
The American People Don’t Need More Handouts – What They Need Are Good Jobs

July 31, 2010

From: The Economic Collapse… Without millions more good jobs, the U.S. economy is simply never, ever going to recover.  But at this point, there is every indication that the U.S. economy is going to continue to bleed jobs.  In the past, employment would bounce up and down as the economy went through various cycles.  But today what we are witnessing is something much different.  Over the past 30 or 40 years, literally millions of good jobs have been shipped off to China, India and to dozens of third world... Read article

Islamophobia in Britain: The Products, The Names and The Faces

July 31, 2010

Islamophobia has made it to the market place. In the open and shamelessly offers hundreds of anti Muslim and anti Arab products: T-shirts, caps babysuits etc’.   Yet, make no mistake, Cafepress is not an ordinary xenophobic retailer driven by some crude ‘universal’ bigotry. As much as the site offers very many pro Jewish, pro Israeli,  pro war , anti Arab and anti Muslim commodities, it doesn’t offer a single anti Jewish, anti Semitic, anti Black, anti Polish or anti Immigrant commodity. This... Read article

New Heaven and New Earth united (Part 1)

July 31, 2010

“Heaven and Hell are not places far away. You may be in heaven before the clock ticks again, it is so near. Oh, that we, instead of trifling about such things because they seem so far away, would solemnly realize them, since they are so very near! This very day, before the sun goes down, some hearer now sitting in this place may see the realities of heaven or hell.” ~~ Charles Spurgeon Without knowing anything about the eternal Heaven, you believe it exists and is your destination when you die? According to religious... Read article

Beware Rich Political Saviors

July 30, 2010

Consumer confidence is terrible; citizen confidence is worse: Only 11 percent of Americans have confidence in Congress. No surprise there is record-setting anti-incumbency anger rampant among Americans. But the sad truth is damned if you do and damned if you don’t vote for incumbents. The problem is that the reformers, populist outsiders, tea party candidates, surprise primary winners and others expecting to oust incumbents in the coming mid-term elections for members of Congress and state governors and other officials... Read article

Wall Street Gets Trillions While Workers Get Bupkis

July 30, 2010

On Tuesday, the 30-year fixed rate for mortgages plunged to an all-time low of 4.56%. Rates are falling because investors are still moving into risk-free liquid assets, like Treasuries. It’s a sign of panic, and the Fed’s lame policy response has done nothing to allay the public’s fears. The flight-to-safety continues a full two years after Lehman Bros blew up. Housing demand has fallen off a cliff in spite of the historic low rates. Purchases of new and existing homes are roughly 25% of what they... Read article

Video: Endgame in Afghanistan: ‘It’s taken a year to move 20km’

July 29, 2010

Guardian film-maker and photographer Sean Smith has just spent five weeks in Afghanistan, first with a US helicopter ambulance crew, and then with the US marines. This is his astonishing diary of his time with special forces. As the war in Afghanistan enters its final chapter, Sean Smith’s brutal, uncompromising film from the Helmand frontline shows the horrific chaos of a stalemate that is taking its toll in blood. Read Sean Smith’s extraordinary diary of his time on the Afghanistan frontline.  Read More →

Dating Website for ’Beautiful People’ Aims at “Noble Cause” Designer Babies

July 29, 2010

From:… Ever worried about having an ugly baby? Fret not, a popular dating website exclusively for beautiful people has branched out to provide a fertility forum aimed at creating beautiful babies. Criticized by some as narcissism gone mad, the project was launched in June, shortly after booted out 5,000 people who gained weight and were deemed too ugly to remain members. Presented as a solution for parents who worry about having ugly children, the Fertility Forum is “like any... Read article

