
Modern Medicine By Itself Is An Epidemic

July 21, 2013

More than two-thousand years ago Hippocrates was the first physician to issue a word of caution about the over-use of medicines. Hippocrates invoked an oath to “first do no harm” before doctors reach for the latest nostrum. In 1976 Austrian philosopher and Catholic priest Ivan Illich, in his book Medical Nemesis, launched what was then considered “the gravest health hazard we face today: our medical system.” Illich was unforgiving. The first sentence in his text reads: “The medical establishment has become a... Read article

What’s Next For Syria?

July 21, 2013

Conflict drags on interminably. Dozens or more die daily. Syrian forces outmatch Western-backed death squad terrorists. They’re not rebels. They’re lawless invaders. They’re US proxy fighters. They’re imported from dozens of countries. They’re waging war against sovereign Syrian independence. Don’t expect duplicitous Western politicians or media scoundrels to explain. Assad’s military outguns and outflanks Washington’s shock troops. Reinforcements keep coming. Libya 2.0 looks... Read article

Are Palestinians In Lebanon Choosing Kalashnikovs Over College?

July 20, 2013

They are 67 new families, or about 400 Palestinian refugees displaced from Syria, residing in 60 recently erected tents set up as an emergency ‘gathering’ near the Ein el-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp adjacent to the city of Sidon in southern Lebanon.  In all, there are approximately 75,000 thousand Palestinians in Lebanon who have fled from Syria over the past 28 months. Additional Palestinians arrive every week and sometimes meet former neighbors from Yarmouk and other Syrian Palestinian camps at the Masnaa Lebanon-Syria... Read article

39 Fantastic Prepping Tips

July 19, 2013

People often ask where my ideas and where my knowledge comes from. When that happens, I chuckle a bit to myself because just like the person asking, my knowledge comes from a variety of sources: first hand experience, books, online forums and of course, Backdoor Survival readers. So you see, it is not that I am smarter or more clever than everyone else but rather that I have taken my passion for preparedness and made it an active part of my life. That leads me to the topic for today’s article. Following my own article... Read article

The Downfall of The American Family

July 18, 2013

The American family is at its worst state in the history of the country. The intelligent and informed readership of Off The Grid News likely did not need a Pew Research Center report to alert them to the nationwide decline of the family unit. While the revelation is far from shocking, the statistics relating to the crumbling of the family are fairly startling. As Libertarian author Charles Murray’s controversial best-sellers have aptly noted, the cultural decline and societal norms in America are directly related... Read article

As Corporate Profits Reach Record Levels, Their Effective Tax Rates Decrease

July 18, 2013

American citizens are paying an increasingly higher percentage of taxes as effective corporate tax rates fall during a period of soaring profits.  The key word here is effective, as in taxes actually paid by corporations to the federal treasury. (Advocates for cutting corporate tax rates cite the official government levies, not what corporations actually pay for the right to do business as US companies.) What this means in plain English is that you and I are paying more to the government, on a relative basis, than big business,... Read article

5 Reasons Why More Americans Don’t Protest Against The System

July 18, 2013

Having recently celebrated their nation’s independence on July 4th, Americans were invited to recall the spirit of protest, rebellion, and revolution that marks the popular myth of the birth of the United States of America. The Declaration of Independence still stands as an important example of how the tolerance of any man can be exceeded by the actions of an over-bearing and intrusive government. Yet, 237 years after the signing of this document, one has to wonder what has happened to the spirit of fearlessness and... Read article

“Ima Kill Dat Dumass Cracker Be Racis” Tweet On Zimmerman Verdict

July 17, 2013

After the Zimmerman verdict, Black Panther activist Malik Shabazz told audiences that blacks must retaliate, “You want freedom you must go out and kill some crackers.” Thousands of African-Americans marched in protest of the “innocent” verdict for Hispanic Zimmerman.  Ironically, no whites threatened blacks after the “innocent” verdict in the O.J. Simpson trial where he killed his wife and her new boyfriend with a knife.  If you questioned that verdict, or the racial makeup of the jury — you were a racist. ... Read article

Holder And Zimmerman: Will Blackness Trump Fairness?

