
Get Ready for a New Human Species

November 18, 2011

If some of the information emerging from the technology, governmental, and academic worlds are any indication, not only is the police state here; the scientific dictatorship is right around the corner. Indeed, if recent commentsmade by Juan Enriquez are indicative of the coming state merger between technology and genetics, we have much to be concerned about. For those that are unfamiliar with Enriquez, he may not be the most flashy of the science superstars currently on the scene, but he is not exactly a nobody either.... Read article

Twenty Reasons for the Decline of the United States

November 18, 2011

Have you wondered by 15 million American workers cannot secure a job? What about the decline of America’s middle class as reported in Time Magazine? Why can’t Barack Obama create 15 million new jobs to put Americans back to work? You may look to your industrial elite with the power and money to sway Congress in outsourcing, offshoring and insourcing jobs. Do they care? Answer: not a twit. From the Roman times, the British Empire and today—the power brokers only care about their bank accounts and status—not yours... Read article

WMD, Congress, Presidents and “Morals”

November 18, 2011

Last week the United Nation’s nuclear watchdog released a report stating there was evidence that Iran was working to achieve nuclear weapons capabilities. Currently there are five different House committees considering H.R. 1905, which seeks to impose sanctions on Iran in an attempt to disrupt Tehran’s nuclear program. H.R. 1905 was introduced by one of Israel’s most ardent acolytes, Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) Chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee who also introduced a bill to cut off US... Read article

Mic Tells Tale of growing US-Israel Gap

November 17, 2011

Despite pretentiously showing gestures of friendship and cordiality, the ideological gap between the U.S. President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is getting increasingly wider. The contents of a recent would-be private conversation between the U.S. President Barack Obama and his French counterpart Nicolas Sarkozy in which the two described Netanyahu as a “liar” infuriated the Zionist lobby in the West and once again underscored the growing conflicts between the U.S. and its client... Read article

Zionist Bad Press Is All You Need

November 17, 2011

It looks like the Zionists and their AZZ (anti-Zionist Zionists) allies are losing the battle. The more desperate they are to stop ‘The Wandering Who’ and myself, the more they manage to do the complete opposite. The book is now a best seller and its message has gone viral. So far every attempt to smear the book and myself has backfired. It started in mid-September with veteran Israeli concentration camp-guard Geoffrey Goldberg insisting that professor John Mearsheimer should admit that he was endorsing a ‘Hitler... Read article

The Fierce Urgency of Conversation with Christian Israeli Dissident Roy Tov

November 17, 2011

Part One… “The Shen Beet, you know, like your FBI and the Mossad, like your CIA.” – Mordechai Vanunu Last October and just before the publication of BEYOND NUCLEAR: Mordechai Vanunu’s FREEDOM of SPEECH Trial and My Life as a Muckraker: 2005-2010 a supporter of Vanunu’s who had become a friend of mine three years prior told me about another dissident Israeli and former military officer who had also converted to Christianity and been involved in high-level scientific programs. A major difference... Read article

Credit Storm Batters Europe

November 16, 2011

So, how bad will the EU credit crunch get? Credit conditions in the eurozone continue to deteriorate while yields on French, Spanish, Belgian and Italian bonds move higher. Italy’s 10-year yield increased 19 basis points to 6.89 percent on Tuesday, just a stone’s throw from the “unsustainable” 7 percent. French debt is also under increasing pressure. The spread between France’s 10-year debt and German bund hit a new high on Tuesday, widening by 174 basis points. If yields continue to rise,  European Central Bank... Read article

US War Rhetoric: The Road to Sedition

November 16, 2011

Following the recent IAEA report released on Iran’s nuclear program which many observers found professionally faulty, Washington once again ratcheted up the ‘bomb, bomb Iran’ rhetoric. The rhetoric escalated even more in the US presidential debate on Saturday when some of the Republicans made it loud and clear that a war with Iran would be the ultimate solution to Iran’s nuclear program. “Totally. Absolutely without any doubt the Iranians if they develop a nuclear weapon … the whole region is... Read article

The World Is Changing

November 16, 2011

The world has come to an intersection and is now rolling down a new highway.   Major changes are in progress: The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement sprang up almost magically as an agent of impending change. Mary Gabriel, author of the Karl Marx biography “Love and Capital” points to a renewed interest in Karl Marx and the similarity of his era to ours.  She cites the industrial revolution as the engine for change in his era and the electronic age in ours. South Korean economist, Dr. Ha-Joon Chang, a graduate and... Read article

Economic Collapse? We’re Soaking In It!