America’s Future: Squalor, Superstitions, and Fatalistic Sloth

July 29, 2010

“You don’t know my people—the squalor, superstitions, the fatalistic sloth that they’ve wallowed in for generations. You don’t know what you’re in for if that fleet of brutes ever lands in your lap. Everything will change in this country of yours. They will swallow you up.” Jean Raspail, “Camp of the Saints”. The author served notice to his beloved France 30 years ago with that incisive novel. The French didn’t listen. The United States isn’t listening, either! After the past dozen terror attacks around... Read article

Oliver Stone apologized for Telling the Truth

July 29, 2010

There you go, Oliver Stone apologized for suggesting that the Jewish lobby controls Washington’s foreign policy and that Hitler’s actions should be put into context. In fact, Stone’s apology confirms Stone’s argument. We are subject to constant assault by Jewish and Israeli gatekeepers who insist on controlling the political and historical discourse and defy any possible criticism of Jewish national affairs. “In trying to make a broader historical point about the range of atrocities the Germans committed... Read article

“Top Secret America”: The Rest Of The Story

July 28, 2010

The Monday, July 19, 2010, edition of The Washington Post featured an investigative report entitled “Top Secret America,” with the subtitle, “A hidden world, growing beyond control.” The report begins, “The top-secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work. “These... Read article

With Wikileaks, they want to shoot the messenger

July 28, 2010

The now-infamous whistleblower website Wikileaks has finally released the greatly anticipated leaked evidence of how wrong things really are in Afghanistan. The British newspaper The Guardian summarizes: “A huge cache of secret U.S. military files … provides a devastating portrait of the failing war in Afghanistan, revealing how coalition forces have killed hundreds of civilians in unreported incidents, Taliban attacks have soared and Nato commanders fear neighbouring Pakistan and Iran are fuelling the insurgency. “The... Read article

Obama’s Jobs Program

July 28, 2010

One – Two – Three More Free Trade Agreements! On July 7, 2010, President Obama made the following remarks: We’re also reforming our own restrictions on exports, consistent with our national security interests. And we hope to move forward on new agreements with some of our key partners. I’ve instructed U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk to begin discussions to help resolve outstanding issues with the pending Korean Free Trade Agreement before my visit to Korea in November. It’s an agreement... Read article

Secrecy industry hits home

July 28, 2010

Unchecked growth in intelligence agencies raises troubling questions and even affects how we interact with neighbors By Bonnie Bricker and Adil E. Shamoo Marylanders in Odenton, Annapolis, Frederick and our home town of Columbia had their suspicions answered last week when The Washington Post published a three-part series about our unchecked, out-of-control expansion of the defense and intelligence operations that have grown since 2001. The expansion of this influential sector has been evident to us, as it has to Americans... Read article

2011: The Year Of The Tax Increase

July 27, 2010

From: The Economic Collapse… Unless the U.S. Congress acts, there is going to be a massive wave of tax increases in 2011.  In fact, some are already calling 2011 the year of the tax increase.  A whole host of tax cuts that Congress established between 2001 and 2003 are set to expire in January unless Congress chooses to renew them.  But with Democrats firmly in control of both houses that appears to be extremely unlikely.  These tax increases are going to affect every single American (at least those who... Read article

Only a Chicken Lays Golden Eggs

July 27, 2010

Once upon a time in the kingdom of political torture a giant monster proclaims a golden edit. No small morsel can go untaxed; the goliath needs to be feed. No fowl can be allowed to go foul of the law. The docile chickens must be caged in their coop so that they have no alternative but to egest their excessive bullion from the bowels of their rump. Yes, Virginia, the giant is coming after your gold. This beast is ready to tear out your... Read article

A Decade of Declining House Prices

July 27, 2010

The housing depression will last for a decade or more. This is by design. The Fed has been working with the banks to withhold inventory so prices do not fall too fast or too far. That way the banks can manage their write-downs without slipping into insolvency. But what’s good for the banks is bad for the country. Capital impairment at the banks, means no credit expansion in the near-term. It means the economy will continue to contract, unemployment will remain high, and deflation will push down wages and prices. Everyone... Read article

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