
The Biggest Moneymaker of All Time: Cancer, And Why The Profiteers Don’t Want A Cure

September 30, 2012

People wail, cry, and question why him/her, how could this happen to a child? Immeasurable grief. Yet the answers are quite clear: humans are unknowingly exposed to far too many chemicals on their food, in their water, their clothes – even when buying a new car. That new car smell? Major cancer causing chemicals that have been used to treat the new leather and the rugs in that new car. And people get in and snort it like they smelled a bouquet of flowers. Food sprayed with chemicals to make them last? Preservatives.... Read article

Endless Economic Growth Cannot Be Sustained In America

September 30, 2012

Economist Kenneth Boulding said, “Anyone who believes in indefinite growth in anything physical, on a physically finite planet, is either mad or an economist.” The same can be applied to an obese 450 pound person.  The fatter he or she becomes, the sooner he or she dies.  Over 1.5 million heart attacks annually attest to that reality in America. Each week, we watch the declining or stagnant Dow Jones stock figures. We wonder why we haven’t jumped out of our recession.  We feel confused that the great American economic... Read article

Questions And Answers

September 30, 2012

Both Must Be Right… “A bad question deserves no answer because it raises false issues and requires incriminating answers.”  Dr. R. J. Rushdoony  “A Word in Season” Vol. III, Pg. 35 Our society is saturated with bad questions.  The media delights in publically tripping up guests. Lawyers spend countless hours devising questions that will incriminate a suspect.  Police seek confessions with hours of exhausting inquiries.  Water boarders and other torturers seek to illicit information through fear.  The... Read article

13 States Now Considering Gold And Silver As Money

September 29, 2012

When the governor of Utah signed a bill that made gold bullion and silver bullion legal tender in the state last March, he had no idea of the groundswell he was going to start. The Utah Sound Money Act outright flies in the face of the fiat money system, which is the printed money used today; backed by nothing but the promises of politicians. While U.S. states cannot create their own currency under the Constitution, they are allowed to use gold bullion and silver bullion as legal tender. More and more states are now... Read article

Bankers And Their Dirty Tricks

September 29, 2012

Skimming Profits Off Bad Loans… Didn’t Ben Bernanke promise that another round of bond purchases would lower unemployment and boost economic growth? We think he did, which is why we’re wondering why all the benefits from QE3 appear to be going to the banks. According to Bloomberg News: “The Federal Reserve’s latest mortgage bond purchases so far are helping profit margins at lenders including Wells Fargo & Co. (WFC) and JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) more than homebuyers and property owners looking to... Read article

Asthma, Cancer, Flu: When Our Bodies Finally “Just Say No”

September 29, 2012

Oh crap. I seem to be doomed to become an expert on almost every new major epidemic in America — and to do it the hard way. First I had friends die of HIV-related causes back in the 1980s. Then more of my friends became parents of children with autism back in the 1990s. And now I have lots of friends with kids that suffer from asthma. What’s with that? America is spozed to be the healthiest country in the world. So why aren’t we? Why are Americans by the millions now falling victim to these new... Read article

This Is Insanity!

September 28, 2012

I believe Albert Einstein is credited with saying, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Using that definition, it would appear that many of our so-called “conservative” friends are insane. Every four years, they accept a phony conservative Presidential candidate and expect somehow that they are going to achieve a different result. They never do. Either the phony conservative loses because he is virtually indistinguishable from his Democrat opponent (i.e., John McCain),... Read article

True Grit: Dave Carder Running Across America

September 27, 2012

Have you ever met a person in your life that inspired you?  Did that person raise your energy for living a more creative life?  Did they rouse your soul to become greater? In my bicycle adventure across America in 2010, near Denton, Texas, a man drove up behind me.  He waved at me to stop.  I pulled my bicycle to the side of the road. Seconds later, the driver walked up to me, “My name is Dave Carder.” “Frosty Wooldridge,” I said, extending my hand. “I couldn’t help but wonder what you are doing on a 100... Read article

How Do You Take Your Poison?

