
Are Chemicals Turning Boys Into Girls?

March 31, 2012

Cases of accelerated puberty in young girls and the “transgender” phenomenon, are occurring with increasing frequency. Recently we are seeing accelerated puberty in young girls , alarming increase in the men with extremely low sperm counts and transgender phenomenon growing at alarming pace.Endocrinologist have found out that  endocrine disruptor found in man made common chemicals like  DES, dioxin, PCBs, DDT , plasticizers and in many more chemical we use daily are responsible for this unusual phenomenon.Endocrine... Read article

Rick Warren Once Again Caught Up In Controversy, Part 2

March 31, 2012

Plastic pastors transparent enough to see through, like Joel Osteen, are not as dangerous as Rick Warren. Modalistic moguls of the painfully-obvious-money-hungry prosperity movement, like T.D. Jakes, are not as dangerous as Rick Warren. Self-serving sorcerers of the false signs and wonders movement, like Todd Bentley, are not as dangerous as Rick Warren. No. None of the before-mentioned personalities or groups are all that dangerous because what you see is what you get. They all lack the ability to change their appearance... Read article

The Truth About Education? You Can’t Handle The Truth

March 31, 2012

Our Education Establishment, in plain sight, is doing a second-rate job. Who, we should ask, is in charge of this train wreck, and what motivates them? First, let’s add up the evidence. The fifty million functional illiterates. The one million dyslexics. The poor performance against international competition, despite our huge budgets. The ignorance of average Americans about basic geographical, historical, and scientific information. SAT scores slide; kids cannot multiply and divide; students reach college not knowing... Read article

Video: Anatomy of a Massacre

March 30, 2012

What really happened on the night of March 11 when 17 Afghan civilians were massacred in Kandahar province? Many Afghans, including some of the survivors that night, believe more than one U.S. soldier was present in the two villages where the killings took place. With unprecedented access to Afghan military investigators, Yalda Hakim travels to the villages where the massacre took place and interviews survivors of the attack, as well as Afghan guards at the US military base that housed the alleged gunman. US soldier Robert... Read article

America’s Racial Divide: Wide and Deep as the Grand Canyon

March 30, 2012

African-American Trayvon Martin’s death at the hands of Hispanic-American Gary Zimmerman in the past week defines America’s racial divide.  It’s huge, it’s wide, it’s deep, it’s unchanging—like the Grand Canyon.  Race relations in America have not changed in 236 years of this republic.  They remain raw, violent, savage and ubiquitous. Race caused “separate but equal” drinking fountains, schools and eating establishments.[sic] Dr. Martin Luther King marched for equal rights because of race.  The NAACP... Read article

Why We Don’t Care

March 30, 2012

Obama and Trayvon Martin… The saying goes that generals fight the last war. Obama, and his allies, politically are stuck in the 1960s. Everything for them, is Bull Connor setting police dogs and hoses on peaceful Black civil rights marchers, live on the three networks! But like the Nazi army in late 1942, they seem headed for failure. Not because of the brilliance of their enemies, but because of the fatal but unseen flaws in their own organization. For the German Army, it was the lack of any real ability to logistically... Read article

Power Without Blessing

March 29, 2012

A Conversation of Tyranny… The “Daily Bell” is a Libertarian internet site that provides news and commentary.  Anthony Wile is editor and the page has an impressive list of Libertarian advisors.  DB is a foundation that solicits donations. Libertarian Pages like “Freedom Phoenix”, “Lou Rockwell”, “The Daily Bell” and others provide sources for monitoring the advancement of tyranny in America and throughout the world.  I am a Christian, I am not a Libertarian, but the common quest for truth often... Read article

Medicare and the Ryan Budget

March 28, 2012

Health care is on the mind of many Americans. The Supreme Court is taking up Obamacare. Costs are going up at an alarming pace. The access to quality medical care is eroding. Hospitals are under pressure and closings are rising. Doctors brace for reduced payments for services. No wonder any proposal for altering the trajectory of all these trends gathers interest. Medicare is the gorilla in the federal budget china shop. This primate is hungry for more takings. Survival of the fittest may well come down to the realignment... Read article

