvious. I keep going over this same PowerPoint presentation again and again and again — but nobody seems to be getting it. “America can’t afford any more war.” So what has got my knickers in a twist this time? Well. Recently, the Taliban (yes, that Taliban) attacked an American military base in Afghanistan and apparently kept our guys under siege from 4:00 am in the morning through most... Read article

NIST Releases Long-Awaited Report on WTC7

August 25, 2008

Report says fire brought down 47-story building on 9/11… The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released its final report on the collapse of the World Trade Center 7 building on Thursday, 6 years after it began its investigation into the collapses of WTC buildings on September 11, 2001. The symmetrical and rapid collapse of 47-story WTC 7 into its own footprint in what appeared to be an “implosion” like those initiated by demolitions experts to safely bring down buildings has for many... Read article

Nuclear Chicken in Poland

August 25, 2008

Putin Can’t Afford to Back Down… “Don’t blame the mirror if your face is crooked.” Vladimir Putin quoting Russian proverb If the Bush administration proceeds with its plan to deploy its Missile Defense System in Poland, Russian Prime Minister Putin will be forced to remove it militarily. He has no other option. The proposed system integrates the entire US nuclear arsenal into one operational-unit a mere 115 miles from the Russian border. It’s no different than Khrushchev’s plan to deploy... Read article

Americans, the Common Law, and Freedom – What you need to know

August 25, 2008

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —“ When you read the preamble to the Declaration of Independence remember what the world looked like to the men who wrote it. Then look at our world through their eyes; understanding... Read article

Crunch Time

August 25, 2008

Sharp contractions in the money supply and recession are two spokes on the same wheel. When the money supply shrinks, there’s less economic activity, and the economy slows. An article in this week’s UK Telegraph by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard removes any doubt that a deep recession can still be avoided. From the UK Telegraph: “The US money supply has experienced the sharpest contraction in modern history, heightening the risk of a Wall Street crunch and a severe economic slowdown in coming months. Data compiled... Read article

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