
Oil Reserve Depletion = Crash of Dollar

June 29, 2011

It’s amazing. In the wake of the 2008 derivatives and housing bubble collapse, created by the U.S. Treasury and the private Federal Reserve with engineered low interest rates and easy money designed to artificially pump up the economy after the effects of the dot-com bust, the faltering markets of 2000-2001, and the rapidly depreciating dollar, we have now seen these same entities pour Trillions, yes, TRILLIONS in fiat injections into every conceivable corner of the markets. They have spent incredible sums on toxic... Read article

“After you Brother!” Qadaffi stays and Obama leaves?

June 29, 2011

Tripoli, Libya… The 6/27/11 International Criminal Courts (ICC) arrest warrants issued for Muammar Gadhafi, his son Seif al-Islam Gadhafi, and Libya intelligence chief Abdullah al-Sanoussi, however pleasing to the “rebels” and NATO, probably won’t have much effect on negotiating a settlement between the two camps and certainly the warrants will not facilitate a voluntary regime change.  Quite likely, the warrants effects will tend toward the obverse, with the Libyan government ignoring, but ridiculing the much... Read article

Libya: A Non-Hostile War

June 29, 2011

Only one spectacle in recent weeks proved more nauseating than the Commander-in-Chief fine-tuning the Afghan drawdown to suit his re-election timetable. It was Barack Obama’s attempt to justify continued American participation in the illegal and unnecessary war in Libya by claiming that—far from being a war—it does not even merit the designation of hostilities. Back in 1998 Bill Clinton offered an existentialist explanation to the Grand Juryof why he was not lying when he told his aides that “there’s nothing... Read article

The ICC Orders Qaddafy’s Arrest

June 29, 2011

The Libyan affair became a choreographed farce on June 27, with the International Criminal Court (ICC) issuing arrest warrants for Muammar Qaddafy, one of his sons, and his chief of military intelligence. This move is a carbon copy of The Hague Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) indicting Slobodan Milosevic for war crimes at the height of NATO’s bombing campaign against Serbia in 1999. In both cases a transnational court of dubious legitimacy, controlled and financed by the intervening powers, acted on cue to provide... Read article

Monetary Revolution and Alternative Money

June 28, 2011

When libertarian and investment guru Harry Browne wrote, HOW I FOUND FREEDOM IN AN UNFREE WORLD, the prospects for a global monetary dictatorship was an imminent nightmare. Since his passing in 2006, that dreadful prospect has accelerated from a creeping likelihood into a horrific reality. The counterweight to the bankster’s suppression of individual liberty and economic independence may best be characterized as how to provide an alternative money system to the enslavement of debt created monetary, fractional reserve... Read article

Protective Flood Berm Collapses at Ft Calhoun Nuclear Plant; KSU Has Radioactive Leak

June 28, 2011

Highlighted in yellow above, the protective berm is a water filled “AquaDam” that collapsed early Sunday morning.  (Extra large size image here.) Overwhelmed by the rising Missouri River, a 2000-foot stretch of a protective water balloon, surrounding the Fort Calhoun nuclear power plant in Nebraska, collapsed at 1:25 AM on Sunday, June 26.  Two days earlier, Kansas State University reported an emergency when radiation leaked at 149 times the Derived Air Concentration (DAC) limit for Iodine during a trial run of... Read article

The Transnistrian Solution, Lost in Kievan Translation

June 26, 2011

On June 14 I was the keynote speaker at a press briefing in Kiev organized by The American Institute in Ukraine on the problem of Pridnestrovie (Transnistria). The Russian and Ukrainian majority of that self-proclaimed republic straddling the eastern bank of the Dniestr declared secession from Moldova after a brief but bloody conflict in 1991 and proclaimed the “Pridnestrovian Moldovan Republic” (PMR). It has not been recognized by any state, however, and the issue has remained unresolved for the past two decades. It... Read article

The New Gaia World Order

June 26, 2011

Freedom of choice and basic individual rights are being sacrificed in the interest of the common good, under the United Nations’ agenda for the 21st century, called Agenda 21. Under the veil of feel-good terms like “sustainable development” and “social equity”, a self-described “new world order” is being systematically implemented around the globe, that is organized around the principle that nature is the most fundamental truth, and which requires all spheres of society to conform... Read article

