
Occupy Movement: Next Step Convergence

November 30, 2011

There is a growing convergence of thinking about where the US Occupy movement should go as a next step to turning its values, concerns and commitments into changing what most Americans see as broken government under control of corporate interests.  When it comes to political and social movements, history shows us that they usually fail not because they disappear, but rather because they become marginalized, unimportant despite a core group of committed people and groups. They lose popular appeal and support or never expand... Read article

Lebanon’s Palestinians Continue Their Descent

November 30, 2011

Embassy of Palestine, Tripoli, Libya… Every year on November 29, as part of International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Palestinians in Libya as well as approximately a quarter million Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, the descendants of more than 129,000 who were forced into Lebanon during the 1947-48 Nakba, commemorate the infamous United Nations Resolution 181. Between Nov. 29, 1947, and Jan. 1, 1949, Zionist terrorists depopulated and destroyed more than 530 Palestinian villages and towns, killing... Read article

Jurists Protect the State and Ignore the Constitution

November 29, 2011

When it comes to the meaning of language, the courts are the greatest purveyor of trickery, distortion and perverted interpretation. These illegitimate gatekeepers for corrupt government, are authorized assassins, appointed to bring legal cover to Just Us; namely the State. Justice for the people is more than collateral damage for the few; it is systematic denial for the many. The recent Court of Appeals decision that shreds the NYS Constitution in the Pork Lawsuit proves that the rule of law is a charade. The court’s... Read article

Treason From Within: The Road towards a Police State in America

November 28, 2011

Preparing for the Final Takedown? There is a shocking piece of legislation working its way through Congress. A Defense Authorization bill for 2012 allows for military detentions of American citizens on American soil. These can be indefinite detentions, with no trial. The American Civil Liberties Union statement (more of an alert) on November 23, 2011 deserves special attention: “The U.S. Senate is considering the unthinkable: changing detention laws to imprison people — including Americans living in the United States... Read article

Santa’s Claws: How OWS Is Being Drowned In A Bathtub

November 28, 2011

My friend Michael’s nephew Jake has been camping at Liberty Park since its inception — and now Jake has pneumonia.  American heroes like Jake should be appearing on Letterman and leading the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade and throwing out the first ball at Yankee Stadium and guest-starring on CSI New York and feted everywhere as the American heroes that they are. Jake should be invited to dinner at the White House! For standing up for the American people against the evil empire of corporatocracy that now... Read article

Multicultural vs. Stereotypical

November 27, 2011

Srdja Trifkovic’s paper on Russia and the European Media, delivered at the conference “Russia and Europe: Issues of Contemporary Journalism,” Paris, November 24, 2011. Most West European media professionals tend to subscribe, consciously or not, to a neoliberal world outlook in general and to the tenets of multiculturalism in particular. In other words, they tend to accept the principle that recognition and positive accommodation of demands and special political and moral claims of various ethno-racial,... Read article

Zion’s Zealots: A Book Review and Nailing of Christian Fundamentalism

November 27, 2011

Many American Christian Evangelicals interpreted the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 and the return of the Jews to the Hebrews ancient homeland as a precondition for the Second Coming of Christ. Millions of Americans believe in the theology espoused in the “Left Behind” series of novels that chronicle apocalyptic times set in the 21st century that winds up in Israel where, according to the author’s understanding of the Book of Revelation, the final battle in the world will be fought on an ancient battlefield... Read article

Time’s Fareed Zakaria: An Intellectually Credentialed Innumerate (Illiterate)

November 27, 2011

Several months ago, Time editor Fareed Zakaria, a transplant who fled India, told Terri Gross of National Public Radio that America will add a healthy 138 million people via immigration in the next 39 years.  He neglected to mention that his own country at 1.2 billion and headed for 1.6 billion—suffers untold human misery, poverty, environmental destruction, carbon footprint, ecological footprint, filthy rivers, toxic drinking water and a litany of problems that are irreversible and unsolvable.  I know because I have... Read article