November 15, 2011

A rather unobservant or at the very least “unlucky” man strolls across a faulty bridge; weathered, termite ridden, and over-traveled. He hops and skips and jumps about like a brain damaged orangutan without a care in the world. He does this not only because he is oblivious to the fundamental physics behind the workings of the bridge, and the structural signs of a bridge that is on the verge of collapse, but also because numerous highly paid “experts” on bridges have told him it is absolutely safe to do so. The... Read article

The Arrogant Corruption of our U.S. Congress

November 15, 2011

This past Sunday night, Steve Croft of “60 Minutes” exposed how U.S. Congressional critters cheat, lie and benefit from insider trading on defense contracts. He cornered former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi with her investments gained from her inside knowledge of multi-billion dollar contracts. Pelosi boasts multi-millionaire status. She responded that everything she had done as to investments was legal. In reality, she cheated before a law could be passed to stop the cheating. For example, Tour de France bicyclists... Read article

The Coming Pandemic: Expect All Protective Systems to Fail

November 15, 2011

The attacks of September 11 were quickly followed by a biological weapons attack in which government- grade weaponized anthrax killed five people and sickened numerous others.  This attack, the genesis of which remains unsolved ten years later, was used to justify the United States Congress pumping over $60 billion dollars into a “biodefense “ program which has failed in every parameter that can be measured. In fact, it appears that all purportedly protective measures, developed nationally and internationally, have... Read article

David Landy and his ‘Israel Critic Jews’- A Book Review

November 15, 2011

David Landy, an Irish-Jewish academic and a Palestinian solidarity activist has written a book about Jewish Identity and Jewish dissent in the Diaspora. The book,  published on 7th July 2011, was largely ignored by most pro-Palestinian outlets and dissident journals. Almost four months later, Landy’s book was re-launched by JFJFP (Jews for Justice for Palestinians), in the hope, presumably, that it might divert attention from my own The Wandering Who. Following the JFJFP’s enthusiastic endorsement, I was... Read article

Paterno, Clinton and Gingrich: Why Personal Morals Matter

November 15, 2011

(If you are not a sports degenerate like I am, please bear with me for a few paragraphs.) It is such a shocking and tragic story on so many levels that no one knows where to begin. Just over a week ago, Joe Paterno was the most revered figure in contemporary American sports. He led the Penn State Nittany Lions football team to a Division I record 409 victories, two national championships and six undefeated seasons. Moreover, he had been a beacon of integrity and honor in the hideously corrupt world of college sports. In... Read article

The Irrelevance of the Republican Party

November 14, 2011

The first myth to dispense with is that the GOP is a conservative political party. The millions of registered Republican voters, that truly want a genuine conservative to lead this nation, are disappointed with every election cycle. The idiots that emerge as the standard-bearer of the legacy of Abraham Lincoln, are would be despots, wrapped in the flag of a failed empire. The comic performances in the arena of staged debates, just proves that the party of NeoCons, deserves trouncing into the ground of their blood stained... Read article

The Battles of Occupy Portland

November 14, 2011

For those who were there, November 13th will be a day long remembered in Portland, Oregon. Occupy Portland again proved why it remains the 2nd strongest Occupy movement in the U.S. when it mobilized against police eviction. Instead of the Occupiers being evicted it was the police who were sent home demoralized. The following morning, however, the police again moved in to evict the mostly-emptied camp, and again thousands of protesters arrived to protest. As this article is being written there remain thousands of protesters... Read article

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