
Is the Fed Juicing the Stock Market?

June 30, 2009

Why has the stock market been on a 3-month tear when the economy is undergoing the worst economic contraction since the Great Depression? The S&P 500 has shot up 40% from its low on March 9 and the Dow Jones Industrials have followed close behind. Is this a typical bear market rally or is the invisible hand of the Fed goosing the markets? Everyone seems to agree that the Fed’s multi-trillion dollar quantitative easing (QE) is the jet-fuel that’s put stocks into orbit. But how is the money filtering into... Read article

The price of one ICBM: 386,250 dinners at Chez Panisse!

June 30, 2009

What is the most prestigious status symbol there is? A 20-karat diamond necklace? A Rolls Royce? A mansion in Beverly Hills? Nope. An Intercontinental Ballistic Missile is the absolutely most prestigious thing. Just ask anyone who owns one. ICBMs are hot! I wanna own an ICBM. THEN people will like me. Where can I buy one? How much do they cost? According to John Clay, a missile expert at Northrup-Grumman, “The last ICBM [system] cost $100 billion, in current dollars.” And according to an... Read article

A Bloodless Coup

June 29, 2009

The Transition From Democracy To A Bank-run Society… The trouble started 24 months ago, but the origins of the financial crisis are still disputed. The problems did not begin with subprime loans, lax lending standards or shoddy ratings agencies. The meltdown can be traced back to the activities of the big banks and their enablers at the Federal Reserve. The Fed’s artificially low interest rates provided a subsidy for risky speculation while deregulation allowed financial institutions to increase leverage to perilous... Read article

Beating A Dead Horse

June 28, 2009

Addressing Legal and Illegal Immigration… “Mr. Wooldridge, did anyone tell you that you act just like a jockey trying to ride a dead horse?” a reader said. “You keep beating it, and keep beating it, but it will not get up, the horse is as dead as a doornail, and so is illegal immigration, you must understand that there is no such animal, it no longer exists. The plutocrats are in the process of erasing all borders in North America, just like they erased all border in the European Union. You should... Read article

Iran’s Coming Revolution

June 27, 2009

For Civil Rights Or Beyond? Simplifying the events in Iran as yet another attempt at a U.S. financed “color revolution” is shortsighted, to say the least. But this is the shallow position many on the left are taking. Fortunately, millions of people partaking in mass demonstrations cannot be reduced to “mere puppets” of Uncle Sam — they have aspirations of their own and ways to achieve them. It is possible that the U.S. played a role in the events leading up to the massive protests in Iran, since the U.S.-sponsored... Read article

Into Slavery Proclaiming Freedom

June 27, 2009

Blind Stubborn, Americans… Citing Tiger Woods and President Obama, a headline on page six of our local paper read: “Multiracial people now fastest growing U.S. group; California, Texas, New York, and Florida have the most multiracial Americans”.  The article from the Associated Press begins with this statement, “Multiracial Americans have become the fastest growing demographic group, wielding an impact on minority growth that challenges traditional notions of race”. United States census... Read article

Who’s A Low Level Terrorist? Are You?

June 27, 2009

Recently, an American Civil Liberties Union report pointed out, “Anti-terrorism training materials currently being used by the Department of Defense (DoD) teach its personnel that free expression in the form of public protests should be regarded as ‘low level terrorism.” [1] Despite that DoD officials removed the offensive section from their educational resources at the urging of ACLU members, the DoD stance is still troubling since a longstanding practice to designate peaceful, law abiding activists as... Read article

Iran: All’s Well that Ends Well

June 26, 2009

The Iranian drama was a good thing, because after years of demonisation, Iranians looked human to the Western audience. Even McCain bewept the killed Iranian girl, though yesterday he would gladly “bomb, bomb, bomb” her and millions of her sisters into oblivion. Glenn Greenwald noted “the “Bomb Iran” contingent’s new found concern for The Iranian People” saying: “Imagine how many of the people protesting this week would be dead if any of these bombing advocates had their way! Hopefully, one... Read article

The Population Orgy

June 25, 2009

California’s Ultimate Calamitous Path… Have you ever gotten a feeling that you were on a date with the wrong person?  Kind of a queasy gut feeling?  Have you found yourself traveling down the wrong road and the further you traveled the more uneasy your feelings?  Have you lied to yourself or someone only to find out you created a bigger problem? The late Meredith Burke, a senior fellow at Californians for Population Stabilization,, wrote a stupendous column with that queasy feeling wrenching... Read article

The U.S. Federal Budget Pipeline

June 25, 2009

Where Do The Dollars Drain? In order to raise sales and personal royalty gains, Alan Greenspan, just prior to the release of his book The Age of Turbulence, carried out a public relations blitz dragged out for a whole week in which he made remarks similar to those conveyed in his hardback. These included statements such as “I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil.”    Indeed, many Americans and people from other countries knew... Read article

It’s the body count, stupid

June 25, 2009

Why Israel is losing the war in Palestine… I just finished reading an article about Afghanistan in the Huffington Post. Although its author, Stewart Nusbaumer, was mostly referring to Afghanistan in the article, what he said also appears to apply to all modern warfare, including various wars fought by Israel — thus giving me some insights into why Israel lost its war in Lebanon two years ago, why it is losing its war in Palestine right now and why it most likely will lose any future war it might declare on... Read article

Has the U.S. Played a Role in Fomenting Unrest During Iran’s Election?

June 24, 2009

Following the announcement of victory for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad over his main opponent Mir Hossein Mousavi in Iran’s presidential election on June 12, the country erupted in turmoil as supporters of Mousavi flocked to the streets to protest what they claimed was a fraudulent election, while state security and militia forces cracked down on dissenters, sometimes violently. Iran claimed that the unrest was being fueled by foreign interference, a charge reported but generally dismissed in Western media accounts. But there... Read article

Color Revolution in Iran — or not?

June 23, 2009

You can’t tell the players without a program… Usually the Left’s POV is pretty cut and dried. They are for healthcare, against Republican hypocrite perverts, for Chavez in Venezuela, against waterboarding, etc. But I STILL don’t know who the good guys and the bad guys are in Iran. Chavez says that the Iranian protest is just another “Color Revolution”. James Petras claims that Ahmadinejad truly does have the support of the salt-of-the-earth people in the countryside. Paul Craig... Read article

Call for National Independent Commission on Immigration

June 23, 2009

“Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem the migrant tide, but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all–ten billion humans packed onto an ecologically devastated planet.” Dr. Otis Graham Let’s face it! All forms of immigration in 2009 destroy the foundation of the United States of America. Immigration overwhelms our environment, infrastructure, culture and language. Immigration cannot and must not continue at its present... Read article

Presidential Seed

June 23, 2009

Cultivated In Chicago Soil… “It is today the custom, one having the force of law and natural truth, to see the state as sovereign and hence the source of law, as the interpreter of the meaning of law through its courts, and as the enforcer of the law. The state thus replaces both God and the church.” ~ Dr. R. J. Rushdoony, “Sovereignty” Pg. 181 Rod Blagojevich, (Mr. B) the now disgraced and indicted former governor of Illinois, is a talented politician whose close associates in Chicago... Read article

Who Really Causes Violence?

June 22, 2009

Is the right responsible for inspiring murder, such as that of late-term abortionist George Tiller by Kansas native Scott Roeder?  Some certainly seem to think so.  For instance, the Friday before last Bill O’Reilly had as a guest on his show Joan Walsh, the editor of leftist news site  She appeared because she had criticized O’Reilly for engaging in what she called a “jihad” against Tiller.  Her thesis is that O’Reilly and, presumably, the rest of us who are passionately... Read article

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