
Economic Bad Times Just Beginning

September 30, 2011

A couple of weeks ago, I was honored to attend a private gathering of influential conservative leaders just outside Washington, D.C. While many differences of opinion were expressed on a variety of subjects, there was one subject on which every single attendee was unequivocally united: the US economy is soon going to tank! As one man said, “In a couple of years, these could be the ‘good old days.’” Another thing the august assembly was agreed on was that the only Presidential candidate in the two major parties who... Read article

Chemtrail article in Project Censored’s Top 10 most censored stories

September 30, 2011

For the past 35 years, Project Censored has published an annual collection of the top 25 censored news stories. In the 2012 book edition, just released this September, my article, Atmospheric Geoengineering: Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Chemtrails, ranks as the 9th most censored story in the United States. Originally published at the Centre for Research on Globalization in July 2010, an updated version at COTO Report has seen over 13,000 page views as of this writing.  The article is widely posted across the... Read article

Throwaway Human Beings

September 29, 2011

In 2005 a nineteen-year old Canadian woman strangled her newborn baby and threw his tiny body over a fence.  Twice a jury found her guilty of second-degree murder.  Upon appeal the conviction was overturned and the baby’s killer was given a three-year suspended sentence and will spend no time in jail.  She may, however, spend 16 days behind bars for throwing the baby over the fence.  Does that not make your blood boil? Evidently the Justice’s blood remained tepid while she went about the business of suspending... Read article

Morgan Freeman is a Prejudiced Man

September 29, 2011

When someone insists on making negative judgments about a group, in the face of numerous facts saying otherwise, what do you call it? As most already know, actor Morgan Freeman recently made headlines by claiming that Republican opposition to Barack Obama was driven by bigotry.  His comments were made Friday in an interview with Piers Morgan. Here is the relevant portion: Freeman: The Tea Partiers, who are controlling the Republican Party…and Mitch McConnell, their stated policy, publicly stated, is to do whatever it... Read article

The Fed Wants You To Beg For QE3

September 29, 2011

The psychological effects of the Dow are undeniable. When the average investor or even consumer sees green, life is good, even if every other indicator in the economy clearly says otherwise. For the common Dow lemming, “green” supplants reason, mathematics, instinct, and blatant logic. If mushroom clouds came in that particular shade of bull market green, nuclear holocaust would be welcomed with beers, barbeque, and jubilee. Green in the Dollar Index is no different. Many market joyriders and MSM parrots decree... Read article

18 Examples Of How Christians Are Being Specifically Targeted By Big Brother

September 28, 2011

When the freedom of speech of one group is being threatened, it is a threat to all of us.  Just because you may not be a Christian, don’t think that what you are about to read is not a problem for you as well.  The truth is that any individual or group that does not “fit in” with the new “politically-correct” global system that is emerging is going to be persecuted sooner or later.  In our society today, it has become quite fashionable to bash Christians.  In fact, I am quite certain that... Read article

Past and Future President Putin

September 28, 2011

Last Saturday, at United Russia’s congress, the ruling duumvirate of President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin finally ended the uncertainty of some months’ standing. Putin first asked Medvedev to head United Russia’s list at next December’s Duma election. Accepting the offer, Medvedev proposed that United Russia nominate Putin as its presidential candidate in March 2012. The news is as welcome as it is unsurprising. Short of an act of God, the world’s largest country will have Putin as president... Read article

CIA-Backed IT Firm Offers View Into The Future

September 28, 2011

A CIA-backed Swedish-American company claims that it’s new technology can predict disease, terrorist threats, economic swings and resource shortages. The Local’s Karen Holst explores. A look into the future may no longer require palm readings, star alignments or tarot cards after the release of a new technology purporting to be an all-encompassing oracle of the future. The Swedish-American software company, Recorded Future, has developed a program that specialises in predictive analysis and with backers including the... Read article

Class War Winner

September 28, 2011

Much is being said by Republicans about a class war being waged by President Obama and Democrats.  In their fantasy world this class war is attacking so called job creators.  All this talk is pure nonsense, absolutely false and misleading, intentional political garbage designed to intentionally mislead gullible Americans stupid enough to believe the lies.  Here is the truth: There has, indeed, been a class war waged in the US; it has been going on for a good thirty years.  And this real war has been won. There are... Read article

The Slow Hand of Justice and The Apartheid Wall

September 28, 2011

[Jerusalem]–After nearly five years since a rubber bullet fired by an Israeli border policeman killed 10 year Abir Aramin, her family was awarded $430,000 by an Israeli court. The Israeli authorities initially insisted that a stone thrown by Palestinian protesters caused her fatal injury, but the Jerusalem district court finally ruled on the 25th of September that the state of Israel was responsible for the child’s death and Judge Orit Efal-Gabai said there was no doubt that the bullet, which struck Abir was... Read article

Trader Says Central Bankers Want Depression

September 27, 2011

“Governments do not rule the world. Goldman Sachs rules the world,”  independent trader Alessio Rastani told the BBC Monday morning. He says GS and the big hedge funds know the “market is toast” and are moving their assets to “safe havens”  like US Treasuries. The clear implication is that the central bankers are precipitating a Depression, using sovereign debt (created by book entry and owed mostly to them) as an excuse to enact political change. They plan to use a Depression to... Read article

Corporate Cronyism: Solyndra and Evergreen Solar

September 27, 2011

If pleading the “Fifth” smells, the Solyndra drama will prove the stereotype applies in this instance. A good old-fashioned scandal in an election year pumps up the media juices. The timeline on Solyndra tells only part of the history. The linkage of corporate cronyism dodges the real world result of “Green Energy” frauds. These shams can be traced back to the Enron schemes, especially their industrial wind model that defrauds the public. The miserable record from the shovel ready stimulus spending... Read article

Europe Leads the Way Back to Depression

September 27, 2011

Political wrangling at this weekend’s meetings of the IMF and G-20 in Washington, has deepened divisions between national leaders and pushed the eurozone closer to a breakup. Germany and the United States are increasingly at loggerheads over a strategy that will ease the credit crunch and strengthen the capital-position of EU banks and sovereigns. The US approach–which is being pushed by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner–would leverage the existing 440 billion euro financial emergency fund (EFSF) by 5... Read article

Goldberg vs. Mearsheimer

September 26, 2011

Professor John Mearsheimer is subject to a Zionist-trans-Atlantic-attack for supporting my latest book The Wandering Who. Earlier this year John Mearsheimer, the highly respected international relations theorist and Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, wrote the following preliminary front matter for my book: ‘Gilad Atzmon has written a fascinating and provocative book on Jewish identity in the modern world. He shows how assimilation and liberalism are making it increasingly difficult for Jews... Read article

The Big Plunge

September 25, 2011

While the Fed’s Open Market Committee (FOMC) promised more monetary easing on Wednesday, the announcement was overshadowed by an exceedingly gloomy report on the state of the economy. The official statement warned of “significant downside risks to the economic outlook, including strains in global financial markets.” That’s all it took to send shares tumbling as jittery investors jettisoned stocks and fled to the safety of risk-free US Treasuries. The Dow finished down 283 points on the day while the bloodbath spread... Read article

Immigration’s Onslaught: Fracturing America

September 25, 2011

In this series, I am attempting to show you what an added 75 million immigrants will do to this civilization as to culture, environment, quality of life and standard of living.  You can already see it with the latest news that 46.2 million Americans live below the poverty line.  The figure of 43 million Americans living on food stamps should sicken most Americans, but it doesn’t.  We keep importing millions of immigrants, some 33 million every decade. I am hoping that enough Americans understand this predicament and... Read article

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