
Why the torture photos should be released

May 31, 2009

The Obama administration continues trying to block the release of some additional photos of detainee abuse. The excuse? They say exposing the photos could incite anti-American violence in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. They seem to forget that we’re already seeing anti-American violence in those countries. And they seem to forget why. They seem to ignore how much this move is reminiscent of the Bush administration’s culture of secrecy. If it’s not openly acknowledged, then it doesn’t exist. “We... Read article

Bringing The War Home

May 30, 2009

Alternatives to our military’s new psychiatric wards… I just heard from a reliable source that the U.S. military is currently building new psychiatric wards on several of its major bases here in America. The new wards are designed to provide treatment for the increasing number of military personnel returning from Iraq and Afghanistan who have “brought the war home with them”. This is both good news and bad news. The good news is that the military is stepping up to the plate and taking... Read article

Defining Moments in US History and their Relevance Today

May 29, 2009

There are periods in the history of every nation that define its character and reveal who is really running the government and its social and financial institutions. In the US, one of those periods, of which there are so many, was the political witch hunt that occurred during the 1950s. Known as the era of McCarthyism, this was a time in which the civil rights of anyone with leftist political leanings were violated through a series of tormented public persecutions. During McCarthyism, thousands of law- abiding citizens were... Read article

Is Obama America’s Great ‘Black’ Hope?

May 29, 2009

IS OBAMA AMERICA’S GREAT ‘BLACK’ HOPE? as various political analysts have suggested. Though the question is debated pro and con by many Gentiles, American Jewry would not have it otherwise. And neither would the Zionist-Jewish presence of lobbyists, banksters, and warmongers in power in the Obama administration. Having been raised in Judaism in an upper-middle class synagogue, I was brought up in an environment in which the Jewish community always championed the ‘black cause.’ It was American... Read article

The Deeper Origins of the Economic Crisis

May 28, 2009

For all the horror the global economic crisis has caused for so many people, one progressive consequence has emerged: many of these people are becoming politically conscious — searching for information to better understand their political and economic system. They want to know how things got the way they did and what can be done about it. Unfortunately, much of the resulting analysis has focused too little on actual causes, and too much on abstract financial details and other consequences of deeper economic problems.... Read article

The Next Leg Down

May 28, 2009

Collapsing home prices and credit markets continue to put downward pressure on consumer spending, forcing the Federal Reserve to take even more radical action to revive the economy. Last week, Fed chief Ben Bernanke raised the prospect of further monetizing the debt by purchasing more than the $1.75 trillion of Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities (MBS) already committed. The announcement sent shock-waves through the currency markets where skittish traders have joined doomsayers in predicting tough times ahead for the... Read article

The Road To Two Degrees Celsius

May 27, 2009

THE ROAD TO THE EU’S +2 DEGREES C MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE LIMIT (Figures and table in the attached pdf file) According to the IPCC AR4-2007 report [1] a total anthropogenic greenhouse factor, equivalent to +2.3 degrees C, is masked by a compensating aerosol albedo effect (mainly sulphur from industrial emissions) equivalent to -0.9C (without land clearing albedo gain and ice melt albedo loss) (Table 1).  Once the short-lived aerosols dissipate, adding the reflectance loss of melting polar ice (where maximum warming of... Read article

Activism 1010

May 27, 2009

Okay, short attention span crowd: Grab your remote (or mouse) and get ready to click, click, click… “How much can you know about yourself if you’ve never been in a fight? I don’t wanna die without any scars.” – Tyler Durden (Fight Club) Click… William Burroughs once wrote about how we humans-like the bull in a bullfight-tend to focus on the elusive red cape instead of the matador. Indeed, we are all-too-easily distracted from real targets by an attractive image or illusion. Of... Read article

Credit Default Swaps

May 26, 2009

The poison in the system… In a little more than a decade, Credit Default Swaps (CDS) have ballooned into a multi-billion dollar industry which has changed the fundamental character of the financial system and increased systemic risk by many orders of magnitude. CDS, which were originally created to reduce potential losses from defaulting bonds, has turned into a cash cow for the big banks, generating mega-profits on, what amounts to, nothing more than legalized gambling. In the case of insurance giant AIG, losses from... Read article

Kick Vick

May 26, 2009

The Prosecution of Michael Vick… There is an emotional satisfaction in bringing down the high and arrogant. O. J. Simpson is in jail again and Michael Vick will attempt to claw his way back. Satisfying as it may be these emotional successes do more harm than good. United States was conceived as a nation under law. It was deemed a Republic. This concept has been repeatedly violated and our society continues to travel down a pragmatic highway that produces injustice and strife. Michael Vick will be 29 years old... Read article

WTF is going on with Obama’s Healthcare Plan

May 25, 2009

I just got an urgent request in my inbox from President Obama himself, asking me to support his new healthcare plan. Sure, I’m in. But just exactly what IS this new healthcare plan? Nothing in Obama’s e-mail describes it. Apparently I’m not even required to know what the plan even is. All I am required to do is just send in money to support it. Is it gonna be a single-payer healthcare system? Will every uninsured sick person in America be covered? Will the premiums still be coming out of the... Read article

Video: You are a SLAVE to the Government

May 24, 2009

You think Americans are really free? Think again. You think violent invasions and occupations are for your freedom? Think again. You are a SLAVE to the Government  Read More →

What Obama Isn’t Going to Change About Military Commissions

May 23, 2009

President Barack Obama reiterated in a speech on Thursday that he would continue with the Bush administration’s policy of trying prisoners of the U.S. “war on terror” not in the Federal court system but through military commissions, which he described as “an appropriate venue for trying detainees for violations of the laws of war.” Obama criticized the Bush administration’s use of the commissions, however, and announced that his administration would make several changes. “We... Read article

America Galloping Towards Its Greatest Crisis In The 21st Century

May 23, 2009

The United States gallops headlong into its greatest crisis early in the 21st century. At current growth rates, America expects to add 100 million people by 2035-a mere 26 years from now. Ironically, you hear nothing about it! Not one word from the main stream media! No alarm bells sounded by political leaders! You might think that George Will, Jim Hoagland, Thomas Friedman, Ellen Goodman, Froma Harrop and the brilliant Kathleen Parker, all incredible national columnists would turn their mighty quills to THE greatest issue... Read article

GM’s Turn on Obama’s Chopping Block

May 23, 2009

The alarm bells should be ringing day and night about what’s being prepared at General Motors — the ripple effects could produce tidal waves. The Obama administration has made no secret about its plans for GM: the Chrysler bankruptcy was the “test case,” and now Obama’s Wall Street buddies inside the Auto Task Force plan to replicate it. The vast implications of the Chrysler bankruptcy went unnoticed by the mainstream media, concerned as it was with the convenient hype provided by Swine Flu. The real swine, however,... Read article

After Pressuring Pakistan to Act, U.S. Offers Aid for Resulting Displaced

May 22, 2009

The U.S. has announced $110 million in aid to Pakistan as the number of refugees fleeing the fighting in the country’s Swat district is quickly approaching 1.5 million. Pakistan’s military began an offensive campaign against militants in Swat and Buner districts two weeks ago, just days before President Asif Ali Zardari meet with U.S. President Barack Obama and other administration officials in Washington. Prior to the ongoing offensive in Swat, Zardari had come under heavy criticism from the U.S. for not doing... Read article

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