
Economic Implosion Sets The Blame Game In Motion

November 30, 2010

By Giordano Bruno | Neithercorp Press… When a child bounds about the house and breaks his mother’s favorite flower vase or creepy ‘Precious Moments’ figurine, he usually blames the dog before he blames himself. We tend to learn the value of scapegoats at a very early age. Many people eventually outgrow this terrible habit and begin to take responsibility for their actions, while others never do. The ability to divert justice is frowned upon by those of us who value conscience, but in some circles, such “talent”... Read article

Hang ‘em High?: Tariz Aziz & other war criminals I have known

November 30, 2010

Is this really a good time to be sentencing former Iraqi diplomat Tariq Aziz to death — especially when WikiLeaks has just exposed a whole bunch of the dirty laundry stuffed into America’s and Britain’s diplomatic pouches regarding their “Coalition of the Willing” and its underhanded role in initiating and sustaining a brutal and unnecessary war on Iraq? “But everyone knows that Aziz worked for Saddam Hussein and Hussein gassed the Kurds,” you might argue, “and Aziz... Read article

Gaza Photo Exhibition Attacked by the Jewish Defense League in Paris

November 30, 2010

Members of “The Jewish Defense League” attacked earlier this week a photo exhibition of the German photojournalist Kai Wiedenhöfer “depicting the massacres in the Gaza strip during the Israeli Operation Cast Lead” offensive. The exhibit is being held at the the Modern Art Museum of Paris. The employees of the museum explained that a group of people equipped with masks and motorbike helmets tried to reach the gallery to sabotage the exhibition, when museum security blocked their access. However,... Read article

IMF and EU Hammer Ireland

November 30, 2010

The terms of the EU/IMF’s €85 billion ($113 billion) bailout for Ireland are much worse than analysts had anticipated. Ireland will be required to use its National Pension Reserve Fund (NPRF) to shore up its insolvent banks and to maintain government operations. At the same time, senior debt-holders will not share any of the losses brought on by the banks reckless lending. According to Bloomberg News, “Prime Minister Brian Cowen told reporters there had been no support in talks to ask senior bondholders to... Read article

Time To Leave Korea

November 29, 2010

North Korea’s artillery attack on a South Korean island on Tuesday was the latest in a series of Pyongyang’s aggressive moves over the past year and a half. They started with ballistic missile tests in April of last year, soon followed by a nuclear test in May. Kim Jong Il, who may be mad, upped the ante last March with the sinking of a South Korean corvette, the Cheonan, with the loss of 46 lives. Given his erratic ways and the hellish nature of his regime, America would be well advised to leave the Koreans, north... Read article

Patriot Act for Food: A close look at bizarre propaganda for S.510

November 28, 2010

Need a good laugh? Check out the bizarre reasoning offered in support of the Patriot Act for Food (S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act), which the U.S. Senate will vote on shortly (likely Monday). From a need to stop food smuggling, to the law is too old, to the terrorists are gonna get us, elites sure are shy on brains when it comes to credible propaganda. They must be drinking fluoridated water and smoking Monsanto marijuana, or hoping you are. A couple weeks ago, we reported that Senator Bob Casey informed his Pennsylvania... Read article

Efficiency and Jobs

November 28, 2010

Almost everyone concerned with the future of humanity and concerned about the usage of the resources the earth can provide to humanity in the future assumes that environmentalism and technology will reduce the resources used by humanity in the future. They are just plain wrong. Environmentalism and technology will not cause a reduction in resource usage. In fact, it is highly likely that every technological advance will cause an increase in the usage of resources. Assume that instead of getting 20 miles per gallon an automobile... Read article

Can Israel Defeat Hezbollah In The Coming War?

