
“Stage Two” of the BP Gulf of Mexico Environmental Disaster

October 31, 2011

Since BP’s catastrophic Macondo Blowout in the Gulf of Mexico last year, the Obama Administration has granted nearly 300 new drilling permits [1] and shirked plans to plug 3,600 of more than 28,000 abandoned wells, which pose significant threats to the severely damaged sea. Among those granted new permits for drilling in the Gulf, on Friday Obama granted BP permission to explore for oil in the Gulf, allowing it to bid on new leases that will be sold at auction in December. Reports Dow Jones: “The upcoming lease sale,... Read article

Brown Eyed Girls’ Video “Sixth Sense” or How the Elite Controls Opposition

October 30, 2011

Backed by big money and millions of fans, the Korean pop music industry (K-Pop) has taken over the airwaves of Asia and the world. Although groups such as Brown Eyed Girls do not sing in English, they definitely bring to the masses the same Illuminati symbolism pushed by pop stars in the Western world. The video of “Sixth Sense” is a true manifesto of the elite, describing how it controls entertainers and uses them to indoctrinate the masses. This article analyzes the meaning of the symbolism in Brown Eyed Girls’ music... Read article

1 vs. 99: Keystone XL seizes private US land for oil to China

October 30, 2011

Canadian oil firm sues to seize US land for Keystone XL oil headed to China… The NYTimes reports that TransCanada, a Canadian oil company, promises to confiscate private land from South Dakota to the Gulf of Mexico, and has already filed nearly 60 lawsuits against private US citizens who refuse to allow the Keystone XL pipeline on their property, even though the controversial project has yet to receive federal approval. “Randy Thompson, a cattle buyer in Nebraska, was informed that if he did not grant pipeline... Read article

Food Rights, Gene Rights and Monsanto

October 30, 2011

As courts and bureaucrats continue to assert that citizens have no fundamental right to produce and consume the foods of their choice, we find Monsanto lurking nearby. The Wisconsin judge who recently ruled that we have no right to own a cow or drink its milk resigned to join one of Monsanto’s law firms. Former judge Patrick J. Fiedler now works for Axley Brynelson, LLP, which defended Monsanto against a patent infringement case filed by Australian firm, Genetic Technologies, Ltd. (GTL) in early 2010. GTL had... Read article

A Hellenic Haircut

October 30, 2011

There will be no Greek default—not for months to come at least, as we predicted here two weeks ago. The private banks that had splashed out on ostensibly lucrative Greek bonds will have to accept a “haircut” of fifty percent of their nominal value, according to an agreement reached early Thursday morning after days of tense talks between French President Nicolas Sarkozy, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, other euro zone leaders and private financial institutions. Greece’s private-sector debt is now down to 100 billion... Read article

When hard work does NOT pay off: Ukrainian POWs in Canada

October 30, 2011

Billionaire fat cats always keep telling us that if we, the great unwashed, unemployed uncouth 99%, would just stop grumbling, get off our fat asses, go out and Get A Job, then everything would be all right and we would all be fat cats like them.  Nah.  The deck has already been stacked against us — and by the very same fat cats who are dealing the cards.  Obviously. In real life, hard work doesn’t necessarily pay off.  Just look at what happened to Ukrainians in Canada for instance. Up in Banff National... Read article

Seeking Solace: High Tea in Banff & the ghosts of PTSD

October 29, 2011

After finally arriving in Banff National Park the other day, I treated myself to high tea at the famous historic high-tone Banff Springs Hotel.  Now this is the right way to camp! Joining me for high tea at the hotel was an up-and-coming young filmmaker named Holly Chadwick.  Chadwick is currently in the process of editing her new movie, “Seeking Solace,” a film whose plot revolves around the sad stories of two post-war veterans who have returned home after fighting in two of America’s bloodiest corporatist... Read article

Want To Defeat The Banks? Stop Participating In The System!

