
Obama Destroys The Middle-Class

August 20, 2013

According to a survey conducted by Gallup on August 15, 2013, Obama’s Economic Approval rating has slipped to 35%. A full two-thirds of the American people are now dissatisfied with Obama’s performance vis a vis the economy. The survey mirrors the results of an earlier poll (Aug 12) which found that a mere “Twenty-two percent of Americans say they are satisfied with the direction of the country… Three-quarters of Americans are now dissatisfied with the nation’s course.” (Gallup) The surveys show that people are... Read article

I’m From The Government And Here To Help

August 19, 2013

Before you jump to a conclusion that the famous quote from Ronald Reagan is still operative, examine the sentiment of the throngs of benefit seekers who actually believe that government help is a good thing. The historically impaired reads this Reagan quip as a talking point out of the Obama playbook. Demanding your own government welfare tailored to the needs of your perceived little slice of paradise, is the new American dream. The reason why empirical evidence of a stained record and miserable failure of government... Read article

Egypt’s Revolution After The Smoke Clears

August 18, 2013

Bonapartism… In times of crisis people strive for easy answers to complex situations. In Egypt this has resulted in absurdly digestible sound bites, where one side is labeled “good”(the Muslim Brotherhood), the other “bad” (the army), and the revolution as a whole is condemned as an atrocity. But the situation in Egypt is especially contradictory, and untying the social-political knots of the revolution requires avoiding pre-packaged catchphrases. Contrary to the claims of many, reports of... Read article

The Brotherhood’s Just Deserts

August 17, 2013

The really important news from Egypt is not the “martyrdom” of some hundreds of Muslim Brotherhood supporters and underage human shields set up for sacrifice by their leaders. It is not the brutality of the security forces fighting the emergence of a Khalifate within the state. It is the targeting of dozens of Christian churches, institutions and individuals all over Egypt by the MB, instigated by the leaders and eagerly carried out by the rank-and-file. The Brotherhood has finally shown its terrorist character (a... Read article

Targeting Hezbollah In Beirut

August 17, 2013

Israel and Al Qaeda Top Suspects List in Second Bombing Attack in Five Weeks… Outside Makfouz Rouweiss store, Dahiyeh - This observer was sitting with my friend Zuhair on my balcony in south Beirut, when at 6:20 pm on 8/15/13 erupted a huge blast that seemed to shake our 12 story concrete building even more so than the one just down the street did on July 9.  We both leaned over the railing at the same time. I commented that I did not see any smoke, while he spoke only two words: “Bir Abed.” He meant, as it turned... Read article

Escape From Wall Street

August 16, 2013

This bankster run system does not work for you and I. After reading this article and you still have not taken your money out of their banks and you have not stopped shopping in globalist stores like Walmart and you are not planning to trade and barter with your neighbors as well as grow your own food, then you get the dismal future you deserve. If you stay in the banksters system and continue to participate in this rigged game stemming from Wall Street, you are sowing the seeds of your own destruction! There Is a New Elephant... Read article

NSA Domestic Spying “Built On Lies”

August 16, 2013

Kit Daniels recently wrote a brief but very enlightening news story on “On the August 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Dr. Ron Paul responded to this very straightforward statement which appeared in a recent New York Times article: “‘Some analysts and Congressional officials suggested Friday that emphasizing a terrorist threat now was a good way to divert attention from the uproar over the N.S.A.’s data-collection programs, and that if it showed the intercepts had uncovered a possible plot, even... Read article

The New, Improved 1984

August 15, 2013

The new, improved version of 1984 is based on complicity. George Orwell’s prescient book 1984 envisioned a technologically enabled authoritarian state of ubiquitous surveillance, propaganda and fear that constantly rewrote history to suit the needs of the present regime. Published in 1949, 1984 took the totalitarian templates of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union and extended them into a future where the state employed technology to perfect not only control of the populace via police state repression but control of... Read article

Egypt: Blood In The Streets

August 15, 2013

Junta power runs Egypt. Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) generals decide policy. Interim officials serve at their pleasure. On July 3, President Mohamed Morsi was ousted. Coup authority replaced him. It did illegitimately. His supporters want him reinstated. They’ve been camped out in Cairo for weeks. SCAF threatened to roust them. Tensions remained high. Morsi supporters have been repeatedly attacked. Hundreds died earlier. Many others were injured. Scores are imprisoned. Arrests follow regularly. Ahead... Read article

Hiroshima, Nagasaki And ‘Bomb Iran’

August 14, 2013

Last week marked the 68th anniversary of the WWII destruction of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima (Aug. 6) and Nagasaki (Aug. 9) — the first and only deployment of nuclear weapons in human history. Within moments of the nuclear explosions that destroyed these cities, at least  200,000 people lost their lives. Tens of thousands subsequently died from radiation poisoning within the next two weeks. The effects linger to this day. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has implied that this would the be fate of Israel... Read article

How The Corrupt Establishment Is Selling Moral Bankruptcy To America

August 14, 2013

Morality is a highly misunderstood component of human nature. Some people believe they can create moral guidelines from thin air based on their personal biases and prejudices. Some people believe that morality comes from the force of bureaucracy and government law. Still, others believe that there is no such thing; that morality is a facade created by men in order to better grease the wheels of society. All of these world views discount the powerful scientific and psychological evidence surrounding Natural Law — the... Read article

The Blow That Killed America 100 Years Ago

August 14, 2013

“There is a lot of ruin in a nation,” wrote Adam Smith. His point was that it takes a long time for nations to fall, even when they’re dead on their feet. And he was certainly right. America took its fatal blow in 1913, one hundred years ago; it just hasn’t hit the ground yet. This is a slow process, but it’s actually fast compared to the Romans. It took them several centuries to collapse. The confusing thing about our current situation is that America — and by that I mean the noble America that so many of... Read article

Child Sex Trafficking And The Oklahoma State Government

August 14, 2013

Something is wrong in this country, terribly wrong. Many children are going missing from Child Protective Custody supervision, all across this country, with no record of what has happened to the thousands of missing children. Oklahoma Is the Latest State to Tolerate Child Sex Slavery Rings In Oklahoma, Seventy-eight children have gone completely missing with no explanation. The most frightening aspect of this development is that these children went missing while in custody of the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS). Even... Read article

Will Or Won’t Obama Attack Syria?

August 14, 2013

US regime change plans are longstanding. War was planned years ago. US-supported proxy fighters wage it. Obama didn’t initiate conflict to end it. At issue now is what’s next. Insurgent invaders are no match for Syria’s superior military. Guerrilla fighting can continue interminably. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel warned about America embroiled “in a significant, lengthy, and uncertain commitment.” Joint Chiefs Chairman General Martin Dempsey said: “Once we take action, we should be prepared... Read article

Business of Evangelism Religion

August 14, 2013

Theologians preach that religion is based upon faith, while economists depict that the world runs on money. Many confess that ministries repeatedly lose their way, while no one really disputes churches operate as business enterprises. The actual purpose of such churches varies with different dominations, but organized religion frequently functions more like a “PC” soapbox than a congregation of moral values. Often, it is all about the money, because they operate their worldly business, even if they profess... Read article

Humanity Is Drowning In Washington’s Criminality

August 13, 2013

Americans will soon be locked into an unaccountable police state unless US Representatives and Senators find the courage to ask questions and to sanction the executive branch officials who break the law, violate the Constitution, withhold information from Congress, and give false information about their crimes against law, the Constitution, the American people and those in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Guantanamo, and elsewhere. Congress needs to use the impeachment power that the Constitution... Read article

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