High Altitude Adventure – Skiing At 13,000 Feet

March 28, 2012

“We pushed forward about 30 yards at a clip.  Then caught our breath!  Hammered another 30 yards! Stopped to breathe!  Always, we looked up to the prize at 13,000 feet.   Don’t let me kid you; it takes guts, gumption and hard core determination to slog up a mountain peak—especially in winter.  Could we die?  Sure, we could meet our maker.   But heck, living full-out until we die is more fun.  Is it cold?  Sure, but we layer up.”  Journal entry, 3/22/12 FW Under a rising sun and blue sky, we turned into... Read article

The Massacre of the Afghan 17 and the Obama Cover-Up

March 28, 2012

The March 11 Massacre of the 17 Afghan citizens, including at least nine children and four women, raises many fundamental issues about the nature of a colonial war, the practices of a colonial army engaged in a prolonged (eleven-year) occupation and the character of an imperial state as it commits war crimes and increasingly relies on arbitrary dictatorial measures to secure public compliance and suppress dissent. After the cold-blooded murder of the 17 Afghan villagers in Kandahar Province the US military and the ever-complicit... Read article

Lilith the Genesis of the Feminism Curse

March 27, 2012

Demons and devils are part of the folklore of almost every culture. Beliefs vary as to the nature of such evil spirits. Some dismiss the concept of mischievous poltergeist altogether. However, the definition of evil is constituted within your value system, the consequences of wicked actions abound. Most civilizations rely upon the heritage, legacies and teachings of previous generations. Much of the original dialogue on humanity, founded on the books of the bible, teach lessons of morality. So what can be said about the... Read article

Where Is The Soul? In The Eyes, Psychologists Claim

March 27, 2012

As the cheesy pickup line suggests, your eyes may really be the window to your soul. According to a new study by Yale University psychologists, most people intuitively feel as if their “self” — otherwise known as their soul, or ego — exists in or near their eyes. In three experiments, the researchers probed preschoolers’ and adults’ intuitions about the precise location of the self in the body. The participants were shown pictures of cartoon characters, and in each picture a small object (a buzzing... Read article

Just A Regular French Youth

March 25, 2012

As soon as I heard the news I suspected the score. “Far-Right extremists!” screamed the media pack, but my hunch was right: the murderer of a rabbi and three children at a Jewish school near Toulouse, and of three French soldiers only days earlier, was not French. He was a French citizen of Algerian descent, as we now know, but his allegiance and his identity had nothing to do with passports and ID cards. Mohammed Merah (23), who was killed at his apartment on Thursday after a 30-hour standoff, was a Muslim—one of... Read article

Why You Should Avoid Fast Food At All Costs

March 25, 2012

It is no secret that the average American diet is in completely in the slumps. Consuming packaged foods, fast food, artificially enhanced products, and especially low quality cheap food is the norm, but is it any wonder that being overweight while also falling victim to a host of illnesses is also the norm. Being raised in this era of poor health makes it difficult to know what is truly healthy and unhealthy. Food has drastically changed since decades ago, and so parents often aren’t aware of the severe decline in food... Read article

Televangelists Spend Millions On Private Jets, Mansions

March 25, 2012

Two former employees of the world’s largest Christian television channel Trinity Broadcasting Network are accusing the non-profit of spending $50 million of its funding on extravagant personal expenses. Among purchases, the network founded by Televangelists Paul and Jan Crouch, is accused of misappropriating its ‘charitable assets’ toward a $50 million jet, 13 mansions and a $100,000-mobile home for Mrs Crouch’s dogs. Their granddaughter, Brittany Koper, 26, recently filed her allegations in court... Read article

Feltman Launches Lebanon’s 2013 Parliamentary Campaign

March 24, 2012

Pledging he will defeat Hezbollah this time… Beirut – One fellow who works at the Beirut US Embassy tells the story of how, each year around the time of the vernal equinox, since 2005 when Jeffrey Feltman became the American Ambassador (given Jeff’s domination of US Middle East Policy, he is still essentially US Ambassador to Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, the Gulf, and much of the region although other names appear from time to time on the local US Embassy doorplates) the now multi-hatted... Read article

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