
13 Reasons Why The Revolution Might Start With Obamacare.

June 30, 2012

Has any of the Supreme Court Justices read the Constitution lately? I can say five of the justices will have to be held accountable for how they ruled. There is no reason why Obama care should be ruled Constitutional. Many Americans read the Constitution and know with no doubt what is said in simple terms. The Constitution was meant to be understood by the common person. It is not complicated to understand. It does not take a Harvard Law Degree to understand with clarity what the Constitution says about Obamacare. Only... Read article

How High Will Obama Jump For Israel?

June 30, 2012

Netanyahu to Obama regarding November’s election: When we say “jump” you answer, “how high”! Presidential candidate Barack Obama is being targeted by the US Israel lobby from A to Z, (Ackerman, Gary & Aipac to Zuckerman, Mort & the Zionist Organization of America) as no American President seeking re-election has been in the country’s 236 year history. Israel’s duel loyalty agents, as well as more fair minded American Jewish voters have historically intimidated and influenced US presidents seeking reelection,... Read article

Americans Are Being Prepared For Full Spectrum Tyranny

June 30, 2012

Totalitarian governments, like persistent forms of cancer, have latched onto the long history of man, falling and then reemerging from the deep recesses of our cultural biology to wreak havoc upon one unlucky generation to the next.  The assumption by most is that these unfortunate empires are the product of bureaucracies gone awry; overtaken by the chaotic maddening hunger for wealth and power, and usually manipulated by the singular ambitions of a mesmerizing dictator.  For those of us in the Liberty Movement who are... Read article

Can The World Survive Washington’s Hubris?

June 30, 2012

When President Reagan nominated me as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, he told me that we had to restore the US economy, to rescue it from stagflation, in order to bring the full weight of a powerful economy to bear on the Soviet leadership, in order to convince them to negotiate the end of the cold war. Reagan said that there was no reason to live any longer under the threat of nuclear war. The Reagan administration achieved both goals, only to see these accomplishments discarded by successor administrations.... Read article

“Turn In Your Guns At Your Local Church”

June 29, 2012

Last weekend, the Chicago Police Department collaborated with over 20 local churches in a giant effort to encourage Chicagoans “to get guns out of their homes.” WBBM News Radio has the story. “Using the lure of $100 gift cards, the Chicago Police Department is encouraging people to get guns out of their homes and turn them in this Saturday, during the annual gun turn-in program.” The news report goes on to say, “[T]he Police Department is partnering with 20 churches. First Deputy Supt. Alfonza Wysinger says anyone... Read article

Bank for International Settlements on Big Banks

June 28, 2012

The shadow-banking component that adds to the risk of non-regulatory oversight just deepens the mystery behind the most powerful banking institution that runs roughshod over global finance. In order to gain an insight into the complexity of deception, examine the function of the BIS. The granddaddy of all central banks, the Bank for International Settlement, latest BIS Annual Report 2011/2012, foretells future financial consolidation.   Watch the Banker to the World’s Bank: Time to Deleverage, video interview... Read article

Syria and Turkey’s Phantom War

June 27, 2012

Once upon a time, not too long ago, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu was the prime proponent of a foreign policy dubbed “zero problems with our neighbors” – derided by many in the West as “new-Ottomanism”. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) meets this Tuesday in Brussels not only to craft its response to a Turkish F-4 Phantom jet shot being down by Syria’s anti-aircraft artillery but to seal what sort of “new Ottomanism” is emerging from what actually turned... Read article

The Invisible Hand

June 26, 2012

The Agenda Progresses… “We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it.  The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”  That was James Paul Warburg speaking before the United States Senate on February 17, 1950, a couple of generations ago.  James Warburg was the son of Paul Montz Warburg nephew of Felix Warburg and Jacob Schiff, both of Kuhn, Loeb & Company.   Max Warburg, James’s brother, was Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations... Read article

