
Iran in the Crosshairs

September 19, 2008

The IAEA’s latest report on Iran’s nuclear program was circulated to the Board of Governors this week. It has not been released to the general public, but it is widely being hailed as a damning condemnation of Iran by the mainstream media. The Washington Post headline read, “U.N. Agency at ‘Dead End’ as Iran Rejects Queries on Nuclear Research”. The article states that “The apparent standoff was detailed in a report that also described substantial gains by Tehran in its efforts to... Read article

Rescuing Earth From Humans

September 19, 2008

When you realize humans kill 100 million sharks in the planet’s oceans annually, you scratch your head in dismay, or, at least, consternation. Unknown to most humans, thousands of species suffer extinction at the hands of humanity annually. (Source: Life, August , 1991, “Sharks: Predator becomes prey” Fussman) When you read startling headlines in the Denver Post announcing devastating drought, you scratch your mind further as to why humans steam forward as if they cannot be touched by nature’s vengeance. What... Read article

Listen Up, Eye Rollers! – Part 1

September 18, 2008

People who rely on broadcast media and/or government education to formulate their perceptions often roll their eyes in exasperation and conspiracy-nut-contempt when exposed to reliable information that challenges their beliefs. For the majority, easy prey for predatory propagandists and history revisionists, the possibility that they have been blatantly deceived by their own government is unthinkable, despite the monstrous evidence of pandemic corruption. Denial is the proverbial mental comfort zone; it is an easy refuge.... Read article

Iraq: The Logic for Withdrawal

September 18, 2008

In examining he question of whether U.S. forces should remain in Iraq, it’s important to look at not only the reasons given for why they must stay, but also at the justification given for the war in the first place. The United States invaded Iraq on the pretext that Saddam Hussein posed a grave threat to our national security because he possessed weapons of mass destruction and had a relationship with terrorist groups, including al Qaeda. This pretext was never credible. Contrary to popular myth, there was no “intelligence... Read article

How to Celebrate Constitution Day

September 17, 2008

Today, September 17 is Constitution Day, but very, very few Americans know this or will celebrate it. If you think of yourself as a politically engaged, civic-minded and patriotic American, then I urge you to celebrate today by expanding your mind about a critically important but never-used part of our Constitution. All you have to do is go to the site of Friends of the Article V Convention and spend some time learning the truth about the option given to us by the Framers because they anticipated that Americans... Read article

Britain Adopts Shari’a

September 17, 2008

British papers are reporting that shari’a law has been officially adopted in Britain, with shari’a courts given powers to rule on Muslim civil cases, notably including wife beating. Gordon Brown’s Labour government “has quietly sanctioned the powers for sharia judges to rule on cases ranging from divorce and financial disputes to those involving domestic violence.” Particularly alarming is the fact that Islamic rulings are now enforceable with the full power of the judicial system, through the county courts or... Read article

Sarah Palin’s Answers: Very Troubling

September 17, 2008

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin gave her first exclusive interview as John McCain’s Vice Presidential running mate to ABC’s Charles Gibson last week. Her answers were very troubling, especially to those of us who believe in constitutional government. On foreign policy, especially, Palin reveals herself to be just another neocon; one who would enthusiastically promote Bush’s preemptive war doctrine. Speaking of the Bush doctrine, it was extremely enlightening that Sarah Palin demonstrated surprising ignorance... Read article

Cause and Effect: Why Scientists Succumb to Political Correctness

September 16, 2008

Let’s avoid Talking about overpopulation in America at all costs… Dr. Albert A. Bartlett, University of Colorado at Boulder, wrote another stunning paper concerning America’s love affair with self-delusion. Dr. Bartlett remains the premiere voice in America concerning the greatest predicament facing our civilization in the 21st century. While everyone in America suffers from its symptoms from gridlock, air pollution, crowding and higher energy prices–no politicians from governors to senators address... Read article

Capital Punishment: Lehman on its way to the Gallows?