Bomb’em Bolton and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen

June 26, 2011

Tools of and for Zionism? Last week Chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen swooned, “I love John Bolton” after Bolton informed the Committee: “I’ve argued for [military strikes against Iran] for about three and a half years. Absent military action against Iran’s nuclear weapons program, Iran will have weapons much sooner rather than later. It’s a big mistake to conclude, as I believe the Administration has, that a nuclear Iran can be contained and deterred.”[1] Bolton also claimed... Read article

Is College Worth It?

June 25, 2011

Is college worth it?  Is a college education really worth the investment of time, money and energy?  Is a college degree really worth becoming enslaved to student loan debt that will haunt you for decades?  The truth is that a college education is a massive gamble.  For millions of Americans it works out well, but millions of other college graduates have found themselves completely unable to get a quality job in this economy and yet they are still trapped in a nightmare of student loan debt from which there is no escape. ... Read article

Corruption In America

June 25, 2011

In the United States today, it is not just the economy that is crumbling.  The entire fabric of society is coming apart as well.  Literally almost wherever you look you can find rampant corruption in America.  Our federal government is corrupt, our state and local governments are corrupt, our corporations are corrupt and unfortunately average Americans seem to become more corrupt all the time.  As corruption becomes widespread in America, trust is breaking down.  It is very difficult to know who to trust these days. ... Read article

Letter From An Agnostic

June 25, 2011

I couldn’t count how many times I’ve heard a sincere Christian say to me, “Chuck, all we have to do is elect more Christians to public office.” I wish it was only that easy! The fact is we have been electing “Christians” to public office for decades. In fact, when is the last time you voted for someone who did NOT proclaim to be a Christian? Most everyone in public office claims to be a Christian. In my whole life, I never remember a candidate for public office saying, “Vote for me; I’m an atheist.” Do... Read article

Mr. Presidents and Prime Ministers: Tear Down This Wall!

June 25, 2011

[Bilin, West Bank] Six years of weekly protests against the route of Israel’s separation wall and four years after the Israeli high court declared the path of The Wall illegal and admitted its purpose had nothing to do with ‘security’ but with settlement expansion, Israeli army bulldozers began to dismantle The Wall in Bilin this week. The new path of The Wall sanctioned by the high court still leaves 435 acres of village land on the Israeli side, and thus The Bilin Popular Committee has declared June 24th will be... Read article

Israeli undercover agents boast of killing Palestinians on TV

June 25, 2011

JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — Undercover Israeli intelligence officers appeared on national television Saturday to talk about assassinating Palestinians in a program broadcast on Israel’s Channel 10. Oren Beaton presented a photo album of Palestinians he killed during his time as a commander of an undercover Israeli unit operating in the northern West Bank city of Nablus. Beaton explained that he kept photos of his victims. “This is a photo of a Palestinian young man called Basim Subeih who I killed. This is... Read article

Afghanistan and Iraq: Where the American empire dies

June 24, 2011

History clearly shows that all empires collapse. They fail. They die. They cease to exist because they overextend themselves in wars, in debt, in borrowing and in loss of a comprehension of reality. Today, the United States embroils itself in three wars that sap and bleed the life blood out of its people, its financial foundation and its understanding of reality. Who created the war in Iraq and Afghanistan? Was it 9/11? Was it bin Laden who demanded we leave Muslim lands long before 9/11 or was it the Military Industrial... Read article

Controversial AG Spending Bill Defunds Local Food Systems, Promotes Meat Monopoly

June 24, 2011

Plutocrats aimed another weapon at the nation’s poor and at small and midsized farmers, this time thru the 2012 agriculture appropriations bill, H.R. 2112, which the House passed on June 16. The 82-page bill returns some federal spending to 2006 levels and others to 2008 levels. Now being reviewed by the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, the final version of HR 2112 will lay the terrain on which the 2012 Farm Bill will be crafted. The House Agriculture Committee began preparatory hearings on the 2012... Read article

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