Money, Power, and Politics

June 26, 2012

There has been much talk recently about the impact of money on politics, especially in the wake of the Citizens United ruling that has ratcheted up the role of corporate money in political campaigns. Organized labor was quick to blame this ruling for its defeat in Wisconsin. And many have assumed that the relation of money to politics is like a law of nature: the more money one has, the more political power one can wield. There is some truth to this claim. In a recent editorial (“Money Rules,” April 19, 2012) The New... Read article

Watergate to Fast and Furious

June 25, 2012

The Department of Justice has a long record of acting as the dictatorship of jurisprudence. Acting like council to the mob, the “Consigliore” Attorney General plots protection rackets for the ultimate organized crime syndicate. Eric Holder is the latest in a long line of lawyers that distort and stretch credibility to the theater of the absurd. Making up legal arguments to distort or conceal culpability is a prime prerequisite to serve as the chief law enforcement thug for the current President. Some four decades... Read article

Obama’s Second Latin American Coup

June 25, 2012

The recent coup against Paraguay’s democratically elected president is not only a blow to democracy, but an attack against the working and poor population that supported and elected President Fernando Lugo, whom they see as a bulwark against the wealthy elite who’ve dominated the country for decades. The U.S. mainstream media and politicians are not calling the events in Paraguay a coup, since the president is being “legally impeached” by the elite-dominated Paraguayan Congress. But as economist Mark... Read article

Syria Gets More Complicated

June 23, 2012

Once some powerful people in Washington decide that they want a war, they do not give up until they get it. The proponents of an American-led NATO intervention in Syria were on the defensive in April, when government forces were winning on the ground and the political balance inside the Beltway seemed to be favoring restraint. In May they regrouped and reconsidered their strategy. Now they are back with a vengeance. President Obama appeared to be unenthusiastic about intervention, as was apparent during his meeting with... Read article

The Left, The Right and Mammon

June 23, 2012

[Review of Revolution from above, Manufacturing Dissent in the New World Order, by Kerry Bolton, 250 pages. Arktos 2011, UK] The Left – including Communist Left – is manipulated by the super-rich for their own interests. These super-rich conspire to destroy tradition and create a collectivist world order of despotism under their own guidance, and the Left are “useful idiots” of these greedy for power and money people. This is main thesis of a new book by Kerry Bolton published by the traditionalist publisher Arktos... Read article

Are Palestinians Being Scapegoated Over Army Killings In Lebanon?

June 23, 2012

“Around 38,000 people are living in deplorable conditions and unfit for humans.” The killings of three Palestinian refugees this past week including Ahmad Qassim from Nahr al Bared ( ‘cold river’) camp near Tripoli and 15 year old Khaled al-Youssef from Ein el Helwe (‘ the beautiful eye’) 30 miles south of Beirut in Saida, and the wounding of more than a dozen others by the Lebanese army were not, as some Lebanese politicians are claiming, “ accidental security incidents”. They were avoidable negligent... Read article

From Greece to Spain: The Spreading Crisis

June 22, 2012

“The Greek economy is truly broken. The circuits of credit are so badly damaged that even efficient, profitable firms have been cut out of the capital markets …. Moreover, the new spending cuts… will give the forces of recession another boost. To cut a long story short, there is no doubt that such loosening up will simply prolong the agonising death of the Greek social economy.” – Yanis Varoufakis, economist, University of Athens The Greek electorate has changed captains on the Titanic, but the ship is... Read article

Obama Breaks The law And Our Constitution

June 22, 2012

At the current rate of legal and illegal immigration, the United States will add 100 million foreigners to our civilization within the next 38 years. From a sustainable and cohesive society, we will drop our country into the vortex of accelerating cultural poverty, water shortages, energy dilemmas, resource scarcities, an overwhelmed environment, degraded quality of life and senseless loss of our standard of living. Last week, Barack Obama engineered an illegal amnesty of the often defeated Dream Act that allows nearly... Read article

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