October 29, 2011

In Franz Kafka’s most popular work “The Trial”, his characters relate a short parable which has fascinated and confused curious readers for generations. That parable is entitled “Before The Law”, and its message has been interpreted, reinterpreted, and agonized over by the labyrinthine contrariness of academia, producing numerous conflicting views:   Existentialists, of course, automatically jump to the conclusion that “Before The Law” is a message of the absurd nature of man’s search for reason... Read article

The Never-Ending Eurofiasco

October 29, 2011

Imagine if the local fire chief, in the spirit of conservation, decided he’d use no more than 1,000 gallons of water to put out any given house fire. Do you think the citizens would support that policy if their town was burned to the ground? And, yet, this is the same approach that eurozone leaders are using to address the debt crisis. The central bank (ECB) has virtually limitless resources (Think: printing press) to defend the debt of the individual states and to act as lender of last resort, but the eurocrats won’t... Read article

Tennessee Joins TSA In Creating Random Check Points

October 28, 2011

In 1836, former frontiersman and congressman Davy Crockett led a band of volunteers all the way from their home State of Tennessee to San Antonio, Texas, in order to join up with William Travis and his small company of soldiers, and help defend the Alamo–and Texas independence–from Mexican General Santa Anna and his army of over 5,000 seasoned troops. To men such as Crockett, Travis, Jim Bowie, and the rest, State independence and freedom was worth fighting and dying for. To a man, they each proved that. Therefore, it... Read article

America’s Predicament – The 7th Billion Human

October 27, 2011

On October 31, 2011, demographic scientists expect the 7th billion human to land on planet Earth.   Humanity adds another one billion of its species every 12 years on its way to reaching a projected high of 10.2 billion in this century. What does that mean for the United States of America? How can we mitigate our carbon footprint that destabilizes our environment?  How can we halt our ecological footprint that causes mass species extinctions and ocean footprint that causes destructive extremes to our biosphere?  How... Read article

By Way Of Deception

October 27, 2011

Examining Alan Dershowitz’s and Abe Foxman’s arguments against The Wandering Who… Earlier this week I learned from theJerusalem post how desperate notorious Zionists Alan Dershowitz and ADL’s Abe Foxman are to stop my new book ‘The Wandering Who’.  It seems that Foxman, Dershowitz and their allies amongst the Jewish ‘anti’-Zionists (aka ‘anti-Zionist Zionists’ or AZZ) are in a state of total hysteria. So far, the book has been endorsed by some of the most distinguished academics, writers... Read article

“Anonymous” Set To Destroy Fox News Website on November 5th

October 26, 2011

An attack on Fox News from the hacker group Anonymous has been a longtime coming. Now the collective says that an infiltration on the website for the Fair and Balanced news network will occur next month with Operation Fox Hunt slated for November 5. An operative with the hacktivist group Anonymous narrates a video posted to the Web on October 22 that announces that an all-out attack on the Fox News website will come next month as retaliation for the network’s unjust attack on protesters with the Occupy Wall Street movement. “Since... Read article

Revulsion, Resistance & Angry words from Tripoli University

October 26, 2011

Tripoli University — The people I had hoped most to be able to find on returning to Libya were eight students from Fatah University (now renamed Tripoli University) who became my friends during three months in Libya this summer. They had all been strongly opposed to what NATO was doing to their country (NATO bombs destroyed some classrooms at the University during final exams in late May) and I was very keen to sit with them again if possible since the August 23rd fall of Tripoli when most of them scattered given... Read article

Numbers Justify Occupy Movement

October 26, 2011

Feeling angry about being betrayed by a corrupt government owned by rich and corporate elites has driven the Occupy Wall Street movement.  Emphasizing how the top one percent has prospered incredibly while the bottom 99 percent have been screwed royally is supported by countless data.  New data show this is a global phenomenon and that even in the worst of economic times the wealthiest make out like the bandits they are, and there are a lot more of them than one percent. Globally, millionaires and billionaires now control... Read article

An Uneasy America In 2011

October 26, 2011

Have you noticed the gridlock in our U.S. Congress? They can’t get anything done that benefits the citizens of our country. Notice the tens of thousands marching in the cities to “Occupy Wall Street.” One look across the American landscape finds our country in trouble. Every crisis facing us in 2011 found its origins within our United States Congress and presidents that led us into wars. While we may be departing Iraq within months, we have left a trail of devastation to them and ourselves that will be told in... Read article

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