
Lifting The Siege of Yarmouk

February 7, 2014

One food parcel & one polio vaccination at a time… Damascus – As of 2/6/14 it’s been seven days since the first humanitarian aid, generally in the form of 56 lb. food parcels packed by UNWRA, the World Food Program, the ICRC or European aid organizations have been able to enter Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp following half a dozen aborted attempts the past few months by various militia and political groups to achieve consensus to deliver aid.  The aid parcels, including two kilos of rice, two kilos... Read article

Colorado Company Makes Cannabis-Based Miracle Drug For Sick Kids

February 6, 2014

A trend is beginning among families with sick children: more and more are moving to Colorado to find a cannabis-based treatment that works wonders on seizure disorders. As more and more families find out about the cure, the company that manufactures it is struggling to keep up with the demand. “We just have so much demand,” Jordan Stanley, one of the brothers who owns the Realm of Caring Foundation, told WBTV.  “We need more space to keep growing these plants.” The Stanley brothers founded the... Read article

Bias By Omission: In The Entire American Mainstream Media

February 6, 2014

“Bias in favor of the orthodox is frequently mistaken for ‘objectivity’. Departures from this ideological orthodoxy are themselves dismissed as ideological.” – Michael Parenti An exchange in January with Paul Farhi, Washington Post columnist, about coverage of US foreign policy: Dear Mr. Farhi, Now that you’ve done a study of al-Jazeera’s political bias in supporting Mohamed Morsi in Egypt, is it perhaps now time for a study of the US mass media’s bias on US foreign policy? And if you doubt the... Read article

Why Authoritarianism Doesn’t Work: Because Nobody Likes It

February 6, 2014

I just finished reading Malcolm Gladwell’s book, “David and Goliath” — wherein Gladwell says that, in the course of any human interaction, there will always be a graphic curve of diminishing returns when it comes to maximizing the use of force in order to achieve one’s goals. In other words, always punching other people’s lights out in order to get your own way can very quickly become counterproductive.  Good grief, I think that Gladwell might be onto something here. Want examples? If... Read article

Who Lost America?

February 6, 2014

A book review: Who Lost America by Bromwell Ault… Part 1: How Americans lost their country like having the rug of their republic pulled right out from under them. “The Americans cannot even conduct a military operation there,” said General Salami of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. “The conditions and the factors that facilitate the exercise of military power for them have for years been destroyed and today they (the Americans) are in an erosion of political, cultural, financial and military power.” Military... Read article

Illusory Money And The Economic System Construct

February 5, 2014

The name ‘Rothschild’ first appeared in the 18th century when Mayer Amschel Bauer established his banking empire in Frankfurt, Germany, and changed the family name. The Bauers were a notorious satanic family in Middle Ages Germany and the major Rothschilds remain master black magicians to this day. Mayer Amschel’s father, Moses Amschel Bauer, was a moneylender and proprietor of a counting house. The Rothschild dynasty is controlled by the family’s satanic black magicians who know how reality works and how they... Read article

The Final Swindle of Private American Wealth Has Begun

February 5, 2014

I began writing analysis on the macro-economic situation of the American financial structure back in 2006, and in the eight years since, I have seen an undeniably steady trend of fiscal decline. I have never had any doubt that the U.S. economy as we know it was headed for total and catastrophic collapse, the only question was when, exactly, the final trigger event would occur. As I have pointed out in the past, economic implosion is a process. It grows over time, like the ice shelf on a mountain developing into a potential... Read article

The Un-Controlled Opposition

February 5, 2014

If you really want to understand the world we are living in, you better stick with the Zionist media. The Jerusalem Post will provide you with the names of the Jews who own the planet. The British Jewish Chronicle will teach you about arch pedophile Jimmy Seville’s ties with Israel.  Haaretz will even let me speak about all those topics The Guardian (Of Zion) is there to shamelessly suppress. Yesterday I came across a text by Dave Rich, a Hasbara mouthpiece operating within the UK ultra-Zionist Community Security... Read article

No Bid Government Contracts

February 5, 2014

Corporatocracy is distinctly the dominate practice when it comes to doing business with the federal government. The once embryonic relationships between favored companies and agency bureaucrats, have germinated into distinctive hybrid organisms. Grafting into self-generating species resistant and virtually immune from pest control methods can be found in every area of government expenditures. The big daddy of cozy dealing is that preverbal military-industrial-security complex. Who can forget all the government money spent... Read article

What Is A Blood Moon?

February 4, 2014

Want to know the dates for the Blood Moons and total lunar eclipses in 2014 and 2015? You’ve come to the right place… We have been receiving a number of inquiries about some upcoming Blood Moons in the years 2014 and 2015. And we want to say, first of all, that the Blood Moons most people are asking about are not part of astronomy. Instead, their origin is religious, at least according to Christian pastor John Hagee, who wrote a 2013 book about Blood Moons. More about that below. Still, since they’re moons,... Read article

A Rash of Deaths and a Missing Reporter – With Ties To Wall Street Investigations

February 4, 2014

In a span of four days last week, two current executives and one recently retired top ranking executive of major financial firms were found dead. Both media and police have been quick to label the deaths as likely suicides. Missing from the reports is the salient fact that all three of the financial firms the executives worked for are under investigation for potentially serious financial fraud. The deaths began on Sunday, January 26. London police reported that William Broeksmit, a top executive at Deutsche Bank who had... Read article

Syria: A Predictable Failure

February 4, 2014

U.N. mediator Lakhdar Brahimi wrapped up the first round of the “Geneva II” negotiations last Friday reporting little progress. No ceasefire was agreed, and talks on a transitional government never began. The next round is scheduled for February 10, but its prospects are dim. The opposing sides predictably blame each other for the stalemate, but in any event the talks were doomed to fail. The first reason is John Kerry’s insistence—reasserted on the very first day of the meeting in Montreux, January 22—that... Read article

Prelude To A Crash

February 4, 2014

The Fed’s easy money policies have pushed margin debt on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) to record levels laying the groundwork for a severe correction or another violent market crash. In December, margin debt rose by $21 billion to an all-time high of $445 billion. Buying equities on margin, that is, with loads of borrowed cash, is a sign of excessive risk taking the likes of which invariably takes place whenever the Central Bank creates subsidies for speculation by keeping interest rates pegged below the rate of... Read article

Government Schools Common Core Indoctrination

February 4, 2014

Over the last half century, the public school establishment in America has achieved enormous results, if the intention was to dumb down the population. The term public is archaic, since the current age promotes an internationalist interdependency culture, where the state defines institutional roles and sanctions accepted standards. The public plays virtually no effective role in this process. For this reason the proper term to use is government indoctrination centers. Bringing back the McGuffey Readers as the alternative... Read article

The Political Tower of Babel: Government Solution

February 4, 2014

“If law does not reflect the fact that God is the Lord and Sovereign, it will reveal the premise that man and the state are gods.  No more dangerous gods have ever been affirmed by man.”  R. J. Rushdoony Real Christianity is a foreign religion to the majority of those who claim the name.  We tend to think of ourselves as the center of reality and as arbiters of our beliefs and our conduct.  The Christian Church supports this heresy.  In spite of the Bibles unswerving record of God choosing His servants, Christian... Read article

Privacy Versus Secrecy

February 3, 2014

The very idea that the individual has a natural-born right to his privacy and basic freedoms flies in the face of the collectivist ideal. Government is all about control. Every government, over time, increases its level of control over its population in every way it can. Given enough time, any government will nibble away at its people’s freedoms until it reaches the point that the people have so little freedom left that the government feels safe in taking the remaining freedoms in ever-larger gulps. Some nations are... Read article

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