Black Friday 2011: The Violence Continues

November 26, 2011

NEW YORK (MainStreet) — Black Friday took a turn for the worse this year as shoppers in stores around the country resorted to fighting, shooting and even pepper-spraying their way to the most coveted deals. The violence began even before Thanksgiving was technically over. Moments after a Walmart in Los Angeles opened its doors at 10 p.m., one woman reportedly used pepper spray on at least 20 customers – some of whom were children – to keep them away from the discounted electronics she planned to buy. Ten customers... Read article

Hope Not Hate

November 26, 2011

Hope not Hate is presented as a British anti racist/anti Fascist organisation  but in fact it is an offshoot of the notoriously Zionist Searchlight magazine. As if this is not enough, its leader Nick Lowles also co-posts on Harry’s Place, the infamous  anti-Muslim site and winner of the Islamic Human Rights Commission’s ‘Annual Islamophobia Awards‘ 2006. Harry’s Place is known as a Hasbara pro-war Neo-Con outlet and is, in my opinion, far more dangerous of any English right wing party. Harry’s... Read article

The Troubling Case of Saif Gadhafi

November 26, 2011

ICC Prosecutor’s Career Move Switches Horses and Legal Theories in Libya Zintan, Libya… Despite the claims of the National Transitional Council of Libya (NTC) that Saif al Islam Gadhafi, the apprehended subject of an International Criminal Court arrest warrant that ordered his transport to The Hague, is in a secure hidden location near Zintan, Libya, a town approximately 85 miles southwest of Tripoli, this is not the case. Neither are the assurances by Steven Anderson, spokesman for the International Committee of... Read article

Libyan Rebels Imprison 7000 in “Reign of Terror”

November 25, 2011

This was always a civil war, and the victors are not merciful. The detention of 7,000 people in prisons and camps by the anti-Gaddafi forces is not surprising. The conflict in Libya was always much more of a civil war between Libyans than foreign governments pretended or the foreign media reported. The winning anti-Gaddafi militia are not proving merciful. Often they have had relatives killed in the fighting or imprisoned by the old regime who they want to avenge. Sometimes they come from tribes and towns traditionally hostile... Read article

Suffolk Co. NY To Hear Proposal To Ban Chemtrails

November 25, 2011

On Dec. 6, New York’s Suffolk County government will hold a public hearing on a proposal to ban aerial spraying of aluminum oxide, barium, sulfur, and other salts into the air over the county without first filing an Environmental Impact Statement with and receiving approval from the county’s Department of Health Services, Division of Environmental Quality. Exempted from the proposed ban are aerosol spraying operations for agriculture, and for lyme disease, Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), West Nile virus (WNV), and... Read article

The Feds Knew: 50 years of Fracking-Induced Earthquakes

November 25, 2011

Washington’s Blog posted some info last August confirming that the US federal government has long known of the link between fracking and earthquakes, as well as the link between deep well fluids contaminating shallow drinking wells. As more info keeps coming out, this collection should serve as a handy resource for those confronting (or occupying) well sites or state regulatory agencies. At a recent oil & gas conference, frackers urged colleagues to engage in psyops to con Americans into accepting carcinogenic drinking... Read article

Conservatives Side With Pepper-Spraying Thugs

November 24, 2011

If you want to know which of your friends or neighbors believe in a free and humane society and which ones believe in a police state, show them the now-gone-viral video of a riot-gear-clad University of California-Davis police officer dousing a peaceful group of Occupy protesters with pepper spray as they sat, arms linked, in the campus quad. Most of us react in horror at what we saw, and at the absurdly dishonest explanations from the campus police chief. But some people think the protesters got what they deserved and even... Read article

Medvedev Threatens US Over Missile Shield

November 24, 2011

Russia’s president has threatened to deploy missiles to target the US missile shield in Europe if Washington fails to give a legal guarantee that it will not be aimed against country’s nuclear forces. Dmitry Medvedev has accused the US and its Nato allies of ignoring its concerns over America’s proposed missile defence system and said Russia would have to take military countermeasures if it did not receive the assurances it desired. The president said he still hoped for a deal with the US on missile defence, but... Read article

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