September 15, 2008

Bank of America is buying Merrill Lynch for $45 billion, AIG needs an emergency $40 billion bail-out from Uncle Sam to stay afloat, and Lehman Bros is kaput. Whew! The financial world has been turned upside-down overnight and the opening bell hasn’t even rung at the NYSE. It’ll be a rough day of trading ahead. Paul Krugman summed up the prevailing feeling of anxiety on Wall Street like this: “Will the U.S. financial system collapse today, or maybe over the next few days? I don’t think so — but I’m... Read article

The Third Rail

September 15, 2008

Power to the Train… There are two major political parties in the United States, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. These two parties provide the rails of the United States train. There is a third rail. Americans who know what is happening in our nation often express a healthy and vigorous disgust. Pastor Matt Trewhella writes; “Egalitarianism, as defined by the elitists, is the design to erase all distinctions between males and females from society. If you have not noticed this agenda pushed in our... Read article

Next Added 100 Million Americans: A Human Dilemma

September 14, 2008

Chapter Two… “Pressures resulting from unrestrained population growth put demands on the natural world that can overwhelm any efforts to achieve a sustainable future. If we are to halt the destruction of our environment, we must accept limits to that growth.” World scientists’ warning to humanity, signed by 1600 senior scientists from 70 countries including 102 Nobel Prize laureates, November 18, 1992 By 2050, at the current rate of growth, our country adds another 438 million to reach a total of 438 million.... Read article

Video: 9/11: Fabled Enemies

September 13, 2008

7 years after 911 the supposed mastermind behind the attacks is still at large, and the nation is entrenched in multiple Wars in the Middle East. Is Bin Laden the Evil behind the attack or a mere front man in a larger picture, a Bogeyman? We are told we are fighting a “War on Terror”, and that the Terrorists hate us for our freedom. If that is the case, why do our leaders take more and more of those freedoms away every day? Loading...  Read More →

Crashed Jet Carrying Cocaine Linked to CIA

September 13, 2008

A private jet that crashed last year in eastern Mexico and was found to be carrying more than 3 tons of cocaine was also used by the Central Intelligence Agency for clandestine operations, the Mexican daily El Universal reported last week. The newspaper cited documents from the United States and the European Parliament which “show that that plane flew several times to Guantanamo, Cuba, presumably to transfer terrorism suspects.” It said the European Parliament was investigating the jet for its possible use in... Read article

Next Added 100 Million Americans: Consequences of a Human Katrina

September 12, 2008

Chapter One… “The raging monster upon the land is population growth. In its presence, sustainability is but a fragile theoretical construct. To say, as many do, that the difficulties of nations are not due to people but to poor ideology and land-use management is sophistic.” Noted scholar and biologist E.O. Wilson According to Katie Couric, Brian Williams and Charles Gibson, the United States surpassed 300,000,000 people in October 2006. The U.S. Census Bureau, based on accelerating growth levels, shows America... Read article

Next Added 100 Million Americans: Nation on the Brink

September 12, 2008

FORWARD… Americans remain unaware of an appalling statistic facing their children: half of all growth on the planet by 2050 will come from eight nations–India, Pakistan, Ethiopia, the United States, China, Bangladesh, Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Mexico will grow from 100 million to 300 million in this century. If the US opens its borders to unlimited immigration, its citizens face ominous consequences from water shortages, energy, environmental, in fact, a Pandora’s Box of dilemmas. If... Read article

9/11 and the “War on Terrorism”: Facts and Myths

September 11, 2008

A recent New York Times article examined how Arabs in the Middle East don’t believe the official story of what happened on September 11, 2001 and are rather apt to think the U.S. Government itself had a hand in the terrorist attacks. The title of the article dismisses the notion, reading “9/11 Rumors That Become Conventional Wisdom”. But what the Times fails to recognize is that behind many myths often lies an element of truth. The article begins, “Seven years later, it remains conventional wisdom here that Osama... Read article

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