November 28, 2010

Part II  “Know thyself”  Sun Tzu and Hassan Nasrallah According to the Lebanese military, at 11 am and again at 1 p.m.  on 1l/24/10, a total of six Israeli warplanes crossed into Lebanese airspace, and violated for the 8256th time UNSC resolution 1701 that ended Israel’s 5th war against Lebanon, on August 14, 2006. Nearly, daily, and sometimes several times daily, warplanes and/or reconnaissance aircraft invade the skies over Lebanon to frighten, attempt to intimidate, and pressure the Lebanese population.... Read article

You Can Touch My Junk, but Nothing Else

November 27, 2010

Now that “Don’t touch my junk!” has become a rallying cry, I must ask a question: What’s with this youth-culture tendency to refer to male genitalia as “junk”? Since I keep my nose to the ground, I noticed this slang innovation long before John Tyner drew his line in the sand; it seems to be a phenomenon of the last five years or so.  And it’s one I’d like to put on the junk heap. If I have any junk, it won’t be on my body and probably will end up in the trash bin.  And if the TSA wants to rummage through... Read article

Truth About Global Economic Crisis: Book Review

November 27, 2010

You want to read The Global Economic Crisis The Great Depression of the XXI Century, edited by Michel Chossudovsky and Andrew Gavin Marshall, if you meet these criteria: you welcome information and analysis about critically important issues that come from great thinkers outside the mainstream media and publishing world; you can handle brain pain from detailed and brutally honest revelations; you are willing and able to challenge your own biases and preconceptions to let in new explanations of how the world really functions. If... Read article

Has the American Dream come to an end?

November 27, 2010

“For generations, parents have told their children about “The American Dream.” Basically it has meant building a life based on the foundational principles that created and have sustained America for more than 200 years.” Greater than any other country in the modern world, the United States offered, from 1776 to 2010, unprecedented opportunities to the common citizen to manifest the “American Dream.” Every resident enjoys the choices of  “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” How do you define the... Read article

January-October 2010 Emerges as the Warmest Period in the Instrumental Record

November 27, 2010

According to a new report “State of the Climate – Global Analysis, October 2010” published by National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the combined global land and ocean surface temperature for January–October 2010 was +0.63°C above the 20th century average of 14.1°C and tied with 1998 as the warmest January–October period on record (see Figure 1). The data indicate mean temperature changes in the Arctic... Read article

Obama’s Bush Doctrine in Korea

November 26, 2010

A key reason that Obama was elected President was his promise to abandon the Bush doctrine of unilateral foreign policy, meaning that Obama would work with other countries toward a more cooperative, peaceful world. The threat of war in Korea exposes Obama — yet again — as a dangerous copycat of Bush’s approach to global politics. A simple way for Obama to live up to his campaign promise would be to immediately agree to China’s request to continue the six party talks over the Korean situation, involving... Read article

Vanunu and Pollard: Time for Compassion and Common Sense

November 26, 2010

Information Pollard sold a quarter of a century ago is old news now, as is everything Vanunu knew about Israel’s Dimona plant. Pollard and Vanunu (CLERMONT, Fla.) – Jonathan Jay Pollard was born in 1954 in Texas and grew up in an affluent family in Indiana. Until 1998 Israel publicly denied that Pollard was an Israeli spy, although it granted him citizenship in 1995. Last week the relentless campaign to release Pollard was reignited with a letter circulated by Rep. Barney Frank and signed by more than 30... Read article

The Future of Humankind

November 26, 2010

1. Since the earth is finite in size both economic and population growth must cease. No power on earth or in the heavens will permit infinite growth on the finite earth. Nothing humanity can do or say will permit infinite growth on the finite earth. New technology, recycling, environmentalism, and even a possible second or third green revolution will not permit either the economy or the human population to continue to grow. Any person who advocates economic growth or economic stimulation may be causing the short term destruction... Read article

Simple technique to support theory that universe is flat

November 25, 2010

By Jason Palmer |… Researchers have developed a simple technique that adds evidence to the theory that the Universe is flat. Moreover, the method – developed by revisiting a 30-year-old idea – confirms that “dark energy” makes up nearly three-quarters of the Universe. The research,published in Nature, uses existing data and relies on fewer assumptions than current approaches. Author Christian Marinoni says the idea turns estimating the Universe’s shape into “primary school”... Read article

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