September 26, 2012

We will all swallow our cup of corporate poison. We can take it from nurse Romney, who will tell us not to whine and play the victim, or we can take it from nurse Obama, who will assure us that this hurts him even more than it hurts us, but one way or another the corporate hemlock will be shoved down our throats. The choice before us is how it will be administered. Corporate power, no matter who is running the ward after January 2013, is poised to carry out U.S. history’s most savage assault against the poor and the working... Read article

Riots Over Rotten Apple Mania

September 26, 2012

You may know someone who is part of the rampage. It could be a neighbor or even a family member. Even in some circumstance, you yourself might be part of the wow rage. No, we are not talking about dunking for apples or eating from the forbidden fruit. This riot is all about living a virtual life in the ether zone of personal numbness, disguised in the appearance of being cool. Life without an iPhone to these cutting end “Efficiency Experts” is not worth living. This is the new economy and progress dictates... Read article

The Sovereign Man Is The Real Prisoner

September 25, 2012

According to establishment officials, the concept of the Sovereign Man philosophy is a direct threat to the authority of the State. Depending upon your perception of reality and the degree of legitimacy for government, given to the prevailing order, fundamental inalienable rights of the individual may vary widely. In the extreme, government statists consider most if not all natural rights as capricious and arbitrary, if conflicts challenge the dictates of the regime. This unending and interminable struggle to defend undeniable... Read article

We Have Breached The First Tipping Point

September 25, 2012

Two critical tipping points have been breached. This is the critical moment in an evolving system when feedback becomes strong enough to continue on its own without any further input. The tipping point is that moment when a gradual increase becomes unstoppable because the feedback maintains its own momentum. There is nowhere to go under these circumstances, and nothing can be done to prevent it continuing. It is the point when an everyday infection turns epidemic. We have now breached the edge from two events. One is a remarkable... Read article

The Road To World War III Runs Through Chicago

September 24, 2012

All wars require a definitive trigger event in order to come to fruition. Subsequently, at the  beginning of all wars lies a governmental apparatus which seeks to justify the outbreak of hostilities. Due to horrific nature of war, all governments feel the need to convince, conscript and control its population in order fulfill its need for war. Over 2500 years ago, Sun Tzu, renowned author of the Art of War, stated that war is only a means to an end. A false flag attack upon the inhabitants of Chicago will likely prove to... Read article

We Are Preparing For Massive Civil War, Says DHS Informant – Video

September 24, 2012

The government has declared it can lock anyone up forever or kill them without any proof or due process. DHS has placed an order for 450 million rounds of Hollow Point ammo. Obama can now declare martial law during peace time. I think that just about says it all. “We are Preparing for Massive Civil War,” Says DHS Informant… “If you don’t fight for your rights, they don’t exist. Our constitution doesn’t... Read article

Decentralize or Die!

September 23, 2012

The single most often broached argument that Liberty Movement writers, analysts, and strategists are confronted with by skeptics alongside well meaning but cynical newcomers is the assertion that while we happen to be very effective at pointing out the dangers of globalism and centralization, we rarely seem to take the initiative to offer “solutions” to the problem.  This same argument is also used by establishment shills as a way to distract the public’s attentions from the very real despotic enterprises of their... Read article

VIP’s Criticize Obama

September 23, 2012

President Obama seems to inspire a historically high level of criticism and suspicion, for example: Thomas Sowell, author and columnist, says: “Barack Obama is one of those people who are often wrong but never in doubt.” Headline on European Union Times site says: “French Leader Sarkozy Slams Obama, Warns He Might Be Insane.” ad for $40? Bettina Viviano, Hollywood producer who worked for Hillary in 2008 campaign, says, “We were always told that Bill was going to tell the truth [about Obama’s ineligibility]…... Read article

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