
Khodorkovsky’s trip to the slammer: “Booyah, Putin”

December 31, 2010

Justice Has Prevailed… Vladimir Putin summed it up best when he said, “A thief should sit in jail.” Right on. It doesn’t matter if he is the richest man in the country or not. If he’s done the crime, he’s got to do the time. It’s that simple. On Wednesday, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the former head of Yukos Oil was sentenced to 14 years in prison for embezzling and money laundering. Heads of state, human rights organisations, business leaders, and the entire western media have all protested... Read article

Enemy Within The Gates

December 31, 2010

As surely as William Barret Travis drew a line in the sand at the Alamo, a line is being drawn in the hearts of men today. By the time it is over, every man and woman in America will have to choose which side of the line they are on. Neutrality will not be an option. Furthermore, this line is separating, not only political and cultural adversaries, it is dividing friends and families as well. In fact, it is no hyperbole to say that the enemy is not only AT the gates; the enemy is WITHIN the gates. Then again, I suppose that... Read article

The Enemy Within

December 31, 2010

The phrase “enemy within” brings to mind the image of a shadowy spy stealing military secrets. That was the case for Israeli master spy Jonathan Pollard jailed for 1980s espionage that compromised U.S. Cold War strategy. That phrase also describes those involved in a form of psy-ops that is not easily detected because it operates so brazenly. For instance, the well-timed release of diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks displaced reports of Israeli obstinacy in peace talks with reports of a need for war with Iran. That operation... Read article

The Missing Link in the Evolution of Barack Obama

December 31, 2010

One of the problems with the idea of “American exceptionalism” is that it exacerbates a kind of complacency common to man.  This is the phenomenon whereby people often view themselves as exceptions, saying, after some tragedy, for instance, something such as “I never thought it could happen to me.” On a national level — and this especially plagues great nations — this manifests itself in the notion that “it” could never happen here.  Oh, the “it” could be descent into tyranny, domination by a foreign... Read article

A Commonsense Solar Defense

December 31, 2010

Three days before Christmas, the U.S. Congress authorized $725 billion in defense spending for 2011. Adjusted for inflation, that’s the most since 1945, the last year of World War II. With numbers that large, making comparisons is difficult. Yet consider this. The United Nations reports that 1.5 billion people still live without electricity. For less than $100, a solar panel can power a cell phone charger and four high-efficiency LED lights. At that price, 1.5 billion people could become partially electrified for $150... Read article

The Idol of Patriotism

December 31, 2010

To Whom is the Nation Beholden? “Woe to her who is rebellious and defiled, the tyrannical city!  She heeded no voice; she accepted no instruction. She did not trust in the Lord; she did not draw near to her God.”  Zephaniah 3:1-2 Sages tell the profligate that fleeing will not cure inner demons. The Jonah syndrome is common.  It is applicable to our nation.  We are entering a New Year dragging the baggage of yesteryear while stubbornly resisting the voice of God. Our government has not served the people since... Read article

Constitutional Judo

December 30, 2010

By Giordano Bruno | Neithercorp Press… In all things, there exists a ‘point of balance’; a line that, if crossed, results in the sudden and expedient loss of our self-determinism and makes us subservient to the fickle whims of social, political, and physical gravity. We are “thrown” into the air, as it were, and the landing is rarely ever pleasant. The U.S. Constitution and the civil liberties it outlines is itself one of these historic points of balance. Its original purpose was to temper the most epic of... Read article

It’s The Law Mr. President and Congress: Enforce It!