July 17, 2013

While George Zimmerman has been acquitted, his troubles are hardly behind him. It’s not just that no small number of thugs want his head on a platter, but that the baddest of them all is the highest law-enforcement official in the land. The question of whether Eric Holder’s Department of Justice will file a civil-rights-violation suit against Zimmerman is especially salient now. This is because of his acquittal, of course, but also because it must be considered against the backdrop of an open investigation of him that... Read article

Israel Used Turkish Military Base In Attack On Syria

July 16, 2013

“Tikun Olam” – This story keeps getting weirder and more interesting: RT reports based on a “reliable source” that Turkey allowed Israeli air-force jet bombers to use one of its military bases to attack the Syria port of Latakia, where the government had stored Russian-made Yakhonts anti-ship missiles. Israel believed the armaments were destined for Hezbollah, which would use them in the next war in Lebanon to neutralize Israel’s naval forces. For a discussion of the weapons system and the role... Read article

What Fools We Are!

July 16, 2013

The Economist’s Question on Obama’s Promise of Open Government, “Is it naive to think Mr Obama really believed this stuff?” YES… The Economist “Secret government: America against democracy” is a compelling and scary analysis of secret government in America – a nation that has become a caricature of the open government President Obama promised when he came to office. There is nothing new about broken campaign promises. Obama, however, has taken that many steps farther. He offered... Read article

Women vs. Men: Who Governs Better?

July 15, 2013

Every so often there’s that obligatory article asking “Are Women Superior at_____?” or “Do Women Make Better ______?” with politicians often being the focus. Of course, it’s always asked rhetorically. No matter the facts of the case, you’ll never hear, “We examined the issue exhaustively from all perspectives, consulted with premier authorities in the discipline, collated the data and have determined that in this endeavor, women, to employ the official nomenclature, really suck.” In fact, I haven’t heard... Read article

Get Ready For The Next Great Stock Market Exodus

July 13, 2013

In the years 2006 and 2007, the underlying stability of the global economy and the U.S. credit base in particular was experiencing intense scrutiny by alternative economic analysts. The mortgage-driven Xanadu that was the late 1990s and early 2000s seemed just too good to be true. Many of us pointed out that such a system, based on dubious debt instruments animated by the central banking voodoo of arbitrary fractional reserve lending and fiat cash creation, could not possibly survive for very long. A crash was coming,... Read article

AIPAC & OFAC Ratchet-Up US Sanctions Targeting Syria And Iran’s Populations

July 13, 2013

“Let’s Cut ‘Em Off at the Knees and Let Allah Sort It Out!” Damascus – The US Treasury Department’s Office of Financial Assets Control, since  March of 2012,   is directed  by Mr. Adam J. Szubin who more than once has boasted on the sidelines of  a Congressional Hearing on Iran and Syria and at last March’s  AIPAC’s  national conference, that he fancies himself  a modern day Inspector Javert.  Choosing the Victor Hugo character, according to one Congressional source, as a kind of role model... Read article

Obama: Forcing Christians To Eat The Pork

July 13, 2013

While Barack Obama has often been compared to leaders of the past, it’s unlikely anyone has yet associated him with Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Ruler of the Seleucid Empire between 175 and 164 B.C., King Antiochus is best known for the persecution of Jews, and one story from the second book of Maccabees is particularly relevant here. As the passage tells us, the king was bent on forcing a Jewish woman and her seven sons to, of all things, eat pork. The boys resisted and were tortured and killed one by one as their mother,... Read article

Egypt: A Failing State

July 12, 2013

Mohamed Morsi’s removal from power is not a “massive blow” to political Islam, much less the proof of its failure. It is the result of the Muslim Brotherhood’s attempt to monopolize all power, coupled with the MB government’s gross economic and social mismanagement. The Army intervened because the stability of the state was threatened, and Egypt’s generals have a vested interest in maintaining order which guarantees their enormous economic privileges. Their quarrel with Morsi is not ideological. The support... Read article

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