December 30, 2010

“Corruption becomes a mechanism by which Third World societies like Mexico function as a normal aspect of daily life. With millions of them illegally coming to America and operating along with their peers—it’s little wonder we face massive fraud of social security cards, green cards and counterfeited driver’s licenses. Lawlessness becomes a standard operating procedure throughout American business. In effect, America duplicates Third World behavior and ultimately, becomes a Third World country.” That ‘kind’... Read article

VanunuLeaks: Berlin, Dubai and Spies

December 30, 2010

“The Shin Bet is like the FBI and the Mossad is like the CIA.” – Mordechai Vanunu Mossad is Hebrew for “institute” and was formed and formerly known as the Central Institute for Coordination and the Central Institute for Intelligence and Security, on April 1, 1951. Mossad was established by Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, “For our state which since its creation has been under siege by its enemies. Intelligence constitutes the first line of defence…we must learn well how to recognize what is going... Read article

Belarus: Still No Country For Sold Men

December 30, 2010

Alexander Lukashenko has won the fourth presidential election in Belarus, taking 79 percent of votes cast in the turnout of over 90 percent, according to official figures. The opposition staged a protest rally in the central square in Minsk after polling stations had closed on Sunday, claiming that the election was stolen. Some protestors tried to storm the Parliament, provoking a fierce response by the police. Hundreds of people were arrested in the ensuing violence. The ensuing reaction in Western Europe and here was predictable.... Read article

Turning Canada and America into third world countries

December 29, 2010

Every time I write a column, it touches on America’s immigration predicament, but it applies to Canada as well.  A reader responded to my latest, “Christmas Wish List.”  He noted that I exposed the fact that immigration will add 100 million to the USA within 25 years.  Seventy million will arrive from the third world.  Canada, not far behind, will add another 8-10 million or more from the third world. Both countries impregnate themselves with poverty, incompatible religions, cultures of poverty and mass illiteracy... Read article

Kosovo’s Thaçi: Human Organs Trafficker

December 29, 2010

The details of an elaborate KLA-run human organ harvesting ring, broadly known for years, have been confirmed by a Council of Europe report published on December 15. The report, “Inhuman treatment of people and illicit trafficking of human organs in Kosovo” identifies the province’s recently re-elected “prime minister” Hashim Thaçi as the boss of a “mafia-like” Albanian group specialized in smuggling weapons, drugs, people, and human organs all over Europe. The report reveals that Thaçi’s closest aides... Read article

WikiLeaks: British Secret Service Enabled Litvinenko’s Murder?

December 28, 2010

WikiLeaks documents reveal that Russian operatives may have been tracking the assassins of rogue intelligence officer Alexander Litvinenko well before he was poisoned in London in November 2006. The agents apparently wanted to prevent his murder not because they cared for him, which they did not, but because they knew that Moscow would be blamed for the deed. The Russians were warned off by the British secret service, however, which claimed the situation was “under control.” Only weeks later Litvinenko was duly murdered. The... Read article

WikiLeaks Latest: A Minefield in Eastern Europe

December 28, 2010

An interesting batch of WikiLeaks documents—probably the most disquieting to date—was published by the Guardian earlier this week. Some concern the decision, made by NATO’s Military Committee less than a year ago, “to expand the NATO Contingency Plan for Poland, Eagle Guardian, to include the defense and reinforcement of the Baltic States.” Others indicate that the Administration has told Poland that a proposed missile shield system, ostensibly meant to defend against potential rocket attacks from Iran, could... Read article

2nd Anniversary Reflections of Operation Cast Lead

December 28, 2010

On April 3, 2009 the President of the United Nations Human Rights Council commissioned a fact-finding mission “to investigate all violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law that might have been committed at any time in the context of the military operations that were conducted in Gaza during the period from 27 December 2008 and 18 January 2009, whether before, during or after.” The Council appointed the Jewish Justice Richard Goldstone, a South African Constitutional... Read article

Post Christmas wish list: what America needs in 2011

December 28, 2010

Most Americans enjoyed a joyous Christmas full of presents, friends, families and children. Churches filled to capacity with worshippers bidding a “Merry Christmas” to everyone they passed. Santa Claus visited with a plethora of gifts for all good little boys and girls. The ‘politically correct’ media called it ‘Happy Holidays’ because they feared offending anyone that didn’t ‘believe’ in Christmas. Nonetheless, I saw two showings of “Miracle on 34th Street” with Maureen O’Hara because I love the... Read article

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